*label personalstats [b]Personal Information[/b] Name: ${name} ${surname} *if (nickname = "") *goto statspersonality *else Nickname: $!{callme} *goto statspersonality *label statspersonality Personality: *stat_chart opposed_pair Charming Intimidating opposed_pair Impulsive Cautious opposed_pair Sarcastic Genuine opposed_pair Friendly Stoic opposed_pair Easygoing Stubborn *line_break Traits: *stat_chart opposed_pair Heart Mind opposed_pair Optimist Pessimist opposed_pair teamplayer Team Player Independent *if (showbar = "yes") Personal Relationships *temp motherr_text *if motherr = 0 *set motherr_text "Tense relationship, due to her absences." *goto motherchart *elseif motherr = 1 *set motherr_text "Not a very close relationship, though I understand her absences." *goto motherchart *elseif motherr = 2 *set motherr_text "Good relationship, even if I wish it were better." *goto motherchart *elseif motherr = 3 *set motherr_text "Close relationship, though not as close as I would like." *goto motherchart *else *set motherr_text "Very close relationship, even with her absences." *goto motherchart *label motherchart [b]Rebecca[/b] *stat_chart text motherr_text Past Relationship percent mothernewr Current Relationship *goto bobby_textt *label bobby_textt *temp bobby_text *if ((bobrp = 0) and (bobex = "love")) *set bobby_text "College ex. A memory that still irks me. Jerk." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 1) and (bobex = "love")) *set bobby_text "College ex. A fact that continues to annoy me." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 2) and (bobex = "love")) *set bobby_text "College ex. But it's over, and I have little issue now." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 3) and (bobex = "love")) *set bobby_text "College ex. But it's all in the past." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 0) and (bobex = "friend")) *set bobby_text "College friend. Certainly far from friends now. Jerk." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 1) and (bobex = "friend")) *set bobby_text "College friend. Something I really don't like to remember." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 2) and (bobex = "friend")) *set bobby_text "College friend. But I've tried to put that in the past." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 3) and (bobex = "friend")) *set bobby_text "College friend. I barely even remember the friendship." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 0) and (bobex = "nothing")) *set bobby_text "Acquaintance. A reporter with bad morals." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 1) and (bobex = "nothing")) *set bobby_text "Acquaintance. Don't really like dealing with ${bob_him} though." *goto bobchart *elseif ((bobrp = 2) and (bobex = "nothing")) *set bobby_text "Acquaintance. An occasional annoyance, that's all." *goto bobchart *else *set bobby_text "Acquaintance. A reporter doing their job." *goto bobchart *label bobchart *line_break [b]Bobby[/b] *stat_chart text bobby_text Past Relationship *goto choicehere *label choicehere *choice #Personal. *goto personalstats #Professional. *goto professionalstats *selectable_if (teammet = "true") #Team stats. *goto teamstats #Key decisions and detective details. *goto keymoments *if (showbar = "yes") #Hide relationship stats. *set showbar "no" *goto personalstats *if ((showbar = "no")or(showbar = "")) #Show relationship stats. *set showbar "yes" *goto personalstats *label professionalstats [b]Professional Information[/b] Job title: Wayhaven PD Detective / Agency Human Liaison. Skills: *stat_chart percent people People/Psychology percent combat Combat/Physical percent science Science/Technology percent deduction Deduction/Knowledge opposed_pair bybook By the Book Bend the Rules *line_break *if (comorres = "true") Defence Against Supernaturals *stat_chart percent scombat Combat percent sresearch Research *line_break *if (showbar = "yes") Professional Relationships *stat_chart text mayor [b]Mayor Friedman[/b] text captainr [b]Police Captain[/b] *choice #Personal. *goto personalstats #Professional. *goto professionalstats *selectable_if (teammet = "true") #Team stats. *goto teamstats #Key decisions and detective details. *goto keymoments *if (showbar = "yes") #Hide relationship stats. *set showbar "no" *goto professionalstats *if ((showbar = "no")or(showbar = "")) #Show relationship stats. *set showbar "yes" *goto professionalstats *label teamstats [b]Team Stats[/b] [b]${adam} du Mortain[/b] *line_break Title: Commanding Agent *if (teaminfo = "true") *line_break Specialisation: Team Leader. Combat Specialist. *if (a_man = "man") *line_break Height: 6′1″ *line_break Accent: British. *line_break Description: Broad shoulders. Powerful build. Short-cut blonde hair. Pale cream skin. Light green eyes. *goto statsa *else *line_break Height: 5′8″ *line_break Accent: British. *line_break Description: Lean, solid build. Shoulder-length blonde hair tied back into a tight knot. Pale cream skin. Light green eyes. *goto statsa *label statsa *if ((showbar = "yes")and(romance = "adam")) [b]Flirt:[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Bold Shy *goto statsa1 *elseif ((showbar = "yes")and(romance = "adamnate")) [b]Flirt:[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair abold Bold Shy *goto statsa1 *elseif (showbar = "yes") *temp adam_text *if (adamf <= 3) *set adam_text "Teammates." *goto adamchart2 *elseif (adamf <= 8) *set adam_text "Respected teammates." *goto adamchart2 *elseif (adamf <= 12) *set adam_text "Good teammates." *goto adamchart2 *elseif (adamf <= 21) *set adam_text "Close teammates." *goto adamchart2 *else *set adam_text "Friends." *goto adamchart2 *label adamchart2 *stat_chart text adam_text [b]Friendship[/b] *goto statsa1 *else *goto statsa1 *label statsa1 *line_break *if ((romance = "adam")or(romance = "adamnate")) Current Romantic Status:… *goto stats2a *else *goto stats2a *label stats2a *line_break [b]${nathaniel} Sewell[/b] *line_break Title: Agent *if (teaminfo = "true") *line_break Specialisation: Second in Command. Research and Information Specialist. *if (n_man = "man") *line_break Height: 6′4″ *line_break Accent: Indistinguishable. *line_break Description: Muscled build. Short dark brown hair styled back. Tawny skin. Stubble lining jawline. Warm brown eyes. *goto statsn *else *line_break Height: 6′0″ *line_break Accent: Indistinguishable. *line_break Description: Athletic build. Cropped dark brown hair. Tawny skin. Warm brown eyes. *goto statsn *label statsn *if ((showbar = "yes")and(romance = "nate")) [b]Flirt:[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Bold Shy *goto statsn1 *elseif ((showbar = "yes")and(romance = "adamnate")) [b]Flirt:[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair nbold Bold Shy *goto statsn1 *elseif (showbar = "yes") *temp nate_text *if (natef <= 5) *set nate_text "Respected teammates." *goto natechart2 *elseif (natef <= 8) *set nate_text "Good teammates." *goto natechart2 *elseif (natef <= 20) *set nate_text "Friends." *goto natechart2 *else *set nate_text "Close friends." *goto natechart2 *label natechart2 *stat_chart text nate_text [b]Friendship[/b] *goto statsn1 *else *goto statsn1 *label statsn1 *line_break *if (romance = "nate") *if (ntogether = "true") Current Romantic Status: In a relationship. *goto stats2n *else *goto stats2n *else *goto stats2n *label stats2n *line_break [b]${felix} Hauville[/b] *line_break Title: Agent *if (teaminfo = "true") *line_break Specialisation: Reconnaissance and Infiltration Specialist. *if (f_man = "man") *line_break Height: 5′7″ *line_break *if (maccent = "yes") Accent: New Orleans. *goto faccent1 *else Accent: American. *goto faccent1 *label faccent1 *line_break Description: Lithe build. Short coiled black hair. Rich dark brown skin. Amber eyes. *goto statsf *else *line_break Height: 5′4″ *line_break *if (maccent = "yes") Accent: New Orleans. *goto faccent2 *else Accent: American. *goto faccent2 *label faccent2 *line_break Description: Lithe build. Medium-length coiled black hair. Rich dark brown skin. Amber eyes. *goto statsf *label statsf *if ((showbar = "yes")and(romance = "felix")) [b]Flirt:[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Bold Shy *goto statsf1 *elseif (showbar = "yes") *temp felix_text *if (felixf <= 3) *set felix_text "Teammates." *goto felixchart *if (felixf <= 6) *set felix_text "Good teammates." *goto felixchart *elseif (felixf <= 12) *set felix_text "Totally mates." *goto felixchart *elseif (felixf <= 