[b]CHAPTER 3[/b] Today is the day you leave for the Officers Training Academy at Aiander Cantonment. It is going to be a long trip and you are going on horseback, so that makes it a 4 day journey if all goes well. You are in your room, making sure nothing gets left behind when you feel the door opening behind you. Aiden walks into your bedroom, "It's going to be strange without you in here. I don't like it." You smile, "Don't worry, I'll visit during the festivals and holidays. I promise to write whenever I have the chance." Aiden makes his way towards your bed and pulls himself up, "It's not fair! Why do you have to go?" You look at him with a shrug, "Come now Aiden....you know why... If I don't go then I will be marked as a deserter." Aiden looks up at you, "Do you even want to go?" *fake_choice # Hell Yes! You can't wait to get out of this town. "Yes, I want to go. I don't want to be stuck here forever Aiden. I mean don't get me wrong but..." Aiden interrupts you, "I know. I get it." # Yes, you want to go. You always wanted to join the military and here's your chance. "I want to go Aiden. You know how I always wanted to join the military right." Aiden nods, "I know....but doesn't mean I have to like it." # You aren't sure. You feel exited at the idea of leaving the town but also terrified. "I am not exactly sure." Aiden nods his head, "It's okay. I am sure you will do a lot of great stuff, I can feel it in my bones." # You don't want to leave everything behind and just leave. You sigh, "I don't want to leave either. But what choice do I have?" Aiden looks at you and says "Maybe, you were always meant to go. You just don't know it yet." # You don't want to go! You love this place. Your life was perfect before Cruger died and ruined it. "I hate this! My life was perfect, before that moron died." "Maybe.......you are supposed to go. Don't tell me you planned to live the rest of your life in this provincial town". says Aiden with a frown. # You don't want to go, but you don't tell Aiden that. "Well..I don't mind champ." "Are you sure? Your ears are pink. That usually happens when you try to lie to me." says Aiden with a glare. Your conversation is interrupted by Caden, who comes running up the stairs, [b]"The Horses and ${alistair} are here! Dad is calling you downstairs!"[/b] "Alright! You twit! No need to blast our eardrums", snarks Aiden. "Come on, boys" you say, holding the bedroom door open for them. They trail out arguing about eardrums or is it earwigs? You look at your bedroom one last time and with a sigh, close the door and walk down the stairs to see your mother and ${alistair} sitting at the table. Your mother looks up, "Oh there you are! The horses have arrived and your father is with them. Have you packed everything?" "I have, also did a double check just to make sure." ${alistair} nods, "Come on, then its time for us to leave. The Commander and the twins have already set the satchels. Our trunks will come by air and will be at the academy by the time we reach." You walk out into the bright warm sunlight and the blue sky. It's a beautiful day to be travelling on horseback. Your father is standing next to two strong and healthy serifian stallions. One is a gorgeous cream colour with the name tag Dasher and has ${alistair}'s name carved into the saddle. You turn to see the other stallion, a beautiful charcoal coloured horse with your name carved on its saddle. Your father pats your horse, "These mounts are yours forever now. So take good care of them. Since this one is yours ${name}, you can name it. ${alistair} already named ${al_his}." You decide to name your steed... *choice # Coal *set horse "Coal" *goto 15 # Black Beauty *set horse "Black Beauty" *goto 15 # Nautilus *set horse "Nautilus" *goto 15 # Sahara *set horse "Sahara" *goto 15 # Something unique... *label 16 *input_text horse *goto y5n *goto 15 *label y5n Are you sure? *choice # Yes. *goto 15 # No *goto 16 *label 15 "I think I'll call you ${horse}." ${horse} snorts in response and nuzzles his head on your chest. Your father smiles, "I think he likes you." With that he helps you mount on the rest of your carry on belongings and helps pin your riding cloak. Patting you on the back he says, "Have a safe trip, and write to me the day you reach. Don't hesitate to ask for money or anything else that you need. I love you ${boy} and I want you to know that I am very proud of you." You smile and throw your arms around your father. He holds you for a while and kisses the top of your head before letting go. You move towards your mother for a hug. As she wraps her arms around you, you take a deep breath to commit her smell to memory. You then move to say goodbye to Lisa, who hands you a pouch of her baked muffins. Winking conspirational she whispers, "I have sneaked about 3 packets of chocolate cookies and 4 cartons of cupcakes with mango icing. Allias told me not to, but it will be our little secret. A little something for the both of you, when you miss me and home." Chuckling you hug Lisa, who kisses your forehead before letting go. You then move to hug the twins. They nuzzle their face in your stomach and you hold them for a while before letting them go and give them each a kiss on their little heads. "We will miss you," You smile, "I'll miss you boys too." ${horse} waits patiently while you climb on. ${alistair} is already mounted and is waiting for you. You look back at your family one last time and with the click of your heels ride away into the horizon. *page_break 4 days and 3 nights later... You dismount from ${horse} in front of an enormous gate with the metal letters spelling [b] "Officers Training Academy"[/b]. Grabbing ${horse}'s reins in your right hand, you walk through the gates with ${alistair} and Dasher at your side. As you walk through the gates, you see a lot of young people who seem to be around your age going through the attendance and allotment. You don't know what to look at first. There is an enormous Palace like building in front of you and a large open training ground as well. You see a signboard pointing you in the direction of the registration desk and head towards the white tent that has been set up in the middle of the open ground. A young woman with a clipboard sits behind the table and her name plate reads Josh while the rank patches read Cadet Captain, meaning that she is a student like you. Probably a batch or two ahead of you though. You walk up to her, "${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri reporting for registration." She looks you and ${alistair}, up and down before looking down at her clipboard looking for your names. Once she finds it, she cuts them out and hands you two forms, "I need you both to sign these and wait for a few minutes as a student guide will be assigned to you." She then stands and whistles sharply, "Danny!" You look up after signing the form and see a boy who looks like he might be a year or two older than you, running towards you. Coming to a stop in front of you he snarks, "Oh nice! New meat." Josh rolls her eyes, "This is Cadet Captain Danny Stanton, he will be your student guide for the day. He will show you to your dorm rooms and give you a tour of the academy. Do not worry about your trunks as they have already been placed in your dorms along with your other belongings. Leave your horses here, the cadets on stable duty will be here for them shortly. I hope you have carved your name on the saddles though, as is regulation." She pauses for breath, "One last thing, there will be an assembly at 16:00 hours for new admissions in the auditorium. It is mandatory and trust me...you do not want to miss it." You and ${alistair} do as you are told and grab your satchels before leaving the reins of your mounts with Josh and Danny leads you towards the dorms. As you walk to the dorms, Danny tells you all about the history of the academy and gives you important pointers about being a first year. The academy looks huge from the outside and does no justice to how big it really is. There seem to be 6 wings here, the 1st and 2nd wing comprise the dorm rooms for the cadets and training instructors. 3rd wing comprises the gym, indoor swimming pool and the library. 4th wing has the auditorium. 5th wing has the administrative offices and the instructor's offices. The 6th wing has the dining hall. The training grounds consist of Archery ground, Obstacle course, Divryn simulating devices course, PT ground and an Equestrian sector where the stables and riding grounds are located. *fake_choice # You are practically bursting with excitement. Soon you will have this entire place memorised like the back of your hand. # This place is a lot bigger than you thought it would be. You feel a strange mix of nerves and excitement at the thought of staying here for the next 3 years. # You don't really care as long as there is a warm bed and a hot shower around. # All of a sudden you feel terrified. How the hell are you going to navigate around this place. You don't want to be late for any of your classes. # You left home for this. Nothing beats the passion with which you hate this place. "Wow, it's going to take us a long time to find our way here", mutters ${alistair}. Danny shrugs, "Don't worry, give it two weeks and everything will fall into place." Finally you reach your dorm rooms and Danny clasps your hand, "Okay, here we are. Remember that you will be assigned a buddy for the rest of your stay here at the academy. Chances are you both will be assigned together since you came in together and share the same room. There will be an instruction manual placed on your beds, read it thoroughly and I mean thoroughly." He continues after pausing for breath, "Open the cupboards assigned to you and you will see three pairs of official uniform. There will be the one's like the one I am wearing, dress up in that for the assembly at 16:00 hours and there will also be a pair of PT and other Training uniforms. Trust me and keep your civilian clothes tucked away. The manual will tell you the rest and remember to address your seniors with their rank and not their names". Danny grins and exclaims, [b][i]"Whelp! Congratulations new meat! You are in the army now!"[/b][/i] and walks away. You look at ${alistair}, "Why does everyone keep telling me that?" ${alistair} gives you a cheeky grin, [b]"That's because you are in the army now!"[/b] You roll your eyes and throw your satchel on ${alistair}'s face, before opening the door and walking into your room. The first thing you notice is that the door has two slits in it, probably meant for the nameplates. You walk in and see two identical beds facing each other on two sides of the room. There are two dressing tables with a floor-length mirror beside them, 2 identical cupboards and 2 identical study tables. The furniture is arranged symmetrically, making it look like a mirror image of one room. Your trunks have been placed at the foot of your bed and like Danny said there is a manual along with your other books and stationary placed on your bed. You and ${alistair} spend the next 2 hours going through the manual, which if you are being honest is quite helpful and then get dressed in the uniform that was placed in your cupboard. Your uniform consists of a white shirt, Dark green blazer and trousers with gold detailing and rank embellishments. You also see a pair of dark brown calf-length boots and have to wear dark green berets with the official emblem of the Academy. *if (hair = "long") You tie back your long hair in a French braid. It is the regulation hairstyle for cadets sporting long hair. *if ((hair = "medium length") and (hair = "shoulder length")) You tie your hair into a neat and tight bun at the nape of your neck. It is the regulation hairstyle for cadets, sporting medium length hair. Putting on the beret, you examine yourself in the floor-length mirror. You can't help but feel a tinge of excitement and pride before you head downstairs to wing 4, where the auditorium is. Worrying about getting lost is futile as there is an entire sea of cadets heading in the same direction. So you follow them to the auditorium. *page_break Once you walk through the large, oak wood double doors, you and ${alistair} find a seat on the wooden bleachers placed at the back. You both sit there for some time interacting with the other first years like you as a tall and distinguished looking person in a Vanguard uniform walks onto the stage. [b]"May I have your attention please."[/b] And just like that, the entire auditorium falls silent. They continue, [b]"Good, My name is Colonel Vasquez. I am your Commanding Officer and your new god. You answer to me and only me. After me, the only ones to command you are your instructors and your seniors. Learn to obey them and respect them."