*temp dontbow false *temp bow false *temp training 0 *temp pavillion 0 *temp temple 0 *temp academic 0 *temp charming false *temp stoic false *temp pragmatic false *temp favor 0 The heat, if possible, has gotten even more suffocating. You stand in the middle of the mock desert you had crossed earlier in the day from the city to Nephlim's domain. The sun hangs low in the sky, painting the once breathtaking azure a burning orange. It's time. Slowly, in an attempt to avoid error, you pop the cork off the glass bottle. You tilt the bottle forward until the clear, water-like substance pours out, the rainbow particles catching the fading sunlight. You carefully create a circle with the substance around you and Saint. "That should do it," Saint says. He is crouched on the ground, balancing on his knees. "Remember to stay within the circle when the wind comes...no matter how freaky it gets. And on a scale from like, one to Roanoke, it's going to get pretty weird." And so the wind comes. At first, it seems to come from the very ground. The wind kicks up the dirt, carrying it along until it's nothing but swirls of red sand just inches above the ground. Then, you feel a gust of wind blow across your face, cooling off your desert-warm skin and whistling against your ears. "Hermes," Saint calls over the wind, beginning the chant. "Parte afto to ofelos gia to mia prosefchi. Parte mas [i]Olympus[/i]." The sand is everywhere now, so persistent that you have to close your eyes and cover your face to keep from being blinded. The last sensation you feel is a soft breeze and the loss of ground under your feet. *page_break You open your eyes. There are moments within the course of a single lifespan that seem to surpass the bounds of reality. You see a vision so stunning, so perfect in its eternal conception, that it leaves you wondering what is real and what is not. Before you are large, gold gates, glistening with promise under the now blazing sun. You look up, up, [i]up[/i], and see no end to them. Under your feet is polished linoleum of gold and silver marble, the shining surface casting your own reflection. You step closer to the gate; the gold entwines with itself to create a word that shatters your disbelief; [i]Olympus[/i]. "I still [i]cannot[/i] believe there isn't a doorbell," Saint says incredulously beside you, breaking you away from your thoughts. "You'd think they'd have thought to add one by now." Apparently, not long. *page_break The massive gates slowly creak open. You and Saint stand side by side, watching the dramatic opening of the gates. It is slow and demands all of your attention, the creaking of metal against metal the only sound lingering on the air. From behind the gate, you can just barely make out a figure. And...they're floating above the ground. You watch as the flying figure ascends upon you, in sync with the sprawling gates. As they approach, you just barely make out the glint of a tarnished gold helm under a head of gold-spun curls. Hermes, the God of communication, travel, and commerce stands before you. Saint lets out a visible sigh of relief at the sight. The god appraises you both, his bright blue eyes shining with barely withheld amusement. "I thought something was amiss when my banned summoning spell was suddenly activated after [i]six hundred years of dormancy[/i]," the god muses, his voice the sound of a stringed harp. "But I'd have never guessed that the source would be two missing demigods." The god resembles a young man in his mid-twenties. He has a heart shaped face with red cheeks, all accompanied by slightly pointed ears. You can't help but see the resemblance between him and a storybook elf. "Just hours ago I sent in missing persons reports," the god continues. "We had all but thought you disappeared off the face of the Uni—" "Oh, excuse my lack of manners!" The god turns to you, an impish grin on his face. He kicks up his feet, the wings attached this his sneakers fluttering awake, and soars once more into the sky. With a bellowing voice, he screams... *page_break "Welcome to Olympus!" The next few moments blur together. The first steps past the gates and into Olympus are strange. You wonder, briefly, if the city has its own biosphere; the air of the city had been suffocating and humid, but the air past the gates is crisp and fresh, alight with the slight fragrance of roses. You walk down a golden, winding path. Hermes floats in front of you, and you can hear Saint shuffling behind you. Hermes looks back at you every few seconds as if making sure you're still there. *fake_choice #"The only reason I'm here is for my Aunt Alice," I boldly point out. "Where is she?" Hermes turn around in mid-air, facing you completely. "Alice?" he asks, eyebrows drawn in confusion; then, revelation. "Oh! [i]Her[/i]." Hermes looks behind you to Saint, and eyebrow raised. "Couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?" "Where is she? Will I even be able to see her?" you ask. Hermes floats onto his side, hand resting on his cheek. "If she has anything to say about it, yes." "Why is she even on Olympus? She's just a mortal. Did you all really have thought that you could use her as bait?" "Bait?" Hermes lets out a chuckle, his wings fluttering. "No, no, no! You have it all wrong, kid. Your aunt is here for a reason, and that reason isn't to merely act as bait." "Then what is it? You're being so damn cryptic; if you know the truth, then [i]tell me![/i]" you demand. Hermes sighs, turning away from you. "My hands are tied. Even if I wanted to tell you, I'm bound not to. But don't worry, kid. Soon, everything will make sense." #"Why did you have to file missing person reports?" I ask. "I had to file a little more than a dozen, actually," Hermes sighs. "You, Saint, and the entire squadron of Seekers we sent to retrieve you." "Wait, what?" Saint exclaims behind you. "Azra, Jonas, and all of them...they're missing?" Hermes nods solemnly. "Sorry, buddy. We don't have the full details in order yet, but by the time my agents got to New York, they were long gone..and so were you two." "How the hell is that even possible? Why would they just disappear like that? [i]How[/i] could they disappear like that?" Saint asks, his voice frantic. Hermes simply shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine." #"Where are we going?" I ask. "Right now?" he asks. "Asclepius hospital; got to get you two some medical attention, food, water. Have you seen yourselves lately?" You glance at Saint, who is covered in vivid purple bruises, his bloody face almost too gruesome to look at. You notice a limp in his left leg, but when he catches you looking, he attempts to play it off. "Oh, I'm just fine," he says. "Just a few scratches, really." You, on the other hand, suffer from more than a few scratches. There is a sharp pain in your right knee you hadn't noticed before, throbbing with every step you take. You register some other dull aches all over your body, including a pulsing headache. You lift your hand to your cheek, and it comes back bloody. #"When can I leave?" I ask. Hermes breaks out into laughter at your blunt question, his cheeks reddening, clutching his stomach. "Oh, I like you! [i]'When can I leave'![/i]" "Wasn't a joke, Hermes," Saint comments behind you. Hermes glances at you, considering you for a long moment. "I guess there's more to talk about than I thought." As you reach the end of the path, you stop dead in your tracks. Atop a large, picturesque hill is one of the largest buildings you've ever seen. Asclepius hospital, as you can now see, is almost too imposing to comprehend; it's entirely made of white marble and pristine glass that reflects the sunlight, multicolored rays surrounding it. The hospital sits six stories tall, balanced on either side by tall, glinting pillars. Carved in each pillar are stunningly detailed scenes; Apollo with healing leaves, tending to the sick, Hercules lifting a boulder off a flailing man, Demeter revitalizing dead crops for hungry villagers. "Come on now," Hermes says, floating ahead of you. "You're dripping blood everywhere!" Saint shakes his head, gazing at the god's retreating figure. "He's just so...[i]caring[/i]. It fills me with so much warmth." *page_break The hospital is hectic. People in gold and gold and white trimmed robes rush around you, some aiding injured and bleeding patients, others speaking frantically into phones. You spot a guy clutching the side of his arm, which is swollen and red with hives. "It was one of Apollo's brats, I know it," he says to his doctor. "I made [i]one[/i] comment and all of a sudden my arm is the size of an inflated pool noodle!" "Smell that, kids?" Hermes asks. It's strange being called a kid by someone who looks not that much younger than you. "That's the scent of near death experiences!" A middle-aged woman with a long, swinging ponytail and a large clipboard approaches your group. "What is this, Hermes?" she demands. Her voice is severe, but her tone is kind. "These are the two of the demigods that went missing earlier," Hermes explains. "${name}, this is Hygieia, our resident Goddess of health." Hygieia assesses you with intuitive brown eyes, her frown deepening. She brings forth her clipboard, clicking her pen. "You, child, look like you're just about ready to collapse. And you, Saint Augustine; I don't even want to [i]know[/i] what happened to your face...this time." She turns swiftly away, her ponytail hitting Hermes in the face. Hermes spits a loose strand out of his mouth, then turns to you and Saint. "Well, this is where I leave you," Hermes says. He clasps Saint on the shoulder, then glances at you. *page_break "${name} Angelis...try not to get killed." *image 3.png *line_break [i][b]November 11th[/b][/i] *line_break *line_break [b][i]It takes notable effort to pry your eyes open.[/i][/b] Your throat is screaming for water. Your muscles feel like lead. Everything aches. *fake_choice #Although, at the same time, I've never felt stronger. My muscles are rebelling against me, screaming for a chance to move and stretch. *set clothing "a white shirt and white pants" *set togglescenefade false *set mirror false *set mist false *set empty_inventory true *set Strength +5 *goto move #But my heart is beating faster than it ever has before. I swear that the rhythmic beating could be heard all around the world. I feel invincible. *set clothing "a white shirt and white pants" *set mirror false *set mist false *set empty_inventory true *set Allure +5 *goto move #Despite this, my mind is literally racing. Every single memory, idea, thought, dream and nightmare alike rattle against my head. *set clothing "a white shirt and white pants" *set mirror false *set mist false *set empty_inventory true *set Wit +5 *goto move *label move You ignore the new found feeling and sit up. This, apparently, was a mistake. Your head feels like something has been pounding against it, but you've never felt more alert. You look around. Everything is white. You look down and see that you're wearing a a crisp all white ensemble. There is a light coming from the ceiling that shines on every object in the small, impeccably clean room. The floor seems to be tile, and the walls appear to be made of a glassy reflective material. Beside your bed are black shoes, and a white chair sits in the right corner of the room. On the wall to your left, there is a tall, glass framed mirror. In the left corner, there is a desk with a clipboard positioned in the center. Even from here, you can make out your name written on the white parchment paper. Carefully, you ease yourself off the bed, slipping the shoes onto your feet, and walk across the white floor, toward the desk. On the front page of the stack of papers, you read: FIRST NAME: $!{name} *line_break LAST NAME: Angelis *line_break DATE OF ADMITTANCE: 11/09 *line_break EXPECTED RELEASE DATE: 11/12 *page_break You're sent reeling back in shock. Desperate for more information, you pick up the clipboard and flip the page, but that's all that seems to be written. [i]I've been asleep for nearly two days,[/i] you think. You scan the rest of the room for more clues, but it's as empty and barren as you first suspected. You walk toward the door, a cold sense of uncertainty chilling your very core. You turn the knob, but it doesn't budge, and a loud [i]click[/i] sound emits. You shake your head, disbelief flooding your thoughts. But now is not the time to panic. *page_break Then, you notice a button on the adjacent wall. There is no label, so you can't discern what it's for. Still...if it's next to the door. *choice #I push the button. You press down on the cold, soft material. A small bell rings from outside your door. Nothing else happens. You stand, gaping at the door. [i]Seriously? What was the point of that?[/i] you think. Then, a soft click sounds off and the door eases open. A girl with short, choppy blonde hair and fair coloring steps through the doorway. She has a doctor's coat in the same cut and style as Hygieia, but her's is a traditional white rather than the dazzling gold of the goddess's. She holds a small container by its straps, a symbol with the words "Asclepius" written in red. "Oh," she says, heavily lashed blue eyes widening. "You're [i]actually[/i] awake. I thought the button just malfunctioned again." She reaches down to pick up the clipboard you had been looking at, frowning. She glances at you once more. "I guess you got a little bit of a surprise, huh? I'm sorry to say that it's true; you've been asleep for exactly 39 hours." You watch as she makes her way over to your bed, placing the clipboard back onto the desk. Then, she turns to you, her gaze concerned. "How are you, ${name}?" *goto what #I don't push the button. [i]Better not risk it,[/i] you think. You've had enough surprises to last you a lifetime. Then, to your surprise, a soft click sounds off and the door eases open. A girl with short, choppy blonde hair and fair coloring steps through the doorway. She has a doctor's coat in the same cut and style as Hygieia, but her's is a traditional white rather than the dazzling gold of the goddess's. She holds a small container by its straps, a symbol with the words "Asclepius" written in red. "Oh," she says, heavily lashed blue eyes widening. "You're [i]actually[/i] awake. I was just coming in to give you your IV." She reaches down to pick up the clipboard you had been looking at, frowning. She glances at you once more. "I guess you got a little bit of a surprise, huh? I'm sorry to say that it's true; you've been asleep for exactly 29 hours." You watch as she makes her way over to your bed, placing the clipboard back onto the desk. Then, she turns to you, her gaze concerned. "How are you, ${name}?" *goto what *label what *fake_choice #"Honestly? Not that great." I admit. *set earnest +1 *set Avery +10 *goto awakeconvo #"Other than the fact that I've been asleep for nearly two days with no knowledge of what's going on?" I ask. *set sarcastic +1 *set Avery +10 *goto awakeconvo #"Seriously? You're asking me [i]how I am[/i]?" I ask. *set mean +1 *goto awakeconvo #I stare at her, unflinching. *set Stoic +1 *goto awakeconvo *label awakeconvo The girl nods at your response. "I expected that, but, I'm still under protocol to ask." She sighs, seemingly at a loss of what to do. "Well, first of all, this the ER wing in Asclepius Hospital," she looks around, placing a hand on her hip. "We're near the heart of Olympus right now, actually." You nod realization setting in. [i]Olympus.[/i] "This goes without saying, but you were pretty bruised up if I remember correctly. A few fractures, severe bruising, atypical exhaustion...the works. Here, you must be thirsty." She opens her container and pulls out a single water bottle. You accept it, drinking it quickly, your throat demanding the cool relief. The doctor watches you drink, a faint smile on her face. When you finish the entirety of the water bottle, she pulls out a second one, handing it to you. "Nows a good time as any to clear up any lingering questions you have, ${name}." You nod, then consider your question. *label awakeconvo3 *fake_choice *disable_reuse #"Why was I out for so long?" "Your doctor said that after she administered you a room, you passed out. We attributed this to extreme exhaustion and overall fatigue. By your medical records...you don't seem to get much sleep." The girl pauses. "That's why I was surprised you were awake, actually. Your doctor said you weren't supposed to wake up until midday tomorrow." You raise an eyebrow. The girl's face lights up, and she sits up straighter, pride in her voice. "Ah, you have the very best; Hygieia, daughter of Asclepius. I mean, her name literally means 'health'. You really lucked out, $!{name}." *goto awakeconvo3 *disable_reuse #"Who are you, exactly?" The girl groans. "I've always been bad at introductions," she extends a hand to you. "Avery Monroe, medical assistant to Hygieia." You shake her hand. *goto awakeconvo3 *disable_reuse #"So, what happens next?" Avery's brows furrow. "What do you mean?" You gesture to the room. "I mean, after I'm released from the hospital. Then what?" "I don't know your exact situation, but after demigods arrive on Olympus, they're given their first summoning." *goto awakeconvo3 *disable_reuse #"What's a summoning?" Avery stares at you. "No one has really told you much, have they?" [i]That[/i] was an understatement. "The gods need to see you as soon as you're discharged. Summonings are a big deal; the gods only call upon individual Demigods twice in their entire lives: when they first arrive at Olympus, and when they graduate from the Institute. Of course, you can see them a third time...you know, when you die. They always show up to bless the fallen." You suppose that this "summoning" is the best chance you have at asking the gods about your aunt. *goto awakeconvo3 *disable_reuse #"Wait...where is all my stuff?" "I'm sure one of the Healers took them when you first arrived...I'm actually not sure where your possessions are." Avery bites her lip. "But, I'll ask around. If I find them, I'll just send them over, alright?" You can't help the frown that settles onto your face. The amount of Drachmas and mortal currency wasted.... *goto awakeconvo3 *disable_reuse #The machine next to your bed's beeping is the only sound in the room. *goto awakeconvo4 *label awakeconvo4 "Well...if those are all the questions you have, then I think you should lay back down," she says. "I'll have to contact Hygieia and tell her that you woke up earlier than expected." You at the bed dubiously, and Avery smiles. "You're safe, ${name}. Just relax. I'll be right back." Avery walks over to the door, twists the knob once, and opens it with ease. When she catches your confused gaze, she explains, "It's enchanted so only those who are permitted can get enter and exit. If a patient needs assistance, there's the button on the wall and near their bed. We do this so patients don't leave before they're supposed to, and for security reasons; nothing sinister, I promise." *fake_choice #"Really? Because it sure feels like it." I say bluntly. Avery grimaces at your tone. "Believe what you want, ${name}. I can't will you to change your mind." As Avery steps through the door, you lean a little on your bed and catch a glimpse of another pristine, white-walled room, and another door just past that. *page_break Hours later, your room is filled with Healers, doctors, and nurses. #"Don't you think that will cause even more people to panic? When they wake up and realize they can't get out?" "That's never happened before," Avery says. "Those who are set up in the ER don't usually have the strength or the means to get up and begin exploring; you're an exception, obviously." As Avery steps through the door, you lean a little on your bed and catch a glimpse of another pristine, white-walled room, and another door just past that. *page_break Hours later, your room is filled with Healers, doctors, and nurses. *selectable_if (Magician =1) #"I've read about enchanted entrances before. But..." "Why didn't you just use an illusion spell? It would have hidden the door completely. Although, it would probably cause just the same amount of panic." Avery's eyebrows raise. "That's...actually a pretty good idea." As Avery steps through the door, you lean a little on your bed, and catch a glimpse of another pristine, white-walled room, and another door just past that. *page_break Hours later, your room is filled with Healers, doctors, and nurses. #I simply stare at her. After an awkward stare down, Avery clears her throat and exits the room. As Avery steps through the door, you lean a little on your bed, and catch a glimpse of another pristine, white-walled room, and another door just past that. *page_break Hours later, your room is filled with Healers, doctors, and nurses. Hygieia, as it turns out, is not available. She had left Olympus on an emergency call, having anticipated your revival for tomorrow instead of today. Your new doctor is a young Kenyan woman named Doctor Rosei with a soothing voice and beautiful brown eyes. Three other nurses stand behind her, all in identical white robes. Earlier, you had been introduced to the Healers. As Avery explained to you, they were Magai skilled in the art of healing. They used a form of source transfer in order to heal patients; using their own souls as medicine. Though she attempted to be subtle about it, there was a bitterness in Avery's voice when she introduced them. The Magai, apparently, rank above the doctors, just a tier under Hygieia herself. Their clothing is black and nondescript, with only a golden, horizontal stripe across their chests. They have solemn faces, and each had deep purple bags under their eyes. Then, all the Healers part to each side of the room, as if compelled to do so by an undefinable source. *page_break The doors to your room burst open. The small crowd turns their attention to the figure stepping through the door frame. A statuesque woman wearing a silk chiton that catches the light of the sun stands under the glass doorway. Her strawberry blond hair is decorated with an abundance of flowers; all vivid and fully bloomed. Her face is a deep bronze, with a long nose and wide, dark eyes. She takes one step. The power radiating off her is lethal. The occupants of your hospital room all simultaneously fall into a deep bow. A path is cleared, and murmurs of praises are cast in her direction. Her eyes zero in on you. "That's Demeter," Avery whispers to you, her own head bowed. "She's here for [i]you[/i]." You glance up just as Demeter's shadow falls over you. She stares down at you, unspeaking, her eyes unreadable. *page_break "$!{name}." she says. Her voice is like velvet. Suddenly, her arms are around you. She squeezes you tight, holding onto you with all she has. She smells like the flowers in her hair; sweet and earthy. Finally, she releases you. Her eyes glisten with tears, and her lips are turned up into a hesitant smile. She places a soft hand on your cheek. The rest of the occupants of the small room, rise. With the exception of Avery, they slowly turn their gaze away from you and shuffle out of the room. Demeter is still looking at you, her eyes soft. "How are you, child?" she asks. This seems to be a question you've been asked a lot in the span of a few hours. *fake_choice #"I'm...fine. Just a little bit confused." I say. *set earnest +1 Demeter smiles sadly at your response. "I know, child. I extend my sincerest apology." *goto dem #I pause, pretending to think about it. "Oh, I've never been better." *set sarcastic +1 Demeter smiles at your response, her eyes lighting up. "Aren't you the derisive one?" she teases. *goto dem #"I'd be better if everyone would stop asking me that." I say. *set mean +1 Demeter smiles softly, lowering her gaze. "I understand where your resentment stems from, child." *goto dem #I shrug half-heartedly, giving her no absolute answer. "I understand, child," she says, grasping both your hands. *goto dem *label dem Demeter now turns her attention to Avery, who still stands beside your bed. "Thank you for your assistance, Avery," Demeter says, her voice soft. "Send my thanks to Hygieia, if you will." "Of course, Theos," Avery nods. Then, she turns to you. "Take care, $!