[b]CHAPTER 6[/b] [i][b]Briar Military Base, Eastern Command HQ.... [/b][/i] "Give me one good reason as to why I should endanger my team. I respect the General, but this order is beyond absurd." Captain ${a} Ascot Maneryn III glares at the sheet of paper. ${tric} and ${a} go all the way back to their academy years. Both are born Night Hunters. A smile graces ${t_his} features as ${t_he} recalls their time together. The first time ${t_he} met ${a}, ${a_he} was a scrawny little 5 year old in a uniform that was too big for ${a_him}. Since ${tric} was part of the student council, ${t_he} had received a briefing about this new admission. Turns out there was a very grim story behind ${a}'s admission to the academy. $!{a} was the only surviving child of a Serifian Noble House. $!{tric} prays that no child has to ever undergo the trauma and grief that ${a_he} was put through. ${a} was a broken little thing, sitting alone in corners or lurking in the shadows. In a way, ${tric} could see ${t_himself} reflected in ${a_him}. They had both lost everything they had and people ostracised them both for the blood in their veins. A pack of bullies were beating ${a} in the alley behind the dorms. ${tric} joined the fray and helped ${a} fight back. Hence started the beginning of a strange and life long friendship. "You tell me...." "Cut the shit ${tric}. You know very well that I despise guessing games." "Going by the cold glare and your twitching fingers, I would assume that the General did not drop any names in the letter he sent you." "Yes. It mentions something about cashing in a favour I owe him and that there will be two new arrivals in MY team." "The two new arrivals will be 1st Lt. ${name} Dexer and 1st Lt. ${alistair} Basri." "Dexer....as in Wing Commander Allias Dexer..." "The very one. But ${name} is his adoptive child." "Not that I care...but I have a feeling ${his} parentage has some weight here..." "$!{he} is Marshal Rheyan Ashyver's only ${son}." ${a} doesn't even blink. If ${tric} didn't know any better, ${t_he} would think that ${a_he} doesn't care. But ${t_he} does know better and can see the cogs turning in ${a}'s head. *page_break "Are you sure?" "Have I ever been wrong before?" "No." "$!{he} was the one who raised the alarm. The witness reports all tell the same thing. You read them." ${a} leans back in ${a_his} chair, glaring at the ceiling. "I did. Something feels off. Divryn activity is rare near the eastern and southern walls. They are more attracted to the western and northern walls. Why did it decide to come through wall Galactus?" ${tric} chuckles, "I had a feeling you would say that. General Dorian feels the same way." ${a} raises a brow, "What did you find?" "Well...I haven't debriefed the ${man} of the hour since ${he} seems to be in a comatose. But I did gather quite a lot of interesting facts from the witnesses and Lt. Basri. The first fact, the wall had a crack escalating from the centre of the brick line. I have an entire squadron who confirmed its presence in close quarters. A Sergeant Major and a 1st Lieutenant confirmed its presence in eye level proximity, 25 minutes before the breach." ${tric} lays back and makes ${t_himself} comfortable before continuing. "Now comes the twist. The engineers had reported the entire section to be in tip top shape. According to the CO of the group, the walls of the section post had been strengthened just 2 years back. The very idea of a crack in the walls is absurd, especially since it was absent during the morning, noon and dusk patrols. All the briefs and logs check in with their accounts. I cross examined them and every single one of them was telling the truth." ${a} interrupts with a scowl, "Where's the twist?" ${tric} rolls ${t_his} eyes with an enigmatic smile and continues. "After I was done with the engineers, I checked out the sentries. Their logs fit with their story. There were no Divryn sightings since the beginning of winter. I could tell they were all telling the truth. But then the question arises; How did the divryn smash through the wall in only 4 to 5 strikes? The logs specifically outline the fact that there was no damage on the outer side of the wall. Witness reports dictate that the crack was nearly 8 to 10 centimetres long and was astral in shape with one origin point. At the time when ${name} and the others discovered the crack, three of the sentries had the brain to check for any sign of a divryn or damage on the outer face. There was no divryn and not even a scratch in sight. "You mean that...." *page_break "One of our own people sabotaged the wall." ${a} pinches the bridge of ${a_his} nose. "This was a planned attack. The culprit guided the divryn to attack that specific section of the wall. But for what purpose?" ${tric} stares at the floor silently before snapping ${t_his} fingers. "What if there is someone else who knows about the Marshal's ability? Suppose they also know about ${name}'s parentage. Lets assume that whoever did this is an enemy of Sienna and wants all of us dead. Now what has been and is one of our greatest weapons against the divryns? What edge do we have over an enemy that is bigger, stronger and outnumbers us 10 to 1?" "The Marshal....", mutters ${a} with a frown. "How can you beat an enemy that knows your every move down to the minute details of your plan? Especially one who has the strength of a Cat D and a mind more cunning than a Cat B. The Marshal has 8 years of battle knowledge and is surrounded by his protectors and supporters 24/7. Success rates of an attempt on the Marshal's life are less than 2.03%. Now this person has no choice but to wait for the Marshal to die, before they can put their plan into motion. But then one day this person hears about the Marshal having a ${son}. This child is now a threat to their plans. But the person is unable to pin this child as they are constantly surrounded by our spies." "It was a test.....Somebody knows.....and the General is worried about ${name}'s safety." "Think about it. You and your team are the most powerful Night Hunters. Only you could keep ${him} safe. If something happens to the Marshal, ${name} is our next best weapon....One that we cannot afford to lose." "Fine. I'll do it. But.....what's the plan?" "Well...I still need to check up on ${name}'s version of the story. That and I need to find the soldier who sabotaged the wall. A lot of things will clear up after that." ${tric} stands and walks over to the window. "Did you tell the Marshal?" *page_break "Not yet. But I plan to." "How is the Empress?" "Recovering. But still in critical condition." A frown settles on ${a}'s ${a_handsome} face. Everybody in the Military knows about the nobles and their scheming. The nobles despise Sienna's military leaders as they present a threat to their power. All of them are power hungry jackals and will turn on their mothers if it meant more power. When the Emperor and the Prince died, nobody expected the delicate Empress Roselyn Terroli to seize control. "Wait...you left the Marshal and the other Generals alone with the court." "No. I left Nizam in charge." An involuntary smile graces ${a}'s face. "I almost pity the courtiers." "I would love to stay and catch up, but I need to go." "When are the new kids coming in?" "Oh...they arrived this morning. Read the files I left for you." "Will do." With a parting smile, ${tric} walks to the door and is about to step out. $!{t_he} stops in ${t_his} tracks and turns around. "One last thing.....Air Marshal Kasri will be here in two days" "What for?" *page_break "Surprise inspection" [b][i]72 hours later, Command Hospital Briar Cantonment....[/i][/b] Your body feels like its been run over by a Category D. You open your eyes and are blinded by the bright sunlight draining through the open window. Bird song and the smell of disinfectant and medicine assaults your senses. Sore all over, your head spins like a top as you attempt to sit up. Groaning you set your hands in your lap as you scan your surroundings. You are sitting at the edge of a hospital bed, which is surprisingly soft with plain white sheets and a very fluffy pillow. With all the high quality medical equipment, it seems like you are in a Command or a Base hospital. You must have been in really bad shape for them to bring you here. Taking a deep lungful of fresh air, you look down at the multiple bandages covering your bruises and cuts. You are able to breathe so that means no cracked ribs. Your body feels a lot like cardboard. Flexing your stiff fingers, you see an IV needle attached to your vein. Your eyes trail along the tube to a stand holding a large bottle of translucent liquid. Rubbing your bleary eyes, you try to read the inscription but the squinting seems to trigger a prickling headache. *set Exhaustion %-50 *set wounds "5" *set Health %+60 Glancing about the room, you spot a large metal cupboard, a sink attached next to a metal table with 4 chairs. A metallic tray lies on top of a small rotating three legged stool. You pull back the white quilt and hurry to cover yourself as you realize that your body is covered only in bandages and underwear. Gingerly, you try to flex the stiff and numb muscles of your legs and try to get the blood flowing. As you are about to stand, the door opens and you see; *choice # A tall man dressed in the uniform of the M&E core. He stands at approximately 6.2 feet and has broad shoulders with a strong muscular frame. His hair is wavy and a dark obsidian shade styled in a crew cut. A small wavy lock of hair falls over his forehead as he closes the door behind him and looks up at you. His dark chocolate eyes widen in surprise. *set e "Eshir" *set e_he "he" *set e_his "his" *set e_him "him" *set e_himself "himself" *set e_man "man" *set e_sir "sir" *set e_handsome "handsome" *goto 63 # A tall woman dressed in the uniform of the M&E core. She stands at approximately 5.9 feet and has broad shoulders with a voluptuous figure. Her hair a dark obsidian shade styled in a French braid that reaches her lower back. A small wavy lock of hair falls over her forehead as she closes the door behind her and looks up at you. Her dark chocolate eyes widen in surprise. *set e "Eshira" *set e_he "she" *set e_his "her" *set e_him "her" *set e_himself "herself" *set e_man "woman" *set e_sir "ma'am" *set e_handsome "beautiful" *goto 63 *label 63 "You are awake!" You stare at ${e_him} with a perplexed expression, "Well...yes...but who are you?" $!