[b]Chapter 2[/b] [b]In Cell no 3, block 2, Swerth Prison Complex...[/b] You and ${alistair} are sitting on cold iron chairs, your legs shackled with iron chains to the heavy metal hooks on the floor. A few hours ago, you both were arrested from the clinic on the charge of attempt to murder. You were read your constitutional rights and were led to one of the interrogation rooms. Scanning your surroundings you see dark grey granite walls and no windows either. A large, rectangular, heavy iron table has been welded to the floor and 2 metal chairs lean against the wall, meant for whoever is supposed to interrogate you. You both sit in silence with hundreds of questions going through your head. ${alistair} breaks the silence, [i]"Attempt to murder".[/i] You turn to look at ${al_him}, "What?" $!{al_he} snarls, [b][i]"Attempt to murder! What a load of divstool! We saved that bastard's life and he charges us with attempt to murder! He is the one who tried to murder us! Not the other way around! If I ever get my hands on that prick there will definitely be a murder!"[/b][/i] You are about to answer back when the huge metal door opens. A tall officer who seems to be in their late forties with graying hair, midnight skin and twinkling brown eyes walks in. They look at ${alistair} with an amused smile, "Is that so, my dear young ${al_man}." ${alistair} looks like the kid that got caught with ${al_his} hand in the cookie jar and sputters, "You...heard that". The officer smiles at ${al_him}, walks to the table and proceeds to take a seat. "Don't worry, I am Colonel Farling and I am your defence lawyer. So feel free to say whatever you feel like.....only around me that is". You and ${alistair} share a look and fall silent, before it strikes you. "A defence lawyer? We didn't even say anything yet....we never confessed or admitted to the charge." ${alistair} catches your drift, "Yes, we weren't even interrogated. They just threw us in here and we have been waiting for about 4 hours now". The Colonel shakes their head at you both and looks at you both with a sympathetic expression. "Nobody told you. Well.....might as well be me." They then open the briefcase they carried in with them and remove a sheet of paper and pass it to your side of the table. You and ${alistair} crane your bodies in the chair to see the sheet. What you see, leeches all the colour from both your faces. *page_break It is Cruger Gezer's Death Certificate A curtain of silence befalls the room. Its broken after a few minutes by the Colonel, "Cruger had a genetic condition. It didn't let his blood clot. He died a few hours after your arrest." ${alistair} looks up, "But... then who...?" "Lord Gezer, Cruger's father was the one who filed the charge against you. Now that Cruger is dead, the charge has changed to murder and asset to murder". You and ${alistair} stare at the Colonel in shock before ${alistair} sputters, "But we didn't even touch him! We didn't do anything!" Col Farling looks at you both with something akin to pity, "I know. Now I need you both to tell me everything, do not leave out a single detail. Remember that Lord Gezer is a very cruel man and will do anything to see you both beheaded or exiled." You and ${alistair} spend the next 2 hours explaining everything. Whenever ${alistair} stops, you start. The Colonel listens with rapt attention without interrupting you even once. They stand once you have finished telling the whole episode and stride over to the chair where they had left their briefcase. Opening it, they remove two sheets of paper along with two ink pens. "Take these and write down everything you told me. Remember these are your official court statements and will be read out in front of the judge tomorrow." You snap out of your thoughts, "What? Tomorrow! But I thought it would be at least 2 to 3 days before...." Col Farling nods their head, "Yes, but Lord Gezer has pulled some strings and shifted the date of your trial." ${alistair} frowns, "So we go to court tomorrow...". $!{al_he} frowns at the floor for a while before looking up, "Well that works.....at least we won't have to wait too long". *page_break Col Farling stands and walks over to your side of the table and hands you both the stationary. "Good, keep your chin up. Remember to write your statements a little differently from one another's. Oh! I almost forgot, your parents and ${alistair}'s grandmother are going to be coming to meet you both later on." With those parting words Col Farling takes their leave. This leaves you and ${alistair} alone with your thoughts. Speaking of thoughts, how do you feel about Cruger's death? *choice # Oh well, Good riddance! You never liked Cruger and couldn't give a divstool even if you tried and feel at peace now that Cruger is dead. *set Compassion %-20 *set Merciful %-10 *goto a # [i]Congratulations and Celebrations, I am as happy as I can be...[/i] You hated Cruger and are so happy and relieved that Cruger is dead. You just wish that it was you who stabbed him. *set Compassion %-20 *set Merciful %-20 *goto a # Numb...like a dead body You should be feeling something right? Is this normal? Maybe you had a heart attack, when you saw the certificate and are now in the afterlife. Wait, can you think if you are dead? *set Friendly %-20 *set Merciful %+10 *goto a # Kind of sad... You know he hated you and you didn't exactly like him either but you feel sad because even if he tried to kill you, he didn't exactly deserve to die for that. *set Merciful %+20 *set Compassion %+10 *goto a # Guilty.. You don't want to feel this way, but you just can't help it. Maybe if you would have tried to talk it out or at least tried to make a truce then maybe...Just maybe Cruger would have been alive right now. *set Compassion %+20 *set Merciful %+10 *goto a # Devastated! You hate death! You are the type of person who hates death and the very idea of it. Your father banned books about tragic romances in the house because of you. You cried for 4 days after your pet goldfish Poppy died. *set Compassion %+20 *set Merciful %+10 *goto a *label a Brushing aside your feelings and thoughts you turn around to look at ${alistair} who has on a sorrowful expression and is staring at the floor. *choice # "Hey, chin up. I bet there is one person out there who is in a worse situation than us". "Yeah I highly doubt that" snorts ${alistair}. "Hey, imagine the answer Cruger will have to give the other divryns in hell when they ask him how he died". ${alistair} chuckles and says in a high pitched, squeaky voice [i]"How dare you ask me that! I am Cruger Gezer and I shall kill you!"[/i] *set Friend +1 *set Relationship %+20 *set Friendly %+10 *goto b # You set your hand on top of ${al_his} and give ${al_him} a shy smile. You then gently entwine your fingers with ${al_him} and sit there, comforting each other without any words. *set Flirt +1 *set Relationship %+20 *set Genuine %+10 *set Compassion %+5 *set Shy %+10 *goto b # "Even though I am really into the silent and brooding type, I really love your sexy and mischievous side too, you know", you say with a wink. "You do know that mischievous is just a very polite way to say naughty right.", says ${alistair} waggling ${al_his} eyebrows. *set Flirt +1 *set Relationship %+20 *set Genuine %-10 *set Compassion %+5 *set Shy %-10 *goto b # You say nothing. Just sitting there in silence lost in your thoughts. There are a million questions and scenarios running through your minds right now and you both sit there in companionable silence. *set Friendly %-20 *set Compassion %+5 *goto b # You snarl at ${al_him} [b][i]"SNAP OUT OF IT!"