[/b] [b]"The military is not a democracy and you are not equals. Learn to obey the words of your seniors like the holy writ. At the end of the day, if you fuck up it is their heads on the chopping board and not yours. Your training as future officers in the Empress's Vanguard began the minute you set foot through those gates. Your life is no longer yours and now it belongs to the Empress and the people of Sienna."[/b] The entire auditorium cheers and The Colonel waits for the cheering to die down before continuing, [b]"Over here, you will learn how to be an officer of the Vanguard and all that it entails. The lessons you will learn here, will remain with you till the day you leave this world. Remember to pay attention like your life depends on it because someday in battle, it will keep you alive."[/b] [b]"There are four divisions of the Vanguard and at the end of your course, you get to choose which one you will serve in. Our academy motto is DUTY BEFORE ALL. It means that your duty to the troops under your command comes first. Second comes your country and third is your Empress. And if there is anything left, then it is your family and loved ones."[/b] They pause for breath before adding, [b]"In the military of Sienna; we do not tolerate discrimination based on sex, race, cast, colour or creed. If are judged or judge, then it must and should always be based on your merit, skills and your ability to inspire your troops. I will leave you with this last piece of advice....[/b] *page_break [b]"Muscle up buttercups, You are in the army now!"[/b] If you had any doubts about what all the people meant when they said you are in the army now, they have all vanished in a cloud of steam along with your self-esteem. The drill sergeants are ruthless and strain the very last threads of your sanity. It seems to affect ${alistair} as well, who has started mumbling all the rules and lessons in ${al_his} sleep. But what Danny told you held true. After about two weeks, you got used to the new routine, and the bugle calls no longer bothered you. The drill instructors became more tolerable and 7 hells, you even began to like and admire them as time went by. In the academy there are 4 weapons courses; [b]Marksmanship[/b] which consisted of Archery and knife throwing, [b]Melee Combat or hand to hand combat[/b], [b]Swordsmanship[/b] which determined your skill with a blade and [b]Assorted weapons[/b] during which you learned to use different prototypes and blades. You are the best in; *choice #Marksmanship. *set Marksmanship %+45 *goto aa #Melee combat. *set Melee %+45 *goto bb #Swordsmanship *set Swordsmanship %+45 *goto cc #Assorted weapons *set Weapons %+45 *goto dd *label aa You also excel in; *choice # Melee Combat. *set Melee %+30 *goto q # Swordsmanship. *set Swordsmanship %+30 *goto r # Assorted Weapons. *set Weapons %+30 *goto s *label bb You also excel in; *choice # Marksmanship. *set Marksmanship %+30 *goto q # Swordsmanship. *set Swordsmanship %+30 *goto p # Assorted Weapons. *set Weapons %+30 *goto t *label cc You also excel in; *choice # Marksmanship. *set Marksmanship %+30 *goto r # Melee Combat. *set Melee %+30 *goto p # Assorted Weapons. *set Weapons %+30 *goto u *label dd You also excel in; *choice # Marksmanship. *set Marksmanship %+30 *goto s # Melee Combat. *set Melee %+30 *goto t # Swordsmanship. *set Swordsmanship %+30 *goto u *label p You are average at; *choice # Marksmanship *set Marksmanship %+20 *goto 17 # Assorted weapons *set Weapons %+20 *goto 17 *label q You are average at; *choice # Swordsmanship. *set Swordsmanship %+20 *goto 17 # Assorted weapons *set Weapons %+20 *goto 17 *label r You are average at; *choice # Melee Combat. *set Melee %+20 *goto 17 # Assorted weapons *set Weapons %+20 *goto 17 *label s You are average at; *choice # Melee Combat. *set Melee %+20 *goto 17 # Swordsmanship *set Swordsmanship %+20 *goto 17 *label t You are average at; *choice # Marksmanship *set Marksmanship %+20 *goto 17 # Swordsmanship *set Swordsmanship %+20 *goto 17 *label u You are average at; *choice # Marksmanship *set Marksmanship %+20 *goto 17 # Melee Combat. *set Melee %+20 *goto 17 *label 17 Your academic curriculum consisted of 4 studies; [b]Basic Field Medicine, Basics of Engineering, Tactical studies and Knowledge of Lore: the study of Divryns.[/b] You excel in; *choice #Medicine. *set Medicine %+45 *goto aaa #Engineering. *set Engineering %+45 *goto bbb #Tactics *set Tactics %+45 *goto ccc #Lore *set Lore %+45 *goto ddd *label aaa You also excel at; *choice # Engineering. *set Engineering %+30 *goto qq # Tactics. *set Tactics %+30 *goto rr # Lore. *set Lore %+30 *goto ss *label bbb You also excel at; *choice # Medicine. *set Medicine %+30 *goto qq # Tactics. *set Tactics %+30 *goto pp # Lore. *set Lore %+30 *goto tt *label ccc You also excel at; *choice # Medicine. *set Medicine %+30 *goto rr # Engineering. *set Engineering %+30 *goto pp # Lore. *set Lore %+30 *goto uu *label ddd You also excel at; *choice # Medicine. *set Medicine %+30 *goto ss # Engineering. *set Engineering %+30 *goto tt # Tactics. *set Tactics %+30 *goto uu *label pp You are average at; *choice # Medicine *set Medicine %+20 *goto 18 # Lore *set Lore %+20 *goto 18 *label qq You are average at; *choice # Tactics. *set Tactics %+20 *goto 18 # Lore *set Lore %+20 *goto 18 *label rr You are average at; *choice # Engineering. *set Engineering %+20 *goto 18 # Lore *set Lore %+20 *goto 18 *label ss You are average at; *choice # Engineering. *set Engineering %+20 *goto 18 # Tactics *set Tactics %+20 *goto 18 *label tt You are average at; *choice # Medicine *set Medicine %+20 *goto 18 # Tactics *set Tactics %+20 *goto 18 *label uu You are average at; *choice # Medicine *set Medicine %+20 *goto 18 # Engineering. *set Engineering %+20 *goto 18 *label 18 The Academy drilled you not only physically or intellectually, your time there helped you plant your feet firmly on the ground. You discovered that... *choice *hide_reuse #You were quite popular among the other cadets thanks to your charming personality and wit. *set count +1 *set Charisma %+20 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *hide_reuse #You were known for being quite intimidating and even the drill instructors respected you. *set count +1 *set Intimidation %+20 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *hide_reuse #You loved the pursuit of knowledge and were one of the most intelligent cadets in your batch. *set count +1 *set intelligence %+20 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *hide_reuse #You are good at observing things; nothing escapes your sharp eyes. *set count +1 *set