*gosub_scene cslib_string find history "jingguo_visited_restaurant|" *if cslib_ret > 0 You enter the restaurant and walk towards the waving and ready to talk business Jing Guo. *choice *selectable_if (not_under_construction) #UNDER CONSTRUCTION fdsfs *selectable_if (restaurant_percentage > 0) #Manage the restaurant. *goto restaurant_management #Go back. *goto_scene free_roam free_time *else *goto_scene sect_first_restaurant *label restaurant_management [b]Restaurant Name:[/b] [i]${restaurant_name}[/i] *line_break [b]Protector:[/b] [i]${restaurant_protector}[/i] *line_break [b]Last Week Earnings:[/b] ${restaurant_profit_last} Gold *line_break [b]Last Week Expenses:[/b] ${restaurant_spendings_last} Gold *line_break [b]Budget:[/b] ${restaurant_budget} Gold *line_break [b]Popularity:[/b] ${restaurant_popularity}% *choice *selectable_if (restaurant_percentage > 50) #Change Restaurant Name. *if restaurant_protector = "Long Chen" Long Chen won't allow you to change the name of the Restaurant. *page_break Damn... *goto restaurant_management As someone who holds the majority of the restaurant's ownership, you have the right to change it's name. Keep in mind though, that such an action would reduce the restaurant's popularity by a large margin. Would you like to change the name? *choice #Yes. What name would you like the restaurant to have? *temp new_name "" *input_text new_name *set restaurant_name new_name *gosub_scene subroutines set_restaurant_popularity 20 "-" #I changed my mind. *goto restaurant_management *selectable_if (restaurant_percentage > 20) #Change prices. *label change_prices As someone who holds the majority of the restaurant's ownership, you have the right to change the prices of its food and drinks. Setting the price higher means more money earned, but will harm the restaurant's popularity. Lower prices, on the other hand, will increase popularity but will bring less money as the result. [b]Current Prices:[/b] *temp price_name "" *line_break *if restaurant_price_wine = 0 *set price_name "free." *elsif restaurant_price_wine = 1 *set price_name "cheap." *elseif restaurant_price_wine = 2 *set price_name "average." *elseif restaurant_price_wine = 3 *set price_name "expensive." *elseif restaurant_price_wine = 4 *set price_name "insanely expensive." *if (restaurant_alcohol > 0) [b]Wine:[/b] ${price_name} *if restaurant_price_food = 0 *set price_name "free." *elsif restaurant_price_food = 1 *set price_name "cheap." *elseif restaurant_price_food = 2 *set price_name "average." *elseif restaurant_price_food = 3 *set price_name "expensive." *elseif restaurant_price_food = 4 *set price_name "insanely expensive." *line_break [b]Food:[/b] ${price_name} *if restaurant_price_entry = 0 *set price_name "free." *elsif restaurant_price_entry = 1 *set price_name "cheap." *elseif restaurant_price_food = 2 *set price_name "average." *elseif restaurant_price_food = 3 *set price_name "expensive." *elseif restaurant_price_food = 4 *set price_name "insanely expensive." *line_break [b]Entry Cost:[/b] ${price_name} *choice *if (restaurant_alcohol > 0) #Change Wine Price. What price do you want to set? (from 0 to 4) *temp new_price 0 *input_number new_price 0 4 *set restaurant_price_wine new_price [b]The price has been changed.[/b] *goto change_prices #Change Food Price. What price do you want to set? (from 0 to 4) *temp new_price 0 *input_number new_price 0 4 *set restaurant_price_food new_price [b]The price has been changed.[/b] *goto change_prices #Change Entry Cost *temp new_price 0 *input_number new_price 0 4 *set restaurant_price_entry new_price [b]Entry Cost has been changed.[/b] *goto change_prices #Go back. *goto restaurant_management #Change quality of wares. *label change_quality You can change the quality of food and drinks served in your restaurant. Higher quality will increase the weekly spendings, but will boost popularity in return. [b]Current Food/Drinks:[/b] *temp quality_name "" *line_break *gosub get_quality_name restaurant_quality_food [b]Food Quality:[/b] ${quality_name} *if (restaurant_alcohol > 0) *line_break *gosub get_quality_name restaurant_quality_wine [b]Wine Quality:[/b] ${quality_name} *line_break *gosub get_quality_name restaurant_quality_service [b]Service Quality:[/b] ${quality_name} *choice #Change quality of food. What quality do you want to set? (from 1 to 4) *temp new_quality 1 *input_number new_quality 1 4 *set restaurant_quality_food new_quality [b]The quality has been changed.[/b] *goto change_quality *if (restaurant_alcohol > 0) #Change quality of wine. What quality do you want to set? (from 1 to 4) *temp new_quality 1 *input_number new_quality 1 4 *set restaurant_quality_wine new_quality [b]The quality has been changed.[/b] *goto change_quality #Change quality of service. What quality do you want to set? (from 1 to 4) *temp new_quality 1 *input_number new_quality 1 4 *set restaurant_quality_service new_quality [b]The quality has been changed.[/b] *goto change_quality #Go back. *goto restaurant_management #Renovations. *label renovations Current interior of the restaurant: *if restaurant_clean = 0 It's dirty, with parts of broken furniture laying around everywhere. *else It's clean and tidy. *line_break *if restaurant_windows = 0 The windows are broken, shattered into pieces of glass. *else The windows are whole, without cracks. *line_break *if restaurant_paint = 0 The walls are dull and bleak. *else The walls are painted in bright colors, adding to the comfortable atmosphere. *choice *if restaurant_clean = 0 #Clean the place. You spend the day hauling junk out, washing the floor and dusting shelves. By the end of it, the restaurant looks much better than it did before. *set restaurant_clean 1 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +3 *page_break *goto_scene free_roam *if restaurant_windows = 0 *selectable_if (restaurant_budget >= 2000) #Install new windows (2000 Gold). You spend the day buying and installing new windows. *set restaurant_windows 1 *set restaurant_budget -2000 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +2 *page_break *goto_scene free_roam *if restaurant_paint = 0 *selectable_if (restaurant_budget >= 5000) #Paint the walls (5000 Gold). You spend the day painting walls to make the restaurant appear luxury than before. *set restaurant_paint 1 *set restaurant_budget -5000 *set restaurant_popularity_gain +5 *page_break *goto_scene free_roam #Go back. *goto restaurant_management #Put money in the budget. How much Gold do you want to put into the restaurant? Be careful, you CANNOT take it back. *temp new_budget 0 *input_number new_budget 0 mc_gold *set restaurant_budget +new_budget *set mc_gold -new_budget *if new_budget > 0 [b]You have successfully put ${new_budget} Gold into the budget.[/b] *goto restaurant_management #Take out your cut of the profits. Your current share of the profits amounts to: ${restaurant_cut} Gold. How much do you want to take out? *temp new_gold 0 *input_number new_gold 0 restaurant_cut *set restaurant_cut -new_gold *set mc_gold +new_gold *if new_gold > 0 [b]You have successfully taken out ${new_gold} Gold.[/b] *goto restaurant_management #Leave. You say goodbye to Jing Guo and leave the restaurant. *goto_scene free_roam free_time *label defeat You fall unconscious… *page_break Unconsciousness... *goto_scene fr_infirmary *label get_quality_name *params quality *if quality = 1 *set quality_name "bad." *elseif quality = 2 *set quality_name "medium." *elseif quality = 3 *set quality_name "good." *elseif quality = 4 *set quality_name "heavenly." *return