If I am deciding to join a group, then they seem to be my best option for fitting in. Clearly social outcasts and violent personalities, which means that any slips in my behavior are more likely to go unnoticed. As I get closer, I see they are playing Five Finger Fillet with a small pocket knife one of them must have smuggled in, a game I am aquainted with. In the barracks, there were few ways to pass the time and over the years we learned how to entertain ourselves. Smoking, drinking, and cards were the main passtimes, but the most popular alternative was the knife game. Seeing it being played so far away gives me a sense of nostalgia for those moments when things felt merely hopeless and calm, rather than completely miserable. *if (met_junior =true) I recognize Junior from our brief interaction this morning, and judging from his glance, it seems he has recognized me as well. *if (male =true) *set report_cannot true He goes so far as to stand once I'm within a few feet of the table and the rest of the table seemseerily quiet while he stands in front of me. "Hey, we probably didn't get off to the best start," He opens up with a carefully calculated level of friendliness, "Thought it'd be fair to tell you, if you're good with me then I'm good with you. As long as you don't go stomping on any of mine, I don't see any reason we can't get along. We clear?" He has his hand outstretched toward me, in the traditional gesture of coming to an agreement. *choice #"I understand." *set combat -1 *set explosives -1 *set junior_beach +20 *set juniorhostile false *set dismiss +1 *set juniorrelationship "Understanding" No other choice that would avoid conflict. I'm here to live a normal life, not make enemies. I've had quite enough of being shot at. Your handshake is clumsy and unpracticed, the stiffness of the situation not making anything more natural. It's enough to satisfy Junior however. "There now, isn't that just so much easier?" He says with a grin once our hands make contact. After a brief couple seconds he releases my extremity back to me and returns to his sitting position, placing his back to me. Presumably as a gesture of trust, or merely confidence that any problems arising could be handled by his followers. "Follow through on your end and we won't have any more trouble like we had in the alley this morning. I'll make sure the others know not to mess with you." He glances back. "At least, not without being provoked." It seems there's nothing more for you to talk about. With your pact firmly established, you turn around and return to your objective of finding a place to eat. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #"I understand." I reply without shaking his hand *set combat -1 *set dismiss +1 I have nothing personal against Junior, but that doesn't make me ready to accept any kind of formal alliance with him. I am still a newcomer to this area and don't quite have a firm understanding of the various factions, nor the full consequences of accepting a non-aggression pact with Junior's gang. The miniature gang leader doesn't seem fully willing to accept this line of reasoning, however. "That's not how it works. You see, I can't walk away from this until I know where you and I stand. Either take the olive branch or don't, don't try to straddle the fence." He says with a scowl. "So, are you going to shake my hand, or are we going to have a problem?" An ultimatum then. Either accept the non-aggression pact or accept having an enemy for the rest of the school year. *choice #Shake his hand *set combat -1 *set explosives -1 *set juniorhostile false *set juniorrelationship "Understanding" No other choice that would avoid conflict. I'm here to live a normal life, not make enemies. I've had quite enough of being shot at. Your handshake is clumsy and unpracticed, the stiffness of the situation not making anything more natural. It's enough to satisfy Junior however. "There now, isn't that just so much easier?" He says with a grin once our hands make contact. After a brief couple seconds he releases my extremity back to me and returns to his sitting position, placing his back to me. Presumably as a gesture of trust, or merely confidence that any problems arising could be handled by his followers. "Follow through on your end and we won't have any more trouble like we had in the alley this morning. I'll make sure the others know not to mess with you." He glances back. "At least, not without being provoked." It seems there's nothing more for you to talk about. With your pact firmly established, you turn around and return to your objective of finding a place to eat. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #Don't *set junior_beach -10 *set juniorrelationship "Rival" A moment goes by before he slowly lets his hand down, and a scowl appears on his face. "I see. It's going to be that way then." I remain silent. My verbal confirmation is clearly not required here, he seems to understand my message quite clearly. I'm not about to commit to an alliance, or even a cease-fire agreement, this early in my education. Especially not with someone I've already come into confrontation with. "In that case, a fair warning is only right," he responds to my silence, "Avoid the alleys around here. You may be tough, but we certainly have the numbers." No further words are spoken between us. Nothing really needs to be said. Borders have been established and lines have been drawn. At least in this case I know the name and borders of my new enemy, which is more than I've had to work with in some previous battles. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #I don't reply *set junior_beach -10 *set dismiss +1 *set juniorrelationship "Rival" A moment goes by before he slowly lets his hand down, and a scowl appears on his face. "I see. It's going to be that way then." I remain silent. My verbal confirmation is clearly not required here, he seems to understand my message quite clearly. I'm not about to commit to an alliance, or even a cease-fire agreement, this early in my education. Especially not with someone I've already come into confrontation with. "In that case, a fair warning is only right," he responds to my silence, "Avoid the alleys around here. You may be tough, but we certainly have the numbers." No further words are spoken between us. Nothing really needs to be said. Borders have been established and lines have been drawn. At least in this case I know the name and borders of my new enemy, which is more than I've had to work with in some previous battles. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if (female =true) "Eh, it's ${firstname}, right?" Junior waves me over when the distance is closed enough that there is little doubt I'm headed toward his direction. A few of the members of his table look up with him, no doubt curious as to what has their leader's attention. I recognize one or two of them, though thankfully my previous foe is absent. Not surprising, as he seemed a few years too old to still be in a school, though the relief remains. Every conflict carries with it a percentage chance of death. Junior himself appears to be making a polite effort to be friendly. It's a familiar tone. Whenever someone new joined our unit, there was always one of three types of people that would welcome them. The first time was individuals looking to assert their dominance by keeping the fresh meat under their thumb. The second was individuals hoping to get fresh meat to trust them through friendly gestures and overly familiar attitude. The third were individuals who, while not above selling out said fresh meat if it proved necessary, did at least put up the attempt to get them familiar with their new surroundings for the sake of politeness if nothing else. Most people who joined our group came across at least one of each of these types of individuals during their first