*set clothing "a black shirt and black pants" *image http://i.imgur.com/hexC4vp.png *temp melancholic false *temp sanguine false *temp phlegmatic false *temp choleric false *temp snuckintohospital false *temp time "0" *temp hospital "0" *line_break [i][b]February 18th[/b][/i] *line_break *line_break [b][i]You are awakened by the sound of cheering and screaming.[/i][/b] At first, you think it's all in your mind, maybe a late dream. But then, you realize it's external, and you can no longer ignore the sun that assaults your eyelids. You hear Haris groan from across the room. "What [i]is[/i] that?" Sitting up slowly, your muscles sore, you will your mind to focus on the sounds. They're coming from the hallway, happy shrieks mixed in with loud whoops and hollers. You get up, making your way over to the door. You open it, peeking your head out. Students run down, some in their robes, others fully dressed in celebratory armor. You close the door, startled. You look at the alarm on your dresser. It reads 6:05 AM. [i]What is going on?[/i] You turn and see something that catches your attention outside the window. Thousands of balloons float up into the sky, all different shades of gold and red. Doves circle the sky too, adding spots of white to the now gold and red sky. You run over, push open the window, and lean out. *page_break It's a frenzy. Hundreds of students flow through the Institute, all making their way down the path, past the main building, and out the gate, their chants too muffled for you to make out what they're saying. They all cheer and rush through the campus, desperate to get into the city. You even spot many of the teachers, all caught up in the frenzy. Haris comes up beside you, rubbing ${his} eyes. When ${he} sees the students, ${his} mouth drops open. "What is it? What's going on?" you ask. Haris turns to you. "Aeson is back," Haris says. "He's really back." The chanting starts up again, and you can finally understand what the crowd is saying. *page_break "The Bestower," they scream. "Make way for the Bestower!" You watch Haris run out of the room, still in ${his} pajamas. You consider going back to sleep, your body protesting at the sudden electric energy in the air in favor of the warmth of your bed. The cheers start up again. Sighing, you slip on your shoes and follow. The crowd pushes and shoves you through the gates, and down the path into the city. You can just barely make out Haris's tiny arms raised to cheer along with the rest of the crowd. [i]Where was this when I came to Olympus?[/i] you wonder. Sure, you weren't exactly conscious when it happened, but would it be safe to assume that they cheered for you rather than locked their doors and hid their children? The crowd finally begins to slow down, and you watch, transfixed, as they gather in the middle of the heart of Olympus. The middle of Olympus is a grand open space of ancient stone and ruined gold. There are paths that lead to a large, circular space flanked on either side by stone benches. You stand in the middle of the large crowd. No one looks at you. The crowd stops and silence ensues. They are all staring at a dark spot in the sky hurling toward Olympus. It's a chariot made of pure silver, with large wheels on either side and white horses leading it through the air. The crowd is holding their breaths. You... *fake_choice #try to escape the crowd. You turn on your heel, and almost run right into a tall centaur. He glares at you, but you keep pushing past. But there are too many bodies. There is no way you can make it out of the mass. *goto cg1 #try to push forward through the crowd. You lean forward. You need to get a better view of what's happening. You need to see the Bestower. You step on a few sandaled feet during your effort, and you almost knock over a satyr. You try to push forward once more, but you find yourself stuck. There are too many bodies. There is no way you can make it to the front of the crowd. *goto cg1 #stay where you are, letting the crowd consume you. The swaying and shuffling of the crowd is almost calming. You take this time to process what is about to happen. [i]The Bestower[/i]. The Bestower is here, and they can barely stand to wait to see him. This is all for him. The decorations, the smell of food coming from the shopping district, the children running around with plastic swords... But why? *goto cg1 *label cg1 You note the flash of bright light that signifies the arrival of the Gods. You turn, and see the Council standing behind the Trinity. *label note *fake_choice *hide_reuse #The Trinity. Zeus stands in front of Poseidon and Hades, his eyes narrowed as he takes in the scene. Poseidon looks distracted, his mind far off in some other world. Hades has a masterfully bored expression set upon his face, but you see how rigid his posture is. *goto note *hide_reuse #Hera and Athena. Hera, standing dutifully behind Zeus, has her hands folded in front of her, that blank expression replaced with genuine curiosity. Her twinkling gold gown stops at her knees, giving way to tall, bronze sandals. Her hair is intricately braided, adorned with glints of pearls and beads. Her skin glows. Athena stands directly next to Zeus, who has his large hand on her slight shoulder. She stares at the chariot, a faint smile on her lips. She wears riding pants, and a casual chiton with a black vest thrown over it. Her hair is loose, running down her back. *goto note *hide_reuse #Ares and Demeter. You spot Ares and Demeter behind the Trinity. Ares has his bulging arms crossed in front of his nearly bare chest. There are straps criss-crossing his chest, each used to hold large dual swords. Demeter has her hands folded in front of her, a frown twisting her beautiful face. She wears a simple white gown, with flowers pressed into the shoulders. They imitate epaulets. *goto note *hide_reuse #Aphrodite and Hephaestus. Aphrodite stands next to Ares, a small hand on his bicep. Her black hair shines in the harsh sun. She catches your gaze and smiles, her eye color changing from a deep brown, to a bright blue, to the same green as Adonis's and back again. She looks so much like him. Hephaestus stands beside her, his blunt face impassive. He has a smear of coal across his cheek. *goto note *hide_reuse #Hestia and Hermes. Standing next to Aphrodite and Hephaestus, Hestia stares placidly from under her bright red hood. Hermes floats next to her, chatting away into her ear, a wide grin on his boyish face. His blonde curls are more relentless than ever today, barely being held down by his bronze helmet. *goto note *hide_reuse #Artemis, Apollo and Artemis's hunters. Apollo and Artemis stand a little away from the Council, closer to the Trinity. Their eyes hold barely contained glee. Artemis leans comfortably against her brothers side, her silver bow slung over her back. Apollo cranes his neck, squinting his light eyes. Behind them, about a dozen or so girls stand at attention, their eyes unblinking and ominous. They each have bows slung across their back as well, and they all wear variations of a similar outfit. *goto note #Turn your attention to the group standing on the opposite side. *goto note2 *label note2 You turn, craning your neck, and spot Saint, Calypso and Adonis standing upon a stone bench along with two unknown people. *label note3 *fake_choice *hide_reuse #Stranger #1. The first stranger has warm brown skin and dark