*comment Copyright 2010 by Dan Fabulich. *comment *comment Dan Fabulich licenses this file to you under the *comment ChoiceScript License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may *comment not use this file except in compliance with the License. *comment You may obtain a copy of the License at *comment *comment http://www.choiceofgames.com/LICENSE-1.0.txt *comment *comment See the License for the specific language governing *comment permissions and limitations under the License. *comment *comment Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, *comment software distributed under the License is distributed on an *comment "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, *comment either express or implied. *title Children of the Gods *author Rohie *scene_list startup intro part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9 priscilla *create skill "You do not partake in any skills" *comment GENDER *create gender "male" *create he "he" *create him "him" *create his "his" *create man "man" *create sir "sir" *create mr "Mr." *create gender1 "male" *create he1 "he" *create him1 "him" *create his1 "his" *create man1 "man" *create sir1 "sir" *create mr1 "Mr." *create gender2 "male" *create he2 "he" *create him2 "him" *create his2 "his" *create man2 "man" *create sir2 "sir" *create mr2 "Mr." *create bfname "bfname" *create bfgender "male" *create bfhe "he" *create bfhim "him" *create bfhis "his" *create bfgender "female" *create bfhe "she" *create bfhim "her" *create bfhis "her" *create bf false *comment NAMES *create bullyname "Gale" *create name "name" *create surname "surname" *create fullname "Unknown" *create name "Unknown" *create history0 false *create history1 false *comment APPEARANCE *create race2 false *create race0 "unspecified" *create race1 "unspecified" *create race "unspecified" *create eyecolor "unspecified" *create facial "unspecified" *create haircolor "unspecified" *create hairlength "unspecified" *create bodytype "unspecified" *create height "unspecified" *create piercing_type "unspecified" *create tattoo_type "unspecified" *create clothing "unspecified" *create tattoo_location "unspecified" *create piercing_location "unspecified" *create piercing false *create tattoo false *create scar false *create scar_location "x" *create custom_appearance false *comment MAGIC + FIGHTING *create magicolor "neutral" *create magictype "an unknown type of" *create darkmagic false *create lightmagic false *create shadowmagic false *create Essence_Tolerance 100 *create weapon "a training sword" *create Stamina 100 *comment PERSONALITY TRAITS *create Genuine 50 *create Deceitful 50 *create earnest 0 *create sarcastic 0 *create mean 0 *create stoic 0 *create Moral 50 *create Immoral 50 *create Allure 20 *create Strength 20 *create Wit 20 *create Stress 50 *create Combat 0 *create Essence 10 *create health 0 *create personality "rather impartial to a specific personality" *create custom false *comment HISTORY 1 *create Loyalist 50 *create Treasonist 50 *create Intelligence 0 *create Seduction 0 *create Will 0 *comment INTERLUDE 1 *create nephlim false *comment WAR ASSETS *create Fae 0 *create Mortals 0 *create Magos 0 *comment RELATIONSHIPS *create Athena_display_name "Unknown" *create Athena 50 *create Saint_display_name "Unknown" *create Saint 0 *create Calypso_display_name "Unknown" *create Calypso 0 *create Avery_display_name "Unknown" *create Avery 0 *create Adonis_display_name "Unknown" *create Adonis 0 *create Sage_display_name "Unknown" *create Sage 0 *create Aeson_display_name "Unknown" *create Aeson 0 *create Santiago_display_name "Unknown" *create Santiago 0 *create Council_display_name "Unknown" *create Council 40 *create Citizens_display_name "Unknown" *create Citizens 50 *create Zeus 0 *create Zeus_display_name "Unknown" *comment HISTORY 1 RELATIONSHIPS *create King_Menelaus 0 *create Queen_Helen 0 *create Prince_Paris 0 *create Odysseus 0 *create Achilles 0 *create fightwithtrojans false *create queentrust false *create loveparis false *create lovehelen false *create visitqueen false *create yourtrojanhorse false *create kissparis false *comment INVENTORY *create Drachmas 100 *create empty_inventory true *create sword false *create sword_name "Sword of Amara" *create mist false *create mist_name "Mist of the Truth Springs" *create armor false *create armor_name "Armor of Achilles" *create mirror false *create mirror_name "Mirror of the Sea" *create spellbook false *create spellbook_name "Spellbook of Hacate" *create eyes false *create eyes_name "Eyes of Aletheia" *create shield false *create shield_name "Aegis" *create bow false *create bow_name "Artemis's