year; which one they came into contact with first tended to have an affect on their survival chance. If I were to categorize Junior, I would probably select the third type of greeter. At least for now. Junior taps the shoulder of the individual sitting at his immediate right and shoos him away. The boy takes a single look at me and understanding of some sort seems to strike him as he gets up without complaint and moves to an empty seat elsewhere at the table. It's not a perfect seat. There's enough area behind it for someone to walk through, and with this much noise in the room it would not be difficult for them to do so unnoticed. However, it is the only empty seat at the table that faces outward toward the room, all entrances within sight. Most likely the best I am going to get if I choose to sit at this particular table. *page_break Next "Glad you decided to join us." I notice the people sitting in the closest proximity to us go into a casual quiet. Most likely this Junior doesn't appreciate having to talk over people if his underlings put in the effort to ensure he doesn't have to. The table is more diverse than I would have expected from a gang leader. I'm not the only female welcomed into this group, for starters, nor am I likely the only person not officially indoctrinated into the gang. There are a few individuals who lack the scars of rough living on their features yet talk casually, as friends with those around them. Members by association would likely be the best term for them. It's easy to distinguish the true members from those who are merely friends. For starters, there are certain individuals who pay an especial amount of attention to making sure they don't do anything to interfere with their leader. Lowering their voices whenever they see him speaking, or as is the case of those in our immediate vicinity, going silent entirely. Other observations of note is the activities each member is using to occupy their time during this lunch period. There are the people playing the knife game over to my right, with the majority of people in that area occupied with watching and some placing bets. Under the table I feel my feet kick against human bodies, two to be specific, engaging in what appears to be a shameless display of bodily affection given by the sounds heard. The rest of them are doing one of two things, talking or eating while talking. "So what made you decide to come into my personal slice of paradise, such as it is?" *choice #I am seeking information on this area. *goto seekinginformation #I seek allies. *goto seekingallies #I wanted a safe place to eat. *goto eat *if (met_junior =false) *set met_junior true *set juniorrelationship "Well Met" A few heads turn my way when I first approach. Their expressions range from curiosity to indifference to natural territorial instincts. The only expression I notice, however, is that of one of the older students. *if (male =true) There is a territorial nature to him, but something about it is more threatening than the others, mainly because of how nonthreatening it is. While the others are putting up a show of force through their facial expressions, he is instead studying the new arrival to his territory with careful examination. A predator watching his den. "You lost, friend?" An obvious male, wearing what I can only describe as road leathers. It fits the image; a thick leather jacket, despite the weather only barely cooled down from the hot summer temperatures, as well as pants to match. I understand that road leathers offer some protection, however as far as my understanding goes it is more designed for protection in the incident of motorcycle accidents, hence the name. If I had to guess, his choice of attire is less about personal protection, and more about imposing the appearance of dominance. Aside from his choice of attire, he appears to be of an older disposition. Certainly older than me, though not by more than five years at the most. Most likely in his last year as a high school student. It's difficult to tell his build due to the coverings, however the jacket seems to fit him well and it seems clearly designed for a person with broad shoulders and long arms. His hands are scarred around the knuckles. Old scars, indicating one who is quite used to physical altercations. "I am new. I seek a place to eat." "And so you took one look at us," He says with a gesture that goes down the table, highlighting the many rough characters that occupy it, "And thought 'those are the kind of people I want to eat with.' That about right?" "Something like that." He seems to consider me for a moment. "Ah, what the hell. I like you." The senior taps the shoulder of the individual sitting at his immediate right and shoos him away. The boy takes a single look at me and understanding of some sort seems to strike him as he gets up without complaint and moves to an empty seat elsewhere at the table. It's not a perfect seat. There's enough area behind it for someone to walk through, and with this much noise in the room it would not be difficult for them to do so unnoticed. However, it is the only empty seat at the table that faces outward toward the room, all entrances within sight. Most likely the best I am going to get if I choose to sit at this particular table. *page_break Next *set junior_name "Junior Beach" *set juniorfriend true "Folks round here call me Junior, Junior Beach." He introduces himself with a handshake, "And no, that's not a nickname. What do they call you?" I return the handshake. It would be impolite otherwise. "${fullname}." "Well then, ${firstname}, welcome to my little paradise. Such as it is." I notice the people sitting in the closest proximity to us go into a casual quiet. Most likely this Junior doesn't appreciate having to talk over people if his underlings put in the effort to ensure he doesn't have to. The table is more diverse than I would have expected from a gang leader. There are several females present, for starters, and like me many of the tables inhabitants appear to be outsiders to the gang. There are a few individuals who lack the scars of rough living on their features yet talk casually, as friends with those around them. Members by association would likely be the best term for them. It's easy to distinguish the true members from those who are merely friends. For starters, there are certain individuals who pay an especial amount of attention to making sure they don't do anything to interfere with their leader. Lowering their voices whenever they see him speaking, or as is the case of those in our immediate vicinity, going silent entirely. Other observations of note is the activities each member is using to occupy their time during this lunch period. There are the people playing the knife game over to my right, with the majority of people in that area occupied with watching and some placing bets. Under the table I feel my feet kick against human bodies, two to be specific, engaging in what appears to be a shameless display of bodily affection given by the sounds heard. The rest of them are doing one of two things, talking or eating while talking. "So, what brings you round?" *choice #I am seeking information on the area. *goto newseekinginformation #I am seeking allies. *goto newseekingallies *if (female =true) There is curiosity, but it comes more from a position of power. The way a regent would watch over a new arrival to his court, with an interest in what this new arrival brings to the setting, and what impact they might have, while retaining the quiet confidence of one who is in absolute control. "You lost, friend?" An obvious male, wearing what I can only describe as road leathers. It fits the image; a thick leather jacket, despite the weather only barely cooled down from the hot summer temperatures, as well as pants to match. I understand that road leathers offer some