*temp health_text *if history0 [i]$!{fullname}[/i] *line_break *goto stat1 *else *if gender1 = "female" [i]Korrina Spiros[/i] *goto stat2 *if gender1 = "male" [i]Leon Antoniou[/i] *goto stat2 *label stat1 *if health=0 *set health_text "Uninjured." *goto chart *elseif health=1 *set health_text "Bruised." *goto chart *elseif health=2 *set health_text "Injured." *goto chart *elseif health=3 *set health_text "Seriously injured." *goto chart *elseif health=4 *set health_text "Near death." *goto chart *line_break *if (custom) You are ${name} Angelis, ${birth} of !${dad}. At just seventeen years old, you're already regarded as a ${skill} specializing in ${magictype} magic. You described as a ${height} and ${bodytype} ${race}. Your face is ${facial} with striking ${eyecolor} eyes framed by ${hairlength} ${haircolor} hair. You're easily identified by the circular birthmark on the inside of your palm. *goto piercings *label piercings *if ((piercing = true) and (tattoo = false)) and (scar = true) You also have a scar on ${scar_location}, and a piercing in your ${piercing_location}. *if ((piercing = false) and (tattoo = true)) and (scar = true) You also have a scar on ${scar_location}, and a tattoo on your ${tattoo_location}. *if ((piercing = false) and (tattoo = false)) and (scar = true) You also have a and a scar on ${scar_location}. *if ((piercing = false) and (tattoo = true)) and (scar = false) You also have a and a tattoo on your ${tattoo_location}. *if ((piercing = true) and (tattoo = true)) and (scar = false) You also have a a piercing in your ${piercing_location}, and a tattoo on your ${tattoo_location}. *if ((piercing = true) and (tattoo = true)) and (scar = true) You also have a a scar on ${scar_location}, a piercing in your ${piercing_location}, and a tattoo on your ${tattoo_location}. Currently, you wear ${clothing}. *goto chart *else Your appearance is yet to be specified. *goto chart *label chart [b]Personality/Attributes[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Genuine Deceitful percent Allure percent Strength percent Wit percent Essence_Tolerance Essence Tolerance percent Stamina text Drachmas text health_text Current health *temp inventory "" *temp comma false *if (sword) *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{sword_name}" *if (mist) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{mist_name}" *if (armor) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{armor_name}" *if (mirror) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{mirror_name}" *if (spellbook) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{spellbook_name}" *if (eyes) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{eyes_name}" *if (shield) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{shield_name}" *if (bow) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{bow_name}" *if (amulet) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{amulet_name}" *if (dadgift) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{dadgift_name}" *if (dagger1) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{dagger1_name}" *if (dagger2) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{dagger2_name}" *if (dagger3) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{dagger3_name}" *if (saxonsdagger) *if comma *set inventory &", " *set comma true *set inventory &"$!{saxonsdagger_name}" Inventory: ${inventory} *choice #Review Personality *goto Personality #Review Relationships *goto Relationships #Review Inventory *goto Inventory #Read History *goto History #Go back to Main Stats Page *goto stat1 *label Personality *temp moral_text *if Moral =50 *set moral_text "You are somewhere between Good and Bad." *if Moral >50 *set moral_text "You tend to lean toward the light." *if Moral >60 *set moral_text "You look upward at the Heavens." *if Moral >70 *set moral_text "The light favors you; you are a pure soul." *if Moral >80 *set moral_text "The light favors you; you are a pure soul." *if Moral <50 *set moral_text "You tend to lean into the shadows." *if Moral <40 *set moral_text "Your eyes are set on the fiery pits of Tartarus." *if Moral <30 *set moral_text "The shadows call to you, and you reply; you are an abundance of darkness." *if Moral <20 *set moral_text "The shadows bend to your will; you are the commander of Darkness." *temp deceitful_text *if Deceitful =50 *set deceitful_text "You are vary between honesty and deceit." *if Deceitful >50 *set deceitful_text "You have been known to tell more than a few little white lies." *if Deceitful >55 *set deceitful_text "You have been known to tell more than a few little white lies." *if Deceitful >60 *set deceitful_text "You tend to bend the truth to what is most convenient for you." *if Deceitful >70 *set deceitful_text "Reality is how you choose to percieve it; Zeus would be proud." *if Deceitful <50 *set deceitful_text "You have been known to avoid little white lies." *if Deceitful <40 *set deceitful_text "You have been known to avoid little white lies." *if Deceitful <30 *set deceitful_text "You tend to grasp onto the comfort of honesty." *if Deceitful <30 *set deceitful_text "Have there ever been Saint's more steadfastly honest than you?" *temp allure_text *if Allure =20 *set allure_text "When you bat your eyelashes, people ask if you have something in your eyes." *if Allure >20 *set allure_text "More often than not, it takes more than a simple 'please' to get your way." *if Allure >30 *set allure_text "More often than not, it takes more than a simple 'please' to get your way." *if Allure >40 *set allure_text "People seem to listen when you speak." *if Allure >45 *set allure_text "When you enter a room, heads turn." *if Allure >50 *set allure_text "People can't help but strive to get your attention." *if Allure >60 *set allure_text "Your words are laced with honey." *if Allure >75 *set allure_text "You could command flames to destroy forests and waves to crash into cities with just a simple 'please.'" *temp strength_text *if Strength =20 *set strength_text "Sometimes, you think even the wind could knock you off your feet." *if Strength >20 *set strength_text "It's best to avoid situations involving this skill." *if Strength >30 *set strength_text "You tried lifting someone twice your size once. It went well." *if Strength >40 *set strength_text "You can hold your own." *if Strength >50 *set strength_text "You are a most formidable opponent." *if Strength >60 *set strength_text "Your steps seem the shake the earth." *if Strength >75 *set strength_text "If there is anyone alive who would willingly go against you, they must be hiding in Tartarus." *temp wit_text *if Wit =20 *set wit_text "You're no child prodigy." *if Wit >20 *set wit_text "You are of average intelligence." *if Wit >30 *set wit_text "You are of average intelligence." *if Wit >40 *set wit_text "You have your moments of pure brilliance." *if Wit >50 *set wit_text "You are quick to think of the most logical solutions." *if Wit >60 *set wit_text "Your mind is as sharp as Zeus' favorite blade." *if Wit >75 *set wit_text "Your mind is an active thing that never fails to overcome." *temp stress_text *if Stress <50 *set stress_text "Your heartbeat is steady, and your hands are still." *if Stress =50 *set stress_text "You are balanced." *if Stress >50 *set stress_text "You tend to worry over the smallest things." *if Stress >60 *set stress_text "Your hands often shake." *if Stress >70 *set stress_text "You can't remember the last time you slept for more than a few hours." *if Stress >80 *set stress_text "You eyes are perpetually wide." *if Stress >90 *set stress_text "If you were to die today, your obituary would read 'Cause of death: Stress'" *label personalitychart *stat_chart text deceitful_text [b]Honesty[/b] text allure_text [b]Allure[/b] text strength_text [b]Strength[/b] text wit_text [b]Wit[/b] text stress_text [b]Stress[/b] *choice #Review Personality *goto Personality #Review Relationships *goto Relationships #Review Inventory *goto Inventory #Read History *goto History #Go back to Main Stats Page *goto stat1 *label Skills [b]Skills[/b] *stat_chart percent Combat percent Essence *temp combat_text *if Combat=0 *set combat_text "This skill has yet to be tested." *if Combat =5 *set combat_text "You can throw a punch." *if Combat >5 *set combat_text "You can throw a punch." *if Combat >40 *set combat_text "You can hold your own against a group of Seekers." *if Combat >50 *set combat_text "Anyone would think twice before threatening you." *if Combat >60 *set combat_text "You have yet to meet someone who would willingly go against you." *if Combat >70 *set combat_text "You are utterly lethal." *temp essence_text *if Essence =0 *set essence_text "This skill has yet to be tested." *if Essence =5 *set essence_text "You know that there is magic in the world." *if Essence >5 *set essence_text "You know that there is something within