Bow & Arrow" *create justwork false *create amulet false *create amulet_name "Heart of the Past" *create dadgift false *create dadgift_name "A gift from your father" *create dagger1 false *create dagger1_name "A dagger of black obsidian with golden vines snaking up the hilt" *create dagger2 false *create dagger2_name "A dagger of clear glass with silver stars embedded into the hilt" *create dagger3 false *create dagger3_name "A dagger of silver steele with a hilt of pure emerald stone" *create saxonsdagger false *create saxonsdagger_name "a dagger previously owned by a boy named Saxon." *comment VARIABLES *create trustsaint false *create trustcalypso false *create var2 false *create hategods false *create lovegods false *create maybegods false *create hatehunters false *create findnephlim false *create hatehades false *create lovehades false *create hateathena false *create falseathena false *create loveathena false *create believegods false *create nobelievegods false *create hatecal false *create loveadonis false *create hateadonis false *create lovecalypso false *create friendcalypso false *create dontbow2 false *create psy false *create forg false *create apeng false *create aphis false *create class1 "Unspecified" *create class2 "Unspecified" *create class3 "Unspecified" *create meetwgang false *create snuckaway false *create sawseekerdie false *create followseeker false *create ignoreseeker false *create withathena false *create dad1 false *create dad2 false *create dad3 false *create dad "an unknown god" *create romancecalypso false *create romanceadonis false *create romancesage false *create romanceavery false *create romanceaeson false *create romancesantiago false *create cc false *create tp false *create ll false *create hh false *create piano false *create guitar false *create violin false *create fight false *create evade false *create saxondagger false *create theory1 false *create theory2 false *create theory3 false *create metsanti false *create dontbelieve false *create ftrustsaint false *create hatedad false *create lovedad false *create birth "son" *comment SKILLS *create Magician 0 *create Warrior 0 *comment EFFECTS *create scenecolor "" *create scenecolor2 "" *create togglescenefade false *create scenefadetime "5s" *set history0 true *set togglescenefade true *set scenecolor "#FFFFFF" *set scenecolor2 "#000000" *sm_init Children_of_the_Gods_The_Hero_Trails | 3 *sm_menuaddon true *image cotgfinal2.png [i][b](title image curtesy of @potouto)[/b][/i] *page_break [b]PART ONE: BEGIN AGAIN[/b] *page_break *goto falsebegin *label truebegin The universe was quiet. It was the one moment in all of life's history that there was no love, no hate. No war, no peace. No life, no death. *line_break *line_break Not a single atom pulsed. *page_break And then there was the [b]Essence[/b]. *page_break *finish *label falsebegin The universe was quiet. It was the one moment in all of life's history that there was no love, no hate. No war, no peace. No life, no death. *line_break *line_break Not a single atom pulsed. *page_break And then there was the [b]Essence[/b]. *page_break *set togglescenefade false *goto options *label options [i]This section is for those who wish to start from the begining, skip past the prologue and dwelve into the first chapter, or have some of their questions answered.[/i] *fake_choice #I'd like to start from the begining. *finish #I'd like to skip past the prologue. The Great Prophet gazes upon her... *fake_choice #baby girl. *set gender "female" *set he "she" *set him "her" *set his "her" *set man "girl" *set sir "Na Lavei" *set mr "Saora" *set gender2 "female" *set he2 "she" *set him2 "her" *set his2 "her" *set man2 "woman" *set sir2 "Ma'am" *set mr2 "Mr." *set bullyname "Gale" *set birth "daughter" *goto eye_color #baby boy. *set gender "male" *set he "he" *set him "him" *set his "his" *set man "boy" *set sir "Ne Lavei" *set mr "Saoro" *set gender2 "male" *set he2 "he" *set him2 "him" *set his2 "his" *set man2 "man" *set sir2 "sir" *set mr2 "Mr." *set bullyname "Garrett" *set birth "son" *goto eye_color #baby. *set gender "they" *set he "they" *set him "them" *set his "their" *set man "child" *set sir "Ni Lavei" *set mr "Saor" *set gender2 "male" *set he2 "he" *set him2 "him" *set his2 "his" *set man2 "man" *set sir2 "sir" *set mr2 "Mr." *set bullyname "Garrett" *set birth "child" *goto eye_color #I'd like some background/clarifying information. *goto history #I'd like to read Priscilla's Journals. *goto_scene priscilla *label eye_color ...she is mesmerized by ${his} eyes. Clear as day, they are the color of... *fake_choice #burnt amber, the same hue as the