protection, however as far as my understanding goes it is more designed for protection in the incident of motorcycle accidents, hence the name. If I had to guess, his choice of attire is less about personal protection, and more about imposing the appearance of dominance. Aside from his choice of attire, he appears to be of an older disposition. Certainly older than me, though not by more than five years at the most. Most likely in his last year as a high school student. It's difficult to tell his build due to the coverings, however the jacket seems to fit him well and it seems clearly designed for a person with broad shoulders and long arms. His hands are scarred around the knuckles. Old scars, indicating one who is quite used to physical altercations. "I am new. I seek a place to eat." "And so you took one look at us," He says with a gesture that goes down the table, highlighting the many rough characters that occupy it, "And thought 'those are the kind of people I want to eat with.' That about right?" "Something like that." He seems to consider me for a moment. "Ah, what the hell. I like you." The senior taps the shoulder of the individual sitting at his immediate right and shoos him away. The boy takes a single look at me and understanding of some sort seems to strike him as he gets up without complaint and moves to an empty seat elsewhere at the table. It's not a perfect seat. There's enough area behind it for someone to walk through, and with this much noise in the room it would not be difficult for them to do so unnoticed. However, it is the only empty seat at the table that faces outward toward the room, all entrances within sight. Most likely the best I am going to get if I choose to sit at this particular table. *page_break Next *set junior_name "Junior Beach" *set juniorfriend true "Folks round here call me Junior, Junior Beach." He introduces himself with a handshake, "And no, that's not a nickname. What do they call you?" I return the handshake. It would be impolite otherwise. "${fullname}." "Well then, ${firstname}, welcome to my little paradise. Such as it is." I notice the people sitting in the closest proximity to us go into a casual quiet. Most likely this Junior doesn't appreciate having to talk over people if his underlings put in the effort to ensure he doesn't have to. The table is more diverse than I would have expected from a gang leader. I'm not the only female welcomed into this group, for starters, nor am I likely the only person not officially indoctrinated into the gang. There are a few individuals who lack the scars of rough living on their features yet talk casually, as friends with those around them. Members by association would likely be the best term for them. It's easy to distinguish the true members from those who are merely friends. For starters, there are certain individuals who pay an especial amount of attention to making sure they don't do anything to interfere with their leader. Lowering their voices whenever they see him speaking, or as is the case of those in our immediate vicinity, going silent entirely. Other observations of note is the activities each member is using to occupy their time during this lunch period. There are the people playing the knife game over to my right, with the majority of people in that area occupied with watching and some placing bets. Under the table I feel my feet kick against human bodies, two to be specific, engaging in what appears to be a shameless display of bodily affection given by the sounds heard. The rest of them are doing one of two things, talking or eating while talking. "So, what brings you round?" *choice #I am seeking information on the area. *goto newseekinginformation #I am seeking allies. *goto newseekingallies *label seekinginformation "You have been a local in this area for long enough to have built a power structure. You understand how this place works. I want to ask you questions to better my own understanding." Someone snickers for some reason, though a bad look from Junior silences them. Afterwards he only calmly looks at me. "Okay then. Shoot." *label juniorquestions *choice *disable_reuse #How did you build your power base? "You mean...my gang?" I believe that was roughly what I said, but if clarification is needed then, "Yes." Junior seems to take a moment to think a bit before pointing to someone else at the table. "Hey Hobbs, you remember how we met?" 'Hobbs,' most likely a nickname, responds promptly. "Yeah, of course." "Explain it to the lady, would you?" Hobbs goes straight into the task assigned to him by his commanding officer. "Well it started off, I was roped into it by my girl. You see she'd been in the gang for awhile, not too long after the whole thing started. I figured I'd give it a year then go on to bigger and better things, so I ran with the crew, walked our turf, did a few odd jobs for him. I remember my first time seeing the pipsqueak I just thought that the whole thing had to be one big joke; no offense, boss, but this was a couple years ago and you were barely out of your freshmen year. "Anyway, just when I'm about to be done with the whole thing and get gone, I learn that my pa managed to gamble his way into a loan shark's pocket, and not the 'nice and respectable' kind. This was underground stuff, the kind of people who broke kneecaps, not a bone in their body was above board. So one day I'm sitting around in one of your hangouts, being bitter about my rotten luck and bitching to whoever came by. Well, somehow, one of those complaints must have reached the boss here, cause when collection day came along he was right there on our doorstep. Didn't tell me or anyone else what was going on, he just stood on our door. Moment the collection guys came up with their chains and crowbars, boss just picked up a steel pipe and started smashing skulls before they could get a word in edgewise. I still can't get the image out of my head; this little sophomore charging three adults with a steel pipe, tearing at them like a rabid dog." "You know what stuck out the most to me? He actually got his ass kicked. Kind of predictable when you think about it, there were like three of them after all. But I swear he had no idea what unconsciousness even was. Didn't matter what they did to him, he still just kept getting right on up and back into the fight the moment they turned their backs. Four times I thought 'this has to be it, nobody could stand up to that. They're killing him.' But nothing. He just never slowed down. In the end, he didn't really beat those assholes, so much as he just outlasted them until they were too tired from fighting to defend themselves, meanwhile he was going at them full force with their own crowbars." *page_break Next "Boss went through all that just because he heard rumors that I was in trouble." Hobbs looked at his boss with a mixture of awe and camaraderie. "So yeah, I've been his man ever since." Junior nods his approval then turns his eyes back at me. "Now do you understand?" "I understand. You encourage loyalty in your subordinates by promising and demonstrating loyalty in return." "You make me sound like Miss Stein when you put it like that, all manipulation and mind games. I just look after my own. Nothing more, nothing less." *goto juniorquestions *disable_reuse #How large is your gang? "Sizing me up for a takeover?" He questions me, followed by a laugh and carries on as if he didn't just accuse me of planning hostile action against him and his faction. "There's 23 of us town-wide. Of that, 12 go to this school." He says with a gesture to the people currently sitting at our table. "And yes; I know all of them." When compared to the national statistics concerning gangs and gang sizes, that was much lower than the average. "That few?" "It's a small town." He replies simply, not at all insulted by my question. "Also, I don't count