*hide_reuse *temp choicecount 0 It's one day closer to the first competition. What are you going to do? *if choicecount = 5 *goto_scene chapter3_firstchallenge *if choicecount = 4 It's nearly nightfall, which means you have time to do one last thing. *if choicecount = 3 It's starting to get late. You think you have time for something else. *if choicecount = 2 What else are you going to do today? *if choicecount = 1 What else are you going to do today? *fake_choice #I could use a bite to eat. Off to the kitchens! *set choicecount +1 #Head to the gardens. *set choicecount +1 #Find somewhere to drink. *set choicecount +1 *goto_scene drinking #Nothing, I'm ready to head back to my room for the day. *set choicecount +1 *selectable_if (vehicle = "motorcycle") #I'm going to see where my motorcycle ended up. *set choicecount +1 #Go to the kitchens. My stomach's starting to rumble... *set choicecount +1 #Go see Rumi. It's time for a new outfit! *set choicecount +1 #Go wander the halls. The Palace is big enough to get lost for days. *set choicecount +1 #Go check out the library. *set choicecount +1