A short while later, you’re back at Cape Odessa, entering your hotel room. $!{roommate_name} jumps up once you step inside, quickly throwing aside the magazine ${roommate_he_she} was reading. “Hi $!{player_first_name}! You look amazing. What was the $!{royal_title} like?” During your ride back from the palace, you had a lot of time to think about your interaction with ${royal_him_her_them}. What was your first impression of $!{royal_title} $!{royal_first_name}? *fake_choice #This was going to be a long competition. I couldn’t wait to leave ${royal_his_her_their} presence. *set royal %-5 #I’m not going to lie, I didn’t think I believed in love at first sight until a few hours ago. *set royal %+5 #Meeting the ${royal_title} was nice enough, but I’ll need to be around ${royal_him_her_them} more before I decide on my feelings about ${royal_him_her_them}. *set royal %+3 #$!{royal_title} $!{royal_first_name} was alright… *set royal %+3 #I enjoyed meeting the $!{royal_title} and couldn’t wait for the competition to start. *set royal %+3 #There were other places I would’ve rather been, but overall it wasn’t too bad of an experience. *set royal %+2 "No matter how you feel, you should at least get bonus points for being the first one to meet ${royal_him_her_them}. You're already ahead of the curve," $!{roommate_name} points out. "I guess," you say, your next thought cut off when your stomach growls. In all the excitement and meetings, you forgot that you've barely ate anything all day. "Guess that's our cue to order room service," $!{roommate_name} chuckles, reaching for the menu booklet on the bedside table. *page_break *goto_scene chp2_bexarrival