any trash among my people. We got standards, and not a whole lot of folks out there can say the same." Somewhere under the table, the rigorous sounds of wrestling intensify as I can only assume someone reached their climax. "Not a particularly high standard...but still, we're better than most the trash you'll find elsewhere in the city. We made sure to drive that shit out of our neighborhoods." "When we first met, one of your people was threatening to sexually assault me." "Do you know what he's doing right now? Trust me, he'll be regretting that particular offense for a [i]long[/i] time." Ordinarily I might consider words like that to be idle hyperbole. But something in his word choice makes me think he might actually be speaking literally. "Besides, he was just blustering and talking tough. He wouldn't have actually done anything. Prick is stupid, but not that stupid." "You might think differently if you had been on the receiving end." "Look at it this way. All he did was talk without thinking, and by now he's regretting ever having a tongue in the first place. Try to imagine how it would have gone if he had actually followed through?" He says with a surprising coolness in his voice. "Never could stand a guy who would raise his hand to a lady." *goto juniorquestions *disable_reuse #How old is this school? He laughs at my question. "You're asking for a history lesson? Why would I know something like that?" Now that he points it out, it is perhaps presumptuous to think that a delinquent would have any interest in knowing the details surrounding the founding and official structure of the school. It's not as if I ever showed an interest in my cell other than what I, as a soldier, needed to know. "You're better off asking a teacher about that kind of stuff. Sorry." *goto juniorquestions *disable_reuse #What is the easiest escape route? "Can't really tell you for certain on that front." Junior shrugs apologetically, as if more disappointed by his answers than I am. "I assumed someone of your station would have such routes marked." "I did, all the way up till this year. But for some reason the school decided to add a lot more security. Iron-strong locks, cameras all over the place, bunch of guards armed with tasers; this place is starting to feel more like a prison than it did before." He elaborates, "Though me and a couple of my boys were going to try and see if our old way out still worked. I only really showed up to see which classes were worth staying for and which I could easily skip, and so far only two of them seem worth their salt. I figure the rest of the day is better spent seeing whether or not I'll be able to come and go as I please like the old days. If you want, you can come along when we head out, assuming you know how to keep quiet." *goto juniorquestions *disable_reuse #What other factions are in the school? "Factions? You mean like other gangs?" "If that is applicable," I take a moment to clarify. One cannot expect to get proper answers if they do not thoroughly articulate their questions. "I am primarily asking about people of note. Those who hold influence in this school and affect its course." "People of note, huh? Well I suppose you already know all about us. We only have one 'foreign policy' and that's to stay the hell away. We don't mess with nobody, and nobody messes with us. We just look out for one another." So similar to a defensive pact established among individuals, with Junior being the one who guides the group. "Understood. Anyone else?" "I suppose you can count the stiffs over there," he points over to the table of well-dressed individuals. Talking in their circle about things too far away for me to overhear. "They're kind of the center of the social world, I guess. Not much they can do other than say mean things about you behind your back. I wouldn't worry too much. Then you got the school faculty; they got the sponsorship of the state, so I guess they're important if only because they can get you locked up if you get caught doing something illegal." His face contorts a bit as if troubled. "Though lately, the guards seemed to have gotten a few claws. Their bite is certainly looking worse than it was before. I'd watch my step with them if I were all alone like you." "I see. Anyone else?" "Then, of course, there's Miss Stein. There's only one thing to say about that one; don't fuck with her. All you need to know." *goto juniorquestions *disable_reuse #Who runs this school? "Stein." He says without a moment of hesitation. "You refer to Miss Stein?" "Only person I could refer to." He clarifies. "Without a doubt, she is the most dangerous person you'll ever meet here. She doesn't go out of her way to crush ants, but that's mainly because it seems like she's working on some level that the rest of us can't even get our heads around. I honestly couldn't tell you half of the stuff she gets up to, but it's certainly not things any high school student should be doing." "Most people would have nominated themselves as most dangerous out of pride." He laughs at the thought. "That wouldn't be pride, it would be stupidity." After finishing, his voice gets lower to emphasize what he's saying. It has the intended effect. "I'll put it to you this way. Me and my boys, we'll rough up an asshole if they start causing trouble, but that's all we'll do. Them socialites will talk mean, and the authority will lock you up. But Miss Stein is different. Miss Stein destroys people." *goto juniorquestions #That's all. "Thank you. You have been very helpful." "Glad I could be of service." He says with the confident grin that appears to be a natural state for him. "Now I do believe it's my turn to ask you a question. Methinks you would be interested in a little adventure we've been cookin up, to see if our old get-away path is still in working order. Interested?" An offer to leave the school. Supposedly we wouldn't be going back, so it would most likely mean the end of the school day for me. Not much would be missed, only Psychology and History, one of which is an elective. However, there is a tactical drawback to not familiarizing myself with every class I will be attending. However, this option allows me to explore the possibility of leaving the school undetected at any time I want. It will also give me opportunity to ingratiate myself with one the major powers in this area, potentially make very useful allies. Of course, there is still the matter of my tracking device making it impossible for me to leave without informing my guardian. Whatever I do, it will have to be with Daniel's permission. *choice #No. *set juniorgone true *set juniorrelationship "Dismissive" His expression deflates noticeably in an instant. It becomes obvious quickly that this was not the response he had been expecting, and that flat rejection was something he was unaccustomed to receiving. "You sound pretty certain on that. Don't tell me you're scared of being caught." "I will not be changing my mind." The bell rings over our head, signaling the end of lunch and evidently this conversation. "I see." I get the sense that Junior is disappointed in me. It seems I am going against a preconceived notion that he had formed himself about me. That is more his fault than mine. "Goodbye in that case." We part ways, going in two different directions. Him to wherever his escape route is, and me to Psychology class. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Yes...but I have to make a phone call first. *set juniorrelationship "Friendly" I excuse myself from the table and find a quiet place outside the lunchroom where I can talk without risk of being overheard. Once alone I'm able to navigate the menu of the phone that Daniel gave me until I reach the contacts screen with his name typed proudly as the sole occupant of the list. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. [i] "What is it?" [/i] He finally answered. His breathing is labored, indicating some kind of recent physical altercation. "Are you alright?" I inquire about his health. [i]"I'm fine, just doing some work for the agency."[/i] He responds clearly and concisely, [i] "Is there something you need?" "I've been invited out." I take a moment to explain the situation. Daniel stays silent while listening, only interrupting at certain points to ask clarifying questions, and at no point gives away any amount of concern or surprise at the events that I convey to him. By the time I reach the part involving the lunch table, he's recovered his breath and I can hear moving around in the background, indicating that whatever 'work' he was doing before has been resumed while listening to my story. Despite this, there is no indication that he has stopped paying the adequate amount of attention to my story, so I carry on without complaint. [i]"It was right of you to ask permission first," [/i]is the first thing he says once I become silent and await his response to my request. [i]"As long as you're able to accept the school's consequences for missing classes, then there won't be any problem. Just stay within the city limits. Also,"[/i] he adds almost as an afterthought, [i]"Try to avoid the docks." "Understood." Afterwards he hangs up. It seems that he had used up all of the time he was willing to spare from his current project. No matter; I was able to get the answer I needed. *page_break Next I find Junior and his group in a discussion when I return to the table, one that ends promptly upon my sitting down which is most likely a hint as to what the topic of their discussion was. I can tell at a glance that Junior is impatient to hear my answer and don't waste any time in delivering the news. "Yes." "Excellent," my answer appears to have been exactly what Junior was hoping to hear. "We're not going with a large group. Just you, me, and Hobbs here." He says the last bit while slapping 'Hobbs' on the shoulder. "I see. What time?" "We'll go at passing period." As he finishes the sentence, a bell rings directly above our head. "Which I guess is right now." *page_break Escape... *goto_scene 1-10escape-1 *label seekingallies *set combat -1 The main way to survive in a hostile social environment is to identify the most powerful faction in the area. From there, you can take steps to avoid or destroy them, but ideally one would seek to come under their protection and prove themselves a tool that is too valuable to be harmed or cast aside. So long as I remain in the good graces of those with power, my chances of surviving this school go much higher. "I am new to this area and seeking contacts. You assisted me in the alleyway, and I am hoping we may continue working together." Annoyingly, it is someone other than Junior who first responds. "That's a pretty funny way of talking. Is your dad a lawyer or something?" "Hey Hobbs, shut up." Junior replies, prompting 'Hobbs' to throw his hands up in surrender to allow our discussion to continue normally. "Meathead forgets his manners sometimes. So, you said you're looking for an 'alliance?' You mean like friends?" "If that is how you wish to interpret it." "Well, I guess if you're looking for a group to hang around, you could do worse than my gang. Lot of animals out there don't mind themselves but us, we got standards." Somewhere under the table, the rigorous sounds of wrestling intensify as I can only assume someone reached their climax. "Not a particularly high standard...but still, we're better than most the trash you'll find elsewhere in the city. We made sure to drive that shit out of our neighborhoods." "When we first met, one of your people was threatening to sexually assault me." "Do you know what he's doing right now? Trust me, he'll be regretting that particular offense for a [i]long[/i] time." Ordinarily I might consider words like that to be idle hyperbole. But something in his word choice makes me think he might actually be speaking literally. "Besides, he was just blustering and talking tough. He wouldn't have actually done anything. Prick is stupid, but not that stupid." "You might think differently if you had been on the receiving end." "Look at it this way. All he did was talk without thinking, and by now he's regretting ever having a tongue in the first place. Try to imagine how it would have gone if he had actually followed through?" He says with a surprising coolness in his voice. "Never could stand a guy who would raise his hand to a lady." *page_break Next "But you said you were looking for an adventure, didn't you?" I don't see myself ever saying anything remotely similar. Adventures tend to be dangerous. "I was looking for allies." "Well a little adventure is what you sign up for when you're looking to join the best gang in town," he says with the cocky, wide-grinned confidence of a rookie with a deathwish. "You see, once upon a time, I had a pretty nifty little hatch that we would use to get out when we decided there wasn't anything for us to learn that day. At least, I did, all the way up till this year. But for some reason the school decided to add a lot more security. Iron-strong locks, cameras all over the place, bunch of guards armed with tasers; this place is starting to feel more like a prison than it did before." He elaborates, "Though me and a couple of my boys were going to try and see if our old way out still worked. I only really showed up to see which classes were worth staying for and which I could easily skip, and so far only two of them seem worth their salt. I figure the rest of the day is better spent seeing whether or not I'll be able to come and go as I please like the old days. If you want, you can come along when we head out, assuming you know how to keep quiet." An offer to leave the school. Supposedly we wouldn't be going back, so it would most likely mean the end of the school day for me. Not much would be missed, only Psychology and History, one of which is an elective. However, there is a tactical drawback to not familiarizing myself with every class I will be attending. However, this option allows me to explore the possibility of leaving the school undetected at any time I want. It will also give me opportunity to ingratiate myself with one the major powers in this area, potentially make very useful allies. Of course, there is still the matter of my tracking device making it impossible for me to leave without informing my guardian. Whatever I do, it will have to be with Daniel's permission. *choice #No. *set juniorgone true *set juniorrelationship "Dismissive" His expression deflates noticeably in an instant. It becomes obvious quickly that this was not the response he had been expecting, and that flat rejection was something he was unaccustomed to receiving. "You sound pretty certain on that. Don't tell me you're scared of being caught." "I will not be changing my mind." The bell rings over our head, signaling the end of lunch and evidently this conversation. "I see." I get the sense that Junior is disappointed in me. It seems I am going against a preconceived notion that he had formed himself about me. That is more his fault than mine. "Goodbye in that case." We part ways, going in two different directions. Him to wherever his escape route is, and me to Psychology class. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Yes...but I have to make a phone call first. *set juniorrelationship "Friendly" I excuse myself from the table and find a quiet place outside the lunchroom where I can talk without risk of being overheard. Once alone I'm able to navigate the menu of the phone that Daniel gave me until I reach the contacts screen with his name typed proudly as the sole occupant of the list. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. [i] "What is it?" [/i] He finally answered. His breathing is labored, indicating some kind of recent physical altercation. "Are you alright?" I inquire about his health. [i]"I'm fine, just doing some work for the agency."[/i] He responds clearly and concisely, [i] "Is there something you need?" "I've been invited out." I take a moment to explain the situation. Daniel stays silent while listening, only interrupting at certain points to ask clarifying questions, and at no point gives away any amount of concern or surprise at the events that I convey to him. By the time I reach the part involving the lunch table, he's recovered his breath and I can hear moving around in the background, indicating that whatever 'work' he was doing before has been resumed while listening to my story. Despite this, there is no indication that he has stopped paying the adequate amount of attention to my story, so I carry on without complaint. [i]"It was right of you to ask permission first," [/i]is the first thing he says once I become silent and await his response to my request. [i]"As long as you're able to accept the school's consequences for missing classes, then there won't be any problem. Just stay within the city limits. Also,"[/i] he adds almost as an afterthought, [i]"Try to avoid the docks." "Understood." Afterwards he hangs up. It seems that he had used up all of the time he was willing to spare from his current project. No matter; I was able to get the answer I needed. *page_break Next I find Junior and his group in a discussion when I return to the table, one that ends promptly upon my sitting down which is most likely a hint as to what the topic of their discussion was. I can tell at a glance that Junior is impatient to hear my answer and don't waste any time in delivering the news. "Yes." "Excellent," my answer appears to have been exactly what Junior was hoping to hear. "We're not going with a large group. Just you, me, and Hobbs here." He says the last bit while slapping 'Hobbs' on the shoulder. "I see. What time?" "We'll go at passing period." As he finishes the sentence, a bell rings directly above our head. "Which I guess is right now." *page_break Escape... *goto_scene 1-10escape-1 *label eat "When we met in the alleyway, you introduced yourself as an ally and promised safe passage. I was hoping that your territory might serve as a place to digest my meal in peace." Despite my training, I remain annoyingly human and thus there is a limit to my endurance. One can remain constantly vigilant for only so long. A place where I may eat, one of my favorite activities, without worry of watching my back would be a great luxury. "I can promise, you won't notice my presence." "Hey, don't worry about it. After that whole stink in the alley, you've earned the right to bother me just a little bit." It always does my heart well when I can turn an unfortunate event into a beneficial advantage. *page_break Next As per my request, my new tablemates leave me alone to enjoy my simple meal in peace. After it becomes obvious to the lower members of the gang that Junior is no longer preoccupied with me, they take it as permission to continue their previous business. Everyone talks around me, but not to me, which is to my preference. Eating goes faster when one is not preoccupying their mouths with other activities. "Are you already done?" I hear Junior ask me after I've finished the last of my meal. "Holy cow, you started eating like, five minutes ago. Were you going for a record or something?" "I eat fast." "You don't say?" He laughs, but I'm not entirely sure at what. Though at this point I'm used to such instances. "Say, you seem like a pretty world weary woman. Do you like adventures?" "Not particularly." "Anything I can say to change your mind?" I mentally prepare myself to defend against social manipulation tactics. "You see, once upon a time, I had a pretty nifty little hatch that we would use to get out when we decided there wasn't anything for us to learn that day. At least, I did, all the way up till this year. But for some reason the school decided to add a lot more security. Iron-strong locks, cameras all over the place, bunch of guards armed with tasers; this place is starting to feel more like a prison than it did before." He elaborates, "Though me and a couple of my boys were going to try and see if our old way out still worked. I only really showed up to see which classes were worth staying for and which I could easily skip, and so far only two of them seem worth their salt. I figure the rest of the day is better spent seeing whether or not I'll be able to come and go as I please like the old days. If you want, you can come along when we head out, assuming you know how to keep quiet." So, he's offering me a potential escape path from this school. Supposedly we wouldn't be going back, so it would most likely mean the end of the school day for me. Not much would be missed, only Psychology and History, one of which is an elective. However, there is a tactical drawback to not familiarizing myself with every class I will be attending. However, this option allows me to explore the possibility of leaving the school undetected at any time I want. It will also give me opportunity to ingratiate myself with one the major powers in this area, potentially make very useful allies. There is, however, another potential issue with becoming to familiar with this gang. "When we first met, one of your people was threatening to sexually assault me." "Do you know what he's doing right now? Trust me, he'll be regretting that particular offense for a [i]long[/i] time." Ordinarily I might consider words like that to be idle hyperbole. But something in his word choice makes me think he might actually be speaking literally. "Besides, he was just blustering and talking tough. He wouldn't have actually done anything. Prick is stupid, but not that stupid." "You might think differently if you had been on the receiving end." "Look at it this way. All he did was talk without thinking, and by now he's regretting ever having a tongue in the first place. Try to imagine how it would have gone if he had actually followed through?" He says with a surprising coolness in his voice. "Never could stand a guy who would raise his hand to a lady. I make sure my people hold better standards than that. So, have I managed to change your mind about coming along for our big outing?" *choice #No. *set juniorgone true *set juniorrelationship "Dismissive" His expression deflates noticeably in an instant. It becomes obvious quickly that this was not the response he had been expecting, and that flat rejection was something he was unaccustomed to receiving. "You sound pretty certain on that. Don't tell me you're scared of being caught." "I will not be changing my mind." The bell rings over our head, signaling the end of lunch and evidently this conversation. "I see." I get the sense that Junior is disappointed in me. It seems I am going against a preconceived notion that he had formed himself about me. That is more his fault than mine. "Goodbye in that case." We part ways, going in two different directions. Him to wherever his escape route is, and me to Psychology class. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Yes...but I have to make a phone call first. *set juniorrelationship "Friendly" I excuse myself from the table and find a quiet place outside the lunchroom where I can talk without risk of being overheard. Once alone I'm able to navigate the menu of the phone that Daniel gave me until I reach the contacts screen with his name typed proudly as the sole occupant of the list. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. [i] "What is it?" [/i] He finally answered. His breathing is labored, indicating some kind of recent physical altercation. "Are you alright?" I inquire about his health. [i]"I'm fine, just doing some work for the agency."