*bug cslib_menu is a cslib module and must not be accessed directly *comment -------------------------------------- *comment ### MENU / CHOICE module: README ### *comment -------------------------------------- *comment This module allows for quick and tidy presentation of complicated *comment "choices" or menus in ChoiceScript. *comment *comment Unless otherwise noted, all the routines in this module immediately display/render *comment the menu/choice to the screen, and support and unlimited amount of options, via automatic pagination. *comment *comment # Assumptions *comment In order for this module to work properly, some assumptions must be adhered to: *comment - "arrays" are a series of variables that follow the "name_N" pattern, e.g. myvar_1, myvar_2 *comment - arrays must start from index 1 (not 0) *comment - all arrays must be global (i.e. *create not *temp) *comment - all arrays must have a name_count variable that denotes the length of the array, inclusive (e.g. myvar_count) *comment - an array must not have any gaps: e.g. myvar_1, my_var2, my_var4 (with no myvar_3) *comment - "prefix" (or array ref) values should not include the underscore: '_' (i.e. "myvar" is the prefix, not "myvar_") *comment *comment BUILD_ARRAY *comment ------------------------------ *comment Renders a choice menu from a given array. *comment *comment Example usage: *comment *create myvar_1 "Option 1" *comment *create myvar_2 "Option 2" *comment ... *comment *create myvar_len 5 *comment *gosub_scene cslib_menu build_array "myvar" *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_prefix(string): the array name/reference (prefix) *comment p_cancel(boolean): include a 'cancel' option *comment returns: *comment (number): a positive number indicating the selected option (or 0, if cancel is selected) *label build_array *params p_prefix p_cancel *gosub _build_array_common p_prefix p_cancel "" "" *gosub _render_choice *return *comment BUILD_ARRAY_FILTER *comment ------------------------------ *comment Renders a choice menu from a given array, *comment but filters the options based on a given *comment condition routine. *comment *comment The given condition routine should expect *comment to be passed three parameters: *comment - The element value *comment - The element's source array index *comment - The name of the source array *comment *comment And should return a boolean (true = include in the menu). *comment E.g.: *comment *label is_blank *comment *params value index array_ref *comment *set cslib_ret true *comment *if (value = "") *comment *set cslib_ret false *comment *return *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment p_prefix(string): the array name/reference (prefix) *comment p_cancel(boolean): include a 'cancel' option *comment p_scene(string): the name of the scene containing the condition routine *comment p_label(string): the name of the label denoting the start of the routine *label build_array_filter *params p_prefix p_cancel p_scene p_label *gosub _build_array_common p_prefix p_cancel p_scene p_label *gosub _render_choice *return *comment BUILD_SIMPLE *comment ------------------------------ *comment Renders a choice menu containing the given strings as individual options. *comment *comment Example usage: *comment *gosub_scene cslib_menu build_simple "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" ... *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment param_n(string): a series of menu options *comment returns: *comment (number): a positive number indicating the selected option *label build_simple *params *temp allow_cancel false *gosub _build_simple_common *gosub _render_choice *return *comment BUILD_SIMPLE_CANCEL *comment ------------------------------ *comment Renders a choice menu containing the given strings as individual options *comment in addition to a cancellation option. *comment *comment Example usage: *comment *gosub_scene cslib_menu build_simple_cancel "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" ... *comment ------------------------------ *comment params: *comment param_n(string): a series of menu options *comment returns: *comment (number): a positive number indicating the selected option, or 0 (if cancel was selected) *label build_simple_with_cancel *params *temp allow_cancel true *gosub _build_simple_common *gosub _render_choice *return *comment ::: INTERNAL FUNCTIONS BELOW (DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY!) ::: *label _build_simple_common *temp prefix "param_" *temp t_scene "" *temp t_label "" *gosub _init_state *gosub _populate_page *return *label _build_array_common *params p_prefix p_cancel p_scene p_label *temp t_scene p_scene *temp t_label p_label *temp prefix p_prefix&"_" *gosub _init_state *temp allow_cancel p_cancel *gosub _populate_page *if cslib_ret = "catch" *return *return *label _init_state *comment determines the next/prev option position for smoother navigation *temp next_pref true *comment determines the direction in which options are displayed *temp const_invert_order false *comment the max amount of options to display per 'page' *temp const_items_per_page 5 *if (const_items_per_page > 10) *bug cslib_menu._init_state: const_items_per_page cannot be greater than 10 *comment the text displayed on the cancel/return button *temp const_cancel_text "[return]" *temp arr_count {prefix&"count"} *if (t_scene != "") *gosub _count *temp store arr_count *set arr_count cslib_ret *temp page_count "@{(arr_count <= const_items_per_page) 1|${(arr_count / const_items_per_page)}}" *if ((page_count modulo 1) > 0) *set page_count ((page_count - (page_count modulo 1)) + 1) *temp cur_page 1 *if (t_scene != "") *set arr_count store *return *label _populate_page *comment populate the choice items and check the guards *temp page_item_count 0 *temp slot 1 *gosub _init_option_vars *temp offset (slot+(const_items_per_page * (cur_page -1))) *if (t_scene != "") *temp ignore (offset - 1) *set offset 1 *label _populate_page_loop *if (slot <= const_items_per_page) *set option_guard[slot] (arr_count >= offset) and (const_items_per_page >= slot) *if (option_guard[slot]) *if (t_scene != "") *gosub_scene {t_scene} {t_label} {prefix&offset} offset *if not(cslib_ret) *set offset + 1 *goto _populate_page_loop *elseif (ignore > 0) *set ignore - 1 *set offset + 1 *goto _populate_page_loop *set page_item_count + 1 *set option_text[slot] {prefix&offset} *set option_ret_val[slot] offset *set offset + 1 *set slot + 1 *goto _populate_page_loop *return *label _render_choice *comment catch 'no selectable options' errors *if (page_item_count = 0) and not(allow_cancel) *bug cslib_menu._populate_page: menu construction failed as there were 0 matching items — consider allowing cancellation *comment render the choice to the screen *fake_choice *if (page_count > 1) *comment when there is more than one page, display a page indicator *selectable_if (false) # Page (${cur_page} / ${page_count}) *bug cslib_menu._render_choice: this option should not be selectable *if (((cur_page < page_count) and (next_pref)) or ((cur_page = 1) and (page_count > 1))) #[i]Next -->[/i] *set next_pref true *set cur_page + 1 *gosub _populate_page *goto _render_choice *if ((cur_page > 1) and ((cur_page = page_count) or (next_pref != true))) #[i]<-- Previous[/i] *set next_pref false *set cur_page - 1 *gosub _populate_page *goto _render_choice *if (option_guard_1) #${option_text_1} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_1 *goto _return *if (option_guard_2) #${option_text_2} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_2 *goto _return *if (option_guard_3) #${option_text_3} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_3 *goto _return *if (option_guard_4) #${option_text_4} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_4 *goto _return *if (option_guard_5) #${option_text_5} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_5 *goto _return *if (option_guard_6) #${option_text_6} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_6 *goto _return *if (option_guard_7) #${option_text_7} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_7 *goto _return *if (option_guard_8) #${option_text_8} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_8 *goto _return *if (option_guard_9) #${option_text_9} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_9 *goto _return *if (option_guard_10) #${option_text_10} *set cslib_ret option_ret_val_10 *goto _return *if (((cur_page < page_count) and (next_pref != true)) and (cur_page != 1)) #[i]Next -->[/i] *set next_pref true *set cur_page + 1 *gosub _populate_page *goto _render_choice *if (((cur_page > 1) and (next_pref)) and (cur_page != page_count)) #[i]<-- Previous[/i] *set next_pref false *set cur_page - 1 *gosub _populate_page *goto _render_choice *if (allow_cancel) #${const_cancel_text} *set cslib_ret 0 *goto _return *bug cslib_menu._render_choice: unreachable *label _return *return *label _init_option_vars *temp option_guard_1 false *temp option_guard_2 false *temp option_guard_3 false *temp option_guard_4 false *temp option_guard_5 false *temp option_guard_6 false *temp option_guard_7 false *temp option_guard_8 false *temp option_guard_9 false *temp option_guard_10 false *temp option_text_1 "" *temp option_text_2 "" *temp option_text_3 "" *temp option_text_4 "" *temp option_text_5 "" *temp option_text_6 "" *temp option_text_7 "" *temp option_text_8 "" *temp option_text_9 "" *temp option_text_10 "" *temp option_ret_val_1 0 *temp option_ret_val_2 0 *temp option_ret_val_3 0 *temp option_ret_val_4 0 *temp option_ret_val_5 0 *temp option_ret_val_6 0 *temp option_ret_val_7 0 *temp option_ret_val_8 0 *temp option_ret_val_9 0 *temp option_ret_val_10 0 *return *label _count *temp i 1 *temp count 0 *label _count_loop *if (i <= arr_count) *gosub_scene {t_scene} {t_label} {prefix&i} i *if (cslib_ret) *set count + 1 *set i + 1 *goto _count_loop *set cslib_ret count *return