*image chapter_2.png The first day of summer arrived and you just woke up. You dreaded how boring today would be. ${school_friend} was sight-seeing in Muria, so you wouldn't see ${pronoun} all summer long. Not to mention, summer class doesn't begin until tomorrow. As it stands, you had nothing to do today. You hear a knock in your door, "${fname}, are you awake? Breakfast is ready." It was your mom. You responded, "Yes, I'm awake. Thanks, mom." You got up and got dressed. Your room was a bit small, but considering that you were in Furze, this was actually quite average in terms of size. Around your room, pictures of you and your parents were shown openly. Your mom and dad were a middle-aged couple whose youthful vigor has yet to fade, even past the age of forty. You had a small desk in the room, with a bronze lamp resting on its surface. When you left your room, a sweet aroma wafted through your nose. You immediately knew what your mom had made: waffles with Estenian syrup. Your favorite. You mom greeted you when you entered the kitchen, "Good morning, sleepy-head." Your mom was cooking on a silver stove, entirely powered by electricity. When she finished, she switched the machine off using a dial, and plated what she was cooking. *page_break Your mom laid a steaming plate before you. A mountain of sweet and savory waffles sat before you, and you couldn't help admiring it. You picked up your utensils and were about to eat when your mom stopped you, "${fname}, please wait for you dad. He's already awake. I'd like to eat as a family this morning." "Yes mom." You stared at the waffle longingly. It was mocking you. It was saying, "Look at me! You can't have me, but look all you want!" At some point you heard an evil laugh, although you were sure you were simply hallucinating. Damn, this waffle looks so good. Fortunately your dad arrives to the table. Your dad's hair was a pepper-mix of black and white hair. Despite his age, he occasionally slept-in like a teenager. He spoke, "Oh. You're up, ${fname}. I guess you beat me this time." "Derek, I hoped you'd wake up earlier. What kind of example are you setting for ${fname} if you can't even get up early?" Your dad hung his head in embarrassment, "Haha. That's true, sorry, honey." *page_break Your dad turned to you, "And you, ${gsuffix} Magician, don't follow your dad's actions. Just do as I say, not as I do." Your mom retorted, "Derek! That's not any better. We need to lead by example." You laughed. Your dad used to be a lot stricter when you were young, but the years have somehow made him more relaxed in nature. By your mom's standards, perhaps too relaxed. Your mom noticed you laughing and smiled, "I swear Derek, sometimes I think you put me on the spot just to entertain ${fname}." This banter was all nice and good, but these waffles were calling to you like a siren, and you wanted nothing more than to shovel your mouth with that savory-sweet syrup. "Honey, I think ${fname} is being seduced by your waffles." Your mom giggled, "Well we can't keep ${fname} waiting, now can we? Let's eat!" Those last two words you longed to hear were all you needed. Over the course of an hour, your mom and dad asked you about your previous year at Kaelich's. You said you've had a good time so far, and that your friend, ${school_friend}, made your time at school less dull. You've mentioned ${school_friend} before, but your parents weren't really familiar with ${pronoun}. Your parents became curious. Your mom asked, "So, what's ${school_friend} like? I'm sure ${noun3}'s done something interesting." *if (school_friend = "Aron") *goto Aron *elseif (school_friend = "Danae") *goto Danae *elseif (school_friend = "Jericho") *goto Jericho *elseif (school_friend = "Erika") *goto Erika *elseif (school_friend = "Ray") *goto Ray *else *goto Alana *label Aron *page_break You mentioned Aron's aloof personality. You said, "He's not really the type to speak up in class. Honestly, he's one of the quietest people I know." You mom remarked, "There's nothing wrong with being a little quiet. In fact, that may be a lot more appreciated in a noisy city like Furze." Your dad spoke curiously, "Was he raised in Lahar?" "Yes. Actually, he was raised right here in Furze." Your father replied, "He's not like the other Laharians in Furze, that's for sure. Most Laharians tend to speak their minds openly." You spoke, "Well, despite his quiet nature, he's actually really intelligent and hard-working. He managed to master $(fskill) because of his obsession with spellcrafting." You mom replied, "He mastered ${fskill}? Wow! He's so young, and he's already proficient in one discipline." "It is impressive, but I don't think the way he went about it was very healthy." Your dad asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, Aron was able to master ${fskill} because he buried himself in books and magic exercises." Your mom replied, "I suppose that is a bit reckless, but he did manage to achieve something through it. Let's just hope your friend can mind his health, next time." *page_break You also mentioned that Aron's family is originally from Esten, but his family moved to Lahar three generations ago. Your dad spoke, "What exactly caused his family to move to Lahar? Esten was doing quite well during my great-grandfather's era." You shook your head, "I don't know. Aron's never mentioned the reason why." *goto leaveforday *label Danae *page_break You mentioned Danae's rural Estenian upbringing, and that her family moved to Furze for a magical education. Your mom spoke, "What city in Esten did she come from?" "I don't know, exactly. She never mentioned it." Your father replied, "Esten is filled with research labs, unlike Lahar. It's quite unusual to live in a rural area in Esten, much less a spellcrafter living in Esten." You also mentioned that Danae was avoided by her peers in Esten, due to being a spellcrafter. Your dad shook his head in dismay, "People these days. The war is over, and they still treat magic-users like they're ticking time bombs. It makes me sick." Your mom replied, "It's just the way people are, Derek. The war twisted people's views." "Anyway, I didn't mean to go off like that. I hope your friend, Danae, is doing well in Kaelich's." You nodded, "Yes, she's doing well. I'm sure she'll make it to The Spell Academy when we graduate." *goto leaveforday *label Jericho *page_break You mentioned that Jericho's family is from the tropical nation, Doht. Your mom's eyes light up, "Oh! I love that country! The culture and the food were all so interesting. I'd love to visit again." Your dad spoke, "Well I'm sure we can go back there in the future, honey." You also told them about Jericho's wealthy dad. You spoke incredulously, "Apparently, Jericho is the son of a wealthy businessman." Your mom spoke, "Wow, the son of a wealthy businessman. Do you know which company his dad works in?" You shook your head, "No, Jericho never mentioned which company his dad works in." You dad replied, "Oh, well that's a bit disappointing. I guess it's sensible to keep your parents occupation a secret, but it would've been interesting to know what he did for a living." *goto leaveforday *label Erika *page_break You mentioned that Erika is a native of Furze. You told them that she's used to living the fast-paced life in big cities because of her upbringing. You also told them that Erika was deeply interested in fashion. You mom replied, "Oh, that sounds like fun. If she's interested fashion, then she's definitely in the right place. Furze is well-known for bright and modern clothing." She continued, "Perhaps I can ask her to sew something together for me in the future?" You replied, "I'm not sure if she'll do it, but I guess I can ask for you." Your dad spoke, "Maya, I don't think we should be demanding clothes from ${fname}'s friends." She replied, "Of course, dear. It was only a joke!" You weren't sure that was true. Your mom loved wearing beautifully crafted and bright dresses. You sensed genuine disappointment from her, but you let the matter slide. *goto leaveforday *label Ray *page_break You mentioned Ray's regularly apathetic nature. You told them, "He's usually not paying attention in class." Your mom suddenly became worried, "Why do you associate with someone like that?" You laughed, "Because despite his lazy nature. He actually does care about being in Kaelich's. He can seem like the most apathetic person you've ever met, but he wants to become better at magic. In fact, he mastered ${fskill} through sheer hard work." Your mom spoke, "Wow, I seemed to have misjudged him. I thought he was just another slacker. Being able to master ${fskill} at such a young age is quite admirable." Your father nodded, "Indeed. It's not everyday you hear about a student with talent like that. Did Ray mentioned where he was raised by any chance?" "Yes, he's from Muria, but he traveled to Furze after his mother got a new job." He replied, "I see! No wonder he seems to be passionate about magic. Muria is the capital of spellcrafting in Aether." *goto leaveforday *label Alana *page_break You were almost scared to described Alana's exceedingly bizarre personality, "How do I put it? Alana's very weird. Not just weird, she's [b]very[/b] weird." Your parents looked at you with puzzled expressions. You explained, "She's has an impenetrable sense of optimism. She laughs at nearly everything, although I'm guessing she's just jolly." You continued, "But, Alana's more than just a weird person. She's also passionate, and it's obvious she cares about becoming a spellcrafter. I should know, she mastered ${fskill} last year." Your mother exclaimed, "Incredible! Being able to wield ${fskill} at such a young age is an impressive feat!" Your dad nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it's not everyday you meet a young person who has that kind of work ethic." You also mentioned Alana's oriental background, "Alana's not from Furze. Her family is actually from Grotto, according to her." Your mom spoke, "Grotto? The eastern city? Wow, that's quite far from here." You dad replied, "Grotto is roughly one week away by car or bus. So, it is quite far. Did she mention why her family moved to Furze?" "She told me that her family wanted a good magic education for her." Your father looked puzzled, "Wait, didn't Grotto have a stellar spellcrafting program? Why didn't they just stay there if they wanted a good magic school?" You shook your head, "I'm not sure. She never mentioned anything about Grotto to me." *goto leaveforday *label leaveforday *page_break "Well, it looks like you've met some interesting people at Kaelich's! At the very least you're not having a dull moment