curly hair. His brows are angeled high, making him look naturally aggravated. Besides that, arrogance rolls off him in waves. You watch as he yawns, resting his elbow in Saint's broad shoulder. *goto note3 *hide_reuse #Saint. Saint himself is bouncing on his heels, speaking rapidly into Calypso's ear. He has no hood on for once, opting instead for the standard uniform...albeit without the blazer and the tie wrapped around his head. He turns to the first stranger, who says something into his ear, and they both bark out in laughter. *goto note3 *hide_reuse #Calypso. Calypso's expression is impossible to decipher; with her eyes hard and her lips pressed together, she might as well be made of stone. Adonis stands next to her, his arms crossed. You see now that Calypso grips his bicep, her nails digging into his flesh. But, if Adonis in pain, he does not show it. She has her blazer tied around her waist, and her tie hangs loosely around her neck. She has no headdress on today, and her hair blows wildly into her face. Although she looks the same, there is something different about her appearance. Something that looks like it took more effort than usual. *goto note3 *hide_reuse #Adonis. There is a gleam of excitement in Adonis's eyes and an easy smile on his face. His dark green eyes seem lighter somehow, bluer than before. There is a stain on his uniform, no doubt from his forging. His hair is so messy, it looks like he's just rolled out of bed. This, of course, doesn't take away from his nearly appalling beauty. Calypso is still gripping his arm, and he finally turns to her, resting a hand on hers. She eases up, then a second later, grabs his arm again. *goto note3 *hide_reuse #Stranger #2. The second stranger, a girl with long, pale pink hair and a large textbook in her left hand stands next to him. She narrows her large eyes at the chariot, and you see an unmistakable calculating intelligence that marks her features. She glances at Adonis discreetly, a frown marring her soft features. *goto note3 #You are pulled out of your thoughts by a loud bang. The horses neigh wildly, and you see that the Seekers, five or six of them, jump out of the chariot. You see a flash of gold. The crowd is silent. Then, a figure stands up slowly. They do not wear traditional ancient Greek armor; no, this armor is of the purest gleaming gold, and it covers every inch of them. You see the tarnished burnt hue around the edges of the chest plate, and the gashes and bends near the greaves. Their helmet gleams, and there is a sword strapped to their side, a long flat blade with engravings in the steel. Now in their full stature, they raise their arm slowly, their sword high above their head. Silence. *page_break And then, deafening cheers. *goto afterward *label afterward The crowd pushes you forward to your disdain. You try to keep your attention on the Bestower, who is now turned to look at the Gods. The Trinity meets his gaze, and nods. The Bestower turns back to the crowd, which is still pulling you along. Reaching behind their head, they pull the helmet off. A boy stands on top of the chariot, his helmet dangling from his hand. There is a large gash dripping blood from his palm, spilling onto the helmet's surface. There is also an ugly looking cut across his cheek surrounded by dried blood. Despite the injuries, you see that he is strangely handsome, and there is a grin on his face. It is an endless grin of gleaming white teeth. The symmetrical lines of his face are basking in the crowds cheers. His skin is tan from what must be years in the cruel Grecian sun, and compliments his dark brown hair, which sticks to his forehead. The gold of his armor casts a reflection upon his face. In that moment, you think of the myth of [i]Icarus[/i]. The Bestower must be the sun that all look up to. Either that, or he's Icarus; too foolish and proud to realize the dangers that lie ahead. *page_break "Citizens of Olympus," he begins, his voice strong, filled with confidence. "Weeks ago, my father sent me on an odyssey," he says, turning to face the Trinity. "however...dangerous it was, to retrieve an invaluable artifact that may be crucial in the upcoming War." At the mention of the War, several panicked voices rise up, many cursing Cronus's name. "It may not be much, but we need to have every advantage possible. I can't promise you assurances of peace and nonviolence, because frankly, that would be a blatant lie. But I can assure you that we are doing all we can. We won't stop until..." You now see that the Bestower's arm is wrapped around his side, and you note that he is slightly hunched over. With a grimace, he takes a step forward... *page_break And then, the sun falls out of the sky. Almost an hour later, you still stand in the heart of Olympus. It was complete pandemonium when Aeson fell onto his knees and landed on the pavement. The sound of his armor clashing against stone rang throughout the city. At first, no one moved. Then, Seekers and Healers were on him in a second, lifting him up carefully and simultaneously trying to take off his armor. The Gods simply watched. Then, after a minute of tense silence, Zeus turned to his brothers, and demanded that all Demigods without prior commitments return to their dorms and prepare for classes. With that final demand, Zeus raised his hand, much like Aeson did, and the Gods were gone. You cannot explain your sudden shock. You told yourself over and over to go back to your dorm and get ready for school. But you couldn't move. Now, with the crowd having long dispersed, half left trailing after Aeson, and the other half toward the Institute, you... *fake_choice #seek out Saint, Calypso and Adonis. They must have answers. *goto s1 #head back to my dorm room. I need to rest before classes. *goto s2 #discreetly trail the Healers. *goto s3 *label s1 You make a B-Line for them. The two strangers are gone, and Saint, Calypso and Adonis sit on the stone bench, leaning into each other and talking in low voices. When they sense your approach, they all but jump away from one another. "So, are you impressed, $!{name}?" Calypso asks, her head leaning on Saint's shoulder. "Nice pajamas, by the way." *fake_choice #"More like annoyed. Was this the reaction when I came to Olympus?" I sneer. (Personality set: Choleric, meaning short-tempered and sarcastic) *set choleric true *set phlegmatic false *set sanguine false *set melancholic false *set personality "short-tempered and sarcastic" Saint and Calypso laugh, but Adonis frowns. "Not exactly," Adonis explains, his frown slowly disappearing, turning into a teasing smile. "More like, "Hide your children! Board up your windows!" Their laughter starts up again, Calypso's loud and abrupt, Adonis's melodious, and Saint's one of a hyena. He even wipes a fake tear from his cheek. "Ha ha," you say monotonously. "But come on, seriously; what was all of that about?" *goto s4 #"Yeah, I guess," I nod slowly "It seemed like it was a big deal."