“$!{player_first_name}, you caught that announcement today, right? What did you think of all of that?” $!{roommate_name} asks over the phone. Currently, you’re adding the finishing touches on a few emails before heading home. The announcement was the only thing anybody was talking about for the rest of the day. The news of Odessa Dates’ true nature dominated talk shows, social media and just about any public place. Everybody seemed to have mixed feelings about the revelation. You personally… *fake_choice *if (background = "guard") #...had mixed feelings about it, too. You knew that King Frederick was pretty protective over his children but this was a bit much, even for him. "I mean, King Frederick has done schemes before, but nothing on this scale," you tell your roommate. "This is such an extreme method. Exciting, but extreme. Surely the King’s child doesn’t need a mate that badly, right?” $!{roommate_name} asks. “There’s more than meets the eye. There always is," you reply. "But I’m about to head home. Talk to you later?” “Yeah! See you at home, $!{player_first_name},” $!{roommate_name} says before hanging up, leaving you to continue packing up. *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_reveal #...thought the whole situation was crazy! Who creates a website just to find your child somebody to marry? *set royalloyalty %-5 *set odessenters %+5 “Personally, I think this is crazy. Who creates a whole functioning website just to find your child somebody to marry?” “I know right? What an extreme method! Surely the King’s kid doesn’t need a mate that badly, right?” $!{roommate_name} asks. “There’s definitely some reason,” you say. “He’ll probably mention more at that press conference, though. I’m about to head home. Talk to you later?” “Yeah! See you at home, $!{player_first_name},” $!{roommate_name} says before hanging up, leaving you to continue packing up. *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_reveal #...couldn’t care less about the situation. I only watched the announcement so I wouldn’t be out of the loop. *set formal %-10 *set aloof +1 *set royalloyalty %-10 “I couldn’t care less, really, $!{roommate_name}. I only watched it because I didn’t want to be out of the loop. You know how the news cycle is.” $!{roommate_name} chuckles over the phone and you can hear ${roommate_him_her} throwing ${roommate_his_her} keys down on the counter. “I think even if you hadn’t watched it, you still wouldn’t be out of the loop, since people can’t stop buzzing about this,” $!{roommate_name} says. “Everybody’s on edge and wondering if they’re about to get contacted.” “Well, I know I’m not getting picked. I haven’t even gotten my results back yet,” you say. You heard $!{roommate_name} gasp exaggeratedly in the background, which causes you to laugh a bit. “When you get home, send an email to support. I’m sure they’re just busy with this news dropping and just haven’t sent them yet. See you when you get home!” $!{roommate_name} exclaims and after you two say goodbye, ${roommate_he_she} hangs up. *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_reveal #...couldn't wait for everything to get started! *set morale %+10 *set royalloyalty %+10 *set odessenters %-10 "I'm excited. I'm not going to lie to you, $!{roommate_name}," you say, unable to keep a huge grin off of your face. $!{roommate_name} chuckles. "I can basically see your smile through the phone. Why? Do you think you're going to be chosen?" You shrug. You couldn't go that far, but it certainly would be exciting to see who joined the competition. It would at least add some excitement to reality television, which was getting rather stale these days. "Doubt it. But it'll beat whatever is on TV these days," you say. "Agreed. I'm getting tired of watching reruns." $!{roommate_name} yawns into the receiver, signaling to you that it was probably time to hang up before ${roommate_he_she} fell asleep on you. "See you at home," you say and hang up once $!{roommate_name} says goodbye as well. *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_reveal #...were incredibly shocked at the revelation. If the Royal Family lied about this, what else could they be lying about? *set royalloyalty %-5 “Oh my God, $!{roommate_name}, I can’t believe it! Why would the Crown lie about this? I mean, wouldn’t telling the truth just draw more people to sign up for their website?” You ask. $!{roommate_name} doesn’t say anything, but you’re sure ${roommate_he_she} likely shrugged in response to your question. “Hell if I know. I’m super shocked about this and I’m a Royal Family follower. Totally came out of left field for me,” $!{roommate_name} says. “Hey, I know you’re probably trying to get home, so we can talk more later, yeah?” “Sounds good. See you soon, $!{roommate_name}. Bye.” *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_reveal #...weren’t that surprised. If anybody thought that the Royal Family was 100 percent truthful about anything, they were crazy. *set royalloyalty %-10 *set odessenters %+10 “I’m not surprised,” you say. “This isn’t the first thing the Royal Family has lied about and it won’t be the last.” $!{roommate_name} lets out a long sigh, but ultimately agrees with you. “You’re right, but this is a huge lie, even for them. I’ve been looking online for more information and the reaction is decidedly mixed.” That sounds about right, you figured. The Royal Family couldn’t have thought that something like this would be just accepted blindly and happily. “It’ll be an interesting couple of days, for sure. I gotta go $!{roommate_name}. See you in a few,” you say, hanging up after ${roommate_he_she} says goodbye as well. *page_break *goto_scene chapter1_reveal