{e_he} shakes ${e_his} head and smiles kindly, "My apologies, I am Surgical Captain ${e} Nehsar. Welcome to Briar Military Base, Lt. Dexer." Your eyebrows nearly fly off as you exclaim, "Briar....What am I doing at Gate Briar." The Surgical Captain smiles showcasing ${e_his} dimples, "Easy there Lieutenant. You are still healing and I don't want you straining your health." As you open your mouth to argue, ${e_he} holds up a hand to stop you. $!{e_he} drags a chair standing next to the wall and sits ${e_himself} in front of you. "Look, you are still a long way from full recovery. I understand that you have questions. And I will answer all your questions, but first I need to change your bandages and inspect your injuries for any sign of infection." *choice # "Sure, ${e_sir}. Go ahead", you answer with a friendly smile. "Well, I don't get to hear that everyday. I wish all my patients were as amicable as you", ${e_he} says with a smile. "You seem like one of the good doctors." "Who put such an idea in your head", ${e_he} asks as ${e_he} walks to the metal cupboard and opens it. Proceeding to unload fresh bandages and other equipment onto a metal tray, ${e_he} flashes you a wink. "Not all of us are sadists, Though we do love torturing our patients." $!{e_he} moves to the stand holding your IV bottle and gently plucks off the tube. With that ${e_he} motions for your hand and pulls out the needle. You wince and frown playfully. "That hurt! You really are a sadist!" "Sssshhhhh! My angelic reputation will be in jeopardy if anybody hears that!'' $!{e_he} pulls a table and arranges all the medicines required and pulls back ${e_his} sleeves. Rubbing ${e_his} hands with a bar of disinfectant, ${e_he} pulls up a three legged stool for you. "I need you to sit here. Its a bit uncomfortable but it should be a change for your stiff muscles. That and I want to see if you can walk by yourself." "Why wouldn't I be able to walk?" "Hey, bandage first questions later. Remember our deal...." You huff, "Right....here it goes." Your joints and body aches in protest as you try to stand. Once you manage to stand on your feet, your body sways a little but you manage to balance yourself. "Hmmmm....good...now walk towards me slowly." You try to take a step but your head spins and you would have fallen face first if ${e} hadn't grabbed you first. Supporting your waist and shoulder, ${e_he} helps you take a seat. "Okay...I will fix you up in no time." With that ${e_he} seats ${e_himself} in front of you and begins to unravel the bandage around your left shoulder. "Now, you may ask your questions." *set Genuine %+10 *set Friendly %+10 *set ef +1 *set es %+20 *set Polite %+10 *goto 64 # Blood rushes to your cheeks at the thought of ${e_his} hands on your skin. "I promise to be a professional. Even if it will be a little tough....", ${e_he} winks. You smile and nod your head, "I don't mind" "You don't mind me touching you...", ${e_he} asks as ${e_he} walks to the metal cupboard and opens it. You blush crimson and thank your lucky stars that ${e_he} has ${e_his} back to you as you sputter, "I didn't mean it like that......" Pulling off the quilt, you sit up straight. ${e}'s eyes trail down your body in a double take before ${e_he} turns around to hide the colour brushing ${e_his} cheeks. Proceeding to unload fresh bandages and other equipment onto a metal tray, ${e_he} flashes you a teasing smile. "Then what exactly did you mean, Lt. Dexer?" As to stutter for a comeback, ${e_he} moves to the stand holding your IV bottle and gently plucks off the tube. $!{e_he} gets down on one knee to look you in the eyes as ${e_he} gently grabs your hand. "I ask again. Do you mind me touching you....", ${e_he} mutters with a mischievous smirk. You bite your lip and nod your head as you are at a complete loss for words. $!{e_his} eyes alight with mischief as ${e_he} pulls out the needle. You wince and your eyes water. "That hurt....." "I would recommend kissing the pain away, but your wounds are still tender and prone to infection. However....." $!{e_he} trails off and brings ${e_his} face close to yours. "There will be other days and other occasions for me to make it up to you...if you want." You smile, "I...would like that. *page_break $!{e_he} pulls a table and arranges all the medicines required and pulls back ${e_his} sleeves. Rubbing ${e_his} hands with a bar of disinfectant, ${e_he} pulls up a three legged stool for you. "I need you to sit here. Its a bit uncomfortable but it should be a change for your stiff muscles. That and I want to see if you can walk by yourself." "Why wouldn't I be able to walk?" "Hey, bandage first questions later. Remember our deal...." "Right....here it goes." Your joints and body aches in protest as you try to stand. Once you manage to stand on your feet, your body sways a little but you manage to balance yourself. "Hmmmm....good...now walk towards me slowly." You try to take a step but your head spins and you would have fallen face first if ${e} hadn't grabbed you first. $!{e_he} wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. "Well....this will take a lot longer than I expected....." Your cheeks go maroon as the scent of disinfectant mixed with an intoxicating fruity tone envelops your senses. It seems like the sensible portion of your brain has gone stiff as well because before you can stop yourself you mutter, "You...smell amazing..." With a chuckle ${e_he} lowers you down on the stool and takes a seat on a chair across you. "Glad to know your olfactory senses are up and running." $!{e_he} starts to gently unravel the bandage around your left shoulder. "Okay...I will fix you up in no time. Now, ask your questions." *set er +1 *set es %+20 *set Shy %+10 *goto 64 # You raise a brow and smirk, "Eager to get your hands on me...Captain." "Darling I examine half naked people for a living. What makes you so special?", ${e_he} scoffs with mischief twinkling in ${e_his} dark eyes. You shrug off the quilt and roll your eyes playfully, "How would I know? You are the doctor. I want you to tell me...." $!{e_his} eyes widen in surprise as they scan your half naked body. Caught off guard, ${e_he} swallows before moving to the stand holding your IV bottle and gently plucks off the tube. You can see that ${e_he} is indeed not immune to your charms as ${e_his} cheeks are now dusted pink. "Did I just render the great Surgical Captain speechless? Or was it my body.....", you coo. $!{e_he} clears ${e_his} throat and gets down on one knee to look you in the eyes as ${e_he} gently grabs your hand. Leaning in ${e_he} whispers, ${e_his} voice low and husky. "I am not quite speechless yet.....but who knows.....maybe when it all comes off.....I might just be....." $!{e_he} rips the needle out without even an ounce of gentle. "Owww! You did that on purpose!" You frown and rub your hand as ${e} graces you with a smug little grin. "Yes. I did." "You are such a sadist." $!{e_he} chuckles and arranges all the medicines required on the metal table and pulls back ${e_his} sleeves. Rubbing ${e_his} hands with a bar of disinfectant, ${e_he} pulls up a three legged stool for you. "I need you to sit here. Its a bit uncomfortable but it should be a change for your stiff muscles. That and I want to see if you can walk by yourself." "Why wouldn't I be able to walk?" "Hey, bandage first questions later. Remember our deal...." Your joints and body aches in protest as you try to stand. Once you manage to stand on your feet, your body sways a little but you manage to balance yourself. "Hmmmm....good...now walk towards me slowly." You try to take a step but your head spins and you would have fallen face first if ${e} hadn't grabbed you first. $!{e_he} wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. "Wow.....does someone have it bad......." "Don't you dare!" With a chuckle ${e_he} lowers you down on the stool and takes a seat on a chair across you. $!{e_he} starts to gently unravel the bandage around your left shoulder. "Okay...I will fix you up in no time. Now, ask your questions." *set Shy %-10 *set es %+20 *set er +1 *goto 64 # You nod. "Yes, ${e_sir}.'' $!{e_he} smiles, "I wish all my patients were as obedient as you. It would make my life a lot easier." Then ${e_he} moves to the stand holding your IV bottle and gently plucks off the tube. With that ${e_he} motions for your hand and pulls out the needle. You wince at the stinging sensation. $!{e_he} pulls a table and arranges all the medicines required and pulls back ${e_his} sleeves. Rubbing ${e_his} hands with a bar of disinfectant, ${e_he} pulls up a three legged stool for you. "I need you to sit here. Its a bit uncomfortable but it should be a change for your stiff muscles. That and I want to see if you can walk by yourself." "Why wouldn't I be able to walk?" "Hey, bandage first questions later. Remember our deal...." You huff, "Right....." Your joints and body aches in protest as you try to stand. Once you manage to stand on your feet, your body sways a little but you manage to balance yourself. "Hmmmm....good...now walk towards me slowly." You try to take a step but your head spins and you would have fallen face first if ${e} hadn't grabbed you first. Supporting your waist and shoulder, ${e} helps you take a seat. "Okay...I will fix you up in no time." With that ${e_he} seats ${e_himself} in front of you and begins to unravel the bandage around your left shoulder. "Now, you may ask your questions." *set Genuine %+10 *set Friendly %-10 *set es %+10 *set Polite %+10 *goto 64 # "Not a chance!", you snarl. "Hey...I promise to be gentle. Now just pull off the quilt." [b]"Did you not hear me? I am not doing this!"[/b] "Look, I am the only person here who will take it slow and gentle. The other doctors will rip you apart. Now stop being such a baby and muscle up." $!{e_he} moves to the stand holding your IV bottle and gently plucks off the tube. With that ${e_he} motions for your hand and pulls out the needle. You wince at the stinging sensation. "You promised to be gentle." "Oh...this is gentle.." $!