{name}. I'll see you again soon enough." With another quick bow to Demeter, she turns quickly on her heels and makes her way back down the halls. You are left alone with the goddess of fertility. She takes a hold of your left hand. *page_break "Now..." the goddess says. "Let's get you out of here." *set clothing "a classic, fine Greek chiton" Before Demeter's appearance, Avery had presented you with a [i]chiton[/i], a classic outfit of fine material worn by ancient Grecians, and a pair of shoes to your liking. She still didn't have news regarding the whereabouts of your possessions, but she had sworn to keep inquiring. Demeter left to allow you time to change, and you savor the privacy. When you're done getting dressed, you open the door, which is no longer locked. You cast one last glance at your barren room. *page_break When you reach the main floor of the hospital, Demeter awaits you. "Come, now, child," she says, leading you toward the entrance. "The Council is waiting." As you walk out of the hospital, the shining sun nearly blinds you. Wait. Not the shining sun; a golden chariot seems to absorb the sun's rays and shoot them into your line of vision. There are two large, round golden wheels flanking either side of the seat, and even larger white wings sticking out of the hubs. The seats of the chariot lay in between the wheels, just barely enough room for two people. The beautiful wings come alive when Demeter walks closer to them, reaching up to the sky and toward each other, creating a sort of feathery arch over the seats. You pause, squinting your eyes. What appears to be two nearly transparent white steeds are harnessed to the chariot, huffing and puffing. Their white manes glisten under the sunlight. Their muscles are strong and bulging, their stature impressive and intimidating. You turn your gaze away from the horses and onto the vast metropolis that lies beyond them. *page_break You let the breeze drag your gaze onto what is sprawled in front of you; the city within Mount Olympus. A maze of white paved roads that glint with some sort of gold material is filled with people. You're so high up, you can just barely make them out; they look like scurrying ants. There are chariots going from street to street and turning corners of tall, stone and glass buildings. Houses, shops, and other nondescript buildings litter the city, all buzzing with life and an effortless ancient elegance. To your left, practically sitting on the horizon, is a large area. The large dome is made of ancient stone and the red dust inside swirls in the wind. To your right, a large sprawling estate lies in front of a thick forest of impossibly tall trees. That must be the Institute. There is a large main building, built more like a giant counseling hall, with its tall white marble pillars and flat base. Two other buildings flank it on either side, equal in majestic presence. In between the buildings lay gold and silver paths, leading to several smaller buildings. One of the paths, you note, leads to a large plot of wood. In the far distance, you can make out another tall hill just across from you. But the hill is floating [i]hundreds of feet off the ground. [/i] A large castle-like property lays upon the hill. The main structure has a tall base, that reaches up into the clouds. There are unnatural white clouds around the building, contrasting the azure sky. You can see paths that circle the castle, floating around it, not quite touching. There are ambient, warm yellow lights filling the hundreds of large windows. This is Olympus. *page_break You turn yourself away from the stunning city. "Come, child," Demeter says, breaking you out of your awe. She walks past the horses, smoothing her hands over their backs. She climbs into the chariot with a graceful leap. "We mustn't be late, now." You take in the chariot, the city, and the goddess once more. *fake_choice #"No." I say with resolve, crossing my arms in front of me. You're not going to follow her wherever she wants you to go, simply because she demands it. But you shouldn't be surprised; she's a goddess. People seldom disobey her. Sensing your hostility, the goddess stares at you, her eyes confused. "What is it?" she asks, glancing behind her. "Do you...sense something?" You shake your head. "No. I just don't feel comfortable following you." Demeter gapes at you. Then, something passes on her serene face; an understanding of some sort. "Oh, child," she begins, easing herself back on the chariot. "Whatever feelings you have toward us, I am begging you to put them aside. At least for the summoning." "Why?" you ask. "Because with the Council, first impressions are everything. I'd hate for them to strip you of your chance before they've even gotten the chance to meet you. Your cooperation is desperately needed...just don't tell Zeus I told you that." *goto whyso *goto Chariotride #[i]Do I even have a choice anymore?[/i] I think. With a moment's hesitation, you make your way toward the chariot. [i]When in Olympus, as they say,[/i] you think to yourself. Demeter watches you walk toward the chariot, a soft smile on her face. "Oh, child," she begins, easing herself back on the chariot. "Whatever feelings you had toward us, I am so glad to see you put them aside." You nod. "But, please, remember...with the Council, first impressions are everything. I'd hate for them to strip you of your chance before they've even gotten the chance to meet you. Your cooperation is desperately needed...just don't tell Zeus I told you that." Silently, you make your way into the chariot. *goto Chariotride #[i]Finally![/i] I think. Without a moment's hesitation, you make your way toward the chariot. [i]Yes. This is what I've been waiting for. This is it,[/i] you think to yourself. Demeter watches you walk toward the chariot, a soft smile on her face. "Oh, child," she begins, easing herself back on the chariot. "Whatever feelings you had toward us, I am so glad to see you put them aside." You nod. "But, please, remember...with the Council, first impressions are everything. I'd hate for them to strip you of your chance before they've even gotten get to know you. Your cooperation is desperately needed...just don't tell Zeus I told you that." You make your way into the chariot. *page_break *goto Chariotride *label whyso *fake_choice #"I'm not going anywhere until you promise me I'll get to see my aunt. That's the only reason I'm here." I say. "Ah," Demeter says. "Your [i]aunt[/i]." "Yes, my aunt. The one you all kidnapped to lure me here." Demeter places a hand on her heart. "It's not nearly as nefarious as you make it seem, ${name}." she sighs. "These misconceptions will be the end of us one day." You stare at the goddess, your resolve intact. Demeter leans forward. "I promise you, ${name} Angelis, that you will see your aunt. I swear it by the river of Styx." The goddess says it with such sincerity in her voice. You think back to what you know of the goddess from myths you read as a child; she was worshiped in ancient Greece for her kindness, but like all gods, she has her own misfortunes. "Fine," you agree, stepping into the chariot. *page_break *goto Chariotride #"I'm not going anywhere until you promise me I'll get to leave after the summoning." I say. "Ah," Demeter says. "That is what you wish? The ability to leave this sacred place?" "After all that's happened, I'd rather be back in my world than live in yours." Demeter places a hand on her heart. "We're not nearly as nefarious as you make us seem, ${name}." she sighs. "These misconceptions will be the end of us one day." You stare at the goddess, your resolve intact. Demeter leans forward. "I promise you, ${name} Angelis, that you will have an opportunity. I swear it by the river of Styx." The goddess says it with such sincerity in her voice. You think back to what you know of the goddess from myths you read as a child; she was worshiped in ancient Greece for her kindness, but like all gods, she has her own misfortunes. "Fine," you agree, stepping into the chariot. *page_break *goto Chariotride *label Chariotride Demeter leans forward and grabs the reigns. The iridescent horses neigh when she pulls on them, and the wings attached to the wheels begin to flap in the wind. The group of watchers clears a path just as the horses start to gallop. The wind blows into your eyes, and bites at your face. The horses pick up speed, heading for what seems to be a very, very large building. "Hey, Demeter," you warn. The horses are fast approaching the building, with no signs of slowing. "Demeter!" Then you're in the air. *page_break The view from hundreds of feet up is breathtaking. You lean hazardously over the edge of the chariot, taking in the sights. The colorful scenery looks like a paint palette, you think to yourself. Blossom trees of different shades of pink and glittering silver line several streets, giving the entire city a pop of unexpected color. You turn to your left and see the castle you had spotted growing closer. "What is that place?" you ask. Demeter smiles. "It's where we...convene. At least, when we're all civil enough to be in the same room with one another." "And the rest of the Twelve are in there? Waiting for me?" "Yes, child. We've been waiting for you for a long time...longer than you can fathom, really." You shake your head, turning your gaze away from the view and onto the goddess. Her cheeks are a warm rose color from the cold winds. "That doesn't make any sense; I'm just another demigod." "I wish I could explain it all to you," she says, a grin on her face. "But I'm afraid Zeus would conjure a global thunderstorm if I were to take away his moment." The chariot finally begins to slow its speed. *page_break You hold on to the edges of your seat and one of the white wings grazing your face. As the chariot gently reaches the ground, the horse's hooves land on the stone pathway that surrounds the land in front of the castle. Demeter reins the horses in and gently strokes the left wing of the chariot. She turns to you. "Let us go now, child. It's best that you're not late to your first summoning." As you make your way out of the chariot, Demeter grabs your hand. "And remember; first impressions are [i]everything[/i]," she says. You can hear the underlying warning and caution in her low tone. With that, she exits the chariot and begins walking toward the castle. You follow. *page_break The castle is as intimidating on the inside as it is on the outside. When you step through the large, arched entrance, you nearly stop dead in your tracks. The ancient walls are made entirely of stone, each one impeccably placed. Classic furniture is placed about, and as you step onto a long red carpet that seems to go on forever, you take note of the heads on the walls. A giant's head is over the fireplace, his face frozen in shock. Another head, this one a chimera, is directly next to the giants. Its orange fur is illuminated by the warm torches that line the stone walls. Several pieces of armor and a few weapons also hang on the walls. As you walk down the long corridor, your hand grazes the edge of a steel blade. Demeter begins to walk up a long stone stairway, and you follow, casting one last look at the entryway. The seemingly endless amount of steps reminds you of Nephlim's lair. You contemplate the Magai, and whatever future interaction you hope, or dread, to have with him. *choice #I have to find a way to contact the sorcerer again; he seems so know so much about me...more than I know about myself. You think about the way he regarded you as if he had known you. Every time you think back to the encounter, you can't deny that there was a familiarity in his tone. Somehow, someway, he's met you before. Maybe the Magai will also shed some light on certain topics. You continue to follow Demeter up the twisting stairs. Hopefully, the answers to your infinite questions await you at your summoning. When you finally reach the top of the stairs, you find yourself facing a stone wall. You stare at the wall, your face confused. "What now?" you ask. Demeter smiles at you and opens her mouth to speak, and in the same moment, you feel the same rush of cold air you felt when you and Saint traveled to Athens. *set findnephlim true *page_break The floor falls out from under you, *goto summoning1 #I need to stay away from him; there's too much at stake to trust him. You think about the way he acted as if he had known you. [i]Yeah,[/i] you scoff. [i]As if.[/i] Every time you think back onto the encounter, you can't deny that there was a familiarity in his tone. Somehow, someway, he's met you before. But, contacting someone who could take advantage of your confusion is not on the top of your to-do list. You continue to follow Demeter up the twisting stairs. Hopefully, the answers to your infinite questions await you at your summoning. When you finally reach the top of the stairs, you find yourself facing a stone wall. You stare at the wall, your face confused. "What now?" you ask. Demeter smiles at you and opens her mouth to speak, and in the same moment, you feel the same rush of cold air you felt when you and Saint traveled to Athens. *page_break The floor falls out from under you. *goto summoning1 *label summoning1 When you open your eyes, there is darkness around you from every direction. Then a single, lone light turns on. Then another. And another. Suddenly, a dozen lights turn on, and you find yourself before the Council. A man in a silk, dark blue robe sits on a golden throne that is levitated higher than all the others that surround him. His posture is straight, his arms resting on his armrest. He watches you, his clear blue eyes scrutinizing. His black hair is sprinkled with touches of gray, no doubt a personal choice, and his face is a combination of symmetrical features and sharp lines. This is [i]Zeus[/i], King of the gods. You know this like you know the back of your hand. You feel his name burning itself into your mind. The men on Zeus' right hand are similar to him in power but drastically different in appearance. The first man, closest to Zeus, has deeply sun-soaked tan skin, and fine laugh lines around his mouth. He wears a robe, similar to Zeus, but bright in color. He holds a large trident in his hand, resting the hilt against the floor. His beard is trimmed to several points, the same aging copper as his thick hair. His eyes are a sharp, inquisitive green. You are gazing at [i]Poseidon[/i], god of the sea. The god next to him leaves you truly breathless. His fair skin seems iridescent in the harsh light, contrasting his raven black hair. His face is tranquil, with a well-defined jaw coveted by a sharp nose and deep-set black eyes. You watch as shadows of darkness begin to roam over his face. Then, it hits you. This is [i]Hades[/i], god of the Underworld. [i]But wait, no,[/i] you think. It's.... *page_break "Uncle Henry?" The dark haired god allows the shadows to dissolve. He raises his eyebrows in surprise, and for a second, you think you've misspoken, that you've confused him with someone else. Then he grins, a true, charming grin. The same grin that you had grown up with, all those years ago during your childhood. But, before Uncle Henry can speak, Zeus stands up from his throne. "Welcome, $!{name}," his says; his voice is not one you could ever forget. "As you can see, we have much to discuss." A woman sits beside Zeus to his left. Her posture is regal, her face lacking any and all emotion. She has a beautiful, soft face with fine features and a deep blush to her cheeks. She is a combination of the purest brown; brown skin, sparkling brown eyes, and soft, coily brown hair. As she looks upon you, her gaze unreadable. She is [i]Hera[/i], Queen of the gods. Hera looks up at Zeus, admiration clear in her eyes. Her blank expression changes to one of amusement. "Yes, child. We have waited oh so long enough for this...wonderful moment." The Queen then stands up, forming a unified front with the King. Then Poseidon raises as well, followed by Hades, and all the other gods in the room. And then they do something you never could have imagined, even in your wildest dreams. *page_break They bow down to [i]you[/i]. It is a chilling yet enchanting thing to watch the most powerful beings in the world bow down to you, of all people. They do it in unison as if it truly is something they've practiced for seventeen years. When the gods rise, their eyes are on you. You note their expressions. *label summoningq *fake_choice *hide_reuse #The Trinity. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades beam at you, practically glowing with happiness. But you note the tightness in which Poseidon holds onto his staff. You see the beads of sweat upon Hades brow. You note the hesitance in Zeus' smile. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Hera. The Queen still has on a blank expression that you've only seen her break once. She catches your gaze, and her eyes shift so suddenly, you would sooner get down on your knees and beg for her blank expression than witness that blood-curdling stare. Quickly, she resumes her blank expression. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Ares. The god of War is a brute of a man with bulging muscles bigger than your head, and dark, slicked-back hair. He is in full battle armor; a deep red metal lined with fine gold. He catches your gaze, and a deep frown sets lines upon his face. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Artemis and Apollo. The goddess of the Moon and the god of the Sun stare at you with genuinely kind smiles on their tanned faces. Their beauty seems to reflect off one another as they stand arm-to-arm. Artemis' blonde hair is a bundle of waves piled upon her head, and Apollo's is a mess that frames his face. When they catch your eyes, they give separate salutes; Artemis widens her grin, happy to have caught your attention. Apollo throws a playful wink your way. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Demeter. The goddess smiles her kind smile at you, her eyes once again glistening with tears. She seems to glow with warmth from the inside out. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Hephaestus The large god of fire and forge stands impressively tall, even for a god. His chest puffs out of his simple chiton, his hands held behind his back. His long deep auburn hair is a mess of curls, framing the hard features of his tanned face and his large nose. When he looks at you, his eyes are neither warm nor cold; simply indifferent. There is no doubt he has a weapon he'd rather be forging than be here. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Hestia. The goddess of the hearth with wild, fiery red hair stares back at you from under a wine-red hood. Her small features and fair skin seem to wash her out, letting way to a light sprinkling of freckles on her face. You meet her gaze, and she raises an eyebrow at you, a smirk taking over her features. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Hermes. The young, curly blond haired messenger god has his arms crossed over his bronze chest. He floats higher than the rest of the Twelve, exempting Zeus, of course. He playfully salutes to you with his right hand when you catch his gaze, a wide smile spreading on his face. *goto summoningq *hide_reuse #Aphrodite. The goddess of love and beauty, and the most beautiful woman you have ever seen stands before you. She appears to be Korean, with long silky black hair framing her symmetric face and complimenting her large brown eyes. Her full pink lips turn up into a smile, and a soft blush blooms on her cheeks when she catches your attention. And how could she not, with her beauty? It's as if your eyes are forced to look upon her, your heart commanded to speed up. *goto summoningq #The room is silent. You watch the gods resume their places upon their thrones. *page_break *goto summoning2 *label summoning2 You stare at Uncle Henry, who sits upon the throne as if he's uncomfortable. "First and foremost, $!{name}, we'd like to apologize for the behavior of our Seekers," Zeus says. "We did not have knowledge of what went on when they left Olympus. The only information Hermes was able to supply was that they disappeared soon after departure." Zeus speaks using the collective "we" as if the rest of the Council must feel whatever he feels, too. You watch the Council nod in agreement; all except Ares, who still has that deep frown on his face. "Do you have any questions you'd like to ask us, child?" Hera asks you. You stare at Uncle Henry. He stands slowly from his black marble throne, the shadows of his long coat moving along with him. The gods watch him with an unreadable expression. He walks off of the large platform, and toward you. When he is but a few feet away from you, you two stare at each other. He looks exactly the same. "Hello, Iroas," he says. His black eyes focus on your ${eyecolor} eyes, and in that moment... *fake_choice #I feel like a ten-year-old whose just found their family again. In a quick moment, you bring your arms around Uncle Henry's tall frame. You hear him stifle a gasp of surprise, and he is stiff in your arms, unmoving. [i]Just hug me back. Just do it,[/i] you beg. Then, his arms wrap around you, and you nearly burst with relief. He smells like smoke and vanilla and every evil thing your aunt had warned you about in this world, but he's here. He's here. After a moment, you hear a comical "Aw" fill the quiet space. You peak from behind Uncle Henry's hair and spot Hermes, floating off the ground, a hand resting on his cheek. "Why don't [i]we[/i] get along like that?" he asks Hestia. The goddess throws him a seething glance. Uncle Henry steps out of the hug, and you watch his dark eyes fill with that same love you had only seen once before. *set hatehades false *set lovehades true *page_break *goto summoning3 #I feel like the world as I know it has been flipped upside down. You stare at Uncle—Hades. You watch his dark eyes as he contemplates your emotions. He holds out his hand. It seems as if an eternity passes before you take his hand. His touch is ice cold, you note, but not unpleasant. You don't feel the lost souls of the Underworld pass through you, at least. Hades allows himself to smile, almost bashfully. "I am glad you're here, $!{name}." he says in his ever-calm voice. "I know this must be...a shock." You nod. That's the understatement of the century. "I'm just...I haven't seen you in years. And now...you're on Olympus of all places." Uncle Henry nods. "And for that, I extend infinite apologies. I did not have a choice." You look at the rest of the Council and realize that none of them will meet your gaze. You nod, understanding. "See! That's what I'm talking about," you look to your left, past Uncle Henry, and see Hermes float excitedly into the air. He turns to Hestia. "Communication and understanding. Did you see that, Hesty?" The goddess throws him a seething glance. When Uncle Henry releases your hand and steps away from you, you watch his retreating figure as he makes his way back to the Council. *set hatehades false *set lovehades true *page_break *goto summoning3 #I feel a lethal amount of anger enter my system. You stare at Uncle—Hades. You watch his dark eyes as he contemplates your emotions. He takes a step back, his smile disappearing. You don't speak, and you know the anger and turmoil in your eyes are warning enough. Hades speaks, his voice calm yet strained. "I know we have much to discuss, $!{name}," he says. "I know this must be...a shock." "What is this?" you ask, barely concealing the anger in your voice. You turn your gaze away from Uncle Henry and onto the rest of the council. "[i]What is going on?[/i]" you repeat, louder than before. The Council, you realize, will not meet your gaze. Uncle Henry takes a brave step toward you, one which you watch with a wary gaze. "Everything will make sense soon, child," he says. "I promise." "You make a lot of promises, [i]Hades[/i]. Most of which are never kept!" you bark out. You remember the last thing he said to you, [i]"I'd never leave you."[/i] But he did, and now he's standing before you, exactly the same as before, but entirely different. Uncle Henry's eyes widen, then he quickly conceals the bit of emotion, his face taking on cold indifference. But you know better. He looks as if he's going to say something, then decides against it. He nods to you, then grimly makes his way back to the Council. "Remind you of anyone, Hesty?" Hermes asks Hestia, a mischievous grin on his face. The goddess throws him a seething glance. *set hatehades true *set lovehades false *page_break *goto summoning3 *label summoning3 Zeus watches you, his gaze scrutinizing. "Just as I predicted," he says to no one in particular. Hera glances at him, a frown forming. "None the less, it is time to shed light on a few things." [i]A few things?