there." Your dad looked at his phone, "It's time for me to get dressed. They'll want me in the office by the end of noon. Thanks for breakfast, honey." He gets up from the table. Your dad works as a secretary for Furze's Magic Council. Your father had a much different job when you were younger, but your father is now working with the city government's magical branch. He spoke, "By the way, ${fname}, you've got nothing to do today, right?" "Yeah, I'm free the whole day. Class doesn't start until tomorrow." "In that case..." Your dad grabs a pamphlet from a drawer near the kitchen table. When he gave it to you, your eyes read the large letters at the top, "The Spellcrafting Library of Lahar." *page_break Your dad smiled, "I'm sure you'll find something interesting. I only regret that neither your mother and I can join you." "Huh? You're busy as well, mom?" She nodded, "Yes, unfortunately, they need a substitute teacher today." Your mom was now working as a teacher for non-magic public schools. Despite her magical gifts, she wanted to teach non-magic subjects at her own leisure. She said that non-magic topics, such as art and biology, were just as fascinating as creation and healing magic. She doesn't regret retiring from her previous job, and hopes she can continue teaching at non-magic schools. Your mom kissed you on the cheek, "Have fun at the library, ${gsuffix} Magician." *page_break When breakfast was finished, you headed straight to the library. The library was a half-hour ride from your house. Fortunately, your father gave you some coins to cover the bus fare. In addition, he gave you a little extra for the library's gift shop (+200 coins). *set coins +200 You currently have ${coins} coins. When you arrived at the library, you saw large crowds of people surrounding the building. The typical groups of tourists flocked the building, but you also saw groups of children and toddlers walking through. The library was a popular location for school field trips. *page_break The library was a massive building, with two towers connected to its left and right side. You walked through the entrance, after pushing through the crowd, and witnessed the impressive view inside the library. Marble statues surrounded the far walls of the building, and expensive auburn rugs covered every inch of the floor. Early-Millennium artistry, such as paintings and exotic decor, hung all over the library. Ahead of you, tall shelves were lined with books regarding all manner of subjects regarding magic. Past the shelves, you saw a spiral staircase that led to another floor with innumerable shelves. The shelves had long, oak tables next to them for reading. Spherical lamps floated over the tables to give visitors optimal lighting. One section caught your eyes and you immediately approached it, "A-4: Spellcraft Disciplines" There were many topics available at this section. What would you like to read about? *hide_reuse *label books *choice #I'm interested in finding out more about conjuration. From "[i]The Essential Conjuration[/i]": *line_break "Conjuration is a subset of spellcrafting. It involves manipulating elementals (fire, water/ice, wind, and lightning) through mana. Conjuration is also used to summon elementals of a particular group, given an individual has enough mana. Attempting to summon an elemental, even a lesser spirit, requires a large amount of mana. Moreover, an elemental will only be summoned given that the individual has a contract with the spirit. This discipline emphasizes destruction, but can be used for utility and defense as well." *line_break *line_break You return the book to the shelf. *page_break What will you read next? *goto books #I'm interested in learning more about healing. From "[i]So You Want To Be A Healer?[/i]": *line_break "Healing is a subset of spellcrafting. It involves using mana to mend wounds and create defensive barriers. In rare occasions, healing magic can also be used offensively against creatures sensitive to holy light. Healing magic involves intensive mana manipulation, and is often difficult for most to master." *line_break *line_break You return the book to the shelf. *page_break What will you read next? *goto books #I would like to know more about creation. From "[i]The Profound Potential of Creation[/i]": *line_break "Creation is a subset of spellcrating. It involves using mana to fuse, levitate, and disassemble objects. Despite its name, creation magic cannot make objects out of thin air. Fusing two objects together is often the most hazardous usage of this discipline, and if the individual's magic lacks potency, or the objects are simply incompatible, the spell will fail to fuse the objects. Sometimes, this failure will result in catastrophic results. Using mana to levitate objects is actually not exclusively used for creation magic, but due to difficulties in categorizing levitation, it has been included under the creation subset." *line_break *line_break You return the book to the shelf. *page_break What will you read next? *goto books #I would like to read about spellcrafting. From "[i]The Basics of Magic: Spellcrafting[/i]": *line_break "Spellcrafting is the most basic form of magic, from which all other disciplines are derived from. In Aether, the term magic and spellcraft are often used synonymously; however they are not exactly the same. Spellcrafting specifically refers to manipulating energy in the atmosphere and the human body, commonly called mana, to complete a specific task. Whereas, magic is a generic term simply used to describe all forms of spellcrafting subsets and disciplines, including spellcrafting itself. It is important to note that, it is not uncommon for an individual to be skilled in one particular subset of spellcrafting, but not spellcrafting itself. Being able to wield and manipulate mana, in all its forms for all disciplines, is quite rare. Thus, spellcrafters often become specialized in a particular discipline." *line_break *line_break You return the book to the shelf. *page_break What will you read next? *goto books #I want to read more about dark magic, and its controversial history. From "[i]A Dark History, The Result of Forbidden Magic[/i]": *line_break "Dark magic refers to necromancy, void magic, and dark energy manipulation. In rare occasions, dark magic can be used to forcefully coerce a spirit into a contract for summoning (Editor's note: It seems the author has a strong bias against dark magic. While it's true that dark magic can be used to force a spirit to a contract, there are spirits and creatures that will only accept a contract through dark magic, exclusively. The nature of such creatures will not be discussed here further, since it digresses too far from the book). Dark magic is illegal to use, but not to study in Aether. So long as research is specifically restricted to theories, an individual is free to learn about dark magic. *line_break Dark magic was forbidden due to its ability to control the undead and its potential for devastating backlash. An individual who failed casting void magic would end up destabilizing the mana around them, leading to severe injuries. In the Moon Year 1123, a student at The Spell Academy attempted to use void energy for nefarious ends. The student in question attempted to kill their professor for failing them in class by using dark magic. The spell failed, and claimed the life of both the professor and the student responsible for the spell. Such occurrences are commonplace when one dabbles in forbidden magic." *line_break *line_break You return the book to the shelf. *page_break What will you read next? *goto books #Actually, I've seen all I wanted to see. I exit through the gift shop. *goto giftshop *label giftshop The exit was located inside the left tower of the library. The gift shop was a spectacle to see. All manners of magical objects were on display, some were even usable for demonstrations, and you couldn't help but look at the store in wonder. Towards one side of the room, you saw a large, glass counter displaying books about magic. The books look like they were available for purchase. You approached the counter, hoping not everything is too expensive. An attendant greeted you, "Hello, is there anything in particular you're interested in?" You thought for a moment... *choice #You saw a red, leather book with the title, "Conjuration Manifesto: Taking Your Magic To The Next Level." It costed 150 coins. *set coins -150 *set conjuration +4 (Conjuration +4) *goto goinghome #You saw a simple white book with gold lettering. You read the title, "Healing And Its Clever Uses." It costed 150 coins. *set coins -150 *set healing +4 (Healing +4) *goto goinghome #You saw a black book with pictures of builders constructing skyscrapers with magic. The title read, "Creation For The Aspiring Experts." It costed 150 coins. *set coins -150 *set creation +4 (Creation +4) *goto goinghome #You saw a book wrapped in a colorful fabric. It read, "Mana Manipulation For The Intermediate Spellcrafters." It costed 150 coins. *set coins -150 *set spellcraft +4 (Spellcraft +4) *goto goinghome *selectable_if (coins > 400) #You saw an intricately decorated book. It's cover was embroidered with silver threads. The title read, "All-In-One: The Importance of Versatile Magic (12th Edition)." It costed 500 coins. *set coins -500 *set spellcraft +3 *set healing +3 *set conjuration +3 *set creation +3 (Spellcraft, Healing, Conjuration, and Creation +3) *goto goinghome #Actually, you weren't interested in anything. *goto nobooks *label nobooks *line_break You respectfully declined the attendant, "No thanks, I'm just looking." "Of course. Thank you for visiting The Spellcrafting Library of Lahar." You took the bus home with a satisfied smile. *line_break *goto goinghome2 *label goinghome *line_break You placed the book in a durable bag, complimentary for all customers of the library. *goto goinghome2 *label goinghome2 When you arrived home, you knocked on the door. The door opened and your mom greeted you, "Welcome back, ${fname}. How was the library?" You recounted your day. Seeing a spectacle like The Spellcrafting Library was a good mini-vacation before your summer class tomorrow. *page_break The first day of summer class The next day, you woke up early. Your mother was already awake, and your father had already left for work. You bid your mom goodbye and started your first day of summer class. *page_break The professor teaching ${summer} class was a small woman. She was the same height as you, and you were certain she was much older than you. She carried oversized textbooks that looked comical when she carried them. Needless to say, the other five