{e_he} pulls a table and arranges all the medicines required and pulls back ${e_his} sleeves. Rubbing ${e_his} hands with a bar of disinfectant, ${e_he} pulls up a three legged stool for you. "I need you to sit here. Its a bit uncomfortable but it should be a change for your stiff muscles. That and I want to see if you can walk by yourself." "Why, wouldn't I be able to walk?" "Hey, bandage first questions later. Remember our deal...." You snark, "Right....." Your joints and body aches in protest as you try to stand. Once you manage to stand on your feet, your body sways a little but you manage to balance yourself. "Hmmmm....good...now walk towards me slowly." You try to take a step but your head spins and you would have fallen face first if ${e} hadn't grabbed you first. Supporting your waist and shoulder, ${e} helps you take a seat. "Okay...I will fix you up in no time." With that ${e_he} seats ${e_himself} in front of you and begins to unravel the bandage around your left shoulder. "Now, you may ask your questions." *set Friendly %+10 *set Polite %-10 *set Genuine %-10 *goto 64 *label 64 *fake_choice *disable_reuse #Where am I? "You are in Command Hospital, Eastern Command at Briar Cantonment." ${e} picks up a tube of ointment and gently massages your sore arm. *goto 64 *disable_reuse #How did I get here? "Well, they had you airlifted from Galactus. After you killed the divryn, you passed out. Understandable really, you were injured and exhausted. But there is another thing that you should know....." $!{e_his} hands pluck at the new roll of white bandage strips as ${e_he} smiles with a hint of pity. You frown in worry, "What is it?" ${e} speaks gently, "You were out cold for 8 days. We tried everything, poured water, rubbing your wounds, calling out and shouting in your ears. Nothing worked and we were forced to put you on IV. You have been asleep in that bed for 8 whole days without food and water. Truth be told, I was shocked to see you awake." Your head spins as you digest this piece of information. *goto 64 *disable_reuse #Where are the others? ${alistair}, Sergeant T, Geoff.... A gentle smile graces ${e_his} features, "Lt. Basri and the Sergeant came with you. They make it a point to visit you every six hours. As for your squadron, they have been posted to Vashi." "Vashi....", you mutter in confusion. "I am getting there." ${e} kneels down and wraps the bandage around your left leg. "After you...fainted...Lt. Basri took charge and managed to call in the big guns. Orders came in from the brass that you and Lt. Basri are to be posted to Briar Cantonment." "But we don't have a Vanguard unit here." "I know." *goto 64 *disable_reuse #So what am I going to be doing here? ${e} backs away and clears ${e_his} hands. $!{e_he} then takes a deep breath, "You and Lt. Basri have been enlisted as Night Hunters." Your heart skips a beat and you swallow, "But....that's not possible. I can't possibly be....I never enlisted or went through any training..... ${e} shakes ${e_his} head and with a wry smile says," There are two kinds of Night Hunters; the first are the ones we call Born Night Hunters, they are trained in the Marshal's academies from a tender age and are the public's version of Night Hunters." $!{e_he} pauses and mutters, "This will sting....' You grit your teeth as ${e_he} massages a sweet smelling ointment onto your stitches. "Now there is the other kind, called Adopted Night Hunters. They are adopted from the various wings and divisions of the Military.These Night Hunters require a GIP score of 8+ and have to undergo harsh training and written examinations that have a 70% dropout rate. Only the soldiers with nerves of steel and stone wall courage become Night Hunters. Our Regiment motto is [i]You don't sign up for the Night Hunters. The Night Hunters sign up for you.[/i] "What does that mean?" "It means that we have each others back no matter what. Besides there is a small box underneath all enlistment forms, its the box you check if you are interested in joining the Night Hunters, should the need arise. The higher ups keep an eye on the soldiers who tick it." You frown and ask, "But why such a picky selection? Don't we need the manpower?" ${e} snorts and motions for you to lift your arms, so that ${e_he} can bandage your abdomen. "I asked the same question and my CO explained it to me. Life beyond the wall is hell. The death rate within the Night Hunters is 84.3%. It means that roughly 5 out of 20 Night Hunters make it back alive. Death is not only a blow to the morale but also a waste of resources, hence we send only the best. But even then, our death rates are sky high. The Night Hunters are the spear of Sienna and the walls are a shield. How long do we hope to stand once our spear is taken away?" *goto 64 *disable_reuse #How do you know all this? ${e} smiles and says, "That's because I was Adopted as a Night Hunter too." "Wait...so you are a Night Hunter." "Why the disbelief?" "I didn't know they enlisted doctors...." "Pfff, you need doctors everywhere you go. Half of the forces that make it back owe us their lives. Now bend your knee and tell me if you feel any pain." You bend your knee and fell no pain whatsoever. "No pain." "Hmmm...good" *goto 64 *disable_reuse #When will I be discharged? "Today. Since you are finally awake and your wounds are minor, I think its safe for you to leave." "What about ${alistair}?" "1st Lt. Basri has already reported and was assigned ${al_his} team, the day you both arrived. You both are in the same team by the way." $!{e_he} wipes your wound with cotton cotton soaked in antiseptic. "This will sting a lot...." *goto 64 *disable_reuse #Do you know what team I have been assigned to? "Well...prepare yourself for a shock." You steel yourself and nod. ${e} winces, "You have been assigned to ${a}'s ELITES. I am the 2IC and Captain ${a} is your CO." You stare at ${e} and wait for it to sink in. Turn out you are not only a part of the Nation's most elite unit but also a member of ${a}'s ELITES. *goto 64 *disable_reuse #So what now? "Well after you get dressed, you will be coming with me to report to our CO. Then I will introduce you to the rest of our team." ${e} slowly restitches a split and wipes it with cotton soaked in antiseptic. *goto 64 *disable_reuse #Why have I been recruited without any preliminary training or examinations? "Because you have proved yourself more than capable....and the orders came from the brass. But don't think that you get to skip training. The rest will be explained to you by the CO." *goto 64 *disable_reuse #That's all. *goto 65 *label 65 Satisfied with ${e_his} patch up, ${e} stands and says, "Well that's the end of it. All you need is a hot bath to loosen up the knots and soothe your muscles. But that can wait for tomorrow. I'll tell the nurse to fetch you a tray of food, while I fetch your new uniform." With ${e_his} help, you manage to sit on the bed and ${e_he} sets off. Barely a second passes after ${e}'s departure and an old nursing officer with a kind smile walks in with a tray laden with fruit juice and oatmeal. She leaves you to it and strides out the door. Alone once again, you slowly pull off the cap and take slow sips of the orange juice. Its refreshing and considerably lightens your mood. You peel off the foil and the sweet scent of vanilla flavoured oatmeal assaults your senses. Well if you are going to eat horse food it might as well smell nice. You gingerly take one bite of the ugly glop and immediately feel your stomach respond. Trying to slow your hogging proves useless as you slobber it down like....well....you haven't eaten anything in 3 days. Finished with your meal, your body feels strangely rejuvenated. Swirling water in your mouth, you finally get the time to sit back and reflect over the turn your life has taken. How does the idea of being a Night Hunter register to you? *fake_choice # You can't believe it. It all seems like a dream come true. Joining the elite of the elite is a dream come true. You were always attracted to the idea of journeying beyond the walls and killing Divryns. # Maybe it was your dream once. But now after seeing and fighting a Divryn up close, it feels like a nightmare. Every child dreams about being a Night Hunter. Like all the kids, you too dreamed about joining them. But now after going through that, you can't think of anything worse. Its not like you can quit either. # It feels a lot like destiny. You never even paid any thought to the Night Hunters. Somehow it all led you to where you are now. Maybe this is where you were meant to be all along. This is who you are. # You don't mind being a Night Hunter if it means you get to journey beyond the walls. You were always curious about the world behind the walls. This is your shot. You can finally see it all with your own eyes. # As if you are going to miss the chance to slaughter Divryns! You are determined to rid the world of them. Even if you have to do it yourself. The anger and grief has made you bitter. You hate divryns with a passion and are more than willing to put your life on the line to rid the world of them. # Truth be told you are terrified. Especially after what happened. You now know the cold bitter truth that everybody hides under the veil of hope. Nobody can defeat these monsters. Humanity never stood a chance against these beasts. All of you are just sitting ducks. # Thinking about such a heavy topic is giving you a headache. You honestly don't care either way. Can you change the situation? No. Can you do anything about it? No. Will crying or getting ecstatic help you cope? No. Then why worry about it? Your mind drifts to your new team, ${a}'s ELITES. All the letters are capital and for good reason. They are living legends and you heard stories about their bravery and valour every third day during your time at the academy. 98% of the cadets were more busy drooling over their looks rather than their skill. Now that you think about it, you do remember one of the cadets at the academy gush about ${e}. Your mind was too foggy to connect the dots. The CO is Captain ${a} Ascot Maneryn 111. They say that ${a_he} is the most powerful of the human species. With a kill score that is 3 times the Marshal's and an outstanding record of killing a Cat D within 12 seconds. $!{a_he} managed to kill a herd of 5 Category Ds ranging from 9 to 9.7 feet within 4 minutes. Nobody knows how ${a_he} does it, but eyewitnesses say that ${a_he} moves with the power of a raging storm. They call ${a_him} the Ice ${a_king} because of both ${a_his} looks and personality. $!{a_he} is known to be a very cold hearted and intimidating ${a_man} though they also describe ${a_him} as stone cold gorgeous. Then comes the 2IC, Surgical Captain ${e} Nehsar. $!{e_he} is the balm to ${a}'s icy touch. Kind and intelligent, ${e_he} graduated from the Military Medical College in Ferosi at the age of 16. Known as the team's lucky charm, till date any team that has left with ${e} as its field doctor has come back with the entire strength. $!