[/i] you think to yourself. Zeus glances at Hera. "Will you do the honors?" Hera smiles, then rises once again. She raises her slender arm, and a bright light fills the room. That same crisp cold air fills the room and swirls around you, and you are swallowed whole once more. *page_break The dark gloominess of the summoning room is no more. You stand in a large room with no walls. You spin around once, taking in the sights. A barrier of clouds cover a blue sky, and eleven thrones float above the floor. But wait; the floor is [i]not[/i] a floor. You look down and see that your foot rests directly on the Mississippi River. You yelp, and move your foot, only to find that it has no real impact on the river. You then spot the Golden Gate bridge to the west, partially hidden behind a thick fog. You see the Lincoln Memorial upwind from that, near a flock of ravens that soar over the false sky. You can see nearly everything. Slowly, you raise your gaze, and the see the gods that sit before you. Behind them is a large wall made entirely of ancient stone with jagged words engraved in it. Zeus is the first to speak. "Are you familiar with the Titan Cronus?" Zeus asks. A feeling of fear and pure hatred spread through the Council, their displeased expressions prominent at the mention of the Titan's name. *if Wit >=45 You nod eagerly, remembering the details of the Titan's story from one of your favorite novels. "Cronus was a part of the first generation of Titans. He was the son of Gaia and Uranus, who he usurped, then took over domain of the Universe. Then, he went mad with power and killed all his siblings. But that was before the original Six defeated him and confined him to Tartarus." *line_break [i]Wit >45[/i] Zeus nods, pleased with your apparent knowledge of their history. "That is true, child." *if Wit <45 You nod hesitantly, remembering fuzzy details. "Cronus was one of the first Titans, born to Gaia and Uranus." *line_break [i]Wit <45[/i] Zeus, content with your answer, nods. "That is true, child. Do you remember that he went mad with power, and usurped his creators, Gaia and Uranus?" You nod now, the details coming back to you. "And then he killed all of his siblings." *page_break The King of the Gods walks in front of the large stone wall, pausing before it. He gazes up at the wall, his back to you and the fellow gods. "But there are more to the stories," Poseidon says. You're shocked by the deepness of his voice, and the fact that he even spoke at all. "Mysteries that your mortal scholars have long since tried to solve." "What happens after you die, for instance," Hera muses lazily. "That seems to be a popular question among the mortals." Hades throws a wary glance at the queen. "The question that aches to be answered, though, is...how did it all begin?" "You mean...how did the Universe come to be?" you ask. "Precisely," Poseidon replies. "What is the source of creation? Is it a big bang that jarred the very fundamentals of time and space, or was it but a small whimper?" The gods turn silent and look to Zeus, who still stares at the stone, as if searching for answers within the engravings. *page_break "It's you, $!{name}." the kind announces. The wind in the throne room whistles, and the clouds seem to cease all movement, opting instead to mold together to form a barrier between you and the azure sky. You stand silently among the immortals. "Me?" you say. The wild winds try to carry your voice away. "What do you mean [i]me[/i]?" "You are the creator of all," Zeus declares. *label cequest *fake_choice *disable_reuse #"Before there was life..." Zeus begins. "...and long before any god existed, there was a great null in the place we now call the Universe. Then, as a result of pulses of energy from the fathoms of chaos, you were created. We call you the Essence; you were...are...the absolute source of power in the Universe." Zeus continues. "The energy [i]you[/i] emitted then created six other sources, also known as souls. Those sources were the first gods—Gaia, Uranus, Chaos, Nyx, Tartarus, and Eros. Your power was transferred equally into all six of them, and their power transferred to their children. One of those children, as you know, was Cronus, our creator." "Or our [i]father[/i], as you mortals would define him," Hades supplied, his tone dry. *goto cequest *disable_reuse #"After Cronus took control of the Universe from Gaia and Uranus..." Hades continues. ..."he knew that the Essence was far too powerful a weapon and that it could be used against him. He collected the Essence from himself and all others who held even a minuscule of it, and turned the power into two sources." *goto cequest *disable_reuse #Poseidon clears his throat. "Both sources were the Essence and held the powers that it granted. "...but one of the sources, the Bestower, would be the caretaker of the Essence, to hold it until the second source was ready to yield the power, on their 18th summer solstice. That is the day that both their full powers awaken, and the Bestower's portion of the Essence transfers fully into the Bearer, who has the ability to [i]use[/i] the power." *goto cequest *disable_reuse #Poseidon gestures to Hades. "After Cronus had created you and the Bestower..." "...he hid your sources in Tartarus, the land between the living and the dead," Hades says. "It was the same place we had banished him to, millions of years ago after the Titanomachy." Hades looks solem as he continues. "Since then, the Essence has acted as a soul to mortals for billions of years, reincarnating after every death." *goto cequest #The room is quiet as all the gods turn to the King. *goto cetalk *label cetalk You try to get your heartbeat under control, or at least get a grip on reality, because you [i]must[/i] not have heard them right. That must be it. Finally, the King speaks. *page_break "The Bearer, $!{name}," Zeus says, tearing his gaze away from the stone wall. "Is you." Everything is set into a sharp focus too strong for your eyes as his words ring in your ears. You make out the details of each of the Council, desperate for signs of lies. There are none. "After we banished Cronus, a prophet recited a prophecy." Poseidon stands from his throne and points his trident at the stone wall. "That is the prophecy, child...and it is about [i]you[/i]." The Council is silent. They seem to be waiting for you to approach the stone wall. To approach your destiny. You take a hesitant step. Then another, and another. *page_break You read the roughly engraved script; "[i]Look into the eyes of black[/i] *line_break [i]For when you do, my reasons will no longer lack.[/i] *line_break [i]And when your Heroes seek allies isolated by hate[/i] *line_break [i]Beware the opening of the gate.[/i] *line_break *line_break [i]When the Essence is by his side[/i] *line_break [i]They will create a great divide. *line_break [i]And when you see that there is no truth in your belief[/i] *line_break [i]Look to the Between, for they are the source of your grief.[/i] *line_break *line_break [i]And blame not only them for the death of the Dove[/i] *line_break [i]But the one who chooses, above all else, love."[/i] *line_break *line_break *page_break You take a step away from the wall, your head spinning. You try to process all they've said to you. They told you about how, apparently, you were the Big Bang that created the Universe. That you were the one who made the original gods, who made the Titans, who made the Olympians that are before you now. That you had been reborn infinite times, with the same powerful soul, "the Essence" within you. *fake_choice #[i]I don't believe it. No way is this true,[/i] I think. You shake your head, holding up your hands. "Are you trying to say that I created the Universe?" you ask, unbelieving. "Exactly." The Trinity says in Unison. "That's impossible. I'd have to be...billions of years old." you argue. "I'm only seventeen." #[i]Their reasonings are in par with the strange occurrences in my life...but could this really be true?[/i] you wonder. You shake your head. The possibility is starting to make sense. "Are you trying to say that I created the Universe?" you ask, unbelieving. "Exactly." The Trinity says in Unison. "That's impossible. I'd have to be...billions of years old." you argue. "I'm only seventeen." #[i]Something in my bones tells me that they're telling the truth. This would explain the veil of secrecy that has surrounded me my entire life,[/i] you think. You stare at the gods, realization setting in. "You mean...I created the Universe?" you ask. "Exactly." The Trinity says in Unison. "That's impossible. I'd have to be...billions of years old." you say. "I'm only seventeen." "We understand how hard this must be to accept," the queen says, rising from her throne. "But we speak of the truth." Hades makes his way over to you, stepping over the state of Ohio. "And right now, we need to prepare you for what's to come." "What do you mean 'what's to come' ?" you ask. "We debated on whether or not to tell you this," Poseidon says. "We even debated whether or not to get involved at all. But, after reviewing the prophecy countless times, we see that your involvement is inevitable...there is nothing we can do to stop it." "Spit it out, brother," Hades says, impatiently. Hera covers her grinning mouth with her hand, turning away. Poseidon glares at the god before continuing. "There is a war coming. And we need you in it. We need you on [i]our[/i] side." *page_break "Although, if you ask me, that just screams disaster," Ares barks. You turn to the god of War, who looks at you with evident distaste. "Nows not the time for your opinions, big guy." Hermes quips back at him, amusement in his eyes. The god of War rises angrily from his throne, then points an accusatory finger in your direction. "That is [i]not[/i] our Hero! Am I the only being here with even a semblance of sanity left?" "Now Ares," Aphrodite coos in her melodious voice. "Do not scare the poor child. Imagine what must be running through ${his} head right now." Hephaestus throws an angry glance at the goddess of Love. "Well is he wrong, [i]wife[/i]?" He draws out the last word, narrowing his eyes. Aphrodite's smile is sickly sweet. "As you can see, there are opposing viewpoints. Most of them utterly wrong." Hades murmurs. Ares jumps down from his floating platform, his feet slamming against the false earth. "What is wrong here is this menace!" "${name} is not a menace," Hades argues calmly, his eyes darkening. "The only menace here is you, Ares." The god of war takes a step toward the god of the Underworld. The clouds that surround you begin to swirl around, almost as if the tension in the room controls the winds. Hephaestus steps behind Ares, his gaze pinned on Hades. Aphrodite, Hera, and Hestia follow, creating a formation beside Ares. Poseidon wavers for a moment, then steps beside Hades. Hermes, Artemis, Apollo and Demeter follow in suit. You stand in between them, watching. Then, Ares lifts his hand at Hades and makes a sudden movement, anger contorting his face. *fake_choice #[i]I've had enough of this,[/i] I think, summoning my powers. You allow your mind to silence all thoughts, the power responding to your call with eager determination. $!{Magicolor} tendrils of magic swirl around your form, reaching out to where the divide between the gods lies. Your magic lands right before Ares' red, seething face, his expression quickly turning from one of anger to one of shock. Soon, all the gods step away from the magic you've just wielded, their heads all swerving in your direction, a medley of emotions on each of their faces. "Enough of this!" you scream, the ${magicolor} tendrils expanding throughout the room. "Do you even hear yourselves? Are you here to explain everything to me or tear one another to pieces?" *goto nextreac #I step in between Hades and Ares, determined to stop him. Your feet move before you even have time to realize it. One moment you're watching Ares lift a large hand, obviously intending to strike Hades, and the next you're face to face with the God of war. He looks down at you, shock slowly taking over his features. His jaw twitches at your intervention, but his hand remains midair, unmoving, now aimed directly at you. "Do it," you seethe. "I [i]dare[/i] you." Then Ares hand twitches, just slightly, and... "ENOUGH!" the King of gods bellows. His voice commands the winds and they cease their whaling. The clouds stop abruptly. The gods pause in their place, all but Ares, who strides toward Hades. "If I have to silence you once more," Zeus says, his voice lethal. "It will be the [i]last[/i] time." *goto nextreac #I watch with rapt attention, waiting to see what happens next. *goto nextreac *label nextreac Ares pauses. He throws one final look at Hades; a promise within a threat. "We do not all agree on whether or not to let you participate in this war, $!{name}." Poseidon explains, stating the obvious. *page_break "But we have decided to let fate handle that as well," Hades states, Hades steps away from the gods that backed him up just moments before. He's creating a wall around himself, you notice; he doesn't want to be grouped in with them. "We have always had a cherished tradition in Olympus; our Heroes are a part of our culture. Whether they be Demigod or mortal, they have long since served us." "We want you to be our Hero." Zeus clarifies. "But to achieve this, you must partake in the Hero Trials. If you are victorious, the ones who oppose of you," The king throws a pointed glance at Ares. "Will have no choice but to allow you to enter the war." "Over my dead body," Ares seethes, glaring at you. "That can be arranged." Hades muses, a dark expression on his face. "Of course, if you do not win," Hera says, a smile on her face. "The ones who support you will have no choice but to destroy you." *page_break You turn to glare at the goddess. Poseidon sighs. "Don't be so vapid, Hera." "What? It is true, and you all know it. If the child is not on our side, why not avoid this altogether and just imprison ${him}?" She stares at you while she says this, her gaze scorching. She speaks of your life as if it's nothing. *fake_choice #"Why do you think I'd ever want to be on your side?" I ask incredulously. "After everything that's happened?" "You sit there on your throne looking down at me, and speak of robbing me of my freedom," you say through gritted teeth. "I've spent the last three years in my own personal hell. Do you have any idea what it's taken to be here? What it is I've gone through to make it to this point? And now you're trying to force a choice onto me!" Hera scoffs, maneuvering a loose stand of hair out of her face. "Despite the veil of freedom my brethren have tried to pull...you have no other choice." Hera laughs under her breath, as if the entire situation amuses her. "Do you know what it is about prophecies that shake the very core of men and gods alike, child?" "No, but I suppose you're going to tell me," you quip back. "[i]They always come true.[/i] Always." she seethes. "Be mindful of the fifth and sixth lines; 'And when the Essence is by his side / They will create a great divide.' The way I see it, you are more a liability than a utility." "Hera!" Zeus screams. The goddess looks at him in shock, mouth agape. "Have you lost so much of your common sense that you'd sink to threatening the one person who may be able to turn the tide?" Hera stares silently, mouth forming a straight line. *page_break "Continue," Zeus urges you. "Say what must be said." *goto nextscene1 #"Do you honestly think threatening me is the best way to get me to help you?" I ask the goddess. "You're not very bright, are you?" "You sit there on your throne looking down at me, and speak of imprisoning me," you say through gritted teeth. "Do you have any idea what it's taken to be here? What it is I've gone through to make it to this point? And now you're trying to force a choice onto me through petty threats." Hera scoffs, maneuvering a loose stand of hair out of her face. "Despite the veil of freedom my brethren have tried to pull...you have no other choice." Hera laughs under her breath, as if the entire situation amuses her. "Do you know what it is about prophecies that shake the very core of men and gods alike, child?" "No, but I suppose you're going to tell me," you quip back. "[i]They always come true.[/i] Always." she seethes. "Be mindful of the fifth and sixth lines; 'And when the Essence is by his side / They will create a great divide.' The way I see it, you are more a liabilty than a utility." "Hera!" Zeus screams. The goddess looks at him in shock, mouth agape. "Have you lost so much of your common sense that you'd sink to threatening the one person who may be able to turn the tide?" Hera stares silently, mouth forming a straight line. *page_break "Continue," Zeus urges you. "Say what must be said." *goto nextscene1 #"What will you give me if I win these 'Trails'? I have to gained something from all of this." I've realized now how desperate they are. "It's easy to sit atop your throne and think you can simply threaten me into compliance," you say through gritted teeth. "But I'm not going to make it that easy for you." "What are you implying, child?" Hera asks you, warning in her voice. "You [i]need[/i] me," you say confidently. "And from the spectacle you've put on just now, you need me desperately. You're in no position to bargain. Meet my demands, or I decline your offer." Hera scoffs, maneuvering a loose stand of hair out of her face. "Despite the veil of freedom my brethren have tried to pull...you have no other choice." Hera laughs under her breath, as if the entire situation amuses her. "Do you know what it is about prophecies that shake the very core of men and gods alike, child?" "No, but I suppose you're going to tell me," you quip back. "[i]They always come true.[/i] Always." she seethes. "Be mindful of the fifth and sixth lines; 'And when the Essence is by his side / They will create a great divide.' The way I see it, you are more a liabilty than a utility." "Hera!" Zeus screams. The goddess looks at him in shock, mouth agape. "Have you lost so much of your common sense that you'd sink to threatening the one person who may be able to turn the tide?" Hera stares silently, mouth forming a straight line. *page_break "Continue," Zeus urges you. "Say what must be said." *goto nextscene1 #"I need time to think; you possibly can't honestly expect me to decide this now." I say. "I've spent the last three years in my own personal hell," you say through gritted teeth. "And the last twenty-four hours have been no better. Do you have any idea what it's taken to be here? What it is I've gone through to make it to this point? And now you're trying to force a choice onto me!" Hera scoffs, maneuvering a loose stand of hair out of her face. "Despite the veil of freedom my brethren have tried to pull...you have no other choice." Hera laughs under her breath, as if the entire situation amuses her. "Do you know what it is about prophecies that shake the very core of men and gods alike, child?" "No, but I suppose you're going to tell me," you quip back. "[i]They always come true.[/i] Always." she seethes. "Be mindful of the fifth and sixth lines; 'And when the Essence is by his side / They will create a great divide.' The way I see it, you are more a liabilty than a utility." "Hera!" Zeus screams. The goddess looks at him in shock, mouth agape. "Have you lost so much of your common sense that you'd sink to threatening the one person who may be able to turn the tide?" Hera stares silently, mouth forming a straight line. *page_break "Continue," Zeus urges you. "Say what must be said." *goto nextscene1 *label nextscene1 The gods look upon you, for once completely silent. It seems that at last you have their full attention; no distracted petty arguments, thousands of miles between you, or a squadron of deadly hunters. You clear your throat, mentally assessing the situation. You watch each of the Olympians carefully. The throne room is deadly quiet, the only exception being the wind that blows past your ears. No matter what they've claimed so far, they need you. And, despite your feelings, you know that there is no rejecting this offer. It's no longer about you and the gods in this room; the fate of the entire world...no, the entire Universe, rests atop your shoulders. But they don't [i]know[/i] that you won't reject them. And that doesn't mean you can't get something out of all of this. You could also ask some clarifying questions before making any kind of decision, in order to get a grasp on the full weight of the situation. *label tac *choice #I need to ask some questions before I do anything. *goto sumo #"Make your offer right now," you say clearly. "Whatever you're wiling to give me in order to persuade me to join you." Hera opens her mouth to speak, rising from her throne. But before she can object, Hestia's solid hand rests atop her shoulder, sitting her back down. Hades watches you with wary eyes, looking at both his brothers. Poseidon looks vaguely exhausted, and Zeus's face betrays nothing. Finally, the king speaks. "We will make you and offer, and we will swear on the river of Styx." [i][Note: The river of Styx acts as a boundary between Hades' Underworld and earth. The Gods swear by the river in times of extremities. All who fail to meet their promises suffer.][/i] All the gods look at Zeus, varying degrees of shock on their faces, but it is Hestia who finally speaks. "Bury your own grave," the goddess whispers. "but do not expect us to lie six feet under the earth with you" Her voice is soft, but commanding. She doesn't need to yell in order to be heard; for someone who speaks so little, every word she says carries importance. But Zeus acts as if he doesn't hear her. *page_break "We offer you immortality," the king says. *goto whattheygive #"I want three things," I demand. "If you can't promise to give them to me, I walk away." Hera opens her mouth to speak, rising from her throne. But before she can object, Hestia's solid hand rests atop her shoulder, sitting her back down. Hades watches you with wary eyes, looking at both his brothers. Poseidon looks vaguely exhausted, and Zeus's face betrays nothing. Finally, the king speaks. "Name your desires. If they're within our capabilities, we will swear on the River of Styx." [i][Note: The River of Styx acts as a boundary between the Underworld and earth. The Gods swear by the river in times of extremeties. All who fail to meet their promises suffer for eternity.][/i] All the gods look at Zeus, varying degrees of shock on their faces, but it is Hestia who finally speaks. "Bury your own grave," the goddess whispers. "But do not expect us to lie six feet under the earth with you" Her voice is soft, but commanding. She doesn't need to yell in order to be heard; for someone who speaks so little, every word she says carries importance. But Zeus acts as if he doesn't hear her. He nods to you. *label whatyouwant *fake_choice *selectable_if (favor<4) #"I want you to promise that I'll have my freedom," I say. "Absolute freedom; no hunters, no watchful eyes." *set favor +1 "There is no such thing as freedom," Hera says. "Not when such a thing as fate exists." "You know what I mean," you say. "It's my life, and I should be able to live it the way I want. I don't want to be bound by any more mysterious prophecies that tell me what I can and cannot due. I don't want to be summoned here against my will with vague threats. Do you understand?" The gods are silent, but they nod. *goto whatyouwant *selectable_if (favor<4) #"I lost someone, and I want you to find them if they're alive," I say. "And if they're dead...I want you to bring them back." *set favor +1 Hades gazes at you with thoughtful eyes. "That's not what you want." "Yes, it is," you say. "Hermes' rogue hunters did something to ${bfhim}. The responsibility lies with him for not being able to control them, and all of you for passively watching it all happen." "If your friend has passed, and I bring them back," Hades says. "They will never be the same. Death takes your soul. It would be cruel to try to put a free soul back into the confines of a mortal body." "That is what I want." you say, absolute in your desire. Hades does not answer...but he doesn't argue, either. *goto whatyouwant *selectable_if (favor<4) #"I want a place among the Twelve," I say. "I want to be a god." *set favor +1 "You wish to be a god?" Zeus asks, for once showing a fragment of emotion. "Why would you ever want [i]that[/i]?" "You must think carefully about what you're asking," Poseidon cautions. "This isn't a temporary position. It's forever." "Not only that," Aphrodite begins. "But gods are not just created; we all serve a purpose. Trust me, I've been trying to get a God of heartbreak for centuries. It would make my life so much easier." "I know what it means," you say. "I'm not changing my mind." "It's not as if it's impossible," Hermes muses. "After the war, their immortality is a given. What more does a god need?" *goto whatyouwant #The gods descend their thrones. *goto riverpromise *label riverpromise Zeus paces closer to you, his gaze cold. "Those are you wishes, and we will see them fulfilled. Three favors for the price of the world. We only ask for your full cooperation in return." The rest of the gods descend from their thrones, forming a circle around you and Zeus. You watch as Hades and Poseidon stand on their side of you, hands outstretched. Hades closes his eyes, his shadows forming a barrier of smoke around you and the pantheon. When he opens his eyes once more, you can see a glowing, golden river surrounded by darkness staring back at you. The gods chant. "We call upon the River's wisdom and judgment. We swear upon the River of Styx to fulfill the promises made today, and should they be broken, may our punishment be swift and everlasting." The gods now turn to you, expectant and anxious. *page_break "I swear upon the River of Styx, to fulfill the promises made today," you say. "and should they be broken, may my punishment be swift and everlasting." *goto andnoww *label whattheygive "As we've explained," Zeus continues. "Human bodies cannot handle the power of the Essence. So, we are willing to offer your an immortal body, one that can withstand the Essence as its soul." "So I'll be like you," you