*title Fief *author Jason Stevan Hill *scene_list manor_intro annual_hub ulmheit yardwen subs calamities squire family manor_npcs *comment PC *create name "Jo" *create patronym "" *create toponym "" *create he "he" *create him "him" *create his "his" *create hiss "his" *create thurnet "" *create gender 0 *create brother "sibling" *create age 16 *create piety 50 *comment skepticism *create orthodoxy 50 *comment heterodoxy *create spendthrift 50 *comment pennypincher *create chivalry 50 *comment pragmatist *create compassion 50 *comment ruthless *create hubris 50 *comment humility *create justice 50 *comment order *create tradition 50 *comment equity *create academics 0 *create agriculture 0 *create combat 1 *create domestics 0 *comment cooking and sewing and preserving *create engineering 0 *create husbandry 0 *create medicine 0 *create tactics 0 *create trade 0 *create woodcraft 0 *create knight false *create literate false *create banner "" *create banner_short "" *create fame 0 *comment household variables *create manor_debt 2000 *create interest_rate 0.15 *create manor_liquid 200 *create annual_focus "none" *create warhorse 1 *create ridinghorse 2 *create falcons 0 *create family_pop 3 *create servant_pop 4 *create household_support_index 1 *create just_changed_household_support false *create salter_debt 0 *create salter_interest 0.2 *comment mom variables *create mother_origin 0 *create mother_alive true *create rel_mom 65 *comment Karol variables *create karol_status "" *create karol_age 7 *create karol_scholar 0 *create karol_adm 0 *create karol_warrior 0 *create karol_net 0 *create tutor_hired false *create karol_support 0 *create karol_rapport 30 *comment global variables *create year 565 *create winterLength 100 *create tithe 0.9 *create at_war false *create weather_index 1 *comment gender variables *create o_he "he" *create o_him "him" *create o_his "his" *create o_son "son" *create o_gender 1 *comment marriage variables *create married false *create spouse_name "" *create spouse_inf "" *comment reputation *create rep_gentry 30 *create rep_senan 30 *create rep_ulrich 30 *create rep_freeholders 30 *create rep_mercers 25 *comment manor stats *create manor_morale 25 *create annual_manor_morale 0 *create manor_efficiency 0.65 *create trade_efficiency 0.65 *create manor_acreage 3475 *create forest_acreage 1200 *create fen_acreage 130 *create farmland_acreage 1395 *create pasture_acreage 415 *create meadow_acreage 140 *create unusable_acreage 51 *create demense_acreage 114 *create gleb_acreage 30 *create unassigned_acreage 0 *create tot_farmland 1539 *comment farm + demense + gleb *comment manor improvements *create improveRoadToUlm 0 *create improveManorRoads 0 *create shrine "shrine" *create bell false *create bell_flawed false *create ruined_bell true *create docks_damaged true *create enlarged_hall false *create permAgEfficiency 0 *create permDomEfficiency 0 *create permHusbandEfficiency 0 *comment equipment *create sword 1 *comment minimums *create minSheep 0 *create woolNeeded 0 *create woolDeficit 0 *create maintenanceDebt 0 *comment manor pop stats *create peasant_pop 366 *create child_pop 120 *create serf_pop 291 *create serf_child_pop 135 *create yeoman_pop 15 *create yeoman_child_pop 6 *create pending_yeoman_births 0 *create yeoman_acreage 210 *create trade_pop 60 *create trade_child_pop 21 *create pending_trade_births 0 *create trade_acreage 120 *create tradeAdults 0 *create tradeDeaths 0 *create displayTradeDeaths 0 *create trade_grads 0 *create displayTradeGrads 0 *create villein_pop 100 *create villein_child_pop 38 *create pending_villein_births 0 *create villein_acreage 630 *create villeinAdults 0 *create villeinDeaths 0 *create displayVilleinDeaths 0 *create villein_grads 0 *create displayVilleinGrads 0 *create hv_pop 135 *create hv_child_pop 45 *create pending_hv_births 0 *create hv_acreage 405 *create hvAdults 0 *create hvDeaths 0 *create displayHvDeaths 0 *create hv_grads 0 *create displayHvGrads 0 *create cottar_pop 35 *create cottar_child_pop 6 *create pending_cottar_births 0 *create cottar_acreage 30 *create cottarAdults 0 *create cottarDeaths 0 *create displayCottarDeaths 