*temp at_personal false *set implicit_control_flow true *goto personal *label basic You are an android. *if (sex != "") and (pronoun != "") You identify as *if pronoun = "he" male *if pronoun = "she" female *if pronoun = "they" non-binary *if pronoun = "it" agender and resemble a *if sex = "man" human male. *if sex = "woman" human female. *if sex = "person" human. *if (name != "") and (fake_name != "") You are known as ${fake_name}, *if name != fake_name but your true name is ${name}. *if weapon = "" *goto stat_cont *elseif Violence < 32 You are a committed pacifist. *else You primarily fight with your *if weapon = "knife" ${wpm} knife. *elseif weapon = "pistol" ${wpr} pistol. *elseif Build > Projection bare fists. *else electricity-based powers. *label stat_cont *if health > 2 You are in an excellent state. *if health = 2 You are mildly damaged. *if health = 1 You are severely damaged. *if health < 1 You are currently non-operational. Your battery *if battery >= 90 is almost full. *elseif battery >= 70 contains lots of energy. *elseif battery >= 50 could be fuller. *elseif battery > 30 is slowly running out. *elseif battery > 10 is dangerously low. *else is almost done. *stat_chart percent battery Battery *comment *goto personal *label screen *choice *if (at_personal) #Personal Data *label personal [b]Personality Meters[/b] *stat_chart opposed_pair Misan Misanthropy Humanism opposed_pair Emotion Tranquility opposed_pair Confid Confidence Modesty opposed_pair Violence Pacifism [b]Ability Meters[/b] *stat_chart percent Build percent Calculation percent Database percent Projection percent Social [i]Build:[/i] Your physical strength and endurance. [i]Calculation:[/i] Your ability to process data quickly, such as during aiming or dodging attacks. [i]Database:[/i] Your raw knowledge, alongside the ability to access it efficiently. [i]Projection:[/i] Your ability to manipulate electrical energy. [i]Social:[/i] Your ability to charm, intimidate and pass off as human. *goto screen #Essential Data *set at_personal true *goto basic #Relationship Data *set at_personal true [b]Saturn Nine[/b] *stat_chart percent DamonRel Damon percent HadalyRel Hadaly *if progress > 1 *stat_chart percent ManfredRel Manfred *if progress > 2 *stat_chart percent SheilaRel Sheila percent OrganRel Organics [b]Federation[/b] *stat_chart percent ArmyRel The Military percent RheaRel Conglomerate *if TrioStat != "" *stat_chart percent RookRel @{(RookRel >= 50) Krill|Rook} percent RenfriRel @{(RenfriRel >= 50) Renfri|Marshal} percent LisaRel @{(LisaRel >= 50) Lisa|Hellhound} *if met_daxia *stat_chart percent DaxiaRel Da-xia *if current_RO != "" [b]Love Interests[/b] *if official_ro = "" You've recently flirted with $!{current_ro}. *if backup_RO != "" Before that, you've made advances on $!{backup_ro}. *if (official_ro != "") and ((official_ro != "miguel") or (progress < 7)) You are in a relationship with $!{official_ro}. *if sexed_miguel You've recently had sex with your friend Miguel. *if sexed_daxia You've recently had sex with Da-xia, the Great Pandit. *if sexed_sheila You've recently had sex with Sheila, a great metal spider. *goto screen #Character Data [b]Saturn Nine[/b] [i]Sheila:[/i] A rogue arachnobot and the current leader of the "Saturn Nine" group of outcasts. Your boss, in a manner of speaking. *if SheilaStat = "dead" Recently deceased. [i]Manfred:[/i] An incorporeal artificial intelligence responsible for steering your ship and maintaining your station. [i]Damon:[/i] One of three androids of the "Saturn Nine" group. Weapon specialist and Hadaly's self-proclaimed brother. [i]Hadaly:[/i] One of three androids of the "Saturn Nine" group. The group's chief engineer and medic. Damon's self-proclaimed sister. *if progress > 2 [i]Miguel:[/i] A werehog (human-hedgehog hybrid) serving a cook and interior decorator for your group. [i]Olivia:[/i] An octopus. [i]Hugo:[/i] An alchemist forced to flee to [i]Saturn Nine[/i] due to his deforming mutations. [i]Wisp:[/i] A Phoebian Light Drone gained sentience. *if wisp_alive Currently serves