clarify. "A god." "If we're going to dilute the honor of being a god," Hera says. "Then yes." Zeus paces closer to you, his gaze cold. "That is our offer; the freedom from the worry of death. You will have an eternity to shape your life into whatever you desire. You will never know the burden of time." he pauses. "We only ask for you full cooperation." The rest of the gods descend from their thrones, forming a circle around you and Zeus. You watch as Hades and Poseidon stand on their side of you, hands outstretched. Hades closes his eyes, his shadows forming a barrier of smoke around you and the pantheon. When he opens his eyes once more, you can see a glowing, golden river surrounded by darkness staring back at you. The gods chant. "We call upon the River's wisdom and judgment. We swear upon the River of Styx to fulfill the promises made today, and should they be broken, may our punishment be swift and everlasting." The gods now turn to you, expectant and anxious. *page_break "I swear upon the River of Styx, to fufill the promises made today," you say. "and should they be broken, may my punishment be swift and everlasting." *goto andnoww *label sumo *fake_choice *disable_reuse #"When is this 'war' going to happen? And who will be involved, exactly?" Zeus, pacing over Southern California, answers your question in clipped tones. "Then war will happen in summer, around the time of the summer solstice; that is what we've inferred from the prophecy." "As to who will be in the war...that has yet to be determined." "What does that mean? Doesn't the war affect everyone, if it's so catastrophic? We're talking about a war between the Titans and the Gods...again." you say. "Mortals are blind, and they have remained so for billions of blissful years. We aren't sure who they'd ally with when the war comes. As for other members of our world; the same question still stands." *goto sumo *disable_reuse #"Why are half of you against me? Don't you see it as an advantage to try to appease to me rather than threaten me?" Ares laughs, leaning back as he addresses you. "You read the prophecy, didn't you? I don't know what the rest of these imbeciles believe, but to me, it's as clear as day; you were marked a traitor before you were even born." "There are many interpretations to every prophecy," Hades argues on your behalf, glaring at the god. If looks could kill. "They're intentionally vague so that the ones involved in the prophecy don't try to interfere with fate. For all you know, ${name} will be at [i]Cronus's side[/i] to strike the fatal blow." "You can argue until you lose your voice," Ares muses. "We all know how this is going to end; I'm with Hera. Let's cut our losses before we get burned." You hear Hades mumble something under his breath about peabrained neanderthals. *goto sumo *disable_reuse #"What exactly would my part in the war be?" "As the prophecy says," Poseidon begins. "You'll be within direct contact with Cronus. We believe that that's when you'll have the chance to determine the outcome of the war." "No pressure, kid." Hermes taunts. *goto sumo *disable_reuse #"What will happen after everything is said and done, assuming we win the war?" "One would only assume that we begin reconstructing the world to its former...glory." Aphrodite winces. "Or, if I could suggest, we reference my earlier designs. I've always wanted to redecorate Earth." You see Hestia, the silent goddess, roll her eyes. "The first part is true," Zeus says. "The damage this war will accumilate will be substantial. Most of our attention should be focused on reconstruction. But, after that...we'll have time to decide what comes next." *goto sumo *disable_reuse #"What will you do about your Seekers?" "I'm working on it," Hermes says. "We've stopped the remaining squadrons from deploying, and my most loyal agents are actively searching for the missing demigods." "How could you have no idea what was happening? It's hard to belive." you ask the god. Hermes shrugs. "I haven't micromanaged them in over two hundred years. Before this whole incident, the Seekers were one of the most highly regarded organizations we've created. We've let them manage their own factions and heirachies. This isn't something anyone could have forseen." "That's all you have to say?" you ask. "I'm eternally sorry I let this happen," Hermes says to you. "I truly am." *goto sumo #I've asked enough questions. *goto tac *label andnoww Some part of you, deep down, feels a sharp tug. It's the kind of feeling you get when you give too much of yourself to something...it feels like a part of you is tied to the river, to the gods...to your promise. The gods all seperate from one another once Hades' shadows diminish. Zeus, of all of them, looks the most affected. "There are a few more matters to address before you may take your rest," Hera turns to Zeus, eyes narrowing. "And what matters are those?" "Personal matters that don't concern you." Zeus responds. "I expect you'll respect that." The last thing you see as Zeus lays a hand upon your shoulder is Hera's face; a combination of blazing anger and betrayl. *page_break You are in a place where darkness could never dwell. *goto zee *label zee There is a harsh light that streams down from the glass ceiling above you. The room seems illuminated by colors of vibrant reds, blues and greens. Like the mosaics in mortal churchs, depictions of the Trinity stain the clear glass above you. Poseidon is depicted in shades of seaweed green and tawny brown, Hades in subdued silver and pitch black, and Zeus in royal blue and radiant gold. Zeus himself sits upon a throne made of glass. "I promised you rest," the king begins. "But there is still much to discuss that can no longer be put on hold; if we are to continue any further, then we must bring some things to light." *choice #"You mean my aunt?" I ask. Zeus's hands grip the armrests of his throne, his posture suddenly stiff. "Your [i]aunt[/i]." "I came here for her," you repeat. "But you already knew that. Isn't that why you took her in the first place?" Zeus is silent for a moment, his eyes searching for something in your expression. Then, he speaks. "You will see your aunt, if you wish. But I have to warn you; some desires are best left unfufilled. What you want is not always what you need." There is a double meaning behind his words. "What do you mean by that?" "Exactly as I've said," Zeus answers. "But we wil cross that bridge later; there are more pressing matters to attend to." Zeus's face already holds a solemn aspect to it; his appearance is severe, all hard lines and deep set eyes, but somehow youthful. His eyes are too old for his face, but when he gazes upon you, a new degree of sadness overtakes his features. *page_break "Your mother," he begins. "Predicted the prophecy." *goto priscilla #"You mean my birth father?" I ask. "Yes," Zeus answers. "That is too something that must be addressed." "It seems to be a well guarded secret," you say. "But you know who he is, don't you?" "You're extremely observant for your age," Zeus is silent for a moment, his eyes searching for something in your expression. Then, he speaks. "But I'll speak more on that later. There is no urgency in the truth." Confused by his words, you ask, "What does that mean?" "Exactly as I've said," Zeus answers. "I'd like to reveal to you some things before that. I believe it will make more sense if I do." Zeus's face already holds a solemn aspect to it; his appearance is severe, all hard lines and deep set eyes, but somehow youthful. His eyes are too old for his face, but when he gazes upon you, a new degree of sadness overtakes his features. *page_break "Your mother," he begins. "Predicted the prophecy." *goto priscilla #"You mean my mother?" I ask. "Precisely," Zeus answers. "My mother and my father...it seems to be a well guarded secret," you say. "But you know all about them, don't you?" "You're extremely observant for your age," Zeus is silent for a moment, his eyes searching for something in your expression. Then, he speaks. "I'd argue many centuries ago that some things are better left buried, but I cannot say the is true for your mother." Confused by his words, you ask, "What does that mean?" "Exactly as I've said," Zeus answers. "I'd like to reveal a few essential details about your mother...I feel that what I must say will make more sense that way." Zeus's face already holds a solemn aspect to it; his appearance is severe, all hard lines and deep set eyes, but somehow youthful. His eyes are too old for his face, but when he gazes upon you, a new degree of sadness overtakes his features. *page_break "Your mother," he begins. "Predicted the prophecy." *goto priscilla *label priscilla "Your mother, Prisiclla Angelis, was the Great Prophet." Zeus continues. "Prophets are rare," Zeus explains. "The last prophet before your mother was Lady Gothell, and before her there hadn't been a prophet for nearly three hundred years." "She could see into the future?" you ask. "She saw the war?" Zeus nods, descending from his throne. "She carved into the very stone that you saw in the throne room. She had visions of you, Cronus, and the pantheon, long before she died...long before she knew who you would be." [i]Before she died...[/i]This revelation confirms one of your longest held beliefs; your mother truly is dead. *label pirs *fake_choice *disable_reuse #"How did she die? [i]When[/i] did she die?" "She no longer resided Olympus at the time of her death, but those who were around her in her final days said that she died June 20th, 2006. I believe that was your seventh birthday." Your mother had been alive seven full years after your birth...she hadn't died giving birth to you, as Aunt Alice had previously stated. "You don't know how she died, then? Since she wasn't here?" you ask. Zeus glances at you, dark eyebrows drawn. "The beings she stayed with were not under our jurisdiction; we couldn't force them to tell us anything any more than we could force her to return." *goto pirs *disable_reuse #"Why didn't she raise me?" "That is a long, complicated answer," Zeus admits. "Your mother was not a simple person to understand; her desires never matched her actions. She never wanted to be the prophet, and she never wished to be on Olympus. We had a prior understanding before she knew of you. We swore on the river that she'd be allowed to leave after your birth. And so, when the time came, she left." "She had no interest in me at all?" "You're not listening; [i]she could not raise you[/i]...whether she was alive of not, that was never the plan. You were to be born and raised on Olympus alongside a handful of guardians, to be trained for the war among your own people. We had no need for her after she gave birth; she knew that." *goto pirs *disable_reuse #"What was she like?" Zeus pauses. "That's a hard question to answer." You press further, tired of his vague answers. "Try." "She was...pragmatic. Stubborn. Cunning. When I first met her, she was wholly convinced that her way was the best way, despite any conflicting evidence." "And as time progressed?" you ask. "She changed her views on certain subjects. She was still stubborn, and when you added that in with her intellect...well, she had the capacity to be excessively cruel." "She was cruel?" you ask. "When the situation called for it," Zeus admits. "But do not misunderstand me; she was not a bad person. She was [i]good[/i], inside and out." *goto pirs #"Why are you telling me all of this?" I ask, finally. Zeus's shoulders stiffen, his back to you. You watch carefully, attempting to catch any sign of dishonesty. "Because for a time," Zeus says. "A very short, peaceful time, she was mine." *page_break "You are our child, ${name}." *goto b180 *label b180 Zeus gazes upon you after his revelation, his eyes unflinching in their observation. "When Priscilla first had her visions of you, she had no knowledge of your origins. She only knew that the Essence would be reincarnated within the next five years, born to unknown parents. This is the way it's worked since Cronus turned you into a soul; you are born unexpectedly, repeatedly, infinitely." "We've let all those who harvest the Essence live peaceful lives; they have all been mortal up until this point in time, nearly impossible to find. But this was the first time a prophet had predicted the reincarnation of the Essence, and the first time the Essence would be a demigod." "Did she know she'd give birth to me?" you ask when the king pauses. "Not until later. All she knew was that the child would be a demigod to one of the Trinity. The rest was unknown." "And Saint?" you ask, remembering the revelation in New York. Your question seems to throw the king off; for the first time since you've known him, he seems uncertain. Nervous, even. "I see you two have gotten better acquainted. I had hoped I'd be there for the grand revelation." he admits. "When did Priscilla have him...before or after I was born?" you ask. Zeus pauses. "After. Saint was born just eleven months after you...I believe the mortal term is [i]Irish Twins.[/i]" *page_break Zeus look upward for a moment, collecting his thoughts. As he does, you look upon this god, who claims to be your father. This is not the biggest revelation of the day, not by a long shot, but it seems the most personal. But you have your own reservations about him, and about what you want all of this to mean. *fake_choice #"This doesn't change anything," I say. "I don't trust you." *set Zeus +10 *set hatedad true Zeus turns his attention from the sky to you, his brows drawn in concern. "Why would this ensure your trust? I'd assume that you wouldn't be so quick to trust those around you, ${name}." You stare at him, your eyes slightly narrowed. "Then what did you expect by telling me this?" "Understanding," Zeus explains. "In addition to you being the Bearer, you're also the child of a king. There are double repercussions. You need to be wary." "Why?" you ask. "Are there plans for a rebellion?" There had been tension between the gods for sure, as you personally observed today. Half of them were snapping at each other's throats, and Zeus just barely managed to reign over them. Could there be a shift in power? A group of unhappy gods so disturbed by your presence that they'd want to force Zeus off the throne? "There are always plan for an usurp, ${name}," Zeus sighs. "That is nothing new. There will always be a young minor god or a dissatisfied member of the Twelve that believes they can do my job better than I can. What's different this time, is I can't tell who is pulling the reigns of this rebellion." Zeus gazes at his throne, a single, lone chair reflected in the sunlight. "And that is the most dangerous unknown of all." "Are you seriously asking for my help?" you ask incredulously, still unsure of his intentions. "No," Zeus says. "I'm simply warning you to tread with caution. I don't know who among the Twelve I can trust. And as of now, neither do you." *page_break "But we have other matters to address," the King says. "Your aunt." *goto aaaa1 #"I need more time to process everything you've said," I admit. "I can't base trust off one conversation." *set Zeus +15 Zeus turns his attention from the sky to you, his brows drawn in concern. "Why would this ensure your trust? I'd assume that you wouldn't be so quick to trust those around you, ${name}." You stare at him, your eyes slightly narrowed. "Then what did you expect by telling me this?" "Understanding," Zeus explains. "In addition to you being the Bearer, you're also the child of a king. There are double repercussions. You need to be wary." "Why?" you ask. "Are there plans for a rebellion?" There had been tension between the gods for sure, as you personally observed today. Half of them were snapping at each other's throats, and Zeus just barely managed to reign over them. Could there be a shift in power? A group of unhappy gods so disturbed by your presence that they'd want to force Zeus off the throne? "There are always plan for an usurp, ${name}," Zeus sighs. "That is nothing new. There will always be a young minor god or a dissatisfied member of the Twelve that believes they can do my job better than I can. What's different this time, is I can't tell who is pulling the reigns of this rebellion." Zeus gazes at his throne, a single, lone chair reflected in the sunlight. "And that is the most dangerous unknown of all." "Are you seriously asking for my help?" you ask incredulously, still unsure of his intentions. "No," Zeus says. "I'm simply warning you to tread Olympus with caution. I don't know who among the Twelve I can trust. And as of now, neither do you." *page_break "But we have other matters to address," the King says. "Your aunt." *goto aaaa1 #"If this means you're offering to be apart of my life, then I accept." I lie. *set Genuine -5 Zeus turns his attention from the sky to you, his brows drawn in concern. "I had hoped you wouldn't be so quick to accept the first offer of trust, ${name}." You're surprised by his reaction. You're sure you kept your voice steady, no trace of a lie to be found. You ask, "Then what did you expect by telling me this?" "Understanding," Zeus explains. "In addition to you being the Bearer, you're also the child of a king. There are double repercussions. You need to be wary." "Why?" you ask. "Are there plans for a rebellion?" There had been tension between the gods for sure, as you personally observed today. Half of them were snapping at each other's throats, and Zeus just barely managed to reign over them. Could there be a shift in power? A group of unhappy gods so disturbed by your presence that they'd want to force Zeus off the throne? "There are always plan for an usurp, ${name}," Zeus sighs. "That is nothing new. There will always be a young minor god or a dissatisfied member of the Twelve that believes they can do my job better than I can. What's different this time, is I can't tell who is pulling the reigns of this rebellion." Zeus gazes at his throne, a single, lone chair reflected in the sunlight. "And that is the most dangerous unknown of all." "So, you're asking for my help?" you ask, still unsure of his intentions. "No," Zeus says. "I'm simply warning you to tread Olympus with caution. I don't know who among the Twelve I can trust. And as of now, neither do you." *page_break "But we have other matters to address," the King says. "Your aunt." *goto aaaa1 #"If this means you're offering to be apart of my life, then I accept." I say. *set Zeus +10 Zeus turns his attention from the sky to you, his brows drawn in concern. "Why would this ensure your trust? I'd assume that you wouldn't be so quick to trust those around you, ${name}." You stare at him, confused by his reaction. "Then what did you expect by telling me this?" "Understanding," Zeus explains. "In addition to you being the Bearer, you're also the child of a king. There are double repercussions. You need to be wary." "Why?" you ask. "Are there plans for a rebellion?" There had been tension between the gods for sure, as you personally observed today. Half of them were snapping at each other's throats, and Zeus just barely managed to reign over them. Could there be a shift in power? A group of unhappy gods so disturbed by your presence that they'd want to force Zeus off the throne? "There are always plan for an usurp, ${name}," Zeus sighs. "That is nothing new. There will always be a young minor god or a dissatisfied member of the Twelve that believes they can do my job better than I can. What's different this time, is I can't tell who is pulling the reigns of this rebellion." Zeus gazes at his throne, a single, lone chair reflected in the sunlight. "And that is the most dangerous unknown of all." "So, you're asking for my help?" you ask incredulously, still unsure of his intentions. "No," Zeus says. "I'm simply warning you to tread Olympus with caution. I don't know who among the Twelve I can trust. And as of now, neither do you." *page_break "But we have other matters to address," the King says. "Your aunt." *goto aaaa1 *label aaaa1 Zeus makes his way back to his throne, his dark robes flowing behind him. "You've waited long enough," he says, taking a seat upon the glass. "I suppose this had to happen eventually." "It's the reason I'm here, after all," you say. "I should have seen her the second I arrived." The god lifts his hand, his fingertips raising toward the sun. "Athena!" he summons. *page_break A woman bursts through the great doors of the throne room. But not just any woman—she's the woman who raised you. You watch as the Goddess Athena, clad in the silk white dress of an angel, enters the room. She looks different from when you last saw her; the Aunt Alice you knew was older, gray just beginning to color her temples and the stresses of life lining her face. But this Aunt Alice—this goddess—is young. Her skin is a flawless tawny almond with flushed cheeks and a radiant glow. Her hair look as if it's never seen a touch of gray, now resembling the deep, dark brown of fresh chestnuts. But her eyes are the same familiar cold gray of your childhood, eyes that have seen far more than her youthful face suggests. "Just how I supposed to get any work done if you insist on summoning me every five seconds?" she demands, fury in her voice. "Maybe [i]you'd[/i] like to attempt to fix—" She stops dead in her tracks when she notices you standing in the middle of the throne room. You watch her face morph from confusion to shock to alarm. Then she speaks, her tone a whisper. "${name}?" *fake_choice #I go to her, arms outstretched. *set Athena +20 Your body moves before your mind, and before you know it, you're running across the expanse of the throne room, pure emotions driving you. When you reach her, the impact of your embrace nearly sends her falling back. Your arms wrap around her, and you're reminded of the countless hugs you'd received when your were smaller; Aunt Alice's arms wrapping around you when you had a nightmare. Her comforting scent consuming you as she'd embrace you every day before school. Her calming voice when she'd praise you during training. And now, those same arms hold you close after all these years. When you pull away, Aunt Alice brings her hands to your cheeks, her eyes roaming over every one of your features. There are tears in her eyes, lining them red. "My love," she says, your old nickname too familiar. "I can't...I can barely believe this." "Neither can I," you say. "Is it really you?" She nods, tears spilling freely now. "Yes. Yes, it is." *page_break The library is empty except for you and Athena. #"Aunt Alice?" I ask, shocked. *set Athena +20 You watch as the goddess nods slowly, hair falling into her face. There is still a cloud of disbelief in her gaze as she looks upon you, gray eyes roaming over every feature. You stand where you are, watching as she takes careful steps toward you. When she is within reach, she reaches out slowly, as if afraid you'll disappear. Her hand rests atop your shoulder. Tears begin to fill her eyes, lining them red. Everything about her is so familiar; the scent of flowers and old books, the expression on her face. "My love," she says, your old nickname too familiar. "I can't...I can barely believe this." "Neither can I," you say hesitantly. "Is it really you?" She nods, tears spilling freely now. "Yes. Yes, it is." *page_break The library is empty except for you and Athena. #"Aunt Alice?" I ask, suspicion in my voice. "What's going on?" *set Athena +20 You watch as the goddess shakes her head, hair falling into her face. There is still a cloud of disbelief in her gaze as she looks upon you, gray eyes roaming over every feature. "I could ask you the same thing," she replies. "How...?" You watch as she takes careful steps toward you. When she is within reach, she does not touch you. You can tell she senses your suspicion, respecting your hesitance. And yet, tears begin to fill her eyes, lining them red. Everything about her is so familiar; the scent of flowers and old books, the expression on her face. "My love," she says, your old nickname too familiar. "I can't...I can barely believe this." "Neither can I," you say quite bluntly. "Is this some kind of trick? Is it really you?" She nods, tears spilling freely now. "Yes. Yes, it is." *page_break The library is empty except for you and Athena. #I stay where I am, silently waiting for an explanation. *set Athena +20 "${name}" the goddess calls again. You watch as she tilts to head, hair falling into her face. There is still a cloud of disbelief in her gaze as she looks upon you, gray eyes roaming over every feature. You stand where you are, watching as she takes careful steps toward you. When she is within reach, she reaches out slowly, as if afraid you'll disappear. But at the last second she stops, as if sensing your hesitance. Everything about her is so familiar; the scent of flowers and old books, the expression on her face. "My love," she says, your old nickname too familiar. "I can't...I can barely believe this." "Neither can I," you say quite bluntly. "Is this some kind of trick? Is it really you?" She nods, tears spilling freely now. "Yes. Yes, it is." *page_break The library is empty except for you and Athena. Zeus had directed you two to the far side of the castle to speak in private. Athena had thrown him a seething glance before you had been teleported, promising her wrath later. Now, you stand in the middle of the Great Library, built thousands of years ago in honor of Athena. There is a lonely echo in the room, disfavoring any speaking. The high walls are lined with thousands upon thousands of books, floating candles the only light on the room. Large oak tables are littered in between rows of bookshelves that seem to go on forever. Athena stands before you, fingers absently roaming over the books to her left. She is a sight to behold, and you can't even begin to describe your emotions. "$!