[b]MILITARY OF SIENNA[/b] [b]THE VANGUARD REGIMENT[/b] [b]RESTRICTED ACCESS[/b] [b]CLASSIFIED INFORMATION[/b] [b]CASE FILE[/B] *stat_chart text name [b]Name[/b] : DEXER text gender [b]Gender[/b] text hair [b]Hair[/b] text texture [b]Texture[/b] text style [b]Style[/b] text eye [b]Eye[/b] text skin [b]Skin[/b] text hm [b]Height[/b] [b]Skills in combat:[/b] *stat_chart percent Marksmanship percent Melee percent Swordsmanship percent Weapons [b]Other chartered skills[/b] *stat_chart percent Medicine percent Engineering percent Tactics percent Lore [b]Attributes:[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Cautious Daring opposed_pair Compassion Callous opposed_pair Genuine Sarcastic opposed_pair Shy Flirty opposed_pair Polite Rude opposed_pair Friendly Stoic opposed_pair Easygoing Stubborn opposed_pair Merciful Cruel [b]Skill set:[/b] *stat_chart percent Charisma percent Intimidation percent Intelligence percent Willpower percent Speed percent Strength percent Stealth percent Perception percent Leadership [b]Health[/b] *stat_chart percent Health percent Exhaustion text Wounds *choice # The History of Sienna *goto H # The Geography of Sienna *goto G # The Divryns *goto D # The Military of Sienna *goto M # Relationships *goto R *label H Nobody knows how, what or where the monsters came from. Dark as ink and highly skilled predators they slaughtered everything in their path, no these creatures weren't hunting for survival, they were hunting for the thrill of it. Humans who were used to playing predator had now become prey. These creatures attacked in the night when the humans were most vulnerable and these creatures had toxic skin and everywhere they went, they left behind a trail of their sticky tar like faeces. This substance was highly toxic in nature, contaminating the soil and the water. The plants and trees that were once a healthy green had now become ash black with purple veins, twisted and mottled making them unfit for consumption, livestock and herbivores were dying of starvation or had become sick and were dying slowly, painfully. The once beautiful sun kissed blue sky had become grey and the sun no longer shone on these lands making the once colourful Earth, a dark dreary dangerous toxic bin. Millions of people, animals were slaughtered and humanity was at the verge of extinction. Then the few survivors came together and decided to fight back. This is how The Survival Wars began. The war continued for a couple of decades until one day the survivors found land that was untouched and free of contamination, where the sun did shine and the air was so fresh you could taste it. They called this Haven Sienna which in the language of the ancestors means home. They knew that they were outnumbered by these creatures and weren't going to be able to defeat them so they decided to build 18 feet tall walls along Sienna's borders to keep the monsters out. The long hard war fought during the construction of these walls was called The First Wall wars and it lasted for an entire Decade. After the walls were built, the remaining survivors came together and made their leader, Rye Teroli the first Sovereign of Sienna. As time passed, the wounds healed, humanity flourished and peace reigned and like any other story the people soon forgot about the monsters beyond the walls. As time went by the people divided Sienna into 4 states based on the geographical and cultural differences and the old languages and traditions were forgotten and in their place, people modified and adopted their own traditions and cultures and religions. Now during the reign of the fifth Emperor Seimon Teroli, he had a circular wall build around the capital of Sienna, The Empire city which divided the outer portion of the city into 6 sectors and at the center of the city is the "empire's hold" which consists of the royal palace and the Ministries. Everything was peaceful for 500 years until one day, the walls Venotaria and Haldirye were breached and the Divryns flooded in destroying the settlements and claiming the lives of thousands of people. The then Emperor Zarvin Teroli and his only heir Prince Eric Teroli raised the slumbering Military and led the forces. This started the War for Haldirye and Venotaria also known as the 2nd War for the Walls. The once slumbering military was still groggy from its long nap and was having trouble standing on its feet, citizens were recruited by the second and with every passing day, and more ground was lost. Then in the 4th year of the war, the emperor and the prince were both killed in battle. The Empress Roselyn Disryl Teroli took the reins into her own hands and kept the kingdom together and gave people hope. The war lasted for a total of 8 years. By the time the 7th year of the war rolled in the kingdom was exhausted, the people were exhausted and the Empress was doing her level best to push back the Divryns. Then one day news came from the front that a 22 year old Captain of the Vanguard had led a small contingent of 50 men to victory and that they had secured wall Venotaria after 7 years. The