(Personality set: Phlegmatic, meaning relaxed and peaceful) *set choleric false *set phlegmatic true *set sanguine false *set melancholic false *set personality "relaxed and peaceful" Saint nods. "It was more cheerful than your welcoming, that's for sure." "That's an understatement," Adonis says, smiling. "You coming into Olympus was more like "Hide your children! Board up your windows!" They all burst into laughter. Calypso's is loud and abrupt, Adonis's is melodious, and Saint's is one of a hyena. He even wipes a fake tear from his cheek. "Okay, I get it," you say plainly. "But what was all of that about?" *goto s4 #"More like surprised...but, it [i]was[/i] kind of cool." I admit, smiling. (Personality set: Sanguine, meaning optimistic and social) *set choleric false *set phlegmatic false *set sanguine true *set melancholic false *set personality "optimistic and social" Saint nods. "It was more extravagant than your welcoming, that's for sure." "That's an understatement," Adonis says, smiling. "You coming into Olympus was more like "Hide your children! Board up your windows!" They all burst into laughter. Calypso's is loud and abrupt, Adonis's is melodious, and Saint's is one of a hyena. He even wipes a fake tear from his cheek. "Okay, I get it," you say, a small smile on your face. "But common, seriously. What was all of that about?" *goto s4 #I raise an eyebrow, shrugging. (Personality set: Melancholic, meaning analytical and quiet) *set choleric false *set phlegmatic false *set sanguine false *set melancholic true *set personality "analytical and quiet" Saint nods. "It was more extravagant than your welcoming, that's for sure." "That's an understatement," Adonis says, smiling. "You coming into Olympus was more like "Hide your children! Board up your windows!" They all burst into laughter. Calypso's is loud and abrupt, Adonis's is melodious, and Saint's is one of a hyena. He even wipes a fake tear from his cheek. "Okay, I get it," you say tersely. "But, seriously. What was all of that about?" *goto s4 *label s4 Calypso stands up, walking away from the heart of Olympus. "Isn't it obvious?" Saint and Adonis fall into step behind her, and you follow. *if choleric = true "No, it's not." you sneer. "Everywhere I go people either bow down to me or look at me like I'm going to sacrifice their first born child." *if phlegmatic = true "No, it's not." you say. "Why is he praised, but I'm feared?" *if sanguine = true "No, it's not." you sigh. "People don't treat me like that." *if melancholic = true You shake your head. "Aeson's different from you, that's all," Adonis says, trying to mollify you. "They're familiar with him. We all grew up with one another...we've had more time to deal." You notice that you're all walking away from the Institute rather than toward it. "Besides," Saint muses, looking over his shoulder to you. "When the time comes, he's not the one who'll have the power to end the world." "But he'll be the one who [i]gives[/i] me the power," you argue. "Doesn't he take partial blame?" No one answers you. *page_break You see now that you're in the shopping district, the same plot of land you had observed from Aesculapius Hospital. You all walk down a glittering sidewalk, shops surrounding you on both sides. You spot cafe's, little kiosks, clothing stores, and street-side-restaurants galore. Calypso and Adonis walk side by side, arguing over where to eat. Saint wanders in front of them, pointing out a man selling some strange fish-on-a-stick concoction. You look back, spotting a large tower with an even larger sun stone clock; 7: 45 AM. If you leave now, you'll probably have enough time to get ready and make it to first period, albeit late. You hear a crash and angry yelling. A woman stands in front of Saint, Calypso and Adonis, grabbing Saint's ear. She shakes it, yelling curses. On the ground in front of them is a shattered vase. It seems that now is the perfect time to leave. *fake_choice #I say quick good bye's, making my way back to the dorm. *set time "2" The walk back to your dorm is quiet. There are still people opening up their shops for the day or grabbing a quick bite, but it's still relatively melancholy. Like the calm before the storm. You pass by several colonial houses. It never occurred to you that so many people lived on Olympus, or that they thought of it as more of a home than a pit stop to wherever they were going next. You spot kids playing in their front yard when you begin to near the heart of Olympus. They can't be any older than five. They hold fake swords way too big for them, hitting each other. You realize that this is what they're trained to do; what they're expected to do, from birth onward. You walk through the Institute gates, toward your housing building. You remember to be grateful that in your haste, you and Haris left the door unlocked. You get ready quickly, rushing to class. *page_break *goto school #But I stay, knowing I'll be later than I would prefer. *set Adonis +2 *set Saint +2 *set Calypso +2 *set time "3" *set Drachmas -10 Running to catch up with them, you see Adonis paying the woman a stack of Drachmas, and Saint rubbing his red ear. You three make your way through the district, buying snacks to fill your stomachs and beverages to ease your thirst. There is a calm within you, as you walk with them. You walk in between Adonis and Calypso down the stone paths, pointing out kiosks selling embroidered helmets and weapons disguised as jewelry. By noon, you look toward the Institute, knowing you'll have just enough time to make it back for ${class1}. "Are you guys coming?" you ask, looking back at the trio. Adonis shakes his head, trying to yank his burger from Saint's grasp. "Not today, $!{name}." Calypso nods, gesturing to around. "Who can handle school on a day like this?" After you say your good bye's, you head toward one direction, and they head in the opposite. You make it back to your dorm in record time, grateful that in your haste, you and Haris left the door unlocked. You get ready quickly, rushing to class. *page_break *goto school #But I stay, knowing there was no way I was going to class anyway. *set Adonis +3 *set Saint +3 *set Calypso +3 *set Drachmas -10 Running to catch up with them, you see Adonis paying the woman a stack of Drachmas, and Saint rubbing his red ear. You three make your way through the district, buying snacks to fill your stomachs and beverages to ease your thirst. There is a calm within you, as you walk with them. You stand in between Adonis and Calypso while you walk down the stone paths, pointing out kiosks selling embroidered helmets and weapons disguised as jewelry. By the time school is let out, and you make your way back to your dorm, you can still feel the heat of the sun burning behind your eyelids. You remember to be grateful that in your haste, you and Haris left the door unlocked. As you sink into bed, the day's nonchalant still in the pit of your stomach, you wonder how much work you'll have to make up. *page_break Before you drift off, a white light fills the room. *goto dorm *label s2 You turn on your heel, walking out of the heart of Olympus. The road in front of you is long and winding, and you pass by several kiosks, some selling jewelry and others selling food. You also pass by a group of kids playing a game of baseball. You... *fake_choice #walk over to one of the kiosks laden with glinting jewels. *set time "2" An elderly woman sitting on a high chair smiles warmly at you as you approach. *if gender = "female" "Na Lavei, the beautiful enigma," she greets you, bowing her head. "I did not think I would live long enough to meet you. It has taken ninety-three years, but I believe that is less time to wait than most." *if gender = "male" "Ne Lavei, the valiant enigma," she greets you, bowing her head. "I did not think I would