21) *set felix_text "Really close." *goto felixchart *label felixchart *stat_chart text felix_text [b]Friendship[/b] *goto statsf1 *else *goto statsf1 *label statsf1 *line_break *if (romance = "felix") *if (ftogether = "true") Current Romantic Status: In a relationship. *goto stats2f *else *goto stats2f *else *goto stats2f *label stats2f *line_break [b]${mason}[/b] *line_break Title: Specialist Agent *if (teaminfo = "true") *line_break Specialisation: Interrogations Specialist. *if (m_man = "man") *line_break Height: 6′0″ *line_break Accent: Greek. *line_break Description: Athletic build. Shoulder-length layered dark hair. Tanned skin with freckles over face and neck. Grey eyes. *goto statsm *else *line_break Height: 5′7″ *line_break *if (maccent = "yes") Accent: Greek. *goto maccent1 *else Accent: Unknown. *goto maccent1 *label maccent1 *line_break Description: Toned, curvaceous build. Shoulder-length layered dark hair. Tanned skin with freckles over face and neck. Grey eyes. *goto statsm *label statsm *if ((showbar = "yes")and(romance = "mason")) [b]Flirt:[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Bold Shy *goto statsm1 *elseif (showbar = "yes") *temp mason_text *if (masonf <= 4) *set mason_text "Teammates." *goto masonchart *elseif (masonf <= 7) *set mason_text "Respected Teammates." *goto masonchart *elseif (masonf <= 11) *set mason_text "Better Teammates." *goto masonchart *elseif (masonf <= 16) *set mason_text "Close Teammates." *goto masonchart *elseif (masonf <= 23) *set mason_text "Sort of maybe friends." *goto masonchart *else *set mason_text "Yeah, friends." *goto masonchart *label masonchart *stat_chart text mason_text [b]Friendship[/b] *goto statsm1 *else *goto statsm1 *label statsm1 *line_break *if (romance = "mason") *if (masonsextwoten = "true") Current Romantic Status:… *goto stats2m *else *goto stats2m *else *goto stats2m *label stats2m *line_break *choice #Personal. *goto personalstats #Professional. *goto professionalstats *selectable_if (teammet = "true") #Team stats. *goto teamstats #Key decisions and detective details. *goto keymoments *if (showbar = "yes") #Hide relationship stats. *set showbar "no" *goto teamstats *if ((showbar = "no")or(showbar = "")) #Show relationship stats. *set showbar "yes" *goto teamstats *label keymoments [b]General and Personal Details.[/b] Eye Colour: $!{mc_eyes}. Hair Colour: $!{mc_hair}. Hair Length: $!{mc_haircut}. *if (mc_height = "") *goto keymoments1 *else Height: $!{mc_height}. *goto keymoments1 *label keymoments1 *if (apartment = "mess") Apartment Style: Messy. *goto keymoments2 *elseif (apartment = "hightech") Apartment Style: High-tech. *goto keymoments2 *else Apartment Style: $!{apartment}. *goto keymoments2 *label keymoments2 *line_break [b]Book One Decisions.[/b] *if (aashot = "true") Did the detective shoot ${adam}?: Yes. *goto keymoments3 *elseif (aashot = "pepper") Did the detective shoot ${adam}?: Pepper sprayed. *goto keymoments3 *else Did the detective shoot ${adam}?: No. *goto keymoments3 *label keymoments3 *if (backstory = "help") Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Wanted to help people and make them feel safe. *goto keymoments4 *elseif (backstory = "mind") Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Best career that put mind to use. *goto keymoments4 *elseif (backstory = "army") Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Next best thing, as army wasn't an option. *goto keymoments4 *elseif (backstory = "easy") Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Seemed like an easy job. *goto keymoments4 *elseif (backstory = "badge") Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Badge gains free things and favours. *goto keymoments4 *elseif (backstory = "structure") Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: It was a job with structure and defined rules. *goto keymoments4 *elseif (backstory = "science") Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Best job to make use of scientific skills. *goto keymoments4 *else Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Joined to avoid jail time due to rebellious youth. *goto keymoments4 *label keymoments4 *if (bobbybug = "true") Went out or stayed in: Stayed in the office and got bugged by Bobby. *goto keymoments5 *else Went out or stayed in: Went out to the bar and saved Douglas. *goto keymoments5 *label keymoments5 *if (reveal = "confused") Reaction to vampire revelation: Confused. *goto keymoments6 *elseif (reveal = "scared") Reaction to vampire revelation: Scared. *goto keymoments6 *elseif (reveal = "disbelief") Reaction to vampire revelation: Disbelieving. *goto keymoments6 *else Reaction to vampire revelation: Accepting. *goto keymoments6 *label keymoments6 Agreed to Agency Blood Tests?: $!