students were staring at their tiny professor. She set the large books at an even larger desk, and she turned to the class. "Welcome, class! I'm Professor Adeline, but you may call me Addy, if you wish." She spoke with an earnest tone, but none of the other students reciprocated her energy. She continued, despite the thickly apathetic nature of the classroom, "Right! Well ${summer} isn't as difficult as other spellcrafters make it out to be; in fact, we're going to practice mana manipulation right now to see what you can do." All six of us were instructed to stand in opposing sides of the library, and we generated basic ${summer} magic for Addy. *page_break She inspected each of us, and grunted and nodded at various points. When she was satisfied, she told us to stop. "Well, it's clear to me why some of you aren't doing very well. Some of you are hoarding mana when you cast spells. I'm looking at you Mr. Claymore." A boy with a sandy brown hair looked up, "What's wrong with the way I'm casting?" "You, in particular, are only expending a fraction of what you should be using. Magic is no good if you aren't the least bit confident or comfortable. As it stands, you're holding yourself back." The boy looked down awkwardly, "I don't think expending too much of my mana is such a good idea." Addy looked at him, "And why is that Mr. Claymore?" "Because the last time I used my full mana capacity, I lost control." *page_break Addy nodded, "Yes, yes. I've been informed about that incident, but for the moment you should practice the basics of mana manipulation. You won't be able to cast effectively without this knowledge at hand." The boy nodded obediently, "Yes, professor." Addy turned to you, "And you, ${gsuffix} ${family_name}. It's clear to see that you're not lacking in mana, either. However, the way you cast ${summer} magic is too forceful. Release your spells with finesse, don't simply fling them out of your fingertips like yesterday's waste." You nodded, "Yes, Professor Adeline." Professor Adeline was incredibly adept at spellcrafting. In addition, she had the uncanny ability to observe any flaw in someone's spells. No matter how minute it was, she could immediately see the imperfections that plagued your magic. Mr. Adelich had been right, summer class is going to be a great asset to you. Your class continued for the rest of the day, until afternoon. You were somewhat tired from all the spell drills, but you seemed to have immediately benefited from it. Though it isn't drastic, you could tell your ${summer} magic has already improved (+3 to ${summer} magic). *if (summer = "conjuration") *set conjuration +3 *goto day2 *elseif (summer = "healing") *set healing +3 *goto day2 *elseif (summer = "creation") *set creation +3 *goto day2 *else *set spellcraft +3 *goto day2 *label day2 *page_break *set fmeter %+10 During the evening, you received a call at night. When you answered, a familiar voice answered, "${fname}! You missed my call this morning." It was ${school_friend}! You thought ${noun3} was too busy visiting Muria. "Oh, sorry. I was in class today." "Oops. I forgot your summer class began today." "Yeah, the class itself isn't too bad, but the teacher is something else. Have you ever met Professor Adeline?" *line_break *if (school_friend = "Aron") *goto Aron2 *elseif (school_friend = "Danae") *goto Danae2 *elseif (school_friend = "Jericho") *goto Jericho2 *elseif (school_friend = "Erika") *goto Erika2 *elseif (school_friend = "Ray") *goto Ray2 *else *goto Alana2 *label Aron2 *line_break "Wait did you say, Adeline? She's somewhat of a celebrity in Muria." "Is that true? What's she doing teaching in a small school like Kael's, then?" "I said somewhat of a celebrity, not that she actually is." "What makes you say that?" "She's been in a bunch of interviews for spellcrafting magazines and newspapers." He continued, "I read that she graduated at the top of her class in The Moon Year 1632. She's a well-respected teacher in Lahar." "That still doesn't answer my question, if she's well-respected, then why is she teaching in a tiny school like Kael's?" He replied, "I don't know, but there are a few rumors swirling around her. Rumor has it that she used spellcraft on an especially rowdy group of students." "Whoa, that would be a scandal." "It was, although, apparently there was a massive cover-up if my sources are correct." Out of curiosity, you asked, "What source [i]did[/i] you get this from?" *page_break There was a moment of silence. "Aron?" He spoke hesitantly, "I... uh... got it from [i]Spellcrafters Monthly[/i]." You realized why he didn't want to answer. Spellcrafters Monthly was a tabloid magazine; except, instead of celebrity actors and actresses, it focused on scandals revolving around spellcrafters. "You read that stuff, Aron?" "Hey, no need to get judgy on me. Spellcrafters Monthly releases articles on magic too, which is mainly why I read it." He wasn't wrong. They did release articles on magic, but that didn't happen as often as he made it out to be. You rolled your eyes, "No, I believe you." He spoke warily, "Just don't piss her off. I heard she's really strict, especially when it comes to punishments." "Yeah, I got that. She ran a tight ship in class today." You continued, "Well, here's to hoping she's not as bad as she seems." The rest of the evening passes peacefully. You and Aron spoke late into the night, until you both became too sleepy. *goto wakeup *label Danae2 *line_break "No, I'm afraid not. I've never taken any of her classes before, but, I did hear she's very strict." "Strict, huh? Her reputation precedes her, she kept everyone on a short leash today." "Aww, I'm sorry. Maybe she's actually nice, but she wants to put up a tough front?" "Who knows, for sure?" You continued, "Anyway, what have you been up to in Muria, Danae? Did you visit The Spell Academy?" "Oh, we did, but they were closed today for renovations. Plus, I wasn't attending any of their summer programs." "Why not? I've taken their summer programs before and it was both helpful and fun." *page_break "Oh, well my parents can't afford it." Uh-oh. You forgot that Danae's parents weren't the wealthiest people. Unlike you, she came from a small, rural town. Her parents have struggled to adjust to city life. Despite this, Danae still somehow manages to put a smile on her face despite her hardships. You replied, "Sorry, I didn't mean to--" "No, it's okay! I know you didn't mean anything by it. Besides, I'm having a great time in Muria. My grandmother runs a little restaurant here. So, I'm always eating fancy food." "Impressive, running a restaurant in Muria is quite difficult. What kind of food does she serve?" "She serves haute Estenian-Lahar fusion. You should try her creamy vegetable roast! It's really delicious!" Danae continues to talk about her trip at length. The rest of the evening passes peacefully. You and Danae spoke late into the night, until you both became too sleepy. *goto wakeup *label Jericho2 *line_break There was silence, and a few awkward moments pass. "Jericho?" "You need to get out of that class, ${fname}! Addy's evil! She was a brutal teacher in my creation class!" "You're exaggerating. I just took her class today, she wasn't that bad." "That's because you're a great magician, and you already have a reputation for being talented! But she's merciless if she thinks your incompetent." You heard his voice quiver. Was Addy really that bad? "Hey, Jericho... stop kidding. You're scaring me." "${fname}, you don't know scary. Addy seems like a happy, midget magician. That is of course, until you get on her [b]bad[/b] side." "Bad side?" "That's right, Addy's infamous [b]bad[/b] side." *page_break "How bad is her bad side?" "All I heard is that she took a student out of class for annoying her, and put him inside a concrete prison." "Wait, you mean she used magic on a student? That's illegal isn't it?" He replied, "It wasn't made illegal in magic schools until The Moon Year 1643." Jericho continued telling you horror stories regarding Addy. At the end of the night, you never got to ask about Jericho's trips. The night passes somewhat peacefully, although you were a bit too nervous to sleep. Jericho's stories have a way of making you shiver. *goto wakeup *label Erika2 *line_break "Adeline? Yeah, I know her. I hated taking her class." "What class did you take with her?" "Healing. She was really good, but she just too harsh. Half of the kids in my class were too scared to even ask questions to her, in fear of getting reprimanded." "Was she that bad?" "Absolutely. She even picked on this one boy during the whole semester. I felt pity for the poor thing." "Did she do anything to the boy, specifically?" She replied, "Yes, she did! During the second to last week of the semester, the boy forgot to turn in his project, so Adeline forced him to do intensive healing magic exercises for the whole school day! I don't remember what happened to the boy that day, but I believe he collapsed from exhaustion." "That is quite intense!" "You're telling me ${fname}? I witnessed this boy suffer in class!" You suddenly became worried, what if Adeline did the same thing to you? You wondered if you would have been able to hold out against her class exercises. The rest of the evening passes peacefully. You and Erika spoke late into the night, until you both became too sleepy. *goto wakeup *label Ray2 *line_break "Adeline, huh? No, I never spoke to her. Although I heard she's really tiny." "Uh, yeah. I guess she is a bit shorter than everyone else. But I that's not what I mean. I was asking have you met anyone who knows about her personally?" "Hmm, personally? Not really." You sighed, typical Ray. Sometimes, you weren't sure if it was due to apathy or if he was simply blissfully ignorant. Ray spoke, "Hey, wanna hear where I went to today? You're never going to believe it." "You're in Muria, right?" "Yeah, but more importantly, I went to see a game of Luxis!" *if (luxisknown = 0) *line_break *set luxisknown +1 Luxis is a popular sport in Lahar. The goalie was responsible for preventing the enemy team from scoring using any spells at their disposal, so long as the ball isn't destroyed or damaged. Meanwhile, five team members from the opposing team charged the goalie, using only physical enhancement spells that made them stronger or faster. The defending team only has three members assisting goalie in defending to offset the goalie's advantage. When the timer was up, both teams switched between offense and defense." *line_break *goto morefromRay *else *goto morefromRay *label morefromRay "Whoa, the tickets for the games are usually expensive right?" "Yeah, but my uncle knows someone