live long enough to meet you. It has taken ninety-three years, but I believe that is less time to wait than most." *if gender = "they" "Ni Lavei, the enigma them self," she greets you, bowing her head. "I did not think I would live long enough to meet you. It has taken ninety-three years, but I believe that is less time to wait than most." She gestures to the array of jewels in front of you. "I cannot offer you anything less than this, Ischyrós. I believe that hard times are on the horizon, and it will be most valuable to you." The woman picks up an eyeball attached to a gold necklace string. You stare at her, wide eyed, as she begins to speak. "As you know, Aletheia was the Goddess of truth. She has the ability to see through deceit and find things that were long lost. During the Titanomachy, she favored a Demigod warrior named Keilph. She favored him so much, that she gave him one of her eyes, so he may see behind the lies of war. It is long believed that the eye was lost, but it was taken by Zeus to use for his own affairs. It was lost in the realm of the Gods for some time, until it was passed down from generation to generation, and is now in my possession." she pauses. "But now I wish only to give it to you." You consider the woman and her story carefully. Is this really the Eye of Aletheia? And if so, why would she give it to you so freely? It could be some sort of trick. Although, if it is the Eye, it could be one of your most valuable assets in the Trials and on Olympus in general. Your mind is made up. *fake_choice #"No thank you, Ma'am," I say, backing away from the kiosk. The woman shakes her head. "That is very disappointing." You turn away, continuing on your way to the dorms. *page_break You begin your trek back to your dorm. *goto school #"I'd be honored." I say, accepting the gift. *set empty_inventory false *achieve eye The woman smiles. "I had hoped so," You put the necklace around you neck, tucking it under your shirt. "But I should warn you," the woman says, achingly getting up from her chair. "Every unveiled secret comes with a price." You pause, gripping the eye. "What do you mean?" The woman smiles, but not warmly this time; sadly. She begins to turn her back on you. She has nothing more to say. *page_break You begin your trek back to your dorm. *goto school #walk over to one of the kiosks selling food. *set time "2" A young man with bright red hair smiles widely at you when you approach. *if gender = "female" "Na Lavei, your beauty shines on this glorious day!" he greets you, bowing deeply. "I did not think I would live long enough to meet you, truthfully." *if gender = "male" "Ne Lavei, your brave heart is visible in the harsh light of the sun!" he greets you, bowing deeply. "I did not think I would live long enough to meet you, truthfully." *if gender = "they" "Ni Lavei, your unawakened power is mesmerizing to my awakened eyes!" he greets you, bowing deeply. "I did not think I would live long enough to meet you, truthfully." The man gestures to the food he has on display. "Pick your poison, Aiónios," he teases. "Each one will reinvigorate your health, that I can promise. You simply cannot got wrong!" You look upon the selection. There are six delicate looking cakes before you, all with a cream and cherry topping. They are all of different color. Your mind is made up. *fake_choice #"I'd like the pink one," I say, gesturing to the cake. *set Strength +5 *set Drachmas -20 The merchant grins at you. "Good choice. Many customers have reported elevated strength after consuming this dessert. You must try it!" He cuts a slice out for you, placing it on a small plate. You take a bite, the savory delicacy overtaking your senses. It is sweet and light, with an unpleasant after taste of iron. You wait, but feel no different. When you say so to the merchant, he shakes his head. "Just wait, Aiónios. All blessings take time." He begins packaging the cake in glass container, and wrapping it up for you. You pay him for the sweet treat, say your good bye's and make your way back down the road. *page_break You begin your trek back to your dorm. *goto school #"I'd like the red one," I say, gesturing to the cake. *set Allure +5 *set Drachmas -20 The merchant grins at you. "Good choice. Many customers have reported elevated charm after consuming this dessert. You must try it!" He cuts a slice out for you, placing it on a small plate. You take a bite, the savory delicacy overtaking your senses. It is sweet and light, with an unpleasant after taste of iron. You wait, but feel no different. When you say so to the merchant, he shakes his head. "Just wait, Aiónios. All blessings take time." He begins packaging the cake in glass container, and wrapping it up for you. You pay him for the sweet treat, say your good bye's and make your way back down the road. *page_break You begin your trek back to your dorm. *goto school #"I'd like the black one," I say, gesturing to the cake. *set Wit +5 *set Drachmas -20 The merchant grins at you. "Good choice. Many customers have reported elevated intelligence after consuming this dessert. You must try it!" He cuts a slice out for you, placing it on a small plate. You take a bite, the savory delicacy overtaking your senses. It is sweet and light, with an unpleasant after taste of iron. You wait, but feel no different. When you say so to the merchant, he shakes his head. "Just wait, Aiónios. All blessings take time." He begins packaging the cake in glass container, and wrapping it up for you. You pay him for the sweet treat, say your good bye's and make your way back down the road. *page_break You begin your trek back to your dorm. *goto school #"I'd like the purple and gold one," I say, gesturing to the cake. *set Wit +5 *set Allure +5 *set Drachmas -20 The merchant grins at you. "You have a fine eye; this is the best and most effective of my selection. Many customers have reported elevated intelligence and charm after consuming this dessert. You must try it!" He cuts a slice out for you, placing it on a small plate. You take a bite, the savory delicacy overtaking your senses. It is sweet and light, with an unpleasant after taste of iron. You wait, but feel no different. When you say so to the merchant, he shakes his head. "Just wait, Aiónios. All blessings take time." He begins packaging the cake in glass container, and wrapping it up for you. You pay him for the sweet treat, say your good bye's and make your way back down the road. *page_break You begin your trek back to your dorm. *goto school #walk over to the group of children. *set time "4" As you approach, you notice that there are three of the children. One a doe-eyed black girl with long flowing hair, another a white boy with red hair, and the final one a Native American boy, his face half obscured by a baseball cap. The girl stands on top of an "X" that was drawn into the mud, a baseball bat slung across her shoulder. The red haired boy stands on the pitcher's mount. "That was foul!" he yells. "No it wasn't!" the Native American boy yells back, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're just sore because you've been losing since last Friday!" The girl sighs, shaking her head. "Can we just play? I didn't skip school just to hear you two argue!" They all look up as you approach. *if Citizens >=70 Then, to your surprise, they run to you. They scream your name, and when they reach you, their small