*set age "14" *set meet_hive true *set meet_victor true [b][i]CHAPTER 1[/i][/b] *page_break [b]Now playing as yourself[/b] *page_break The air around you is stiff, the environment feels like a barren wasteland. A dark void. *line_break A dark shadow looming over you sends your mind into all kinds of crazy, it shrinks slowly and almost out of view, you walk further into the abyss and see the figure at a distance. They quickly close the gap between you in a flash, you notice that you're staring at a doppelganger of yourself, ${he} has the same features, ${he}'s even wearing the same clothes as you do. The only difference is the eyes, where you have light blue eyes, ${hiss} is a dark red. You stare for minutes not saying anything. You don't feel scared anymore and a calm wave washes over you. The feeling is replaced by absolute fear, you don't know why you would try to kill yourself but apparently you do. $!{he} holds your throat with ${his} palms wrapped around your neck, ${he} squeezes harder and harder and harder . You desperately call for help but the words don't go past your lungs, the pain feels real and you begin to think you're gasping for air in your room. [i]Why does it have to end this way?[/i] you ask yourself. Your vision is getting blurry, you feel air getting stuck in your throat, you won't make it. *page_break … *page_break … … *page_break But an unlikely ally comes to your rescue. *page_break Your alarm clock rings You gasp very loudly fearing you'd wake the entire house, your unbalance makes you fall to the ground. You steady yourself before making your way to the bathroom, you stare at the mirror a long time trying to make sense of the nightmare you just had. You think back to the evil-you and try to make comparisons. $!{he} had the same hair colour as you. *fake_choice #Brown *set hair_colour "brown" #Black *set hair_colour "black" #Auburn *set hair_colour "auburn" #Blonde *set hair_colour "blonde" #It was something else *input_text hair_colour *goto skin_colour *label skin_colour Even the colour of your skin was the same. *fake_choice #White *set skin_colour "white" #Black *set skin_colour "black" #Brown *set skin_colour "brown" #Tan *set skin_colour "tan" Confirming what you already know you take a quick shower, put on some fresh clothes and head downstairs to grab breakfast. Your Uncle Vic had already started eating and you join him at the table. "Hey kiddo," Victor asks. "How'd you sleep? I wanted to come wake you but when I went to check, your TV was switched on so I decided not to bother." He notices your absentmindedness. *line_break "Are you sure everything's okay?" [i]The TV wasn't on when I woke up. It certainly wasn't on when I went to sleep last night. So what could have happened?[/i] You push the thought aside remembering what happened during your sleep. Do you tell him about the nightmare? *fake_choice #Tell him. *set victor %+6 "Tio, I had a nightmare," you begin. "I saw myself, only it had red eyes and it wanted me dead. I was dying Uncle! I didn't know what to do, if my alarm hadn't rang I probably would have been dead by now." *line_break Victor wears a very worried look on his face which meant it had happened before. You've fallen sick countless times growing up and the doctors always wondered how you managed to beat each bout of illness time and time again. Victor asks, "You've been taking your drugs right?" "Yes I have Tio. There's nothing to worry about, it's probably just a random nightmare so no need to worry." You stab a large chunk of fries and stuff it in your mouth. "Seeeee, I'm fine don't worry," you say still chewing. "Okay so tell me. How do you feel about your first day of school?" Victor asks. #There's no need to worry him. " It's nothing," you say. I'm just a little excited about school. Victor makes a wide grin. "So we've finally reached the point where you can't tell your Uncle secrets?" He laughs before punching your arm lightly. *line_break "Okay so tell me. How do you feel about your first day of school?" *fake_choice #I feel excited! *set victor %+5 "I'm happy I don't get to stay cooped up in the house everytime." you say grinning from ear to ear. "It'd be great to see people my age for once. Besides" —you take another bite of fries— "I was beginning to wonder if everyone looked like you." "You're acting more and more like me everyday," your Uncle jokes. "Makes me wish you were my kid. Don't worry, I'm telling you when you start you're gonna thank me." *line_break Victor sees you off as you walk down the drive way where the chauffeur is waiting to drop you off at school. *goto school #It's not a big deal. You stare at your Uncle with little to no glimmer of excitement in your eyes before saying, "You keep ringing on and on about school. There's nothing special about it. Absolutely nothing." "C'mon it'll be fun, just give it a chance," your Uncle says practically pleading. "I promise you'll come around." "Okay Tio." You finish your cup of orange juice. "See you when I get back." You close the door behind you and head in the direction of the car where the chauffeur waits to take you to school. *goto school #I don't understand what's such a big deal about school! *set aggressive %+4 *set victor %-2 You never understood the need to leave the house to go to school. You've been homeschooled all your life, why would you leave your comfort zone to go to a place where they offer the same services that you could also be getting at home. "Why do you want me to go to school anyways!" you yell, your face visibly upset and angry . "Can't we just continue my homeschooling. We're rich for crying out loud!" Your Uncle snaps, "It's because we're rich that I don't want you thinking we're bigger than other people! For God's sake $!