you that goes beyond magic." *if Essence >10 *set essence_text "The ancient power flows freely through you." *if Essence >50 *set essence_text "The power of the Essence is beginning to spill uncontrollably out of your source." *if Essence >70 *set essence_text "You could easily call upon the most powerful of storms and the most violent earthquakes." *label skillchart *stat_chart text combat_text [b]Combat[/b] text essence_text [b]Essence[/b] *choice #Review Personality *goto Personality #Review Relationships *goto Relationships #Review Inventory *goto Inventory #Review War Index *goto War #Read History *goto History #Go back to Main Stats Page *goto stat1 *label Relationships *label rltships [b]Relationships[/b] *stat_chart percent Athena percent Saint percent Calypso percent Avery percent Adonis percent Sage percent Aeson percent Santiago *temp aeson_text *if Aeson =0 *set aeson_text "He hasn't met you. At least, in this life." *if Aeson >0 *set aeson_text "He's just met you, and is slightly unnerved by your presence." *if Aeson >30 *set aeson_text "You two have yet to destroy the world. This is a fine accomplishment indeed." *if Aeson >45 *set aeson_text "He believes that you can change things for the better. He thinks fondly of you." *if Aeson >55 *set aeson_text "You have a undeniable amount of influence over him." *if Aeson >75 *set aeson_text "He trusts you with his life." *if Aeson >85 *set aeson_text "He has resolved to do anything it takes to protect you, by any means necessary." *if Aeson >90 *set aeson_text "You two are truly cut from the same string; if he could die for you without ending your life, he would without hesitation." *temp athena_text *if Athena =50 *set athena_text "You are uncertain of how you feel about her." *if Athena >50 *set athena_text "She loves you, whether you're a Hero or not." *if Athena =100 *set athena_text "You are her Hero." *temp saint_text *if Saint =0 *set saint_text "He hasn't met you, but knows much about you." *if Saint >0 *set saint_text "He's just met you, and is trying to figure out what kind of person you are." *if Saint >20 *set saint_text "You are unsure about his role in the grand scheme of things." *if Saint >30 *set saint_text "He is unsure about who's side you're on." *if Saint >45 *set saint_text "He smiles when he sees you." *if Saint >55 *set saint_text "He would playfully joust with you until blood is drawn, then sincerely apologize." *if Saint >75 *set saint_text "He considers you as one of the last true sources on Olympus." *if Saint >85 *set saint_text "His love for you knows no bounds, and will never find any." *temp calypso_text *if Calypso =0 *set calypso_text "She has yet to [i]properly[/i] meet you with the absence of swords." *if Calypso >0 *set calypso_text "She's just met you, but doesn't think much of you besides what she's heard." *if Calypso >30 *set calypso_text "She doesn't mind you being around." *if Calypso >45 *set calypso_text "She enjoys your company more than she'd admit." *if Calypso >55 *set calypso_text "She would proudly tell anyone within hearing distance that you two are friends." *if Calypso >75 *set calypso_text "She trusts you with all affairs, inside and outside of war. Her heart acknowledges you." *if Calypso >85 *set calypso_text "She would kill for you, without a moments hesitation. She loves you with the steady beat of her raging heart." *if romancecalypso = true *set calypso_text "When she's aiming her arrows toward the hearts of her enemies, your face pops up in her mind." *temp adonis_text *if Adonis =0 *set adonis_text "He has not met you, but has heard endlessly about you." *if Adonis =10 *set adonis_text "He's just met you, and is trying to compare the myth of you to who you really are." *if Adonis >10 *set adonis_text "He's just met you, and is trying to compare the myth of you to who you really are." *if Adonis >30 *set adonis_text "He would casually refer to you as an acquaintance. He enjoys your company." *if Adonis >45 *set adonis_text "He fondly considers you to be one of his true friends." *if Adonis >75 *set adonis_text "You are one of his closest friends. Your bond is strong and true in the eyes of all." *if Adonis >85 *set adonis_text "He trusts you completely. He muses that there may be love in this world after all." *if Adonis >90 *set adonis_text "He would swear an oath of loyalty to you within a heartbeat. He loves you more than mortal men love Aphrodite." *if