arms wrap around your legs. *if Citizens <60 Then, they smile to you, waving. *if Citizens <50 They stare at you, and the red haired boy even takes a step back. "What are you doing here, Lavei?" the Native American boy asks, using the casual form of your name. "Don't all the older kids have classes right now?" *fake_choice #"Don't [i]you[/i] have classes right now?" I ask teasingly. The boy blushes, looking down. "Well, yeah, but..." The girl speaks up. "Are you going to rat us out?" *fake_choice #"Of course I'm not," you say. "It's just one day." The kids visibly relax, except for the red haired boy, who eyes you. "Well...okay then." The girl swings the bat off her shoulder. "Hani, you can hit," she says to the Native American boy, who nods happily. "Casper, you can pitch, if you stop being so sore." Casper smiles at her, the early signs of a childhood crush in his eyes. "Alright, Marie." They kids promptly turn back to their game, your presence long forgotten. You watch them play for a while, then make your way back onto the road leading to the Institute. *page_break Your dorm is eerily empty when you return. *goto dorm #"Of course I will," you lie, making sure your voice sounds teasing. "This is a very serious thing." The kids laugh at your false sternness, except for the red haired boy, who eyes you. "What's so funny? Are ya gonna tell on us or not?" The girl laughs, swinging the bat off her shoulder. "Hani, you can hit," she says to the Native American boy, who nods happily. "Casper, you can pitch, if you stop being so sore." Casper smiles at her, the early signs of a childhood crush in his eyes. "Alright, Marie." They kids promptly turn back to their game, your presence long forgotten. You watch them play for a while, then make your way back onto the road leading to the Institute. *page_break Your dorm is eerily empty when you return. *goto dorm #"Of course I will," you say sternly. "This is a very serious thing." The kid's faces grow seldom when you say this. "Told ya we shouldn't have skipped," the Native American boys whispers to his friends. "My moms gonna kill me!" The girl sighs, swinging the bat off her shoulder. "Well then you better die for a good cause, Hani. Here, you can hit." The hands the bat to the Native American boy, who takes is happily, nodding. "Casper, you can pitch, if you stop being so sore." she continues. Casper smiles at her, the early signs of a childhood crush in his eyes. "Alright, Marie." They kids promptly turn back to their game, your presence long forgotten. You watch them play for a while, then make your way back onto the road leading to the Institute. *page_break Your dorm is eerily empty when you return. *goto dorm #"Yeah," I answer. "But I rather play with you guys." The boy's eyes widen. "Whoa, really?" The girl speaks up. "Alright then, you can be second base since Casper wants to be such a baby." Casper, the red haired kid, looks indignant. "Shut it, Marie! You and Hani can kiss my---" "Hey, come on," you interrupt. "Let's just play, alright?" As you make your way over to second base, decide how you're going to play this. *fake_choice #I'll cheat, of course. *set Immoral +2 After just half an hour, you make enough home runs through tripping, premature running, and age advantages that the kids quit. "Remind me to never recruit you for Little League," Hani says. "You totally cheated!" You shrug. "This is worse than when Casper hid cards down his pants when we played Go Fish." Marie comments, shaking her head. "Shove it, Marie," Casper smiles at her, the early signs of a childhood crush in his eyes. "Come on, lets play somewhere else." As they depart, you wipe sweat off your forehead, then make your way back onto the road toward the Institute. *page_break Your dorm is eerily empty when you return. *goto dorm #I'll play fairly, of course. *set Moral +2 *set Citizens +5 *if Strength >50 After just half an hour, you are so ahead of the kids that they call it quits. "Remind me never to pay against you," Hani says. "You killed us." You shrug, smiling. "Lavei's better than Casper, that's for sure." Marie comments, shaking her head. *if Strength <50 After just half an hour, you are so far behind that the kids take pity on you. "Remind me to never recruit you for Little League," Hani says. "You kind of suck." You shrug, defeated. "Lavei is almost as bad as Casper when he tried out for basketball." Marie comments, shaking her head. "Shove it, Marie," Casper smiles at her, the early signs of a childhood crush in his eyes. "Come on, lets get something to eat." They cheerfully say good bye to you. You wipe sweat off your forehead, then make your way back onto the road toward the Institute. *page_break Your dorm is eerily empty when you return. *goto dorm *label s3 You keep your head down as you make your way out of the heart of Olympus, in the direction you saw the Healers go. After a mile, you see that they are making their way toward Asclepius Hospital, where you were released just days ago. You make your way up the large platform of stairs that lead to the entrance of the glinting hospital. Inside, you can see rushed doctors and nurses inside, as usual. On the upper floors, patients lounge in their private rooms. In one room, at the very top floor of the hospital, there are an abundance of Healers. Bingo. You are greeted by cold air when you enter the hospital. Barely anyone pays attention to you, and you realize that you must look like a patient in your clothing. Taking advantage of their ignorance, you keep your head low and head to the nearest elevator. Thankfully, it comes quickly and no one currently occupies it. You hum along to the elevator music, a Prince song, and step out onto the second floor. You walk close to the wall, sticking to the walls rather than the bright light spilling through the windows. There are endless hallways before you. Some leading to the right, some to the left, and one straight ahead. You... *fake_choice #keep walking straight. *set hospital "1" You need to be consistent. If you keep changing paths, you may wind up lost. Or even worse, you may get caught. The hospital may be made almost entirely of glass, however impractical that is, but it [i]is[/i] beautiful. You don't smell the usual chemicals associated with hospitals, or the despressing coldness. Sunlight is everywhere. You duck your head and clutch your stomach whenever a doctor, Healer, or nurse walks by. They don't spare you a second glance. You try to figure out which room Aeson is in. From your point of view on the first floor, it seemed to be at the very... *page_break "$!{name}?" Avery asks. "What are you [i]doing[/i] here?" *goto avery1 #turn to the left. *set hospital "2" You can't keep walking along the same route forever; eventually someone will suspect that you're not a patient. You duck to the left just as a group of nurses walk past you. The hospital may be made almost entirely of glass, however impractical that is, but it [i]is[/i] beautiful. You don't smell the usual chemicals associated with hospitals, or the despressing coldness. Sunlight is everywhere. You duck your head and clutch your stomach whenever a doctor, Healer, or nurse walks by. They don't spare you a second glance. You try to figure out which room Aeson is in. From your point of view on the first floor, it seemed to be at the very... *page_break "You might have gotten away with it," a voice says. "If you hadn't taken that turn." *set withathena true *goto athena1 #turn to the right. *set hospital "1" You need to be consistent. If you keep changing paths, you may wind up lost. Or even worse, you may get caught. The hospital may be made almost entirely of glass, however impractical that is, but it [i]is[/i] beautiful. You don't smell the usual chemicals associated with hospitals, or the despressing coldness. Sunlight is everywhere. You duck your head and clutch your stomach whenever a doctor, Healer, or nurse walks by. They don't spare you a second glance. You try to figure out which room Aeson is in. From your point of view on the first floor, it seemed to be at the very... *page_break "$!