{name} these are your remaining teenage years, you can at least enjoy it. For even a fraction of a second your life could be taken from you." *line_break He uses his index finger and his thumb to caress his eyelids, "It's what your parents would have wanted…Your mom at least." *line_break You don't seem satisfied with his answer but the last part has you thinking about your parents. "I wish you spoke about my parents more," you say. "You knew them more than I did and yet you don't think it necessary to let me know anything about them." *line_break Victor seems a bit shaken by what you say and doesn't seem to react to anything, even when you close the door behind you and head for school. *goto school *label school *page_break At School The driver parks the car waiting for you to come out before driving back home. *line_break You stand outside a while feeling the wind, you hear another car behind you and you look to see a student just like you hugging her mother before waving her goodbye. The encounter reminds you of a hole in your heart that you may never fill. Your parents absence makes you feel… *fake_choice #Sad [i]I wish they were here to see this,[/i] you think to yourself as your eyes begin to accumulate water. #Angry You clench your fists, [i]Why did it have to be me.[/i] #Indifferent You never bothered about your parents before and it certainly wouldn't bother you today. Today's important, best to leave it at that. #Hopeful "One day, my family will be complete and it wouldn't be just me and Victor." #Content You shrug. Uncle Vic has been the only person who's been with you all this time. You don't need anyone else and you're satisfied with that. *line_break *line_break You compose yourself and climb the stairs to the front entrance. Your hands barely touch the door handle before it opens revealing a very expensive grey suit on the body of a slightly muscular man, he wears a pair of glasses with a buzz cut hairstyle to match his already serious demeanour. You wonder what business such a person would have with this school. His palm rests on your shoulder, guiding you into the hallway—"I take it you are the esteemed $!{name} ${surname}?", the man asks. You reply in the affirmative as you are guided into the hallway. *line_break The view of the hallway is filled with students, some opening and closing their lockers while some idly chatting with their friends. The man who you've come to understand is the principal walks down the hallway to his office with you in tow. You enter into his office and he points to a chair where you sit before waiting for him to speak. *set school true "Welcome to Pine Crest High $!{name}," he says. "I'll assume you know why you're here so I won't take any of your time. Someone'll be here shortly to give you a tour." *set meet_iris true A few moments later a girl walks in. [i]That must be the tour guide,[/i] you think to yourself. She greets the principal before she introduces herself to you. The girl introduces herself as Iris and you head out of the office to start the tour. The tour takes a surprisingly short time to finish. All the places you visited seemed up to par if not more than and you even wonder if any of the students who come here are average students. "So we're heading to our last stop, if you still have any questions don't hesitate to ask, okay?" she says. "That's fine," you say appreciatively. Your attention is caught by a girl sitting by herself in a corner in the parking lot reading a book. "Who's that?" you ask. Iris hesitates before replying, "Don't worry about her. She's always been like that, we call her, The Loner." *fake_choice #Approach her *set meet_blair true You walk casually to where she sits and are welcomed with a frown. "Can you kindly fuck off?" she says with an awkward smile on her face. *fake_choice #You don't have to be salty *set arrogant %+4 "Can you chill?" you say a bit taken aback by her reply. "You know, I kinda see the reason why you're here by yourself," you add with a hint of distaste. You motion to Iris to continue the tour. *goto classroom #Sorry for bothering, I was just trying to be nice "I'm sorry about disturbing your alone time," you say feeling a bit hurt by her remark. You go back the way you came and you keep walking to your destination not looking back. *goto classroom #You don't have to be a bitch about it *set aggressive %+2 Your anger immediately escapes the confines of your mind, "What exactly is your problem?!" Your outburst is a bit too loud and a few students crane their heads and some start to walk towards the commotion. "I think we need to go now," Iris says as if scared she might get expelled just being there. She succeeds in pushing you out of there, but you still scowl as you look over your shoulder at Blair who responds with a scowl of her own. *goto classroom *page_break #Leave her alone You heed Iris's advice and continue on your way although your eyes meet each other and you see a slight ping of sadness in her eyes. *goto classroom *label classroom *page_break *if (meet_blair = false) *set meet_blair true The bell rings and students file into classrooms. Iris calls you and tells you you're both in the same class. You tell her you appreciate her for the tour and she gets a bit flustered though you don't notice. The rest of the school day goes by without any problems other than the fact that you, Iris and Blair have been grouped together for class assignments. *line_break You almost curse the universe for placing you in such a scenario, what's even worse is Iris invites you and Blair to walk home with her. You tried to excuse yourself from the beginning but you couldn't and had to call the driver to cancel, Blair on the other hand was surprisingly cooperative and didn't even flinch when she was offered an invitation. The walk to Iris's home is uncomfortably silent. She tried to strike up a conversation between you two but it was clear that you weren't all into conversation. *line_break "Anyone notice the car that's been following us the whole time?" Blair asks. You hadn't noticed it beforehand. You quicken your pace to avoid the view of the now accelerating car, the three of you break into a sprint and run into an alley trying to escape the car. *line_break [i]We should be safe,[/i] you think. *line_break *line_break You turn around only to get knocked out and the last thing you see is your classmates on the floor alongside you, unconscious. *page_break You come about some time later but everywhere's totally dark, you realize you're blindfolded. You try to speak but your words come out muffled. You shake around in your chair not knowing where you are or what to do. "Hello ${surname}," someone calls out. You hear your surname and turn your head to the direction of the voice. "I've been trying to find you for, what is it now, twelve years?" the voice says coming closer to you. It's a woman from the way they sound. "What's happening?!" you yell. "What do you want?" The woman laughs, "What do I want?! What do I want?!" *line_break "I want what's inside you," she says. *line_break *line_break You are lifted off your seat by two large hands and made to walk forwards. You can only imagine what she wants from you. [i]Money, is that what she wanted from you all this while, you don't know but it won't hurt to try,[/i] you think. "I'm rich, I can pay you if that's what you want," you say trying to diffuse the situation. *if gender = "female" You can hear her heels click as she comes closer to you. You can feel her breath on your skin. "If your parent's could pay me off and they probably can't " —she snickers— " don't you think they would." *line_break She begins to chuckle, "Your parent's would still be alive if they had agreed to my deal. And now the sins of the father are now the son's or in this case, the daughter's." *goto mind *elseif gender = "male" You can hear her heels click as she comes closer to you. You can feel her breath on your skin. "If your parent's could pay me off and they probably can't " —she snickers— " don't you think they would." *line_break She begins to chuckle, "Your parent's would still be alive if they had agreed to my deal. And now the sins of the father are now the son's." *goto mind *page_break *label mind Her voice is slowly drowned out and the only sound you can hear is your racing heart. How dare she dishonour your parent's memory. They may have been bad people to her but that doesn't give her the reason to insult them in your face. You close your eyes and clench your jaw. *page_break By the time you open your eyes you have returned to a familiar place. The one from your nightmare. "Hello there?" you turn around to face whoever it was that called you expecting it to be someone different and there ${he} stands with the same appearance as you. "You!" you curse pointing a finger. "Who are you and where is this place!?" [i]"This,"[/i] ${he} turns around raising both hands in emphasis, [i]"is our shared space. Your mind if you wish."[/i] "And what are you doing in my mind?" you question. [i]"I reside here,"[/i] ${he} speaks. [i]"But I have not disrupted my stasis to answer your questions. Now answer me this, do you want power?"[/i] *fake_choice #Yes *set impulsive %+4 *set mind %-6 "Give it to me!" you yell. This woman's gonna pay for what she said about mom and dad!" Your doppelganger smiles, [i]"Now that's what I'd like to hear. Now stretch out your hands."[/i] You do as ${he} says and you feel a surge of power as you are slowly assimilated into ${him}. *page_break What is this feeling? #Why would I need your help? *set cautious %+4 *set mind %+6 "Isn't this ironic? [i]You[/i] tried to kill [i]me[/i] this morning!" you stress the words to ${him}. "And for what?" [i]"I will admit it was foolish of me to have done that,"[/i] ${he} pauses waiting for you to speak but seeing as you do not ${he} continues. [i]"But I can assure you, right now and in the days ahead our goals are aligned and we cannot achieve our goals without each other."[/i] You don't seem convinced by ${his} act of valour and you find it very suspicious. $!