then Captain Rheyan Ashyver became a symbol of hope, they called him the Angel of Venotaria. The Captain was a Divryn killing machine; he slaughtered them the same way that they had us. He always knew when they were coming and where they would come from, some say that the Cat Cs couldn't sense him because he had no fear, he hunted them in a way much similar to theirs which earned him the title of "Night Hunter". Captain Ashyver then went on to elect a team, his famous and the first ever Night Hunter squad with the then Surgical Captain Dorian Steyrs, Air lieutenant Allen Kazri, Lieutenant Mavis Allori, Major Eviona Cozir and Lieutenant Alix Nash. They then advanced and secured the Wall Haldirye by the 8th year. The Empress then made the Captain Ashyver, the Field Marshal and raised the team members of The Night Hunters to the ranks of General in commanding. 18 years have passed since the war and though peace reigns once more, this time around Sienna is more prepared and alert. *finish *label G *gosub_scene csideimg_screenshot_2020-11-29_132445 Sienna is divided into 4 states on the basis of geography and the culture and traditions of the people. The states are: 1. [b]SERIFI[/b] The state of Serifi consists of the ominous snow capped mountains and beautiful lush green valleys. The mountains have snow for the entire year though the snowfall during the winters is much heavier and snowstorms are very frequent during the winter months. The people of Serifi are warriors and blacksmiths and Serifi is famous for its high quality and finish swords and blades and weapons for the Marshal and Empress are custom made here. This state also hosts the Rheyan Ashyver Academy for Night Hunters in the state capital Attoli and has the best Military Schools in all of Sienna. This state is also famous for its gorgeous furs and wool garments and cloaks. The Marshal himself was born and raised in Serifi. 2. [b]IVYLAN[/b] The land of canals, rivers and grand architectural marvels. This state has big cities and is known for its rich art, sculptures and theatres. This state is also known as "THE PATRON OF ARTS" and most of the people here are merchants, traders, artists and accountants. Most of the trade and secondary economy and materials are handled here. The state capital Antherin is known for its gambling houses and art galleries, grand theatres and the Antherin School of Business and Law. It is Sienna's most economically prosperous state. 3. [b]FEROSI[/b] The land of lush green fertile plains and crystal clear ponds and lakes, this state is the main producer of raw materials. Ferosians are mostly Farmers, Ranchers. This state is also known for its great educational institutions, The Military Medical Training School and The Military Engineering School are situated at the state capital Eander. The state is full of small towns and villages that mainly focus on farming and rearing. Ferosi is also known for its horses, they are the fast, have high endurance and very beautiful. The Marshal's famous horse Sihander is a pure black Ferosian thoroughbred. 4. [b]TASRYN[/b] This entire state is an expanse of thick, dense jungles which are so thick that sunlight barely ever breaks through the canopy to reach the forest floor. The state is also known for its vast collection of diverse wildlife and biodiversity. In this state no trees are cut to make a clearing to settle in instead the people here live in the tree canopy. They build tree houses and vine bridges connect the breaks between the trees making an entire town in the trees, this helps maintain the jungles and also keeps them safe from the dangers on the forest floor. Hunting in these jungles is prohibited; the only people who can hunt in these jungles are the appointed hunters. The people here live in the form of tribes and the people of one town all belong to one tribe. There are about 120 tribes in Tasryn and the state capital is Vashi which is resided by the High Chief who is elected by the chiefs of all the tribes when the previous high chief passes away. Tasryn is known for its diverse culture and traditions that is so unique and diverse and also for its hunters and famous root wine made from the roots of the sacred gahi tree along with the natural dyes made from different roots, fruits and flowers. The area between the state borders and the border walls are known as the border districts and most are military bases though a few do have a few civilian settlements with a gate to the outside world between each pair of walls. The 8 border districts are: 1.Haldirye 2.Venotaria 3.Prestol 4.Goldryn 5.Galactus 6.Mahira 7.Druvah 8.Burmont Mahira and Druvah are wildlife sanctuaries and Galactus also holds the Exile house, a prison for all the people who have been exiled from Sienna by the Empress's court for their crimes and also holds the Military Rehabilitation Centre and The Kipyuer Mental Asylum which is run by the military. For each pair of districts there is a gate; 1. Gate Orius: Goldryn & Prestol 2. Gate Ashlyia: Haldirye & Venotaria 3. Gate Briar: Burmont & Druvah 4. Gate Lohr: Mahira & Galactus Lastly at the centre of Sienna lies the capital Empire city which is divided into 6 sectors and at the centre lies the "Empire's hold" which consists of the Imperial palace and The Ministries. The 6 sectors of Empire city are; 1. Sector 1: Houses of the nobles, Ministers and richer sections of society. 