[/i] He responds clearly and concisely, [i] "Is there something you need?" "I've been invited out." I take a moment to explain the situation. Daniel stays silent while listening, only interrupting at certain points to ask clarifying questions, and at no point gives away any amount of concern or surprise at the events that I convey to him. By the time I reach the part involving the lunch table, he's recovered his breath and I can hear moving around in the background, indicating that whatever 'work' he was doing before has been resumed while listening to my story. Despite this, there is no indication that he has stopped paying the adequate amount of attention to my story, so I carry on without complaint. [i]"It was right of you to ask permission first," [/i]is the first thing he says once I become silent and await his response to my request. [i]"As long as you're able to accept the school's consequences for missing classes, then there won't be any problem. Just stay within the city limits. Also,"[/i] he adds almost as an afterthought, [i]"Try to avoid the docks." "Understood." Afterwards he hangs up. It seems that he had used up all of the time he was willing to spare from his current project. No matter; I was able to get the answer I needed. *page_break Next I find Junior and his group in a discussion when I return to the table, one that ends promptly upon my sitting down which is most likely a hint as to what the topic of their discussion was. I can tell at a glance that Junior is impatient to hear my answer and don't waste any time in delivering the news. "Yes." "Excellent," my answer appears to have been exactly what Junior was hoping to hear. "We're not going with a large group. Just you, me, and Hobbs here." He says the last bit while slapping 'Hobbs' on the shoulder. "I see. What time?" "We'll go at passing period." As he finishes the sentence, a bell rings directly above our head. "Which I guess is right now." *page_break Escape... *goto_scene 1-10escape-1 *label newseekinginformation "You have been a local in this area for long enough to have built a power structure. You understand how this place works. I want to ask you questions to better my own understanding." Someone snickers for some reason, though a bad look from Junior silences them. Afterwards he only calmly looks at me. "Okay then. Shoot." *label newjuniorquestions *choice *disable_reuse #How did you build your power base? "You mean...my gang?" I believe that was roughly what I said, but if clarification is needed then, "Yes." Junior seems to take a moment to think a bit before pointing to someone else at the table. "Hey Hobbs, you remember how we met?" 'Hobbs,' most likely a nickname, responds promptly. "Yeah, of course." "Explain it to the newbie, would you?" Hobbs goes straight into the task assigned to him by his commanding officer. "Well it started off, I was roped into it by my girl. You see she'd been in the gang for awhile, not too long after the whole thing started. I figured I'd give it a year then go on to bigger and better things, so I ran with the crew, walked our turf, did a few odd jobs for him. I remember my first time seeing the pipsqueak I just thought that the whole thing had to be one big joke; no offense, boss, but this was a couple years ago and you were barely out of your freshmen year. "Anyway, just when I'm about to be done with the whole thing and get gone, I learn that my pa managed to gamble his way into a loan shark's pocket, and not the 'nice and respectable' kind. This was underground stuff, the kind of people who broke kneecaps, not a bone in their body was above board. So one day I'm sitting around in one of your hangouts, being bitter about my rotten luck and bitching to whoever came by. Well, somehow, one of those complaints must have reached the boss here, cause when collection day came along he was right there on our doorstep. Didn't tell me or anyone else what was going on, he just stood on our door. Moment the collection guys came up with their chains and crowbars, boss just picked up a steel pipe and started smashing skulls before they could get a word in edgewise. I still can't get the image out of my head; this little sophomore charging three adults with a steel pipe, tearing at them like a rabid dog." "You know what stuck out the most to me? He actually got his ass kicked. Kind of predictable when you think about it, there were like three of them after all. But I swear he had no idea what unconsciousness even was. Didn't matter what they did to him, he still just kept getting right on up and back into the fight the moment they turned their backs. Four times I thought 'this has to be it, nobody could stand up to that. They're killing him.' But nothing. He just never slowed down. In the end, he didn't really beat those assholes, so much as he just outlasted them until they were too tired from fighting to defend themselves, meanwhile he was going at them full force with their own crowbars." *page_break Next "Boss went through all that just because he heard rumors that I was in trouble." Hobbs looked at his boss with a mixture of awe and camaraderie. "So yeah, I've been his man ever since." Junior nods his approval then turns his eyes back at me. "Now do you understand?" "I understand. You encourage loyalty in your subordinates by promising and demonstrating loyalty in return." "You make me sound like Miss Stein when you put it like that, all manipulation and mind games. I just look after my own. Nothing more, nothing less." *goto newjuniorquestions *disable_reuse #How large is your gang? "Sizing me up for a takeover?" He questions me, followed by a laugh and carries on as if he didn't just accuse me of planning hostile action against him and his faction. "There's 23 of us town-wide. Of that, 12 go to this school." He says with a gesture to the people currently sitting at our table. "And yes; I know all of them." When compared to the national statistics concerning gangs and gang sizes, that was much lower than the average. "That few?" "It's a small town." He replies simply, not at all insulted by my question. "Also, I don't count any trash among my people. We got standards, and not a whole lot of folks out there can say the same." Somewhere under the table, the rigorous sounds of wrestling intensify as I can only assume someone reached their climax. "Not a particularly high standard...but still, we're better than most the trash you'll find elsewhere in the city. Bunch of rapists and punks pushing drugs on playgrounds. We made sure to drive that shit out of our neighborhoods." *goto newjuniorquestions *disable_reuse #How old is this school? He laughs at my question. "You're asking for a history lesson? Why would I know something like that?" Now that he points it out, it is perhaps presumptuous to think that a delinquent would have any interest in knowing the details surrounding the founding and official structure of the school. It's not as if I ever showed an interest in my cell other than what I, as a soldier, needed to know. "You're better off asking a teacher about that kind of stuff. Sorry." *goto newjuniorquestions *disable_reuse #What is the easiest escape route? "Can't really tell you for certain on that front." Junior shrugs apologetically, as if more disappointed by his answers than I am. "I assumed someone of your station would have such routes marked." "I did, all the way up till this year. But for some reason the school decided to add a lot more security. Iron-strong locks, cameras all over the place, bunch of guards armed with tasers; this place is starting to feel more like a prison than it did before." He elaborates, "Though me and a couple of my boys were going to try and see if our old way out still worked. I only really showed up to see which classes were worth staying for and which I could easily skip, and so far only two of them seem worth their salt. I figure the