*gosub_scene ulmheit road_to_ulmheit *temp visited_tripartite false *comment should there be a porter among the retinue? Carrying the armor would have been heavy, and without horses...it seems like that burden would best be shared between two people. *set weather_index * 0.8 *comment currently using weather_index to reflect the player's absence from the manor. I suppose we should really create a new, annual_manor_efficiency stat. But that'll be for later. *temp yardwen_scion_name "Prazter Jonjoonich" *temp yardwen_scion_inf "Prazter" *if gender >= 3 *set yardwen_scion_name "Reskin Jonjoonich" *set yardwen_scion_inf "Reskin" With the aide of your horses, it takes only an hour and a half before the keep of Ulmheit comes into view, at which point you gesture to ${squire} to raise your banner. In the absence of a breeze, it droops along for another hour and a half until you are within the palisade and working your way through the central square. Your first stop is, of course, the guildhouse of Mercer's Guild of Fassmein. The guildhouse, in such a remote village, is mostly a warehouse. Here, the guild collects the wool and woolen cloth of the thurne before sending it downstream. It is, of course, also the keeper of the accounts for the thurnet of ${thurnet}. Here, you are able to draw up a dozen documents that you will be able to countersign for specific amounts later, trading the documents for passage for you and your party. You also withdraw a small purse of coins for incidentals along the way. The coins feel strange in your hands. There are a few around your hall, but they are old and mostly kept as curiosities. These are marked with unknown stamps and feel heavy in your hand. On the manor, trade is always conducted with documents and signatures in ledgers; you have a hard time holding back a laugh that some spend so much time chasing after these little round hunks of metal. You can't eat them. You can't burn them to keep warm. You can't wear them or sleep on them. The ledgers of ${thurnet} all represent real things: wheat, pork, wool, cheese. The barn holds those things. These coins are from another way of life entirely. *comment As a river port, Ulmheit has berths for the numerous riverboats meant to navigate the Sénanarch and the Corarch. The Corarch comes down from the mountains several days travel to the east, flows past the village of Loren, past Ulmheit, and finally merges with the Sénarch at Sturmreich, about forty miles to the west. You spend the afternoon consulting with the river-captains, seeking passage to Stumreich. When a price is set, you counter-sign one of your debt-notes. It's a small vessel, carrying horses of various kinds downriver for larger markets; that's why it has the facilities to carry yours. Of course, that leaves little room for you and your party; you will sleep on the deck with the crew. *set manor_liquid -30 *if knight_hired *set manor_liquid -10 But that is tomorrow. Tonight, you sleep in Ulmheit. *set manor_liquid -2 *page_break Two Days Later *set visited_sturmreich true Around noon, the turret of Castle Sturmreich first peaks above the forest, coming into sight when the river bends just so. It is still another half-day's drift downriver before your feet touch dry land again. The Lower City, the waterfront of Sturmreich, sits some thirty feet below the rest of the town. A massive earthwork road curves down from the cliff above, contorting to fit between the escarpment and the riverbank. It's a gentle incline, wide enough to allow two ox-carts to pass one another comfortably. At the top are the walls of Sturmreich, high stone walls which encompass the city itself. @{(engineering > 0) You try not to gawk at the two structures; they must have both been massive undertakings.|} Within the first hour, you see more people than live on your entire manor. You were told once that nearly ten thousand people live in Sturmreich. You didn't believe it, but now that you see it, you are beginning to reconsider you previous objections. You are not alone in your wonder; both ${squire_inf} and ${page_inf} join you in marveling at the people and the bustle. @{knight_hired ${knight_inf} scoffs good-naturedly at you rubes; ${knight_he} lived in Sturmreich for a time.|} Before you can explore the town, you set about securing passage to the city of Amerlich. On the introduction of your current captain, you are introduced to another captain bound for Amerlich in the morning. She welcomes the extra freight, though the longer distance calls for a steeper price. *set manor_liquid -45 *if knight_hired *set manor_liquid -15 That achieved, you let a room at the Inn of TODO. You have never seen a proper inn before, and you indulge in the luxury of a private room for the @{knight_hired four|three} of you. *set manor_liquid -3 *if knight_hired *set manor_liquid -1 That leaves you a brief few hours to explore Sturmreich. How would you like to spend that time? *choice *selectable_if (manor_liquid > 1500) #Visit the bath house. *set chivalry %-10 *set spendthrift %+10 *set rep_gentry %+10 *set manor_liquid -25 