*label stats [b]Profile[/b] *if ((hair = true) and (headscarf = false)) *stat_chart text Name text hair_color Hair Color text eye_color Eye Color text skin_tone Skin Tone text height_d Height *elseif ((hair = false) or (headscarf = true)) *stat_chart text Name text eye_color Eyes text skin_tone Skin Tone *else *bug [b]Personality[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair awk Awkward Smooth opposed_pair cha Charming Intimidating opposed_pair dir Direct Subtle opposed_pair gen Genuine Sarcastic opposed_pair hum Humble Confident opposed_pair org Organized Spontaneous opposed_pair per Perceptive Reflective opposed_pair yie Yielding Stubborn *choice #Farm stats. [b]Totals[/b] *stat_chart text ap_round Animal Points text cp_round Crafting Points text hp_round Harvest Points text rp Renown Points text qp Quest Points *fake_choice *if (farm_stats_yr1 = true) #View year one farm stats. -- *if (farm_stats_yr2 = true) #View year two farm stats. -- *if (farm_stats_yr2 = true) #View year three farm stats. -- *if (farm_stats_yr2 = true) #View year four farm stats. -- *if (farm_stats_yr2 = true) #View year five farm stats. -- #Return to the stats menu. *goto stats *page_break *goto stats #Relationship stats. *if (meet_o) [b]Oliver Bates[/b] Judy's teenage cousin. Light skin, brown eyes, and strawberry blonde hair. *stat_chart text o Friendship *if (meet_b) [b]${bertie} Carroll[/b] The contractor you hired to renovate the castle. Lightly tanned skin, light green eyes, and short, dirty blonde hair. *stat_chart text b Friendship *if (meet_c) [b]Charlotte Carroll[/b] Your next-door neighbor and fellow farmer. Lightly tanned skin, blue eyes, and strawberry blonde hair. *stat_chart text c Friendship *if (meet_f) [b]${frankie} Carroll[/b] A local school teacher. Ivory colored skin, light brown eyes, and dirty blonde hair. *stat_chart text f Friendship *if (meet_g) [b]${gabby} Duchamp[/b] The chef and owner of the local restaurant, [i]La Chambre Rose[/i]. Olive colored skin, hazel eyes, and curly, brown hair. *stat_chart text g Friendship *if (meet_i) [b]Ines Duchamp[/b] The president of the local historical society. Porcelain colored skin, brown eyes, and pearl-gray hair. *stat_chart text i Friendship *if (meet_r) [b]${rash} Khalef[/b] A local artist. Bronze colored skin, brown eyes, and long, black hair. *stat_chart text r Friendship *if (meet_z) [b]${zhenya} ${khitrov}[/b] Your business rival. Alabaster colored skin, ice-blue eyes, and short, blonde hair. *stat_chart text z Friendship [b]${alex} McNally[/b] Your best, childhood friend. Tanned skin, blue-green eyes, and wavy, brown hair. *stat_chart text a Friendship *if (meet_s) [b]Sebastian More[/b] The mayor of Talverton. Sable colored skin, brown eyes, and short, black hair. *stat_chart text s Friendship *if (meet_t) [b]${tony} Ruiz[/b] The owner and bartender at [i]Bar None[/i]. Tawny colored skin, forest green eyes, and curly brown hair. *stat_chart text t Friendship *if (meet_j) [b]Judy Shaw[/b] The owner of the local bakery. Beige colored skin, black eyes, and long, black hair. *stat_chart text j Friendship *page_break *goto stats *if (social_media = true) #Social media. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup social *page_break *goto stats #Other. What would you like to do? *choice #View changelog. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup changelog *page_break *goto stats #View cookbook. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup cookbook *page_break *goto stats #Toggle curses. What would you like to do? *fake_choice #Turn curses on. *set ass "ass" *set asshole "asshole" *set fuck "fuck" *set goddamnit "goddamnit" *set goddammit "goddamnit" *set shit "shit" #Turn curses off. *set ass "jerk" *set asshole "jerk" *set fuck "frick" *set goddamnit "dag nabbit" *set goddammit "dang flabbit" *set shit "sugar" *page_break *goto stats #View feedback suggestions. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup feedback *page_break *goto stats #Enter God Mode. *gosub_scene mechanics_god_mode god_mode *page_break *goto stats #View images and game lore. What would you like to do? *choice #View the the layout of Darbury Estate. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup layout *page_break *goto stats #View the map of Eprea. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup map *page_break *goto stats *if (collages = true) #View the collages I have collected. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup collages *page_break *goto stats #Toggle image descriptions. Would you like to turn image descripts on or off? *fake_choice #Turn image descriptions on. *set image_description true *page_break *goto stats #Turn image descriptions off. *set image_description false *page_break *goto stats #View important links. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup links *page_break *goto stats #Change pronouns. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup pronouns *page_break *goto stats #View the Q&A. *gosub_scene mechanics_setup q_a *page_break *goto stats #Return to the previous page. *page_break *goto stats