Perception %+35 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *hide_reuse #You were one of the fastest and agile cadets at the academy and used to be in top 5 in nearly all the speed skill exercises. *set count +1 *set Speed %+20 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *hide_reuse #You were one of the strongest cadets in your batch. Lifting the sand bags or carrying your buddy fireman style, you could do it all without any problem . *set count +1 *set Strength %+20 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *hide_reuse #You were known for your perseverance and for your stubbornness. Even the drill instructors used to praise your willpower behind your back. *set count +1 *set Willpower %+20 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *hide_reuse #Your drill instructors were quite proud of your abilities, when it came to the night shift exercises. You were quite proficient in the subtle art of stealth. *set count +1 *set Stealth %+20 *if count > 3 *goto 19 *goto 18 *label 19 [b]THREE YEARS LATER...[/b] The last three years of your life have flown by. You have no idea where all the time went. Three years ago you were standing in front of the floor-length mirror in your room, looking at an 18-year-old. A young ${boy} who was feeling proud in the cadet's regulation uniform. Today when you look into that very mirror, you see an Officer of the Empress's Vanguard. You see a smart, confident and capable young ${man} smiling back at you. It feels like a dream, how does one go from being a ${job} to a 2nd Lieutenant in the Vanguard Regiment, that too from the most prestigious Officers Training Academy in all of Sienna. Today is an enormous day, for today is graduation day. Today you will officially become 2nd Lieutenant ${name} Dexer. You are wearing your brand new Vanguard Ceremonial Uniform, also known as V.C.Us in short. It comprises an olive green shirt, dark green blazer with a red sash across. Dark green trousers with gold detailing and rank embellishments and polished black shoes. A black sword belt with gold buckle and white gloves. Your beret has only changed slightly, the colour remains the same dark green but from today till the day you die, you will wear the emblem of Sienna. The rank patches on your shoulders are still the old cadet ones, because your father will come to the passing out ceremony and will be the one to mount your rank. It's an old and beloved military tradition that goes back centuries to the times of the ancestors. Your inspection in the mirror is ruined by ${alistair}, who is wearing the same uniform as you. You admit that ${alistair} looks very attractive in ${al_his} uniform, but hey with a figure like that ${al_he} could rock a burlap sack. $!{al_he} slithers behind you while you are inspecting yourself in the mirror and lets out a wolf whistle, "Oh my, 2nd Lieutenant Dexer! I must say that you look very ${handsome} today." *choice # "Thank you 2nd Lt. Basri, I must say that your new uniform suits you as well." you say playfully. ${alistair} grins, "Why ${sir}, what good manners you have!" "All the better to subtly insult you and get away with it my dear", you snark pinching ${alistair}'s cheek. "Hey, that hurt", snarls ${alistair} playfully. *set Friend +1 *set Relationship %+10 *set Friendly %+15 *goto 20 # "Thank you", you say with a light blush coating your cheeks and the tip of your ears. "Did I ever tell you, how adorable you look when you blush" purrs ${alistair} closing the distance between you and ${al_him}. You give ${al_him} a shy smile, "No, not really." ${al_he} smiles and wraps ${al_his} arm around your waist, "You always look ${handsome}....no matter what you wear." and plants a light kiss on your cheek. You feel goosebumps and pleasant tingles erupt all over your face and neck and smile ear to ear. ${alistair} laughs as ${al_he} gently pulls away and gushes, "Awww, you have such adorable dimples." *set Flirt +1 *set Relationship %+10 *set Shy %+15 *goto 20 # "Are you saying that I don't always look this ${handsome}?", you say with a playful frown. "Fishing for compliments, ${name}" purrs ${alistair} closing the distance between you and wrapping ${al_his} arms around your waist. "I think, we both know that I don't need to fish for compliments", you say with a sultry smile aimed at the mirror. ${alistair} smiles back at you through the mirror, "You know there are other ways, you can make me fire compliments at you." "If you get lucky...." you drawl as you turn around to face ${al_him} with ${al_his} arms still wrapped around you, "I might use these so called ways on you." ${alistair} chuckles and says dramatically, "Oh god of the Divryns, please give me some luck for tonight". *set Flirt +1 *set Relationship %+10 *set Shy %-15 *goto 20 # You just roll your eyes at ${al_his} reflection in the mirror and say "Let me at least get dressed in peace." "Always so stoic!" exclaims ${alistair}. "Come on! Loosen up and learn to have a little fun, with the rest of us mortals". says ${alistair} putting ${al_his} arm around your shoulder. *set Friendly %-15 *set Compassion %-10 *goto 20 # "Wish I could say the same about you", you snark. "Hey! I will have you know, I look rather dashing today." says ${alistair} defensively. "Whatever helps you sleep at night", you snicker. *set Compassion %-15 *set Friendly %-10 *goto 20 *label 20 "So, you excited for the official Dinner party tonight?" "Oh right, forgot about that" you say peeling yourself away from the mirror and fixing your beret. "I heard that Surgical General Dorian Steyrs and Air Marshall Allen Kasri will be there as well." "Wait, you mean that the Generals in Command of the M&E Regiment and the Aviation Regiment will come as guests of honour to a passing out dinner party", you enquire with a raised brow. "Yes! I mean, ours is the most prestigious academy and General Alix Steyrs is the host and they are General Dorian's spouse so..." "Oh yeah, I remember. Their love story is a legend now" "Yeah, I heard that the Air Marshal is a real rake and recently split up with wife number 12." "Yikes...", you say with a playful shudder. ${alistair} laughs and exclaims, "Come on! We need to report downstairs 30 minutes earlier than required remember." After a last check down, the both of you walk out of your dorm room. You lock the door behind you and tug it to check that it is locked and walk down the stairs towards wing 4. By now you know all the nooks and crannies of the academy