{name}?" Avery asks. "What are you [i]doing[/i] here?" *goto avery1 *label avery1 You pause. Avery appears to look exactly the same, still in her white lab coat, holding a clipboard. She looks around quickly, then leads you behind a pillar. "Not to be assuming, but I have a pretty good idea why you're here," she begins. She nods toward the door to the left of you, at the very end of the hall, with the numbers 101 identifying it. "You need to leave before someone sees you. And why are you still in your hospital garb? Didn't anyone give you something else to wear?" You... *fake_choice #try to convince her to let me through. *if Allure >=46 *set Avery +10 You look at Avery, your ${eyecolor} eyes pleading. "Listen, Ave," you say, your voice filled with affection. "I [i]need[/i] to get in there. You know that, right?" Avery stares at you, blinking. "Well, yeah, but can't you just..." "If you don't let me in, I'll just find another way to get in...and that could turn into a disaster. Why not just avoid all that and take the easy route?" "That's true, but..." she admits, her eyes losing their steel. "I can't just--" You interrupt her, placing a hand on her arm. "Avery. Please." She bites her lip, then looks behind her. Three Healers exit room 101, looking worn but pleased with themselves. The door automatically locks behind them, and you see a glimmer of an enchantment spell on the handle. The same that was used to hold you in the room not so long ago. Finally, Avery turns back to you. "Fine, fine!" she says, throwing her arms up. "But just five minutes. That's [i]it[/i]." Checking behind herself one more time, she leads you by the arm toward the room. The hallway, thankfully, is nearly empty. When you reach the door, Avery pulls it open with ease. She gestures for you to enter. "I'll be right out here, keeping guard. When you hear me knocking, that means someone is coming and we have to go." she explains. "Remember, five minutes!" *page_break The room is cold, and far too quiet. *goto helloaeson *if Allure <46 You look at Avery, your ${eyecolor} eyes pleading. "Listen, Avery," you say, slightly nervous. "I [i]need[/i] to get in there." Avery stares at you, crossing her arms. "Well, yeah, I know." "I won't do anything, I swear. I just really..." Avery interrupts you with a sigh. "${name}, I like you and all, but I can't let you in there. Aeson's not in critical condition, but he needs his rest. Besides, if someone finds out it was me...I could lose my internship. And what if Hygieia found out?" "Avery, please, I'll only be in there for---" You both turn to see three Healers exit room 101, looking worn but pleased with themselves. The door automatically locks behind them, and you see a glimmer of an enchantment spell on the handle. The same that was used to hold you in the room not so long ago. Finally, Avery turns back to you. "I'm sorry. I wish I could help. If it counts, I won't tell anyone." Checking behind herself one more time, Avery leads you by the arm toward another hallway. "If you keep walking down there, you can leave through the staff exit. There's an elevator that will take you to the first floor," she pauses. "...I'm sorry." *page_break With that, she leaves, disappearing through a different hallway. *goto helloaeson #lie to get away from her. "It's not what you think, exactly." you say, keeping your voice light. Her eyes widen. "What?" You smile. "I already got caught. I'm just waiting for security to come back and escort me out." Avery pauses. "Gavin caught you? Really?" You nod, having no idea who that is. "It's alright, seriously. I mean, I don't know what I was thinking. Kind of stupid of me, huh?" Avery's eyes fill with pity. "Oh, ${name}!" she exclaims. "You're not stupid at all! I [i]totally[/i] get it." She checks behind her. "Here, you can go through the staff exit. I'm sure Gavin won't mind as long as you're out of here, right?" You nod in response. She wants so badly to believe you're innocent. "Right." She nods toward a dimly lit hallway. "It's through there. Listen, you can see him during visiting hours tomorrow. He should be fine by then, okay?" You nod again, expanding your smile. "I'll see you soon!" Avery says, making her way down a different hallway. When the sound of her footsteps begin to fade, you turn back down the hallway, where you were before Avery caught you. *page_break *goto helloaeson #run. Like. Hell. *set snuckintohospital true "If you want to---" is the last thing you hear her say before you're sprinting down the hall, back the way you came. You hear Avery scream your name, panic in her voice. [i]She just had to be here,[/i] you think, annoyed. You see a light at the end of the hallway you're running down. You need to make sure no one's following you, then find a way to backtrack to the hallway Aeson's room is located. You stop, nearly stepping on your own feet. Before you are two hallways. *label maze *allow_reuse *fake_choice #I turn to the left. You take a left, going down a brightly lit hallway. The hallway is narrow, but widens in size the farther you run down it. You almost begin to rejoice until you come across another set of hallways. *fake_choice #I go to the right this time. You go right, and are again faced with the same dilemma. You note that you can no longer figure out where you came from, and the lights seem to be dimming. Then, you hear voices. *fake_choice #I go right again. You hide behind the nearest pillar, waiting for the voices to fade off. They seem to be going in the opposite direction of you, aruging on where to look. After their voices are completely gone, you turn to the right. *goto maze2 #I go to the left this time. You hide behind the nearest pillar, waiting for the voices to fade off. They seem to be going in the opposite direction of you, aruging on where to look. After their voices are completely gone, you turn to the left. You nearly cry out. You're almost right where you began, but no where near Aeson's room. *goto maze #I keep going left. Trusting your instincts, you take a left. *goto maze2 #I go back the way I came. Feeling trapped suddenly, you turn on your heel, following the light that you previously saw. *goto maze #I turn to the right. You take a left, going down a brightly lit hallway. The hallway is narrow, but widens in size the farther you run down it. Then, you come across a dead end. A wall hosting serveral doctorates stare back at you. *fake_choice #I go back the way I came. Feeling trapped suddenly, you turn on your heel, following the light that you previously saw. *goto maze *label maze2 You sigh when you come across the larger hallway. There are doctors rolling a patient across, so you step to the side, keeping your head down. You try to gauge your surroundings. [i]I was on the second floor, in a hallway near the north west side of the hospital...