romanceadonis = true *set adonis_text "His heart beats quicker when he thinks of you. It's a frightening experience for him." *temp avery_text *if Avery =0 *set avery_text "She has not met you, and cannot fathom what your arrival will bring." *if Avery =10 *set avery_text "She's only just met you, but she's always optimistic that there is good in everyone." *if Avery >10 *set avery_text "She's only just met you, but she's always optimistic that there is good in everyone." *if Avery >30 *set avery_text "She thinks, unlike most, that you can do more good than bad." *if romanceavery = true *set avery_text "Sometimes, while assisting her patients, she ponders on why you're so interested in her." *temp sage_text *if Sage =0 *set sage_text "She has not met you, but that doesn't stop her heart from decaying with hatred." *if Sage =10 *set sage_text "She's finally fullfilled her dream of strangling you. She sleeps well at night with that memory fresh in her mind." *if Sage >10 *set sage_text "She believes you're attempting to drive her to the brink of insanity with your constant interactions." *if Sage >30 *set sage_text "You must have a death wish, truly." *if romancesage = true *set sage_text "She often finds herself throwing knives at a picture of your face in bitter frustration." *temp santi_text *if Santiago =0 *set santi_text "He hasn't met you, but ponders what you'll do with infinite power." *if Santiago <10 *set santi_text "He's not impressed, but then again, he rarely ever is; it's nothing personal." *if Santiago =10 *set santi_text "He's not impressed, but then again, he rarely ever is; it's nothing personal." *if Santiago >10 *set santi_text "He's not impressed, but then again, he rarely ever is." *if Santiago >30 *set santi_text "He worries that you don't comprehend the true impact you have on other's lives." *if romancesantiago = true *set santi_text "To associate himself with someone so powerful is about as self-destructive as he can get." *temp council_text *if Council =40 *set council_text "The council is uncertain about your role in the upcoming War." *if Council >40 *set council_text "The council is uncertain about your role in the upcoming War." *if Council >60 *set council_text "They see you as a priceless asset in the upcoming War." *if Council >70 *set council_text "They are beginning to trust that you will fight by their side." *temp citizens_text *if Citizens =50 *set citizens_text "They see you as a potential hero, or a source of ultimate destruction." *if Citizens >50 *set citizens_text "Some are starting to see you in a favorable light." *if Citizens >70 *set citizens_text "Some of the citizens bet on your success." *if Citizens >90 *set citizens_text "The majority bet on your success. Only few still have ill contempt." *if Citizens <50 *set citizens_text "The majority do not see you in the most flattering light." *if Citizens <30 *set citizens_text "Would you really be all that surprised if there were riots against your very existence?" *label relchart *stat_chart text athena_text [b]Athena[/b] text saint_text [b]Saint[/b] text calypso_text [b]Calypso[/b] text avery_text [b]Avery[/b] text adonis_text [b]Adonis[/b] text sage_text [b]Sage[/b] text santi_text [b]Santiago[/b] text aeson_text [b]Aeson[/b] *label statz2 *choice #Review Personality *goto Personality #Review Relationships *goto Relationships #Review Inventory *goto Inventory #Read History *goto History #Go back to Main Stats Page *goto stat1 *label Inventory Possible items to attain throughout your journey. [b]Sword of Amara:[/b] Amara was a Hero of Olympus during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. She was known to be a favorite of Zeus and Athena. The sword is one of the mightiest steel's ever crafted by Hephaestus himself. The metal can withstand intense pressure, heat, and wear. The hilt is engraved with the silver pattern of Athena's map of Rome and was blessed by Zeus himself. *line_break [b]Mist of the Truth Springs:[/b] The Truth Springs, located just outside Athens, are surrounded by a mass of thick, white mist. The mist has been collected and compressed into the tiny glass bottle and sealed away with a wooden cork. When the cork is pulled out, the mist from the Truth Springs is released and creates a veil of white fog, concealing everything within fifty feet. *line_break [b]Armor of Achilles:[/b] Hephaestus, the God of the forge and fire, created this armor for