*disable_reuse *label password Thanks so much for reading the demo. Make sure you stay tuned to the Choice of Games Forum for more information on the next update! See you soon! Godspeed and God bless Odessa! To proceed further, you must have a password, which I have only given out to a select few. Please do not DM me or members of the testing team for the password. You will be ignored and multiple requests for the password will get you reported. Enter the password to proceed. *choice #Enter password. *input_text password *if password = "theodgamestesters" *set password true *goto continuehere *elseif password = false *gosub yunolisten *label yunolisten Too bad, you didn't listen. *gosub password *label continuehere *hide_reuse *temp choicecount 0 Now that you're left to your own devices, what are you going to do? *if choicecount = 4 *goto_scene chapter3_twodaysbeforecomp *if choicecount = 3 It's nearly nightfall, which means you have time to do one last thing. *if choicecount = 2 It's starting to get late. You think you have time for something else. *if choicecount = 1 What else are you going to do today? *fake_choice #Find somewhere to drink. *set choicecount +1 *goto_scene drinking #Nothing, I'm ready to head back to my room for the day. *goto_scene chapter3_twodaysbeforecomp #Go to the kitchens. My stomach's starting to rumble... *set choicecount +1 #Go see Rumi. It's time for a new outfit! *set choicecount +1 *goto_scene chapter3_rumioutfits #Go wander the halls. The Palace is big enough to get lost for days. *set choicecount +1 #Go check out the library. *set choicecount +1