{e_he} has a kill score that is a few divryns shy from the Marshal's. Also called lion heart for ${e_his} fierce and protective nature when it comes to ${e_his} soldiers. And.....then comes....and...there is the blanket of fog again. Your head feels mushy with holes in it like a block of Ivylanian cheese. Maybe you should divulge this piece of information to the Surgical Captain when ${e_he} returns. *page_break Speak of the devil and ${e_he} appears. The Captain strides through the door spouting instructions to the cabal of nursing officers standing in the hallway. When ${e_he} is done, ${e_he} walks up to you with a leather satchel in hand. "Sorry, I got a little delayed. I had to order us a carriage since you are in no shape to ride for at least 3 more days. Here is a new set of your official uniform." A pair of nursing officers drag in a curtained partition and set it up near the wall to give you some privacy while you get dressed. ${e} bolts the door once they have left and hands you the satchel. You take it and move behind the partition to get dressed. When you open the satchel, you pull out a pair of fresh underwear along with your uniform and accessories. The partition makes a lot more sense now. It even has a comb and hairpins along with a toothbrush and blueberry toothpaste. As you move to the sink to brush your teeth, ${e} helps you turn the knob as your fingers are still a bit stiff. "Well, before I let you loose there are a few rules you will have to follow. I am not supposed to discharge you because your condition is still unstable....recovering and you require constant surveillance. However you also need exercise, fresh air and a little sunlight after being cooped in for so long." You spit and rinse your mouth, "What exactly is your point here?" ${e} hands you a towel with which you wipe your face. "There will be some restrictions....." Before you can interrupt ${e_he} ploughs on, "Its minor stuff really. Nothing too severe." You move behind the partition to get dressed, "What restrictions?" ${e} begins pacing and ticking off points on ${e_his} fingers, "Let's see....No running, swimming, dancing or any severe physical activities that will strain your muscles or your lungs. You shouldn't even be allowed to walk as of right now. Number 2, no eating anything solid for the entire week. You will only be eating the food I have ordered for you. There shall be no spices, no sugar, no salt, no meat and no fried food at any cost. *fake_choice # The no meat rule stinks. So does the no spice rule. You live for spice. *set food "1" # The no meat rule stinks. So does the no salty and fried foods rule. Who doesn't love the oily and delicious goodies? *set food "2" # The no meat rule stinks. The no sugar rule pisses you off. You have a really bad sweet tooth. *set food "3" # Well, you don't eat meat so that works. But the no spice rule is killing you. *set food "4" # Well, you don't eat meat so that works. But the no salty and fried food for a week sucks. *set food "5" # Well, you don't eat meat so that works. Though you doubt how long your body will function without any sugary treats for a week. *set food "6" # Food is food. You don't care about what goes in as long as its edible and keeps you alive. *set food "7" "But......", you begin to protest. "Your body is fresh off IV and needs to adjust slowly. Rush the process and you will just fall sick. You do not want to fall sick with all your wounds still healing. A lot of your body's energy is being spent on healing your injuries alone, lets not add to its burden. Are you done changing the basics? I'll help with the uniform." Internally you are glad that ${e_he} offered to help with the uniform because changing out of your undies has left you feeling drained. "I am done. Why do I feel this tired and lousy?" ${e} joins you behind the partition and picks up the black full sleeved cotton shirt. $!{e_he} gently helps you slip one hand inside and then the other before settling the shirt around your shoulders. "I think its because your muscles haven't been exercised or stretched in 8 days. We did exercise your hands and feet when you were out but it hasn't helped much. That and your body has been fed only on IV for 192 hours. Your digestive system has become lethargic and your head is probably spinning because of being in one position for such a long time." $!{e_he} picks up the black trousers and kneels down holding them out for you to slip your legs through. Gingerly using ${e_his} shoulders for support, you lift your right leg and slip it through. "Is it unusual for a person to be unconscious for such a long time?" *page_break "It is...." Pulling the trousers up to your hips, ${e} smooths out the creases and buttons it up leaving the zip for you. $!{e_he} then turns to grab the belt and socks. "Truth be told, we were all quite alarmed when you didn't wake up. You had no head injury, no signs of internal bleeding and yet you were out like a candle. It was almost like your body was resetting and healing. The sleep did you a ton of good, if I am being honest. It hurt me when I looked over your injuries. There is only one person with a record longer than yours......" You turn around, once ${e} shrugs the blazer around your shoulders and buttons it up. "Who?" "The Marshal.....after the battle of Windsloe...was asleep for 240 hours approx. That's 10 days. Not only that but the both of you shared similar symptoms when you were unconscious." *if ((style = "crew cut") and (style = "chin length")) ${e} runs the comb through your short ${texture} ${hair} hair, untangling the strands. *if ((style = "shoulder length") and (style = "medium length")) ${e} runs the comb through your ${texture} ${hair}, untangling the strands and knots. $!{e_he} then proceeds to pin your hair back in a neat bun. *if (style = "long") ${e} runs the comb through your long ${texture} ${hair}, untangling the knots and proceeds to style it in a French plait. "On the night they brought you, you were sweating and had a high fever. Your IV intake had to be increased and your sheets had to be changed every 4 hours, because they were drenched in sweat. We knew how to treat you and get you back to normal thanks to General Dorian's research on the Marshal's condition." With the final touches complete, ${e} grabs the satchel and walks you out. As you march down the hospital lobby, you spy your reflection in one of the mirrors mounted in the hallway. You come to a halt and stare in surprise at the reflection. Both hands wrapped in bandages, the sickly ${skin} skin with a bruised cut still fresh above the right eye and a split lip. What gets you most is the eyes. The ${eye} looks dull and haunted. Overall you look like a warrior in your brand new uniform. But your eyes tell a story of their own. ${e} gently places a hand on your shoulder"Hey....the carriage is waiting. Come along." *page_break Warm sunlight and a gentle breeze envelope you as you set foot outside. The fresh air is a welcome break from the stuffy medicinal smell of the hospital. ${e} gently tugs your arm to get you moving and leads you to your awaiting carriage. The driver salutes you and climbs down to hold the door open as ${e} helps you climb in. Once you are comfortably seated, ${e_he} orders the driver to take you to your new base. You stare out the window and take in the vibrant colours and smells of spring. "I suppose you still have a few more questions about the base and our team." *label 66 *fake_choice *disable_reuse #Can you tell me more about the base? "Your new unit is the Eastern Command NHB. There are only 4 Military bases that the Night Hunters operate from. One base for each gate. There is a Vanguard base as well as an Air base that is attached to our base and provides air support." *goto 66 *disable_reuse #Who are the other team members? ${e} tries and fails to hide ${his} surprise, "You don't know ${a}'s ELITES?" You roll your eyes in frustration and snark, "No ${e_sir}. I just can't remember. I can recall Captain ${a} and you but everything else is foggy..." $!{e_he} winces and smiles sheepishly, "Oh....right. Sorry. But first we are now a team and you can call me by my name. Well in Night Hunter teams we usually have 6 to 8 members, but we had 4 before you and ${alistair} joined. The Captain is very picky about ${a_his} team and we had 6 members in the beginning. One left to join the M.P and the other retired. Col. Felicity Banks, was the CO of our team before she passed the command to ${a}. The other is Major ${tric} Allori, ${t_he} is the Marshal's aide." ${e} then pauses and shrugs ${e_his} shoulders. "I think it would be unfair if I told you about the other two. After all first impressions are very important. But they aren't very sociable so....might as well give you a head start." *goto 67 *disable_reuse #Where is ${alistair} and my ${horse}? ${e} beams, "${alistair} has been quite an addition to the team. $!{al_he} managed to bristle ${v}'s temper on ${al_his} first day in training. Personally I find ${al_him} rather amusing, though ${v} and ${a} would disagree. But nobody needs their opinion. ${alistair} fits in perfectly with the team and the other Night Hunters. $!{al_he} was very worried when you were at the hospital." ${e_he} chuckles, "If I had a silver coin for every time ${al_he} asked about you, I could open an Ice cream Factory. Your stallion ${horse} is doing fine. We had him moved to the stables with the other horses. The rest of your luggage and belongings have all been neatly arranged in your new quarters. So you don't need to worry about that either." *goto 66 *disable_reuse #What is my assignment? ${e} shrugs, "I don't know. Captain ${a} is the one who receives our assignments. Besides you are in no condition to be in field." *goto 66 *disable_reuse #Tell me more about the Night Hunters. Squinting ${e} thinks for a moment before replying, "We have 1 field objective and we follow the Marshal's 4 team battle formation. We send out 4 teams with different functions. First we have the scout teams, these teams ride on ahead and scope out to discern the divryn's position. Most herds are located near the nests, which helps us narrow them down. The scout team is also responsible for warning the rest of us about divryn movement and maintain our outer perimeter." "Then there is the Defence team, if any one of the scout or supplier teams is overwhelmed they come to the rescue. They maintain the inner perimeter and insure continuation of the mission objective by removing obstacles. Third and at the centre of the formation is the attack team, this team is responsible for attacking and infiltrating the nesting areas or taking care of large herds." "In between the attack and defence teams ride the supplier teams. This team is responsible for maintaining food, water and medicine supplies. They also consist of the researchers and Engineers who pick samples and study divryns. Our equipment, secondary weapons and Arti guns are this team's responsibility." "The Night Hunter's current objective is to thin their numbers towards the Northern and Western walls. We call these field tours and they last for three weeks. That's the maximum time limit a human can survive beyond the walls....before going insane." *goto 66 *disable_reuse #What's the plan? "First I will be introducing you to the team and then you will be debriefed by the Captain. After that comes lunch and then we give you a general tour of the base. That should take a few hours off your day, then comes Dinner and off to your quarters." *goto 66 *disable_reuse #That's all. *goto 69 *label 67 *choice # 1st Commander Vern Archer *set v "Vern" *set v_he "he" *set v_his "his" *set v_him "him" *set v_himself "himself" *set v_man "man" *set v_sir "sir" *set v_handsome "handsome" *set v_lady "gentleman" *goto 68 # 1st Commander Vera Archer *set v "Vera" *set v_he "she" *set v_his "her" *set v_him "her" *set v_himself "herself" *set v_man "woman" *set v_sir "ma'am" *set v_handsome "beautiful" *set v_lady "lady" *goto 68 *label 68 "The best aim in the entire Military, ${v_he} beat General Alix Steyrs record when ${v_he} was 16 years old. ${v} is an Adopted Night Hunter and is the best archer I have ever met. Word of caution, ${v} is a bit hot tempered and can come across as rude or even cruel at first. But deep down the ${v_man} has a heart of gold. $!