[/b][/i] [b][i]"GUESS WHAT NOT ALL OF US CAN SNAP OUT OF IT LIKE YOU!"[/b][/i], shouts ${alistair}. [b][i]"NO, BUT THIS IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG. YOU NEED TO TOUGHEN UP."[/b][/i], you shout back. You both look away and sit in tense silence. *set Compassion %-20 *set Merciful %-10 *goto b *label b You both sit in silence for an hour or so before the door opens. The officer who had arrested you earlier this morning walks in, along with two more guards. Captain Percy walks over to you both and makes a motion to the two guards who move forward to unshackle your legs. He then turns his attention to you, "Your folks are here. Remember you will not be seeing them again till your trial tomorrow." While the guards are busy shacking your wrists behind your backs, the Captain gives you the run down of the procedure along with the rules and consequences. Once the shackles are secure, the guards nod to the Captain who then takes the statements along with the Colonel's pen. He then guides you out the door to the meeting room. You and ${alistair} are escorted through the corridors and down a flight of stairs. The guards escort you into a spacious room which is well lit, unlike your previous destination. The guards move to unshackle your wrists and remove the chains as well. Captain Percy nods and they walk out without another word. You and ${alistair} seat yourselves on a pair of wooden chairs kept in the middle of the room and wait. A glance around the room notes that there are two doors. One which you came through and the other one facing opposite to the door you came through. You hear the loud chattering of two young boyish voices and the door slams open. Before you get a chance to get to your feet, two little tornadoes rush towards you and throw their arms around you. [b]"${name}!"[/b]. You would have fallen to the ground with the chair and the twins on top of you, if the Captain hadn't come to your rescue and held the back of it to steady you. Gently patting their backs, you pull away to stand on your feet. The twins then turn to go hug ${alistair}, while you straighten your clothes. You see your mother and Lisa rush through the door and ready yourself for round 2. They both grab you in a bear hug and your mother grabs your face and showers you with kisses. Lisa then walks over to ${alistair} and kisses both ${al_his} cheeks, before crushing ${al_him} in a hug. Your mother says between kisses, "Oh, my baby! Are you alright? Let me look at you!" and pulls back to look you over for what, only god knows. The twins giggle and imitate your mother, "Oh! my baby" exclaims Aiden while Caden makes kissy sounds. ${alistair} and Lisa start laughing and even Captain Percy seems to be straining his willpower to keep a straight face. Your mother glares at the twins and snarls, [b]"Boys!"[/b] and moves to swat them with her handbag. The twins avoid the blow by ducking and hiding behind Lisa. Even though you are relieved to see your mother and the boys, you feel like something is missing. It's as if you forgot something very important. *page_break Wait.....Where is your father? You untangle yourself from your mother's arms, "Wait, where is dad?". Your mother looks at the floor, bringing her hands up to straighten your collar, "He didn't come." The twins walk up to you and Aiden says, "He just dressed up in his Dress Uniform..." and Caden continues, "With all the medals and walked out the door". "Without his cane" they both add together and come to hug your legs. You don't know how to feel about the last part, your father is a practical man and doesn't go anywhere without his cane. Meanwhile, ${alistair} makes a face and voices the question in everybody's head, "Why was he wearing the dress uniform?" Your mother looks at ${al_him} with a forlorn expression, "He hasn't touched it ever since he lost his leg. He threw it in the trash bin with his medals. I was the one who took it out and kept it in the attic cupboard, along with his medals." Captain Percy snaps his fingers, "Sorry folks, but time's up. I'll leave you now." and walks out the door. Your mother turns to you, "Look, I know things look dire right now. But I want you to know that both, I and your father love you, and will do everything and anything to get you out." She then kisses your forehead and moves towards ${alistair}, enveloping ${al_him} in a bear hug, "That goes for you too, love. You are and will always be a part of our family." and kisses ${al_his} forehead. She then motions to the boys, "Come now love, say goodbye to the both of them." She walks out along with Lisa who gives you and ${alistair} a parting kiss on the forehead before following your mother out. The twins give you a last hug, " ${name}, You are the best ${brother} ever". Then with sad expressions on their faces they give ${alistair} a hug and walk out with adorable little sniffles. Captain Percy stands at the doorway with the two guards waiting for the twins to walk out. Even the guards can't keep the sad expression off their face when they see the twins walk out. They close the door behind them and you can hear the twins burst into wails and sobs behind the closed door. *page_break Wow, that hurts. Captain Percy shakes his head with a small smile, "You've got really brave little brothers. At least they waited for the door to close. I wouldn't have." You smile at him and the guards come to bind you both in shackles again. They escort you out to the mess hall where you are given a supper of stale bread and soup. This time around they take you out of the building to the sleeping quarters. When you walk out into the open yard, you see that the sun has already set and the stars are out. 7 hells.....you spent an entire day stuck in the prison house. That means that you will be having your life changing trial in a few hours. You and ${alistair} are led to a rectangular, match box like cell which has a bunk bed in one corner, a sink in another and a curtained area for the bathroom. Ushering you in there, the guards unshackle you and remove your chains before walking out the barred door. Captain Percy takes a key out of his left pant pocket and walks out to lock the door behind him. Before walking away, he turns to you both, "For what its worth, I think you both are good kids." and walks away. You and ${alistair} turn and observe your surroundings. You look at ${al_him}, "Well, what now?". $!{al_he} turns to you, "Now we wait for tomorrow and get a good night's rest." You move to examine the bed and see that the blanket on the upper bunk is soiled with stains that you don't even want to guess. "Yeah, a tiny problem. We only have one blanket for the night". ${alistair} looks at you with a confused expression, "Why? What's wrong with the other...." and trails off when you hold the blanket up by the corner. $!