like the back of your hand and have no trouble finding your way to the auditorium. *page_break You and ${alistair} walk towards the right backstage door as you are not supposed to meet your family or friends till the time your ranks are mounted. Your father will mount your ranks and Sir Nicholas will mount ${alistair}'s. The bells ring out, and you peek through the curtains and see that the bleachers on the right side are occupied by the family and friends of the graduating cadets. The left side is empty, meant for the cadets to seat themselves after their ranks are mounted. Your eyes scan the crowd and there in the 5th row, you see your mother, Lisa and the twins watching the stage. Your Father and Sir Nicholas must be waiting on the left side of the backstage. You hear the drums and the trumpets, announcing the arrival of the Commandant of your academy. General Koquiern Shade walks on to the stage and begins her opening speech. ${alistair} pokes your shoulder and whispers, "Has the speech started?". "Yes, that means we have about.... 10 minutes before we are called out." *fake_choice # Wow....your hands are shaking and your heart is pounding. So many people....what if you trip... # You are practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. # Terrified....so...many faces....try to breathe in....out...in...out..no panicking.... # Can we get this over with already. You aren't getting any younger here. # What the hell is taking so long? These events annoy you. ${alistair} looks at you and smiles. You raise a brow, "What's with the smile?" "Its just that 3 years ago, we were sitting in a cell awaiting our fate. Now we are again sitting around..awaiting our fate." You smile, "Yeah....its amazing....the way fate works.". Your conversation is then interrupted by the trumpets and the drums beating, signalling the beginning of the ceremony. You and ${alistair} ready yourselves and get in your positions behind the other cadets. The names of the cadets are announced in pairs, most of them are buddies. *page_break 2nd Lt. ${name} Dexer & 2nd Lt. ${alistair} Basri. You and ${alistair} march out from behind the curtain in perfect symphony. Smartly coming to a halt in front of your father and Sir Nicholas, respectively. Both of them are in their ceremonial uniform and sport smiles that shine brighter than the medals pinned to their chests. Your father walks up to you with the rank patches dipped in a mug of Beer. According to tradition, you have to finish the mug in one gulp. He pulls off your cadet patches and places them on the tray and then removes the official rank patches from the mug and squeezes the beer out of them before pining them on your shoulders. He then hands you the beer mug, which you gallantly attempt to finish in one go and shake your head to clear it before placing the mug on the tray. You then take a step back, click your heels and give your father a sharp salute. Your father returns the salute with a puffed chest and eyes shining with pride. You then shake his hand and turn to march off the stage. All of this was rehearsed for two weeks to the beats of the drums and executed to the t in perfection. You march towards the left aisle and take a seat right next to ${alistair} who can't seem to hold back ${al_his} grin. After the ceremony comes to an end, Col Vasquez; the CO of your academy takes to the stage to give the passing out speech. They smile and take a deep breath, [b]"There are only two times of the year, I give the same speech. One is at the first day of your arrival at the academy, the other is your last day. I have till date overseen the training of 26 batches of young officers from this academy. Yes, I have been doing this since before you were even born.[/b] A few laughs and wolf whistles are belted at that line. The Colonel smiles and continues, [b]"I stick to the words I told you on your first day here. Years from now, when you the officers of Sienna will achieve magnificent feats and raise our emblem, nobody will be prouder of you than your instructors and me. Standing here at this platform, I feel proud of having the honour to be your first Commanding Officer. 3 years ago, when I stood on this platform, I saw a crowd of little children looking back at me. Today I see smart, capable, young officers whom I would trust with my life on any given day."[/b] The Colonel takes a step back from the podium and salutes which every former cadet and officer returns.... *page_break [b]"CONGRATULATIONS BUTTERCUPS!! YOU ARE IN THE ARMY NOW!!![/b] All of you stand up and throw your berets in the air, congratulating each other and passing around group hugs. Your mother runs up to you and hugs you with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks as you hug her back and hold her tight before releasing her and wiping her tears with your sleeve. The twins wait for your mother to move before pouncing on you. Aiden hangs onto you from behind while Caden wraps his arms around your neck. The both of them are now 11 years old but still act like little toddlers around you. You laugh and let them crush you before your father comes to your rescue, [b]"Oy! Move out of the way so I can give my ${son} a proper hug."[/b] The twins let go of you and move back with proud grins on their faces. Your father wraps his arms around your shoulders as you hug him back and pull back after a while. He cups your face in his hands, "I am so proud of you ${name}. Nobody has ever made me as happy and grateful in all my life as you have. I thank the stars for giving me the honour of being your father". You smile and hug your father again, and he pats your back. He lets go of you and wipes his moist eyes with the back of his sleeve, clearing his throat, [b]"Where on Earth is ${alistair}! I need to hug that divryn as well."