*fake_choice *if (vi_torture =true) *selectable_if (vilunchone =false) #Why didn't you turn me in? *set vilunchone true *set vilunchquestion +1 *comment Tortured Vi in the bathroom but destroyed school security so it wasn't caught "The last time I saw you, I cut your arm open with a shard of glass and left you bleeding in a bathroom." I can still see blood seeping through the sleeve of her jacket, "Raise up your sleeve." She flinches as the rough fabric brushes against her wound, but nonetheless complies without hesitation. It appears she never went to get it actually treated, preferring to wrap it up with a large amount of toilet paper to stop the bleeding. She's probably been in pain all day. "Why did you cover this up?" "Cause it was bleeding? I'm sorry, did you want me to leave it open..." "Not that, why didn't you tell anyone about this?" "Well, I didn't want you to get in trouble," she says as if it were obvious. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vi_trick =true) *selectable_if (vilunchtwo =false) #You said that we were both evil. Elaborate. *set vilunchtwo true *set vilunchquestion +1 *comment Decided to talk to Vi, and trick her into revealing that the reason she wanted to be around MC was because they were both evil. Either hallway or classroom. *if (vilunchfive =false) She tilts her head at my question, "You remembered that?" "Yes." After what appears to be a moment of thought, she shakes her head so violently that she needs to take a second to steady herself afterwards, "I don't want to. Can I not?" *choice #She [i]will[/i] tell me "I was not asking if you wanted to or not. Elaborate, now." Vi bites her lip and her gaze becomes focused on the table in front of her. When she hesitantly pushes her eyes back up to me, she appears to lose her nerve and focus back on the table, "...Because...you're from Hell. You're going to take me back to Hell where I'm supposed to be." "What is that supposed to mean?" She smiles at me, "Because...we're supposed to go to Hell together! You don't belong here, and I don't belong here, so we're the same and we're going to Hell!" Between the nonsense, I'm able to pick up that she feels some sort of kindred spirit in me. And that she expects me to do some sort of horrible thing to her. It's hard to tell how much of what she says is supposed to be taken literally. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi #I won't force anything. She has a choice in the matter. *set vikindness +1 "Very well." This is evidently not the response she expected. I'm not sure why, I don't believe I have done anything to her up until this point that would make her believe the worst about me, but the act of simply honoring her wishes seems to take her off guard. "...Are you seducing me?" "I have never been adept at seduction." "Are you sure?" "That is what I have been told." "Oh. Well I guess you would know what you're talking about. But why aren't you trying to hurt me if you're not trying to trick me?" "I see no benefit in doing so." "Oh." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vi_think =true) *selectable_if (vilunchthree =false) #Is there still time to decide our status of friendship? *set vilunchthree true *set vilunchquestion +1 *comment Told Vi that MC would think about whether or not they could be friends After I ask her this, Vi seems more excited than I think I have ever seen her before. "Y-Yes? Do you want to be friends now?" *choice #Yes *set vikindness +1 *if (vi_myrtal <100) *set vi_myrtal +5 *set vi_think false *set vi_friend true She freezes up after I respond with the one syllable word. I think I overwhelmed her for a moment before she realized she was in reality. After that takes its time to get through her mind, she slowly turns back to her food. I'm not sure what she's doing until she picks up a roll of bread, kisses it, and hands it to me. "What is this?" "Please eat it. It's poisoned," she replies, "With my love." I'm a bit hesitant at the word poison, but I'm fairly certain that my immune system is able to deal with love appropriately. Besides, if this is something that 'friends' are supposed to do, then this would likely be an important thing to learn early on. Vi continues to watch me as I eat her 'love biscuit' with glee. I suppose I should feel good that I made at least one person happy. It's a change of pace from how my interactions with people have usually gone in the past. "Is this what you do with friends?" "I dunno. Nobody really ever wanted to be my friend before." "So we are both in uncharted waters it seems." "Yes! That's good, right? Cause friends are supposed to have stuff in common!" "I suppose so." "I promise to be the best friend ever!" She smiles, "Is there anything else you want to ask me?" *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi #No *set vi_stalker true *set vi_think false "I wanted to formally tell you that I reject your friendship." "Oh." She nods her head passionless, "I see. I guess that makes sense. You probably think I'm really dumb." "Do you intend to respond aggressively?" "No, I would rather you not kill me. That seems like it would hurt." That was rather cleanly tied up. A bit too cleanly for me to trust considering how fervent she was earlier, "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vi_truth =true) *selectable_if (vilunchfour =false) #Who did you kill? *set vilunchfour true *set vilunchquestion +1 *comment Told Vi a summarized truth about your past in art class, thus learning a bit about hers She bit her lip, "I...don't want to tell you that." "I'm still asking." "Oh, can we play that game again?" "Which game?" "The one where you tell a truth, and then I tell a truth." "Very well." "Okay, well...what will you tell me?" "What is it you want to know?" She bites her lip and stares intensely at the table as she thinks, "Uhm...how about if I tell you who I...killed, you can tell me who you killed?" "I cannot agree to that." "Why not?" "I cannot remember most of them." Most of them have blended together over the years. Sure a few stand out, but if you asked me to remember each and every single one, I doubt I'd be able to do it. "Oh, uhm, I can't really tell you if you won't tell me. That'd be cheating." She thinks really hard again, "Uhmm...hmmm...uh, who would you like to kill? Is that an okay question?" An immediate answer comes to mind, along with a collection of uncomfortable memories. There's no doubt that if I had the opportunity now, I would kill that man in a heartbeat, but that bit of history has threads connecting to a lot of other unpleasant parts. Is that something I want Vi to know about? Is it worth whatever information she is offering in return? *choice #Yes *set vikindness +1 *set vifulltruth true "Very well, I can agree to that," Vi looks at me expectantly, "There was a man from my childhood, an officer. Decided that he liked me, and that translated into making sure my life was as horrible as he could make it, turn me into a better weapon. I would say he was successful, and if he were here I would show him how successful." A very oversimplified version. I'm not about to tell the whole story to someone I only met today. I'm not going to go into detail about the humiliation of being treated as an animal, or about the memories of the numerous atrocities I committed at his bidding, the pain he subjected me to in order to turn me into his gun. Nor do I emphasize the various fantasies I've occasionally allowed myself to indulge in of exactly how I would kill him. I don't hate very many people. Hate requires a lot of energy, most of the time it's just not worth the effort. But him. Him I hate. "He sounds like he should die," Vi whispers "Your turn." I'm tired of talking about myself. I'd rather get the conversation focused on something more productive. "Who was it that you killed?" Vi doesn't seem as hesitant as she was in art class. Perhaps the time in between has given her time to prepare for this, or maybe it's just that she's realized whatever she says to me right now, I've probably done worse. "A man, a...bad one, came over when he wasn't allowed," she began, "He came in and...did really bad things. So I hit him with a...and...then he stopped." "I see. And now you're evil?" "That's what they said I was. I figure when everyone is saying the same thing, they can't all be wrong." "Who are they?" "That's cheating." She shook her head, "You haven't told me anything." "What do you want to know?" "...I don't want to play anymore. Ask me something that doesn't have blood on it." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi #No "I refuse to play this game." "Well...I can't tell you, in that case. That would be cheating." She seems oddly disappointed at this turn of events. "Maybe some other time. If it makes you feel better, I have other non-death related questions. Do I need to tell a truth in exchange for those answers?" "Uhm...what kind of questions?" *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vi_myrtal >60) *selectable_if (vilunchfive =false) #Why do you enjoy being hurt? *set vilunchfive true *set vilunchquestion +1 *set vi_trick true *comment If the MC has been hurting Vi throughout their time together, thus raising reputation Vi seems particularly surprised by this question. "Why would you think I like being hurt? Pain is painful." "Are you certain that you do not enjoy pain? Even a little?" "I mean...I'm pretty sure. Although I guess I can't really know, y'know? Like this one time, I woke up one morning and couldn't see anything so I thought I went blind and hit my head, but then it turned out that I was just crying and my tears dried up while I was sleeping so I couldn't open my eyes, so I guess it would be pretty presumptuous to assume anything about myself, especially since you seem so sure. You seem like the kind of person who knows a lot about pain." "I think you would know more about your likes and dislikes than I would. That is why I am asking." "So...do I like pain or not?" "You tell me." "But you just said I did." "I was asking if you did." "So I don't?" "If you do not, tell me you do not. If you do, tell me that you do." "Oh, I guess I don't. I do not enjoy pain, it makes me feel bad." Now that we finally got that sorted out, it just begs another question, "In that case, why do you react positively to my abuse?" "Because you're pretty." "Odd, most people I have known tell me otherwise." I believe 'eyes of a serial killer' and 'looks like they forgot how to smile' and 'way too many lines for someone that age' have been the most kind descriptive terms I've heard. Vi violently shook her head. "Not here," she says pointing at my face, and