{v_he} cares very deeply about all of us, even if ${v_he} doesn't understand how to express it." ${e} smiles fondly before continuing, "Then last but not the least...." *fake_choice # Mechanical Captain Iryn Hasher *set i "Iryn" *set i_he "he" *set i_his "his" *set i_him "him" *set i_himself "himself" *set i_man "man" *set i_sir "sir" *set i_handsome "handsome" # Mechanical Captain Iris Hasher *set i "Iris" *set i_he "she" *set i_his "her" *set i_him "her" *set i_himself "herself" *set i_man "woman" *set i_sir "ma'am" *set i_handsome "beautiful" "Certified genius with one of the sharpest minds I have ever met. ${i} is responsible for operating our mechanical gear and builds various prototypes of weapons and gadgets. $!{i_he} comes up with the most absurdly brilliant ideas and can probably fix anything mechanical with ${i_his} bare hands. ${i} is very.....eccentric and can either be a lot of fun or very prickly. $!{i_he} has the tendency to be very sarcastic....so watch out. However, ${i} is an excellent friend and is always there when you need ${i_him}." *goto 66 *label 69 With your curiosity sated for the moment, you look out the window as you approach the front gate of Briar Night Hunters base. The metallic whirring of aeros and the announcements and sirens of the air base echo in your ears. Going by the position of the sun, you must have woken up around 3 hours after sunrise. Watching the early morning hustle and bustle typical of a military base soothes your nerves and puts you at ease. Soon the carriage comes to a halt in front of a large gateway. The archway installed on top of the gates spells, [b]45 NH EASTERN COMMAND[/b] in black block letters. You gingerly step out of the carriage, trying your best not to trip. Once your feet hit solid ground, you take a few minutes to stabilize yourself while ${e} talks to the carriage driver. "Welcome to your new home away from home, Lt. ${name}." With that the SG. Captain leads the way to the large imposing building beyond the gates. As you walk you can slowly feel your joints popping. The stiffness in your muscles decreases just enough to allow you to walk without support. ${e} shrugs with a sympathetic smile, "I should probably have given you something to lessen the discomfort and pain. But that would have just messed with your system." [b]"Surgical Captain Nehsar!!"[/b] Both you and ${e} turn around and see a; *fake_choice # A man in an aviator's uniform running towards you. *set c "Carter" *set c_he "he" *set c_his "his" *set c_him "him" *set c_himself "himself" *set c_man "man" *set c_sir "sir" *set c_handsome "handsome" # A woman in an aviator's uniform running towards you. *set c "Catrina" *set c_he "she" *set c_his "her" *set c_him "her" *set c_himself "herself" *set c_man "woman" *set c_sir "ma'am" *set c_handsome "beautiful" *if (c = "Carter") $!{c_he} has dark ebony skin with a lithe athletic build and stands at about 6.1 feet. Up close, you can see his gorgeous midnight eyes and dazzling white smile. As is custom for aviators, his hair is styled in a buzz cut. Overall he is quite handsome with soft delicate features. *if (c = "Catrina") She has dark ebony skin with a slender build and stands at about 5.6 feet. Up close, you can see her gorgeous midnight eyes and dazzling white smile. As is custom for lady aviators, her kinky black hair is pinned back in a fish tail. Overall she is quite beautiful with soft delicate features. $!{c_he} catches up and rests ${c_his} hands on ${c_his} knees, "Captain.... Ice${a_king}......has me.... running laps for [i]causing a disturbance [/i] in the cafeteria." ${e} shakes ${e_his} head, "1st Lt. ${name} Dexer, this is Flying Officer ${c} Miles." Having caught ${c_his} breath, the young aviator grins and gives you a very slow once over. $!{c_he} offers you ${c_his} hand with a charming smile, "A pleasure to meet you, Lt. Dexer....." *choice # You smile warmly and accept ${c_his} hand, "Likewise, Flight Officer Miles." With a brief shake ${c_he} lets go of your hand. With an apologetic smile ${c_he} rubs the back of ${c_his} head. "Sorry...${sir}...I didn't notice the bandages..." You smile reassuringly, "Don't worry about it. They'll heal soon anyway." ${e} cuts in sharply, "${c}, how many times must I lecture you about the same thing. This is the last time I am saving your hide. Next time I will skin you personally. Now follow me." ${c} slumps and grumbles, "It was just one pie....." *set ca %+20 *set cf +1 *set Polite %+15 *set Friendly %+15 *set Genuine %+15 *goto 70 # You blush and accept ${c_his} hand, "Nice to meet you....." Your cheeks go maroon as ${c_his} eyes trail down your body and ${c_he} holds onto your hand longer than necessary. With a cheshire smile ${c_he} lets go of your hand and speaks in a honeyed tone, "You know....Lieutenant if you need a tour....I would be more than happy to show you around." ${e} cuts in sharply, "Let go of ${his} hand ${c}. I just changed the bandages this morning. I don't need you soiling them with your sweaty hands." ${c} rolls ${c_his} eyes playfully and exclaims, "Must you always ruin my moment." "After starting your 12th food fight.....yes. Now you can either spend your day running around the base or follow me." *set ca %+20 *set cr +1 *set Shy %+15 *goto 70 # "The pleasure's all mine Flight Officer...", you say with a raised brow and a slow once over of your own. A cheshire grin spreads over ${c_his} face as ${c_he} holds your hand longer than necessary. $!{c_he} speaks in a smooth honeyed tone, "You have a very impressive [i]grip[/i]...." With a grin that could shame a Cat B you say, "It comes in handy..." "I can think of some pretty good things...we can accomplish with your hands." ${e} cuts in sharply, "Let go of ${his} hand ${c}. I just changed the bandages this morning. I don't need you soiling them with your sweaty hands." ${c} rolls ${c_his} eyes playfully and exclaims, "Must you always ruin my moment." "After starting your 12th food fight.....yes. Now you can either spend your day running around the base or follow me." *set ca %+20 *set cr +1 *set Shy %-15 *goto 70 # You nod and give ${c_his} hand a brief shake. The young aviator winces and smiles apologetically, "Sorry...${sir}...I didn't notice the bandages...." You shrug nonchalantly, "It's alright." ${e} cuts in sharply, "${c}, how many times must I lecture you about the same thing. This is the last time I am saving your hide. Next time I will skin you personally. Now follow me." ${c} slumps and grumbles, "It was just one pie....." *set Polite %+15 *set Friendly %-15 *set ca %+10 *goto 70 # Growling in irritation you snark, "Are you blind or something? Can't you see my hands are bandaged." The young aviator raises ${c_his} hands in a placating gesture and exclaims, "Woah! Sorry ${sir}...My mistake." You scowl and scoff, "Be careful next time." ${e} sighs in frustration, "${c}, how many times must I lecture you about the same thing. This is the last time I am saving your hide. Next time I will skin you personally. Now follow me." ${c} slumps and grumbles, "It was just one pie....." *set Polite %-20 *set Friendly %-20 *set ca %-5 *goto 70 *label 70 You and ${c} trail behind ${e} as ${e_he} leads the way to the Captain's office. Both of them maintain a slow pace for your comfort. As you walk down the maze like corridors of what ${e} calls the Main Office Block, you get a lot of errant stares and can hear the people whispering to one another as you pass by. ${e} senses this as well and speaks gently, "Ignore them. They are simply surprised to see you. Your arrival and hospitalization had everyone worried. That and everyone here has heard about what you did. It was quite impressive...." ${c}'s eyes widen in recognition and ${c_he} exclaims, "Wait....you are the one who was in a comatose....I heard about it too. What you did is beyond amazing!" ${e} hisses, "Shhhh....Miles. Keep it down. We are almost to ${a}'s office." F. Officer Miles chuckles consiprationally, "Personally I like ice${a_king}'s better." After climbing up a staircase and taking three turns down a maze like corridor, you finally reach a wooden door with a silver plate reading [b]Captain ${a} Maneryn[/b]. ${e} knocks thrice and gently turns the knob. *page_break "Come in." ${c} holds the door open as you and ${e} step foot in a dark and neat office. Four metal cabinets and two tall bookshelves arranged in one side of the room. There is a set of four plush chairs and a couch arranged near the fireplace with a small wooden table next to it. On the other side with its back to the window is a big and tidy study table with a sturdy leather chair. Your eyes scan the room and fall on the figure looking out the window with their back facing you. "Sorry I am late Captain" With ${a_his} back still turned, ${a_he} speaks in a frigid tone, "What is Flight Officer Miles doing here?" ${e} doesn't even blink and speaks nonchalantly, "I brought ${c_him} along. $!