[/b] ${alistair} sneaks up behind your father, "Why Commander! I had no idea you thought so highly of me." Your father turns around and grins, "Bring it in, you little weasel" and pulls ${al_him} in for a hug. *page_break Your attention is captured by Lisa, who calls out your name and pulls Sir Nicholas by the elbow towards you. It's hilarious to see an old lady of 5.2 feet pulling along a grown man who stands at 6.2 feet. She walks up to you and puts her hands on your face, "My ${name}....you have gotten so thin since your last visit. Do they not feed you here?" You laugh while Sir Nicholas rolls his eyes, "Oh for heaven's sake! The ${boy} looks fine....leave ${him} be. Is it really that necessary to spoil every living creature with your sweets and cakes?" Lisa glares at him, "Don't make me use my rolling pin on you Nick, you are starting to get on my nerves now. I am always right. If I say ${he} looks thin, then ${he} is thin." Sir Nicholas rolls his eyes, "Yes....Mrs Basri....you know all. I am just an idiot with 4 PHDs." Before Sir Nicholas can get himself into any more trouble, Your mother buts in and asks, "How long is it going to be before, you can come home?" ${alistair} answers for you, "We will get our movement orders along with our assignments tomorrow. Clear out our rooms and lockers and then mail our stuff to the posted military station. We have about 10 days leave, before we need to report." "That gives us at least a week with you, before we leave again", you complete for ${al_him}. Your father nods, "Alright folks, I am starving and its lunch time." He then smiles at you and ${alistair}, "We would be delighted, if you fine officers would join us for lunch." You chuckle and ${alistair} says with a saccharine smile, "It would be our honour, Commander." *page_break After a heavy and delicious lunch You and ${alistair} bid goodbye to your family and friends after having lunch with them. Then you ride back to the academy to finish packing up and getting ready for the official dinner tonight. Dressed in a new set of your dress uniform, which you had worn earlier in the day, you set off towards the stables. You saddle ${horse} and mount him before flicking his reins and riding off into the night. The Official Passing out dinner is always held at Corigan Fort, at the military base in sector-2. Its a 40-minute ride by carriage, but by singular mounts it takes about 15 minutes. You come to a halt outside the gates where two stable boys wait for you to dismount. They then take the reins and lead your horses to the stables. You and ${alistair} straighten out your uniforms before putting on your berets and walk up the stairs. The main hall is where the party is being hosted. *fake_choice # You like parties and celebrations of all kinds and are an extrovert. *set vert "extro" # Parties and crowds are a big no and you are an introvert. *set vert "intro" # You don't despise parties but you don't love them either as you are an ambivert. *set vert "ambi" The guards at the door give you a sharp salute which you both return. "Invitations, ${sir}" You hand over the manilla envelopes containing your invitations before walking in. The view takes your breath away. The hall has white marble tiling and walls with long, detailed and carved columns. There is a gorgeous water fountain of a woman holding a vase made of white stone that is gushing crystal water along with frescoes and oil paintings depicting the wars of time bygone. While you and ${alistair} are busy admiring the surroundings, Danny shouts out to you from across the hall, [b]"Oy! You buffoons! Get over here"![/b] You and ${alistair} are startled and panic a bit before seeing Danny waving his arms at you like a drowning man. Sighing in relief, before shaking your head with a smile you move towards him dragging a chuckling ${alistair} by the elbow. You make your way to Danny, who is surrounded by a group of your batch mates who smile and beckon you over. You laugh as you and ${alistair} are pulled into a group hug. *page_break Meanwhile.... [b]In a corner of the hall....[/b] Dorian and Alix had managed to drag him into another one of these boring dinner parties. [i]I will love you forever she said, I will never break your heart she said. What a load of divstool![/i] [i]Air Marshal Allen Kasri divorces wife number 12[/i], has been on the pages of every newspaper he picks up these days. If he has to see that headline one more time, he will personally skewer his eyes out. Taking a long sip from his flute of champagne, he winces. [i] God he needs something much stronger than this to get through the night.[/i] He looks around at the young faces all around him and smiles. Oh..yes...He remembers the day when Alina and him had come here for her passing out party. Alina was 4 years older than him and treated him like he was still a baby. They had lost their mother when he was about 4 years old and Alina was 6. He never really missed his mother because Alina took her place and took care of him. She wasn't just an older sister to him, but a mother as well. A pang of grief slits through his heart when he thinks about her. She had just graduated and needed a date for the dinner party, so she asked him to come with her as her date in hopes of staving off the creeps. He smiles into his flute of champagne, watching the bubbles pop and float. It would never have worked, he and Alina looked like they came from the same womb which they did. He may have towered over her standing at 6 feet 2 inches but they shared the same ${skin} skin, hazel eyes and ${texture} ${hair} hair. She kept hers long while he had it in a regulation buzz cut as he was training as an Aviator. He missed her a lot. Maybe, just maybe, if he had.... *page_break "Quit glaring at the poor champagne..." His thoughts trail off as soon as hears Dorian walk up and stand beside him. Dorian looks the same, except for the wrinkles and the silver hair his 8 children are responsible for. His dark green eyes light up with mischief, "Need something stronger?" "Did I ever tell you, that you have this creepy ability of reading my mind." "No, so let's hear it." "Pff! If I praise you anymore, the poor guards will have trouble pulling your big head out the door." says Allen, waggling his brows playfully. "That's coming from a 40-year-old man who dates 18-year-old girls," Dorian snarks with a playful frown. "Hey! It's not my fault that women find me unreasonably sexy." Dorian takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. He opens his mouth to retort when he hears someone shout out from the other side of the hall. Both he and Allen snap their heads towards the commotion as their years of training catches up to them. They scan the crowd and see a group of young officers laughing and waving towards two other officers standing near the fountain. Allen turns his head to see the two officers and what he sees, knocks out all the breath from his lungs. His fingers let go of his glass, which would have crashed on the floor, if it wasn't for Dorian's quick reflexes. Dorian frowns and casts a worried glance towards his friend. Allen grabs his arm and points at the