from the Muria Guardians, so we were able to get tickets for free." "Muria Guardians? Who were they playing against?" "Oh, some group called the Raft Waders. I'm pretty sure they're a new team that came out this year." "Who won the game?" "Who do you think? The Guardians of course! The Waders were crushed 0 to 28. It was a massive landslide." Ray wasn't athletic, but he loved talking about sports. Luxis is his favorite, right next to Mugol Ball. You were glad that Ray was passionate about something at least. When he's at school he doesn't even show a hint of enthusiasm or excitement, much less happiness or satisfaction. The rest of the evening passes peacefully. You and Ray spoke late into the night, until you both became too sleepy. *goto wakeup *label Alana2 *line_break "Adeline? Oh, you mean Addy! I love Addy! She gets this funny expression on her face when she gets mad." "Did you take her class before, Alana?" "Yup, she was always bagging on kids who were too lazy. Luckily, I'm not one of them!" "At least you avoided Addy's wrath." "I know right? The other students think she's super scary when she gets mad, but I think it just makes her look cute!" Clearly, Muria wasn't able to dampen Alana's bizarre sensibilities. "Oh, I almost forgot, how's Muria?" *page_break "Squeee!" There it was, Alana's signature phrase. She continued, "I'm glad you asked, ${fname}! Muria is so amazing! I squee at every tourist attraction I arrive at!" You can only imagine what people think of Alana, and the number of stares she receives. Alana was thickly oblivious of others opinion of her. Fortunately, that suits her just fine. She's a very bizarre person, but she was happy-go-lucky at least. The rest of the evening passes peacefully. You and Alana spoke late into the night, until you both became too sleepy. *goto wakeup *label wakeup *page_break A few days later, Professor Adeline paired each student with a partner. Your assigned partner was the boy from a few days before; the one with sandy brown hair. He was the same height as you, and he wore glasses that hid his smoky-gray eyes. He was the same age as you, and he had soft features that contrasted his sharp eyes. Looking at him, he was fairly good-looking. Did you find him attractive? *temp nothim 0 *choice #He was certainly easy on the eyes. I find boys like him attractive, in general. *set orientation "male" *goto greeting #No, I don't normally find boys attractive. He was no different. I prefer the company of women. *set orientation "female" *goto greeting #Yes, I find him attractive. In general, I find my eyes wandering to both men and women. *set orientation "bisexual" *goto greeting #I don't find him particularly attractive, but I do find other boys attractive. *set nothim +1 *set orientation "male" *goto greeting *label greeting The boy extended his hand towards you, "Nice to meet you, ${fname}. My name is Hane." He somehow knew your name, but you're not sure if you've ever met him before. "Nice to meet you, Hane. Have we met before?" Hane replied, "I don't think we have. This is our first time meeting, ${fname}, but your reputation as The ${title1} isn't exactly a secret at Kaelich's." You were a bit stunned by this development, "I didn't know I was so popular." "Well, that's one way of putting it. Actually, some of the students at Kaelich's are envious. Having a good reputation at Kaelich's is a good step towards getting accepted at The Spell Academy." Professor Adeline must have overheard you and Hane talking, because she suddenly appears beside you both, "Students, if you're going to simply chatter away, then perhaps I should switch your partners?" Hane spoke earnestly, "Sorry Professor Adeline, it won't happen again. We were simply making small talk." She seemed to be satisfied with that response and nodded, "Then perhaps you and ${gsuffix} ${family_name} should return to the exercise at hand?" You both answered, "Yes, professor." *page_break *set hmeter +10 She turned away and scouted the room for any further disruptions. She ran towards a different group, and began barking at them to get back to the exercise. You and Hane watched the sideshow with amusement. He spoke, "Looks like Addy's more uptight than I gave her credit for." You replied, "She strikes me as the perfectionist type." He looked at you observantly, "And what type of person are you, ${fname}?" You were thoughtful for a moment... *choice #"I'm usually calm, and I'm not one to get excited very easily." *set calmness +13 *set excitability -13 *goto htalk #"I'm prone to high levels of energy, I'm excitable by default." *set excitability +13 *set calmness -13 *goto htalk #"I tend to be analytic. I usually rely on logic to solve my problems." *set intellect +13 *set intuition -13 *goto htalk #"I am intuitive by nature. There are matters that you can't always rationalize, and can only be found through one's instinct." *set intuition +13 *set intellect -13 *goto htalk *label htalk *line_break Hane nodded, "That makes sense. Although, I'm curious what you'll do with your gifts when taking your personality into account." He continued, "I'm sure you'll make good use of it. You're not like the other students in this class. I can tell just by the way you carry yourself, and the way you cast magic." Hane's compliment made you smile. Although, considering that nature of Kaelich's competitiveness, it's easy to think that he has some nefarious scheme. However, that doesn't seem to be the case here, and Hane is genuinely expressing a compliment. "Thank you. I don't know what to say, considering that I got both of us in trouble with Addy." Hane's tone shifted from earnest kindness to one of friendly sarcasm, "I know right? I can't believe The ${title1} is such a troublemaker." You replied... *choice #"It takes a troublemaker to know a troublemaker." *set hmeter +10 This made Hane laugh. Hane had a jovial note to his laughter that was infectious. Soon you were also laughing, and it wasn't long before Addy returned with a sour face, "What did I just say Mr. Claymore and ${gsuffix} ${family_name}?" However, Addy's angry presence only served to propagate Hane's jovial laughter. Addy's expression relaxed, "Well, Mr. Claymore. Since you look like you're having such a great time, I'll see you an hour before class tomorrow for a special mana exercise." Hane's laughter slowly faded, "Oh, yes ma'am. Sorry, ma'am." Addy nodded, and turned away. *goto afterschool *selectable_if (orientation != "female") #"You seem like the type to like troublemakers." (flirt) *set hmeter +10 *set romance "Hane" *set lnoun "he" *set love +1 Hane looked up at you with a smile. Your eyes met for a moment, almost as if you were both assessing each other. Finally, he spoke, "Actually, no, not really. But in your case, ${gsuffix} ${family_name}, I can make an exception." Hane pulled out a piece of paper and started writing on it. When he was finished, he handed it to you. It was his cellphone number, "You know. If you ever wanted to talk." He was clearly nervous about doing this, but you were more than willing to have his number. You looked behind Hane and saw Addy headed back towards the two of you, with a sour expression. You nodded at him and put the paper in your pocket. When Addy arrived she immediately turned to Hane, "Mr. Claymore, if you can't focus on this mana exercise, then perhaps you'll focus tomorrow morning an hour before class. Considering the state of your ${summer}, you're bound to fail by your third year." Hane hung his head in embarrasment, "Yes, ma'am." She added, "If it weren't for Mr. Adelich's gleaming opinion of you, ${fname}, then you would be joining Mr. Claymore. However, you are not as in desperate need of help as Hane." Addy turned away and returned to her desk. *goto afterschool #"Perish the thought. I'm clearly an angel who's been tainted by your ne'er-do-well attitude." *set amity +6 *set hostility -6 *set hmeter +6 Hane rolled his eyes, "Of course. We wouldn't want my ne'er-do-well disposition to rub off on you." His voice was sardonic, yet he was smiling. You couldn't help but snicker at his comment. Sarcasm was an off-putting tone for Hane. His face was gentle, and you would never expect such verbal ribbing from someone like him. Hane followed your snicker with a light laughter. To your dismay, Addy returned and she was standing behind Hane, "Mr. Claymore! If you can't find the time of day to focus on the exercise, then perhaps you'll take the time tomorrow? Come an hour early to class tomorrow; I will have a special mana exercise prepared specifically for you." Hane nodded with a downcast gaze, "Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am." She added, "If it weren't for Mr. Adelich's gleaming opinion of you, ${fname}, then you would be joining Mr. Claymore. However, you are not as in desperate need of help as Hane." Addy turned away and returned to her desk. *goto afterschool *label afterschool Both you and Hane smiled, but you were wary of making any more conversation in class considering Addy's current mood. The rest of the class continued with basic-level ${summer}. Addy seems to avoid you and Hane for the rest of the day. Undoubtedly, this is to keep her blood pressure from rising due to stress. Towards the end of class, you and Hane swapped cellphone numbers. Aside from personal reasons, it was also so that you could assist each other regarding your ${summer} class. When the afternoon arrived, you were glad to be able to finally go home. *page_break *if (love > 0) *goto hane1 *else *goto afterschool2 *label hane1 After class, you found Hane waiting outside the classroom, "Hey, ${fname}, I wanted to ask if you were free this afternoon." You replied, "I'm free all afternoon." You smiled, "What are we going to do?" "Well, it's not as devious as what happened with Addy, today." You shook your head, "Sarcasm doesn't suit you Mr. Claymore." He laughed, "Oh, I was under the impression that you enjoyed that type of humor." "I do, but only to a moderate degree. You look too refined for that kind of humor." Hane took off his glasses, "What about now? Do I still look too refined?" You looked into his eyes, entranced by the swirling smoky-gray in his eyes. Without his glasses, Hane looked even more attractive to you. *page_break "${fname}? Is there something on my face?" He was genuinely confused. You regained your composure, "Oh, it's nothing. But don't always use sarcasm, it doesn't suit you very well." He smiled, "I don't know if I can impress your refined humor. But it's a challenge I accept." You asked, "Where are we going today?" "I hope you don't mind a little bit of walking. Layton Hill is only five minutes from