[i]April 6th[/i] Usually when you check the mail, there's nothing there. You haven't been here long enough. Today, however, you pull a small pink envelope that smells vaguely of roses out of the mailbox. The small, neat cursive address says your name, and you rip it open, somewhat sorry to ruin the paper. [i]Dear ${first_name},[/i] [i]I would be pleased for you to join me for tea on Wednesday at four in the afternoon.[/i] [i]Yours,[/i] [i]Ines[/i] "Of course she would have [i]tea[/i] at tea [i]time[/i]," you mutter to yourself. *fake_choice #I accept the invitation. *set yr1_04_08_20_i 4 *set i +1 *goto_scene story_20_04_08 #I decline the invitation. *goto_scene story_20_04_15