Seeing and being seen in the bathhouse of Sturmreich is a mark of stature among the gentry. Over the course of several hours, you @{knight_hired and ${knight_inf} |}eat, drink, sweat, and make the acquaintance of a number of gentlefolk from the arthurne. *goto after_tour_sturmreich #Visit the amphitheater. *set spendthrift %+5 *set manor_liquid -5 *set watched_among_the_vultures true You have never seen anything like it. Sure, in the court of the Thorne Ulrich you saw a harpist, and occasionally a wandering mistrel happened upon ${thurnet} and sang for their supper. But this amphitheater is a marvel. They have whole performances, hours long, of music and something called "plays," where actors pretend to be Odos in their moments of marvel. Tonight, you see a rendition of [i]Among the Vultures[/i], which is the story of the Battle of Kokrag. When Quinn himself led the his people out of bondage, they found themselves strangers in a strange land, lost in the valley of the Danasarch. Before long, they were harried by goblin bands of increasing size, until finally a great battle was joined wherein the Quinn people fought for their very existence. Finally, Quinn's daughter Anima raised the banner she had crafted from stolen fabric—the first banner of the Quinn. The people rallied and defeated the goblin menace, but died in the battle—including Anima's son. The most touching moment comes when the actor, playing a dying Kurzon Animalich, pleads with his mother not to staunch his wounds with the banner. Seeing the actress sob on stage, holding the banner while her son pantomimes dying at her feet, breaks your heart. But it reminds you and your fellow patrons of the sacrifices that must be made for your people. *comment an old man sitting next to you doesn't understand that it's a performance, and begins to interject *goto after_tour_sturmreich #Pray at the Temple of Olean. *set piety %+10 *set orthodoxy %-20 *set rep_mercers %+5 *set rep_senan %-10 *set manor_liquid -5 In the Lower City, there are only two temples: one to Odo Javand and one to Olean. You have heard little of Olean; the caris of ${thurnet} never spoke of Olean during his sermons. @{(orthodoxy > 50) At first, you have a hard time grasping the idea: that Olean is another god besides Sénan|He is another deity}, worshipped by the Rocharn, as well as some Quinn merchants. It seems that merchants and traders pray to Olean at the outset and conclusion of ventures. Reflecting this, the inside of the temple is resplendant with gold, silver, and jewels. It seems that Olean has blessed many transactions, and the grateful devotees have given their lavish thanks. *fake_choice #How can there be more than one god? There is only Sénan; this is a false god. *set orthodoxy %+10 *set tradition %+5 You refrain from making an offering. #I wonder what other sorts of things the good caris left out of his sermons. *set orthodoxy %-10 *set tradition %-5 *set piety %-10 What questions did you not have the words to ask then, and how many of them still remain? What tales were too magnificent for you to doubt? How can you see around your own ignorance? You chew on these questions as you depart. #Who am I to pass judgments on questions of the divine? If making an offering to Olean might result in a better deal… *set piety %-10 *set orthodoxy %-5 *set manor_liquid -1 You make a small offering to Olean before departing the temple. #I worship the god of my people. No other deity is of concern to me. *set tradition %+10 *set justice %-5 You refrain from making an offering to Olean; you will not abase yourself before another people's deity. The smell of incense follows you outside. *goto after_tour_sturmreich #Pray at the Temple of Odo Paster. *set piety %+10 *set rep_senan %+10 *set manor_liquid -5 The temple of Odo Paster is the most impressive in all of Sturmreich. When you enter, an old macron spies you—and your entourage—and greets you warmly. She offers to take you on a tour of the building, which you @{(hubris < 50) graciously|} accept. She points out the numerous stained-glass windows, telling the stories of the young Paster and his sheephound Tansil, as well as several miracles attributed to him since his passing. When you have finished your introspections, the rest of your party follows you out. *goto after_tour_sturmreich #Pray at the Temple of Odo Cluranh. *set piety %+10 *set justice %+5 *set tradition %-10 *set hubris %-5 *set rep_senan %+10 *set manor_liquid -5 Odo Cluranh lived many years in Sturmreich, and the second odoma that he founded sits just outside the city. After the Great Fire, it was deemed proper to build a temple to the Odo that once walked these very streets. Because Odo Cluranh spent so much time among the poor—and his odomas are, to this day, orphanages—he is revered by them. That also means that few knights or members of the gentry deign to set foot in his temple; thus, the arrival of the @{knight_hired four|three} of you is met with stares. Focused on your purpose, however, you take a seat on one of the benches and spend some time meditating on the iconography of Odo Cluranh. The main hall of the temple is lit by candles, with some light filtering through the stained glass windows. @{(engineering > 0) You've seen stained glass before—at the temple in Ulmheit—and you can tell even from this distance that the glass here is crude.