melted gold of Hephaestus's welded metal. Those eyes, as compelling as they are, send a shiver of both fear and pride through the Great Prophet. She sighs, resting a warm hand on the baby's soft cheek. *goto namesake #a brewing tsunami of water and ice made of Poseidon's own will. Those eyes, as compelling as they are, send a shiver of both fear and pride through the Great Prophet. She sighs, resting a warm hand on the baby's soft cheek. *goto namesake #Zeus' gleaming steel, glinting in the burning sunlight. Those eyes, as compelling as they are, send a shiver of both fear and pride through the Great Prophet. She sighs, resting a warm hand on the baby's soft cheek. *goto namesake #the vivid contrast of a clear cut emerald; the same that hangs in patterns off Athena's neck. *set eyecolor "vivid green" Those eyes, as compelling as they are, send a shiver of both fear and pride through the Great Prophet. She sighs, resting a warm hand on the baby's soft cheek. *goto namesake #the black obsidian reflecting the dark pit of souls in Hades' domain. Those eyes, as compelling as they are, send a shiver of both fear and pride through the Great Prophet. She sighs, resting a warm hand on the baby's soft cheek. *goto namesake *label namesake *if (gender="they") *goto they_name *if (gender="male") *goto male_name *if (gender="female") *goto female_name *label they_name The Great Prophet has decided to name her child... *fake_Choice #"Alex." the prophet tells the god reluctantly. *set name "Alex" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Alex Angelis" #"Echo." the prophet tells the god reluctantly. *set name "Echo" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Echo Angelis" #"Jordan." the prophet tells the god reluctantly. *set name "Jordan" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Jordan Angelis" #"Kosmos." the prophet tells the god reluctantly. *set name "Kosmos" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Kosmos Angelis" #"Midas." the prophet tells the god reluctantly. *set name "Midas" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Midas Angelis" #"Rain." the prophet tells the god reluctantly. *set name "Rain" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Rain Angelis" #"Rowan." the prophet tells the god reluctantly. *set name "Rowan" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Rowan Angelis" #[Input name]. *input_text name *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "$!{name} Angelis" *page_break Years later... *goto_scene part1 *label male_name The Great Prophet has decided to name her child... *fake_Choice #"Aaron." *set name "Aaron" *set fullname "Aaron Angelis" #"Adrian." *set name "Adrian" *set fullname "Adrian Angelis" #"Alec." *set name "Alec" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Alec Angelis" #"Atlas." *set name "Atlas" *set fullname "Atlas Angelis" #"Damon." *set name "Damon" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Damon Angelis" #"Elias." *set name "Elias" *set fullname "Elias Angelis" #"Evander." *set name "Evander" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Evander Angelis" #"Kosmos." *set name "Kosmos" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Kosmos Angelis" #"Nicolas." *set name "Nicolas" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Nicolas Angelis" #"Pan." *set name "Pan" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Pan Angelis" #[Input name]. *input_text name *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "$!{name} Angelis" *page_break Years later... *goto_scene part1 *label female_name The Great Prophet has decided to name her child... *fake_Choice #"Anastasia." *set name "Anastasia" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Anastasia Angelis" #"Amora." *set name "Amora" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Amora Angelis" #"Avani." *set name "Avani" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Avani Angelis" #"Celeste." *set name "Celeste" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Celeste Angelis" #"Cleo." *set name "Cleo" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Cleo Angelis" #"Mia." *set name "Mia" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Mia Angelis" #"Nyx." *set name "Nyx" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Nyx Angelis" #"Phoebe." *set name "Phoebe" *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "Phoebe Angelis" #[Input name]. *input_text name *set surname "Angelis" *set fullname "$!