Achilles. It is said to be impenetrable against all forces. The armor is a deep, bronze and silver trimmed metal adorned with Greek medallions. It provides coverage to the shoulders, biceps, and chest area. The wearer of the armor is said to be blessed with enhanced speed, willpower, and strength. *line_break [b]Mirror of the Sea:[/b] The beautifully embezzled mirror is said to have the power to turn the person who gazes upon the glass invisible for a short period of time. The only indication of their presence would lie in the sounds they make. *line_break [b]Spellbook of Hecate:[/b] Hecate, the Goddess of magic, witchcraft and necromancy collected an abundance of spells and written assessments of certain charms. All those spells and observations were written down in an ancient book and hidden deep under the earth. Only those of magical inclination could find this spellbook. *line_break [b]Eye of Aletheia:[/b] Aletheia is the Goddess of truth. As a gift to her favorite hero, she gave him one of her eyes and told him to use it to look past all the turmoils and lies of war. The eye was later used by several Gods to find hidden objects and test someone's honor. *line_break [b]Aegis:[/b] Aegis is a powerful shield engraved with the head of a Gorgon created by Hephaestus. This shield was carried by Zeus himself, and he often lent it to Athena. After Perseus cut off Medusa's head, it was impaled onto the front of the shield. During a battle, not only does the shield provide the ultimate protection, but it also emits a powerful sound. *line_break [b]Artemis's Bow & Arrow:[/b] Artemis, the Goddess of the hunt, is an expert with the bow and arrow. The bow is a lithe, silver weapon blessed by Artemis herself. The bow is made of silver wood and the arrow heads are made of eternal moonlight. *line_break [b]Heart of the Past:[/b] Revealed only to pure souls. The heart of the past is a beautiful glowing amulet of pure light that allows it's wearer to live glimpses of their past lives and even interact with their past selves. *line_break [b]Helm of Darkness:[/b] This helm was prized above all weapons by Hades. The helm was forged for Hades by the Cyclopes after they were freed during the Titan War. It is made entirely of silver, and covers everything but the wearers eyes and 2/3 of their mouth. The helm turns the wearer completely invisible. *line_break [b]Sword of Peleus:[/b] This weapon was a magical sword made and enchanted by Peleus. The sword was specifically made to aid magic wielder in battle or hunt, making them nearly unbeatable. The glistening sword is made of clear cut unbreakable diamond with a golden hilt embezzled with magical stones owned by Peleus. *line_break [b]Bident:[/b] Forged as a long, black, two-pronged pitchfork. Carried and adored by Hades, God of the underworld. The pitchfork is said to give the holder limited control over the dead and other dark forces. *line_break [b]Non-weapons[/b]: *line_break [b]Aphrodite's Magic Girdle:[/b] Described as a magical girdle or corset woven of a fine, silk material that allows the wearer to have their desired fall in love with them. *line_break [b]Talaria:[/b] Hermes' winged sandals which allowed him to fly. The sandals are of the lightest weight, and described as feeling like "a cloud caressing your feet". The sandals themselves are a fine gold material with a white plated bottom and straps of the finest leather reaching just below the wearers knee's. *line_break [b]Hades' chariot:[/b] Is drawn by four black horses the color of the night sky and made of shadows. *line_break [b]Selene's chariot:[/b] Driven by the Moon Goddess Selene across the night sky, and favored by Artemis. *line_break [b]Helios' chariot:[/b] A solid gold, intricately designed chariot pulled by the winds, or, sometimes, white stallions. It was driven across the sky by the Greek Primordial of the Sun, Helios, and after his fading, Apollo. *line_break [b]Poseidon's chariot:[/b] A sea-foam green, round chariot that was pulled by a hippocampus, or brown horses that could ride on the sea, above the crashing waves. *choice #Review Personality *goto Personality #Review Relationships *goto Relationships #Review Inventory *goto Inventory #Read History *goto History #Go back to Main Stats Page *goto stat1 *label War *temp fae_text *if Fae =0 *set fae_text "The fae are an ancient, previously nomadic race residing in the Northern plains. The animosity between the gods and