*label explanation Welcome to the crafting screen! At the end of each month, you will have the opportunity to decide how you spent your time in the kitchen. Some months you'll have more time than others, and you can make choices that will affect how many hours you can devote to crafting. The recipes you can make will also change over time based on the ingredients you have available to you and the recipes you've learned. You can see all the recipes by choosing the cookbook option in the stats menu. Recipes that are more profitable will generate more CPs (Crafting Points), which you need to progress in the game. There are other factors to consider, though. Recipes that are more difficult may result in lower yields. You may also need to craft less profitable products in order to make others. Finally, several events and interactions will depend on what you choose to make. When you have used your hours, you will return to the game automatically. Happy crafting! *return *label yr1_jun *set num 0 *gosub explanation You had ${yr1_jun_hrs} hours to spend working in the kitchen this month. What did you make? *if (num = 1) *label yr1_jun_what_else You have ${yr1_jun_hrs} remaining. What else did you make this month? *fake_choice #I made pickles. You flip open your cookbook to look at your recipe for pickles. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup pickles How many hours did you spend making pickles? *input_number hrs 0 200 *if (hrs > yr1_jun_hrs) You didn't have enough time to spend ${hrs} hours making pickles. *goto yr1_jun *set yr1_jun_hrs - hrs *gosub pickles *if (yr1_jun_hrs > 0) *goto yr1_jun_what_else *if (yr1_jun_hrs = 0) *goto_scene story_20_07_04 #I made strawberry jam. You flip open your cookbook to look at your recipe for strawberry jam. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup strawberry_jam How many hours did you spend making strawberry jam? *input_number hrs 0 200 *if (hrs > yr1_jun_hrs) You didn't have enough time to spend ${hrs} hours making strawberry jam. *goto yr1_jun *set yr1_jun_hrs - hrs *gosub strawberry_jam *if (yr1_jun_hrs > 0) *goto yr1_jun_what_else *if (yr1_jun_hrs = 0) *goto_scene story_20_07_04 #Return to the game. *goto_scene story_20_07_04 *label yr1_jul You had ${yr1_jul_hrs} *label yr1_aug You had ${yr1_aug_hrs} *label yr1_sep You had ${yr1_sep_hrs} *label yr1_oct You had ${yr1_oct_hrs} *label yr1_nov You had ${yr1_nov_hrs} *label yr1_dec You had ${yr1_dec_hrs} *label apple_butter *return *label apple_butter_ice_cream *return *label apple_cider *return *label apple_cider_vinegar *return *label apple_jelly *return *label apple_sauce *return *label pickled_beets *return *label sauerkraut *return *label pickles *set cuc_pic 24 *set cuc_pic * hrs *set cp 456 *set cp / 10000 *gosub difficulty_easy *set cuc_pic * yield *set cuc_pic / 100 *set cuc_pic round(cuc_pic) *set cp * hrs *set cp * yield *set cp / 100 *gosub crafting_points *set cuc_pic 0 *set hrs 0 *set yield 0 *return *label honey_ice_cream *return *label mead *return *label onion_jam *return *label hot_sauce *return *label fermented_hot_sauce *return *label pepper_jelly *return *label pepper_relish *return *label strawberry_ice_cream *return *label strawberry_jam *set str_jam 24 *set str_jam * hrs *set cp 418 *set cp / 10000 *gosub difficulty_easy *set str_jam * yield *set str_jam / 100 *set str_jam round(str_jam) *set cp * hrs *set cp * yield *set cp / 100 *gosub crafting_points *set str_jam 0 *set hrs 0 *set yield 0 *return *label barbecue_sauce *return *label tomato_marmalade *return *label goat_cheese *return *label goat_cheese_ice_cream *return *label goat_cheese_honey_apple *return *label goat_cheese_jam *return *label spice_cream *return *label difficulty_easy *if (yr1 = true) *rand yield 70 75 *if (yr2 = true) *rand yield 70 80 *if (yr3 = true) *rand yield 70 85 *if (yr4 = true) *rand yield 70 90 *if (yr5 = true) *rand yield 70 95 *return *label difficulty_medium *if (yr1 = true) *rand yield 60 65 *if (yr2 = true) *rand yield 60 70 *if (yr3 = true) *rand yield 60 80 *if (yr4 = true) *rand yield 60 90 *if (yr5 = true) *rand yield 60 95 *return *label difficulty_hard *if (yr1 = true) *rand yield 50 60 *if (yr2 = true) *rand yield 50 70 *if (yr3 = true) *rand yield 50 80 *if (yr4 = true) *rand yield 50 90 *if (yr5 = true) *rand yield 50 95 *return *label crafting_points *if (yr1 = true) *set cp_yr1 + cp *if (yr2 = true) *set cp_yr2 + cp *if (yr3 = true) *set cp_yr3 + cp *if (yr4 = true) *set cp_yr4 + cp *if (yr5 = true) *set cp_yr5 + cp *set cp_tot + cp_yr1 *set cp_tot + cp_yr2 *set cp_tot + cp_yr3 *set cp_tot + cp_yr4 *set cp_tot + cp_yr5 *set cp_round round(cp_tot) *return