*comment make money, healing etc based on days passed *gosub_scene subroutines clear_fight_vars *gosub_scene subroutines reset_stones *temp days_passed date - old_date *set old_date date *page_break *gosub format_date *gosub_scene subroutines heal_injuries_weekly days_passed *if (employing_gang) *gosub_scene subroutines raven_money days_passed *set mc_stamina mc_stamina_total *if previous_body_time > 0 *if previous_body_time = 1 *set previous_body_time 0 *set mc_bodytype previous_body [b]Your body has restored itself to its previous appearance.[/b] *else *set previous_body_time -1 [b]Your body is slowly restoring itself to its previous appearance.[/b] *if (restaurant_active = 1) *temp rand_rest 0 *temp profit 0 *temp spendings 0 *gosub count_profit 50 restaurant_price_food *if restaurant_alcohol > 0 *gosub count_profit 100 restaurant_price_wine *gosub count_profit 30 restaurant_price_entry *rand rand_rest 70 90 *set profit*(rand_rest/100) *if restaurant_protector = "Long Chen" *set profit*0.9 *if restaurant_protector = "Ma Rin" *set profit*0.7 *set spendings +(10*restaurant_quality_food) *set spendings +(20*restaurant_quality_wine) *set spendings +(5*restaurant_quality_service) *set spendings*10 *set profit round(profit-0.5) *set spendings round(spendings+0.5) *set restaurant_budget +(profit-spendings) *if restaurant_percentage > 0 *if profit > spendings *set restaurant_cut profit*(restaurant_percentage/100) *set restaurant_cut round(restaurant_cut-0.5) *set profit-restaurant_cut *if restaurant_budget < 0 *set restaurant_budget +restaurant_cut *if restaurant_budget < 0 [b]${restaurant_name} has run out of funds and will be inactive until you allocate enough gold to cover its expenses.[/b] *set restaurant_active 2 *set restaurant_popularity_gain 10 *if restaurant_clean = 0 *set restaurant_popularity_gain -30 *if restaurant_windows = 0 *set restaurant_popularity_gain -20 *if restaurant_paint > 0 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +40 *gosub count_popularity_price restaurant_price_food *if restaurant_alcohol > 0 *gosub count_popularity_price restaurant_price_wine *gosub count_popularity_price restaurant_price_entry *gosub count_popularity_quality restaurant_quality_food *if restaurant_alcohol > 0 *gosub count_popularity_quality restaurant_price_wine *gosub count_popularity_quality restaurant_quality_service *rand rand_rest 0 10 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +rand_rest *if restaurant_popularity_gain > 0 *gosub_scene subroutines fr_restauraunt_popularity (restaurant_popularity_gain/10) "+" false *elseif restaurant_popularity_gain < 0 *set restaurant_popularity_gain *(0-1) *gosub_scene subroutines fr_restauraunt_popularity (restaurant_popularity_gain/10) "-" false *set restaurant_popularity_gain *(0-1) *set restaurant_popularity round(restaurant_popularity-0.5) *set restaurant_profit_last profit *set restaurant_spendings_last spendings *if date = 1 *set date +3 Before you can even properly settle into the sect life, you hear a piece of astonishing news: Tang Ruo has reached Early Houtian and without the use of any advancement-helping pills at that. No one knows how strong he has become, but many guess that he might even win against an opponent a stage above now that he has access to Inner Energy. With the personal guidance of two Shangtians, just the skills he must have learned should be awe-inspiring. How do you feel about his growth? *choice #Why should I be bothered? He's never going to catch up to me, always trailing behind. *gosub_scene subroutines change_personality 2 "arrogant" "+" #I can't wait to fight him again. *gosub_scene subroutines change_personality 2 "violent" "+" #I'm worried — he's probably my greatest rival amongst the new generation. I should organize an 'accident' for him. *gosub_scene subroutines change_personality 2 "ruthless" "+" #He makes me feel inadequate. *gosub_scene subroutines change_personality 2 "arrogant" "-" #Who cares? Show me where the wine is. *gosub_scene subroutines change_personality 2 "indulgent" "+" #I should send him a gift, perhaps that way I can build a good relationship with the Prince. You prepare a thoughtful gift and send an errand boy to deliver it to Tang Ruo, hoping that he would appreciate your gesture. *gosub_scene subroutines change_opinion 4 2 "+" *gosub_scene subroutines change_personality 2 "manipulative" "+" *page_break Continue *elsif date = 4 *set date +5 Every exchange in the sect is done through the use of Contribution Points, a special currency given out for various merits. Gold is still valuable and can be exchanged for the Contribution Points, but the rate of conversion is pretty high, not to mention that those who provide such services usually take out quite a significant cut. The best and the fastest way to earn Contribution Points is by completing missions — which is exactly what you plan on doing as you venture into the Mission Hall. *goto_scene fr_missionhall *comment fix up mission hall (start flower gathering mission) *elsif date = 9 *set date +3 *goto_scene fr_library *elsif date = 12 *set date +5 *goto_scene sect_skills_introduction *comment write skill introduction *elsif date = 17 *set date +2 [b]You really should spend your EXP during [i]Meditation[/i].