face of the young officer who is now standing right across from them. Dorian goes white as a sheet and stammers out... *page_break "It can't be..." *if (gender = "male") A young man stands amongst his peers with a jovial smile on his face. He is dressed in the ceremonial uniform of the Vanguard with the rank patches of a 2nd Lieutenant. He shares the same ${texture} ${hair} and ${skin} skin as Alina. Even his features are so remarkably similar to Alina, that if they were to imagine Alina as a man, this is what she would look like. Dorian might have given Allen a rough and harrowing speech about the importance of protection during sex, if the young man's features weren't so similar to Alina. Dorian can't see the colour of the boy's eyes from this far, but if they are the colour he hopes they are, then it is true. They would have finally found Dorian's godson and Allen's nephew. *if (gender = "female") A young woman stands amongst her peers with a jovial smile on her face. She is dressed in the ceremonial uniform of the Vanguard with the rank patches of a 2nd Lieutenant. She looks like Alina's identical twin. The same face, same ${skin} skin and ${texture} ${hair} hair. The features are eerily identical. There is no doubt in Dorian's head that this is Alina's daughter. To be positive, he has to see the girl's eyes. Dorian can't see the colour of the girl's eyes from this far. But if they are the colour he hopes they are, then it is true. They would have finally found Dorian's god daughter and Allen's niece. *if (gender = "non-binary") A young person stands among their peers with a jovial smile on their face. They are dressed in the ceremonial uniform of the Vanguard with the rank patches of a 2nd Lieutenant. They share the same ${texture} ${hair} and ${skin} skin as Alina. Even their features are so remarkably similar to Alina, that they could have mistaken them for Alina at first glance. Dorian might have given Allen a rough and harrowing speech about the importance of protection during sex, if the young person's features weren't so similar to Alina. Dorian can't see the colour of the kid's eyes from this far, but if they are the colour he hopes they are, then it is true. They would have finally found Dorian's godchild and Allen's nepling. "Bloody hell..." stammers Allen, he would have been in big trouble if the kid didn't resemble Alina so much. His heart clenches at the thought of his sister. Dorian grabs Allen's arm, "Come with me", before dragging him towards the group. "Have you lost your mind? What do we say? Hello! I am your long-lost uncle and this is your godfather...", snarks Allen. "No! You idiot! I want to see the colour of ${his} eyes, if they are ${eye}...", Dorian trails off with a nod of his head. "And what if they are ${eye} like the father, then what?" asks Allen in a low broken voice. "We can cross that bridge when we get there. Now come". "What do I say? "Just pretend like ${he} is a newly commissioned officer, we have never met before" They walk towards the group of youngsters standing near the column. *page_break "He did not!..." "Yes, he did. He drank off half the Colonel's cellar and was dancing on the roof in his boxers." says Captain Nash, standing to your left. You and ${alistair} are trying your best not to spit out the sips of champagne you took. Her face then changes and she clicks her heel into yours, signalling that someone important is coming your way. You and ${alistair} quickly gulp down the drink and turn around in time to see two tall men come to a stop in front of you. The first man you recognise as Surgical General Dorian Steyrs, with his silver hair and dark emerald eyes. The other man is Air Marshal Allen Kasri, with the same ${skin} skin and ${texture} ${hair} hair as you. The Air Marshal looks at you with pretty hazel eyes that seem vaguely familiar to you. You have this strange feeling that you have met the both of them before, but you can't exactly remember when. *fake_choice # You smile and say cheerfully, "Good evening, sirs" They both smile at you and return your greeting. # You turn and say with a polite smile "General and Air Marshal" They nod back with a smile, before exchanging an odd look. # You turn and give a sharp salute They return your salute with soft smiles. # You turn around and just stare at them, with nervous written all over your face. They exchange an amused look before smiling at you, to put you at ease. # You turn around and just stare at them like a starstruck 5 year old. They exchange a smile before smiling at you. "Congratulations on your graduation, 2nd Lieutenant...${name} Dexer." General Dorian says after reading your name tag. "I and the General here, think that you look very similar to a common friend of ours. We were wondering if you could help us clear it up." "Mhmmm, what is your father's name?, asks General Dorian. You nod your head, "Air Commander Allias Dexer, sir" [b]"Wait a minute.... Allias! As in the Allias Dexer who was the only surviving aviator from the Winslow air raid!"[/b], the air marshal exclaims in surprise. You slowly nod your head in confusion before adding, "But, if you must know the truth...I was adopted by him." "Hmmm, that makes sense. You don't really resemble him much", the air marshal hums before adding, "Well, problem solved! Thank you so much for your time and enjoy the rest of the night." With that, both he and the General turn and walk away leaving you and ${alistair} staring at their backs. ${alistair} tilts ${al_his} head, "Well, that was weird. You actually look like him". "Look like who?", you ask with a confused frown. "Like the Air Marshal. You look a lot like him...its strange. Did you notice that the entire time you were busy answering his questions, the General was staring at your face." "He was? I didn't notice." you say before your attention is diverted by Danny who grabs your arm and says, [b]"Come on Dexer! Its time for shots!"[/b] *page_break Behind closed doors.... "Did you notice ${his} dimples, just like our...." mumbles Allen. [b]"The eyes! Allen, ${his} eyes are ${eye} in colour just like I remember them being! When ${he} first opened ${his} eyes to look at me."