[/i] you think to yourself. Then, you see a Healer girl, her frantic expression evident as she rushes past you. She mumbles to herself, "Break too long...what was I...? What if he...?" She turns down another brightly lit hallway, her murmurs echoing. Smiling, you follow her. *goto outsideroom101 *label outsideroom101 ... You followed the girl at a safe distance as she turned down several hallways. When you two finally came across a familiar looking hall, you knew you had made it. You watch from behind a gurney as the girl slips into room 101. *page_break *goto helloaeson *label athena1 Athena stands before you, her body cloaked in elegant white robes. "At first, I thought I was seeing things," she says. "No child that [i]I[/i] raised would simply [i]skip[/i] school just to galavant around a hospital in their pajamas." You stare at her. "I feel as if I already know the answer to this question, but I'll ask for the sake of conversation: Why are you here?" *fake_choice #"I felt sick." I lie. *set Athena -10 As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret them. "Sick you say?" Athena asks, raising an eyebrow. "Then it's a good thing we're here." *goto athena2 #"Well, since you already know..." I say. "I see..." Athena says. "I would have prefered that you were escorted here by me, but I guess you took this matter into your own hands." *goto athena2 #"I'd rather not say." I admit, shrugging my shoulders. Athena stares at you for a moment, then nods. "But you [i]are[/i] here for a reason. One that we both know." *goto athena2 *label athena2 *if loveathena = true Sighing, you walk over to the Goddess and allow her to hug you. She smells of crisp fresh air. She smoothes down your hair. "This is just the first thing you must do today, my love," she says, nodding toward the hall you just exited. "but I promise it will be the easiest." *page_break *goto helloaeson *if hateathena = true Sighing, stand where you are and cross you arms, your contempt for the Goddess nearly palpable. Athena glares at you. "This is just the first thing you must do today," she says, nodding toward the hall you just exited. "but I promise it will be the easiest." *page_break *set withathena true *goto helloaeson *label school *set clothing "a T-Shirt and jeans" *if (time = "2") and (Wit >50) You made it to chemistry in record time, rushing into the classroom nearly out of breath. And just your luck, you had a pop quiz that day on the lecture the teacher gave yesterday. But, you're pretty sure you aced it. By the time you get to ${class1}, you notice the obvious excitement in the room, no doubt from Aeson's arrival. Many chat about his collapse, and whether or not he'll be healed in time for the ceremony, which takes place tomorrow night. Others wonder if he'll even participate in the Trials, cutting glances at you. *if (time = "2") and (Wit <50) You made it to chemistry in record time, rushing into the classroom nearly out of breath. And just your luck, you had a pop quiz that day on the lecture the teacher gave yesterday. But, you're pretty sure you got at least a C on it. By the time you get to ${class1}, you notice the obvious excitement in the room, no doubt from Aeson's arrival. Many chat about his collapse, and whether or not he'll be healed in time for the ceremony, which takes place tomorrow night. Others wonder if he'll even participate in the Trials, cutting glances at you. *if (time = "2") and (Wit <40) You made it to chemistry in record time, rushing into the classroom nearly out of breath. And just your luck, you had a pop quiz that day on the lecture the teacher gave yesterday. And, you're pretty sure you bombed it. By the time you get to ${class1}, you notice the obvious excitement in the room, no doubt from Aeson's arrival. Many chat about his collapse, and whether or not he'll be healed in time for the ceremony, which takes place tomorrow night. Others wonder if he'll even participate in the Trials, cutting glances at you. *if (time = "3") By the time you make it back, you see that you missed chemistry, calculus, and half of ${class1}. Mr. Edris regards you coldly when you enter the classroom. "Oh, forgive me," he begins. "But I was under the delusion that we came to an agreement yesterday. Tardy again, $!{name}?" Keeping your head down as you make your way to your seat, you try to listen in on the conversations of those around you. There is obvious excitement in the room, no doubt from Aeson's arrival. Many chat about his collapse, and whether or not he'll be healed in time for the ceremony, which takes place tomorrow night. Others wonder if he'll even participate in the Trials, cutting glances at you. You sit at your desk, your thoughts more on the events of this morning than the lecture Mr. Edris is giving. Then, you notice that he stopped talking a moment ago. In fact, no one makes a sound. A white light fills the room, it's warmth bouncing off the walls. *page_break Athena stands in your classroom, gazing upon its occupants. Mr. Edris takes off his glasses, wipes them on his sweater, and puts them on again, his mouth agape. Then, he bows, and the entire room follows. "Theos," he says. "To what pleasure do we owe this visit?" Athena smiles down at him, allowing him to take her hand. Her eyes meet yours. "I need ${name} for the rest of the day," she says, authority in her voice. "Consider this an excuse note." Mr. Edris turn to you, his eyes unblinking. "Of course, Theos." When he lets go of her hand, Athena gestures to you. *if hateathena = true Warily, you rise from your seat, collecting your notebook and backpack, and make your way over to the goddess, the students watching your every move. She observes you for a moment, then nods. "It seems you have prior engagements, child," she says. "The first of them is the easier one, trust me." With that, she places her hand on your shoulder, and the glow of white takes over your vision. *set withathena true *page_break You find yourself standing inside Asclepius Hospital. *goto helloaeson *if loveathena = true Smiling, you rise from your seat, collecting your notebook and backpack, and make your way over to the Goddess, the students watching your every move. She smiles warmly at you, her soft hand wrapping around yours. "It seems you have prior engagements, child," she says. "The first of them is the easier one, trust me." With that, she places her other hand on your shoulder, and the glow of white takes over your vision. *set withathena true *page_break You find yourself standing inside Asclepius Hospital. *goto helloaeson *label dorm *if time = "4" You're grateful that in your haste, you and Haris left the door unlocked. Haris is no where to be found, but is most likely at another early training session. After a quick shower, you lie on your bed, your thoughts muddled. *page_break Right before you drift off, a bright light fills the room. You sit up quickly, your hand going for the nearest weapon; your alarm clock. Crouched on your bed, your hair wild and your eyes wide, you gaze upon Athena's robed figure. *if time = "4" "Tired, my love?" she asks, her eyes drifting around your room. *goto dormsc1 *else "Would you care to explain why you were not in school today, my love?" she asks, her eyes drifting around your