here." You walked the busy streets of Furze with Hane. At one point, he held your hand during traffic. *if (gender = "Male") Two boys holding hand isn't really looked down upon in Furze. In large cities like Furze and Muria, same-gendered couples are treated with the same level of respect as straight couples. You catch the occasional glance from strangers, but most, if not all, were simply smiling at the sight of young love. *line_break *goto hane2 *else *goto hane2 *label hane2 *line_break When you arrived at Layton Hill, you found other couples and a few families lounging in the grassy patches. Each family and couple in Layton Hill used colorful wool blankets to lay on the grass. Unfortunately, neither of you had a blanket to use, but you planned on sitting on the bare grass, regardless. Layton Hill is near the eastern district of Furze. The land here is often moist from the humidity, which causes naturally occurring flora to grow in abundance. You and Hane went to the top of Layton Hill to witness the orange sun descend into the pink horizon. Hane looked at you and your eyes met again. *choice #I held his hand and leaned my head on his shoulder. *set hmeter +10 Your fingers intertwine, like the roots of a tree. You both watched the sunset as it shifts from an iridescent pink to a calm, dark blue. *goto hane3 #I smiled at him, this is nice. *set hmeter +7 Hane smiles back. You feel serene and calm, despite your fluttering heart. The sun descends, and the pink sky shifts from bright iridescence to a calm, dark blue. *goto hane3 #I decided to rest my head on his lap. *set hmeter +10 He strokes your head gently, and you both watch the sunset. The sky shifts from an iridescent pink, to a calm, dark blue. *goto hane3 *label hane3 *line_break When the sunset ends, you both get up. Hane spoke first, "We should do this again sometime, I had a great time." You replied, "Me too. I'd like to see you again." You parted ways in a blissful mood. *page_break *label afterschool2 *if (summer = "conjuration") *set conjuration +3 *goto afterschool3 *elseif (summer = "healing") *set healing +3 *goto afterschool3 *elseif (summer = "creation") *set creation +3 *goto afterschool3 *else *set spellcraft +3 *goto afterschool3 *label afterschool3 When you arrived home, you were somewhat tired. Despite this, you can feel that your ${summer} magic has clearly gotten better from today's class. You've noticed yet another small, but noticeable improvement (+3 to ${summer} magic). *page_break When you woke up the next morning you realized you were late. The events yesterday drained your energy more than you had expected. You looked at your phone to look at the time, but instead you saw a message from Hane on your cellphone, "Don't go to school. I made a mistake. Stay away at all cost." The ominous message left by Hane baffled you. You wondered what could have happened at school. Then, you quickly remembered that Hane came to school one hour early today because of Addy's special mana exercise. You got dressed, as quickly as possible. You were in such haste that you skipped breakfast altogether. You said goodbye to both of your parents as your hurried out the door. Needless to say, they were confused by your haste. It's clear that Hane wanted you stay away from school. What caused you to ignore the warning? *choice #I may have only known Hane for a few days, but he's a friend of mine, and I feel partially responsible for getting him in trouble yesterday. *set amity +6 *set hostility -6 *set hmeter +5 You've only spoken for a few days, but you considered Hane your friend. In addition, you believed that the only reason Hane was in this situation is because you were both disruptive in class. This was simply your way of fixing mistakes you've made. *goto danger *selectable_if (romance = "Hane") #Hane is special to me. If he's in trouble, I want to be there for him. *set hmeter +8 After yesterday's date, you felt a special attachment to Hane. When you saw the message on your phone, you only hoped that he was safe. You ran to school, in hopes of helping him. *goto danger #It's because there's danger that I want to go. *set excitability +5 *set calmness -5 Perhaps it's courage, or perhaps it's just reckless bravado. Regardless, the danger of the situation seemed to be very real. Hane isn't the type to make light of dangerous scenarios. You were worried for everyone at Kael's and Hane. *goto danger #A real-life scenario is the perfect opportunity to show off what I've learned. My skills may truly be put to the test, and that excites me. *set excitability +8 *set calmness -8 *set hmeter -3 You thought this was the perfect opportunity to see what you're really made of. Your skills have been trained for moments like this. The danger was real, and the glory to be gained was equally as real. *goto danger *label danger *line_break As you ran to school, you couldn't shake a feeling of dread spreading throughout your body. Before you arrived at Kaelich's, you found out the reason for your dread. There was smoke rising in the direction of Kaelich's. It looks as though help had not arrived yet, and curious onlookers pointed at the clouds of gray smoke. Despite the crowd, none had called the emergency services. This was due to the fact that Kaelich's was a magic school. By their logic, the smoke may have been caused by a simple classroom accident, nothing more. Those outside the spellcrafting world are often blissfully unaware of how dangerous magic can really be. When you arrived at Kaelich's, the library was ablaze and you recognized four of your classmates from summer class lying unconscious in different areas of the playground. However, you couldn't find any signs of Hane amongst them. fortunately, the students were still alive. Each of them was covered in light burns and black soot. *page_break An explosion emanated from the library, and the west wing collapsed on itself. You heard a tremendous roar coming from behind the library. Against common sense, you sprinted towards the noise. You had a feeling Hane was at the center of all this. When you arrived at the location of the noise, you saw a towering mass of fire standing on two legs. It's body was covered in billowing flames, and it had large curving horns that could impale a large beast. It was a Greater Fire Demon. Behind the demon, you saw Hane. His body was unconscious. Guarding his body was Professor Adeline, still awake. She was maintaining an advanced-level barrier around the two of them. She saw you and screamed, "Get out of here, ${fname}! You can't fight it!" Before you could respond to Professor Adeline, the demon flung several fireballs towards you. *temp damage 0 *temp status "Unharmed" *if (damage = 0) *set status "Unharmed" *goto fight1 *elseif (damage = 1) *set status "Light Injury" *goto fight1 *elseif (damage = 2) *set status "Heavy Injury" *goto fight1 *elseif (damage = 3) *set status "Incapacitated" *goto fight1 *label fight1 *choice #The fireballs were moving at a snail's pace, I nimbly dodge them. *set swiftness +3 *if (swiftness >= 5) You jumped to the side, and the fireballs miss you by a wide margin. The demon had strength, but it lacked accuracy (Swiftness +3). *goto demon1 *else *set damage +1 The fireballs grazed you, and left you with light burn marks. You weren't fast enough to dodge them (Swiftness +3). *goto demon1 #I forged a force field around my body. The field would heal me, while simultaneously preventing damage. *set healing +3 *if (healing >= 5) The fireballs were repelled by your barrier. A few of them were able to harm you, but your healing was able to mend the wounds (Healing +3). *goto demon1 *else *set damage +1 Your barrier was quickly depleted. The oncoming barrage of fireballs was only mildly mitigated by your healing, and you came away with mild burns (Healing +3). *goto demon1 #I conjured a wall of ice to counteract the fireballs. *set conjuration +3 *if (conjuration >= 5) The ice took the full blow of the fireballs, and it crumbled after more than a dozen fireballs directly hit it. It worked, your ice wall had staved off the first wave of the demon's attack (Conjuration +3). *goto demon1 *else *set damage +1 Your icewall quickly crumbled. Several fireballs pierced through, and grazed you. You were left with mild burn marks (Conjuration +3). *goto demon1 #I created a temporary wall from the lying debris using magic. *set creation +3 *if (creation >= 5) The wall you fused together from debris was sturdier than the fireballs. It broke after the last wave, but you're in the clear for now (Creation +3). *goto demon1 *else *set damage +1 The wall was destroyed after only a few fireballs. It crumbled, and the remaining fireballs grazed you. You're left with mild burn marks (Creation +3). *goto demon1 #I summoned several skeletons to act as a meat shield. (Adeline will not notice this). *set darkness +3 Adeline's gaze were glued to the demon's attack. Her expression was one of fear and horror. *line_break *line_break *if (darkness >= 5) The skeletons you summoned fell one after the other, but they managed to block all of the fireballs. Luckily, the skeletons were covered in bright flames. Adeline took no notice of your spell (Darkness +3). *goto demon1 *else *set damage +1 The skeletons were eliminated in one fell swoop, but the fireballs kept coming. You managed to summon one more skeleton which mitigated some of the damage, but you've been left with mild burns marks (Darkness +3). *goto demon1 *label demon1 *temp demonlife 5 *temp demonstatus *line_break *if (damage = 0) *set status "Unharmed" *goto between *elseif (damage = 1) *set status "Light Injury" *goto between *elseif (damage = 2) *set status "Heavy Injury" *goto between *elseif (damage = 3) *set status "Incapacitated" *goto between *label between Status: ${status} The demon recklessly threw one fireball after another. This time you were able to block each one with your magic, the demon roared in anger. You noticed almost immediately that the demon was sluggish, and that, despite its massive size, it lacked strength when using its attacks. Despite the fact that the demon is unharmed, you realized that the it must be exhausted and tired; which, can only mean Adeline was fending off this greater demon, by herself, longer than you could have imagined. You expected no less from a formidable professor such as her. You hear Professor Adeline yelling again, "${fname}, run! This demon is too dangerous!" This wasn't the time to argue, but you wanted to keep Hane safe while making sure Adeline wasn't in danger as well. You can only hope that this demon lacked the energy to fight, and that you would win with this demon's handicap. You