0 *create cottar_grads 0 *create displayCottarGrads 0 *create fisher_pop 15 *create fisher_child_pop 4 *create pending_fisher_births 0 *create fisherAdults 0 *create fisherDeaths 0 *create displayFisherDeaths 0 *create fisher_grads 0 *create displayFisherGrads 0 *create landless_pop 6 *create landlessDeaths 0 *create displayLandlessDeaths 0 *create landless_grads 0 *create households 72 *create houses 72 *create population_stifled false *create serf_households 57 *create freeholder_households 15 *create trade_households 12 *create yeoman_households 3 *create villein_households 20 *create hv_households 27 *create cottar_households 7 *create fisher_households 3 *create adultMortalityRate 0.0285 *create childMortalityRate 0.19 *create birthRate 0.33 *create gradRate 0.0667 *create displayPendingBirths 0 *create pending_births 0 *create displayInfantDeaths 0 *create totAdults 0 *comment herd pop stats *create sheep 400 *create rams 4 *create ewes 173 *create wethers 173 *create lambs 0 *create cattle 25 *create bulls 2 *create cows 10 *create oxen 8 *create yearlings 2 *create calves 0 *create swine 10 *create boars 1 *create sows 10 *create piglets 0 *comment feudal privileges *create dovecote false *create dovecote_level 0 *create dovecote_license false *create falcon_license false *create hunting_license false *comment hay consumption *create warhorseConsump 133 *comment needs at least 6088 lbs food / year for an 1100 lb warhorse. *comment with eight acres of oats and one of hay, you'd ahve 6048 lbs, at about the right proportion. *comment of course, a bigger question is, are knights actually using lances, or are they more dragoons in this world? *create dailyWarhorseConsump 0 *create ridinghorseConsump 89 *create dailyRidinghorseConsump 0 *comment let's assume a riding horse is only 900 lbs? I was somehow imagining that they would eat half as much, but a horse eats 1.5%-2% of its bodyweight / day. And to carry a person, you can't get much smaller than 1000 lbs. *create sheepConsump 8 *comment 100 days * .04 lbs / day / hay * 90 lb sheep / 45 lbs / bu *create dailySheepConsump 0 *create lambConsump 4.44 *comment 100 days * .04 lbs / day / hay * 50 lb sheep / 45 lbs / bu *create dailyLambConsump 0 *create cowConsump 120 *comment cow can't really be out to pasture if you want milk from it. Therefore, you have to provide the feed. It eats 3% of its bodyweight a day, or 18 lbs of hay. *comment however, you can put it out to pasture for about 70 days a year, when it's neither lactating nor winter. *comment thus, 18 lbs * 300 days / 45 (lbs / bu) *create dailyCowConsump 0 *create bullConsump 80 *comment bulls are big like oxen, but are pastured outside of winter. Thus, 1200 * 3% * 100 = 80 *create dailyBullConsump 0 *create oxenConsump 80 *comment oxen are twice the size of dairy cows, but only need food for 2/3rds of the year (working and winter, a good third they can be at pasture). 1200 * 3% * 200 = 160 bu, half in hay and half in oats. This is only the hay consumption. *create dailyOxenConsump 0 *create yearlingConsump 20 *comment Let's assume half-size for yearlings, or 300 lbs? Thus 300 lbs * 3% * 100 days = 900 lbs / 45 = 20 *create dailyYearlingConsump 0 *create calfConsump 10 *create dailyCalfConsump 0 *comment calf consump unnecessary? *comment yields *create hayYield 133 *comment ok, let's revisit this. Hay is a bit of a nebulous concept. Let's pick 45 lbs / bu, using Timothy grass as the benchmark. Current yield is 6.25 tons / acre. That's 277.77 bu / acre. And that's where that 286 number comes from! Close enough, anyway. *comment fucking idiot. Current hay yields for seeds and fertilized hay can't compare with medieval wild hay. Let's try 1.25 tons / acre, which is quite generous for wild hay. That's 55.5 bu / acre, or 3 acres of hay to support one dairycow. *comment ok, let's imagine seeded hay having 2 tons / acre. That's 88.8 bu / acre, or less than 2 acres / cow, which is the basic supposition of GTG. *comment what about 3 tons / acre? That's 133.33 bu / acre, or almost one per cow. *comment interestingly, Harn seems to agree with the numbers of 2 acres / cow, but under