[/b] *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 19 *set date +6 *set event_number 1 *goto_scene fr_randevents *elsif date = 25 *set date +5 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 30 *set date +2 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 32 *set date +4 *if event_sect_artifactchoosing = 1 You go into the administrative building, asking a clerk to whether or not you can receive your reward for winning the tourney — an artifact from the sect's wide collection. *goto_scene sect_artifact_choosing *else *goto free_time_no_pb *elseif date = 36 *set date +5 *goto_scene sect_acceptment_ceremony *elsif date = 41 *set date +5 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 46 *set date +3 *goto_scene sect_prince_skillcomp *elsif date = 49 *set date +6 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 55 *set date +3 You decide today would be a good day to find out what it is Hao Fan wanted to talk to you about. You travel to the Mission Hall and ask the woman — the same one who greeted you the previous time — to show you where he lives. *goto_scene sect_haofan_meeting *elsif date = 58 *set date +2 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 60 *set date +4 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 64 *set date +3 *set event_number 2 *goto_scene fr_randevents *elsif date = 67 *set date +3 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 70 *set date +7 *set event_meimei_poisoning true *if (meimei_poisoned) As you wake up, you immediately notice that there's something wrong: you feel sluggish, disorientated and frail. Those who have ascended beyond the mortal limits do no get sick easily: especially so when there was no objective cause of falling ill. Yet, you feel terrible. If at first, it was a mere sense of weakness, as minutes pass you start to lose the feeling in your limbs. This is when you realize: what's happening to you is more than a sudden caprice of your body. You were poisoned, by whom and with what you do not know, but you're certain there are harmful toxins contained in your blood. You hurriedly call for a servant boy — when he comes, you barely remain conscious. "Inf… Infirmary…" — you mutter, your last words before the world around you darkens… *page_break Wake Up... *goto_scene sect_meimei_poisoning *else *goto free_time *elsif date = 77 *set date +3 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 80 *set date +2 *goto_scene sect_tigress_first_arena *elsif date = 82 *set date +1 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 83 *set date +5 *set event_number 3 *goto_scene fr_randevents *comment make sure mc goes to the restaurant afterwards *elsif date = 88 *set date +2 A new mission is available in the Mission Hall. Do you want to check it out before somebody else snatches it? *choice #Yes. *goto_scene fr_missionhall *comment go to 2 mission #No. *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 90 *set date +5 When passing a couple of disciples on the street, you hear them enthusiastically talk about 'stone gambling' — and the enormous amount of money they've made betting on rocks. Perhaps you should check it out? [b]Second Sect Level unlocked.[/b] *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 95 *set date +5 *set event_number 4 *goto_scene fr_randevents *elsif date = 100 *set date +5 *if (offer_hejun) *goto_scene sect_hejun_offer *else *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 105 *set date +5 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 110 *set date +4 A new mission is available in the Mission Hall. Do you want to check it out before somebody else snatches it? *choice #Yes. *goto_scene fr_missionhall *comment make mission 3 start #No. *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 114 *set date +2 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 116 *set date +1 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 117 *set date +2 *goto_scene sect_old_man *elsif date = 119 *set date +1 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 120 *set date +10 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 130 *set date +5 *goto_scene sect_meimei_second *elsif date = 135 *set date +3 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 138 *set date +2 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 140 *set date +2 *goto_scene sect_tigress_second *elsif date = 142 *set date +3 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 