{name}," she begins, her voice just as strong and commanding as you remember. She turns her attention away from the books and to you. "It seems fate has allowed us to be together once more." "Tell me," she says. "What are you thinking?" *fake_choice #"I don't know what to exactly say...how are you here?" I ask. "I understand," she says simply. "I know that there is much to discuss." "Why are you here? Why is Uncle Henry here?" you demand, more questions bubbling up within you by the second. "Why did you pretend to be mortal? How could you be alive and not try to contact me?" Athena sighs. "Ask whatever question you have, ${name}," she says. "It's time for me to be honest with you." *set Athena +5 *goto helloathena2 #"I thought you were dead." I say. "All these years I thought you were gone." You take a step away from her, your emotions reaching their tipping point. Aunt Alice has been dead in your mind for more than three years. She's been a ghost that plagued the depths of your heart for so long, you had welcomed her spirit. Now she stands here, a goddess no less. "You left that day and I never saw you again...I thought the hunters got to you. I thought the gods took you away. I thought you were dead!" "Ask whatever question you have, ${name}," she says. "It's time for me to be honest with you." *set Athena +5 *goto helloathena2 #I glare at her, my anger resurfacing. "How could you do this to me?" You take a step away from her, your anger bubbling to the surface. "Why are you here? Why is Uncle Henry here?" you demand, more questions bubbling up within you by the second. "Why did you pretend to be mortal? How could you be alive and not try to contact me?" Athena watches you, waiting for you to continue your outburst. "I was fourteen! Do you know what it was like to be on my own for that long? To think that the only family I had left was gone?" A new realization sets upon you. "You're not even my aunt, are you?" She doesn't dare try to touch you now. "Ask whatever question you have, ${name}," she says. "It's time for me to be honest with you." *set Athena +5 *goto helloathena2 #I say nothing; she doesn't deserve my response. You take a step away from her, your anger bubbling to the surface under your calm demise. Athena assesses you carefully, her brows drawing close. "Ask whatever question you have, ${name}," she says. "It's time for me to be honest with you." *set Athena +5 *goto helloathena2 *label helloathena2 *label helloathenaq *fake_choice *disable_reuse #"Why did you pretend to be my aunt?" Aunt Alice shakes her head. "It wasn't supposed to turn out that way, ${name}. I assume Zeus told you of the original plan to raise you on Olympus among the other demigods, correct?" When you nod, she continues. "I was simply supposed to be one of your guardian, to help you harness your abilities, to reach your full potential." "Why you, specifically?" you ask. "And what happened that prevented that?" Aunt Alice allows a ghost of a smile to set upon her face. "Nothing in life goes as planned; perspectives are constantly changed with the plethora of new information we learn each day. My perspective of letting your stay on Olympus changed." "So," you prompt when she pauses. "What happened?" "When I realized that I could not longer support the gods wants to raise you as a weapon of mass destruction to attain our victory...I did something drastic." *goto helloathenaq *disable_reuse #"What did you do that was so bad?" Aunt Alice casts a torn gaze in your direction, her voice soft. "I stole you." "What do you mean you 'stole' me?" you ask. "I mean exactly what I say. You were only a year old when they began making plans for your training. It was then that I realized that the second you began to display the abilites granted to you by the Essence they'd set out to train you. You'd never even get a chance to live an ordinary life; you would be raised as a weapon and nothing more." Athen sighs, shoulders stiffening. "And so, I fled with you in my arms." "You kidnapped me?" you ask incredulously. "From Olympus?" Aunt Alice nods. "I couldn't let them get to you." Her voice lacks any regret, not a shred of remorse for her actions. "They didn't know you, they didn't raise you, they didn't love you. [i]I[/i] was the one who did all of that. I would be damned if I let them use you as some weapon in the war." "So what did you do?" "I tried everything I could to hide you from them; spells, shields, divine intervention...but it wasn't enough. The Seekers started appearing. The night before I disappeared, I arranged a meeting with Hermes to send a message to the gods, and I was ambushed. I didn't...I did [i]not[/i] leave you by my own free will." "They've kept your prisoner?" Her voice falters. "Stealing the Essence is no small offense. Zeus charged me with high treason and cast me to Tartarus; that's where I've been." *goto helloathenaq *disable_reuse #"How did you escape?" "Oh, I didn't escape." she says simply, a smirk on her face. "I was close, though." "Then how are you here right now?" "They let me go just weeks prior to this," she clarifies. "They need me, child. Even my mighty father knows they cannot successfully win this war without my knowledge." "Then why didn't you try to contact me? If they let you go, you could have come to me." "I'm on probation, if you want to describe my imprisonment as such," Athena places her wrists in front of you, and you watch as white, glowing chains appear around them. She shakes her arms once more, and they disappear. "I am bound to Olympus, and Zeus keeps me on a short leash. One of the terms of my release was that I wouldn't contact you." *goto helloathenaq *disable_reuse #"Were you ever going to tell me about Saint?" Athena sighs, mouth turning down into a frown. "What would I have told you, love?" "I don't know…the truth?" you reply. "How was I supposed to explain to a child that they had a brother they could never see? I would have either had to find a way to bring Saint to us, or take you to him. Both were out of the question, ${name}." "But still, I had a right to know," you say. "I've had a brother my entire life that I never knew existed!" Athena runs a hand through her hair, then covers her face with her hands. "I know! I know, believe me I am aware of the tragedy of this situation." *goto helloathenaq *disable_reuse #"How does Hades fit into all of this?" For the first time since you began your questioning, Athena looks uncomfortable. She keeps her voice steady, but her hands grasp her robes tightly. "He doesn't," she says. "There is no other reason than his own free will in which he decided to be a part of your life, however brief that ended up being. His punishment wasn't as drastic as mine; he is a member of the Trinity, after all...not to mention Zeus's older brother." "Then why didn't he come back?" "Even if he wasn't cast to Tartarus with chains on his wrist, he still had to swear upon the river not to contact you." *page_break *goto helloathena66 *label helloathena66 Athena clears her throat, resting a hand over her chest. "It may be hard to speak about, but I've always wondered how you managed after my disappearance." You hadn't spoken to anyone about your time on the run all those years. *fake_choice #"I'm not going to lie to you," I say. "It was the hardest time of my life." "It was constantly looking over my shoulder, always wondering when I'd have to pack up and leave again. On top of that, I was alone the entire time." Athena nods, a semblance of guilt on her face. "I feared that. But, I had hoped I raised you to be resourceful enough to do fine without me. I had no idea, ${name}." *goto helloathena3 #"It wasn't the worst experience," I admit. "I just took it day by day." "Being alone and having to watch over myself was hard," you say. "But it taught me a lot." Athena seems surprised. "Truly? Well, I had hoped I raised you to be resourceful enough to do fine without me, ${name}." *goto helloathena3 #"I'm not going to lie to you," I lie. "It was the hardest time of my life." *set Deceitful +5 "It was constantly looking over my shoulder, always wondering when I'd have to pack up and leave again." You look directly at Athena as you continue. "On top of that, I was alone the entire time." Athena nods, a semblance of guilt on her face. "I feared that. But, I had hoped I raised you to be resourceful enough to do fine without me. I had no idea, ${name}." *goto helloathena3 #"It wasn't the worst experience," I lie. "I just took it day by day." *set Deceitful +5 "Being alone and having to watch over myself was hard," you say, trying to keep your tone light. "But it taught me a lot." Athena seems surprised. "Truly? Well, I had hoped I raised you to be resourceful enough to do fine without me, ${name}." *goto helloathena3 #I refuse to answer, opting her to draw her own conclusions. *goto helloathena3 *label helloathena3 "How do I know I can trust you?" you ask her. Athena turns to you, her expression somber. She then lifts both her hands "I cannot change your heart, $!{name}," she says. "I may have raised you under false pretenses, but that was for your protection. Everything else was true, just as the love I hold for you. I can only ask for your forgiveness." Athena's critical gray eyes don't seem as cold anymore, but there is a subtle, calculating gleam behind them, as if she already knows what you'll say next. You wonder how you never noticed that before...there is no doubt she is the goddess of wisdom. *fake_choice #"I forgive you." I say. Athena allows herself to smile so radiantly, the sun would wither with envy. "I do not want you to rush into that decision," she states. "Are you sure?" You nod slowly. "I understand what really happened, now. I forgive you, Athena." Athena grasps your hand tighter, her grip strong. "You don't yet understand the depths I'd go to protect you, but in time you will. The state of things...it's an absolute [i]mess[/i], ${name}. It would take years to explain the complexities of the court to you. But, as of now, there can only be one clear winner. We may not win, but I swear on the river of Styx you'll come out of this with everything you want." *set Athena +10 *set loveathena true *page_break "Even if it's the last thing I do." she says. *goto rest #"I forgive you." I lie. *set Genuine -10 Athena allows herself to smile so radiantly, the sun would wither with envy. "I do not want you to rush into that decision," she states. "Are you sure?" You nod slowly. "I understand what really happened, now. I forgive you, Athena." Athena grasps your hand tighter, her grip strong. "You don't yet understand the depths I'd go to protect you, but in time you will. The state of things...it's an absolute [i]mess[/i], ${name}. It would take years to explain the complexities of the court to you. But, as of now, there can only be one clear winner. We may not win, but I swear on the river of Styx you'll come out of this with everything you want." *set Athena +10 *set falseathena true *page_break "Even if it's the last thing I do." she says. *goto rest #"I'm not sure if I trust you. It may take time...but I think it's possible." I say. Aunt Alice allows herself to smile softly, the dying sun scorching behind her. "I expected that," she states. You nod slowly. "I understand now, really. But I need to to process what you've just told me. Only then cna I know if I trust you or not." Athena grasps your hand tighter, her grip strong. "You don't yet understand the depths I'd go to protect you, but in time you will. The state of things...it's an absolute [i]mess[/i], ${name}. It would take years to explain the complexities of the court to you. But, as of now, there can only be one clear winner. We may not win, but I swear on the river of Styx you'll come out of this with everything you want." *set Athena +5 *set loveathena true *page_break "Even if it's the last thing I do." she says. *goto rest #"I can't trust you." I say. Aunt Alice stares at you, and the sun seems to die along with her smile. Her face takes on a blank expression, her gaze suddenly distant. "I'm...sorry to hear that," she states. "Truly, I am." "Too much has happened that I still don't understand. I don't know what's real and not real, let alone who I can and cannot trust." Athena stares at you for a moment more before speaking. "I understand why you've made the decision you've made, ${name}. None the less, I won't stop trying to earn your trust back. That is something you cannot control. "You don't yet understand the depths I'd go to protect you, but in time you will. The state of things...it's an absolute [i]mess[/i], ${name}. It would take years to explain the complexities of the court to you. But, as of now, there can only be one clear winner. We may not win, but I swear on the river of Styx you'll come out of this with everything you want." *set hateathena true *page_break "Even if it's the last thing I do." she says. *goto rest *label rest As you and Athena make your way through the labyrinthine castle halls, you finally catch a glimpse of the sky through the series of high rise windows. It's nearly dark; the sky is painted a dark umber, the stars already beginning to make an appearance. You wonder if time goes by differently on Olympus, if she gods can simply command the night to come and go as they please. When you reach a particularly empty part of the castle with a domed roof, Athena stops before large, double set doors. "This is the only residential sector of the castle," she announces, back to you. "Hopefully you'll be able to rest." *page_break The room is excessively lavish. It seems that everywhere you look, the room drips in wealth; plush silks, glittering gold surfaces, polished marble, and everything in between. In the middle of the room is a large canopy bed adorned with dozens of pillows, practically begging for you to lie down on it. The are large windows leading to a balcony overlooking the rest of the castle. You also notice the littering of candles; there must be over a hundred lighting up the room. "This used to be the Great Prophets residence," Athena says, setting down a pair of white pajamas on the bed. "Your mother's room." *fake_choice #"My dead mother's old bedroom?" you muse. "I bet I'll sleep like a baby." *set sarcastic +1 Athena puckers her lips, looking around the lavish room. "I suppose it is rather morbid, if you give it enough thought. I doubt anyone's been in here for ages. But, we must keep you hidden from the rest of the citizens, at least for now." "And whys that?" you ask. "Zeus plans on formally revealing your identity to the citizens tomorrow," she says. "We had a festival for the Bestower a few years ago as well. It's only right you get yours too." Athena smiles. "They're rather...enjoyable for everyone." *goto roomq7a #"Wow. It seems you're all trying your hardest to make this experience as [i]traumatic[/i] as possible," I say. *set mean +1 Athena puckers her lips, looking around the lavish room. "I suppose it is rather morbid, if you give it enough thought. I doubt anyone's been in here for ages. But, we must keep you hidden from the rest of the citizens, at least for now." "And why's that?" you ask. "Zeus plans on formally revealing your identity to the citizens tomorrow," she says. "We had a festival for the Bestower a few years ago as well. It's only right you get yours too." Athena smiles. "They're rather...enjoyable for everyone." *goto roomq7a #"This wouldn't have been my first choice," you admit. "But I'm greateful I'll be able to finally get some rest." *set earnest +1 Athena puckers her lips, looking around the lavish room. "I don't blame you. It is rather morbid, if you give it enough thought; though I doubt anyone's been in here for ages. But, we must keep you hidden from the rest of the citizens, at least for now." "And whys that?" you ask. "Zeus plans on formally revealing your identity to the citizens tomorrow," she says. "We had a festival for the Bestower a few years ago as well. It's only right you get yours too." Athena smiles. "They're rather...enjoyable for everyone." *goto roomq7a #I ignore the revelation, turning away from her. *set stoic +1 Athena puckers her lips, looking around the lavish room. "I'm not surprised at your response...it is rather morbid, if you give it enough thought. I doubt anyone's been in here for ages. But, we must keep you hidden from the rest of the citizens, at least for now." "And why's that?" you ask. "Zeus plans on formally revealing your identity to the citizens tomorrow," she says. "We had a festival for the Bestower a few years ago as well. It's only right you get yours too." Athena smiles. "They're rather...enjoyable for everyone." *goto roomq7a *label roomq7a Athena stands before you as she did earlier today. You suppose now is as good a time to ask any lingering questions before she departs. *label roomq7 *fake_choice *disable_reuse #"Who is the Bestower in this cycle?" Athena doesn't answer for a beat, letting your question linger. "Aeson Thantos, son of Hades." she says, finally. "The Bestower holds the other half of the Essence. On the 18th Summer solstice, he will transfer his portion to you." "How exactly does that work?" Athena considers this for a moment before answering. "In all honestly? We've never witnessed it before. But considering this is a matter of the souls, it must be...transcendent." "Is the Bestower on Olympus too?" you ask. Athena shakes her head. "From what I've gathered, the rest of the pantheon have sent him on an odyssey. Or, as I'd like to call it, a wild goose chase through South America. I figure that they'd rather have you two seperated, at least for now. They plan on exerting as much influence over you before you're exposed to the rest of Olympus." *goto roomq7 *disable_reuse #"What will the ceremony consist of?" Athena smiles fondly. "Besides introduction?" she asks. "Music, food, wine. Perhaps Dionysus will make an appearance as well; even Zeus's banishment can't keep him from a good party." "What exactly will I have to do?" you ask her. "Nothing." she answers. "They'll put you on a pedestal and present you to the citizens. Essentially, you're there to smile and wave." *goto roomq7 *disable_reuse #"So, I really can't leave Olympus?" Athena sighs, hands resting on her hip. "Besides the fact that leaving before you've fufilled your part of the oath would lead to more misfortune than you're prepared to face...you'd also be in immense danger." "As of now, we have no leads on the missing Seekers," Athena sighs. "Hermes' claim of his ignorance behind the disappearances has been validated; it seems he really had no idea." "How could no one know nothing about them?" you ask. "Aren't the gods all-knowing?" Athena gives you a wry smile. "My love, if we were all knowing, we wouldn't be in this mess." *goto roomq7 #"You should get some rest." Athena declares. "You must be utterly exhausted," she continues. "You were always excessively grumpy when you missed out on sleep. We'll speak more in the morning." Athena pauses in the doorway, hand lingering on the doorknob with hesitance. "Goodnight, ${name}." *page_break You are left alone in your mother's old bedroom. *goto roomexplore *label roomexplore After changing into the silk pajamas Athena left you, you stand in the middle of the large chamber. Though sleep beckons you closer and closer to the plush bed, curiosity resides on the edge of your thoughts. This was your [i]mothers[/i] room. The fact cannot be ignored when you look toward the west wall. Bordered in weaving gold, set in the middle of the space, is a portrait of your mother. As you step closer, the details of the painting become clearer; your mother sits on an elevated throne, silhouette against the bright azure sky, the rolling hills of Olympus behind her. Atop her head is an intricate band that drips jewels over her forehead, landing directly above her stunning ${eyecolor} eyes. She sits tall and proud, her elegance prominent in the stunning features of her face, the faintest of smiles on her lips. Your resemblance to her is striking. The shape of her {eyecolor} eyes, the curve of her nose, the line of her jaw; all your features have been directly taken from this woman. Then, to your surprise...she blinks. You startle, surprised when the portrait begins to move. Your mother tilts her head slightly, an expression between amusement and irritance on her face as she addresses someone outside of the frame. Then, she resumes her former pose. She looks so different from long wild-haired, grinning woman in the photograph Saint had shown you. Somehow more reserved, more contained. *page_break Zeus had given you very little information regarding your mother, his vaguely irritated responses leaving you with more questions than answers. Do you try to investigate? *fake_choice #Of course I do; if I want to know more about her, it looks like I'll have to do it myself. *goto priscillasroom1 #No; I don't have any interest in that. *goto goodnight *label priscillasroom1 Near the balcony is a dark oak desk littered with even more candels and books, paper scattered on its surface. From where you stand, there seems to be a few photographs as well. Directly across from where you stand is a large wardrobe; it's made of dark, fine oak accented with gold handles. Though the room is large, it's scarcely decorated. Where do you look first? *fake_choice #The large wardrobe. *label wardrobe You walk over to the wardrobe and pull it open, expecting to find clothing. Instead, you find stacks and stacks of books. They're old, dust coating the covers and touches of yellow curling the pages. You pick one off the tallest pile, wiping off the dust. The title reads; THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE FIRST MEN: VOL. 3-6. You flip through the pages, finding smeared ink instead of legible script. You discard the book, placing it back atop the pile. You pick the next book; it's thinner than the others. When you open to the first page, you're confused by the writing, before you realize it's not English. In fact, it doesn't look like any language you've ever encountered. [i]Tai'lert ver a li: Noch uv a ni, el'asn[/i] reads the title. You skim through the rest of the book, only to find strange diagrams and scribblings of symbols you don't recognize. You wonder if this was your mother's doing. *page_break You make your way over to the desk. *goto desk #The desk. *label desk The candles make everything in the room seem softer; even the harsh gold surfaces seem to melt under the light. You pull out the chair under the desk and take a seat, ignoring the cold bottom. On the desk is a mess of papers and books and pictures. The books seem to be classic mortal novels; Little Women, 1984, Wuthering Heights, and Infinite Jest. On the thick ivory sheets scattered on the desk are paragraphs written in flowing cursive. They all have violent tears on the sides, as if they had been ripped out of a journal with great haste. You pick up one of the sheets. It reads; [i][b]April 15th, 1999[/i][/b] [i]What is a prophet is without credibility?[/i] Nothing. Absolutely nothing.[/i] [i]But, a prophet is still a prophet, and though they grow wary of anything I tell them, even desperate mice will scramble for help offered by a snake.[/i] [i]The gods are more susceptible to paranoia and fear than the mortals they claim to be more suprior to. They can only blame themselves.[/i] You set down the paper, stepping away from the desk. *page_break *goto wardrobe1 *label wardrobe1 You walk over to the wardrobe and pull it open, expecting to find clothing. Instead, you find stacks and stacks of books. They're old, dust coating the covers and touches of yellow curling the pages. You pick one off the tallest pile, wiping off the dust. The title reads; THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE FIRST MEN: VOL. 3-6. You flip through the pages, finding smeared ink instead of legible script. You discard the book, placing it back atop the pile. You pick the next book; it's thinner than the others. When you open to the first page, you're confused by the writing, before you realize it's not English. In fact, it doesn't look like any language you've ever encountered. [i]Tai'lert ver a li: Noch uv a ni, el'asn[/i] reads the title. You skim through the rest of the book, only to find strange diagrams and scribblings of symbols you don't recognize. *page_break There doesn't seem to be anything else to investigate. *label goodnight When you lay on the bed, the canopy seems to envelope you. It feels almost, for a moment, like you're sinking. Though your eyes close almost instantly, your mind is frantic with memories of the day. [i]The Seekers. Saint. Nephlim. Hermes. Avery. The Gods. Zeus. Athena.