|} When you have finished your introspections, you make a small donation and the rest of your party follows you out. *goto after_tour_sturmreich #Pray at the shrine of Odos Duatha, Gornogh, and Macanh. *set visited_tripartite true *set chivalry %+10 *set justice %-10 *set tradition %+10 *set hubris %+10 *set rep_gentry %+5 *set rep_senan %+5 *set manor_liquid -5 The three Odos of war—Duatha the General, Gornogh the Soldier, and Macanh the Knight—are frequently worshipped together, and such is the case in Sturmreich. The @{knight_hired four|three} of you file into the shrine, where you make a small donation and pray to the Odos who, each in their turn, saved the Quinn. When you have finished your introspections, the rest of your party follows you out. *goto after_tour_sturmreich *label after_tour_sturmreich *page_break The seat of the Caol of Amerlich is so large as to be almost beyond your comprehension; someone mentions that over twenty thousand souls live in the city. A few days ago, you were safely ensconced on your manor, with your family and ${peasant_pop} peasants. But then you were in Ulmheit, Sturmreich…and now Amerlich. The center of the city is the island stronghold of Amerleid. It was once the entirety of the community, but the city has long-since expanded to both shores of the Sénarch. You've been told there's even a whole section of the city given over to the Xarna, who once fought alongside the Quinn against the goblin menace. And, of course, the spire of the temple of Odo Donel is the tallest thing you have ever seen, and is clearly visible from everywhere in the city and beyond. Your boat docks; you see to your accomodations; you negotiate passage to Yardwen. Those tasks accomplished, you have a few hours to spend in city. *set manor_liquid -45 *if knight_hired *set manor_liquid -15 *set manor_liquid -3 *if knight_hired *set manor_liquid -1 *fake_choice #I want to visit Hikanosyne, the home of the Xarna. *set tradition %-5 Hikanosyne is actually the home of the Hikana, who shared an island with the Xarna once upon a time. The two city-states stole each others cattle and children, and vied for supremacy in the Pasterstom. Eventually, the feud was ended with the volcano on the island erupted and buried Hikanos beneath lava and ash. In the aftermath of that cataclysm, Hikanosyne declared its fealty to Xarnos. To this day, Hikanosyne exists as a city apart. It has its own stone walls, its own docks, and it flies the flag of Xarnos: a silver goose on a blue field. It is said that the captain of every Xarna ship keeps a goose in their cabin, though for the life of you, you can't imagine why—unless it was there to be eaten. #I want to visit the temple of Odo Donel. *set piety %+5 *if visited_donel_amerlich As you near the temple, you are reminded of your previous journey here. You retrace the familiar steps, eventually finding yourself once again standing before the stone façade and massive spire. *if visited_donel_amerlich = false *set visited_donel_amerlich true *gosub_scene pilgrimages donel_amerlich_first_time *fake_choice #I will pray for a time and then depart. There is no need for a donation here. *set piety %+5 ${squire_inf} is @{(spendthrift > 50) a bit surprised|unsurprised} by your tight-fistedness—you can see it on ${squire_his} face—but says nothing. *set spendthrift %-10 #I will leave the temple a small consideration. It's only proper. *set tradition %+5 *set manor_liquid -10 You survey the interior dispassionately. You came, you saw, you give. #Odo Donel was known as a miracle-worker, but you've never seen a miracle. *set piety %-15 Heal the sick? Burn the impious? Perhaps if you'd ever heard of such a thing happening to someone you knew. But indistinct rumors of things in distant lands are nothing to put stock in. @{(piety > 45) Perhaps you will make a more formal pilgrimage here someday.|} #I want to visit New Market. *set spendthrift %+5 New Market is the largest market square of the city. It sprang up years ago outside the gates of Colheit-ye-Sénarch—the portion of the city on the western shore—and was only belatedly formalized and then in turn enclosed by a palisade. *comment encounter a pickpocket? #I want to visit the temple of Odo Cora. *set piety %+5 *set tradition %+5 Located in Amerleid, this is the temple that Odo Donel served in before his revelation. The building itself is old and in need of restoration. Though he served here, the temple he founded on the western shore, and its massive spire, attracts far more attention. Odo Cora herself was renowed for saving the Quinn in the first years after the Exodus. She found the salt springs at Fistamer, and discovered how to extract that salt from the water. This allowed the Quinn to preserve their food through the winter. Everyone knows Odo Cora, but she is