the supposition that the cow would be out to pasture, not in a barn providing milk. *create daysHay 4.6 *comment bushels *create wheatYield 6 *create daysGrain 8.1 *comment this was originally 9.1. I don't know how I came to that conclusion, but I'm tinkering with it to see about getting the first month to come out with better results. *create oatYield 8 *comment 32 lbs / bu; deviating from GTG here; there's just too little oat yield for the needs. Going with the Harn number of 8. *create barleyYield 11 *create cabbageYield 120 *comment 50 lbs to bushel *create daysVegetables 8.5 *create winterSquashYield 60 *comment 3000 lbs / acre; 50 lbs to bushel *create summerSquashYield 24 *comment 1000 lbs / acre; 42 lbs to bushel *create vegetableYield 30 *comment 1500 lbs / acre ; 50 lbs / bushel ; *create vetchYield 7 *comment 60 lbs / bu (Harn says 7.4 bu /acres) *create daysVetch 8.5 *create appleYield 40 *create ciderYield 3.25 *create daysFruit 6.5 *create chestnutYield 6 *create daysNut 7.5 *comment 50lbs to a bushel *create lambWoolYield 0.5 *create lambMuttonYield 12 *comment (30 * 0.40) *create lambskinYield 6.75 *create lambMortalityRate 0.7 *create daysLamb 2.78 *create sheepMuttonYield 36 *comment (90 * 0.40) *create sheepWoolYield 3.3 *create daysSheep 0.52 *create calfBeefYield 80 *comment (200 * 0.40) *create calfLeatherYield 12 *create yearlingBeefYield 160 *comment (400 * 0.40) *create yearlingLeatherYield 24 *create daysYearling 0.6 *create cowBeefYield 240 *comment (600 * 0.40) *create cowLeatherYield 36 *create cowBirthRate 0.6 *create daysCow 1.2 *create milkAnnualYield 600 *comment this number is in gallons. The idea is that a quarter goes to the calf, a quarter to milk and butter, a quarter to new cheese, and a quarter to hard cheese. Medieval cows produced about 3.5 (2.7-4.4) gallons of milk a day. Currently, cows lactate for 305 days on a 14 month cycle; they are bred 60 days after giving birth. Let's annualize that and say that the cow lactates for 8.5 months, or 250 days. That's how we arrive at 875 gallons. We could also calculate instead on gallon-per-pound basis excluding the calf's consumption; that would be elegant: 600 gallons of usable milk from a 600 lb cow. And that would give 275 gallons to the calf. *create oxenBeefYield 480 *comment (1200 * 0.40) *create oxenLeatherYield 72 *create daysOx 1.75 *create swinePorkYield 135 *comment (300 * .45) *create swineLeatherYield 28 *create sowLitterSize 4 *create daysSow 2.4 *create pigPorkYield 63 *comment (140 * 0.45) *create pigLeatherYield 6 *create pigMortalityRate 0.9 *create daysPig 1.45 *create horseLeatherYield 40 *create deadLeather 0 *comment harvest variables *create harvestWool 0 *create harvestWheels 0 *create harvestWheat 0 *create harvestBarley 0 *create harvestOats 0 *create harvestAle 0 *create harvestApples 0 *create harvestCider 0 *create harvestChestnuts 0 *create harvestVegetables 0 *create harvestCabbage 0 *create harvestWinterSquash 0 *create harvestSummerSquash 0 *create harvestVetch 0 *create notEnoughOats false *comment tax yields *create taxEggs 0 *create taxWheels 0 *create taxWheat 0 *create taxPigs 0 *create taxLambs 0 *create taxWool 0 *create taxFish 0 *create taxCheese 0 *create taxMutton 0 *create taxBeef 0 *create taxPork 0 *create taxLambskin 0 *create taxLeather 0 *comment manor resources *create wheat 600 *create rye 100 *create barley 0 *create hay 0 *create oats 0 *create meat 50 *create lambskin 0 *create leather 0 *create wool 50 *create timber 20 *create wheels 10 *create cheese 0 *create cider 25 *create ale 100 *create chestnuts 0 *create cabbage 0 *create winterSquash 50 *create summerSquash 0 *create vegetables 50 *create fish 0 *create vetches 0 *create incomeWheat 0 *create incomeWool 0 *comment manor improvements *create cattle_pasture "cattle pasture" *comment manor flags *create hanging_tree true *comment demense *create demense_sheep_needs 18 *create wheatAcres 18 *create barleyAcres 14 *create oatAcres 20 *create cabbageAcres 2 *create appleAcres 10 *create chestnutAcres 7 *create winterSquashAcres 3 *create summerSquashAcres 3 *create vetchAcres 33 *create vegetableAcres 