then points at my *if (female =true) breast, "here." "Are you making sexual advances toward me?" "No not here. Inside! Your heart!" *if (male =true) torso, "here." "That is still my body." "No not here. Inside! Your heart!" "Most hearts look the same." "But yours is black and evil looking!" I suppose I have never actually seen my heart, so she may be right. If so, I should probably see a doctor. But first, "None of this has answered my original question." "Because you're evil, you're supposed to hurt people. It's when you look pretty." I think I understand. "So you do not gain pleasure from pain inflicted on you, but from watching me perform amoral actions." "Uh-huh." "Why is this?" "Because if you're evil, then I'm evil, and we can both be evil together! And it's okay! I'm not alone!" Okay then. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *selectable_if (vilunchfivepointfive =false) #Why do other students avoid you? *set vievil true *set vilunchfivepointfive true *set vilunchquestion +1 "Because I'm evil." "Is that the only reason?" She thinks for a second, "I'm pretty sure. Unless I smell. Do I smell?" "No." "Then I guess I have to be evil." Well, one can't argue with that logic. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vievil =true) *if ((vifulltruth =false) and (vi_truth =false)) *selectable_if (vilunchsix =false) #Why do you believe you are evil? *set vilunchsix true *set vilunchquestion +1 *comment If Vi has said at some point that she is evil *comment Remember to go through and mark every instance Vi has said she is evil "Well that's what they all told me." "Who are they?" "Y'know, them," she points at a television screen hanging on the wall with two news casters that no one pays attention to, "Those guys said I was bloodthirsty, and everyone seemed to agree with them so I figured, they're probably right. I once heard that if enough people believe something, something magical will happen and make it true. Like if everyone believed something was on fire. I think that's how it works. When everyone said I was a bloodthirsty monster, they had to be right, right? I mean, those guys on the news seem like they know what they're talking about." "So you believe you are evil because everyone has told you that you are evil." "Yes." "And why do they tell you that?" She shrugged, "Probably something I did." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *selectable_if (vilunchseven =false) #Where did you come from? Who sent you? *set vilunchseven true *set vilunchquestion +1 "Uhm...I guess I came from my mom. Not sure where I was before that, but everyone seems to agree on that at least." "But why are you here?" "Uhm...well, I would probably get in trouble if I didn't go to school. I'm pretty sure that's illegal, at least until I turn 18, which won't be for awhile so until then I'm kind of stuck, y'know?" "But who sent you?" "...Is this...a metaphorical question?" "No." "I don't really know how to answer. Sorry. Are you going to kill me?" "No." "Oh." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *selectable_if (viluncheight =false) #Do you have a family? *set viluncheight true *set vilunchquestion +1 "Yes." "Where are they?" "Well, dad is dead, and mom is inside her head...oh hey, that rhymed." "Yes, I see." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if ((vi_trick =false) and (vi_truth =false)) *selectable_if (vilunchnine =false) #Why are you so interested in me? *set vilunchnine true *set vilunchquestion +1 "It is obvious that you have some sort of attraction toward me. What is the cause of this?" "Because I'm evil, and you're evil too, which means we're both evil." "How exactly does that explain anything?" "Because evil people are supposed to stick together." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *selectable_if (viluncheleven =false) #What do you know about this school? *set viluncheleven true *set vilunchquestion +1 *set vievil true "Well...it's made of bricks, and was built...about thirty years ago, I think? Also, this year, there's a lot of security cameras and guards, and the principal hasn't told anyone about it, so I guess it has something to do with you, right? He really likes weird kids, and a lot of the teachers have to get extra training for PTSD survivors." "What about the students?" "I don't think they have to get PTSD training, though I think like, around one in twenty of them have something wrong with them. Not like us, though, they're not evil. They're just sad." "Do you know what the general opinion of the school is." "I...I'm probably not the person you want to ask about that, they don't like me a whole lot." "Take a guess." "Well...most of them are probably confused about all the new security, but I don't think very many people are asking questions about it, so you don't have to worry about them finding out about you. Overall...I guess they're just being people." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *selectable_if (vilunchtwelve =false) #What do you know about me? *set vilunchtwelve true *set vilunchquestion +1 "Uhm...well, you're evil, and you've probably killed people, *if (vi_torture =true) and you like cutting people with glass, *if (hurtvi =true) and you punch really hard, and you're really strong, *if (vi_stalker =true) and you don't really like being followed, *if (vi_think =true) and you think a lot, *if (vi_trick =true) and you're a liar, *if (vi_truth =true) and you came from a really bad place, *if (vifulltruth =true) and you were hurt really bad by some really bad people, *if (violent >50) and you've been hurting people here, *if (vi_myrtal >70) and you hurt me a lot, *if (vi_myrtal <60) and you want to seduce me, and you have really scary eyes, and you're beautiful, and I love you." "That is all? Nothing else?" "Uhm, yeah. Is there something else you wanted me to know?" Given her fascination I had expected her to have some sort of deeper knowledge about my past, besides that there was violence involved. I suppose she could be lying, though she doesn't look like it. "No." *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vi_truth =false) *selectable_if (vilunchthirteen =false) #Have you ever killed someone? *set vilunchthirteen true *set vilunchquestion +1 She tilts her head as if not understanding the question, "Can't you tell?" "What do you mean?" "I guess you could just be trying to trick me..." she mumbles to herself, "Are you trying to trick me?" "No." "Oh, I guess that can't be it then...why are you asking me that?" "Because I want to know the answer." "Oh...no." "Why not?" "I just...I really can't. I'm sorry, I don't want you to know that right now." It's clear I'm not going to get an answer to that without extensive interrogation, which isn't exactly an option right now. "Another time, then." "Can you please ask me something else?" *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vi_myrtal >60) *selectable_if (vilunchfourteen =false) #Do you pledge your complete loyalty to me and promise to serve me for all time? *set vilunchfourteen true *set vilunchquestion +1 "Yes." She says without a moment of hesitation Have to admit, I was mostly asking to see how she would respond. I didn't expect her to actually agree, at least not completely. Now that I realize it's actually an option, there are a lot of benefits to having a slave. I'm not even forcing her to do anything she doesn't already want to do, so the typical ethical dilemma doesn't fully apply. She's already perfectly capable of doing anything I ask of her, and there are a lot of things that would be easier for me to accomplish with someone willing to do whatever I told them to, especially with the short leash that the CIA has put me on. Given time and her devotion to serving me, I may even be able to train her. Then again, she is clearly mentally unstable. She's probably just as likely to get me in trouble than she is to accomplish my goals. Not to mention that most people would probably find owning a slave to come with moral complications, even if she is completely willing, so I can probably expect anyone who happens to find out about our arrangement to make a fuss. I wonder if my previous employers had this same talk with themselves before they took me in. *choice #Accept her servitude *set viservant true *set vi_myrtal 100 *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi-1servant #Backtrack *set vi_myrtal -5 "Just checking," I say, "You don't have to actually be my servant." "Oh...okay. Did I pass?" "I suppose you did, yes. Congratulations." "Oh, that's good. What else did you want to ask?" *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (((Vi_friend =false) and (vi_think =false)) and (vi_stalker =false)) *selectable_if (vilunchfifteen =false) #Do you want to be friends? *set vikindness +1 *set vi_friend true *set vilunchfifteen true *set vilunchquestion +1 *if (vi_myrtal <100) *set vi_myrtal +5 She freezes up after I respond with the one syllable word. I think I overwhelmed her for a moment before she realized she was in reality. After that takes its time to get through her mind, she slowly turns back to her food. I'm not sure what she's doing until she picks up a roll of bread, kisses it, and hands it to me. "What is this?" "Please eat it. It's poisoned," she replies, "With my love." I'm a bit hesitant at the word poison, but I'm fairly certain that my immune system is able to deal with love appropriately. Besides, if this is something that 'friends' are supposed to do, then this would likely be an important thing to learn early on. Vi continues to watch me as I eat her 'love biscuit' with glee. I suppose I should feel good that I made at least one person happy. It's a change of pace from how my interactions with people have usually gone in the past. "What exactly was that meant to symbolize?" "Friendship!" "Is this what you do with friends?" "I dunno. Nobody really ever wanted to be my friend before." "So we are both in uncharted waters it seems." "Yes! That's good, right? Cause friends are supposed to have stuff in common!" "I suppose so." "I promise to be the best friend ever!" She smiles, "Is there anything else you want to ask me?" *goto_scene 1-9lunch-2Vi *if (vilunchquestion =0) #Actually, now that I think about it, I don't care about you *set vi_myrtal -40 Vi recoils with a look of absolute horror on her face, "Wait...what?" I don't bother repeating myself since it's clear she heard me just fine. Instead I'm more focused on the food in front of her. It's completely untouched, if one disregards its lack of order due to Vi's prodding. Otherwise, still a perfectly valid meal. I reach over and grab the tray of salads and