[/b] says Dorian in a hyper tone, pacing from one end of the room to the other. "Well, it's confirmed alright, ${he} is Alina's ${son}. And my...my...", the words get caught in Allen's throat as he slumps down in his chair, with his head in his hands. "After 21 years of searching, we finally found ${him}", says Dorian in a soothing tone. He places his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Yes, but how do we tell him, that we have finally found his ${son}?" asks Allen while fumbling to light a cigarette with shaking hands. Dorian sighs and plucks the lighter and the cigarette out of his friend's hand. He lights it and takes a deep puff before passing it to Allen. "I have an idea, we need to keep a close eye on this ${boy}. I want all the information that the ministry can provide, and I want it done in secret. Nobody knows that he had a wife, let alone a ${son}. If word gets out, it could be dangerous for the both of them". says Dorian with his fingers massaging his aching head. "What about Alix and Eviona? Shouldn't we tell them as well? Alix is your spouse and the ${boy}'s god parent, they have a right to know and so does Eviona. If it weren't for her, the ${boy} wouldn't be alive today." says Allen puffing out smoke and passing the cigarette to Dorian. Dorian takes a deep puff before blowing it out, "No, we can't afford a secret like this leaking out. We need someone who is loyal to the both of us and him." "Well, I know just the person for this job." says Allen and rises from his seat. He then walks to the door, opens it and speaks to the guard posted outside, "Fetch Captain Allori, immediately and remember to say that it's urgent." *page_break "Wait, Captain Allori?... "As in..." *choice # Tric Allori *set tric "Tric" *set t_he "he" *set t_his "his" *set t_him "him" *set t_himself "himself" *set t_man "man" *set t_sir "sir" *set t_handsome "handsome" *goto 21 # Tracy Allori *set tric "Tracy" *set t_he "she" *set t_his "her" *set t_him "her" *set t_himself "herself" *set t_man "woman" *set t_sir "ma'am" *set t_handsome "beautiful" *goto 21 # Trix Allori *set tric "Trix" *set t_he "zie" *set t_him "zim" *set t_his "zirs" *set t_himself "zirself" *set t_man "person" *set t_sir "xr" *set t_handsome "attractive" *goto 21 *label 21 "Yes, that's the one." says Allen with a nod. He then unbuttons his blazer and flings his body onto the surprisingly soft sofa. "The Chief Intelligence Officer in charge of the Empress's security. Right hand and Intelligence and Security Liaison to Field Marshal Rheyan Ashyver. One of the Chief investigators for the Ministries of Defence, Justice and Internal Affairs. Handler for the Night Hunters, is a Night Hunter and Military Police Officer. Did I miss anything?" says Dorian, ticking off the points on his fingers. "Yes, the ${t_man} is one hell of a soldier, is loyal to a fault and is a brilliant investigator". says Allen with his arm over his eyes. "Wait...Allori....you mean little Teri? Mavis's kid........rumoured to be Eric Teroli's illegitimate child?" says Dorian with a raised brow and takes a last puff of his cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray. "Yes, though many people don't use such kind words when they describe my heritage." Allen remains in the same position and merely removes his arm so he could see the speaker. Dorian turns around and sees the silhouette of Captain ${tric} Allori standing at the door. In all his years of military service, he had never met anyone who was this light on their feet. "Hi Teri" says Allen with a smile. "You really need to stop calling me that", snarks the captain with a frown. "No matter what you do or who you become, you will always be little Teri to us." says Allen with a lopsided grin. "But how did you..." stutters Dorian. Captain Allori steps into the light, "You left the door open, sir." *if (tric = "Tric") Captain Tric Allori is a 28-year-old man who stands at a towering 6 feet and 4 inches. He has olive skin, dark chestnut hair styled in a crew cut and beautiful molten lava eyes along with a chiselled ,muscular build with rough stubble on his strong jaw. His most riveting feature is his eyes, they seem to see and know everything. *if (tric = "Tracy") Captain Tracy Allori is a 28-year-old woman who stands at a towering 6 feet. She has olive skin, dark chestnut hair styled in a pixie cut and beautiful molten lava eyes. She has a strong muscular frame with feminine curves. Her most riveting feature is her eyes, they seem to see and know everything. *if (tric = "Trix") Captain Trix Allori is a 28 year officer who stands at a towering 6 feet . $!{t_he} has olive skin, dark chestnut hair styled in a pixie cut and beautiful molten lava eyes. $!{t_he} has an athletic and toned body. $!{t_his} most riveting feature is ${t_his} eyes, they seem to see and know everything. *page_break "Seriously.." "Allen, you could have closed the door you know," growls Dorian. "I wouldn't have got the joy of seeing that look on your face then" says Allen with a smile before beckoning ${tric} towards the chair. "I am 50 years old Allen, I have a spouse and 8 children. I can't afford to die of a heart attack" "Is it safe to assume that whatever mission you sirs have with me is confidential and off the records," counters Captain Allori. "This counts as top priority and cannot be leaked at any cost" The captain nods ${t_his} head and Dorian picks up the thread of the conversation "There is a young officer we need you to keep a close eye on. That and we want all the information you can possibly find about ${him} in a report." "$!{he} said that Air Commander Allias Dexer is ${his} adoptive father. I want you to make a file on him as well." says Dorian. "Yup, that's going to help us plot out an alternative theory." mumbles Allen. "Are you talking about the legendary Air Captain Allias Dexer? The last surviving kingbird aviator who took on an entire herd of Category Cs. He lead them away from the troops and killed every single one of them. I think he lost his leg during that crash." murmurs ${tric}. "Yeah, that's Allias alright. He loved to fly and was the best aviator back at the academy." says Allen with a nostalgic smile. "$!{his} rank and name are 2nd Lt. ${name} Dexer. Keep tabs on ${him} at all times and report to us every month. But....." says Allen. "You cannot tell any of the other GOCs about this. Nor can you at any cost tell or leak this information to Field Marshal Ashyver." says Dorian. The captain raises a brow, "But, what is so special about this officer? Why must ${he} be kept a secret from the Field Marshal?" Dorian and Allen exchange a sombre look. Dorian nods and Allen says, [b]"${name} Dexer is Field Marshal Rheyan Ashyver's only ${son}."[/b] *page_break Next Chapter *goto_scene chapter4