{name} Angelis" *page_break *goto cronos *label cronos [i][b]In another part of the world, a creature[/b][/i] that resides deep within the depths of the universe itself has opened its eyes. It feels the weight of every binding this world has to offer upon its back, pressing it down further into the endless abyss. It snarls at the wisps of smoke created by the god of the Underworld that attempt to lull him into a state of dreaming, the same state it had been trapped in for countless years. But the creature has not been asleep for a long, long time. The creature wills the elements around it; the ashes, dust, smoke and copper. They bend to its power, as old and ancient as time itself. The elements are not enough to free the creature from its prison, but they are enough to lighten the weight upon its back. The creature rises, its physical body a plume of dark smoke. Though it has no corporeal form...it still has its mind; and that mind can reach through every layer above this prison, past every barrier that stands in its way, weaving itself into the mind of the weak. [i]Persuading them. Twisting their will. Controlling them[/i]. *page_break The creature calls to the darkness, its voice trembling the world around it. [i]"Awaken."[/i] it commands the shadows. *goto_scene part1 *label qanda You can also find this information in your stats page under the "History" tab. *fake_choice *label history *choice *disable_reuse #[i]An Extensive History of the Gods and the Essence[/i] The Essence was the result of singular pulses of energy converging into one. It then turned into the source of absolute power in the Universe. The Essence then created six sources of life and was transferred into them equally. Those six original sources were [b]the first Gods and Goddesses[/b] born from primordial Chaos, Chronos, and Anake. They were; Gaia (Mother Earth), Chaos the Second (Embodiment of the gap between Heaven and Earth), Uranus (Father Sky), Tartarus (Son of the monster Typhon), Eros (Desire and attraction) and Nyx (Personification of the Night). The Essence lived in all of them, but was most dominant in Gaia, Uranus, and Nyx. Their rule of the Universe was referred to as [b]The Golden Age[/b]. [b]Gaia[/b] and [b]Uranus[/b] had children, who will later be recognized as the [b]Titans[/b]. Their Essence was passed on to their children. The [b]first generation of Titans[/b] were; Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, [b]Rhea[/b], Themis, Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, [b]Cronus[/b], Crius, and Iapetus. Cronus was the leader of the first generation of Titans, and due to his selfishness and power hungry nature, he would betray Gaia and Uranus in an attempt to overthrow them. But Gaia, knowing Uranus was a cruel and cold ruler, helped Cronus by giving him the tool he needed to overthrow his father. She gave him a Sickle (a sharp tool) and Cronus used this to cut off Uranus's testicles and cast them into Tartarus. Before his decent, Uranus told a [b]prophecy[/b] that Cronus's own children would betray him. Cronus, after defeating his father, took control of the Universe and ruled during the second part of The Golden Age. The [b]Essence[/b] that had flowed through the first Gods and Goddesses had then flowed through the Titans as well. The Essence had been a pivotal turning point in the War of the Titans, and one of the reasons the Titans had been so successful. Knowing this, Cronus collected all of the Essence from himself and his siblings, then killed them. Cronus turned the Essence into two [b]sources[/b] (now known as [i]souls[/i]). Both sources would hold the power of the Essence, but only one of them could be used as a wielder of the Essence. These two sources would be known by the Olympians as [b]the Bestower[/b] and [b]the Bearer[/b]. Cronus hid the two sources in a place known only to him. But, as all great historians can attest to, history often repeats itself. Cronus and Rhea had children (now known fondly as the six original [b]Olympians[/b]; Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Hera, and Demeter) who would later overthrow their own parents. Cronus had become just as cruel and cold as his father, and due to the paranoia of the [b]prophecy[/b] his father Uranus had declared, he swallowed all six of his children—excluding [b]Zeus[/b], who was hidden by Rhea. Zeus and Rhea then tricked Cronus into swallowing a concoction that would make him puke up all of Zeus' siblings. After rescuing his siblings, the war had begun. This war, [b]the Titanomachy[/b] (or better known as the [b]"War of the Titans"[/b]), would go down in history as the war that decided who would have domain over the Universe. When the Olympians came out victorious, the Universe was divided fairly among the original six. [b]Zeus[/b] was given domain over the sky and the air and