You had always heard about Lox in your hometown. Big but not too big. Loads of jobs for people willing to get out there and apply to them. Outstanding nightlife and social scene, only rivaled by Odessa’s capital city, Dia. Who did you leave behind back home? *fake_choice #My parents. *set family "parents" #My grandparents. *set family "grandparents" #My siblings. *set family "siblings" #Nobody. *set friendly %-10 *set family "none" *gosub_scene chapter1_nobody What was your relationship with them? *fake_choice #I loved them with all my heart. It hurt to leave them. *set fame %+5 *set family_relationship "good" Your ${family} adored you from the time you arrived in the world. You had rarely left their sights since your birth and this would be the first time you wouldn’t be near them. On the day you left, your ${family} waved you off from the inside of the front door of their home. That was, of course, after they spent about an hour kissing your cheeks, wiping away their tears and hugging you close. *achieve moving *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_roommatemeeting #I loved them, but it was time for me to leave. I was starting to feel suffocated. *set fame %+3 *set family_relationship "good" You loved your ${family}, for sure, but as time went on, you knew it was time to go. They didn’t even want you to leave for Lox and spent many a night telling you about all the bad things they heard about Lox. You were still determined to leave and even though they didn’t like it, they let you go. You still remember seeing them standing in the driveway, hugging each other close as they watched you drive off. You promised that as soon as you were settled, you’d give them a call. *achieve moving *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_roommatemeeting #I was indifferent about them. We honestly went our separate ways most of the time. *set friendly %-10 *set aloof +1 You and your ${family} were like ships passing in the night. Whenever they were home, you were usually out and vice-versa. They made sure you had basic needs, but other than that, they were pretty hands off. You drove away from home without little fanfare. You’re pretty sure they were too busy doing other things to see you off. *achieve moving *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_roommatemeeting #I hated them and couldn’t wait to leave home. You and your ${family} couldn’t stand each other. You didn’t even bother telling them your plans after you came of age. They didn’t even know you were leaving until one of them walked into your room and noticed you packing. They didn’t say anything back to you in your room, but you’re pretty sure you heard one of them say, “Good riddance,” underneath their breath as they disappeared back down the hallway. You couldn’t drive away fast enough from home once the day came for you to leave. *achieve moving *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_roommatemeeting