looked at Addy and realized she was injured. There was a large cut going from the top of her right shoulder, all the way down to her torso. She was bleeding profusely. You realized that it was taking all her strength to maintain the shield. *page_break "Professor! Take Hane and get out of here." Adeline replied, "No! You can't take it on alone!" You were getting frustrated, "Just go! I will handle this demon. As it stands you are in no shape to fight, and the injured students in the playground won't survive if I don't distract the demon." Adeline winced. She knew you were right, but whether it's out of concern or because of her pride you weren't sure. She was hesitant to agree. Finally, she yelled, "Fine! But I need you to buy some time. I'm in no shape to run, and I can't use teleportation magic without bringing down my barrier." You nodded to her and yelled, "Alright, I'll buy you some time." Fortunately the demon seems to be focused on you, and hurls a lone fireball. You block it with ease using the debris around you. "Hey, ugly! Come and get me!" You conjured a snowball in your hand and threw it at the demon to distract it. It roars, looks like it worked. Meanwhile, Addy's barrier has been brought down, and she began casting a complex teleportation spell. Her eyes were closed, and she was in a deeply focused state. When the demon briefly stopped moving, you decided to launch an offensive. *choice #I picked up a steel bar lying in the debris as a weapon. I charged the demon, relying on my physical strength to damage it and my speed to dodge its counterattacks. *set combat +2 *set swiftness +2 *if ((combat >= 8) and (swiftness >= 8)) *set demonlife -1 The demon's body was covered in flame, which made it difficult to reach it's body with the steel bar in your hand. The demon swung at you, but it couldn't match your speed to successfully hit you. After realizing you'll never hit it from melee distance, you threw the steel bar like a spear and pierced its left arm. It howls in pain (Combat and Swiftness +2). *goto fight2 *else You ran towards the beast and managed to dodge most of the hits. However, it swung its right arm and you couldn't dodge it in time. You used the steel bar as a shield to block the hit, and it split in half. There goes you weapon (Combat and Swiftness +2). *goto fight2 #I conjured bolts of lightning from my palms and hurled it at the demon. *set conjuration +3 *if (conjuration >= 8) *set demonlife -1 Flashes of lightning pulsed from your hands and you stretched your arm towards the demon. The bolts jumped from your hands towards the demon. It struck its body with a satisfying crackle. It howls in pain (Conjuration +3). *goto fight2 *else The bolts of lightning you summoned fizzled quickly after being created. Your conjuration wasn't able to sustain the lightning. *goto fight2 #I focused my magic into a ball of energy and launched it from every direction. *set spellcraft +3 *if (spellcraft >= 8) *set demonlife -1 The ball of energy in your hand split into dozens of magic missiles. They all hit their mark and the demon was overwhelmed with the attack. It howled in pain (Spellcraft +3). *goto fight2 *else The ball of energy in your hand split into a few magic missiles. The demon blocks your attack with its flames, your attack was unsuccessful (Spellcraft +3). *goto fight2 #I summoned a skeleton knight to assault the demon. *set darkness +3 *if (darkness >= 8) *set demonlife -1 The skeleton knight you summoned was powerful. It wrestled the demon to the ground and managed to punch it several times. The demon howled in pain. In desperation, the demon sets fire to its surroundings and the skeleton knight crumbles (Darkness +3) *goto fight2 *else The skeleton knight was weaker than you expected. It faltered and the demon crushed it in one blow. Your attack was unsuccessful (Darkness +3). *goto fight2 *label fight2 *if (demonlife = 1) *set demonstatus "Near-Death" *goto demon2 *elseif (damage = 2) *set demonstatus "Very Weak" *goto demon2 *elseif (demonlife = 3) *set demonstatus "Weakened" *goto demon2 *elseif (demonlife = 4) *set demonstatus "Harmed and Lightly Weakened" *goto demon2 *elseif (demonlife = 5) *set demonstatus "Healthy and Unharmed" *goto demon2 *label demon2 Demon: ${demonstatus} The demon conjured a sword made from the flames around its body. Without the fire surrounding its body, you saw its large stature in full view. The demon was entirely red in color, and it looked perfectly humanoid. However, it's eyes were completely black, with no iris; and you could see its enraged expression in full view. It howled and charged for you. *choice #I leapt into the air to the dodge the charge, I relied entirely on my speed to outpace the demon. *set swiftness +3 *if (swiftness >= 8) The demon was charging very quickly at you, but you manage to outrun its pace. You jumped high into the air, away from the demon's path. The demon slammed into a wall behind you, and it seemed to have stopped attacking (Swiftness +3). *goto fight3 *else *set damage +1 The demon was too fast to outpace. You managed to dodge the demon's sword, but you were hit by the flames surrounding its body. Your body as been harmed by the flames (Swiftness +3). *goto fight3 #I conjured sub-zero frost from my fingers in an attempt to halt the demon. *set conjuration +3 *if (conjuration >= 8) You focused a beam of ice at the demon's feet in order to stop it. The demon's pace was gradually slowed until it couldn't move. Its feet were covered in thick blocks of ice (Conjuration +3). *goto fight3 *else *set damage +1 You focused a beam of ice at the demon's feet, but the flames surrounding its body quickly melted it. Your attempt to slow it down did not halt the demon completely. You rolled to the side to dodge the demon, but its sword was long enough to reach you. You've received a shallow cut and burn on your chest (Conjuration +3). *goto fight3 #I created multiple barricades from the debris to halt the demon. *set creation +3 *if (creation >= 8) You were able to quickly generate over half a dozen thick walls of concrete between you and the demon. By the time it reached your last barricade, the demon was completely halted by your barricades (Creation +3). *goto fight3 *else *set damage +1 You built walls of concrete as quickly as possible, but the demon's charge outpaced your ability to create. Your walls nearly halted it, but its sword of flame was able to reach you. You've been inflicted with shallow burns on your chest (Creation +3). *goto fight3 #I used spellcraft to generate a torrent of mana and flung it at the demon. *set spellcraft +3 *if (spellcraft >= 8) The beam of mana you've created didn't harm the demon, but it halted it completely within a few seconds (Spellcraft +3). *goto fight3 *else *set damage +1 The beam of mana you've created dissipated within seconds. You weren't able to maintain it long enough to halt the demon, but you rolled to the side to dodge it. The demon's flame sword managed to reach you, but only gave you minor burns to the chest (Spellcraft +3). *goto fight3 *label fight3 *if (damage = 0) *set status "Unharmed" *goto between2 *elseif (damage = 1) *set status "Light Injury" *goto between2 *elseif (damage = 2) *set status "Heavy Injury" *goto between2 *elseif (damage = 3) *set status "Incapacitated" *goto between2 *label between2 Status: ${status} You looked over at Addy who finished her spell. She looked at you, "Be careful. Headmaster Kane is on the way. Just stay alive!" Professor Adeline hugged Hane's body. They both disappeared after a blinding light covers them. It looks like Addy and Hane are safe. You looked at the demon who seemed to have stopped attacking. It's last attempt to attack you has left it utterly vulnerable. You pressed your advantage and decided to attack again. *choice #I used my healing magic to generate a purifying light to wreak havoc on the demon. *set healing +3 *if (healing >= 10) *set demonlife -1 The light you created intensified. The demon attempted to shield itself from the light to no avail (Healing +3). *goto demon3 *else The light you created began to fade. The demon withstood your attack with ease (Healing +3). *goto demon3 #I took a smoldering mass of debris and fused it together to create a battering ram. I hurled it at the demon. *set creation +3 *if (creation >= 10) *set demonlife -1 The battering ram slammed into the demon, who attempted to block it to no avail (Creation +3). *goto demon3 *else The battering ram was too small and was easily destroyed by the demon (Creation +3) *goto demon3 #I ran towards it and used magic to propel my body forward. I used my physical strength to throw a punch against the demon. *set combat +3 *if (combat >= 10) *set demonlife -1 Your attack sank into the demon's skin, and flung the demon's body a short distance ahead of you. The demon couldn't block your attack in time (Combat +3) *goto demon3 *else Your attack was easily blocked by the demon. Your physical strength was not strong enough to harm it (Combat +3). *goto demon3 #I used spellcraft to forge a mana bomb above the demon. *set spellcraft +3 *if (spellcraft >= 10) *set demonlife -1 A blue mass of energy hovered briefly over the demon's head, before plunging into its body. The mana bomb scathed its body and you could hear the demon roar in agony (Spellcraft +3). *goto demon3 *else The bomb prematurely detonated above the demon, rendering it useless. The demon is left unharmed (Spellcraft +3). *goto demon3 *label demon3 *if (demonlife = 1) *set demonstatus "Near-Death" *goto between3 *elseif (damage = 2) *set demonstatus "Very Weak" *goto between3 *elseif (demonlife = 3) *set demonstatus "Weakened" *goto between3 *elseif (demonlife = 4) *set demonstatus "Harmed and Lightly Weakened" *goto between3 *elseif (demonlife = 5) *set demonstatus "Healthy and Unharmed" *goto between3 *label between3 Demon: ${demonstatus} The demon became desperate. It's body was once again covered in flames, but this time the fire was twice as large as its body. The demon drew its fist back and paused for a moment. A few seconds later, the demon punched the air in front of it, and the immense coat of fire around its body flew from the demon's body towards you. The demon's massive attack was more powerful than any of its previous attempts to kill you. *choice #I forged a massive barrier using my healing magic. *set healing +3 *if (healing >= 15) The demon's attack was stopped dead in its track by the barrier you forged. You've succeeded in blocking the demon's desperate attack (Healing +3). *goto fight4 *else *set damage +1 The demon's attack was momentarily weakened by your barrier, but it managed to break