*if choice_randomtest *goto_scene 0-1intro *if choice_quicktest *goto_scene 0-1intro *sm_init mygame | 5 Quick thank you to CJW for the development of this game's save system. To Dashingdon for providing the host website. And to COG for choicescript, on which this game was made. Through Broken Lenses tells the story of a child born into war. They have been killing for as long as they can remember, to the point where it is little more difficult than breathing. Now this natural born killer has been given a chance to leave behind their old life and begin trying to build a new one, under a new name. Assuming they can. Take the spark of humanity left inside you and try to make it grow, or let it be snuffed out. Hold onto the skills that have been with you since birth, or leave them behind in search of a new identity. Seek new relationships, either from romance or friendships, or close yourself off from the world; just remember, the past must be paid for. *page_break Start Would you like to start from the beginning, or would you like to manually input what choices you made and skip to chapter 2? *fake_choice #Start anew *goto_scene 0-1intro #Skip to the new (while inputting choices manually) *goto skip *label skip *set daniel_name "Daniel Decker" *set jessy_name "Jessy Stewart" *set toby_name "Toby Hens" *set lucy_name "Lucy Stein" *set vi_name "Vi Myrtal" *set junior_name "Junior Beach" *set jason_name "Jason Stave" Are you male or female? *fake_choice #Male *set gender "Male" *set male true *set he "he" *set him "him" *set his "his" *set boy "boy" *set mr "Mr." *set man "man" #Female *set gender "Female" *set female true *set he "she" *set him "her" *set his "her" *set boy "girl" *set mr "Miss" *set man "lady" What is your name? *input_text firstname *set fullname (firstname&" ")&lastname *label indicisiveasfuck Do you treat Daniel more like a dad, friend, or stain? Daddan *fake_choice #0 #1 *set daddan 1 #2 *set daddan 2 #3 *set daddan 3 Frienddan *fake_choice #0 #1 *set frienddan 1 #2 *set frienddan 2 #3 *set frienddan 3 Hatedan *fake_choice #0 #1 *set hatedan 1 #2 *set hatedan 2 #3 *set hatedan 3 Daddan: ${daddan} Frienddan: ${frienddan} Hatedan: ${hatedan} This right? *fake_choice #Yes #No *goto indicisiveasfuck How much are you starved for violence? *fake_choice #0 *set bored 0 #1 *set bored 1 #2 *set bored 2 #3 *set bored 3 #4 *set bored 4 #5 *set bored 5 What is your relationship with Toby Hens? *fake_choice #Friendly = You're friends! *set tobyrelationship "Friendly" #One-Sided Friendship = He wants to be friends. You aren't playing nice, though. *set tobyrelationship "One-Sided Friendship" #Unnerved = You're acting weird, and he doesn't understand it. *set tobyrelationship "Unnerved" #Protective = You asked for his help against Jason. Now he wants to keep protecting you. *set tobyrelationship "Protective" #Tense = He thinks you're not very nice. *set tobyrelationship "Tense" #Hostile = You attacked him during a confrontation, and now he's convinced you're evil *set tobyrelationship "Hostile" Did you agree to be friends with Vi Myrtal? *fake_choice #Yes *set vi_friend true Did you accept Vi's servitude? *fake_choice #Yes *set virelationship "Happy Slave" *goto con #No *set virelationship "Strange Friendship" *goto con #No *set virelationship "One-Sided Obsession" *goto con *label con Did you break Jessy Stewart's arm? *fake_choice #Yes *set nojessy true *set jessyhostileforlife true *set jasonhostileforlife true *goto con2 #No What is your relationship with Jessy Stewart? *if (male =true) *fake_choice #Attracted? = She is interested in you, for unknown reasons. *set jessyrelationship "Attracted?" #Scorned = As a male, you turned down her advances. *set jessyrelationship "Scorned" #Tolerant = She accepts your existence. *set jessyrelationship "Tolerant" *set jasonrelationship "Tolerant" *goto con2 #Annoyed = As a man, you aren't falling for her. *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" #Confused = You're fucking weird. *set jessyrelationship "Confused" #Curious = She doesn't understand you. *set jessyrelationship "Curious" *goto conj *if (female =true) *fake_choice #Tolerant = She accepts your existence. *set jessyrelationship "Tolerant" *set jasonrelationship "Tolerant" *goto con2 #Rival = You're another girl in the school. You're going down. *set jessyrelationship "Rival" #Jealous = As a female, you're trying to get close to her man. *set jessyrelationship "Jealous" #Awkward = As a female, you tried being friends. *set jessyrelationship "Awkward" #Confused = You're fucking weird. *set jessyrelationship "Confused" #Curious = She doesn't understand you. *set jessyrelationship "Curious" *goto conj *label conj What is your relationship with Jason Stave? *fake_choice #Wary = You interrogated him or beat him up. *set jasonrelationship "Wary" #Grateful = You didn't make a fuss when he hit you. *set jasonrelationship "Grateful" #Indifferent = He doesn't really care about you. *set jasonrelationship "Indifferent" #Tense = You know that he knows that you know that he tried to beat you up, but you evaded him without confrontation. *set jasonrelationship "Tense" #Confused = You're fucking weird. *set jasonrelationship "Confused" *label con2 Did Lucy Stein offer to employ you? *fake_choice #Yes Did you accept? *fake_choice #Yes *set lucyrelationship "Professional" What kind of subordinate are you? *fake_choice #Professional and obedient (Jarvis) *set goodworker 2 #Snarky and dry (Friday) *set tsundereworker 2 #Insubordinate asshole (That guy from work. You know the one) *set badworker 2 *goto con3 #No *set lucyrelationship "Rejected" *goto con3 #No What is your relationship with Lucy Stein? *fake_choice #Classmates = She doesn't think much one way or the other about you. *set lucyrelationship "Classmates" #Wary = She's not sure about you. *set lucyrelationship "Wary" #Reluctant Gratitude = You helped her, even if she isn't too fond of how you did it. *set lucyrelationship "Reluctant Gratitude" #Gratitude = You helped her, and she's grateful (Either you handled the situation peacefully, or you are female). *set lucyrelationship "Gratitude" #Guarded = She thinks you're crazy. *set lucyrelationship "Guarded" #Furious = You injured her. *set lucyrelationship "Furious" #Tense = You're hostile, but not HOSTILE *set lucyrelationship "Tense" #Fond = She's decided she's fond of you. *set lucyrelationship "Fond" #Hostile = There is no possibility of you ever being friends, ever. *set lucyrelationship "Hostile" *set lucyhostileforlife true *goto con3 *label con3 What is your relationship with Junior Beach? *fake_choice #Impressed = He doesn't know you very well, but thinks you're pretty cool. (Females only) *set juniorrelationship "Impressed" #Wary = He knows you're cool, and thinks you might be after his seat. (Males only) *set juniorrelationship "Wary" #Understanding = As a male, you have an understanding. (Males only) *set juniorrelationship "Understanding" #Rival = You are a foe to be conquered. (Males only) *set juniorrelationship "Rival" #Dismissive = He's decided you aren't worth it. *set juniorrelationship "Dismissive" #Hostile = All bridges burned *set juniorrelationship "Hostile" *set juniorhostileforlife true *label whatever What is your combat stat at? *fake_choice #85 *set combat 85 #90 *set combat 90 #95 *set combat 95 What is your Firearms at? *fake_choice #85 *set firearms 85 #90 *set firearms 90 #95 *set firearms 95 What is your Explosives at? *fake_choice #85 *set explosives 85 #90 *set explosives 90 #95 *set explosives 95 What is your Tactics at? *fake_choice #85 *set tactics 85 #90 *set tactics 90 #95 *set tactics 95 What is your Stealth at? *fake_choice #85 *set stealth 85 #90 *set stealth 90 #95 *set stealth 95 What is your Reflex at? *fake_choice #85 *set reflex 85 #90 *set reflex 90 #95 *set reflex 95 *stat_chart opposed_pair Combat Friendliness opposed_pair Firearms Intimacy opposed_pair Explosives Tolerance opposed_pair Tactics Empathy opposed_pair Stealth Honesty opposed_pair Reflex Serenity This right? *fake_choice #Yes #No -_- *goto whatever What is your local reputation? (High being Violent, low being Anonymous) *input_text violent Onward to game. *page_break Chapter 2 *goto_scene 2-1