{al_he} thinks for a moment before replying, "Well, we could sleep on the same bunk and share the other blanket. Or you could take my jacket and sleep on the lower bunk while I take the upper bunk." *choice # You smile and say "Great, I can now cross [b]Have a sleepover with ${alistair} in a prison cell[/b] off my bucket list." "This will be a great story to tell our grandchildren someday hmmm.." says ${alistair} ribbing you with ${al_his} elbow. "Yes, how you and I braved the ice cold prison cell with just one blanket for the both of us". Laughing ${alistair} climbs onto the lower bunk, making space for you,"Yes, oh friend of mine. We can survive the cold if we STICK together". "That was not funny." "Yes, it was! Its not my fault, you are so poor at recognizing my talent at subtle humour.", says ${alistair} and sticks ${al_his} tongue out at you. You roll your eyes at ${al_his} antics, "Move over, Oh idiot." "Alright", says ${alistair} with a playful frown and turns the other way before adding "Fart God". You muster your best death glare, "What did you say?" ${alistair} turns around to face you and trying ${al_his} best to keep a straight face, shrugs nonchalantly. "Nothing. I didn't say a thing, it was probably the wind." You nod smugly and slip under the blanket next to ${alistair}. Once you have made yourself comfy, you bring your hand up to your mouth and blow a raspberry, gasp and say indignantly "${alistair}!" "Haha. Very funny" snipes ${alistair} and kicks you in the knee beneath the blanket. You giggle and rub the sore spot before closing your eyes and trying to catch some shut eye before your trial in a few hours. *set Compassion %+5 *set Friend +1 *set Relationship %+20 *set Friendly %+10 *set Genuine %-5 *goto c # Your cheeks turn crimson at the thought of sharing a bed with ${alistair} and you stutter, "Ummm...We can share the blanket...". "Hmmm...Can we now?" says ${alistair}, eyes twinkling with mischief. You blush so hard under ${al_his} gaze that you have to turn around, so that you don't melt into a puddle. You and ${alistair} used to have sleepovers back when you were younger, but this feels different. ${alistair} moves to the bed, lays down and beckons you over with a nod. You try your best not to spontaneously combust thanks to the expression on ${alistair}'s face and slide under the covers with ${al_him}. Once you make yourself comfortable ${al_he} pulls you closer so that your body is flush against ${al_his} and wraps ${al_his} arms around you. $!{al_he} then rests ${al_his} head at the crook of your neck and whispers, "Good night, ${name}" sending pleasant shivers running down your spine. You close your eyes and try to catch some shut eye before your big trial tomorrow. Aided by the warmth radiating from ${alistair}'s body, you feel strangely giddy and optimistic about the coming day. *set Flirt +1 *set Relationship %+20 *set Shy %+20 *goto c # You raise a brow, "Wow, Did you think it would be that easy to get me on your bed". "Well, I wasn't thinking about it before but now that you mention it....'' drawls ${alistair} with a faux thoughtful expression on ${al_his} face. $!{al_he} slowly walks towards you with a mischievous grin on ${al_his} face. Without realizing it, you start walking backwards and come to a stop when your back hits the wall. ${alistair} continues walking towards you and puts ${al_his} hand on the wall next to your head and looks you straight in the eyes, "Want to bet on it, ${name} Dexer." You tilt your head exposing the skin of your neck and drawl "Maybe....if you are up for it". $!{al_his} eyes are immediately drawn to the exposed skin and ${al_he} bites ${al_his} bottom lip, "Depends on whether you can keep up." You huff, "Wow, 18 years and you still haven't learnt that I always win." "Trust me Dexer, this time I want you to win.", smirks ${alistair} and pulls away. $!{al_he} then walks to the bed and turns to you with a grin on ${al_his} face, "What? You coming to bed or not?" Rolling your eyes you mutter, "Oh....alright" You move to the lower bunk and slide under the blanket with ${alistair}, making yourself comfortable and slip your arms around ${al_his} waist and pulling ${al_him} towards you. ${alistair} turns ${al_his} body facing you and rests ${al_his} head at the crook of your neck, "Good night, ${name}." Smiling into ${al_his} soft blond hair you whisper, "Good night ${alistair}". You close your eyes and try to catch some shut eye before your big trial tomorrow. Aided by the warmth radiating from ${alistair}'s body, you feel strangely giddy and optimistic about the coming day. *set Relationship %+20 *set Flirt +1 *set Shy %-20 *goto c # You sigh and say "Its alright, I'll just use your jacket". ${alistair} nods, "Sure, here you go" and proceeds to unbutton ${al_his} jacket and hands it to you. You thank ${al_him} and move towards the lower bunk while ${alistair} climbs onto the upper bunk and make yourself comfortable finding that combined with your clothes and ${alistair}'s jacket you are quite warm. Wishing ${al_him} a good night you close your eyes, to try and catch some shut eye before your big trial tomorrow. You feel a little bit nervous, but your weary body seems to have other plans and you fall asleep. *set Friendly %-20 *set Compassion %+10 *goto c # You shudder and say "Yikes! no way. Just hand over your jacket". "Nanananana" mutters ${alistair} making a face and unbuttons ${al_his} jacket, flinging it at your face. You catch it before it collides with your face and stick your tongue out at ${al_him}. ${alistair} rolls ${al_his} eyes and proceeds to climb onto the top bunk while you climb onto the lower bunk. You make yourself comfortable and try to catch some shut eye before the big trial tomorrow. A little nervous and a bit pessimistic, but your weary body has other plans and you fall asleep. *set Compassion %-10 *goto c *label c You wake up the next morning to the sound of the door being unlocked and turn to see Captain Percy along with four guards enter your cell. Captain Percy nods, "You have 10 minutes to get ready and freshen up." He then snaps his fingers and one guard comes forward and hands you and ${alistair} a matching pair of court formals, a pair of blue trousers with a white shirt and a plain, dark blue blazer. He then turns around and walks out of the cell to give you both some privacy. You and ${alistair} jump out of bed and take turns at the curtained bathroom and dress up in the clothes they left for you. After you both are dressed, the Captain and the guards shackle your wrists and ankles with heavy iron chains. They then walk you out of the cell and escort you out of the building into the carriage waiting for you. The both of you sit in silence due to the bundle of nerves that seems to have settled in the pit of your stomachs. *page_break You watch the scenery through the barred window, wondering if this is the last time you would ever see the scenery. If this is the last time, you can breathe the fresh air and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. In what feels like forever but was half an hour, you reach the courthouse. The moment the carriage door is opened, you are assaulted by a barrage of insults, tomatoes and other rotten vegetables. Somebody from the crowd shouts, "Murderers!". Others shout more original insults like "Divrynspawn","Divstool". You swear you even heard a "divhoe". What in the 7 hells is a divhoe? You were about to ask, but before you can get the chance, Captain Percy orders his guards to shield you. He grabs you and ${alistair} by the collar and pushes you both into the arms of two more guards. They act as human shields and escort you both into the building. Once inside, the guards let go of you both and help pull in the Captain and the rest of the guards. They lock and barricade the door on their way in. Captain Percy mutters curses and fixes his uniform before turning to you both , "Are you kids alright?" *choice # "We are fine sir, Are you alright?" Captain Percy smiles, "I am alright as long as you kids are fine. Come now". *set Genuine %+20 *set Friendly %+10 *set Compassion %+10 *goto d # "Oh sure! We have insults and rotten vegetables