*set virelationship "Slave" *if (vi_friend =true) *set virelationship "Happy Slave" "Excellent. From this point on you shall be my servant and agent, and do whatever I ask no matter how small or large the request. Do we have an understanding?" "Yes!" She says with enthusiasm. She has a look of anticipation and glee on her face, and I quietly remember the faces of several rookies that I've had to work with through the years, thinking that they'd finally found family in our organization. By comparison, a career of violence and murder was probably better than wherever some of them came from, so maybe they did have something to be excited about. Maybe it is the same with the girl sitting in front of me. I doubt this is what Daniel meant when he said I was supposed to make friends and attempt to blend in, but I can't exactly worry about that. My hand was mostly forced. After all... *fake_choice #Vi could be a threat if not under my control Leave as allies, or leave a corpse. Leaving an enemy alive for any longer than necessary gives them time to plan your downfall. Leaving someone without knowing your stance with them is even more dangerous. Vi's mental state is mostly unknown to me. Given her delusions, even what little I know could just be a product of insanity. Unfortunately, the option of killing her has been taken from me, so the only other outcome that gives me relative peace is to have her as an ally. A subordinate, even better. #She could be a useful tool A human being, even if it's just one and even if they have no particular skills, that is completely loyal to you is a tool that should never be taken for granted. Much like an empty bottle, its usefulness is decided by the user, thus its potential is near limitless. On the outside, Vi doesn't look like much. Scrawny, weak, nervous wreck with few, if any, social skills or strategic knowledge. But even an unskilled human being is capable of an astoundingly wide variety of tasks that no other tool can match. A human being is potential personified. All it takes is a little training and patience on the part of the owner. #I may need someone to take a fall for me later on I don't plan on ever being caught doing something that I'm not supposed to be doing. Then again, nobody ever really plans to fail. Every plan is perfect until someone else figures it out and you're left desperate for a way out. It would be short-sighted of me to assume that I won't ever need someone to be that desperate way out for me. Sure it probably wouldn't fool someone like Daniel or the CIA, but for smaller offenses, Vi would make an excellent scapegoat. #I worry she may hurt herself if not given orders to follow *set humanity +1 Vi is clearly not entirely healthy. I probably shouldn't be one to judge, but I still feel an obligation to give her a bit of structure to follow. Orders can give a person purpose when life doesn't seem to offer any. I can personally attest to that. If working for me keeps her from doing anything that could get her in trouble or hurt herself, that seems worth it. #I want us to be friends *set combat -1 *set humanity +1 Right or wrong, I feel something like a kindred spirit in Vi. At the very least, she seems to have a basic understanding of what I've been though, and yet here she is showing me complete acceptance. I've had people be sympathetic, even accepting, but never understanding. Having Vi work for me ensures she won't be going anywhere, and it allows me to keep a close eye and make sure nothing bad happens to her. #I don't really have a well thought out reason. I guess it's just because I can Sometimes I wonder how many of the greatest acts in history were done for no reason other than because someone was able to. "So, what do you want me to do now?" Right. I suppose I'm a commanding officer now. This is a new experience, I've never been on this side of the fence before. It's strange to have to think of orders rather than just following them. I should probably give Vi some orders to follow, if only to help her stave off insanity. *choice #Go out and gather information on the school *set vischoolinfo true "I need to know more about this school. I have been walking in unknown territory for longer than I am comfortable with," I explain to her as she listens attentively to my briefing, "I need to know more. About the principal, his personal life, where the school gets its funding. Everything." "I can try, but...uhm, how am I supposed to learn all that?" "Be creative." If I knew, I would probably just do it myself. Vi has more chances of success, being the native here, "Give me your report later." "Okay!" She nods dutifully, and continues to watch me carefully, as if waiting with anticipation for me to say something else. "You can go now." "Oh! Yes!" It's only after she's left that I realize she forgot her lunch at the table, barely touched. Truly a wasteful girl. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Go out and gather information on the other students *set vistudentinfo true "I need to know more about the students that are attending this school. I have been walking in unknown territory for longer than I am comfortable with," I explain to her as she listens attentively to my briefing, "I need to know more. Their number, their names, persons of note. Everything of relevance." "I can try, but...uhm, how am I supposed to learn all that?" "Be creative." If I knew, I would probably just do it myself. Vi has more chances of success, being the native here, "Give me your report later." "Okay!" She nods dutifully, and continues to watch me carefully, as if waiting with anticipation for me to say something else. "You can go now." "Oh! Yes!" It's only after she's left that I realize she forgot her lunch at the table, barely touched. Truly a wasteful girl. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Carry on as normal until I tell you otherwise *set vistandby true "Just stand by for now, I don't need you for anything at the moment." I explain to her as she listens attentively to my briefing, "Do see about improving your skills. You will not be of very much use to me if you do not hone your talents." "I can try, but...uhm, are we still going to do things together?" "We will see," I reply, since I cannot really promise anything. For all I know, she could trip and fall and have her fork go through the back of her eye the moment she leaves the table, she has proven clumsy enough. Better to not promise anything to someone that prone to almost killing themselves, "Whatever you would normally be doing, just do that." "Okay!" She nods dutifully, "So...I was wondering..." She's cut off by the bell ringing overhead. "You will have to tell me later. I cannot be late." I say, standing from my seat. In my condition, lateness would have incredibly serious consequences. Better to not take the risk. I just hope Vi lives long enough to tell me what she wanted to say. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Come with me to my next class *set vifollow true "I need someone to watch my back," I tell her, "I have gotten into too many conflicts today. I am starting to think high school might be more dangerous than my superiors told me. I need you to stay by my side for the rest of the day." "Yes! I can do that! My classes probably don't want me anyway." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10Vi-1