the Elder Fae is longstanding, due to conflicting views. As of now, there has not been active communication or trade between the two in over four centuries." *if Fae =10 *set fae_text "The fae, like all other beings of the Essence, have been alterted of Cronus's threat. Athena has advised you to visit the fae in Australia's Nothern sector after gaining at least one other alliance, in order to show the faenis of your willingness to cooperate." *if Fae =50 *set fae_text "The fae are wary of your presence in their kingdom, but are willing to come to an amiable agreement. The young Fae Queen Fevanra has asked for your help in solving a civil matter within her court, in exchange for full support during the war and thereafter." *if Fae =70 *set fae_text "You have successfully gained the aid of the ancient Fae in the war. Queen Fevanra no longer lives, and despite finding Tal Va'Rael a suitable ruler, the fae still hold you responsible for the death of their beloved queen. The relationship between the gods and the fae remains distant and hostile, as King Tal Va'Rael had desired." *if Fae =100 *set fae_text "You have successfully gained the aid of the ancient Fae in the war. Queen Fevanra lives, and considers herself in your debt until the war is over, whenever that may be, and has promised you a personal favor. The relationship between the gods and the fae is weak, but healing slowly, thanks to your intervention." *temp mortals_text *if Mortals =0 *set mortals_text "Modern mortals are seen as the largest and the most expendable race by all Other-beings. They remain blissfully ignorant to the world of magic that surrounds them." *if Mortals =10 *set mortals_text "Mortals are in a state of chaos; hey have not fully grasped the fatality of the situation, but the revelation of magic and higher-beings has sent them on a tailspin. Even leaders around the world are left terrified by these current events. Mortals cannot be relied on at this time, but Athena urges you to give them a chance in the near future." *if Mortals =30 *set mortals_text "You have been tasked by the pantheon to speak with mortal leaders around the world in hopes of getting their aid in your cause. Athena has advised you to be sensitive of their feelings as they have been dealt with an onslaught of information that at one time seemed infathomable." *if (dontbelieve =true) and (Mortals =100) *set mortals_text "You have succesffuly gained the military force of the mortals for your cause, but as for whether or not they believe in your claims of higher being is still unknown." *if (believe =true) and (Mortals =100) *set mortals_text "You have succesffuly gained the military force of the mortals for your cause, and most of the population believe in your claims as "The Creator of All." *temp magicians_text *if Magicians =0 *set magicians_text "Modern magicians are scattered across the globe, but the highest concentration and the absolute authority of them reside in the Antarctican wilderness. They are refered to as the Magos, a council of the most power magicians in the world. The Magos consist of magicians of all branches, light shadow, and dark magic alike. *label history *choice *disable_reuse #[i]An Extensive History of the Gods and the Essence[/i] The Essence was the result of singular pulses of energy converging into one. It then turned into the source of absolute power in the Universe. The Essence then created six sources of life and was transferred into them equally. Those six original sources were [b]the first Gods and Goddesses[/b] born from primordial Chaos, Chronos, and Anake. They were; Gaia (Mother Earth), Chaos the Second (Embodiment of the gap between Heaven and Earth), Uranus (Father Sky), Tartarus (Son of the monster Typhon), Eros (Desire and attraction) and Nyx (Personification of the Night). The Essence lived in all of them, but was most dominant in Gaia, Uranus, and Nyx. Their rule of the Universe was referred to as [b]The Golden Age[/b]. [b]Gaia[/b] and [b]Uranus[/b] had children, who will later be recognized as the [b]Titans[/b]. Their Essence was passed on to their children. The [b]first generation of Titans[/b] were; Mnemosyne, Tethys, Theia, Phoebe, [b]Rhea[/b], Themis, Oceanus, Hyperion, Coeus, [b]Cronus[/b], Crius, and Iapetus. Cronus was the leader of the first generation of Titans, and due to his selfishness and power hungry nature, he would betray Gaia and Uranus in an attempt to overthrow