hurled on us all the time" Captain Percy tries to hide the smile creeping on his face with a roll of his eyes, "Alright, smartass." *set Genuine %-20 *set Friendly %-10 *set Compassion %+10 *goto d # You frown, "What in the 7 hells is a divhoe?" Even the guards part of the escort seem to be having a hard time trying to keep a straight face. The Captain bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing, "No idea. They come up with new words all the time". *set Friendly %+20 *set Compassion %+10 *set Charisma %+5 *goto d # You fold your arms and nod your head. Captain Percy nods back with an expression on his face, some might call respect. *set Friendly %-20 *set Intimidation %+10 *set Compassion %+5 *goto d # You scowl, "Its takes a lot more than that to scare me". Captain Percy shrugs and nods his head. *set Compassion %-20 *set Intimidation %+10 *set Friendly %-5 *goto d *label d With that Captain Percy leads you and your escort of guards towards the courtroom. You and ${alistair} are led through a maze of corridors and halls before you finally arrive at the courtroom designated for your trial and then to a waiting room where Col Farling awaits. The moment the door is pushed open, Col Farling rises from their seat, "Took you long enough, Percy." Captain Percy steps in and while motioning to the guards to remove your shackles, "Sorry Colonel, but there was a mob waiting for these two." "Those bastards! Picking on two kids before a trial......the sheer nerve of them!" "I will have to take your leave now Xr, I am yet to register the forms." Col Farling nods their head and the Captain and his guards walk out, closing the door behind them. They point to the two chairs set up, "Sit down, kids. We have a lot to discuss." You both sit down and for the next hour, Col Farling showers you with the basics of court etiquette and how to answer and deflect the questions that the prosecution will ask and so forth. When they are done explaining, they ask you questions to revise what you learnt from them and the bell rings, signalling the beginning of the trial. Col Farling stands and takes a deep breath before calling in Captain Percy and the guard escort. This time the guards don't shackle either of you and walk beside you and behind you to block all escape routes, in case you try to run. You are then led out of the waiting room to a set of large wooden doors, which open into the courtroom. Col Farling hands over the forms to the guards at the door who read them over before opening the doors. You and ${alistair} are then led into the room where the first thing you notice is the wooden benches and the familiar faces of the townsfolk sitting on them. Lisa, your mother and the twins are huddled together on one bench. Your mother and Lisa smile at you, while the twins make a thumbs up gesture followed by a wink. You and ${alistair} share a look. The last time the twins gave you that sign with the wink, they had set the roof on fire. What is it with the Dexer children and fire? You set a church on fire and the twins...well...lets just leave it at that. Scanning your surroundings, you notice that your boss is absent. That's strikes as odd because they would never miss something as bog as this. Another important person is missing..... *page_break Where is your father? Your father seems to be absent among the audience. Holding that thought you walk to the table assigned to the defence and take your respective seats. The moment you both take a seat, ${alistair} scoots ${al_his} chair closer to yours and whispers, "Hey, did you see the Commander in the crowd?" You shake your head, "No, did you?" ${alistair} looks at you with something akin to worry, "No...but I have a feeling that he will be here soon." Before you have time to say anything, you hear the courtroom doors open again. You turn and see Lord Gezer and his husband, Lord Zerious Gezer, walk into the room. Lord Gezer looks like a 20 years older version of Cruger and has a stoic expression on his face. Lord Zerious Gezer has eyes that are swollen and red from shedding tears. Even the extravagant eye makeup, he seems to have applied in layers can't cover the evidence of his grief. The entire court room has gone silent and everyone is staring at the couple. Lord Gezer's eyes roam over the crowd before they settle on you and ${alistair}. His eyes are cold and a scowl graces his face before he makes his way towards the both of you. You and ${alistair} share a look of panic before turning around to face Lord Gezer, who has come to a stop in front of you. He looks you both up and down, "So, you are the little heathens who dared to lay a finger on my son's head." ${alistair} replies with a sneer of ${al_his} own, "We are innocent. That stupid brat of yours stabbed himself." Lord Gezer takes a threatening step towards ${al_him} and snarls, [b][i]"Why! You impudent little piece of divstool! How dare you talk about my son that way! I ought to have your tongue carved out for that!"[/b][/i] Before matters can escalate any further, Col Farling steps in front of ${alistair}. They say in a cold and detached tone, "Step away from the kids Arcalius, before I decide to rip you a new one." *page_break What in the 7 hells.... You and ${alistair} stand still in shock and awe, while Lord Gezer turns red in anger and looks like he might blow a gasket. Now why does this situation feel familiar? Lord Gezer snarls at the Colonel, "I'll have you sacked for this, you little bitch!" Col Farling smiles like a Category B Divryn before it eats its prey, "Go on, you little basket case. I would love to see you try." They take a step closer and say in an ice cold tone that cuts even you and ${alistair}; "Threatening an officer in the Empress's M.P is a punishable offence. The only reason I am not reporting you is that I don't care what you do or say about me. But mark my words Arcalius, you so much as touch a hair on the heads of these kids, I will make you wish for a death sentence. Got that or should I repeat it more slowly." You and ${alistair} look at the Colonel the way 6-year-old kids look at a Candy shop. Before Lord Gezer can say another word, his husband pulls him away from you towards the table assigned to the prosecution. ${alistair} breaks the silence that seems to have fallen over the three of you, "That was so cool! Col Farling, you are amazing!". Col Farling smiles and says; "Oh, it was nothing. Me and Gezer used to go to school together. He was a hot-tempered prick then and still is a hot-tempered prick, only now he is a little more stupid than he was before." Your giggle fit gets interrupted by the bells and the bailiff climbs the stage to announce the Judge. The Judge assigned to your case is a lady with ebony skin and hair. She has kind dark brown eyes that twinkle from underneath a pair of round rimmed glasses, wearing the uniform of an M. P with the rank patches of a Brigadier General and her nameplate reads [b]Macy Esquire.