4 *create laborDays 0 *create maintenanceDays 0 *comment feasts (actually irrelevant, because I resent them with a gosub at the bottom of this file) *create numSmallFeasts 3 *create numMedFeasts 0 *create numLargeFeasts 0 *create smallFeastWheat 0 *create smallFeastAle 0 *create smallFeastChestnut 0 *create smallFeastCider 0 *create smallFeastVegetables 0 *create smallFeastWinterSquash 0 *create smallFeastCabbage 0 *create smallFeastEggs 0 *create smallFeastWheels 0 *create smallFeastPork 0 *create smallFeastMutton 0 *create smallFeastBeef 0 *create smallFeastCheese 0 *create smallFeastSquab 0 *create canHaveThree true *comment manor NPCs *create eorwald "Sirid Marlinich" *create eorwald_inf "Sirid" *create eorwald_he "she" *create eorwald_his "her" *create eorwald_him "her" *create eorwald_pos "hers" *create sirid_convo_intro 0 *create mordain_alive true *create dairymaid "Joon" *create swineherd "Wren" *create swineherd_he "he" *create swineherd_his "his" *create swineherd_him "him" *create shepherd "Hor" *create shepherd_he "he" *create woodward false *create woodward_name "name" *create woodward_patronym "patronym" *create woodward_he "he" *create woodward_his "his" *create woodward_him "him" *comment world NPCs *create ulrich_age 2 *create ulrich_majority false *comment warfare variables *create unit_skill 0 *create fresh_drill 0 *comment market prices (units of product per bushel of wheat) *create hayPrice 46 *comment a ton of hay is worth less than a quarter of an acre of wheat ; 40 bushels @ 45 lbs / ton *create saltPrice 0.12 *comment 6 lbs per bu ; .12 bu per wheat bu *create woolPrice 9 *comment Fief says 14.4 pounds to the bushel in 1251 at source (Farnham) GTG says 2 lbs to the bushel. This is raw wool, not wool yarn. *create barrelPrice 1.28 *create cagePrice 6 *create pickledEggPrice 240 *comment eggs are 2160 to an acre of wheat, or 360 to a bu ; salt, sugar, spice, vinegar, and labor. *create cabbagePrice 12 *comment 6000 lbs / acre ; 60 lbs / bushel ; 100 bu / acre ; wheat / acre is .72 value of cabbage / acre *create meatPrice 18 *comment hazard five pounds of bread is worth 1 pound of preserved meat; at 35 lbs bread / bushel wheat, seven pounds of meat to the bushel. However, the salt is a huge factor. Alternately, GTG says pork is 18 lbs / bu, beef is 9 lbs / bu, and mutton is 45 lbs / bu. *create fishPrice 22.5 *comment and fish will cost a little more per pound, since this is the better stuff (not smelt); GTG gives the price at 22.5 lbs / bu. *create oatPrice 1.5 *comment 240 lbs / acre ; 32 lbs / bushel ; 8 / acre ; wheat / acre is 2.25x value of oats / acre. *comment this is really weird. You need a lot of oats to feed horses. Looking at Fief, oats-to-wheat was a 3:2 ratio, not 3:1. *comment notably, according to GTG, you need one acre of oats per month to feed a working horse; more for a warhorse. *comment maybe you only need the oats when they're working and not during the winter and when they're in pasture mid-summer? *create ryePrice 1.83 *comment 616 lbs / acre ; 56 lbs / bushel ; 11 bu / acre ; wheat / acre is as valuabe as rye / acre *create barleyPrice 1.36 *comment 528 lbs / acre ; 48 lbs / bushel ; 11 bu / acre ; wheat / acre is .74 value of barley / acre *create lambskinPrice 2.57 *create leatherPrice 3.6 *create ciderPrice 5.625 *create vegetablePrice 4.1 *comment 1500 lbs / acre ; 50 lbs / bushel ; 30 bu / acre ; wheat / acre is .82 value of root vegetables / acre *create winterSquashPrice 10.3 *comment 3000 lbs / acre; 50 lbs / bushel ; 60 bushels / acre ; wheat / acre is 1.03x value of squash / acre. *create chestnutPrice 1.25 *comment 300 lbs / acre ; 50 lbs / bushel *create cheesePrice 48 *comment unfortunately, GTG is full of shit. Cheese is produced at a gallon of milk to a pound of cheese, largely without variance, whereas he says 4 gallons results in a pound. *comment 200 lbs of soft cheese per cow which is an acre of hay which could be wheat, but which is only a quarter of the milk produced. Thus, 1.5 lbs of cheese is worth 1 lbs of wheat. *comment that doesn't make any sense. No one would pay 1.2 lbs of cheese for one pound of wheat, which