{a_sir}, I believe Flight Officer Miles has learnt ${c_his} lesson. If ${c_he} repeats it again, I will take care of the disciplinary action myself." "Very well....Miles you are dismissed." ${c} sighs in relief and gives you a parting smile before shuffling out the door. "Thanks for the save....S.G." ${e} rolls ${e_his} eyes at ${c_his} antics, "Don't make me regret it...." Once the door clicks shut the CO of your new team turns around, giving you a good look at ${a_his} ${a_handsome} features. *if (a = "Asher") Ivory skin, silky silver hair in a crew cut and pale blue eyes reminiscent of a frozen lake. He stands at around 6.3 feet with a strong muscular build. Your eyes trail over his sharp yet attractive features. It seems that for once the rumours are true. The Captain is indeed a very handsome man. *if (a = "Ashlyn") Ivory skin, silky silver hair styled in a tight bun and pale blue eyes reminiscent of a frozen lake. She stands at around 5.11 feet with a highly muscular and toned body softened by her lush feminine curves. Your eyes trail over her sharp yet attractive features. It seems that for once the rumours are true. The Captain is indeed a very beautiful woman. $!{a_he} turns to ${e}, "You are required at the Commandant's office." With a subtle nod and a parting smile aimed at you, ${e} walks out the door. Once ${e} is out the door, you turn your gaze to the Captain and see ${a_him} striding towards you. $!{a_he} stops a mere inch away and bores ${a_his} cold and severe eyes into yours in silent inspection. *choice # Without showing any sign of fear or nerves, you boldly hold ${a_his} gaze. $!{a_he} slowly draws back with a glimmer of appreciation shining through ${a_his} pallid gaze before ${a_he} turns ${a_his} back on you. *set Polite %+10 *set Friendly %-15 *set as %+10 *goto 71 # Heat surges through your body as you try your best not to shudder under ${a_his} cutting gaze. With a raised brow, ${a_his} eyes flicker down your body. Your cheeks heat and you try not to melt as ${a_his} cool gaze locks with yours. You spy a slight twitch of ${a_his} lips as ${a_his} eyes focus on your mouth before moving back up again. Amusement and a flicker of something very primal sparks in those pale blue depths before ${a_he} turns away. *set Shy %+15 *set ar +1 *set as %+15 *goto 71 # You bite your bottom lip as you hold ${a_his} cold gaze with your smug one. You do a very slow and thorough once over and bite your lip with a smug little smile. $!{a_his} eyes widen slightly before they blaze along your body and lock onto your lips. A glimmer of appreciation and something very primal sparks in those pale blue depths before ${a_he} turns away. *set Shy %-15 *set ar +1 *set as %+15 *goto 71 # You glare daggers at ${a_him}. With a raised brow and annoyance shining in ${a_his} eyes, ${a_he} turns away. *set Polite %-20 *set as %+5 *goto 71 # You swallow and fidget nervously. $!{a_he} slowly shakes ${a_his} head, annoyance shinning in ${a_his} eyes as ${a_he} turns away. *set Genuine %+10 *set as %+10 *goto 71 *label 71 With ${a_his} back to you the Captain walks to the window. "Let me be very straight with you Lt. Dexer. I do not care how heroic or brave your feat was. You have been granted the position in my team because of orders from the brass. I am unimpressed and frankly don't care about what the top says. Wing Commander Allias Dexer is highly revered by the NH Regiment and the GICs. The respect and appreciation I have for him is the only reason you are here. You are here under probation and I am in charge of your training. If you want to be a Night Hunter, you need to prove yourself to ME." $!{a_he} turns and motions towards ${a_his} table. "There should be a file labelled as [b]BAG-1245[/b]. Its your case file and contains the witness and fact statements about the breach and your role. I suggest you give it a thorough once over to refresh your memory. The Officer in charge of your investigation will be here at 16:00 hours to cross examine and verify your version of the truth. I suggest you report to my office by 16:15 hours. Do not be late. You are dismissed." $!{a_his} tone issues no room for argument and you click your heels with a "Yes, ${a_sir}". Grabbing the file with a last look over your shoulder, you shuffle out the door. *fake_choice # The ${a_man} makes your blood boil with fury. Just who does ${a_he} think ${a_he} is. $!{a_he}'s messing with the wrong person. Nobody talks to you like that. You grit your teeth and ball your hands into tight fists. # Phew! No wonder they call ${a_him} the ice${a_king}. The divryns in your nightmares seem more friendly and approachable than your new CO. $!{a_he} scares you, maybe you have the Manerynphobia now. # Challenge accepted, you gorgeous, arrogant prick. If ${a_he} thinks that ${a_he} can scare you, ${a_he} has a whole new world of trouble coming at ${a_him}. $!{a_he} has no idea whom ${a_he} just challenged. An evil smile adorns your face. You are going to make ${a_him} eat ${a_his} words.......along with a few other [i]things[/i]. # After dealing with the horrors in and out of your nightmares, tackling your new CO feels like a cakewalk. The ${a_man} is simply an overrated push over. Nothing scares you any more. Its almost sad. You roll your eyes and heave a weary sigh. "Don't mind ${a}. $!{a_he} tends to be more tough than love. Personally, I think what you did is very commendable.", speaks ${e} leaning against the wall. "Were you here the entire time?", you ask with a hint of suspicion. ${e} shrugs with a conspirational smile, "$!{a_he} wanted me out of the room so that ${a_he} could assess you. Don't ask me what that means. I don't have a clue as to the inner workings of ${a_his} diabolical mind." You hold up the files, "What's with the investigation?" ${e} smiles apologetically, "I should have warned you. The investigation has been ordered by the GIC Dorian Sterys. If you are worried about being in trouble, then don't be. They need your witness statement to check if the pieces of the puzzle fit. Forget about it for now. Your interrogation is hours away. The rest of the team is waiting to meet you. Come along." This time around you try to keep sense of your surroundings as ${e} leads you out the Main Office Block towards a smaller stadium. As you pass through the doors, you are met by various soldiers attired in PT gear. Seems like the team recuperation and MV rooms are hosted in this building. You pass a myriad of doors assigned to the different teams till you reach one labelled [b]1. ELITES[/b]. ${e} knocks twice before opening the door for you. "Everyone meet the latest addition to our team. 1st Lt. ${name} Dexer." You walk in and are immediately tackled by a golden blur. "${name}!" Your ribs wheeze and your stitches smart under ${alistair}'s tight embrace. Fortunately ${e} comes to your rescue, "[b]Let ${him} go ${alistair}![/b] At this rate you are going to crush ${him} to death." Smiling sheepishly ${alistair} backs up, "I am so sorry, ${name}. You have no idea how worried I was when you didn't wake up. I am really glad that you are okay." *page_break (cough)..... "As cute as that little reunion is, some of us have a schedule to keep. The sooner we can get this over with, the sooner I can get back to my work.", speaks a ${i_man} lying across the couch placed against a wall. On either side of the couch is a set of identical sofa chairs, one is occupied by a scowling red head and the other is creased. That's probably where ${alistair} was seated before you came in. *if (i = "Iryn") The man stretched along the couch has stark grey eyes, beige skin and straight dark ash hair styled in a crew cut. You estimate his height at about 5.11 feet and notice that he has a lean build with slender ropy muscles. His uniform has an [b]M.E[/b] armband designating him as an engineer. *if (i = "Iris") The woman stretched along the couch has stark grey eyes, beige skin and straight dark ash hair styled in a ponytail. You estimate her height at about 5.4 feet and notice that she has a slender build with delicate curves. Her uniform has an [b]M.E[/b] armband designating her as an engineer. "Mechanical Captain ${i} Hasher. I would say its nice meeting you but it isn't cause wow...they told me that you were in a drastic condition....but you look like you just came back from the afterlife." ${e} speaks with a threatening undertone, "Hash....What had we discussed...." The Mechanical Captain rolls ${i_his} eyes and drawls, "Yes...S.G...Sorry about that Dexer. I just have my bitch mode on during the mornings. But all said and done, you were pretty brave." *if (v = "Vern") The Man currently busy glaring at the walls has fiery red curls that fall to his shoulders and are styled back in a loose ponytail. His peach skin has a smattering of endearing freckles along his face and neck. Bright emerald eyes shine with annoyance as they study you. He stands and you can't help but admire his toned and muscular build, estimating his height at about 6 feet. *if (v = "Vera") The Woman currently busy glaring at the walls has fiery red curls that fall to her chest and are styled back in a loose ponytail. Her peach skin has a smattering of endearing freckles along her face and neck. Bright emerald eyes shine with annoyance as they study you. She stands and you can't help but admire her toned yet curvy build, estimating her height at about 5 feet 8 inches. "1st Commander ${v} Archer. Stay out of my way and don't come to me with any stupid doubts." ${alistair} snarks, "That's rich....coming from the stupidest one among us." The Volley Commander rises to the bait and stomps towards ${alistair} with murderous intent in ${v_his} eyes. [i]"Say that one more time Basri.....I dare you...."[/i] ${alistair} rolls ${al_his} eyes and opens ${al_his} mouth to retort, when ${e} sweeps in. "Whoever hits first will be washing the cloth nappies in the hospital maternity wing for a week." Scoffing both parties back off and ${v} leans against the wall, while ${alistair} plops down on one of the sofa chairs. "Now.....${name} has a few hours to burn and requires a volunteer to show ${him} around the base. I have to hurry back to the hospital with ${his} discharge papers, so I won't be available. Go on and pick your guide, ${name}. *label 72 *fake_choice *disable_reuse #${alistair} sounded pretty distressed earlier and you would like to catch up with ${al_him}. *goto 73 *disable_reuse #${v} mentioned about visiting the training grounds. Bright sunshine and clean air is just what the doctor ordered. *goto 74 *disable_reuse #${i} mentioned a tinkering lab. You might as check it out. *goto 75 #Time for Lunch.... *goto 77 *label 73 You smile at ${alistair}, "What's your plan for the day?" $!{al_he} visibly brightens and exclaims, "To show you around my favourite spot. Come on." With that ${al_he} grabs your arm, albeit gently and whisks you out the door before you can protest. $!