[/b] Everybody in the room stands on the arrival of the Judge. Your eyes involuntarily move towards the door as you stand up as well. *page_break Why is your father not here yet? Your attention is pulled back by ${alistair} who tugs at your arm, indicating that you need to sit. You shake your head to clear it and sit down. The judge makes herself comfortable and reads the introduction of your case to the assembled court. She begins with; "The Empire of Sienna Vs ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri is now in session. The charges are as follows; [b]Murder, Accomplice to murder and Illegal possession of military grade 3 weapon[/b]. How does the defence plead?" Col Farling stands up and says; "Not guilty, your honour" Judge Esquire nods her head; "May it be recorded that the defence pleads not guilty. The prosecution may proceed with the opening statement." The prosecutor is a short woman with dark brown hair and green eyes with the rank patches of a Lieutenant Colonel. She stands and walks to the center of the room to proceed with the opening statement. "Your honour, on the 5th of September 2538, Cruger Gezer and his friends Lilly Jameson, Cory Esteban, Damien Dashery and Wex Kasobi were returning home from a hard day of work. They were assaulted with rocks and pebbles, thrown at them by none other than the defendants. Cruger Gezer tried to make peace and offered a truce, but ${name} Dexer shunned the truce and the offer to make peace. $!{his} friend and accomplice, ${alistair} Basri then removed the switchblade, evidence piece 4, from ${al_his} jacket pocket and handed the military grade 3 weapon to ${name} Dexer. ${name} then opened the blade to attack a defenceless Cruger Gezer and stabbed him in the lower abdomen, evidence piece 2. After ${he} stabbed Cruger, ${name} left the blade in the victim's stomach instead of pulling it out to ensure maximum pain." *fake_choice # "What the hell! That's a lie!", snarling you stand up. "Silence! This is your first warning....the next time I shall hold you in contempt ${name} Dexer", warns Judge Esquire. Swallowing your outrage you sit back down, glaring daggers at the prosecutor. "May I continue your honour.." "Proceed..." # Stew in silence. You know that if you argue now, you will just strike your points. So sitting and stewing in silence is your go game. # Patience....Patience.... You know the truth and the truth always triumphs. All you have to do is keep your head on and be cool. # Breathe in...breathe out...no need to panic... Okay...so this is bad. They all think that you are a murderer. 7 hells....what a nightmare! # Not bad....Hats off to their imagination... Wow....you are impressed. It takes a lot of imagination and smarts to twist a story like that. She takes a deep breath before continuing; [b]"The attack was deliberate and made with a clear, functioning mind. Cruger Gezer was then brought to the Clinic by his friends. ${name} and ${alistair} came to the clinic as well to ensure that Cruger Gezer was dead. 18-year-old, Cruger Gezer then passed away at 10:00 hours. 2 hours after ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri were arrested under the charge of attempt to murder. This your honour is a most heinous crime and should not go unpunished. Thus The Empire of Sienna, Lord Arcalius Gezer and Lord Zerious Gezer request a life banishment sentence for the crimes committed by ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri."[/b] A collective gasp echoes through the crowd, followed by a jumble of shouts and whispers. The judge has to bang her gavel to calm everybody [b]"Order! Order! Silence in the courtroom!"[/b] You have to hold on to ${alistair}'s thigh throughout the statement to prevent ${al_him} from standing up and throttling the Prosecutor. The tips of ${alistair}'s ears and nose are red, a clear sign that ${al_he} is minutes away from losing ${al_his} temper. Col Farling had already warned you about this happening and you had prepared yourself for this outcome. With that the Lt. Colonel returns to her seat and the Judge announces; "Alright, now does the Defence wish to make an opening statement." Col Farling rises; "No, your honour. The defence wishes to save its opening statement for later." The Judge nods her head; "Alright, then let the Prosecution call its first witness." *page_break 3 Hours later... Your patience is wearing thin and ${alistair} is on very thin ice with the Judge. $!{al_he} threw a tantrum 4 times since the last 7 witnesses who have all blatantly lied on the stand. It is amazing, the way these people are lying. 7 hells! You would have believed them yourself had you not been there to see the truth. Col Farling does a magnificent job of keeping their cool and cross examines all the witnesses thoroughly. Out of 7 of the witnesses, 4 were Cory, Lilly, Damien and Wex who refused to make eye contact with either you or ${alistair}. They were the targets of ${alistair} tantrums and outbursts. The clock was ticking, and you were nowhere close to proving your innocence. Finally, the judge calls a recess for lunch and you are escorted out of the courtroom. You and ${alistair} are then taken to the waiting room where you had spent your morning with the Colonel. Col Farling is the last one through the door and bolts it behind them. They then turn to you; [b][i]"Bloody hell! That was a massacre. ${alistair}, what's wrong with you? 4 times! You disrupted the proceeding 4 bloody times! If the Judge wasn't so open-minded, you would have been held in contempt!".[/b][/i] ${alistair} shouts back; [b][i]"They were all lying! How could they just lie like that! Did you see their faces? They refused to even look us in the eye! Those bloody cowards!".[/b][/i] Then inspiration strikes, oh how could you have been so blind! You grab ${alistair} by the shoulders and say; [b][i] "That's it! ${alistair}! You are a genius!"[/b][/i] ${alistair} looks at you with a confused frown, "I know that, but how does that apply right now?" "$!{al_he} is right, you know. How on divr......" the Colonel trails off and their eyes widen in realization as inspiration strikes them as well. They shout [b][i] "${name}! you little divryn! You are right! Why didn't it strike me before?"[/b][/i] ${alistair} still looks confused, "Am I missing something?" *page_break "The 4 witnesses were threatened". [b]"What!"[/b] exclaims ${alistair}. "Yes, they were threatened......not bribed. After hearing your story, I gather that the 4 other kids; Lilly, Cory and the other two might have respected and liked you both. They must have refused to testify against you both. That Lizard Arcalius probably threatened them to do it....that's why they looked afraid to be on the stand. Not because they were traumatized or scared of you both...but because they were afraid of Arcalius." You look at Col Farling, "But how are we going to prove it?" Col Farling gives you a look very similar to that of a Category C that has hooked onto its target and say in a low dangerous tone; "We, won't have to. Lord Gezer himself will tell the court". ${alistair} and you exchange a look and ${alistair} says, "WOAH! Xr, lets just relax and calm down before we fly off the rails here...". Col Farling looks at you and says "Come on, have I ever steered you kids wrong? Trust me." You say; *choice # "I trust you, Col Farling. You go ahead and do, what you need to do. We've got your back." Col Farling smiles at you, "I knew you kids were good eggs." *set Compassion %+10 *set Genuine %+10 *set Cautious %-5 *set Friendly %+5 *goto e # "Well, we only met you yesterday. What could possibly go wrong?" Col Farling smiles. "See, that's the spirit." *set Compassion %+10 *set Genuine %-10 *set Cautious %-5 *goto e # You just look at the Colonel and nod at him. The Colonel nods back, "Well, there's no turning back now". *set Friendly %-10 *set Genuine %+10 *set Cautious %-5 *goto e # You shrug your shoulders, "Hey, its whatever its our lives on the line and not yours. So do what you think is best." "Geeze, thanks for the vote of confidence", snarks the Colonel with a roll of their eyes. *set Compassion %-10 *set Cautious %+5 *set Genuine %-10 *goto e # [b][i]"Are you crazy? You do realize that if it doesn't work, ${alistair} and me get banished!"