*set lucy_stein +5 "We should not fight." "I didn't start anything." "Our disagreement is a misunderstanding." "Oh? So I didn't see you creeping around the girls' room. My mistake, it must have been someone else." I can never be certain but I am relatively sure she is being sarcastic. "There was a valid reason behind my actions. I would like for you to allow me to explain." Lucy looked between me and her wristwatch, visibly irritated, "...You have fifteen words or less." I see. She either wants my response under pressure, or she doesn't see my explanation as worth her time and is giving me such a meager margin as a whim. Well I've done more with less. *fake_choice #Tell her the whole story *set lucy_stein +20 *set nolucy true *set dismiss +1 *set lucyrelationship "Classmates" I have to talk fast so some things might have sounded a bit odd, but I get the important details across. I tell her about the unusual feeling of being watched I had felt in art class, about the girl who had fled from the room announcing that she was going to the bathroom, and my pursuit of her in order to learn why she had been watching me only for her to give me the slip. "And so you went where you thought she would be. The women's restroom." "That is correct. I was not aware there would be anyone else there." "Well, I suppose it's not the worst reason I've heard of a boy sneaking around in the girl's bathroom," she said, closing her lunchbox with a tone of finality, "Very well, consider yourself forgiven." "I am pleased to hear that, Lucy." "Miss Stein," She corrects me, "Everyone calls me that. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go." She doesn't seem to be intentionally rude about it, but I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia as she stands up and marches off with the focus of a veteran officer, dismissing me utterly with the gesture. Having been completely set aside, I'm left with nothing but my food. *page_break Next *if (dismiss =1) *set report_lucydismiss true *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #Make something up *set nolucy true *set dismiss +1 I have fifteen seconds to come up with something, so I spend the first few trying to think of something reasonable that she could believe. "I was lost." "...I believe this conversation is over." She doesn't spare me another glance as she stands, leaving her food behind her and marching off with the focus on a veteran officer, dismissing me as one would a subordinate. Right, I forgot. I'm bad at lying. Having been completely and utterly dismissed, I'm left alone with nothing but my food. I suppose it could be worse, she could have taken that with her. *page_break Next *if (dismiss =1) *set report_lucydismiss true *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end