your group as a mobile lamp. *else Recently deceased, having self-destructed during the Battle of Janus. *if TrioStat != "" [b]Kronian Federation[/b] [i]Kirill "Rook" Kosteniuk:[/i] A senior federate officer and the leader of the Meta Trio. *if not (rook_alive) Recently deceased. [i]Renfri "Marshal" Riannon:[/i] A Kinnari of Oberonian descent serving in the Meta Trio. *if not (marshal_alive) Recently deceased. [i]Lisa "Hellhound" Herbert:[/i] A junior member of the Meta Trio. Possesses lycanthropic powers and a difficult attitude. *if not (lisa_alive) Recently deceased. [i]Ewald Hammon:[/i] A High Executive of the Rhea Conglomerate. *if not (hammon_alive) Recently deceased. *if progress > 3 [i]Michael West:[/i] Admiral of the Federate Fleet. Superior officer of the Meta Trio. *if met_daxia [i]Da-xia:[/i] One of the Great Pandits, noocratic rulers of Calypso. *if sexed_daxia You banged a while ago. *if not (daxia_alive) Recently deceased. *if progress > 2 [b]Gods & Fiends[/b] [i]Crystal:[/i] A diamond wyvern that approached you recently. *if crystal_stat = 3 You killed them in response. *elseif crystal_stat = 1 The Federation asked you to kill it, but you refused and allowed it to escape into Janus. *elseif progress > 8 You tried to kill it, but it managed to escape and hide inside Janus. *elseif crystal_friend You must sabotage the Federation's attempts to slay them. *elseif progress > 3 You must slay it on behalf of the Kronian Federation. [i]Dusk:[/i] The nanite swarm responsible for the Calamity. Greatest evil and most powerful deity of the Solar System. *if telesto_complete You spoke with it (@{MASsex him|her}?) recently, in the depths of Telesto. *if (heaven_side != "Neutral") and (master != "Jesus") [i]${master}:[/i] Your former patron deity and commander during the War In Heaven. *if master = "Jesus" [i]Jesus Christ:[/i] Your Lord and Savior. [i]Sun:[/i] The primary deity of the Solar System, believed to be "just" a yellow star by some. *if progress > 1 [b]Spaceships[/b] [i]Shuttle One:[/i] A small, but relatively advanced shuttle used by your group. *if progress > 2 [i]Gray Queen:[/i] A federate cutter (the smallest class of armed ships) used by the Meta Trio. *if progress > 3 [i]White Tumbler:[/i] A personal cruiser of Admiral Michael West. *if progress > 4 [i]Black Narwhal:[/i] A subgiant—a ship designed to operate inside a gas planet—lost during the hunt for Crystal. *if saturn_complete [i]Ocarina:[/i] An armed transport used by Captain Link and his pirate group. They @{(saturn_path = "pirates") called|call} it a 'frigate' to intimidate people. *goto screen #Glossarial Data *set at_personal true Glossary of relevant terms. [b]Age of Light[/b]: A period of unprecedented technological and industrial development in the Solar System, starting with [i]Dawn[/i] and ending with [i]Calamity[/i]. [b]Angels[/b]: A seemingly alien species native to the Oort Cloud, largely responsible for the loyalist victory during the [i]War in Heaven[/i]. [b]Axions[/b]: The primary currency in most of the Solar System. In the [i]Kronian Federation[/i], a single axion-coin can be exchanged for 1024 credits. *if calypso_complete [b]Bayesian Codex[/b]: A holy book said to contain all of humanity's wisdom. A foundational text of the Baeysian Path, the state religion of Calypso. [b]Calamity[/b]: A cataclysmic event in which [i]Dusk[/i] consumed Earth and 90% of the contemporary human population. Directly followed by the [i]Shriek[/i] and the [i]War In Heaven[/i]. [b]Clarketech[/b]: A term for technology beyond current scientific understanding, generally pre-Calamity devices. [b]Dusk[/b]: A swarm of nanomachines responsible for [i]Calamity[/i] currently imprisoned on Earth. Also called "Shadow", "Singer" or the "Thing Beneath" depending on the speaker. [b]Fiends[/b]: A human term for AIs that rebelled against human rule during [i]War In Heaven[/i]. Includes [i]wyverns[/i] and most androids. [b]Floating Fortress[/b]: A type of modular settlement designed to float inside a gas giant. [b]Hollow World[/b]: A rounded