[/b][/i] "Sheesh...the drama of it all", snarks the Colonel. *set Compassion %-10 *set Cautious %+10 *set Friendly %-5 *goto e *label e Before any of you can say anything, somebody starts knocking at the door and the Colonel moves to unbolt it. They would have been run over had they not moved on time. The twins rush into your arms and squeeze you tight before giving ${alistair} the same rib-crushing hug. Your mother and Lisa stride in as well and move to give you a bear hug with a kiss on the forehead. They then give a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek to ${alistair}, who has been spared by the twins. The twins have now turned their attention to Col Farling and are hammering them with questions about how it feels to be a lawyer. You turn your attention back to your mother, "Why isn't Dad here for the trial?" Your mother looks down at the floor and turns away with tears in her eyes. Lisa comes forward, and putting her hand on your mother's shoulder, "Your father has still not returned after he left yesterday" You feel; *choice # Worried about him... You feel worried for your father and wonder where exactly has he gone off to. It isn't like him to abandon ship when the going gets tough. You know for sure in your heart that your father would never abandon you. *goto f # Ashamed of yourself... Wow, your father must have been really disappointed with you to have abandoned you. You feel really ashamed of yourself for doing this to him. He is one of the most respected figures in all of Sienna and you shamed him. *goto f # Curious... Curiouser and Curiouser...Your father is up to something, but what? What does he know that you don't? Where did he go off to? Why was he wearing his dress uniform after so many years? And how the bloody hell did it still fit him after nearly 18 years? *goto f # Anger towards him... How could he just abandon you at a time when you needed him the most! What kind of father does that? Your kind of father does! *goto f # Devastated... Woe is you! Your father left you...did he ever truly love you? Was it all just a lie....a cruel joke? *goto f *label f Your bubble of thoughts is shattered when the bells ring again, signalling the end of recess. You have to go back into the courtroom. As is routine, you are escorted back to the courtroom by the guards and Captain Percy. But along with your family this time. You and ${alistair} walk in and sit down in the seats that were assigned to you and wait along with Col Farling. They remain standing till the time Judge Esquire walks into the room. Judge Esquire seats herself, bangs her gavel, "The Empire of Sienna Vs ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri is in session one again. Now defence may call its first witness". Col Farling rises, "The defence calls Lord Arcalius Gezer as our first witness." The entire room breaks into whispers and chatter. You and ${alistair} exchange looks. The judge has to bang her gavel twice to get the people to calm down. Once the disturbance has died, Lord Arcalius Gezer makes his way to the witness stand. One of the court guards swears him in before he takes a seat. "Lord Arcalius Gezer, I assume that you are the birth father of Cruger Gezer," says Col Farling in a cool and composed tone. Lord Gezer grinds his teeth, "I [b]am[/b] the birth father of Cruger Gezer, there is no need to [b]assume[/b]". "My apologies sir, it was unclear to me. Now moving on, how well do you know your son's friends?". Lord Gezer thinks a minute before replying, "Well enough, I suppose. Considering they came around the house quite a while ago." Col Farling nods, "Did you know that your son was a bully?" Lord Gezer sneers, "My son was a very well-mannered and disciplined boy, he would never do that. He was far too good for such petty things." Col Farling nods and asks "Are you sure about that sir?" and walks to the table and picks up a file. They then hold it up for the entire room to see, "This is a list of all the FIRs signed against Cruger Gezer when he was still alive. 90% of the FIRs mention assault and molestation." Lord Gezer snarls, [b]"Lies, every single one of them . My son was an angel who was killed by those divryns sitting there."[/b] He glares and points at you and ${alistair}. *page_break "There are 63 cases, your honour" The entire court goes silent, not even the drop of a pin can be heard. Col Farling ploughs on, "63 cases, does that mean all 63 of these victims are lying. Your son is an angel and all the others are divryns?" Lord Gezer glares daggers at the Colonel but remains silent. The Colonel turns and places the file on the Judge's stand as evidence. They then move towards Lord Gezer again, "How intelligent was Cruger? Was he smart or was he plain stupid, acting as if he was smart?" The Prosecutor stands up and shouts [b] "Objection! Your honour!"[/b] Judge Esquire looks at Col Farling, "Col Farling, tread carefully". Col Farling nods, "Alright, So was he smart?" Lord Gezer grits his teeth, "He was above average". Col Farling then turns towards the audience, "Then why on Earth did he hold the switchblade the wrong way?" The entire court breaks into whispers and the Judge has to bang the gavel to calm them down once more. You are starting to pity that gavel. Lord Gezer snarls,[b][i]"Why the hell, would my son be holding THEIR switchblade?"[/b][/i] [b][i]"Because, it was your son who was trying to murder ${name} and ${alistair}."[/b][/i] shouts Col Farling. Lord Gezer shouts back [b][i]"Lies!"[/b][/i] [b][i]"Wow, look who's talking! You are the one lying and cheating!"[/b][/i] snarls Col Farling. The prosecutor shouts [b]"Objection! Your honour!" The protests and objections of both the Judge and the Prosecutor are ignored by Col Farling and Lord Gezer. They ignore everyone and continue arguing like an old married couple. Lord Gezer shouts back [b][i]"I ought to have you sacked for this! Mark my words Farling! You will pay for this, you lowly prick!"[/b][/i] [b][i]"Wow, did you threaten those kids into the witness stand like that! Or did you slobber at them, like you are doing right now!"[/b][/i] *page_break "Guess what you little swamp rat, I threatened them.." [b][i]"Those ungrateful, conniving, snotty bastards! They refused to testify against those brats! How dare they refuse me! I told them that if they didn't testify, I would ensure that their parents would be fired from their jobs! They would be thrown out onto the streets where they belong! They are responsible for the death of my boy"[/b][/i] screams Lord Gezer. The entire court room has gone so quiet, you can hear their hearts beating. You and ${alistair} look at each other in shock. Even the Prosecutor and the Judge have gone mute. Col Farling takes advantage of the silence , "Your Honour, the defence requests that Lord Arcalius Gezer be placed under arrest for deliberately threatening and coercing the witnesses and corrupting evidence." The Judge snaps out of her stupor and looks at the Prosecutor who simply shakes her head and orders, [b]"Guards! The Empire of Sienna places Lord Arcalius Gezer under arrest till further notice, without bail."