[/i] [i]Priscilla Angelis.[/i] Their names are accompanied by fleeting emotions, some distrust, some anger, some fondness. Nearly everyone you've encountered today has given you another piece of the puzzle of your identity, but with each revelation a new question accompanies it. But, to put it simply; you are the Bearer of the Essence, and there is a war coming. Half the Olympians want you imprisoned due to the uncertanty brought forth by the prophecy, and the other half want you front and center, a symbol of hope. Despite either of their wishes, you must participate in a series of trials to prove your value to those who distrust you. It feels as if the fate of the world rests upon your shoulders... And it does. *page_break Your thoughs are finally silenced as sleep consumes you. *goto day1 *label day1 You're awakened to sunlight against your eyelids. You distinctly acknowledge the sound of feet pattering against the floor, plates clattering against hard surfaces, and soft murmurs. When you wake up, you find no less than half a dozen white-robed servants being bossed around by Athena. "Take care with the armor, Hein," she says to a young boy with milky white skin and a long braid down the center of his head. "It must be in pristine condition for the festival." The boy nods, sweat coating his brow as he lugs a large breastplate toward the center of the room. Athena, noticing your wandering eyes, smiles at you. She gestures to a girl who stands next to the open curtains of your room, and she comes over to your bedside with breakfast on a silver platter. "I apologize for barging in on you, but time is of the essence. Zeus has moved up the time of the festival and the citizens are already taking note of the preparations." *page_break Athena sends the servants out with a wave of her hand. "This is the armor of Achilles," Athena says, running a hand over the smooth surface of the breastplate. The armor in its entirety is a deep, bronze color with silver trimmings. Engraved into the large breastplate are dozens of horses circled around a radiant sun. Dark red fabric hangs around the sleeves and the bottom of the breastplate. The helm is the same bronze with a bright red feather curving over the dome. "It was worn by Achilles himself during the Trojan war...in my opinion, it is one of Hephaestus's greatest creations." Athena turn to you, smirking. "And of course, it is enchanted. The armor, in addittion to being impenetrable, is supposed to give the wearer strength." "I have to wear that for the ceremony?" you inquire. Athena nods. "I'll leave you to it." *page_break The armor is difficult to get on. At least at first; it's only after you've put on the breastplate do you feel it shifting underneath you. The metal is molding itself around your body, transforming into a perfect fit. The helm also shapes around your head, the hard interior pressing against your skull. The ceremony, though you know little about it, seems to be your proper introduction to the Olympians. As Demeter told you yesterday, [i]"First impression are everything."[/i] Given everything you've learned in the last 24-hours, you've already decided to... *fake_choice #Be as charming as possible during the festival. I want the citizens to see me in a favorable light. *set charming true #Be as pragmatic as possible during the festival. I'll do whatever the benefits me and nothing else. *set pragmatic true #Be as stoic as possible during the festival. I don't want there to be any illusion of compliance. *set stoic true You know how you want to be perceived, and you also understand that this is the first impression the citizens will have of you. You turn to leave, but a glint of metal catches your attention. You immediately recognize it, shocked that the legendary weapon from the stories you read as a child lies before you. The sword of Amara, a fine, wide longsword with a golden hilt. When you were younger, Athena read you stories of Amara. She was a Hero of Olympus during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, known to be a favorite of Zeus and Athena. Her sword is one of the mightiest steel's ever crafted by Hephaestus, the metal able to withstand intense pressure, heat, and wear. As you step closer, you see that the hilt is engraved with the silver pattern of Athena's map of Rome, just as the legends described. You grab the sword, testing the weight with a few swings, and leave the room. When you open the door, clad in armor, Athena stands behind it. At your arrival, she turns, assessing you. After a simple nod, she lifts her hand. *page_break The Twelve Gods surround you. You sit on a large, glass throne that rests upon a platform floating fifty feet in the air. Before you is a winding, glittering path toward the city, where you can already see the citizens lined up on either side of the road. Floating lanterns of sunlight edge around your vision, playing off the bright early day's light. The people hold miniature versions of those orbs of sunlight, cupped in their hands. But the crowd is utterly silent. Zeus is to your left, standing tall and proud. He wears ceremonial armor of a lusty silver, a royal blue cape flowing behind him and a staff in his possesion. Athena, to your right, wears a full set of deep olive armor with intricate gold detailing, hands clasped before her. The Olympians raise their bundles of sunlight. *page_break The platform begins to move down the path. As soon as it does, Athena leans toward you, placing a hand on the back of your throne. "They respect those who display humble gratitude. Cocky heroes have never lasted long, and they know it. I personally suggest that you rise." Zeus glances at her whispered words, but does nothing to indicate disagreement. Athena then presents you with your own orb. It looks as if touching it could burn through your flesh, but the air around it is simply warm and pleasant. "This symbolizes the first bursts of life in the Universe, leading to your creation. The people regard it as a sign of good fortune in hard times. They are only vaguely aware of the war, but they know enough to understand what the consequences may be. They know that you are truly our last hope." In her right hand is a long, golden septor with a rounded top. From your vantage point, it appears to be a golden globe. "This is the word, resting upon your will. It symbolizes the people's trust in you to lead them through the impending war. You hold their world in your hands." The citizens seem to be waiting for you to accept the gifts. Athena looks at you expectantly, nodding gently. *fake_choice *if ((stoic ="true")) #I stay seated in my throne, declining the sunlight and septor. Athena directs the two items toward you once more as you stare at her. You watch her brows furrow in confusion as you shake your head, dismissing her offer. Zeus simply watches the exchange. Athena leans in to whisper to you. "What are you doing? Accept the ceremonial gifts! This will be seen as a grave insult above all else, ${name}." You ignore her, keeping your gaze steady as the platform continues down the path. A murmur of confusion spreads through the crowds as more and more people realize you're declining the gifts. They begin to lower the bundles of sunlight, looking at you with varying degrees of shock, anger, and uncertainty. Then, voices shout out. So many speak at the same time, but the main question that rises above them all is: "Do you refuse to fight with us?" Zeus looks to you with a grave expression, his eyes blazing with barely withheld anger. Athena stands stiff by your side, staring straight ahead. Do you say anything? *fake_choice #Yes. I want to give a speech. *goto speechchoice #No. My actions have spoken for me. *endofceremony *if ((charming = "true") or (pragmatic ="true")) #I accept the sunlight and septor, standing to receive them. As you stand accept the items, Athena directs the two items toward you once more. You watch her face glow with please. Zeus simply nods in approval, turning back to face the citizens. You keep your gaze steady as the platform continues down the path. Deafening cheers spread through the crowds as more and more people see the gifts in your possession. The crowd then begins to raise the bundles of light high above their heads, waving them in sync. Then, voices shout out. So many speak at the same time, but the main chant that rises above them all is: [i]"Lavei."[/i] The crowd chants it over and over again, each new repetition growing louder and louder. "What does [i]Lavei[/i] mean?" you ask Athena. Athena smiles to herself, pride on her face. "It is ancient title of the Bearer of the Essence...they are chanting for you." The citizens continue their chant. You gaze upon the crowd; children are propped upon their parent's shoulder, the bundles of light consuming their tiny hands. Elders stand at the front of the crowds, singing old Grecian songs in their native tongue. You don't think you ever seen so many people before in your life; the path seems to go on forever. Do you say anything? *fake_choice #Yes. I want to give a speech. *goto speechchoice #No. My actions have spoken for me. *endofceremony *if ((stoic ="true")) #I accept the sunlight and septor, planning to disregard them in front of the citizens as an act of defiance. As you stand accept the items, you watch Athena's face glow with please. Zeus simply nods in approval, turning back to face the citizens. You keep your gaze steady as the platform continues down the path. The crowd then begins to raise the bundles of light high above their heads, waving them in sync as more and more people see the gifts in your possession. Deafening cheers spread through the crowds. Then, you drop the items. It seems as if the world slows down to dramatize the moment. One second, there is a happy, anticipatory energy in the air, the crowd cheering in pleasure and the light and septor in your possession. Then, the only sound is metal against the ground. There is a tense, shocked silence. Zeus's head swivels quickly in your direction, eyes blazing with barely withheld anger. Athena turns to you as well, eyes wide with shock. Do you say anything? *fake_choice #Yes. I want to give a speech. *goto speechchoice #No. My actions have spoken for me. *endofceremony *if (charming = "true") #I decline the sunlight and septor, standing to draw my sword instead. Athena directs the two items toward you once more as you stare at her. You watch her brows furrow in confusion as you shake your head, dismissing her offer. Zeus simply watches the exchange, eyes narrowed. Athena leans in to whisper to you. "What are you doing? Accept the ceremonial gifts! This will be seen as a grave insult above all else, ${name}." You ignore her, keeping your gaze steady as the platform continues down the path. A murmur of confusion spreads through the crowds as more and more people realize you're declining the gifts. They begin to lower the bundles of sunlight, looking at you with varying degrees of shock, anger, and uncertainty. Then, you raise from your throne, hand on the hilt of your sword. For a moment, it seems as if the only sound in the world is the sharp [i]zing![/i] of your sword being drawn. You raise the sword high toward the sky, you stance proud and tall. Zeus looks to you with a grave expression, his eyes blazing with barely withheld anger. Athena stands stiff by your side, staring straight ahead. Do you say anything? *choice #Yes. I want to give a speech. *goto speechchoice #No. My actions have spoken for me. *goto endofceremony *label speechchoice You know that all eyes are on you, even the ones you can't see. The tension in the city is a tight wire, stretching taut through the silence. This is most likely one of the most important things you can say. How will you approach this? *choice #I'll give an honest speech about the war; I refuse to sugarcoat anything. "There are times when just hope and optimism can pull us through hardships," you begin, your voice carrying throughout the city. "But this is [i]not[/i] one of those times." A unanimous intake of breath can be heard rippling through the crowds, their shock at your gritty statement evident. They had expected you to lull them further into the safety blanket the gods have crafted for them over the years, to pacify them with phrases like [i]"Just have hope,"[/i] and [i]"If we all stay together,"[/i] They are at a loss for words, but they let you continue. *if Allure >45 You have the crowd leaning in toward you, watching with rapt attention. Even Zeus and Athena look at you with a guarded sort of reverence as you formulate words that enrapture the citizens. You've always had a natural charm, a magnetic aura that draws people to you. Now, your special way of turning words into honeyed promises is proving most useful. *if Allure <45 The crowd is caught between interest and vague concern. Even Zeus and Athena look at you with guarded worry as you try to formulate words that emphasize your point. You've never had special way with words, the charm that requires one to flourish in public speaking. But what you're saying and who you are must be enough to hold the crowds attention. "It's no longer acceptable to simply wait and hope for the best," you continue, your voice strong. "The only way we'll win this war is not through blind optimism or naive hope. We win this war through blood and pure will." You have the crowd leaning in toward you, watching with rapt attention. Even Zeus and Athena look at you with a guarded sort of reverence as you formulate words that enrapture the citizens. "[i]Everyone[/i] has hope. Our enemies have hope. But we have something they don't," you pause, waiting for the statement to sink in. "We have strength." *page_break For what seems like an eternity, the city is completely silent. #I'll give an inspirational speech about the war; I want them to have hope. "There are times when just hope and optimism can pull us through hardships," you begin, your voice carrying throughout the city. "But this is [i]not[/i] one of those times." A unanimous intake of breath can be heard rippling through the crowds, their shock at your gritty statement evident. They had expected you to lull them further into the safety blanket the gods have crafted for them over the years, to pacify them with phrases like [i]"Just have hope,"[/i] and [i]"If we all stay together,"[/i] They are at a loss for words, so they let you continue. *if Allure >45 You have the crowd leaning in toward you, watching with rapt attention. Even Zeus and Athena look at you with a guarded sort of reverence as you formulate words that enrapture the citizens. You've always had a natural charm, a magnetic aura that draws people to you. Now, your special way of turning words into honeyed promises is proving most useful. *if Allure <45 The crowd is caught between interest and vague concern. Even Zeus and Athena look at you with guarded worry as you try to formulate words that emphasize your point. You've never had special way with words, the charm that requires one to flourish in public speaking. But what you're saying and who you are must be enough to hold the crowds attention. "It's no longer acceptable to simply wait and hope for the best," you continue, your voice strong. "The only way we'll win this war is not through blind optimism or naive hope. We win this war through blood and pure will." "[i]Everyone[/i] has hope. Our enemies have hope. But we have something they don't," you pause, waiting for the statement to sink in. "We have strength." *page_break For what seems like an eternity, the city is completely silent. But when the cheers come, they are deafening. *label endofceremony The platform continues it's path up the hill, allowing you to see more and more of the citizens. Their faces reflect the current mood of the festival; cautious but hopeful. As your platform comes to a hault before a grand, open temple, you see the festivities are in full swing. More than half the city's population must be here, the rest following behind your platform with rising voices of glee. People sip from clear glasses filled with a thick gold liquid that must be amrbosia, the drink of the gods. There are performers on high stilts wobbling their way through the dense crowds, some balancing fire between their fingertips, others spraying glittering petals onto the citizens. There is jovial laughter, endless chatter and food being passed from person to person. You feel a hand on your shoulder and the heavy amour lift away, replaced by the soft silk of a chiton. Athena bows to Zeus, who is already turned away, attention on the rest of the pantheon. Athena steps off the platform and turns toward the crowd. "Now, the real work begins." *page_break You drift from group to group. The hours tick away and glass after glass of golden liquid is handed to you before promptly being taken away by Athena. You speak to the oldest citizens, the youngest. The artists who learned under Apollo, the scholars who were mentored by Athena. The blacksmiths who forge by Hephaestus's guidance, the messengers who live by Hermes' spirit. Hours later, after all is said and done, you stand by Athena atop the temple, watching over the sea of people. "Have you given much thought to the Trials?" Athena asks suddenly, her voice calm. *fake_choice #"I don't think much of it; it's a part of the deal I made and nothing more." Athena makes a sound of understanding. "A pragmatic approach, I see." You nod, then turn to the sky. The sun has begin to set, the once bright and cheerful blue turning into a bruised purple, blazing stars already dotting the horizon. "But it's still a passive approach, and that won't bode well in the future. You needn't [i]want[/i] to participate, but you need to [i]want[/i] victory." Athena continues. Your gaze still lingers on the darkening sky when you see a figure off the the right. It starts out as a tiny dot, but as the second tick by it grows larger and larger until you can identify it for what it is; a chariot. Athena follows your gaze, mouth forming a thin line. "And there is still one more pressing matter that stands in our way..." The chariot's bottom crashes into the soft grass of the hill, skidding before coming to a complete stop. A dozen or so hooded figures of varying shapes and sizes step out. *page_break "The Seekers have returned." #"It's my destiny. If it weren't, I wouldn't be here right now." Athena makes a sound of understanding. "A hopeful approach, I see." You nod, then turn to the sky. The sun has begin to set, the once bright and cheerful blue turning into a bruised purple, blazing stars already dotting the horizon. "But it's still a passive approach, and that won't bode well in the future. You needn't [i]want[/i] to participate, but you need to [i]want[/i] victory." Athena continues. Your gaze still lingers on the darkening sky when you see a figure off the the right. It starts out as a tiny dot, but as the second tick by it grows larger and larger until you can identify it for what it is; a chariot. Athena follows your gaze, mouth forming a thin line. "And there is still one more pressing matter that stands in our way..." The chariot's bottom crashes into the soft grass of the hill, skidding before coming to a complete stop. A dozen or so hooded figures of varying shapes and sizes step out. *page_break "The Seekers have returned." #"I would give anything to avoid participating. I never wanted any part in it." Athena makes a sound of understanding. "A somber approach, I see." You nod, then turn to the sky. The sun has begin to set, the once bright and cheerful blue turning into a bruised purple, blazing stars already dotting the horizon. "But it's still a passive approach, and that won't bode well in the future. You needn't [i]want[/i] to participate, but you need to [i]want[/i] victory." Athena continues. Your gaze still lingers on the darkening sky when you see a figure off the the right. It starts out as a tiny dot, but as the second tick by it grows larger and larger until you can identify it for what it is; a chariot. Athena follows your gaze, mouth forming a thin line. "And there is still one more pressing matter that stands in our way..." The chariot's bottom crashes into the soft grass of the hill, skidding before coming to a complete stop. A dozen or so hooded figures of varying shapes and sizes step out. *page_break "The Seekers have returned." #"I'll do anything it takes to come out victorious. It's as simple as that...too much depends on it." *set Athena +10 Athena turns to you with a sharp smile. "That's what I hoped you'd say." You then turn to the sky. The sun has begin to set, the once bright and cheerful blue turning into a bruised purple, blazing stars already dotting the horizon. Many of the participants don't have the same mindset as you. See, you needn't [i]want[/i] to participate, but you need to [i]want[/i] victory." Athena continues. Your gaze still lingers on the darkening sky when you see a figure off the the right. It starts out as a tiny dot, but as the second tick by it grows larger and larger until you can identify it for what it is; a chariot. Athena follows your gaze, mouth forming a thin line. "And there is still one more pressing matter that stands in our way..." The chariot's bottom crashes into the soft grass of the hill, skidding before coming to a complete stop. A dozen or so hooded figures of varying shapes and sizes step out. *page_break "The Seekers have returned." The Seekers look as if they've been mauled by bears. Their usually pristine black fatigues are ripped and scorched, hanging off their bodies like rags rather than uniforms. Their faces are a myriad of cuts and bruises, with deep bags under their eyes as proof to their exhaustion. Athena makes her way over to the Seekers as a girl pushes her past the squadron to meet her. "[i]Efprósdekti pláti![/i]" Athena announces, arms are wide open in greeting. A girl, who you assume to be the group's leader, gapes at Athena incredulously. She is of surprisingly short stature and lean build, though her small hands are clenched at her sides in anger. Her hair is a ravenous thing, a medley of wild, thick auburn curls that almost overshadow her delicate, fairy-like features. "Are you kidding me?" the girl spits at Athena. She has a thick, lilt accent, so it sounds more like [i]Arr ya kiddin' me?"[/i] "With all due respect, this is no cause for welcome. We've been gone for days and all we've managed to do is get chased by a hoard of dragonlings up and down the coast of California." Athena's gaze travels beyond the girl to her exhausted looking squadron. "And yet...it seems to me you've all made it back alive. Everyone is accounted for, are they not?" The girl glares at Athena, then nods hesitantly. Athena smiles brightly then places a hand on the girls arm, leading her away from her squadron. "Then this is indeed a cause for welcome." *page_break "Come join the festivities, Seeker Cosse; there's far too much to celebrate not to." [i]Seeker Cosse[/i]. Could this girl, this Seeker...be the same Sage who gifted Saxon the dagger? If what Saint told you is true, and the Olympians have heard the rumors of your involvement in the disappearance of the Seekers, then Sage must have as well. Should you confront her before she finds out who you are? Or should you stay clear, avoiding her by any means necessary? *fake_choice #I need to confront her before she comes to a potentionally dangerous conclusion. Maybe the rumours are just that to Sage; rumours. If you can get to her beforehand, you may be able to control how the situation progresses. The last thing you need is another vengeful enemy. You stare down at your clothing, greateful that you blend in more with the citizens without your grandiose ceremonial armor. When you look back at the crowd, Athena and Sage are no where to be found. Athena had warned you to stay close to her in order to avoid any questions you weren't prepared to answer, but now it seems she's wandered away from you. You step off the podium, eyes set on the bustling crowd. If Athena finds you before you're able to find Sage, you'll have lost your chance to confront her about Saxon. You need to do your best to avoid- *page_break Just then, a small body rams into yours. #I need to avoid her no matter what; the last thing I need is a scene. Maybe the rumors spreading are just that to Sage; rumors. But you can't risk yourself on the off-chance that she happens to be a rational human being. You stare down at your clothing, grateful that you blend in more with the citizens without your grandious armor. When you look back at the crowd, Athena and Sage are no where to be found. Athena had warned you to stay close to her, to avoid any questions you weren't prepared to answer, but it seems that she's the one who's wandered away from you. You step off the podium, eyes set on the bustling crowd. Until you're able to regroup with Athena, you need to stay h- *page_break Just then, a small body rams into yours. One moment she was no where to be seen, and the next...it's like she appeared out of thin air. Before the collision, there had been a clear path before you, and now... Sage Cosse stands before you, eyebrows drawn in frustration. "Sorry," Sage huffs. "I was trying to catch up with the ambrosia. [i]Again.