{tests}. *if (bite = "wrist") Did Murphy bite the detective?: Yes, on the wrist. *goto keymoments7 *elseif (bite = "neck") Did Murphy bite the detective?: Yes, on the neck. *goto keymoments7 *else Did Murphy bite the detective?: No. *goto keymoments7 *label keymoments7 Murphy's fate: $!{murphyfate}. *choice #Book Two Key Decisions. *goto booktwodecisions #Personal. *goto personalstats #Professional. *goto professionalstats *selectable_if (teammet = "true") #Team stats. *goto teamstats #Key decisions and detective details. *goto keymoments *if (showbar = "yes") #Hide relationship stats. *set showbar "no" *goto teamstats *if ((showbar = "no")or(showbar = "")) #Show relationship stats. *set showbar "yes" *goto teamstats *label booktwodecisions *line_break [b]Book Two Decisions.[/b] *if (murphytrauma = "traumatic") Dealing with trauma of Murphy attack?: It's too traumatic to forget. *goto bktwod1 *elseif (murphytrauma = "nothought") Dealing with trauma of Murphy attack?: Barely even think about it. *goto bktwod1 *elseif (murphytrauma = "buried") Dealing with trauma of Murphy attack?: I've buried that memory as best as I can. *goto bktwod1 *else Dealing with trauma of Murphy attack?: I'm unsure how to feel about it. *goto bktwod1 *label bktwod1 *if (booktwodefense = "combat") Supernatural Research or Combat: Combat. *goto bktwod2 *else Supernatural Research or Combat: Research. *goto bktwod2 *label bktwod2 *if (humanchoice = "tinatruth") Did Tina or Verda learn the truth?: Yes, encouraged Tina to learn the truth. *goto bktwod3 *elseif (humanchoice = "verdatruth") Did Tina or Verda learn the truth?: Yes, encouraged Verda to learn the truth. *goto bktwod3 *elseif (humanchoice = "verdafail") Did Tina or Verda learn the truth?: Yes, tried to stop Verda learning it but failed. *goto bktwod3 *elseif (humanchoice = "tinafail") Did Tina or Verda learn the truth?: Yes, tried to stop Tina learning it but failed. *goto bktwod3 *else Did Tina or Verda learn the truth?: No. *goto bktwod3 *label bktwod3 *if (booktworescue = "adam") $!{adam} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: $!{adam}. *goto bktwod4 *elseif (booktworescue = "asanja") $!{adam} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: Sanja. *goto bktwod4 *elseif (booktworescue = "nate") $!{nate} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: $!{nate}. *goto bktwod4 *elseif (booktworescue = "nsanja") $!{nate} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: Sanja. *goto bktwod4 *elseif (booktworescue = "mason") $!{mason} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: $!{mason}. *goto bktwod4 *elseif (booktworescue = "msanja") $!{mason} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: Sanja. *goto bktwod4 *elseif (booktworescue = "felix") $!{felix} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: $!{felix}. *goto bktwod4 *else $!{felix} or Sanja saved from the Trappers: Sanja. *goto bktwod4 *label bktwod4 *if (sanjafate = "alive") Sanja's fate?: Alive. *goto bktwod5 *else Sanja's fate?: Dead. *goto bktwod5 *label bktwod5 *if (maaalused = "treaty") Maa-alused outcome: They signed they treaty. *goto bktwo6 *elseif (maaalused = "hostile") Maa-alused outcome: They joined the Rogues. *goto bktwo6 *else Maa-alused outcome: They didn't sign the treaty, but there was a peaceful resolution found. *goto bktwo6 *label bktwo6 *choice #Book One Key Decisions. *goto keymoments #Personal. *goto personalstats #Professional. *goto professionalstats *selectable_if (teammet = "true") #Team stats. *goto teamstats #Key decisions and detective details. *goto keymoments *if (showbar = "yes") #Hide relationship stats. *set showbar "no" *goto teamstats *if ((showbar = "no")or(showbar = "")) #Show relationship stats. *set showbar "yes" *goto teamstats