2. Sector 2: Home to the Ministry of Defence, a military base and hosts the residences of the Marshal and the Generals in command. 3. Sector 3: Another military base with an Aviators base as well. 4. Sector 4: The schools, businesses and the residences of the middle class and by far the largest sector. 5. Sector 5: The business sector with the trade and law offices, hospitals and markets. 6. Sector 6: The dark and dangerous alley of the Empire city, all kinds of shady deals, brothels and dark taverns with underground brawling clubs and the residences of the not so lucky section of society. The other walls that don't need mention because a look at the map is enough to gauge their function. *finish *label D Divryn is a Tasri word that translates to nightmare in the common language. These monsters have been put into categories on the basis of their anatomy and how deadly they are. There are 4 categories; Category D: Large beasts that are built like battering rams that are 9 to 10 feet tall, quadruped and have thick impenetrable armoured skin with small horn like studs and a long tail with a large bowling ball like end with sharp spikes on every inch of its tail. These creatures have very blurry eyesight and hence their vision is based on movement, these creatures also have very bad hearing and smell (maybe because they stink like hell). They are also a bit of a cracked nut and just ram into anything that moves. If defenceless or injured near these creatures just hold still, keep calm and do not scream unless you want to serve as a paste dip for the divryns to dip their humans in. The skin of the underbelly of these creatures is soft and penetrable and can be slashed open from underneath them to convert their insides into their outsides and so are the pads of their feet, which is the basis of the mechanism of the trapping devices designed by the engineers. Category C: These beasts resemble bats that are very ugly and range between 7 to 8 feet in height. They have a pair of large leathery wings and large dagger like talons in place of feet and have dark black velvety fur. These creatures can smell fear, no as in they literally smell fear, when we are scared or when our body detects a threat it releases certain hormones and chemicals to prepare our body for fight or flight, the Cat Cs have a very strong sense of smell that is 10 times stronger than a bloodhound, it detects the smell of these chemicals and tracks you down. Other than this advantage the Cat Cs also spit venomous acidic mucus, though it takes a long time for it to reload before it spits again, take it as around 20 minutes for minimum dose. These creatures are also blind and deaf and mainly move around with the help of their sense of smell and have a nasty tendency to latch onto the scent of one person and they do not give up chasing that person unless they get their target or they die. There is no point in hiding from these creatures as they can smell you out (unless you are fearless), the Vanguard usually assigns Archers and Aeros to hunt them but if you are alone and have to face these then remember the very first lesson they teach you in every combat course; [b] IF THE ENEMY IS STANDING WHILE YOU ARE ON THE GROUND THEN BRING THE ENEMY TO EYE LEVEL ON THE GROUND.[/b] In our case, we do just that bring the Cat C to the ground by cutting or puncturing their wings, from then on the only threat that you face is their spit which you can avoid by ducking and running and since their skin is just as penetrable as any human you can easily impale them, behead them and then dance on their dead body for all I care. Category B: These are the most ruthless and cunning of all the Divryns. They are small and 5 to 5.5 feet in height but don't be mislead by their height, these creatures have sharp needle like teeth in 3 rows inside their mouth and have a scorpion like tail with a poisonous stinger. The poison in their stinger is necrotic in nature and makes the cells of the sting site rot slowly causing tremendous pain and black veins branch out from the site travelling all over the body killing the person within 3 hours of gut wrenching, sickening pain. They also have 4 arms, two with pincers and 2 with dagger like claws and their blood is so hot and acidic that it can burn through regular iron bars, which is why the engineers came up with blades of Iron alloyed with aluminium and platinum coated with strong bases which do not burn or melt. These creatures always work in packs of 4 and the leader or the Alpha of these packs is always a female and the most cunning of all, The Alpha has a red streak on her face which goes down to her throat. To take them down you are going to have to work in teams, which is why in the Vanguard