{al_he} practically drags you behind ${al_him} as you try to keep stride without tripping. "Where are we going?" "To my favourite spot on this base." "Ooookkkaaayyy....Now would you mind slowing down a bit. My thighs are killing me." ${alistair} flinches and groans, "I am such an idiot....Sorry about that. I am just so happy to see you up and about......Anyhow enough with this melancholy. You are alright and that's all that matters to me." Without giving you a chance to retort ${alistair} chatters on about the new base as ${al_he} guides you out the back door. $!{al_he} drags you along a fine riders trail towards the unit stables. As you get closer, you see a large black stallion rushing towards you. It takes you only a second to recognize your beloved ${horse} as he slows down and nuzzles his face into your chest. The soldier in charge of the stables follows panting and huffing. "Sorry ${sir}.....he is....really....fast.", wheezes the man. You kiss ${horse}'s forehead and wrap your arms around his neck. He rubs and sniffs your head and neck before nuzzling his face in your hands. "Why....he's..your...horse....no...wonder...he..ran....like..the wind. He must love....you a lot..${sir}." You chuckle, "That he does. Don't you, ${horse}...." As if to answer your question ${horse} snorts and bumps his nose against your forehead. *page_break "I'll take that as a yes...." Using ${horse} for support you walk on the uneven ground towards the stables with the stable in charge walking a safe distance behind you. It seems like ${horse} has a personal grudge against the soldier for keeping him away from you. You pat his back and lead him towards his keep, sitting down on a bale of soft hay. ${horse} stamps his foot and kneels down beside you, resting his head in your lap. You lovingly stroke his ears as ${alistair} joins you. "He used to wait for you.....", says ${alistair} with a sad smile. "Who?" "${horse}.....he wouldn't eat anything. Its almost like he knew something bad had happened to you. Once we got here....he refused to eat anything and was aggressive towards the keepers. He would only eat when I used to come and stand beside him...." ${alistair} reaches out and gently places ${al_his} hand over yours. "I hated seeing you like that. I was so scared. Now I know what your nightmares feel like....cause losing you is like a nightmare come to life...." *fake_choice # You smile reassuringly,"Hey.....look at me." ${alistair} looks at you with moisture laden eyes. You reach out and wrap your arms around ${al_him} in warm embrace. "As long as I have you around......nothing could ever happen to me. I know that you have my back....always...and I will guard yours always....because you are my best friend." ${alistair} tightens ${al_his} hold around you and buries ${al_his} face in your shoulder. "I love you....${name}....you are the ${brother}...I always wished for...." You gently pat ${al_his} back, "I love you too, ${alistair}." *set Friend +2 *set Relationship %+10 *set Friendly %+10 *set Genuine %+10 *set Polite %+15 # You smile shyly and lock your fingers with ${al_his}. ${alistair} gazes at your lips and wraps ${al_his} hand around your neck pulling you closer. $!{al_his} other hand cradles your jaw, ${al_his} thumb gently massaging your lips. "I chickened out.....that day....I turned tail and ran. When you didn't wake up....I cursed myself for not telling you....But...I am scared....of losing you....." You slowly kiss ${al_his} thumb, "Hey.....no matter what....you will never lose me....." ${alistair} pulls back ${al_his} hands with a grim smile, "Trust me.....everything will change....if I tell you my secret....." Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, ${al_he} stands up and chuckles mirthlessly. "Tell you what....the day ${e} calls off your diet....We could go out for dinner...get you your favourite food. It will be my treat....just like old times. You don't have to answer now...you can just tell me about it later." With a smile you say, "I'll see...." *set Shy %+15 *set Flirt +2 *set Relationship %+5 # With a small smile, you cradle ${al_his} face in your hands. "Hey....I am fine...nothing will happen to me as long as you are by my side." ${alistair}'s gaze locks onto your lips before ${al_he} buries ${al_his} face in your neck. "I am...such a..coward. You will hate me once I tell you...." You kiss the top of ${al_his} and mutter, "I could never hate you....." ${alistair} pulls back with a grim smile, "Trust me.....everything will change....if I tell you my secret....." Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly, ${al_he} stands up and chuckles mirthlessly. "Tell you what....the day ${e} calls off your diet....We could go out for dinner...get you your favourite food. It will be my treat....just like old times. You don't have to answer now...you can just tell me about it later." With a smile you say, "I'll see...." *set Shy %-15 *set Flirt +2 *set Relationship %+5 # You gently pat ${al_his} shoulder. "I can't die as long as you are there...." ${alistair} rubs ${al_his} eyes with ${al_his} sleeve. $!{al_he} sniffs and buries ${al_his} face in your shoulder. "I love you, ${name}." A heavy lump settles at the back of your throat and you cough, "I..(cough)...love.(cough)..you too." Pulling away, ${alistair} grins at you mischievously, ''Wait....did you actually admit weakness...." You raise a brow and frown, "You will never hear that from me ever again." "Thank goodness. Another admission like that might just kill me of a heart attack." You scoff but fail to hide the grin that crawls onto your face. *set Friendly %-15 *set Genuine %-15 *set Compassion %+10 *set Friend +1 # You snarl, "Hey...you'd better not get snot on my bandages! ${e} will throttle me!" ${alistair} giggles as tears flow down ${al_his} cheeks. "Yeah.....${e_he} can be pretty scary...." Moved by ${al_his} concern for you, you wipe ${al_his} tears with your sleeve. "You'd better not tell ${e_him} that I wiped your tears. Lets' blame it on ${horse}." $!{al_he} sniffs and buries ${al_his} face in your shoulder. "I love you, ${name}." A heavy lump settles at the back of your throat and you cough, "I..(cough)...love.(cough)..you too." Pulling away, ${alistair} grins at you mischievously, ''Wait....did you actually admit weakness...." You growl and punch ${al_him} in the shoulder. *set Polite %-20 *set Compassion %-15 *set Friendly %-15 *set Genuine %-10 *set Friend +1 Dusting off ${al_his} pants, ${alistair} motions for you to stand up. "We better get back in. I just wanted you to meet ${horse} and bawl my eyes out." Leaning on ${alistair}'s shoulder for support, you both make your way back. *goto 72 *label 74 "Fine....but I am not going to slow down for you....", ${v_he} grumbles. Despite ${v_his} statement, ${v} adopts a slow pace for your comfort. $!{v_he} leads you out the building to the open training grounds. You see soldiers jogging, using the outdoor weights and brushing up on their physical fitness. ${v} guides you to the Archery range. Warm sunshine and the fresh aroma of vessil stalks feels pleasant on your sallow and pale skin. The targets have been placed at various distances and there is a white line drawn across the ground. You follow the Volley Commander as ${v_he} marches through the door of the weapons warehouse on ground. "Jupiter....where the fu...There you are....where the hell is my bow and quiver set?" A short pudgy man stumbles from behind the counter and pleads, "So sorry..V.C Archer....I was a bit busy cataloguing....." ${v} rolls ${v_his} eyes and snarls, "I don't give a shit! Now get me my set and it had better not have any scratches...." "Yes...${v_sir}", he stutters and waddles off. Leaning on the counter ${v} stares at you. "So....I heard about what you did....gotta admit...you've got spunk." As you process ${v_his} compliment, L.C Jupiter hurries with a bundle of what you are guessing is a bow and quiver wrapped in white cotton cloth. He gently places it on the counter. ${v} scoops it up like a baby and calls out, "Have a great day..Moron." You fasten your pace and trail behind ${v_him} as ${v_he} stomps out. Walking towards a stand point with a wooden table, ${v} gently pulls away the cloth to reveal a magnificent black steel bow and quiver set. The bow has ornate detailing that matches with the quiver and even the arrows. As if reading your mind, ${v} grins proudly. "The GIC Alix Steyrs gifted it to me. Its custom made by the Serifian Blacksmiths. Sleek, light black steel sculpted with sharp iron wood arrow heads. This is my just my practice set, the one I use on field is also custom made. I only bring it out for the excursions." $!{v_he} spreads the cloth on the table and motions for you to take a seat. Your eyes widen in surprise as you stare at the makeshift seat and then at ${v}'s scowling face. "What? You look like a walking corpse. I don't want you fainting or shit....${e} would never shut up about it. So sit your butt down!" *fake_choice # "Awwww....you are such a softy....", you drawl with a grateful smile. "Don't push it...Dexer", ${v_he} growls. "Why...I would never..", you exclaim in mock indignation. ${v} snorts, "Smart ${man}." *set vf +1 *set ve %+10 *set Friendly %+10 *set Polite %+10 *set Genuine %+10 # You blush at ${v_his} sweet gesture and smile. With a bright smile you take a seat, "Thank you." ${v} looks genuinely taken aback and shrugs it off before muttering, '' Whatever." Despite ${v_his} sharp words, you can see a rosy blush on ${v_his} cheeks and a small smile tug at the corner of ${v_his} mouth. *set vr +1 *set Shy %+10 *set ve %+15 # "I see how it is.....", you drawl with a sultry smile. $!{v_he} scoffs, "What do you see? Oh wise one...." Your grin just widens as you take a seat and coo, "[i]You like me[/i]" Instantly ${v_his} face goes red rivalling ${v_his} fiery curls. $!{v_his} eyes go wide as ${v_he} sputters indignantly, [b]"What!..pffff...please...Why...No...No! I don't you twit!"