[/i]" As those words leave her mouth, a waiter glides quickly past her. Sage calls after him, but the waiter continues his speedy escape, practically sprinting away in the process. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were purposely avoiding me." She then pauses to appraise you, her critical blue eyes lingering on your face. You notice that her arched eyebrows make her look permanently displeased, which is at odds with the smattering of freckles on her face. You feel an ominous presence between you two; she looks like a carbon copy of Saxon...the two must have been twins. "You know...I don't think I've ever seen you before," she says hesitantly, a slight tone of wavering suspicion in her voice. "What did you say your name was?" *fake_choice #Well, there's no way to hide it now; I steady myself for her reaction. You meet Sage's gaze unblinkingly, resolve in your stare. Whatever reaction she has to your name will tell you all you need to know. "My name is--" "There you are!" a hearty voice bellows. You nearly draw blood as your teeth slam against your tongue. Hermes has flown down from gods knows where and directly onto your back. His hands clasp onto your shoulders, curls pressed against your cheek. "What are you thinking?" He murmurs to you, too quiet for Sage to hear. Sage rolls her eyes, arms crossed over her chest. "And they wonder where I get my terrible manners from." *page_break "What do ya want, da?" Sage asks Hermes. *goto hermda #Surely there are other ${name}'s on Olympus...right? "My name is--" "There you are!" a hearty voice bellows. You nearly draw blood as your teeth slam against your tongue. Hermes has flown down from gods knows where and directly onto your back. His hands clasp onto your shoulders, curls pressed against your cheek. "What are you thinking?" He murmurs to you, too quiet for Sage to hear. Sage rolls her eyes, arms crossed over her chest. "And they wonder where I get my terrible manners from." *page_break "What do you want, da?" Sage asks Hermes. *goto hermda *selectable_if (Allure <48) #"My name isn't important," I say lightly, my smile blinding and confident. "[i]You[/i] were the one with the grand, dramatic entrance earlier." Sage grins at that, thumb wrapping around a stray curl. "It wasn't intentional, you know? I let one of the year ten's land. Should have known better when he asked me which way was North." You smile once again, grateful that you were able to maneuver the conversation into a more comfortable subject matter. In order to keep the chit-chat friendly, you ask a follow-up question. "They let Sophomores join the Seekers? That seems a bit yo--" "There you are!" a hearty voice bellows. You nearly draw blood as your teeth slam against your tongue. Hermes has flown down from gods knows where and directly onto your back. His hands clasp onto your shoulders, curls pressed against your cheek. "What are you thinking?" He murmurs to you, too quiet for Sage to hear. Sage rolls her eyes, arms crossed over her chest. "And they wonder where I get my terrible manners from." *page_break "What do you want, da?" Sage asks Hermes. *goto hermda #I clamp my mouth shut, already slowly backing away from her. There is no way any outcome of this conversation is going to end well; you can see that now. If you tell her your name, there's a risk that she'll explode. If you give her a false name and she finds out later, that'll draw even more suspicion. Your best bet is to simply run away. Good plan. Sage glares at you quizzically as you continue to back away. "What's wrong with you? Do I have bad breath or something?" she narrows her eyes. "I asked you, what's your--" "There you are!" a hearty voice bellows. You nearly draw blood as your teeth slam against your tongue. Hermes has flown down from gods knows where and directly onto your back. His hands clasp onto your shoulders, curls pressed against your cheek. "What are you thinking?" He murmurs to you, too quiet for Sage to hear. Sage rolls her eyes, arms crossed over her chest. "And they wonder where I get my terrible manners from." *page_break "What do you want, da?" Sage asks Hermes. *goto hermda *label hermda [i]Of course,[/i] you think. [i]Sage is the daughter of Hermes, which would explain her ability to move from place to place so quickly. It also makes sense that both Saxon and Sage are members of the Seekers, an organization run by their father...[/i] [i]But Hermes knows about the rumors regarding my involvement in his son's death.[/i] You glance warily at the smiling god. [i]So why hasn't he said anything?[/i] "I haven't seen you in weeks," Hermes replies, the face of innocence. "Is it really hard to believe I'd want to catch up?" Sage ignores him, turning her impatient gaze to you. She smiles at you, a genuine grin with sharp teeth. "It was nice to meet you, really...but I prefer to avoid rotten company." She throws Hermes one last wary glance, then speeds away, leaving a blur of red hair in her wake. *page_break "Interacting with the girl whose brother you killed?" Hermes says. "Not the smartest idea." "Or at least, that's what [i]they're[/i] thinking." Hermes points to the growing crowd of people who've just witnessed your interaction with Sage. As soon as they note your gaze, the crowd disperses, practically running away. You turn back to Hermes, who watches Sage disappear through the crowd, an indiscernible expression on his face. Usually, the god is playing and smiling, the epitome of the careless messenger...but now he seems solemn, countless years of life marring his face. *fake_choice #"That's what they think," I begin. "But what do [i]you[/i] think?" Hermes turns his gaze back to you, expression unreadable. Then, after an awkward pause, he laughs, eyes crinkling. "No, no," he huffs out. "They don't keep me around to think, Lavei." "I just think it's weird you never mentioned that Saxon was your son." you try again. "This makes the entire situation that much more personal, Hermes. I'm guessing you think I'm innocent." Hermes begins to fly above you, his attention already diverted. From your viewpoint, you can see the crowd parting for Athena, her gaze focused solely on you. The wings of Hermes' sandals flap faster, the gold reflected by the setting sun. He's so high, almost too high, but you can just barely hear his parting words; "What kind of father would I be if I allowed my son's killer to walk free?" *page_break You don't know how the celebrations ended. #"That's what they think," I begin. "But what does [i]she[/i] think?" Hermes turns his gaze back to you, expression unreadable. "She knows about as much as everyone else," he says. "Which isn't a lot, but enough to convict you as the most likely suspect...which is why I was so shocked to see you having a conversation with her." So that settles is; no doubt the next time you see Sage she'll have been informed of who you are. Which brings up another question... "It's weird you never mentioned that Saxon was your son," you say. "This makes the entire situation that much more personal. I'm guessing you think I'm innocent." Hermes begins to fly above you, his attention already diverted. From your viewpoint, you can see the crowd parting for Athena, her gaze focused solely on you. The wings of Hermes' sandals flap faster, the gold reflected by the setting sun. He's so high, almost too high, but you can just barely hear his parting words; "What kind of father would I be if I allowed my son's killer to walk free?" *page_break You don't know how the celebrations ended. Athena had escorted you back to the castle after the citizens had decided to create large bonfires throughout the field. Apparently, that was where Athena drew the line in regards to your safety. "I've been given the green light by Zeus," Athena says, lighting the candles on the wall with a single wave of her hand. "Tomorrow, we begin your official assimilation into Olympus." "So, in other words; school." you say. Athena nods. "Not classes per say, but a general introduction will suffice." Athena pauses, considering her next words carefully. "I've arranged for a student to give you a tour of the campus." "Who?" you ask, your interest piqued. *page_break "Her name is Calypso Iman," Athena declares. "Daughter of Ares." You sit up on your bed, eyes wide. "The same Ares who just pleaded for my death less than twenty-four hours ago? You want [i]his[/i] daughter to what, be my welcome buddy?" Athena folds her hands before her, eyebrow rising. "You're not thinking very logically." "I could say the same about you." you retort. Athena presses her lips together, composing herself. "Calypso is Ares' child, yes, but [i]she is not Ares[/i]. I have yet to discern whether she shares his...[i]opinions[/i] about you or not. Regardless, you must to see this as an opportunity." Athena paces before you, continuing. "It'd be foolish of me to act as if all of Olympus has accepted you with open arms...today was a stepping stone, and nothing more. There are demigods who were born and raised on Olympus competing in these trails; it goes without saying that certain...alliances have already been formed." Athena turns to you. "Do you understand what I'm asking you to do, ${name}? For the sake of your survival?" *fake_choice #"I understand perfectly," I say. "I'm just not going to do it." *set Deceitful -5 Athena looks taken back, but only for a split second. "${name}," she begins calmly, her shoulders tense. "Think of--" "I don't need to spend anymore time thinking, Athena." you announce, your tone final. "I'm not going to befriend someone simply for the sake of competition." Athena takes in a deep breath, keeping her expression placid. "I had hoped that after today you would understand what will be expected of you," she says. "There will be times where you'll have to compromise your morals for the sake of victory." "And this isn't one of those times." you say. Athena's face finally lets way to a single emotion; disappointment. She looks as if she wants to argue more, wear you down until you agree...but she simply nods in your direction, then turns to leave. She pauses in the large doorway. *page_break "There is more than just your life at risk, ${name}. Remember that." *goto day2 #"I understand, Athena," I say. "This may just be what I need to get a head start." *set Deceitful +5 Athena looks taken back, but only for a split second. "That was...refreshingly easy. Probably the easiest thing I've had to convince you to do all day." she clears her throat. "Irregardless...I'm very pleased you see the importance of this, ${name.} Truly." Athena takes in a deep breath, keeping her expression placid. "There will be times where you'll have to compromise your morals for the sake of victory." You shake your head. "The ends justify the means, Athena. You used to tell me that." She pauses, as if surprised that you remember. "Indeed I did," she murmurs. With a quick nod of the head, she turns toward the door, placing a hand on the doorknob. *page_break "Goodnight, my love." *goto day2 #"I understand," I say. "But I don't think I could bring myself to use someone like that." *set Deceitful -5 Athena looks taken back, but only for a split second. "${name}," she begins calmly, her shoulders tense. "Think of--" "I don't need to spend anymore time thinking, Athena." you announce, your tone final. "I'm not going to befriend someone simply for the sake of competition." Athena takes in a deep breath, keeping her expression placid. "I had hoped that after today you would understand what will be expected of you," she says. "There will be times where you'll have to compromise your morals for the sake of victory." "And this isn't one of those times." you say. Athena's face finally lets way to a single emotion; disappointment. She looks as if she wants to argue more, wear you down until you agree...but she simply nods in your direction, then turns to leave. She pauses in the large doorway. *page_break "There is more than just your life at risk, ${name}. Remember that." *goto day2 #"Wait," I start cautiously. "You want me to...?" Athena stares blankly at you for a moment, then realization hits. "Oh, no, no. I--" she sighs. "That's not what I meant, ${name}." "Well, it's just...the way you phrased it, I thought--" you begin. Athena lets out a loud sigh. "The point is...I had hoped that after today you would understand what will be expected of you," she says. "There will be times where you'll have to compromise your morals for the sake of victory." You shake your head. "The ends justify the means, Athena. You used to tell me that." She pauses, as if surprised that you remember. "Indeed I did," she murmurs. With a quick nod of the head, she turns toward the door, placing a hand on the doorknob. *page_break "We'll speak more of this at a later time. Goodnight, my love." *goto day2 *label day2 From the corner of your vision, you feel a presence next to you, its aura magnetic. Tantilizing. Terrifying. Every time to try to turn, to glance at it, it shifts out of view. "Hello?" you call out into the darkness. "Who's there?" Silence is all that responds to you. Then, a cool chill so intense that it rattles you to the bone. *page_break A pair of red, glinting eyes stare silently at you. You squint, trying to make out the face of the person, but see nothing but two floating crimson orbs. "What are you?" you ask, your voice echoing. The eyes blink. "What is this? Get out of my head!" you scream. The eyes stare at something just to your left, then retrains its gaze back onto you. "What do you want?" The eyes disappear, fizzling out like smoke in the wind. A single, raspy voice is all that's left behind of your dream mirage... *page_break [i]"You.[/i] the voice had finally responded. You awake with a start. Your room is once again filled with a blazing amount of warm sunlight, the grand windows pulled open, letting in the softest of breezes. It only takes a moment for you to feel the sweat sticking to nearly every inch of your body... And the cool compress on your forehead. *page_break "Bad dream?" a voice asks. You turn, and see a white clad figure moving beside your dresser. Avery, the healer from the hospital. "I hope you don't mind the pack; you were heating up." she explained, retrieving a few items into her large bag. "I was about two seconds away from calling someone once you started talking. Good morning, ${name}." *fake_choice #"Good morning," I say. *set Avery +5 Avery smiles, looking pleased with your formality. She walks over to your bed, a strange box in her hand. "This is an invention by Hygeia," she explains. "It's capable of giving me a full report over your health; blood pressure, heart rate, the works." She holds the box up over your chest, and it floats out of her hand, casting a brilliant gold light from its bottom. The box roams over your body, humming softly. After a few quiet moments, Avery speaks. "I didn't know who you were when you came to the hospital," she admits, tilting her head. "I assumed you were another runaway...but I should have known it was something more since Hermes escorted you." The box makes another roam over your frame, humming louder. "When I saw you at the ceremony, I finally put the pieces together," she says. *page_break #"What are you doing here?" I ask. Avery smiles wryly. "I was called in by Athena. She wanted me to check in on you, just to make sure there were no lingering injuries. Hygeia's unavailable again, so I guess I'm the next best thing." She walks over to your bed, a strange box in her hand. "This is an invention by Hygeia," she explains. "It's capable of giving me a full report over your health; blood pressure, heart rate, the works." She holds the box up over your chest, and it floats out of her hand, casting a brilliant gold light from its bottom. The box roams over your body, humming softly. After a few quiet moments, Avery speaks. "I didn't know who you were when you came to the hospital," she admits, tilting her head. "I assumed you were another runaway...but I should have known it was something more since Hermes escorted you." The box makes another roam over your frame, humming louder. "When I saw you at the ceremony, I finally put the pieces together," she says. *page_break #"What was I saying in my dream?" I ask. "It was hard to make out..." she begins, tilting her head. "But you were mostly saying 'No." She walks over to your bed, a strange box in her hand. "This is an invention by Hygeia," she explains. "It's capable of giving me a full report over your health; blood pressure, heart rate, the works." She holds the box up over your chest, and it floats out of her hand, casting a brilliant gold light from its bottom. The box roams over your body, humming softly. After a few quiet moments, Avery speaks. "I didn't know who you were when you came to the hospital," she admits, tilting her head. "I assumed you were another runaway...but I should have known it was something more since Hermes escorted you." The box makes another roam over your frame, humming louder. "When I saw you at the ceremony, I finally put the pieces together," she says. *page_break #"Where's Athena?" I ask. Avery smiles. "She just left, actually. She was only in here long enough to open up all the windows and curtains. " She walks over to your bed, a strange box in her hand. "This is an invention by Hygeia," she explains. "It's capable of giving me a full report over your health; blood pressure, heart rate, the works." She holds the box up over your chest, and it floats out of her hand, casting a brilliant gold light from its bottom. The box roams over your body, humming softly. After a few quiet moments, Avery speaks. "I didn't know who you were when you came to the hospital," she admits, tilting her head. "I assumed you were another runaway...but I should have known it was something more since Hermes escorted you." The box makes another roam over your frame, humming louder. "When I saw you at the ceremony, I finally put the pieces together," she says. *page_break *page_break *label tour The main building of the Institute contains gold details and glinting black marble floors. The ceiling is made of pure glass, and you can see the azure sky as the sun reflects off the glass. A few students mill around, most wearing the school's official uniform. Some wear an all black ensemble that mold to their body, with cross stitches of a deep gold, and small straps attached to their arms and hips holding various blades. The stare openly at you, and you hear *if gender = "male" "Ne Lavei" among their not so discreet whispers. *goto institutetour2 *if gender = "female" "Na Lavei" among their not so discreet whispers. *goto institutetour2 *if gender = "they" "Ni Lavei" among their not so discreet whispers. *goto institutetour2 *label institutetour2 "This is just the administrative center. Arriving Demigods come here to get their class assignments...and referrals, if they deserve them." Calypso says. "I think Saint's got at least enough to fill the wall of his dorm." She turns to you, then gestures to a large glass map hanging on a high wall. You walk toward it. The map is a blueprint of the school, various buildings inked with red, blue, yellow and white. *label tourchoice *line_break *line_break "Where do you want to go?" Calypso asks. *fake_choice *selectable_if (training = "0") #"The training center," I say, pointing to the building on the map. Calypso smiles at your choice. "Also known as my favorite building in all of Olympus," she says. "Good choice." *set training "1" *goto trainingcenter *selectable_if (pavillion = "0") #"The pavilion," I say, pointing to the building on the map. Calypso nods. "Also known as one of the social epicenters of Olympus," *set pavillion "1" *goto pavillion *selectable_if (temple = "0") #"The Temple," I say, pointing to the building on the map. Calypso nods. "Let's go, then." *set temple "1" *goto temple *selectable_if (academic = "0") #"The academics building," I say, pointing to the building on the map. Calypso groans. "Also known as the source of my misery. Alright, let's go." *set academic "1" *goto academic #"Let's end the tour," I say. *goto endtour *label trainingcenter You walk down a series of brightly lit hallways that gleam with old, distinct wealth. Finally, you come to a large set of bronze doors. Calypso reaches for the handles, then swings the doors open. You step inside and marvel at the room before you. *page_break Really, it's more than simply a room. Students roam around, some running along a long track, others swimming in a seemingly endless pool, and some throwing deadly kicks and fatal jabs at each other. The entire space must be larger than three football fields, you think. There is a glass dome surrounding the entire area, with steel pipes crisscrossing the ceiling. Calypso points to some far off area of the center. "Those beams and poles are Adonis's favorite. I swear, he's as flexible as a snake" You nod, then you look to your left. You raise your hand to block the sun from shining into your eyes, and you can just barely make out a long wall of glinting weapons. Calypso walks toward the wall, skipping with uncontrolled glee. "Isn't it just beautiful?" she singsongs. She eases a large axe off the wall, expertly twirling it in her hand. "This is probably the biggest building in all of Olympus. It's even bigger than the arena. We've all been trained here since we could walk." You nod, then make your way over to the wall. Swords and axes and spears alike gleam under the shining sun. Every weapon looks utterly deadly. Calypso nods to you. "Pick one." Your hand reaches toward the... *fake_choice #large, flat bronze sword with a curved tip. You lift the sword off the wall, testing out the weight in your hand. You grip the leather butt of it, testing the hold. You slash the air a few times before putting it back on the wall. Calypso watches you, her eyes gleaming. You turn, and see many of the students watching you as well. *goto afterweapon #beautiful golden bow with accompanying arrows. You lift the bow off the wall, testing out the weight in your hand. You grip the arc of the bow, then grab a sleek arrow. You place the arrow between the string, flexing the tension of it before putting it back. Calypso watches you, her eyes gleaming. You turn, and see many of the students watching you as well. *goto afterweapon #lethal looking javelin with three sharp points. You lift the javelin off the wall, feeling the light weight of it in yours hands. You swing the weapon a few times, cutting the blade through the air. Calypso watches you, her eyes gleaming. You turn, and see many of the students watching you as well. *goto afterweapon #slick spear with a leaf-shaped blade. You lift the spear off the wall, feeling the heavy weight of it in yours hands. You swing the weapon a few times, cutting the blade through the air. You bring the weapon above your head, spinning it playfully. Calypso watches you, her eyes gleaming. You turn, and see many of the students watching you as well. *goto afterweapon *label afterweapon *if Warrior = "1" "You're a true warrior, aren't you?" Calypso asks. You nod. "How did you know?" She smiles. "I can just tell." *goto institutetour3 *if Magician = "1" "You'll have plenty of opportunities to practice in here," Calypso tells you. "Eventually, your aim will be as true as your will." *goto institutetour3 *label institutetour3 She brings the axe behind her head, balancing it between her shoulder blades. "Training sessions are three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Everyone pairs off with people in their skill class for about half an hour, then training begins." Calypso says, putting the axe away with a frown. Before she turns away from the wall, her fingers linger on a finely made golden bow. "It's probably going to be intense your first day. The kids here...listen, we've been doing this all our lives. We can get a little...savage." You both cast one more look around the vast space, the students still gawking at your presence. *goto tourchoice *label pavillion You and Calypso make a few left turns past several locked rooms. You then find yourself outside, shielding your eyes from the sun. The entire pavilion is a stone floored outdoor center that sits upon a tall hill overlooking the rest of the school. Students lounge on the grass, laughing and chatting. Some sit upon the glass picnic tables, enjoying a late lunch or sit on the stones benches, hunching over thick textbooks. When Calypso guides you toward a big, crystal fountain, the chatter quiets down significantly. She sits on the fountain ledge, raising her face toward the sun. You stand awkwardly, not sure what to do. Then, you feel a light tap on your arm. You turn, and see a dark haired boy with narrow blue eyes staring at you. A group of Demigods stand behind him, their eyes wide at his bravery. "Are you really [i]${him}[/i]?" he asks, eyes widening. You consider your reply, then answer... *fake_choice #"What the hell are you talking about?" The boy furrows his brows. "You know..." he starts, at a loss for words. "$!