[/b] and slams her gavel. You and ${alistair} take a deep breath of relief and feel all your muscles loosen up and relax a little. The guards come in and grab a wailing and screaming Lord Gezer and drag him out of the courtroom in chains. You can see now that Cruger not only inherited his looks but also his hot dramatic temper from his father. Col Farling then stands up once again, "Your honour, the Defence wishes to give its statement now." Judge Esquire nods her head, "You may proceed, Col Farling." Col Farling then stands and recites the entire episode and the truth of the matter is finally out. A few people even giggle when the Colonel recites the part about Cruger stabbing himself. The colonel then explains about Cruger's blood condition. When the colonel has finished, Judge Esquire bangs her gavel and calls a recess for deliberation. You and ${alistair} wait with bated breath, while Col Farling reads through the files and notes to check if they missed anything. Finally, after what feels like forever but was an hour, Judge Esquire comes out from her chamber and seats herself at her table. She then looks at you and ${alistair} and says, "The Defence will rise." You and ${alistair} immediately stand up along with Colonel Farling. Judge Esquire looks at you both with a kind smile and says "After a lot of thinking, I Brigadier General Macy Esquire, a representative of justice for Sienna have decided, that you ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri are under the charges of murder and accomplice to murder, not guilty." You would have fainted in relief was it not for ${alistair} who was holding your arm. The courtroom erupts into collective cheers and whistles. But your joy is short-lived, because after that the Judge bangs her gavel, [b]"However, a grade 3 military weapon was found in your possession. Since it is illegal for civilians to carry this weapon on their person, you ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri are guilty under the charge of ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF WEAPON and are sentenced to serve 5 years in the Burmont Prison camp."[/b] *fake_choice # "But we didn't do anything wrong!", you snarl. # You sit in shock, unable to think beyond your verdict. # Well...that took a turn... # Your eyes prick with tears. # Throttle guard on left....kick the right man....and run for the exits..... ${alistair} shouts out [b]"It wasn't ours!"[/b]. Col Farling tries to calm down ${alistair} and the entire court is now in a state of uproar. All the air seems to have escaped from your lungs. You suddenly feel like you might faint and the world is starting to blur around the edges. Then suddenly, amid all the chaos, the doors to the courtroom slam open and in walks... *page_break Sir Nicholas?... You can't believe it, and by the looks of it neither can the others who are present in the courtroom. Sir Nicholas was a very handsome young man when you had last seen him. Now he is a very distinguished looking old gentleman. He is dressed from head to toe in the dress uniform of the Vanguard. His olive green dress jacket has a line of medals pinned to it, shinning proudly on his chest. He walks towards the center of the courtroom and is followed by none other than your father, Air Commander Alias Dexer. Your father looks rather dashing in his navy blue dress uniform, which compliments the sapphire of his eyes. He has the medals pinned to his collar and walks without a trace of his usual limp. *if (job = "Apprentice Farmer") As if two surprise guests weren't enough, your boss and mentor Captain Peroul Hoxley walks in as well. He is dressed from head to toe in the dress uniform of the Vanguard. *if (job = "Apprentice Merchant") As if two surprise guests weren't enough, your boss and mentor Air Captain Jinx Zalshrye walks in as well. They are dressed from head to toe in the dress uniform of the Aviation Regiment. *if (job = "Personal Assistant") As if two surprise guests weren't enough, your boss and mentor Colonel Elliot Danner walks in as well. He is dressed from head to toe in the dress uniform of the Vanguard Regiment. *if (job = "Personal Secretary") As if two surprise guests weren't enough, your boss and mentor Surgical Colonel Gwendolyn Thresher walks in as well. She is dressed from head to toe in the dress uniform of the M&E Regiment. *if (job = "Apprentice hunter") As if two surprise guests weren't enough, your boss and mentor Mechanical Major Qwin Drir walks in as well. She is dressed from head to toe in the dress uniform of the M&E Regiment. You and the rest of the court, including the Judge and the Prosecutor seem to suffer from a collective inability to move or speak. You and ${alistair} exchange a confused look. From the corner of your eye, you see your father wink at the twins and they wink back. Those little rascals knew where your father was the whole time, and they didn't tell you! You make a mental note to bury both your brothers and your father alive and dance on their graves. When you are done with this, of course. Sir Nicholas walks up to the Judge, "Your honour, if I may be so bold....I have come here to prove to you that these kids are not guilty of anything". The judge blinks before rising out of her stupor, "And How exactly do you plan to do that, Sir Nicholas?" Your father steps forward and speaks in a commanding voice that echoes throughout the courtroom, [b][i]"Your honour, ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri are cadets who have been selected to attend the Officers Training Academy in Aiander Cantonment, Sector 3 of Empire City."[/b][/i] The entire court erupts into a cacophony of gasps and whispers. The OTA at Aiander cantonment is the most prestigious military training center in all of Sienna. To get admitted is like winning the lottery. Judge Esquire doesn't bother using the gavel and shouts [b]"Silence!"[/b]. Immediately the entire courtroom settles down and there is pin drop silence. The judge nods her head, "Commander Dexer, can you provide the evidence to back your claims." This is where Sir Nicholas steps in, "Yes, your honour". He pulls out an envelope with the royal seal of the Empress and the official stamp of The ministry of Defence, closing the distance between himself and the Judge and hands her the envelope. She then tears open the envelope and reads the letter out loud for the entire courtroom to hear. [b][i]"This is to inform ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri, that they have been selected and admitted to the prestigious Officers Training Academy in Aiander Cantonment, Sector 3 of Empire City. They are to report to the academy by the 20th of September 2538 latest. Signed General Koquiern Shade, The Commandant of OTA, Sector 3."