fruits, both things that I saw very little of during my time in active combat. Substances so rich in vitamins are more valuable than gold to someone who knows what it's like to be hungry. Unlike the previous owner, I waste no time transporting the food through my mouth and into my digestive tract. One thing I notice is the taste. It appears that there is some sort of flavoring on the salad. Mayonnaise. I don't think I've ever tasted anything like it. I wouldn't say it's a bad taste, and even if it was I wouldn't throw it up, I've had far worse things, but even so the taste is strange and foreign to my taste buds. I couldn't say whether I enjoy the taste or not without further experimentation. At some point Vi ran away from the table, but that's not really on my mind. I am slightly annoyed that she left tears on the table before she ran away, but that's not important enough for me to pay attention to. I have food to eat, and then classes to attend. That girl isn't important enough for me to allow myself to be distracted by her. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 *if (vilunchquestion >0) #Are you going to eat that? "Eat what?" Vi replies, evidently having completely forgotten the array of food that was laid right in front of her. "That. The salad and fruit." "Do you want it?" She pushes it toward me, "I don't need food." I cannot tell whether or not I should be angry about that. Everybody needs food, trying to pretend otherwise is an insult to everyone I know who ever died over a grain of rice. On the other hand, this food that she supposedly 'doesn't need' is being offered to me. Decisions decisions... *fake_choice #Tell her to eat. She needs food to live *set vikindness +1 "You need to eat," I inform her while pushing the food back toward her. "But...you said you wanted it." "I have eaten today, you have not. Your continued survival is important." Her face begins to turn an unhealthy shade of red and she looks down at the table, "Why would you say something like that..." "Because it is." "You're wrong." "I would not have said it if I believed my information was incorrect," I'm not exactly the type to preach about the sanctity of human life. Someone just died a few seconds ago, someone is in the process of dying right now, and someone will die in a few seconds from this moment. Despite that, the overall population of the human race is unlikely to notice their absence, and the total population is unlikely to even take the smallest dip in number. When thought about like that, the idea that a single life has any form of value becomes a pretty silly notion, doesn't it? So when I say that I want someone to live, I expect that to be taken seriously. "Eat. Now." Luckily she gets the message before I have to start forcing it down her throat. #Take the food Being conditioned to equate food to survival, I'm not about to turn down a meal paid at someone else's expense. I take the food and immediately begin biting into it. Salads and fruits, both things that I saw very little of during my time in active combat. Substances so rich in vitamins are more valuable than gold to someone who knows what it's like to be hungry. Unlike the previous owner, I waste no time transporting the food through my mouth and into my digestive tract. One thing I notice is the taste. It appears that there is some sort of flavoring on the salad. Mayonnaise. I don't think I've ever tasted anything like it. I wouldn't say it's a bad taste, and even if it was I wouldn't throw it up, I've had far worse things, but even so the taste is strange and foreign to my taste buds. I couldn't say whether I enjoy the taste or not without further experimentation. "You must really like food." *page_break Next "So...uhm, do you mind...if I ask you something now?" "That depends." "Why are you here?" "I came to eat." "Oh, not that. I mean, I guess that's true, but I wanted to know, why are you at this school? If that's okay..." *fake_choice #Refuse to answer. She doesn't need that information "It is not." Vi immediately looks back at the ground, "Sorry..." #Refuse to answer. It's better for everyone if she doesn't know "I cannot tell you that." Vi immediately looks back at the ground, "Sorry..." "You have done nothing wrong," I assure her, "Your question is reasonable. I cannot answer." "Is someone forcing you? How could someone do that? Couldn't you just kill them?" "It is complicated." #Tell the truth "I have been assigned here until my superiors believe I am ready to enter into society fully." "Assigned? So what are you supposed to be doing? Are you here to kill someone?" "No. I am to study other members of society and attempt to mimic their habits, and attempt to succeed in a formal education." "Are you, like...an alien?" "Of a sort." "Cool..." Vi looks like she wants to say something else, but fear has frozen her over. I am not sure if she is waiting for me to say something or is trying to build up courage, and an extended period of silence falls over us until the sharp ringing of the bell overhead cuts through it. Nothing to do about it. We are both forced to go our separate ways. There are still questions surrounding her, and I am sure she feels the same way about me, but all that will have to wait for another day. We have classes to attend. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1