*label training_grounds *temp drug 0 *gosub_scene subroutines injuries_check *if (stat_check) You are injured. Heal yourself before coming back to the Training Grounds. *goto_scene free_roam You arrive at the training grounds of the sect, where hundreds of disciples exercise under the open sky. However, the field is large and still has plenty of space for you to join them. *choice #Spend the day training. *label training_choice *temp new_exp 0 There are four Training Zones available, each of them inducing better results for your exercise at the price of higher amount of Contribution Points. *gosub_scene subroutines randomize 50 100 100 "r_v" *set r_v +(mc_int) *if (mc_sect_points < 10) You need at least [b]10[/b] Contribution Points in order to train. *choice zone drug *if (mc_sect_points >= 10) #Training Zone #1 (10 Points) *if (inv_7) > 0 #Basic Conditioning Drug (x${inv_7}). *set drug 7 *set mc_sect_points -10 *set new_exp r_v *goto training_results #Don't use alchemy. *set drug 0 *set mc_sect_points -10 *set new_exp r_v *goto training_results *if (mc_sect_points >= 25) #Training Zone #2 (25 Points, x1.5 EXP) *if (inv_7) > 0 #Basic Conditioning Drug (x${inv_7}). *set drug 7 *set mc_sect_points -25 *set new_exp r_v*1.5 *goto training_results #Don't use alchemy. *set drug 0 *set mc_sect_points -25 *set new_exp r_v*1.5 *goto training_results *if (mc_sect_points >= 100) #Training Zone #3 (100 Points, x2 EXP) *if (inv_7) > 0 #Basic Conditioning Drug (x${inv_7}). *set drug 7 *set mc_sect_points -100 *set new_exp r_v*2 *goto training_results #Don't use alchemy. *set drug 0 *set mc_sect_points -100 *set new_exp r_v*2 *goto training_results *if (mc_sect_points >= 500) #Training Zone #4 (500 Points, x2.5 EXP) *if (inv_7) > 0 #Basic Conditioning Drug (x${inv_7}). *set drug 7 *set mc_sect_points -500 *set new_exp r_v*2.5 *goto training_results #Don't use alchemy. *set drug 0 *set mc_sect_points -500 *set new_exp r_v*2.5 *goto training_results *if (mc_sect_points >= 1000) #Training Zone #5 (1000 Points, x3 EXP) *if (inv_7) > 0 #Basic Conditioning Drug (x${inv_7}). *set drug 7 *set mc_sect_points -1000 *set new_exp r_v*3 *goto training_results #Don't use alchemy. *set drug 0 *set mc_sect_points -1000 *set new_exp r_v*3 *goto training_results #Leave. *if (inv_7) > 0 #Basic Conditioning Drug (x${inv_7}). *goto_scene free_roam free_time #Don't use alchemy. *goto_scene free_roam free_time *label training_results *if drug != 0 *set inv[drug] -1 *set new_exp*inv[drug]["bonus"] *gosub_scene subroutines change_impurities inv[drug]["impurities"] "+" Your hard work bears fruit: you've earned a good amount of EXP to spend on your Attributes. *set new_exp (round(new_exp))*difficulty *gosub_scene subroutines give_exp new_exp "" *goto_scene free_roam #Leave. *goto_scene free_roam free_time *goto training_grounds *label not_enough_points You don't have sufficient Contribution Points. *goto training_choice