[/b][/i] She then looks up, "Who are the recommending officers?" To get into any Officers Academy anywhere in Sienna, you would require a letter of recommendation from at least two officers of the Empress's military. Along with their official stamp and signature as witnesses, of course. You would also need the signature of approval from a parent or a legal guardian. *if (job = "Apprentice Farmer") Captain Peroul Hoxley steps forward, "That would be myself and Sir Nicholas, your honour." "Commander Allias Dexer is the father of ${name} Dexer and the acting legal guardian of ${alistair} Basri and had signed his approval with the both of us present as witnesses", he adds. *if (job = "Apprentice Merchant") Air Captain Jinx Zalshrye steps forward, "That would be myself and Sir Nicholas, your honour." "Commander Allias Dexer is the father of ${name} Dexer and the acting legal guardian of ${alistair} Basri and had signed his approval with the both of us present as witnesses" they add. *if (job = "Personal Assistant") Colonel Elliot Danner steps forward, "That would be myself and Sir Nicholas, your honour." "Commander Allias Dexer is the father of ${name} Dexer and the acting legal guardian of ${alistair} Basri and had signed his approval with the both of us present as witnesses" he adds. *if (job = "Personal Secretary") Surgical Colonel Gwendolyn Thresher steps forward, "That would be myself and Sir Nicholas, your honour." "Commander Allias Dexer is the father of ${name} Dexer and the acting legal guardian of ${alistair} Basri and had signed his approval with the both of us present as witnesses" she adds. *if (job = "Apprentice hunter") Mechanical Major Qwin Drir steps forward, "That would be myself and Sir Nicholas, your honour." "Commander Allias Dexer is the father of ${name} Dexer and the acting legal guardian of ${alistair} Basri and had signed his approval with the both of us present as witnesses" she adds. *page_break The Judge shakes her head, "But, this still doesn't explain how the switchblade came to be in their possession." Sir Nicholas steps forward, "That would be because I gifted it to ${name}, as a peace offering. $!{he} has been admitted into the same institution where I began my career and as their Alumni, it is a tradition for me to gift them the very switchblade that I had earned during my career in the Vanguard." You look at Sir Nicholas who winks back at you, "Are we done here your honour or is there anything else we need to do?" The Judge smiles at Sir Nicholas and then graces you with the same smile and announces [b]"In the case of The Empire of Sienna Vs ${name} Dexer and ${alistair} Basri....I, Brigadier General Macy Esquire pronounce them not guilty of all charges. The defendants are free to go."[/b] This time the entire court erupts into cheers and applause. You have never felt so relieved and happy in your entire life. ${alistair} grabs you by the shoulders before pulling you in a bone-crushing hug. [b][i]"Did you hear that ${name}! We are free!"[/b][/i] Once ${alistair} lets you go, you search for your father and see him standing near the back talking to Col Farling. *choice # You rush towards your father at top speed to give him a big, bear hug. Your father turns just in the nick of time, to see you and opens his arms catching you just like he used to when you were a kid. He holds you close and kisses the top of your head, "I am so sorry ${name}. I wanted to be here so badly, but I had to get some things done first." *goto g # You make your way towards your father and before he can say anything, you bury your face in his chest. Your father laughs and you can feel his chest vibrate with the motion. He puts his hand on your head and strokes your hair just the way he used to when you were a kid. He then speaks gently, "Sorry, my little ${boy}. I wanted to be here. I did, but I had to pull a few strings first." *goto g # You make your way towards your father, take a deep breath and nod at him. Your father smiles and pulls you in his arms, "Oh, my ever so stoic little ${boy}." *goto g # You make hurry towards your father and stand there glaring at him. Your father sighs and pulls you into his arms, "I know....I know. You hate me right now for abandoning you and need some time to yourself to get back to normal." *goto g # You stalk towards your father and shout at him [b]"YOU TOLD THE TWINS BUT DIDN'T TELL ME!"[/b] Your father winces and shrugs. He then moves to envelope you in his arms, "Awwww, love. I didn't have the time. I am so sorry." *goto g *label g Your father then releases you and turns toward Col Farling, "Thank you, Linx. I owe you big time." Col Farling rolls their eyes, "Please Allias, save that for people who aren't your childhood friends." You raise a brow and ask, "Wait.....childhood friends? You know each other?" Col Farling smiles while your father explains "The moment I was told what had happened, I rushed to HQ to meet Col Farling who is an old school friend of mine. I asked them to take your case, and they agreed. They also told me they would manage the murder charge, but the illegal possession was tough to get through. It was Sir Nicholas who came up with the academy registration papers. He came to us himself upon hearing about your arrest and offered to write a recommendation letter and also sign as a witness. After that we needed another recommendation, so your boss was roped in as well. Sir Nicholas had to pull quite a few strings to get you and ${alistair} admitted overnight. He even had the conformation letter flown to us by the earliest Aero possible. You owe your freedom to all of them, especially Sir Nicholas." Your conversation is interrupted by the twins and your mother who attack your father like a pack of rabid Category Bs while Col Farling has been pulled away by Lisa and ${alistair}. You look around the courtroom and see everyone is cheering and celebrating. Well...everyone expect for Sir Nicholas who is walking out the doors of the courtroom. You rush after him and; *fake_choice # You rush towards him and call after him as a warning before crushing him in an embrace. Sir Nicholas turns around when you call his name. His eyebrows nearly fly off his hairline as you put your arms around him. He freezes on the spot and after a while returns your hug, resting his head on your shoulder. You then gently pull away, "Thank you for everything." Sir Nicholas adjusts his uniform before looking at you, "No, need for that child. It is I, who should thank you. I must also apologize for my rude behaviour in my youth. You were merely a child." You smile and shrug, "Yeah, I am sorry about that too". # You rush after him and shout out his name. Sir Nicholas turns around when you call his name. His eyebrows nearly fly off his hairline when he sees you rushing towards him. You rush up to him, "Thank you Sir. For everything you did back there for me and ${alistair}. We wouldn't be free today if it wasn't for you." Sir Nicholas smiles and looks at the ground, "Oh my dear ${boy}. I was simply making it up to you for what I did. You were merely a child and I...." You smile, "I am sorry for ruining your wedding sir" # You shout his name and rush up to him and say "You didn't have to do that" Sir Nicholas turns upon hearing you call his name. His eyebrows nearly fly off his head when he sees you rushing towards him. You walk up to him, "You didn't have to do that, sir." Sir Nicholas shakes his head and with a smile says, "No my dear ${boy}, I had to. I owed it to the Empress, and I owed it to you after the way I had treated you. You were merely a child." You look down at the ground, "I am sorry about the wedding." # You call out to him and when he turns around to see you, you nod your head in gratitude. Sir Nicholas smiles back at you and nods his head before saying, "I am sorry my dear ${boy}, for having been so rude to you. You were merely a child." You shrug and say "Well for what it's worth, I am sorry too Sir Nicholas." # You call out to him [b]"Hey, I didn't ask for your help!"[/b] Sir Nicholas stops and turns around before saying, "I know. I helped because I owe you that. For treating you the way I did. You were merely a child." You stop in your tracks before looking at the ground and admitting, "I am sorry too, Sir Nicholas" *label h Sir Nicholas winks at you before saying, "Oh, trust me ${boy}. You will feel very sorry for the next couple of years to come." You frown in confusion, "But why?". Sir Nicholas pats you on the back and speaks in a booming voice; *page_break [b]"Congratulations Young $!{man}! You are in the army now!".[/b] *goto_scene chapter3