145 *set date +2 *goto_scene sect_ai_wolves *elsif date = 147 *set date +3 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 150 *set date +2 *gosub_scene cslib_string find history "sect_tigress_train|" *if cslib_ret > 0 *goto_scene sect_tigress_training *else *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 152 *set date +3 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 155 *set date +1 *gosub_scene cslib_string find history "agreed_to_kill_LC|" *if cslib_ret > 0 One evening, as you walk home, you find an unfamiliar to you disciple standing near your house. "Senior ${polite_address} ${mc_name}!" — he exclaims, noticing you — "Greetings. I was instructed to give you this on behalf of Senior Sister Mei." The disciples hands you a plain, unadorned pouch, before bowing and scurrying away. When you open the pouch, you find a green pill the width of your finger and a letter inside. [i]I hope this will help you during the upcoming expedition. Don't worry, I made sure that the effect of this pill will be no different from a natural ascension! Aren't I great?[/i] [i]Your favorite alchemist, Mei Mei.[/i] *set inv_12 1 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 156 *set date +2 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date = 158 *set date +1 *goto_scene sect_tangruo_top1000 *elsif date = 159 *set date +1 *goto free_time_no_pb *elsif date >= 160 *set date +1 *goto_scene expedition_start *goto_scene free_roam *label format_date *temp year 0 *temp month 0 *temp day 0 *temp day_suffix "" *temp temp_date date+2304665 *set year round((temp_date/360)-0.5) *set temp_date-(year*360) *set month round((temp_date/30)-0.5) *set temp_date -(month*30) *set day temp_date+1 *if (day = 1) or (day = 21) *set day_suffix "st" *elsif (day = 2) or (day = 22) *set day_suffix "nd" *elsif (day = 3) or (day = 23) *set day_suffix "rd" *else *set day_suffix "th" [b]${day}[/b]${day_suffix} of [b] *if month = 0 Shouxian[b], *elsif month = 1 Di-Er[/b], *elseif month = 2 Di-San[/b], *elseif month = 3 Di-Si[/b], *elseif month = 4 Di-Wu[/b], *elseif month = 5 Di-Liu[/b], *elseif month = 6 Di-Qi[/b], *elseif month = 7 Di-Ba[/b], *elseif month = 8 Di-Jiu[/b], *elseif month = 9 Di-Shi[/b], *elseif month = 10 Di-Shiyi[/b], *elseif month = 11 Di-Shi'er[/b], [b]${year}[/b] ME. *return *label count_profit *params p_value p_price *set p_value*((restaurant_popularity/50)*10) *set profit +(p_value*p_price) *return *label count_popularity_price *params pop_price *if pop_price = 0 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +30 *elseif pop_price = 1 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +10 *elseif pop_price = 3 *set restaurant_popularity_gain -10 *elseif pop_price = 4 *set restaurant_popularity_gain -30 *return *label count_popularity_quality *params pop_quality *if pop_quality = 1 *set restaurant_popularity_gain -20 *elseif pop_quality = 3 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +10 *elseif pop_quality = 4 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +20 *return *label free_time *page_break *label free_time_no_pb You have some free time to explore the sect. *choice #Library. *goto_scene fr_library #Disciple Store. *goto_scene fr_disciplestore #Mission Hall. *goto_scene fr_missionhall #Training Grounds. *goto_scene fr_traingrounds #Martial Repository. *goto_scene fr_repository #Arena. *goto_scene fr_arena #Infirmary. *goto_scene fr_infirmary #Meditation. *goto_scene fr_meditation *if (happened_event_3) *if (restaurant_active < 3) *if (restaurant_name = "default") #Jing Guo's restaurant. *goto_scene fr_restaurant *else #${restaurant_name}. *goto_scene fr_restaurant *selectable_if (date > 90) #Second Sect Level. You arrive at the strange box used to transport disciples from one level of the sect to another. Two disciples from the Disciplinary Hall, most likely future Enforcers if they ever manage to ascend, stand guard there. Seeing you approach, they raise their hands and halt you. *if mc_sect_position = "inner" The guards glance at your badge. "For an Inner Disciple, the cost of entry to the Second Level is 100 Contribution Points." *choice *selectable_if (mc_sect_points >= 100) #Pay the toll. *set mc_sect_points -100 As you transfer the Points, the disciples nod. "You can go through." You clasp your hands at them and step into the 'elevator', gripping the railings to stabilize yourself as it suddenly accelerates and starts to ascend. *label go_to_second_level *page_break *goto_scene fr_secondlevel *selectable_if (inv_6 > 0) #Use Entry Token. "I have an Entry Token." — you say and show it to them. The disciples observe it for a minute, before they nod. "Alright. You can access the Second Level for free today." *goto go_to_second_level #Go back. *goto_scene free_roam free_time #Just rest. *goto_scene free_roam