not as revered as she was in decades and centuries past. *fake_choice #It seems that even the odos come in and out of fashion. *set piety %-10 #If she is not as favored as she once was, it surely Sénan's will. *set piety %+10 #TODO. You offer a macron a small consideration before excusing yourself. *set manor_liquid -10 #I want to visit the temple of Odo Duatha. *set hubris %+10 *if visited_tripartite This is a vastly different affair from the shrine in Sturmreich. It is a proper temple, complete with a spire, bells, incense, and stained glass windows. *if visited_tripartite = false The temple of Odo Duatha is impressive. Its spire may not reach as high as the spire of Odo Donel, but it is still unlike anything in Ulmheit. Odo Duatha actually fought here in Amerlich. When the Xarna forces sacked Fassmein in 217, Duatha made the grueling overland trek from Quinnich, arriving just in time to organize the successful defense of the city in 218. When they lost the initial assault, the Xarna organized a siege. It was hard fought, but inspired by Duatha, the people of Amerlich rallied and refused to submit. When the siege was lifted, Duatha pushed south and eventually liberated Fassmein. Because of this, the people of Amerlich love Duatha, and were ardent supporters of his cult after his death. There was even something of a competition to see who could complete the first temple in his name. *fake_choice #I hope to bring honor to my phare as he once did. *set hubris %+15 #So many lives were lost on both sides, and for what? *set hubris %-15 #TODO @{(piety > 45) You say a quick prayer before seeking out|You look around for} a macron, to whom you give a small donation. *set manor_liquid -10 *page_break The keep of Yardwen is under construction. The scaffolding encases it and workers seem to crawl on its every surface. As your boat closes the distance to the village docks, @{knight_hired ${knight_inf} opines that the thorne of Yardwen must be restoring and expanding the structure|you find yourself describing the features of the structural updates to ${squire_inf}, who nods along}. At your command, ${squire_inf} raises your banner. The boat comes to a rest at the dock. The dockwarden greets the captain, the two exchange words, and permission is granted to unload. The @{knight_hired four|three} of you gather your belongings and, with a farewell to the captain, disembark. As you pass, the dockwarden eyes your *if knight_hired banner, you, and finally ${knight_inf}. *if (knight_hired = false) and (sword > 1) banner, you, and then finally your sword. *if (knight_hired = false) and (sword = 1) banner and then you. He nods a greeting—the barest sign of respect to a thornet, you suppose—and then turns his attentions to the captain. They have business to do. You wend you way through the village of Yardwen. You pass a temple dedicated to Odo Donel which was clearly rebuilt at some point; the carvings in the stone do not match, and there are scorch marks from some great fire. Gorji, Mazurani, Xarna, bandits, goblins…there are numerous potential culprits. Unlike Ulmheit, Castle Yardwen's stone wall is much more sophisticated, complete with bastions and corner towers. You wonder @{(hubris > 50) if the thornes of Yardwen were given to sallies, or if they tend to hide behind their walls when under siege|people have died on its ramparts}. It is not so high—maybe sixteen feet—but high enough to deter casual raiders. When you are challenged at the gate, ${squire_inf} announces you@{knight_hired and ${knight_inf}|}. Within a few minutes, the chamberlain of the castle appears, welcoming you inside the bailey. Once inside, the chamberlain—Werden Pasterich—greets you with a smug smile. "We have been expecting you.@{(age > 22) Though, I'm surprised it has taken you so long to come claim your patrimony, thornet.|}" @{(hubris > 50) "Be grateful that I came in peace, Werden Pasterich. It was not so long ago that honors claimed through tournament were reclaimed through less amicable means."|"The road has been long, Werden Pasterich. Let us break bread and speak of more pleasant things."} "Yes, yes…of course. Let met offer you bread and cider and a place to lay your things." You share the communion as well as word of the road; the ritual complete, you send ${page_inf} to post your banner above the gate. In ${page_his} absence, Werden turns to more practical matters, informing you that the thorne of Yardwen is at one of his manors and is due to return soon. You are welcome, of course, to make your bed in the great hall until his return. It is difficult, to ignore your father's sword and armor hanging above the thorne's chair, but you muster the self-discipline to stay focused on the chamberlain's puffy jowls. *page_break TODO meet Jonjoon's three children: XXX, Kadercom, and ${yardwen_scion_inf}. *page_break Finally, the firepit in the great hall is piled with wood—the thorne's banner has been spotted on the road. A pig is slaughtered, spitted, and put over the fire to roast. Soon, the smell of the meat fills not only the hall but the bailey. Jonjoon