[/b] You drag your teeth along your lower lip and ${v}'s eyes follow the motion. Grinning smugly you drawl, "Oh....don't worry. It can be our little secret..." Scowling ${v_he} snarls, "Whatever....crazy....stupid....imbecile..." You scoff, "You do realize that all those words mean the same thing right...." ${v} narrows ${v_his} eyes at you, "Don't push your luck...." Waggling your brows, you shrug and pipe down. You know that you have won this round. ${v} clears ${v_his} throat and tries ${v_his} best to keep a straight face but fails miserably as a small smile breaks through. *set vr +1 *set ve %+15 *set Shy %-15 # You nod and take the seat with a polite, "Thank you." ${v} looks genuinely taken aback by your polite answer and mutters, "Yeah....sure...whatever.." *set ve %+5 *set Polite %+15 *set Friendly %-10 # "Wow....is your aim as weak as your snark?", you ask with mock curiosity. "Say that one more time and you will have an entire new set of injuries to take home with you....", ${v_he} snarls threateningly. "That's all you've got? I've seen 3 year old kids come up with better threats.", you snort. ${v} glares murder, "Keep pushing it Dexer....and even ${e} won't be able to put you back together once I'm through with you." "See...now that's better. I can see that you have talent but we shall need to work on it....", you sneer. With a roll of ${v_his} eyes, ${v} turns ${v_his} back to you. But not before you spy a glimmer of respect in the grassy depths of ${v_his} eyes. *set ve %+5 *set Polite %-15 *set Friendly %-15 *set Genuine %-15 For the next hour or so you watch ${v} hit bullseye on bullseye. Attitude aside, ${v_his} aim is truly commendable. Satisfied with ${v_his} training for the day ${v} helps you up and leads you back indoors. *goto 72 *label 75 "Sure.....follow me", drawls ${i} with a shrug. Following closely you listen attentively as the young engineering officer reviews the different locations and aspects of field missions to you. ${i} guides you out the main building and into the adjacent red brick building with a large sign reading, [b]Research & Engineering Block[/b]. As soon as you walk in you feel the temperature drop and hear a cacophony of hammers and razor cutters echo in the corridors. "Sorry about the noise. You came in on a busy day. Let's go to my office first so that I can grab a few blueprints, I've been working on." Wincing you simply nod your head as ${i} wraps a hand around your wrist and leads you to ${i_his} office. Opening the door ${i_he} ushers you in before bolting it. Taking a deep breath you look around ${i_his} office. It's messy with papers and diagrams strewn all over the place , along with wooden models of different weapons and contraptions hanging down the ceiling. There are calculations and graphs drawn in chalk on a large blackboard nailed to a wall in one corner of the room and calculations in black chalk all over the free space. The roof and ceiling has a myriad of calculations and formulas painted in red paint. ${i} bites ${i_his} lip in annoyance and mutters, "Oh...for goodness sake...where on earth..did I put it." You manage to clear a sofa chair of the pile of papers topped on it and plop down. Taking a deep breath you let it out slowly and your eyes fall on a leather bound book lying in one corner of the room. Standing up, you gingerly navigate the room and try not to trample on any of the wooden models littering the floor. Picking it up and dusting the embossed cover, you open it and come across one of the most beautiful charcoal drawings you have ever laid eyes on. The first one depicts a wolf on a cliff howling at the moon. You turn the page and are greeted by a life like portrait of a beautiful woman. Her features match closely with ${i}'s and you assume that this must be ${i_his} mother or sister at best. On the other page is a little girl in pigtails sitting under the stars. "Remember to put it back where you found it. I won't be able to find it otherwise." You turn slightly to see ${i} peering at ${i_his} sketches over your shoulder. "You aren't upset about me opening this without your permission...." $!{i_he} shrugs casually, "No. You are the only person who has ever seen it. I usually keep it hidden away. But if I had to show it to anyone....it might as well be you...since you are new and won't judge me and all..." *fake_choice # "You could sell these for a living", you exclaim with a genuine smile. "Sure why not? I could grow out a beard, braid flowers into my hair, get tattoos and piercings......", snorts ${i} "Alright...alright...Look. All I am saying is that you have a great talent and these are amazing." "Thanks, Dexer." *set irrl %+15 *set if +1 *set Polite %+15 *set Friendly %+15 *set Genuine %+15 # You trace the dark lines with your fingers and mumble, "These are beautiful..." ${i} leans in close and gently wraps ${i_his} fingers around your palm. Guiding and moulding your fingers, ${i_he} presses it over the charcoal lines and trails it along. "This is the way to do it. Move your thumb and index finger like a brush....like this....see the difference....", ${v_he} mutters. The close proximity has you blushing as a shy smile blossoms on your face. ${i} smiles back at you and with a gentle squeeze lets go of your hand. *set irrl %+15 *set ir +1 *set Shy %+10 # "I wonder what other art you can make with your hands....", you drawl with a wink. "Hmmmm....maybe we can test out the possibilities together. I know! You could be my critic and tell me exactly how you [i]want[/i] it....", ${i_he} muses with a waggle of ${i_his} brows. "I don't think you could fulfil my [i]fantasies[/i]....", you coo. "Trust me....I never disappoint.." Then ${i_he} closes the distance between you and plucks the sketch book out of your hands with an evil little grin. "Hey....", you pout. "We still have to see the lab...." *set irrl %+15 *set ir +1 *set Shy %-10 # You silently continue your inspection of the various sketches. Satisfied, you hand it over to ${i} who chuckles, "Wow...you are almost as bad as the Captain..." *set Polite %+15 *set Friendly %-15 *set Genuine %+10 # "You could clean up instead of wasting your time on these useless things", you sneer. "Everyone's a critic", says ${i} dryly and plucks the book out of your hands. "Come on, we still need to see the lab" *set Polite %-15 *set Friendly %-15 Putting the sketchbook back in its assigned corner, ${i} grabs the roll of blueprints and ushers you out so that ${i_he} can lock the door. You both then head towards the labs, but halfway there the loud sounds begin to give you a headache. Sensing your discomfort, ${i} suggests that the both of you head back to the Main Block. *goto 72 *label 77 The Lunch hour approaches and you head to the Food court. As soon as you walk in, the entire food court goes silent and all eyes are on you. An awkward silence ensues as the soldiers stare at you and you stare at them. A few minutes of this awkward tension pass before a tall bald man stands up and shouts, "Whatcha dolts starin at! Didn'tcha Momma teach you not to let your food get cold! Get back to your business before I stuff it up your arse!" A small smile breaks across your features as you recognize that rough masculine voice. Sergeant Major Felix Treelawney folds his arms across his chest as you approach him. He smiles at you with genuine relief shining in his dark eyes. "Damn...you look like shit Lieutenant. Gave this old man quite a scare....passing out like that." "Yeah...seems like I've been scaring a lot of people these past few days", you mutter. He pats you on the back gently, "You know...you are a lot heavier than you look...." Your eyes widen in realization, "You were the one....." With a bitter smile he stares at the floor, "Caught you as you dropped and ye fainted in me arms. I had to carry you all the way to the MO's tent. Not gonna lie......I was worried about you." His honest admission shocks you to the core and you stare at him, your eyes big as saucers. He rolls his eyes and snarls, "Don't look so shocked! I have a heart too you know! Now buzz off before I slap you silly!" With a fond smile twitching your lips you mumble, "See you later....Sarge." *page_break "${name}!" You turn towards the voice calling your name. ${e} stands at a table with all your team members including ${c}, already seated and waiting for you. You walk towards them and take the only vacant seat next to; *fake_choice # ${alistair} $!{al_he} grins playfully, "This reminds me of our academy days. You used to always sit to my right even then." *set Relationship %+10 # ${v} $!{v_he} raises a brow at your seating choice but doesn't snap at you. Though you spy a small smile on ${v_his} face from the corner of your eye. *set ve %+10 # ${i} $!{i_he} gasps dramatically, "Of all the places to sit....you sat next to me! I feel so...special and honoured...." You roll your eyes playfully and punch ${i_him} in the shoulder. "Very cute....." "Pffff...tell me something I don't know." *set irrl %+10 # ${e} $!{e_he} smiles, "So....did the exercise and fresh air help?" You smile and shrug casually, "It did." *set es %+10 # ${c} $!{c_he} winks at you and drawls, "Why...hello.....${handsome}." You smile, "We just met....." "That's what ${he} said...." *set ca %+10 A soldier attired in a white apron holding a tray of steaming entreats interrupts your group, "S.G Nehsar, here is your order." "Thank you, Baldric. Did you follow my instructions?" "Yes ${e_sir}. Soft oatmeal with cut fruit and sugarless muffins, with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. Did I miss anything, ${e_sir}?" ${e} beams, "No, its perfect. Thank you Baldric." The soldier nods solemnly before striding off, leaving the tray of soft food behind. ${e} pushes the tray in front of you and speaks sternly, "Remember what I said. It's all just for a week. If you don't follow through....I will be putting you in quarantine." Too tired to argue, you pull off the foil and dig into the bland oatmeal with a grouchy expression. The others quickly wrap up their lunch, which includes gooseberry pie along with staple chicken and vegetable sandwiches. As you take slow sips of the juice, ${c} speaks up; "So....how long before your interrogation?" You look to ${e} who answers for you with a glance at the giant clock mounted above the door. "About half an hour left.....best if you wrap up fast. ${a} hates it when people are late." You nod and finish off the last of your meal before closing your plate. "Lets go." For the second time in one day, ${e} leads you to the Captain's office. This time around the route seems a lot easier to navigate and you try to imprint it into your memory. As you approach the Captain's door, it opens and a tall man strides out and collides into you. He grabs your shoulder to steady you and stares in surprise as his eyes fall on your face. You stare back in surprise as well, as you recognize him. "Air Marshal Kasri.....", exclaims ${e} with a perplexed expression. "I wasn't informed about your arrival." The Air Marshal smiles his bright hazel eyes never leaving your face. *page_break "I have a letter for you from the Field Marshal." *goto_scene chapter7