*comment Copyright 2010 by Dan Fabulich. *comment *comment Dan Fabulich licenses this file to you under the *comment ChoiceScript License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may *comment not use this file except in compliance with the License. *comment You may obtain a copy of the License at *comment *comment http://www.choiceofgames.com/LICENSE-1.0.txt *comment *comment See the License for the specific language governing *comment permissions and limitations under the License. *comment *comment Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *comment software distributed under the License is distributed on an *comment "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, *comment either express or implied. "Wake up, you bum!" Your brother Jem shouts, ripping the sheets off your bed. "We've finally docked." Still groggy, you rise to your feet. Jem looks at you with concern. "You look like hell! Did you sleep alright?" You almost shudder remembering your nightmare, but decide not to mention it to your brother just yet. After all, it was just a dream. "I'm fine, just a bit disoriented after that RUDE wake-up call." You say jokingly. Jem grins. "It's not my fault, I was woken up an hour ago by the sound of you snoring like a grizzly bear. You know you've done that ever since you were born? I still remember the day mom and dad came home with you in their arms," Having heard this story a million times before, you know where this is going. *choice #"Look at your new baby brother, they said" You say in unison with Jem *set sex "male" *goto genderidentity #"Look at your new baby sister, they said" You say in unison with Jem *set sex "female" *label genderidentity Of course, since then you've realized you identify as *choice #cisgender *set gender "cisgender" *goto supportiveJem #transgender *if sex="male" *set gender "trans mtf" *if sex="female" *set gender "trans ftm" *goto supportiveJem #gender nonbinary *set gender "nonbinary" *label supportiveJem Regardless, Jem has been there for you none the less. "I wanted a puppy, but they had to go and bring you home instead" Jem continues jokingly. Just then someone knocks angrily on the door. "Come on you two idiots! Get up! I swear to the Divetes if I have to mop up one more mess you freeloaders made I'll throw you both overboard. Hurry up, Giraffe, Donkey!" You and Jem roll your eyes, both of you know full well that Captain Valdor, knows that your names are Jem and... *input_text firstname, *page_break but he's become particularly fond of calling your brother giraffe, and you donkey. To his credit, he did try to call you two by your last name *input_text lastname once, but he couldn't pronounce it. "We're coming, you fossil!" Jem shouts back, annoyed. "Can't say I'll miss those colorful nicknames much, but I will miss this ship, and that man." You nod. You and Jem have been on the merchant ship, the [i]Conch[/i] for almost 8 months now. Your parents spent all the money they'd saved over a decade to pay for your passage to the island of the G.R.I.M., and it still only payed for half of it, Valdor offered you and Jem a deal, allowing you to pay the rest by working on the ship. It took a lot of effort to get you and Jem the opportunity to compete in the recruitment tournament and join the Great Runic Ink Masters(also known as the G.R.I.M.), the most powerful organization in the world. You're aware of this, you're inredibly grateful for the chance to leave your old life and make a better one in the most prosperous nation on the planet. Still, the crew has become a second family to you and Jem, even Valdor, the indesputable cranky old grandfather of the ship, has warmed up to you two, though he tries to hide it. How do you feel knowing that, having finally reached your destination, you and Jem have to leave? *choice #I'm sad to be leaving the crew, but overjoyed for the opportunity to obtain fame, fortune, and power as a member of the G.R.I.M. *set old_life-10 *set crew +5 *goto abandon_ship #I'm sad to be leaving the crew, but I will not let my parents down. They've worked too hard to get me and Jem here. *set old_life+10 *set crew +5 *goto abandon_ship #I'm happy to be leaving this rank old ship, and the life of poverty at home, the crew were nice enough, and I'll miss mty parents, but I'm SO ready to move on. *set crew -5 *set old_life -10 *goto abandon_ship #I wish we could just turn the ship around and go home, I miss my old life, and I want to spend more time with the crew. *set old_life +15 *set crew +10. *label abandon_ship You walk up to the ship's deck, saying goodbye to all the members of crew on the way. Valdor waits for you on the dock. "I'll miss you two idiots." He says gruffly, blinking back tears "Have you finally gone soft, old man?" Jem replies, grinning. "We'll miss you too" He continues, holding out a hand to the man. To Jem's surprise, and your amusement, Valdor refuses his handshake, wrapping him in a bearhug instead, easily enveloping your twig of a brother. He squeezes Jem until his face is almost blue. "Can't...breathe!" Jem croaks. He turns to you."Goodbye, monkey, I wish you the best of luck in the tournament." He pauses as he wipes the tears from his face. "Kick some ass for me, will you?" He says, smiling. *choice #"I will, Valdor." I say smiling, sticking out my hand *set crew +5 "Good!" He says, shaking your hand. "I'll be rooting for you, monkey! Now get going, you two only have a few hours before registration closes" "Goodbye Valdor. Thanks for everything." You and Jem walk off, waving at him as you leave. *goto goodbyeValdor #"I'll make you proud, old goat" I say, hugging him. *set crew +10 I'm sure you will. He says, on the verge of tearing up again, hugging you hard. "Now," he says, letting go of you. You'd best get going, you two only have another hour or so beofre they close the registration. "Good luck, to the both of you. I believe in you." Arm in arm with Jem, you leave the docks. *goto goodbyeValdor #"I wish I could kick [i]your[/i] ass, you walking corpse." I say, sneering at him. *set crew -20 *set Jem -10 Valdor looks at you, his expression a twisted mask pure pain for a split second, before his familiar guarded, grumpy expression returns. "Right, then. You two should get going." You turn and walk away, dragging Jem along behind you. *label goodbyeValdor *finish