{him}." You stare blankly at him. He stands awkwardly before you, then rushes off to his friends, who pull him into their cluster, begging for details. *goto afterchat #"Yes, I am, apparently." The boy stares at you. "That is so cool, man" he starts excitedly, at a loss for words. "Do you even know how cool that is?" You stare blankly at him. He stares openly at you for a solid minute before the hollers from his friends draw him back into reality. Giving you a half-rushed bow, he scurries off. *goto afterchat #"Yes, I am. Now leave before I blast you into a pile of dust." The boy's eyes widen to the size of saucers. "Oh, shit...I'm—I'm really sorry." he exclaims. You watch him scurry back to his friends, who pull him into their cluster, begging for details. *goto afterchat *set Moral -5 #"No, I'm not. You've got it all wrong." The boy's face takes on a look of disappointment. "Oh," he says, the interest in his eyes fading. "Alright. Sorry." You watch him walks slowly back to his eager friends, casting glances back at you. *goto afterchat *label afterchat "This is where we eat lunch. And, sometimes we study here when the library starts to smell too much like ancient relics, but most of the time we just hang out," Calypso explains, smiling at the boy's retreating figure. "Not much to say." You nod, turning around to look at the sprawling view. *goto tourchoice *label temple After passing through a few buildings, you and Calypso make your way into a sleek elevator. Once inside, Calypso presses the top floor. "The Temple is basically just a quiet place to go and think, and pay respect to the gods. It's just how you'd imagine it; filled with statues and relics of the gods and their Heroes." "Is this the only Temple?" you ask, the elevator coming to a gentle stop. "Nah, there are at least three more throughout the city. This one's just the most conveniently located." You two step off the elevator, and into a room made entirely of stone. Rows and rows of pews line either side of the entrance, and a deep red carpet leads to a giant stone statue of Zeus. He stands tall, his arm raised toward the sky, and his favorite blade, the sword of Amara, in his right hand. Other statues of the gods and several famous Heroes litter the room, all about fifteen feet tall in stature. *label templechoice *line_break *line_break You look around, then decide to... *fake_choice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Athena. The goddess stands in a battle ready position, her chest plate and iron skirt detailed with impeccable accuracy. Her sword is gripped by her right hand, and her large helmet seems to compliment her fierce expression. A ferocious hound is at her heel, glaring at a distant enemy. *goto templechoice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Hades. The god sits on a throne of black marble, his head held high and his hands set on his lap. He gazes impassively into the distance, an amused smile on his face. Shadows seem to consume to the statue, paying tribute to their creator. *goto templechoice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Poseidon. The god stands upon a large stone, one arm raised to the heavens. His trident is carved of old limestone, you note. His gaze is set upon the trident as if waiting for the power that it commands to disperse. *goto templechoice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Aphrodite. The goddess stands partially naked behind a large sea shell. Her body is all curves and allure, her face holding a subtle sadness to it. She has her arms crossed over her chest, her head held high, and her hair flowing artfully around her face. There is a glint of intelligence in her eyes. [i]If looks could kill.[/i] *goto templechoice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Ares. The god has a wicked grin on his face, his teeth bared. He has one arm reaching backward, holding an axe, and ready to strike his enemy. The other arm is reaching for something in the distance. His eyes are terrifying. *goto templechoice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Artemis. The goddess stands legs parted, arms raised with a silver bow, one eye closed as she marks her target. A large beast stands next to her, it's teeth bared in a growl. A floral crown is set upon her head, and a loose belt of arrows lines her hips. *goto templechoice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Apollo. The god stands tall, his head looking toward what you can only assume to be the sun. In his hand is a holy healing leaf, and his sun medallions seem to glint. The god's hair is just as wild in stone as it is in real life, and his face just as perfect. *goto templechoice *hide_reuse #view the statue of Hercules. The Hero's tribute is a sight to behold. In his hand is an engraved shield, and in his other a long flat blade. His face is impatient, as is waiting for another battle. *goto templechoice #turn away from the statues' cold gazes. *goto afterstatue *label afterstatue Calypso stands before the statue of Artemis. "I like the way they depicted her, with only the elements of nature, and without Apollo. I always did think she seemed a little lonely." "Artemis?" you ask. Calypso nods. *goto tourchoice *label academic You and Calypso walk through the main building, head out a back door, and walk into an even bigger building. The hallway has several portraits of the gods and Heroes lining the walls, along with award cases and diplomas displayed in large glass shelves. Locked black doors lay on either side of the hallway, all with their own tiny windows that allow you to peer into pristine looking classrooms. "The chemistry lab," Calypso says, pointing to a particularly large set of doors. "I just barely got out with both my eyebrows. The left one just grew back, actually." You two walk further down the hallway until you reach a set of stairs. "This leads to the second floor. It has most of the history classes and half the lockers. The third floor has all the English classes, and the fourth floor is electives and math." Calypso explains. You nod, following. "There's really not much to see. Just your regular classes and some supply closets...oh, actually, I'd avoid the supply closets if I were you." "Why?" you ask. "Let's just say, there are a lot of couples around here, and very few places for privacy." You nod. "That's the library," Calypso says, pointing to a large door. "It's got the best WiFi, I swear to the gods. Great for emailing home." "You still talk to your family?" "A lot of us do...we just don't talk about them." she shrugs. "Anyway, about classes; they're Monday through Friday, and you have five time slots to fill, one of them automatically training, and another alternative for the days you don't have training sessions. The other automatic time slot is history, which is entirely dependent on your preferred placement. Math and English are a must too. Don't worry, Judy in the main building will tell you all about that tomorrow." Calypso finishes her speech, taking a deep breath. *goto tourchoice *label endtour "Well, I think that's everything," Calypso announces as you two make your way back to the main building. "I'll go get your room key. It's getting kind of late." You look out the window and see that the tour has eaten most of the day up. The sun has already set, and darkness consumes the sky. "I'll be right back, okay?" Calypso says, making her way down the hall. *page_break You stand alone in the office, and you feel exhaustion setting upon you. Then a large bang emits, sending echos through the room. [i]What the hell?[/i] you think. You walk toward the noise, curious despite your fatigue. The sound seems to come from one of the wider hallways, one that you have yet to explore with Calypso. It's really none of your business, you think, your exhaustion clouding your mind. You could just ignore it. Another loud bang emits, followed by a series of chainsaw sounds. Hesitantly, you walk down the hallway. *page_break A lone door at the end of the hallway is the source of the sound. A sign written in elegant cursive is taped to the door, a grease stain on the corner. [i]DO NOT ENTER, FIRE HAZARD.[/i] A loud clanking noise of metal on metal startles you, then a voice yells out. "Shit!" The voice is frantic, and slightly strained. *fake_choice #I decide to knock on the door rapidly. Someone could be hurt. And besides, the noise has long since gotten annoying. You knock on the door for a solid minute, but you fear the sound is being canceled out by the loud banging noises. Sighing, you twist the doorknob, and are surprised to see that the door wasn't locked. You step inside. *page_break The room is a sweltering flame. *goto helloadonis #I decide to push the door open. Someone could be hurt. And besides, the noise has long since gotten annoying. You twist the door knob slowly, checking for sounds of protest. When you hear none, you push the door open. Surprisingly, it's not locked. You step inside. *page_break The room is a sweltering flame. *goto helloadonis *label helloadonis The heat is the first thing you notice. It's so insufferable, you can already feel the beads of sweat beginning to form on your forehead. There are two large hearths set on either side of the room, both steaming with red hot flames. The room houses hundreds of weapons, all finely made and glinting in the red glow. There is a long work table with metal hammers, nails, silver and brass parts, and several tools set upon it. The rhythmic banging sounds off again. You turn to the source of the sound. A dark haired boy is hunched over a long, thin sword, banging his hammer repeatedly onto the metal blade. There is sweat on his brow, and he wears large goggles on his face. A grease-stained apron hangs hazardly around his neck, and as he brings his hand down to strike the hammer, the fire roars up again. Then, he speaks. "Calypso, Saint or whoever you are, if you value your face, don't come any closer! The fire's been acting up all day. I can't get it to settle down, so I have to set this iron as soon as possible." He slams his mighty hammer against the steel. You watch, transfixed, as the fire seems to react to his movements, raging when he raises his arms, and settling down when he lowers it. You decide that now is the time to speak up. *fake_choice #"I'm not Calypso or Saint. Sorry, I just heard a lot of noise." The boy looks up at you. His mouth hangs open, and his hammer is set above his head in mid-swing. "Oh," he says simply. He sets his hammer down and slowly eases his goggles off his face. *set Adonis +10 *page_break You stare at the boy before you. *goto helloadonis2 #"You were making a lot of noise. I just came to see what it was." The boy looks up at you. His mouth hangs open, and his hammer is set above his head in mid-swing. "Oh," he says simply. He sets his hammer down and slowly eases his goggles off his face. *set Adonis +10 *page_break You stare at the boy before you. #"I'm here to report a noise complaint." The boy looks up at you. His mouth hangs open, and his hammer is set above his head in mid-swing. "Oh," he says simply. He sets his hammer down and slowly eases his goggles off his face. *set Adonis +10 *page_break You stare at the boy before you. *goto helloadonis2 *label helloadonis2 His dark hair flops into his face as he stares openly at you. He appears to be Korean, with large brown eyes framed by long, dark lashes and fine set features. Whether it's due to the heat of the room, or the embarrassment of causing such noise, a seemingly permanent blush is apparent on his high cheeks. There is a dark grease stain near his full lips. You have to admit, even through your extreme exhaustion, that he is simply one of the most beautiful people you've ever seen. "I thought you were one of the two. They're honestly the only ones beside me that come in here." the boy explains, gesturing to the flames that still roar on. "Didn't you see the sign?" The boy takes off his apron, then picks up the finely crafted sword, inspecting it in the light. A radiant and satisfied smile sets on his face. "I thought someone was hurt," you answer. "Did you really make that?" The boy nods. "Yup. With my blood, sweat, and tears, as you probably heard." He looks up at you. "You're *if gender = "female" Na Lavei[/i], right?" he asks. *goto helloadonis3 *if gender = "male" Ne Lavei[/i], right?" he asks. *goto helloadonis3 *if gender = "they" Ni Lavei[/i], right?" he asks. *goto helloadonis3 *label helloadonis3 *line_break *line_break You nod. "What does that even mean? All I've been hearing all day is that name." The boy smiles. "It means 'To take.' It's what we call the Bearer." [i]So that's what it means,[/i] you think to yourself. The boy walks over to the other side of the room, where various swords are hanging, similar to the set up in the training center. He polishes the sword with a clear liquid and a rag before hanging it up, then pauses to proudly take in the sight. He turns back to you. *page_break "My name is Adonis." You nod. "$!{name}," "Nice to finally meet you. Man, I've been hearing about you since I was old enough to read." he jokes. "But that's probably nothing to you, with you being 14 billion years old and all that." *fake_choice #"Actually, I'm 14.[i]5[/i] billion years old," you joke. Adonis lets out a laugh that sounds more like a melody than a contraction of muscles. He takes off his thick black gloves. "Sorry about the noise, by the way. I had an idea and I just had to test it out." "What was the idea?" you ask. "A retractable sword. Like a retractable blade, except the sword retracts into nonexistence." You gape. "What?" Adonis nods, and an excited smile takes over his face. "I don't have all the kinks worked out yet, but it should be ready to be tested in a few weeks." "That's...really cool." you comment. *set Adonis +10 *page_break *goto helloadonis4 #"Is that a supposed to be a joke?" you ask. Adonis smiles. "A very, very bad one." He pulls off his thick black gloves. "Sorry about the noise, by the way. I get a little carried away." "Are you the one who makes all the weapons in the training center?" you ask, noting the weapons hanging on the wall. Adonis nods, a bashful smile taking over his face. "Some of them anyway. Hephaestus makes all the good ones." *set Adonis +5 *page_break *goto helloadonis4 #Stare at him. Near silence fills the room, the only sound being the violent flames. Adonis bites his lip, looking away. "And this is why I stick to forging." *page_break *goto helloadonis4 *label helloadonis4 Adonis leans on the steel counter. "Is Calypso giving you the tour?" he asks you. "Yeah. She left to get my room key a while ago." you pause. "I should probably head back now." Adonis nods, picking up a spare round part. He spins it once, then twice. "Good luck. And hey, I'll probably see you tomorrow." You nod, making your way out of the unbearably boiling room. Before you leave, you hear Adonis call out. *page_break "Goodnight, $!{name}." Calypso paces the office. "There you are," she says as you make your way over to her. "Where'd you go?" "The forging room." you answer. A bright smile lights up her face. "Was Adonis there?" You nod. "What did you think of him?" she asks. *fake_choice #He seemed friendly enough, and his skills with forging are admirable. *set loveadonis false *set hateadonis false *set Adonis +5 *page_break Before you can answer, you see a small figure approaching you and Calypso. *goto room1 #He was, in few words, completely enticing. His smile sent shivers down my spine. *set loveadonis true *set hateadonis false *set Adonis +5 *page_break Before you can answer, you see a small figure approaching you and Calypso. *goto room1 #He seemed annoying, at best. There's something about him I don't like. *set loveadonis false *set hateadonis true *page_break Before you can answer, you see a small figure approaching you and Calypso. *goto room1 *label room1 A small *if gender = "female" girl with black hair runs toward you. $!{he} wears one of the combat outfits you saw on some students earlier, and a sword strapped across ${his} back. $!{he} stops just in front of you two, ${his} breaths labored, ${his} hands on ${his} knees. *goto hiharis *if gender = "male" boy with black hair runs toward you. $!{he} wears one of the combat outfits you saw on some students earlier, and a sword strapped across ${his} back. $!{he} stops just in front of you two, ${his} breaths labored, ${his} hands on ${his} knees. *goto hiharis *if gender = "they" girl with black hair runs toward you. They wear one of the combat outfits you saw on some students earlier, and a sword strapped across ${his} back. They stop just in front of you two, ${his} breaths labored, ${his} hands on ${his} knees. *goto hiharis *label hiharis *line_break *line_break "I...am...so...sorry..." ${he} huffs out. The kid seems to be a year or two younger than you, their youth apparent in their large eyes. "I got...held up...at training...Oh, gods..." "Breathe, Haris," Calypso says calmly, placing her hand on the Haris's shoulder. Haris smiles warily at Calypso, then steps away from her grip, leaning into a deep bow. "Saora Calypso," ${he} turns to you, bowing in turn. *if gender = "male" "Saoro $!{name}." *goto afterbowing *if gender = "female" "Saora $!{name}." *goto afterbowing *if gender = "they" "Saor $!{name}." *goto afterbowing *label afterbowing *line_break *line_break Calypso turns to you. "$!{name}, this is your roommate, Haris. $!{he}'s a second year." You nod to Haris, who stares openly at you. Calypso then hands Haris a small brass key with the number 6A2 on it. She turns to you, yawning. *if hatecal = true "I know we got off on the wrong foot...and then stayed on that foot," she begins. "But I hope we can get along. Really." She bows to you and Haris in turn, as a goodbye, then says, "Goodnight, $!{name}." Her footsteps seem particularly loud against the marble floors. *goto room3 *if hatecal = false "I know we got off on the wrong foot...but I'm really glad we got through that," she begins. "I actually had fun today." She bows to you and Haris in turn, then says, "Goodnight, $!{name}." Her footsteps seem particularly loud against the marble floors. *goto room3 *label room3 *line_break *line_break Haris fiddles with the zipper of ${his} suit. You turn to ${him}, and ask... *label harisq *fake_choice *disable_reuse #"So you're my roommate?" Haris nods, smiling. "Yeah! I got really lucky, don't you think? I swear I won't be annoying or anything, really, you'll hardly notice I'm there." *goto harisq *disable_reuse #"How old are you?" "I just turned fifteen last month, actually." Haris answers. *goto harisq *disable_reuse #"Are you a warrior?" "A warrior in training!" Haris answers. "I'm just a beginner, really, but I practice all the time. That's kind of why I was late, actually." *goto harisq #Say nothing, and wait for Haris to get the hint. *page_break *goto room4 *label room4 "Follow me," Haris says, gesturing toward the exit. You two walk down the path, away from the main building, the warm night air sinking into your bones. You look up, and see a twinkling of stars. They are so vibrant, so bright and immaculate, that you wonder if the gods themselves created them. [i]It's possible, after what I've seen today,[/i] you muse. You and Haris arrive at a large, multi-story building with hundreds of windows. The structure is made entirely of dark red brick, with artfully sculpted patios shooting into several platforms. Most lights are off, but some are lit bright orange. Haris leads you into another elevator, and as you make your way up to the top floor, you consider your roommate. *fake_choice #Haris seems to look up to me. I should try to take ${him} under my wing. *goto beforedream #I don't mind having a roommate. As long as Haris stays out of my way, I'm fine. *goto beforedream #I rather not have a roommate, but I guess it's fine. *goto beforedream #I wouldn't mind a roommate, but Haris isn't ideal. *goto beforedream #Not only does Haris seem annoying, but I didn't even [i]want[/i] a roommate in the first place. *goto beforedream *label beforedream Pushing your thoughts aside, you follow Haris out of the elevator. You two walk down a long hallway with other rooms on either side, the plush carpet soft against your tired feet, and finally arrive to your room. Haris unlocks the door and pulls it open. *page_break The room is simple, yet elegantly decorated. The walls are a warm cream color, and there are two beds on separate sides of the room, flanked by two dressers. Floating above one of the dressers is a ball of light that illuminates the room. There are paintings of pink blossoms and white doves on the walls. A small crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, it's bulbs casting a warm light that contrasts the harsh light set by the floating object. There is a door at the back of the room, which you assume leads to the bathroom. One side of the room has a blue and purple comforter and several posters hanging on the walls, and another is undecorated, with simple white bedding and clean walls. As if possessed by some unknown force, you immediately collapse onto the clean bed. You mumble a weak goodnight to Haris before you doze off. *page_break Your dream is a blend of distorted colors and harsh noises. Athena stands in a large black room with glinting walls of pure marble. On the far wall that she faces, the large stone prophecy stares back at her. You stand just behind her, but if she notices your presence, she does not turn around. Footsteps sound off on the floor. You turn, and see Hades fast approaching. "Why have you called upon me, Athena?" he asks, his face contorted in aggravation. "I need a favor from you." the goddess says simply, her gaze set upon the prophecy. Hades pauses. Shadows begin to cloud around his face, spilling out from his eyes. His expression is placid, revealing no emotion as he stares at the goddess' back. "Of course you do," he says, his voice soft. "As of now, your hands are tied behind your back, and your tricks no longer work on Zeus." Athena finally turns around, her eyes filled with unrestrained turmoil. "Must you taunt me, Hades? Now, of all times?" "What do you mean 'of all times'?" he asks. "You have ${him} back, don't you? That should be all the cause to rejoice." Athena shakes her head, looking at the god with mild contempt. "This is just the beginning. There is still so much to do...so much to plan." Hades does not reply, but he looks at her with dread, as if her very existence plagues him. "But you know this," Athena continues, sensing his mood. "And you fear it." "I have very little to fear these days, Athena." The goddess steps toward the god, who takes a step backward at her approach. *page_break Athena smiles. "Except for me, of course." "I do not fear you either." Hades declares, his voice betraying his lie. "I need you, Hades," she says. "You made a promise to me, all those years ago. I am here to collect that debt." Hades shakes his head, turning away. "Promises can be broken just as easily as they can be made—something you are no doubt familiar with." Athena stares at the god's back, her eyes narrowing. "It is past time to put personal feelings aside," "You know nothing of personal feelings," Hades turns around to face the goddess, his voice raising. "There is no amount of love that is enough to stir your heart!" "If you're going to stand there and insult me, you might as well leave." Athena says simply. Hades does not move. Athena nods, triumphant. "Meet me here tomorrow then, but be discreet about it. "What you're planning..." Hades begins softly. "Do not lose sleep over that." Athena interrupts. "Just promise you will help me." A moment passes. The stone prophecy seems to loom in front of the gods, judging them in turn. Finally, Hades speaks. "I will accept your proposition—but not for you. I am doing this for Iroas." Athena lets out a mirthless laugh. "Zeus thinks he's doing this for ${him}, too; and so does the rest of the Council...and so do you and I. I suppose, in the end, we all think what we're doing is good. Just, very different versions of 'good.'" Hades does not reply, but instead looks at Athena with a mixture of hatred and love in his dark eyes. The room is silent. The tension between the god of the Underworld and the goddess of wisdom is one that has been building up with love and betrayal for centuries. Finally, Hades speaks. "Aeson will arrive soon." Athena smiles, amusement written on her face. "It will be interesting to see how they interact with one another, don't you think?" Hades casts her a wary glance. "Their lives are not for our entertainment, Athena." Athena nods absentmindedly, turning away from the god. She gazes upon the prophecy, the words beginning to glow and illuminate in the dark room. *page_break "And so it begins," the goddess says. *finish