them. But Gaia, knowing Uranus was a cruel and cold ruler, helped Cronus by giving him the tool he needed to overthrow his father. She gave him a Sickle (a sharp tool) and Cronus used this to cut off Uranus's testicles and cast them into Tartarus. Before his decent, Uranus told a [b]prophecy[/b] that Cronus's own children would betray him. Cronus, after defeating his father, took control of the Universe and ruled during the second part of The Golden Age. The [b]Essence[/b] that had flowed through the first Gods and Goddesses had then flowed through the Titans as well. The Essence had been a pivotal turning point in the War of the Titans, and one of the reasons the Titans had been so successful. Knowing this, Cronus collected all of the Essence from himself and his siblings, then killed them. Cronus turned the Essence into two [b]sources[/b] (now known as [i]souls[/i]). Both sources would hold the power of the Essence, but only one of them could be used as a wielder of the Essence. These two sources would be known by the Olympians as [b]the Bestower[/b] and [b]the Bearer[/b]. Cronus hid the two sources in a place known only to him. But, as all great historians can attest to, history often repeats itself. Cronus and Rhea had children (now known fondly as the six original [b]Olympians[/b]; Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Hera, and Demeter) who would later overthrow their own parents. Cronus had become just as cruel and cold as his father, and due to the paranoia of the [b]prophecy[/b] his father Uranus had declared, he swallowed all six of his children—excluding [b]Zeus[/b], who was hidden by Rhea. Zeus and Rhea then tricked Cronus into swallowing a concoction that would make him puke up all of Zeus' siblings. After rescuing his siblings, the war had begun. This war, [b]the Titanomachy[/b] (or better known as the [b]"War of the Titans"[/b]), would go down in history as the war that decided who would have domain over the Universe. When the Olympians came out victorious, the Universe was divided fairly among the original six. [b]Zeus[/b] was given domain over the sky and the air and was furthermore regarded as King. [b]Poseidon[/b] was given domain over the sea and all the waters. [b]Hades[/b] was given domain over the Underworld. All the other Gods were given domain over things allowed in nature. Earth was considered something unrulable by just one God, and all could rule it equally. But despite the happy victory, the Olympians still had a problem; [b]the Essence[/b]. They had searched far and high for the Essence. They feared the power it could reign if it fell into the wrong hands. The Olympians were only blessed with a minuscule of the Essence, due to Cronus and Rhea, but the vast majority of the pure, raw, and original Essence was still missing. Only after Hades had traveled deep into [b]Tartarus[/b] did he find out that Cronus had turned the Essence into two different sources. *goto history *disable_reuse #[i]The Prophecy, as foretold by the Great Prophet, Priscilla Angelis[/i] "[i]Look into the eyes of black[/i] *line_break [i]For when you do, my reasons will no longer lack.[/i] *line_break [i]And when your Heroes seek allies isolated by hate[/i] *line_break [i]Beware the opening of the gate.[/i] *line_break *line_break [i]When he has the Essence by his side[/i] *line_break [i]They will create a great divide. *line_break [i]And when you see that there is no truth in your belief[/i] *line_break [i]Look to the Between, for they are the source of your grief.[/i] *line_break *line_break [i]And blame not only them for the death of the Dove[/i] *line_break [i]But the one who chooses, above all else, love."[/i] *line_break *line_break *goto history *disable_reuse #[i]The Bearer & the Bestower; Guardians of the Esssence[/i] [b]The Bestower[/b] and [b]the Bearer[/b] are both born with the Essence itself as their souls, until the time of their [b]18th summer solstice[/b]. On that night, at the peak of the solstice, their powers would come alive and the Bestower would transfer the Essence into the Bearer. The Bestowers were not created to be able to withstand the Essence, so the transfer would occur willingly or not. The Bearers would then be overcome with the power of the Essence and use it to their own accord. Many great heroes in history were Bearers who used the power of the Essence for good. It is long known that the power of the Essence is so strong that the body containing it cannot survive long. Most Bearers, after having full control of the Essence, do not make it past their [b]19th summer solstice[/b]. Once the Bearer dies, so does the Bestower (and vice versa), and their sources both go into a deep slumber until they are reincarnated into new hosts. *goto history *disable_reuse #[i]A few questions[/i] -[b]How many options for Godly fathers are there?