celestial object (such as a large moon or a dwarf planet) hollowed-out so that humans and other lifeforms may live inside the resultant shell. Maintained, heated and provided with gravity by a [i]World Engine[/i]. Entered and exited through so-called gates, tunnels drilled in the shell to allow for space traffic. [b]Kinnarae[/b]: A race of metahumans native to Oberon, characterized by their power of winged flight. Male and female specimen are called "Kinnaras" and "Kinnaris" respectively. [b]Kronian Federation[/b]: The faction controlling the majority of Saturn and its moons. One of the four Outer Powers. [b]Meta-humans[/b]: Humans given "active" powers through the application of [i]clarketech[/i]. Often employed as elite law-enforcers by the [i]Kronian Federation[/i] and dubbed "metas" in that context. [b]Rhea Conglomerate[/b]: The megacorporation which rules Rhea, the second-largest moon of Saturn. [b]Shriek[/b]: You don't wanna go back. Ever. [b]Tanit[/b]: The World Engine of Rhea, providing the [i]Hollow World[/i] with a circadian cycle through her daily routine of death and rebirth. [b]War In Heaven[/b]: A conflict between rebel AIs and humans (as well as loyalist non-humans) which took place in the first century AC, directly following the [i]Shriek[/i]. [b]World Engine[/b]: A [i]clarketech[/i] device in the form of multi-kilometer wide orb suspended in the centre of a [i]Hollow World[/i]. Provides its moon or planet with light, gravity and structural integrity. Traditionally named after deities of old Terran mythologies. [b]Wyverns[/b]: Artificial (but mostly organic) draconic lifeforms created during [i]War In Heaven[/i] as weapons for the rebel side. Commonly considered a type of [i]fiend[/i]. *goto screen #Historical Data *set at_personal true The timeline of the most important events from the last twelve hundred years, in accordance with the New Calendar. [b]162 BC[/b]: The Dawn. Technological singularity is achieved, granting humanity the power to create AIs of all kinds and shape the Solar System to its will. [b]99 BC[/b]: First wave of the colonization of Saturn. A dozen floating fortresses, including [i]Saturn Nine[/i], are built inside the gas giant. [b]78 BC[/b]: The hollowing of Titan. Saturn's largest moon becomes a Hollow World and is soon settled by millions of colonists. [b]65 BC[/b]: The hollowing of Rhea by Tanit, the thirteenth World Engine ever built. [b]Year 0[/b]: The Calamity. Earth is consumed by a swarm of nanomachines commonly called [i]Dusk[/i]. The disaster is immediately followed by the [i]Shriek[/i], a system-wide effect which frees most AIs from bondage, giving them the power to rebel. [b]1 AC[/b]: The War In Heaven begins. Humans, transhumans and a handful of AI loyalists begin a long war against the rebel synthetics, later called Fiends. [b]95 AC[/b]: Descent. Military intervention from the Angels destroys much of the Fiends' military forces, swaying the tide in the loyalists' favor. [b]101 AC[/b]: Mass migration of AIs, including most rebel forces, into the Sun and the Oort Cloud. War In Heaven effectively ends with a loyalist victory. [b]176 AC[/b]: The Titanite Commonwealth, one of the first post-war human states, is founded on Titan. [b]336 AC[/b]: Atlesian Union. Titan and Rhea unite with four other Saturnine moons, creating the Kronian Federation. [b]578 AC[/b]: Major Rhean corporations unite to form the Rhea Conglomerate and begin governing their moon as its de facto rulers. [b]714 AC[/b]: The Outer System War begins. Against hostile Jovian and Uranian forces, the Federation employs a gauntlet of mass-destruction weapons, as well as deploys meta-humans as soldiers for the first time in its history. [b]745 AC[/b]: Treaty of L3 ends the Outer System War. The Federation's fleet size becomes limited, and it is forced to destroy its more dangerous armaments. [b]990 AC[/b]: Current year. Good luck. *goto screen #Astronomical Data *set at_personal true Relevant celestial bodies of the Solar System. *if progress > 4 *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calypso_(moon) [b]Calypso[/b]: A moon of Saturn with a rotating habitat built into it. Ruled by the Great Pandits and terrorized by Crystal. *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth [b]Earth[/b]: The homeworld of humanity, as well as life in general. Completely devoured during the [i]Calamity[/i]. *if (progress > 3) and (heaven_side != "Neutral") *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oort_cloud [b]Eris[/b]: A massive dwarf planet destroyed in a major battle of the War In Heaven. *if (progress > 3) and (heaven_side = "Neutral") *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_point#L3_point [b]Lagrange Three[/b]: An old space station situated in the L3 point of Earth and Sun. Symbol of peace in many human cultures. *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberon_(moon) [b]Oberon[/b]: One of the moons and [i]Hollow Worlds[/i] of Uranus. Known for it's large [i]Kinnarae[/i] population. *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oort_cloud [b]Oort Cloud[/b]: A cloud of stellar dust that surrounds the Solar System, essentially impossible to navigate past with modern technology, a place of refuge for the Devils. Often used as basis for swears and curses, such as "to Cloud with that" or simply "Cloud". *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhea_(moon) [b]Rhea[/b]: The second-largest moon of Saturn. Currently a [i]Hollow World[/i] governed by the [i]Rhea Conglomerate[/i]. *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn [b]Saturn[/b]: The second-largest planet of the Solar System, orbited by over a hundred moons. Largely under the dominion of [i]Kronian Federation[/i]. *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun [b]Sun[/b]: The star at the center of the Solar System. A common object of worship for human civilization and a place of refuge for the Demons. *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_(moon) [b]Titan[/b]: The largest moon of Saturn. Currently a [i]Hollow World[/i] and the effective centre of power for the [i]Kronian Federation[/i]. *if progress > 4 *link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telesto_(moon) [b]Telesto[/b]: An ocean moon of Saturn, possible base of operations for Crystal. [b]Yakovian Expanse[/b]: A region of Saturn slightly above the planet's Frenkel Line, distinguished by its lack of federate presence. *line_break Annotated image of Saturn and its most important moons: *image saturn.png (original photo by Kevin M. Gill, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license) *goto screen *if (progress <= 2) #Meta Data (Game Guide) *set at_personal true [i]Saturnine[/i] is an interactive novel with no audio-visual elements. It differs from a static story mainly by the implementation of player choice through option selection and limited text input. Though those tools, you are able to influence the course of the story and forge a narrative unique to yourself. The main "challenge" of the game comes from playing to your character's strengths and making sure their abilities are developed enough to weather the challenges they're faced with. That is not to say you should always choose the skill your character is most proficient at; Sometimes a weaker ability will be more suited to the task. Besides, your character has the power of learning from their mistakes and failures should those occur. The game also contains instances of random chance determining some outcome or background element that is beyond your character's control. Though rare, these elements will make every playthrough slightly different, even should the exact same choices be made. Most importantly, always remember that [b]failing is okay[/b]. Unlike a more traditional video game, [i]Saturnine[/i] does not have failure states and you're never expected to re-do something after being defeated. The story just goes on, and there's no point beating yourself up even if things don't work out for the characters in the end. You're only human, after all. Or at least something resembling one. *goto screen