through. You've been greatly harmed (Healing +3). *goto fight4 #I outpowered the demon's attack with a massive whirlwind of mana. I used spellcrafting to begin generating mana. *set spellcraft +3 *if (spellcraft >= 15) You rapidly generated mana and twisted it in the atmosphere in front of you. A raging whirlwind of mana sprung forth and canceled the demons desperate attack (Spellcraft +3). *goto fight4 *else *set damage +1 You generated as much mana as you could, but the whirlwind you had created was too weak to match the enemy's attack. You've been greatly harmed (Spellcraft +3). *goto fight4 #I created an energy void to absorb the demon's attack. Dark power emanated from the void. *set darkness +3 *if (darkness >= 15) The void in front of you swallowed the demon's attack whole. Nothing was left of the demon's desperate attempt (Darkness +3). *goto fight4 *else *set damage +1 The void in front of you crumbled under its own weight. Your dark magic wasn't strong enough to maintain it. You've been greatly harmed (Darkness +3). *goto fight4 #I conjured a massive fireball to cancel the demon's attack. *set conjuration +3 *if (conjuration >= 15) The fireball you conjured met the demon's attack head-on. In an instant, both attacks completely vanished in the explosion. You've canceled the demon's desperate attack (Conjuration +3). *goto fight4 *else *set damage +1 The fireball you conjured was consumed by the demon's attack. You've been greatly harmed (Conjuration +3). *goto fight4 *label fight4 *if (damage = 0) *set status "Unharmed" *goto between4 *elseif (damage = 1) *set status "Light Injury" *goto between4 *elseif (damage = 2) *set status "Heavy Injury" *goto between4 *elseif (damage = 3) *set status "Incapacitated" *goto between4 *label between4 Status: ${status} *if (damage > 2) You have sustained too much damage. *goto unconscious *else *goto demon4 *label demon4 *line_break In its desperate attempt to attack you, the demon looked like it was utterly exhausted. One last attack should take care of it. *choice #I mustered all the physical strength I had and leapt towards it using my great speed. My hand curled into a fist, as I descended on the weakened demon. *set combat +2 *set swiftness +2 *if ((combat >= 20) and (swiftness >= 20)) *set demonlife -1 The demon collapsed under your fist. Your body sank into the demon's skin, and it howled in pain. The demon lay on the ground, conscious but utterly weakened (Combat and Swiftness +2). *goto battlewin *else Despite your best attempts, the demon had some strength left and managed to stave your last attack. It lay on the ground, conscious but unable to move (Combat and Swiftness +2). *goto battlewin #I covered my hands in frosty ice, and fired sub-zero magic towards the demon's body. I conjured ice elementals around my palms to begin channeling it. *set conjuration +3 *if (conjuration >= 20) *set demonlife -1 The demon was helpless under the relentless frost. It thrashed once more, but it couldn't do anything against your magic. It lay on the ground, conscious but utterly weakened (Conjuration +3). *goto battlewin *else The demon thrashed once more, and managed to survive your frost magic (Conjuration +3). *goto battlewin #I created a massive hailstorm of debris above the demon, and I covered its body with concrete and metal. *set creation +3 *if (creation >= 20) *set demonlife -1 The swirling maelstrom overwhelmed the demon. Beneath the clangs of metal and the rumbling of broken concrete, the demon howled weakly. It lay on the ground, conscious but utterly weakened (Creation +3). *goto battlewin *else The maelstrom you created quickly fell apart. Your creation was not able to keep that many objects levitating all at once (Creation +3). *goto battlewin #I focused dark energy into the air above the demon, and attempted to impale it with a spear of crystallized dark energy. *set darkness +3 *if (darkness >= 20) *set demonlife -1 You focused your magic above the demon, and managed to crystallize dark energy into innumerable spears. The crystals hailed down upon the demon, who was helpless. It roared weakly, and it lay on the ground. It was conscious but utterly weakened (Darkness +3). *goto battlewin *else You crystalized a few spears, but you weren't able to make enough to harm the demon. It thrashed against your attack and came away no worse for wear (Darkness +3). *goto battlewin #I gathered mana into my arm, and created a blade made of pure energy. I swung the blade, and a massive wave of energy surged forward towards the demon. *set spellcraft +3 *if (spellcraft >= 20) *set demonlife -1 The wave of energy crashed against the demon, who was all but helpless against it. It roared faintly. It lay on the ground, conscious but utterly weakened (Spellcraft +3). *goto battlewin *else The wave of energy surged forward, but the demon blocked it with the last of its strength (Spellcraft +3). *goto battlewin *label battlewin *if (demonlife = 1) *set demonstatus "Near-Death" *goto battlewin2 *elseif (demonlife = 2) *set demonstatus "Very Weak" *goto battlewin2 *elseif (demonlife = 3) *set demonstatus "Weakened" *goto battlewin2 *elseif (demonlife = 4) *set demonstatus "Harmed and Lightly Weakened" *goto battlewin2 *elseif (demonlife = 5) *set demonstatus "Healthy and Unharmed" *goto battlewin2 *label battlewin2 Demon : ${demonstatus} *if (demonlife = 2) *goto battlewin3 *else *goto battleokay *label battlewin3 You looked at the demon cautiously. The flames from its body has long since died out, and it looked completely exhausted. You looked at its face, and for a moment, you looked directly into its eyes. "[i]Worthy...of me...[/i]" You heard a voice speak directly into your head. No one else was around you. It could only be the demon speaking to you. "[i]I am...Ulik...the boy who summoned me...was not worthy...but you are...[/i]" The voice continued, "[i]Bind me as your ally...and I will...grant you my power...[/i]" The demon was bargaining for its life. Perhaps it was completely desperate to survive? "[i]Bind us both...in a contract...and my power is yours...[/i]" What did you do? *label demonprize *hide_reuse *choice #Slay the demon. It will pay for harming the students of Kaelich's! *set creation +3 *set healing +3 *set spellcraft +3 *set conjuration +3 *set combat +3 *set swiftness +3 *set accolade1 "Demon Slayer" You put the demon down once and for all. It didn't take much effort at all, the demon was already at death's door. It gasped weakly, and then faded into nothing (Creation, Healing, Spellcraft, Conjuration, Combat, and Swiftness +3). Accolade "Demon Slayer" acquired. *goto unconscious #Purify the demon. This demon's presence has done enough. The students of this school must be granted peace knowing that the demon is gone. (Needed Healing at level 20 or higher) *line_break *if (healing >= 20) *set healing +6 *set spellcraft +6 *set creation +3 *set conjuration +3 *set accolade1 "Demon Purifier" You forged a purifying light, and the demon slowly burned into nothing. The students will be glad to know that the demon is dead (Healing and Spellcraft +6, Conjuration and Creation +3). Accolade "Demon Purifier" acquired. *goto unconscious *else The demon fought back against your magic. It seems as though your healing magic isn't strong enough to purify it. *goto demonprize #Bind the demon to a contract. (Needed Darkness at level 20 or higher) *line_break *if (Darkness >= 20) *set darkness +3 *set conjuration +3 *set demonbound +1 You extended your hands towards the demon and chanted, "Become bound to your true master." A circle of forbidden magic surrounded the demon, and it smiled, "[i]Thank you...worthy master...[/i]". The circle restored the demon's strength and it stood up. The flames on its body were set ablaze and were brighter than before. It spoke, "[i]I am Ulik! Greater Djinn of the Demon Plains. Summon me whenever it conveniences you, Master ${family_name}.[/i]" Ulik faded into your body, a testament to your contract with the djinn (Darkness and Conjuration +3, Demon Ally: Ulik, The Greater Djinn bound). *goto unconscious *else You attempted to create a contract, but you didn't have sufficient knowledge of forbidden arts to do so. Alas, you couldn't create a contract with magic. *goto demonprize #Convince the demon to help you without a contract. (Needed Charm above level 15). *line_break *if (Charm >= 16) *set charm +5 *set spellcraft +2 *set demonbound +1 You spoke to the demon with a devious look on your face, "I don't think you're in any position to bargain, demon. Come into my service, or my palms may accidentally freeze you where currently lie." The demon's face look terrified, "[i]Terrifying... even for a Greater Djinn...[/i]" You replied, "So, what'll it be? Become my servant, without this mumbo jumbo contract, or you become a popsicle." The demon looked pensive, "[i]Such a terrifying master... but worthy of Ulik's service... I am yours... [/i]". The demon extended its hand to you, and you shook it with yours. The demons body faded into yours, a testament of your contract with Ulik (Charm +5, Spellcraft +2, Demon Ally: Ulik, The Greater Djinn bound). *goto unconscious *else You attempted to intimidate the demon, but it didn't budge. "[i]The only way... is with contract...