[/b] There are three options; Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. In order to get [b]Zeus[/b] as a father, you [b]must kill[/b] the Seeker (Saxon) on the rooftop in Ohio, and have [b]allure[/b] as your highest stat. In order to get [b]Poseidon[/b] as your father, you [b]must not[/b] kill Saxon on the rooftop in Ohio, and have [b]strength[/b] as your highest stat. In order to get [b]Hades[/b] as your father, you [b]must kill[/b] Saxon on the rooftop in Ohio, and have [b]wit[/b] as your highest stat. *line_break *line_break -[b]If all the original Olympians were created by Cronus and Rhea, aren't all the Gods and their offspring related?[/b] The Gods have no DNA. The Olympians are only "related" through Essence, which is simply a primal power of the Universe (The MC). The Olympians use familiar terms such as "Brother," "Sister," "Mother" and "Father" because family relations are the only words close enough to even [i]begin[/i] to describe the connection between the Olympians. In regards to relation between Demigods, Demigods [b]can be related if[/b] they have the same mortal parent; but otherwise, [b]they have no relation.[/b] *line_break *line_break -[b]How does the Essence work? What can it do?[/b] The Essence is simply the oldest and most powerful source of power ever known. It is the beginning and end of everything. When Cronus had turned the Essence into two souls, this did nothing to weaken the power of the Essence; it only meant that it now needed a host (human body) for it to be stored and wielded properly. The Essence can only be used by the Bearer after the 18th summer solstice, and can only be given to the Bearer by the Bestower. Once in possession of the full soul of the Essence, the Bearer can use it any way they see fit. There is no limit to their power; it is both magical and physical, breaking all existing barriers. *goto history *disable_reuse #[i]Demigod source powers/capabilities[/i] (Under construction) The Trinity Children of [b]Zeus[/b]: Zeus's children are the most abundant of all demigods, and the most common power among Zeus' children is the ability to control lightning, also known and electrokinesis. Though there aren't many demigod's who can handle the physical drain that comes, there are even fewer that can handle the ability to control weather itself. Children of [b]Poseidon[/b]: Poseidon's children are common, though not as common as Zeus's. The most recurrent power among Poseidon's children is the ability to manipulate bodies of water, also known as hydrokinesis. A rarer capability among Poseidon's children is the ability to generate earthquakes, also known as geokinesis. Children of [b]Hades[/b]: There are very few children of the God of the Underworld, though when they are born, the most common power among them is the ability to control the dead, also known as necromancy. Due to the rarity of children of Hades, information on what other powers they posess is unknown. The Pantheon Children of [b]Aphrodite[/b]: Besides being blessed with physical beauty, children of the goddess of love are know to have a charming, almost magnetic auora to them. Few are also known as diluted sirens, meaning their voices are able to lure and control others to their every will. Children of [b]Apollo[/b]: Children of [b]Ares[/b]: Children of [b]Demeter[/b]: Children of [b]Dionysus[/b]: Children of [b]Hermes[/b]: *goto history #Return to Main Stats. *goto stat1 *label stat2 *temp health_text *if health=0 *set health_text "Uninjured" *goto chart1 *elseif health=1 *set health_text "Bruised" *goto chart1 *elseif health=2 *set health_text "Injured" *goto chart1 *elseif health=3 *set health_text "Seriously injured" *goto chart1 *elseif health=4 *set health_text "Near death" *goto chart1 *label chart1 *stat_chart text health_text Current health [b]Abilities/Skills[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Loyalist Treasonist [b]Relationships[/b] *stat_chart percent King_Menelaus percent Queen_Helen percent Prince_Paris percent Odysseus percent Achilles