Presperich greets you formally, welcoming you to his hall. "Your father fought well at the tournament. Why, when our swords rang, and his blood fell upon the earth, he laughed and said to think nothing of it." "It is unfortunate that he himself thought so little of it, thorne." "So it is, ${name} ${patronym}," he says somberly. "Let us raise our cups to your father. Long may his phare remember his name." With that, you raise your drinking horn and toast to the memory of your father with the man who killed him. *page_break "You see your family sword and your father's armor, hanging above my chair." Of course you do. You've been staring at them since you first stepped into the hall. "I offer it to you in exchange for five hundred bushels." A steep price. Perhaps not exorbitant, but steep. "But that is not all. I also offer you the opportunity to be in my debt. And if not you, your heir; and if not me, mine. A debt to be repaid when called upon." An interesting proposition. You suspect that this would entail fulfilling a call to military service on his behalf, but until the debt is called.… "And finally, I offer you my ${o_son}'s hand in marriage, for which your family sword would be the dowry." ${yardwen_scion_name} shouts in protest. "Father!" ${o_he} exclaims. "…a gift as much to you as to me, I suppose. But one never knows what future awaits. Your offspring may some day claim the thurne of Yardwen as their own." Everyone in the room is stunned by this final offer. You do, however, notice a sly grin on the face of Kadercom. *choice #I pay the ransom. *set manor_liquid -500 "With all due respect to ${yardwen_scion_name}," you begin, "I accept you terms for payment by debt-note." ${yardwen_scion_name} lets out a sigh of relief. "Not rid of me so fast, are you, father?" With that, ${o_he} storms out of the hall. In the wake of your decision, the debt-note is signed, songs are sung, and finally your father's sword is returned to you. You sleep well this night, knowing that you father is finally at peace. *goto sword_acquired #I accept the debt of obligation. *set debt_to_yardwen true "With all due respect to ${yardwen_scion_name}," you begin, "I accept you terms for payment by debt of honor." "Very well, upon your family sword then," he says, ordering it taken down from the wall. "Well, I'm happy to see that I've not been traded like some heifer," interjects ${yardwen_scion_inf}. Captivated by the approaching sword, you pay Jonjoon's third child no mind. Exasperated, ${o_he} storms out of the hall. The sword finally in your hands, kneel before the throne and pledge your debt to him. When you rise, he claps you the back. "Come, let us sing songs and enjoy this feast." There is much drinking and revelry, until finally you have shouted yourself hoarse and most of the others have relinquished the fight. You sleep well this night, knowing that you father is finally at peace. *goto sword_acquired *selectable_if (false) #I accept ${yardwen_scion_name} as my spouse. *set married true *set spouse_name yardwen_scion_name *set spouse_inf yardwen_scion_inf ${spouse_inf} storms out of the hall. "I am confident that Sénan will bless your marriage," Jonjoon says. TODO *goto sword_acquired *selectable_if (false) #I decline the offer. I am freer for not having the weight of my father's sword. *set hubris %+10 *set tradition %-20 *set rep_gentry %-20 *set weapons_rejected true *if squire = "Karol Hardanich" *set karol_rapport %-30 Everyone in the room is aghast. "You do not want your family sword?" Jonjoon sputters. "I thank you for your hospitality, thorne, and for this opportunity to meet you and your family. But I must forge mine own path, and how can I do that when I carry someone else's sword?" @{knight_hired "Are you sure about this?" ${knight_inf} whispers.|} You look around the room. "Come, no need to be so somber." *goto return_home *label sword_acquired *page_break *set annual_manor_morale %+10 *set rep_gentry %+10 *set tradition %+15 *set sword 2 *set weapons_held false *label return_home The next morning you pack your things through your pounding headache. It will take even longer to return, as you will be going upriver most of the journey. Your order ${page_inf} to fetch your banner, say your farewells to Jonjoon and his family, and set out to for home. *page_break The return home retraces the steps of your outbound journey. It takes longer—the waters of the Sénarch and the Corarch work against you—but you make it home in time for the summer feast. *set manor_liquid -120 *if knight_hired *set manor_liquid -40 *set manor_liquid -9 *if knight_hired *set manor_liquid -3 *return A few hours to Ulmheit. Secure passage to Sturmreich. Spend the night. Two full days (overnight at a riverside inn). Overnight in Stumreich. Secure passage to Amerlich. Spend night. Four days to Amerlich. Spend night. Secure passage to Yardwen. Sight-see. Five and a half days upriver to Yardwen. Time in Yardwen. Three days to Amerlich. Secure passage to Sturmreich. Six days to Sturmreich. Secure passage to Ulmheit. Spend night. Four days to Ulmheit.