[/i]" *goto demonprize *label battleokay *set creation +3 *set conjuration +3 *set healing +3 *set spellcraft +3 *set title2 "of Demon Fighting" *set title "${title1} ${title2}" Despite the demon's injuries, it began casting teleportation magic. You attempted to interrupt it, but to no avail. The demon had enough mana and strength to escape you. However, at the very least, the students at Kaelich were safe from the demon (Title changed to "${title}", Creation, Conjuration, Healing, Spellcraft +3). *goto unconscious *label unconscious *page_break Your vision began to blur. Your knees buckled under your body and you crumpled to the ground. The battle with the demon has drained you of your strength. You looked ahead of you, and saw a man with white hair approach you. Before the man could speak, Your vision turns to black. *page_break When you woke up, you saw a pristine white sheet was covering your body. You looked around. The room was large, with several beds lined in two rows. You looked to your right, you saw Professor Adeline reading a book. A large wrap covered her from her shoulder to her torso. Gauze was also wrapped around her head. You suddenly realized where you were, Furze's National Hospital. You saw the man with white hair at the right side of the room. He was speaking to a nurse who seemed to be busy writing something down. He notices your gaze and approaches you, "Welcome back, ${gsuffix} ${family_name}. You've had quite the experience." You realized who the middle-aged man standing in front of you was, Headmaster Kane. *page_break *if (damage > 2) *goto knockedout *elseif (demonbound = 1) *goto demonismine *elseif (demonlife = 2) *goto demonkilled *else *goto knockedout *label knockedout The headmaster continued, "You fought valiantly ${fname}. It's not everyday you hear of a young student fight off a greater demon." He smiled at you. You lost to the demon, but your efforts were not in vain. You replied, "What happened to the demon?" "When I arrived, it was greatly weakened. I dealt the finishing blow to it." You sighed in relief. *goto explanation *label demonismine The headmaster continued, "You've done something extraordinary, ${fname}. It's not everyday a young student manages to live against a greater demon, much less actually kill it." He smiled at you. Headmaster Kane seems to be under the impression you killed it. You weren't about to divulge the truth, knowing that the demon was now your ally. *goto explanation *label demonkilled The headmaster continued, "You've done something extraordinary, ${fname}. It's not everyday a young student manages to live against a greater demon, much less actually kill it." He smiled at you. The headmaster is right. Being able to live against a demon is one thing, but being able to kill one at your age was something to admire. *goto explanation *label explanation "By the way, ${fname}, do you know why the demon was summoned in the first place?" You shook your head. The headmaster spoke, "Professor Adeline and Hane were practicing mana manipulation. It wasn't Addy's fault, she had no idea what Hane was capable of. She pushed him too far, and Hane's magic went haywire. What began as a simple mana exercise, was amplified into an advanced-level conjuration. Hane lost control, and the result was The Greater Fire Demon you just fought." *page_break Addy suddenly spoke up behind Kane, "Really, Headmaster. I wished you wouldn't speak as though I were not present." The headmaster turned to her, "Of course, I apologize, Adeline." Addy spoke, "Please don't punish Hane for this, Headmaster. The fault for this terrible accident is completely mine." "Don't worry, Hane will not be punished for this. He was simply following instructions. However, you could never have known that this would have happened. Hane is a special case, and many teachers have tried, and failed, to control his magic." You replied, "Headmaster, where is Hane?" Kane smiled again, "Hane is fine. He's currently resting in a different room. But you mustn't disturb him. Releasing a greater demon has utterly drained his strength. Not to mention he sustained injuries as well. The other students are fine as well. All in all, this could have been much worse." *page_break Headmaster Kane smiled once more before he turned away. When the Headmaster left, Professor Adeline spoke, "${gsuffix} ${family_name}, I'm truly grateful to you for fighting that demon. I'm sorry I was only able to weaken it." She continued, "When I saw Hane cast magic for the first time, I wondered why someone with such massive stores of mana was holding back. Now I realize why, I'm such a fool." Adeline looked down shamefully, "When Hane summoned the demon, it immediately attacked us. I was too slow to react, and ended up being injured before I could fight back. Worse, when the other students arrived, they ended up getting caught in my mistake. If I didn't push Hane to his limits, this wouldn't have happened." Streams of tears began to pour down her face, "I was only able to physically exhaust the demon, but I couldn't even harm it because I was careless!" You replied... *choice #It's not your fault, as the Headmaster said. You couldn't have known what would've happened. *set amity %+10 *set hostility %-10 She looked at you while wiping her tears, "Thank you. You're too kind for this school, ${fname}, you know that?" You smiled back. It looks as though your words have comforted Adeline. *goto hospitalrelease #There's no need to blame yourself. Demons are a particularly devious breed of summons. *set intellect %+10 *set intuition %-10 She nodded, while wiping her tears, "Yes. Even so, I was more useless than I care to be. Sorry, for having you see me like this. It's completely unprofessional. My word..." *goto hospitalrelease #At least we're all safe now. You don't need to worry about that now. Hane's safe, and so are you. What more could you ask for? *set calmness %+10 *set excitability %-10 She nodded, "Yes, I must be grateful this wasn't as bad as it could have been. Thank you, once again, for your help. I can only hope something as tragic as this doesn't happen again." Your words brought solace to Adeline. Perhaps, she will rest easy knowing she wasn't to blame. *goto hospitalrelease #You should be sorry. Hane and my classmates are in the hospital because of you. *set hostility %+10 *set amity %-10 She cried. Adeline's tears poured and poured. She knew she was at fault, and yet she wanted some semblance of solace. In your eyes, she was entirely selfish for letting this happen in the first place. *goto hospitalrelease *label hospitalrelease *page_break Your summer class has been cancelled. Due to the incident at Kaelich's, Professor Adeline has been reprimanded. She is currently under probation and is not allowed to teach Kaelich without a supervisor watching over her. In this case, Headmaster Kane needs to be present whenever Adeline teaches a class. Later on, you heard that Hane was doing fine, but wouldn't be able to leave the hospital for quite a while. You couldn't even visit him, which disappointed you greatly. When you were in the hospital, ${school_friend} called you everyday. When ${noun3} heard about your injuries, ${noun3} sent you several small gifts of candy and gift cards. You smiled, although you were stuck in the hospital, at least ${school_friend}'s letters and cards kept you entertained. When you had fully recovered, your parents came to pick you up. Seeing you made your mom cry from joy. Later on, you learned that your mom wanted to visit you as early as possible, but was prevented by the police and the school. *page_break When you exited the hospital with your parents, a swarm of flashing cameras and microphones crowded around you. "${gsuffix} ${family_name}? I'm Tory from Furze Inquirer, can you tell us about what happened here?" Another reporter appears with a second microphone, "The Daily Muse here, I need you to tell me: who was responsible? What was the cause of the students' injuries?" A third reporter appears, then a fourth. In the end, dozens of microphones and reporters came to you all asking questions. What did you tell the reporters? *choice #The event that transpired today was the cause of a magic exercise accident. Nothing more, nothing less. *set amity %+10 *set hostility %-10 The reporters nodded, although you could tell some were unsatisfied by your answer. You continued, "Despite what I've experienced, no one would've known that this would be the outcome. The faculty and students at Kaelich's are incredibly able spellcrafters, and through their talents, an even worse disaster was averted." When you finished, you walked pass the wall of reporters, and ignored any further questions asked. *goto summercancel #The incompetence of the professor was to blame for this incident. If anyone should be punished, it should be her. *set hostility %+10 *set amity %-10 The reporters nodded. You continued, "Professor Adeline, was wholly responsible, and she must pay for her carelessness. Because of her, my fellow students and I were placed in a needlessly hazardous situation." When you finished, you walked pass the wall of reporters, and ignored any further questions asked. *goto summercancel #The cause of this event was a student who lost control of their magic. I doubt we can punish them, considering that they've only recently stabilized in the hospital. *set calmness %+10 *set excitability %-10 The reporters nodded. You continued, "As it stands, the perpetrators for this event have paid for their mistake with injuries. Fortunately, no one was killed. I believe this was the best case scenario, and that a witch hunt for a perpetrator is pointless." When you finished, you walked pass the wall of reporters, and ignored any further questions asked. *goto summercancel *selectable_if (charm >= 10) #It was I! I fought a demon and lived to tell the tale! (Charm must be at least level 10). *set charm +3 *set excitability %+10 *set calmness %-10 (Charm +3) The reporters' expressions were blank. You continued, "A demon was accidentally summoned by some tragic fortune. Fortunately, I came upon Kaelich in its most desperate time, and I fought the demon. As you can see, I was triumphant!" The reporters became more aggressive in their questions, "You're not even a teenager yet, and you fought a demon?" You smirked, "Don't underestimate me just because I'm young. I am ${fname} ${family_name}! I am The ${title1} of Kaelich!" Your dad intervened, "Thank you for the questions, that's all the time we have!" He grabbed you and your mom with great haste, and all three of you dashed past the wall of reporters. *goto summercancel2 *label summercancel *line_break Your parents hastily followed. Neither you nor your parents wanted to linger around this swarm of vicious interrogators. *goto summercancel3 *label summercancel2 *line_break When you were far away from the crowd, your father turned to you, "The ${title1} of Kaelich? What the hell were you thinking? You do realize that we're at a delicate juncture right now, right?" You replied, "Oh, sorry. I must've gotten carried away. You've got to admit, I looked cool." Your mom gave you a thumbs up, "Way cool!" "Maya, don't encourage ${mcpronoun}!" "Derek, you have to admit, ${fname} looked very cool. I mean, The ${title1} is a very heroic title, in my opinion." "That's not the point, honey!" You and your parents arrived home in an energetic mood. Sometimes, having them around made difficult events like this much more bearable. *goto summercancel3 *label summercancel3 *page_break Summer has come and gone, and your third year begins with an uproar. It looks as though your fight with the demon has made you even more popular amongst the student body, if you could call it that. Everyone at school knew your name, although some were even more bitter that you were becoming famous. When you arrived on campus, a familiar face greeted you. "Hey, ${fname}. I heard about what you did." Hane smiled at you, his left eye was wrapped in gauze and burn marks covered his left arm. Despite this, you smiled back at Hane. *finish