{he} seems to have noticed this and addresses your worries. [i]"You do not seem convinced by my statement. Very well. I'll just have to appeal to your emotional side then,"[/i] ${he} looks at me again. [i]"If we do not do something, your classmates will die and your conscience will be tainted. Do you want that for yourself?"[/i] Your muscles flinch, you had forgotten about Blair and Iris and were only worried about your own safety. *line_break [i]"They're still alive if you care to know,"[/i] your doppelganger says stretching ${his} arms out. [i]"We must act quickly if we are to save them."[/i] You strengthen your resolve and put your arms forward on theirs. *page_break What is this feeling? #Power for what? *set cautious %+4 *set mind %+6 "Power for what?" you ask confused. [i]"The power to protect,"[/i] your doppelganger says matter of factly. [i]"I have no intention of letting us die in such a scenario and I do not want to spend another time in a lab."[/i] "That's fine by me," you say. "But we do as I say and not the other way around." [i]"Understood. Now stretch out your hands and let us begin."[/i] *page_break What is this feeling? *set power true *set found_strength true *set found_speed true *set found_endurance true You feel power surging through your body, it gives you a tingly sensation all over. You begin to hear the woman's voice rambling on about how happy she is that she has you. You hear a voice at the back of your mind. [i]"The first step is visualizing, one mistake could cost you."[/i] [i]Visualize,[/i] you tell yourself. [i]It's not that hard.[/i] *page_break [i]Visualize.[/i] *page_break *set techno +6 *set force_field +6 *set xray_infrared +6 *set strength +6 *set shape_shift +6 *set speed +6 *set illusion +6 *set cyborg +6 *set flight +6 *set re_gen +6 *set endurance +6 You start to feel a water-like liquid wrap around your body, hugging you from head to toe becoming armour. It's so subtle that the woman doesn't notice until the last minute and she yells at her men to start shooting before running for cover. *line_break They shoot at you from all angles not giving you enough breathing space to react. *line_break You shield your face from the bullets but to your surprise you don't feel anything, you had expected to feel at least a tickle but this is much better than you expected. [i]"Time to make your move,"[/i] the voice says. You position yourself in an attacking stance and speed rush one of the men, he flies backwards towards one of his partners. The rest keep shooting and you speed rush another one punching him in the face, you punch the ground and pick up a rock the size of a mini boulder and hurl it at some of them. Four of them come at you with their fists but then a pair of extra arms grips the necks of the men and flings them aside. *page_break *set techno -6 *set force_field -6 *set xray_infrared -6 *set strength -6 *set shape_shift -6 *set speed -6 *set illusion -6 *set cyborg -6 *set flight -6 *set re_gen -6 *set endurance -6 In your haste to defeat the armed men you notice that the woman is nowhere to be found. "I think she's gone," you say disappointed. "I wanted to find out what she knew about my parents." [i]"There'll be plenty of time for that later. Right now we need to get out of here before—"[/i] "Before what?" you question. The voice of your doppelganger just went silent all of a sudden and you wonder if they are dead. You close your eyes and walk back to the unconscious girls, trying to make sense of what just happened. "I'm really sorry I roped you into this guys," you say your eyes still closed. "If you want you can come to my house for dinner and my driver'll drop you off afterwards." You realize this is dumb cause they aren't awake yet and you pinch your temple in amusement. By the time you open your eyes you see two bewildered faces staring at you as if they'd seen a ghost. "Holy shit!" Blair exclaims before immediately cupping her mouth with her palms. "What happened to them?" Iris asks with a look of astonishment. "I'll fill you in on the way home," you say. "But hold up, you know what happened?" "Well if you can explain the weird liquid flapping around you and the fight we saw earlier." Blair says. "Then no, we don't know what happened. We're hallucinating." [i]Weird liquid?[/i] you think looking around you. "I don't see any." "Just forget it," Iris says. "We need to find a way home." *page_break *set iris 20 *set blair 20 You all agree to head to the nearest police station which wasn't far from where you were held. You tell the officer in the front desk that you were kidnapped and that you narrowly escaped with your lives. You explain how it happened omitting the weird transformation part. You make a call to Victor explaining your current situation and he comes over himself to pick you up. Blair still remains in the station for a while still waiting for someone to come get her. You offer her a ride but she declines so you and Victor head home. "Hey Uncle Vic can we talk," you look at him and narrate the whole ordeal about your doppelganger and the almost successful kidnap and how you stopped it. His face is pensive as if trying to figure out his next plan of action. *page_break His tone becomes very serious, "Change of plans. You're skipping school tomorrow." *page_break *goto_scene chapter2