was furthermore regarded as King. [b]Poseidon[/b] was given domain over the sea and all the waters. [b]Hades[/b] was given domain over the Underworld. All the other Gods were given domain over things allowed in nature. Earth was considered something unrulable by just one God, and all could rule it equally. But despite the happy victory, the Olympians still had a problem; [b]the Essence[/b]. They had searched far and high for the Essence. They feared the power it could reign if it fell into the wrong hands. The Olympians were only blessed with a minuscule of the Essence, due to Cronus and Rhea, but the vast majority of the pure, raw, and original Essence was still missing. Only after Hades had traveled deep into [b]Tartarus[/b] did he find out that Cronus had turned the Essence into two different sources. *goto history *disable_reuse #[i]The Prophecy, as foretold by the Great Prophet, Priscilla Angelis[/i] "[i]Look into the eyes of black[/i] *line_break [i]For when you do, my reasons will no longer lack.[/i] *line_break [i]And when your Heroes seek allies isolated by hate[/i] *line_break [i]Beware the opening of the gate.[/i] *line_break *line_break [i]When he has the Essence by his side[/i] *line_break [i]They will create a great divide. *line_break [i]And when you see that there is no truth in your belief[/i] *line_break [i]Look to the Between, for they are the source of your grief.[/i] *line_break *line_break [i]And blame not only them for the death of the Dove[/i] *line_break [i]But the one who chooses, above all else, love."[/i] *line_break *line_break *goto history *disable_reuse #[i]The Bearer & the Bestower; Guardians of the Esssence[/i] [b]The Bestower[/b] and [b]the Bearer[/b] are both born with the Essence itself as their souls, until the time of their [b]18th summer solstice[/b]. On that night, at the peak of the solstice, their powers would come alive and the Bestower would transfer the Essence into the Bearer. The Bestowers were not created to be able to withstand the Essence, so the transfer would occur willingly or not. The Bearers would then be overcome with the power of the Essence and use it to their own accord. Many great heroes in history were Bearers who used the power of the Essence for good. It is long known that the power of the Essence is so strong that the body containing it cannot survive long. Most Bearers, after having full control of the Essence, do not make it past their [b]19th summer solstice[/b]. Once the Bearer dies, so does the Bestower (and vice versa), and their sources both go into a deep slumber until they are reincarnated into new hosts. *goto history *disable_reuse #[i]A few questions regarding in-game lore[/i] -[b]How many options for Godly fathers are there?[/b] There are three options; Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. In order to get [b]Zeus[/b] as a father, you [b]must kill[/b] the Seeker (Saxon) on the rooftop in Ohio, and have [b]allure[/b] as your highest stat. In order to get [b]Poseidon[/b] as your father, you [b]must not[/b] kill Saxon on the rooftop in Ohio, and have [b]strength[/b] as your highest stat. In order to get [b]Hades[/b] as your father, you [b]must kill[/b] Saxon on the rooftop in Ohio, and have [b]wit[/b] as your highest stat. *line_break *line_break -[b]If all the original Olympians were created by Cronus and Rhea, aren't all the Gods and their offspring related?[/b] The Gods have no DNA. The Olympians are only "related" through Essence, which is simply a primal power of the Universe (The MC). The Olympians use familiar terms such as "Brother," "Sister," "Mother" and "Father" because family relations are the only words close enough to even [i]begin[/i] to describe the connection between the Olympians. In regards to relation between Demigods, Demigods [b]can be related if[/b] they have the same mortal parent; but otherwise, [b]they have no relation.[/b] *line_break *line_break -[b]How does the Essence work? What can it do?[/b] The Essence is simply the oldest and most powerful source of power ever known. It is the beginning and end of everything. When Cronus had turned the Essence into two souls, this did nothing to weaken the power of the Essence; it only meant that it now needed a host (human body) for it to be stored and wielded properly. The Essence can only be used by the Bearer after the 18th summer solstice, and can only be given to the Bearer by the Bestower. Once in possession of the full soul of the Essence, the Bearer can use it any way they see fit. There is no limit to their power; it is both magical and physical, breaking all existing barriers. *goto history #Return to main menu. *goto options