*bug "cslib_string is a cslib module and must not be accessed directly" *comment static reference table for converting *comment alphabet letters to lowercase *label _lowercase_init *temp lowercase_A "a" *temp lowercase_B "b" *temp lowercase_C "c" *temp lowercase_D "d" *temp lowercase_E "e" *temp lowercase_F "f" *temp lowercase_G "g" *temp lowercase_H "h" *temp lowercase_I "i" *temp lowercase_J "j" *temp lowercase_K "k" *temp lowercase_L "l" *temp lowercase_M "m" *temp lowercase_N "n" *temp lowercase_O "o" *temp lowercase_P "p" *temp lowercase_Q "q" *temp lowercase_R "r" *temp lowercase_S "s" *temp lowercase_T "t" *temp lowercase_U "u" *temp lowercase_V "v" *temp lowercase_W "w" *temp lowercase_X "x" *temp lowercase_Y "y" *temp lowercase_Z "z" *return *comment CONCAT *comment ------------------------------ *comment Returns a concatenated string formed of *comment at least two given strings, joined by *comment a given seperator. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_concat_sep(string): a value to insert between strings *comment param_n(string): a string value to concatenate *comment … *comment returns: *comment (string): the concatenated string *label concat *params p_concat_sep *comment param2+ strings to concatenate *if (param_count < 3) *bug cslib.string.concat: expected at least three parameters (seperator, string, string, ...) *temp concat_param_num 2 *temp concat_result "" *label _concat_loop *if (concat_param_num < param_count) *set concat_result ¶m[concat_param_num] *set concat_result &p_concat_sep *set concat_param_num + 1 *goto _concat_loop *comment last item should not have a separator *set concat_result ¶m[concat_param_num] *set cslib_ret concat_result *return *comment LOWERCASE *comment ------------------------------ *comment Returns the given string converted to all lowercase. *comment The string should only contain characters from the *comment standard latin alphabet (A-Z) and spaces. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_string(string): the string to convert to lowercase *comment returns: *comment (string): the all lowercase form of the original string *label lowercase *params p_string *gosub _lowercase_init *comment lowercase all *temp string_len length(p_string) *temp lower_string "" *temp c 1 *label _lowercase_loop *if (c <= string_len) *if ((p_string#c) != " ") *set lower_string & (lowercase[p_string#c]) *else *set lower_string & " " *set c + 1 *goto _lowercase_loop *set cslib_ret lower_string *return *comment SUBSTRING *comment ------------------------------ *comment Returns the portion of a string *comment (substring) between two given points. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_str(string): the original string *comment p_s_index(string): the start character of the substring (inclusive) *comment p_e_index(string): the end character of the substring (inclusive) *comment returns: *comment (string): the portion of the string between p_s_index and p_e_index (inclusive) *label substring *params p_str p_s_index p_e_index *if (p_str = "") *bug cslib.string.substring: p_str must not be empty *if (p_s_index < 1) *bug cslib.string.substring: start index (${p_s_index}) can not be less than 1 *if (p_s_index > p_e_index) *bug cslib.string.substring: start index (${p_s_index}) should be less than or equal to end index (${p_e_index}) *if (p_e_index > length(p_str)) *bug cslib.string.substring: end index (${p_e_index}) can not be greater than the length of string (${length(p_str)}) *temp substring_char p_s_index *temp substring_result "" *label _substring_loop *if (substring_char <= p_e_index) *set substring_result &(p_str#substring_char) *set substring_char + 1 *goto _substring_loop *set cslib_ret substring_result *return *comment FIND *comment ------------------------------ *comment Returns a positive number (the start char) of the *comment first match of a specified substring within a string. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_str(string): the string to search for p_find_str *comment p_find_str(string): the string value to search for *comment returns: *comment (number): the first char of the first match, or 0 (no match) *label find *params p_str p_find_str *temp p_str_len length(p_str) *temp p_find_str_len length(p_find_str) *if (p_find_str = p_str) *set cslib_ret 1 *return *if (p_find_str_len > p_str_len) *set cslib_ret 0 *return *temp find_e_index 0 *temp find_s_index 1 *label _find_loop *set find_e_index (find_s_index + (p_find_str_len - 1)) *if (find_e_index <= p_str_len) *gosub_scene cslib_string substring p_str find_s_index (find_s_index + (p_find_str_len - 1)) *if (cslib_ret = p_find_str) *set cslib_ret find_s_index *return *set find_s_index + 1 *goto _find_loop *set cslib_ret 0 *return *comment REPLACE *comment ------------------------------ *comment Returns a given string with all occurences of *comment a specified substring replaced with a new substring. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_str(string): the string to modify *comment p_old_str(string): the string value to replace *comment p_new_str(string): the string value to replace instances of p_old_str with *comment returns: *comment (string): the modified string *label replace *params p_str p_old_str p_new_str *temp p_str_len length(p_str) *temp p_old_str_len length(p_old_str) *temp replace_result "" *temp replace_s_index 1 *temp replace_to_search_str "" *label _replace_loop *comment grab the unsearched part of the original string, and search it *gosub_scene cslib_string substring p_str replace_s_index p_str_len *set replace_to_search_str cslib_ret *gosub_scene cslib_string find (replace_to_search_str) p_old_str *if (cslib_ret > 0) *temp replace_r (cslib_ret - 1) *comment get the searched str up until the 'matched' substring *if (replace_r > 0) *gosub_scene cslib_string substring replace_to_search_str (replace_s_index - length(replace_result)) replace_r *set replace_result &cslib_ret *else *set replace_result &"" *comment add the 'replaced' string instead *set replace_result &p_new_str *comment continue search _after_ the last match *set replace_s_index replace_s_index + ((replace_r + p_old_str_len)) *goto _replace_loop *set replace_result &replace_to_search_str *set cslib_ret replace_result *return *comment INDEX *comment ------------------------------ *comment Returns the position of the first occurence of a *comment given character (string of length 1) in the given string. *comment If the character isn't found, 0 is returned. *comment Inputs of a length not equal to 1 will cause an error to be thrown. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_str(string): a string in which to search for p_char *comment p_char(string): a character (str of length 1) to search for *comment returns: *comment (number): the position of the first match of p_char in p_str, or 0 (no match) *label index *params p_str p_char *if (length(p_char) != 1) *bug p_char should be a single character, not "${p_char}" *temp c 1 *temp str_len length(p_str) *label _index_loop *if (c <= str_len) *if (p_str#c) = p_char *set cslib_ret c *return *set c + 1 *goto _index_loop *set cslib_ret 0 *return *comment REVERSE *comment ------------------------------ *comment Returns the given string reversed. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_str(string): a string to reverse *comment returns: *comment (string): the reversed string *label reverse *params p_str *temp reversed_string "" *temp string_len length(p_str) *temp c string_len *label _reverse_loop *if (c >= 1) *set reversed_string & (p_str#c) *set c - 1 *goto _reverse_loop *set cslib_ret reversed_string *return *comment CONTAINS *comment ------------------------------ *comment Checks if the given string contains *comment ANY characters in a given list. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_string(string): the string to check *comment p_char_list(string): a string of the characters to check against p_string *comment returns: *comment (boolean): true if p_string contains one or more characters in p_char_list, else false *label contains *params p_string p_char_list *if (p_string = "") or (p_char_list = "") *set cslib_ret false *return *temp string_index length(p_string) *temp char_list_len length(p_char_list) *temp char_list_index char_list_len *label _contains_loop *if (string_index >= 1) *label _contains_char_list_loop *if ((p_string#string_index) = (p_char_list#char_list_index)) *set cslib_ret true *return *elsif (char_list_index > 1) *set char_list_index -1 *goto _contains_char_list_loop *set string_index -1 *set char_list_index char_list_len *goto _contains_loop *set cslib_ret false *return *comment CONSISTS_OF *comment ------------------------------ *comment Checks if the given string consists *comment ONLY of characters in a given list. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_string(string): the string to check for the presence of the given characters. *comment p_char_list(string): a string of characters allowed in the given string *comment returns: *comment (boolean): true if p_string consists only of chars in p_char_list, else false *label consists_of *params p_string p_char_list *set cslib_ret true *if (p_char_list = "") *bug cslib_string.consists_of: Character list must not be empty. *if (p_string = "") *set cslib_ret false *return *temp p_string_len length(p_string) *temp p_char_list_len length(p_char_list) *temp p_string_index 1 *label _consists_of_string_loop *temp p_char_list_index 1 *if (p_string_index <= p_string_len) *label _consists_of_char_list_loop *if (p_char_list_index <= p_char_list_len) *if ((p_string#p_string_index) = (p_char_list#p_char_list_index)) *set p_string_index +1 *goto _consists_of_string_loop *set p_char_list_index +1 *goto _consists_of_char_list_loop *set cslib_ret false *return *comment EXTRACT_TOKENS *comment ------------------------------ *comment Split a given string using a separator. *comment The tokens are stored in a given array, up to its _max. *comment The array's _count will be updated with the number of valid items. *comment Note that, if the array is too small to contain all values, *comment only _max will be stored, _count will be equal _max and *comment cslib_ret will have the full token count. *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_source(string): the string to be split. *comment p_separator(string): a character upon which to split the string. *comment p_array(string): the array name/reference (prefix) *comment returns: *comment (number): the number of tokens in the string. *label extract_tokens *params p_source p_separator p_array *if p_separator = "" *bug cslib_string.extract_tokens: Separator should not be empty in extract_tokens. *if length(p_separator) > 1 *bug cslib_string.extract_tokens: Separator should be a single char in extract_tokens, not: '${p_separator}'. *temp source_len length(p_source) *temp array_max {p_array & "_max"} *set {p_array & "_count"} 0 *if source_len = 0 *set cslib_ret 0 *return *temp source_idx 1 *temp array_idx 1 *temp target (p_array & "_") & array_idx *set {target} "" *label _source_loop *temp next_char p_source#source_idx *if next_char = p_separator *set array_idx +1 *set target (p_array & "_") & array_idx *if array_idx <= array_max *set {target} "" *else *if array_idx <= array_max *set {target} &next_char *set {p_array & "_count"} array_idx *set source_idx +1 *if source_idx <= source_len *goto _source_loop *set cslib_ret array_idx *return