you are assigned a buddy, a partner who has your back and you have theirs. Remember that the only way you can defeat these beasts is to divide them, separate them from each other and their alpha and then you take them down one by one, crowd them, corner them remember like all bullies, Cat B are also spineless cowards when cornered. Category A: Large 15 feet tall beasts with dark midnight skin and 18 eyes these creatures are quadruped with 3 pairs of large leathery wings on their back and breathe out toxic purple fire like the dragons in the legends and stories of the Ancestors. They also have a large tail with poison spikes and just like Cat As they have thick armoured skin that is nearly impossible to penetrate. But their biggest problem is their ability to regenerate and heal fast and they can continue to live headless for 10 more days before they die but it is very risky to wait as they can still sense their surroundings and cause mass destruction. There has been only one Category A ever recorded which was killed by General Dorian Steyrs and the Marshal together. It took them 14 days to kill it. General Dorian and the Marshal together managed to behead it on the 6th day but it still did not die and they were both injured, the Empress tried every trick in the book until on the 14th day, Air Marshal Allen Kasri, The Marshal, Generals Dorian,Eviona and Alix launched a counter attack. While the Air Marshal, Marshal and General Dorian kept the Cat A nicknamed "Sisr" distracted, The Generals Alix and Eviona climbed inside it's open crater of a neck and planted explosives inside its body cavity and climbed out, the Cat A exploded with a horrible splatter covering everyone and everything within range with sick smelling gore which they smelled of for days. The Divryns are a unisex species that change their sex with respect to their current environment. They are also strangely social species who follow the hive system like the honey bees. The only question is who is the Queen? *finish *label M The military of Sienna consists of 5 Regiments; 1. [b]THE VANGUARD[/b] The first line of defence, The Vanguard is responsible for protecting the walls of Sienna and patrols the walls in case of eminent attacks. The Vanguard has 4 divisions: 1. Infantry: The soldiers who work on ground level and are also known as foot soldiers and are specially trained to take out Category B and D divryns. 2. Archers: They specialize in Archery and knife, dagger and star throwing as well. The engineers have come up with all kinds of arrows for the Archers including an exploding arrow which once fired explodes upon contact, very useful in taking out Category C and B divryns. 3. Cavalry: They ride into battle on well armoured horses. The cavalry horses are also trained to excel under stress and are known to carry their injured riders to safety. 4. Artillery: In charge of the cannons and explosives, these soldiers are responsible for making and planting the explosives during battle. The uniform for the Vanguard is olive green shirts, Dark green blazer and breeches for Cavalry and trousers for the others with gold detailing and rank embellishments along with dark brown calf length boots. They also wear dark green berets with the official emblem of Sienna. 2. [b]THE AVIATION FORCE[/b] The Aviation Force consists of the Aeros and their pilots known as "Aviators" and the ground crew and signal towers. The Aviation force was a blessing during the 2nd war and helped with the supplies and bombing raids. The engines of these Aeros are steam and gas based and the Aeros themselves are made up of Steel, Platinum and Aluminium alloys which make them light enough to take to the air. Their all body flight suits are grey in colour with black detailing and rank embellishments. Their other uniform is Light blue shirt, dark blue blazer with dark blue trousers with silver detailing and rank embellishments along with black ankle length boots. They also wear Dark blue berets with the official emblem of Sienna. 3. [b]THE M&E REGIMENT[/b] The M&E stands for Medical and Engineering Regiment, made up of the Military doctors, nurses, medics as well as the different military Engineers. The M&E Regiment is made up of two divisions; 1. Medical: It consists of the doctors, nurses and the medics along with other healthcare officials who provide medical care to the soldiers in field and peace. 2. Engineering: There are 3 Sub divisions in the Engineering division; a. Aeronautical engineers: They maintain, build, modify and design the Aeros. b. Signal engineers: They maintain the light and Morse communication lines and make sure there is steady communication of information and orders between all the corners of Sienna. They are also in charge of the signal towers for the Aeros. c. Architectural engineers: They are the ones responsible for the building, design and the maintenance of the walls and gates. d. Weapons engineers: They design new weapons, modify older versions of weapons and overall help in updating the weapons keep and giving us an edge over the divryns. Though they not only invent and build weapons, they also build and invent medical equipment, better harnesses for the archers and better non restricting armour for the horses as well etc. The Medicals and Engineers both have the same uniform, White shirt, black trousers, and black blazer with maroon detailing and rank embellishments and black calf length boots. The only difference is that they both wear white armbands with their divisions’ emblem, a bright red medical cross for the medicals and a bright red E.E for engineers. They both wear maroon berets with the emblem of Sienna. 