room. *goto dormsc2 *label dormsc1 You set down the clock. *fake_choice #"I felt sick." I lie. *set Athena -10 As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret them. "Sick you say?" Athena asks, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe we should have some Healers escort you to Asclepius and give you a [i]very[/i] thorough check up." *goto dorm2 #"Very tired." I say. "I see..." Athena says, her voice worried. "Have you been getting enough protein? With everything that has happened, sleep is very vital to sustaining your physical and mental health. That, and water and fruit." *goto dorm2 #"I'd rather not say." I admit, shrugging my shoulders. Athena stares at you for a moment, then nods. "You're entitled to your privacy...I suppose." *goto dorm2 *label dormsc2 You set down the clock. *fake_choice #"I felt sick." I lie. *set Athena -10 As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret them. "Sick you say?" Athena asks. "Maybe we should have some Healers escort you to Asclepius and give you a [i]very[/i] thorough check up." *goto dorm2 #"I was training." I lie. *set Athena -10 As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret them. "Training?" Athena repeats, her voice dry. "How glad I am to see you so invested in your future." *goto dorm2 #"I skipped." I admit, shrugging my shoulders. Athena stares at you for a moment, then nods. "At least you didn't lie." *goto dorm2 *label dorm2 You rise from your bed. *if loveathena = true Walking over to her, you allow her arms to wrap around you in a tight hug. Athena pats down your messy hair, kissing your forehead. "You have prior engagements, my love." the Goddess says. *if hateathena = true Staying where you are, arms crossed over your chest, you stare the Goddess down. "You have prior engagements." "What is it?" you ask. "Well, the first of two is the easiest," she says. "Your introduction to Aeson has been put off long enough. Any more, and I fear we'd be interfering with destiny." You pause. [i]Meet the Bestower?[/i] Athena gazes at you, her eyes searching. "Why so hesitant, child?" *fake_choice #"Because I want nothing to do with the affairs of the Gods, and Aeson seems to be at the center of it all." Athena nods, understanding taking over her fine features. "I wish I could confide in you to ease your conscience," she admits. "But trust me, all will become clear." *goto dorm3 #"Because I fear that he will not be what I expect." Athena nods, understanding taking over her fine features. "I wish I could confide in you to ease your conscience," she admits. "But trust me, all will become clear." #"Because I fear he will tell me something I am not ready to know." "Child," she says. "Knowledge is the greatest power there is. Have I not taught you that?" *goto dorm3 #"Because I have waited so long to meet someone who is experiencing the same things as I am. Someone who may understand all I'm feeling. What if that's not true?" Athena pauses. "The only way you can be sure is to talk to him. I cannot speak on another person's feelings." *goto dorm3 #"Because nothing good can come of this." Athena sighs. "I too feel that way at times." *goto dorm3 #"Because I secretly resent how effortlessly he has won the heart of the Olympians." Athena sighs. "Such a petty reason, my love. You cannot win the hearts of the citizens in a day." *goto dorm3 #"I have no idea why." Athena observes you for a moment, then nods. *goto dorm3 #"I rather keep that to myself." Athena looks taken aback, but nods. *goto dorm3 *label dorm3 You stand in front of the Goddess, who measures you with her eyes. Finally, she speaks. "Well, come now, $!{name}," she says. "I have waited too long for this moment." *set withathena true *page_break A white light consumes your vision. *goto helloaeson *if withathena = false You take in a sharp breath. *goto helloaeson *page_break The room is cold, chilling even. *goto helloaeson *label helloaeson The only light comes from the one overhead, a single ball of energy surrounded by a large glass, creating reflections upon every surface in the room. The room itself is large, the floor made of standard tile and the walls blandly white. A long bed sits in the center next to a machine, with a Healer leaning over the patient, remnants of her power lingering in the air. Next to the bed, an abundance of flowers, chocolates, cards... The Healer turns around. *if withathena = true As soon as she sees you and Athena, she bows. "I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I didn't know he was expecting visitors." "That is fine, Kalil." Athena says dismissively. "Leave us be." With a final bow, the Healer grabs her instruments, and exits the room. *page_break *if withathena = false As soon as she sees you, she bows. "I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I didn't know he was expecting you." "Oh..." you say. You had expected a fight. "It's fine." "I will be leaving now, then. Again, my apologies." With a final bow, the Healer grabs her instruments, and exits the room. *page_break You turn your attention onto the figure on the bed. He appears to be asleep. His chest rises and falls in rhythm. *if withathena = true With her hand on your shoulder, Athena eases you forward "You can stop with the charade now, Aeson," Athena says. "You can never fool me." "Why do you automatically assume I'm faking?" he questions, keeping his eyes closed. His voice is deeper than before, lingering with remnants of fatigue. "I'm exhausted. I haven't slept since I was twelve." For the first time since you've stepped onto Olympus, Athena lets out a true, genuine laugh. Then, she steps back, gesturing to you to step closer to the bed. For a moment, there is true silence, the only sound coming from the beeping machine near the bed. You approach. Now that you're closer, you can see the faded scar where the large cut on his cheekbone used to be, seemingly rubbed out of existance by the Healers. Aeson doesn't look like he's been in a battle anymore, except for a thin scar that slashes through his left eyebrow. Suddenly, he speaks. "Who are you?" *page_break *if withathena = false You take a step forward. Then another, and another, until you are directly above his bed. He appears to truly be asleep, his angular face peaceful. You can see the faded scar where the large cut on his cheek used to be, seemingly rubbed out of existance by the Healers. Aeson doesn't look like he's been in a battle, except for the faint, thin scar that slashes through his left eyebrow. You nearly turn to leave, until you hear the bed shift under his weight. Then, he speaks. "Who are you?" *page_break He opens his eyes, and you aren't sure what to think. The hue of his eyes are striking, above all else. They are a kalidascope of colors; from the richest gold, to the most vibrant green, and the truest blue. But, what leaves you unsetteled is not that the most unique eyes you have ever seen are so painfully familiar... ...It's a feeling, something powerful and otherworldy, that suddenly begins to tug at the deep confines of your mind. *page_break There is something [i]wrong[/i], you think. *set togglescenefade true *set scenecolor "#FFFFFF" *set scenecolor2 "#000000" You *page_break *set togglescenefade true *set scenecolor "#FFFFFF" *set scenecolor2 "#000000" are *page_break *set togglescenefade true *set scenecolor "#FFFFFF" *set scenecolor2 "#000000" falling. *finish