you still have to bake. I'm going to arbitrarily, then, set the price of soft cheese at 48, which is 20% less than wheat on pound-for-pound basis. *create wheelsPrice 2.4 *comment twice the price of soft cheese, in 10 lb wheels *create squabPrice 150 *comment squab are live, so they require work; but they don't include the price of the salt, and they're a delicacy, since they can only be harvested by gentry with a license. *create unskilledDayRate 0.083 *comment An unskilled laborer can earn a bushel in 12 days (6-hour shifts ea) *comment fealty flags *create nym_angry_over_fealty 0 *create angry_letter_from_nym false *create years_since_angry_letter 0 *create nym_arrives 0 *create swore_fealty false *create thornes_age 3 *comment random name variables *create femname_1 "" *create fempatronym_1 "" *create descfem_1 "" *create femname_2 "" *create fempatronym_2 "" *create descfem_2 "" *create malename_1 "" *create malepatronym_1 "" *create descmale_1 "" *create malename_2 "" *create malepatronym_2 "" *create descmale_2 "" *comment storyflags *create first_year true *create weapons_held true *create weapons_rejected false *create debt_to_yardwen false *create ox_slaughtered false *create cow_slaughtered false *comment knight flags *create knight_hired false *create knight_name "" *create knight_inf "" *create knight_he "he" *create knight_his "his" *create knight_him "him" *create knight_support 0 *create pledge_employ_knight false *create years_since_pledge_knight 0 *create betrayed_pledge_hire_knight 0 *create knight_tenure 0 *create squire "" *create squire_inf "" *create squire_he "" *create squire_his "" *create squire_him "" *create squire_support 0 *create squire_age 7 *create page false *create page_name "" *create page_inf "" *create page_he "" *create page_him "" *create page_his "" *comment pilgrimage flags *create can_pil_hisbroke true *create completed_pil_hisbroke false *create can_pil_donel_amerlich true *create completed_pil_donel_amerlich false *create visited_donel_amerlich false *comment sturmreich flags *create visited_sturmreich false *create watched_among_the_vultures false *comment calamity flags *create calamity 0 *create seasons_since_calamity 0 *create calamity_event false *create drunk_boar false *create years_since_drunk_boar 0 *create drunk_boar_once false *create rat_calamity_index 1 *create barncat false *create newBarn true *create calamity_season 1 *comment calamity season 1 is no calamity; for use with multireplace. *create border_disagreement false *create poachers_about true *create grain_infested_by_rats false *create maimed_pop 0 *create deadCalf false *create deadYearling false *create outlaws 12 *create outlaws_betrayed false *create outlaw_camp_progress 0 *create free_meadow false *create free_acre false *create free_house false *create wheat_failure false *create winter_wheat_failure false *create spring_wheat_failure false *comment runaway serf flags *create years_since_outlaw_from_neighbor 5 *create outlaw_resident false *create outlaw_he "he" *create outlaw_him "him" *create outlaw_his "his" *create outlaw_name "name" *create outlaw_patronym "patronym" *create outlaw_gender "unknown" *create outlaw_betrayer false *create outlaw_resident_promoted_to_cottar false *comment randomtest flags *create tone_down_living_expenses false *comment log variables *create log "" *create absentLog "" *comment update initial values *set dailyWarhorseConsump (warhorseConsump / 369) *set dailyRidinghorseConsump (ridinghorseConsump / 369) *set dailySheepConsump (sheepConsump / 100) *set dailyLambConsump (lambConsump / 100) *set dailyCowConsump (cowConsump / 369) *set dailyBullConsump (bullConsump / 100) *set dailyOxenConsump (oxenConsump / 200) *set dailyYearlingConsump (yearlingConsump / 100) *comment *set dailyCalfConsump (calfConsump / 100) *gosub_scene subs calc_adults *comment *goto_scene annual_hub collect_taxes *comment *goto demo_start *goto_scene manor_intro *choice #Being playing. *goto_scene manor_intro #Demo progression. *label demo_start *set gender 1 *set o_gender 2 *set name "Tensil" *set patronym "Velerich" *set toponym "Joonreid" *goto_scene annual_hub