4. [b]MILITARY POLICE[/b] If the Vanguard is for protection from the enemy from beyond the walls then the M.P is for protection from the enemy within our walls. The M.P is responsible for maintaining law and order all over Sienna including the civilian sectors. They are also responsible for the protection and security of the Empress and the Ministry. They also double as intelligence and surveillance agents for the Empress and the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defence. The uniform for the M.P is beige coloured shirts with khaki coloured trousers and blazers with gold detailing and crimson rank embellishments. They also wear beige colour berets with the emblem of Sienna. 5. [b]NIGHT HUNTERS[/b] The most elite force in Sienna, commanded and raised by Marshal Ashyver himself. There are two kinds of Night Hunters, Born and adopted. The born Night Hunters are hand picked by the Marshal and his scouts from other Military schools and orphanages. The minimum age that these cadets are picked at is 6 years. These cadets are rigorously trained both physically and mentally to be killing machines and groomed to be the perfect officers. The other is the "Adopted", the ones who are recruited from the various Regiments of the military. These Night Hunters require a GIP score of 8+ and have to undergo harsh training and written examinations that have a 70% dropout rate. Only the soldiers with nerves of steel and stone wall courage become Night Hunters. There is an old saying in the Night Hunter units, [i]"You don't sign up for the Night Hunters, The Night Hunters sign up for you"[/i]. It means that no matter what your team and your unit and even your Commander will stick with you throughout to the bitter end. The sole purpose of the Night Hunters is to go beyond the walls through the gates and hunt down the divryns and come back. Gaining ground and eradicating the divryns to take our world back is the primary goal. They literally walk through the gates of hell into hell and come back alive. The Marshal is a firm believer of the theory that [i]"The best defence is a good offence"[/i] and believes that these walls we built won't last forever and when they fall, we will be outnumbered again. We hunt them down in small squads; carve out their forces bit by bit till we can finally be rid of them. The Night Hunters works in teams or squads with 6 members and travel on horseback and each squad has a Dog assigned to it, these dogs are called Canine buddies and are trained from puppy hood just as vigorously as their human counterparts. However, even after being such skilled warriors, The Night Hunters have a death rate reaching 80%. A field expedition of 20 men returns with barely 4 or 5 alive. Though in recent years, the death rate has dropped to 60%. A lot of the nobles and merchants feel that funding the Night Hunters is a waste f resources and money as the losses are higher than the profits. The Night Hunters wear two types of uniform, one is field which is black hooded cape and black leather weapons harness with black shirt and breeches with calf length black boots with silver harness locks with black berets embossed with the emblem of Sienna. In official capacity they wear black shirt, trousers and blazer with silver and gold detailing and rank embellishments along with berets. In the Military of Sienna all the soldiers irrespective of origin, religion, gender, identity and race are equal before the Empress and the constitution of Sienna and discrimination on the basis of any reason mentioned above will be a punishable offence. The soldiers are supposed to wear pants irrespective of their gender identities. *finish *label R [b]${alistair} Basri[/b] *stat_chart percent Relationship text Friend text Flirt [b]Major ${tric} Allori[/b] *stat_chart percent t [i]Relationship[/i] text tf [i]Friend[/i] text tr [i]Flirt[/i] [b]Captain ${a} Ascot Maneryn 111[/b] *stat_chart percent as [i]Relationship[/i] text af [i]Friend[/i] text ar [i]Flirt[/i] [b]Surgical Captain. ${e} Nehsar[/b] *stat_chart percent es [i]Relationship[/i] text ef [i]Friend[/i] text er [i]Flirt[/i] [b]1st Volley Commander ${v} Archer[/b] *stat_chart percent ve [i]Relationship[/i] text vf [i]Friend[/i] text vr [i]Flirt[/i] [b]Mechanical Captain ${i} Hasher[/b] *stat_chart percent irrl [i]Relationship[/i] text if [i]Friend[/i] text ir [i]Flirt[/i] [b]Flight Officer. ${c} Miles [/b] *stat_chart percent ca [i]Relationship[/i] text cf [i]Friend[/i] text cr [i]Flirt[/i]