*page_break Infirmary *temp weeks_spent_healing 0 *temp healing_speed 0 *if (injuries_6) *set mc_health mc_health_total *if (mc_trait_1) Your back is broken, leaving your paralyzed and motionless. However, as someone with an unnatural healing ability, you don't need the healers help, capable of recovering even from an injury this grave with your astonishing physique alone. You simply ask for a bed and lay there, waiting for your spine to mend by itself. *label natural_back_healing *set injuries_6 false *page_break Infirmary *goto_scene free_roam *else You are placed onto a bed and flipped over on your stomach. For hours, you feel healers prickle your skin with needles, breaking your bones with their hands to set them straight and rubbing burning pastes into you back. Eventually, you doze off, only to wake up and find yourself suffering continuous days of such agonizing treatment. By the end of your recovery period, another healer comes to you and takes the payment for the treatment: a staggering sum of 1.000 Contribution Points. *if mc_sect_points < 1000 You don't have that kind of money, but Infirmary is one of the only places in the sect that allows loans for life-threatening injuries. *set mc_sect_points -1000 [b]Contribution Points: -1000[/b]. *set injuries_6 false *goto_scene free_roam *label infirmary_introduction You are in the Sect Infirmary, a place where it's possible to heal almost any injury and wound — for a price. *label from_another_scene *temp knows_about_meimei_poison false *if (meimei_poisoned) *if mc_level >= 1 *set knows_about_meimei_poison true *choice *selectable_if (mc_impurities > 0) #Cleanse impurities. [b]Your current level of alchemical impurities:[/b] *stat_chart percent mc_impurities Impurities *if mc_impurities > 80 Sadly, the impurities in your blood have become too thick and concentrated to be healed through normal means. Your only hope of further progression is finding some rare heavenly treasure that would cleanse your body of the filth you've stuffed it with. *goto from_another_scene At your current level of contamination, cleansing 1% of impurities will cost you *temp cleansing_cost (1 * ((round((mc_impurities/10)-0.5)))) + 1 ${cleansing_cost} Contribution Points. How much do you want to cleanse? *temp reduced_value 0 *input_number reduced_value 0 (mc_sect_points/cleansing_cost) *if reduced_value != 0 *set mc_sect_points -(reduced_value*cleansing_cost) *gosub_scene subroutines change_impurities reduced_value "-" *goto from_another_scene *if (knows_about_meimei_poison) #Ask the Healers about the strange blackness. You remember the weird dark spot on your own heart, revealed during your advancement to Houtian. Although it doesn't bother you for the time being, it still makes you uneasy. You approach one of the Sect Healers and tell them every detail you can remember. "Hm, a black spot on the heart?" — the healer, a short-haired woman in her late-thirties, muses — "Can be any number of things. I could test your blood to see if I'll be able to give you a more precise answer, but that would cost you 25 Sect Points." *choice #Perform blood examination. *if mc_sect_points < 25 "Sorry, but you don't have enough Points. Come back when you do." *goto infirmary_introduction *set mc_sect_points -25 The healer takes your arm and stabs a needle into it, gathering your blood onto a piece of transparent glass. "Give me a few hours. You can wait here for the time being." *page_break Wait... "I didn't find anything wrong with you." — the healer reports when she comes back — "Are you sure you weren't hallucinating? Your state at that time couldn't be called the most reasonable." "Well, if you really want to, we could cut up your chest and see — but that's a dangerous procedure that would cost you 100 Points." *choice #Perform the procedure. *if mc_sect_points < 100 "Sorry, but you don't have enough Points. I'd advise you to not bother, it's most likely nothing to be concerned about." *goto infirmary_introduction *set mc_sect_points -100 "Lie down." The healer guides you to the bed and gives you a pill to swallow. "This will make the procedure painless. You don't want to feel as I cut you apart, don't you?" You nod and put the pill in your mouth. It dissipates inside your stomach and you soon sense as your whole body grows numb. The healer then gets to work as she thrust a scalpel inside your chest, peeling away your skin bit by bit. You're not sure whether this was a good idea, leaving your life fully in this woman's hands: what if she slips? Or, worse, what if she wishes you harm? Thankfully, nothing of the sort happens as, in about half an hour, the procedure seems too succeed. "Well." — the healer says, after she has patched you back up — "You were right, there is a spot of black on your heart." "I have no idea what this is, but it doesn't appear to be harmful. Maybe it's some kind of mutation, caused by your advancement?" — she speculates — "There is certain extremely rare medicine that I could give you, but I honestly wouldn't bother with it if I were you. Just let it be, our world is full of strange happenings." *choice *selectable_if (mc_sect_points >= 500) #Pay for the medicine (500 Points). "It's your points." — she replies as she gives you a bottle full of pills — "Take them twice a day for a week, that spot should be gone if it's not an innate mutation." *set mc_sect_points -500 You nod, grab the bottle and leave. *set meimei_poisoned false *page_break *goto_scene free_roam #Nod and leave. *goto_scene free_roam #Refuse and leave. *goto_scene free_roam #Shake your head and leave. *goto infirmary_introduction #Leave. *goto_scene free_roam free_time *page_break Return *goto_scene free_roam free_time