rest of the day is better spent seeing whether or not I'll be able to come and go as I please like the old days. If you want, you can come along when we head out, assuming you know how to keep quiet." *goto newjuniorquestions *disable_reuse #What other factions are in the school? "Factions? You mean like other gangs?" "If that is applicable," I take a moment to clarify. One cannot expect to get proper answers if they do not thoroughly articulate their questions. "I am primarily asking about people of note. Those who hold influence in this school and affect its course." "People of note, huh? Well I suppose you already know all about us. We only have one 'foreign policy' and that's to stay the hell away. We don't mess with nobody, and nobody messes with us. We just look out for one another." So similar to a defensive pact established among individuals, with Junior being the one who guides the group. "Understood. Anyone else?" "I suppose you can count the stiffs over there," he points over to the table of well-dressed individuals. Talking in their circle about things too far away for me to overhear. "They're kind of the center of the social world, I guess. Not much they can do other than say mean things about you behind your back. I wouldn't worry too much. Then you got the school faculty; they got the sponsorship of the state, so I guess they're important if only because they can get you locked up if you get caught doing something illegal." His face contorts a bit as if troubled. "Though lately, the guards seemed to have gotten a few claws. Their bite is certainly looking worse than it was before. I'd watch my step with them if I were all alone like you." "I see. Anyone else?" "Then, of course, there's Miss Stein. There's only one thing to say about that one; don't fuck with her. All you need to know." *goto newjuniorquestions *disable_reuse #Who runs this school? "Stein." He says without a moment of hesitation. "You refer to Miss Stein?" "Only person I could refer to." He clarifies. "Without a doubt, she is the most dangerous person you'll ever meet here. She doesn't go out of her way to crush ants, but that's mainly because it seems like she's working on some level that the rest of us can't even get our heads around. I honestly couldn't tell you half of the stuff she gets up to, but it's certainly not things any high school student should be doing." "Most people would have nominated themselves as most dangerous out of pride." He laughs at the thought. "That wouldn't be pride, it would be stupidity." After finishing, his voice gets lower to emphasize what he's saying. It has the intended effect. "I'll put it to you this way. Me and my boys, we'll rough up an asshole if they start causing trouble, but that's all we'll do. Them socialites will talk mean, and the authority will lock you up. But Miss Stein is different. Miss Stein destroys people." *goto newjuniorquestions #That's all. "Thank you. You have been very helpful." "Glad I could be of service." He says with the confident grin that appears to be a natural state for him. "Now I do believe it's my turn to ask you a question. Methinks you would be interested in a little adventure we've been cookin up, to see if our old get-away path is still in working order. Interested?" An offer to leave the school. Supposedly we wouldn't be going back, so it would most likely mean the end of the school day for me. Not much would be missed, only Psychology and History, one of which is an elective. However, there is a tactical drawback to not familiarizing myself with every class I will be attending. However, this option allows me to explore the possibility of leaving the school undetected at any time I want. It will also give me opportunity to ingratiate myself with one the major powers in this area, potentially make very useful allies. Of course, there is still the matter of my tracking device making it impossible for me to leave without informing my guardian. Whatever I do, it will have to be with Daniel's permission. *choice #No. *set juniorgone true *set juniorrelationship "Dismissive" His expression deflates noticeably in an instant. It becomes obvious quickly that this was not the response he had been expecting, and that flat rejection was something he was unaccustomed to receiving. "You sound pretty certain on that. Don't tell me you're scared of being caught." "I will not be changing my mind." The bell rings over our head, signaling the end of lunch and evidently this conversation. "I see." I get the sense that Junior is disappointed in me. It seems I am going against a preconceived notion that he had formed himself about me. That is more his fault than mine. "Goodbye in that case." We part ways, going in two different directions. Him to wherever his escape route is, and me to Psychology class. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Yes...but I have to make a phone call first. *set juniorrelationship "Friendly" I excuse myself from the table and find a quiet place outside the lunchroom where I can talk without risk of being overheard. Once alone I'm able to navigate the menu of the phone that Daniel gave me until I reach the contacts screen with his name typed proudly as the sole occupant of the list. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. [i] "What is it?" [/i] He finally answered. His breathing is labored, indicating some kind of recent physical altercation. "Are you alright?" I inquire about his health. [i]"I'm fine, just doing some work for the agency."[/i] He responds clearly and concisely, [i] "Is there something you need?" "I've been invited out." I take a moment to explain the situation. Daniel stays silent while listening, only interrupting at certain points to ask clarifying questions, and at no point gives away any amount of concern or surprise at the events that I convey to him. By the time I reach the part involving the lunch table, he's recovered his breath and I can hear moving around in the background, indicating that whatever 'work' he was doing before has been resumed while listening to my story. Despite this, there is no indication that he has stopped paying the adequate amount of attention to my story, so I carry on without complaint. [i]"It was right of you to ask permission first," [/i]is the first thing he says once I become silent and await his response to my request. [i]"As long as you're able to accept the school's consequences for missing classes, then there won't be any problem. Just stay within the city limits. Also,"[/i] he adds almost as an afterthought, [i]"Try to avoid the docks." "Understood." Afterwards he hangs up. It seems that he had used up all of the time he was willing to spare from his current project. No matter; I was able to get the answer I needed. *page_break Next I find Junior and his group in a discussion when I return to the table, one that ends promptly upon my sitting down which is most likely a hint as to what the topic of their discussion was. I can tell at a glance that Junior is impatient to hear my answer and don't waste any time in delivering the news. "Yes." "Excellent," my answer appears to have been exactly what Junior was hoping to hear. "We're not going with a large group. Just you, me, and Hobbs here." He says the last bit while slapping 'Hobbs' on the shoulder. "I see. What time?" "We'll go at passing period." As he finishes the sentence, a bell rings directly above our head. "Which I guess is right now." *page_break Escape... *goto_scene 1-10escape-1 *label newseekingallies *set combat -1 The main way to survive in a hostile social environment is to identify the most powerful faction in the area. From there, you can take steps to avoid or destroy them, but ideally one would seek to come under their protection and prove themselves a tool that is too valuable to be harmed or cast aside. So long as I remain in the good graces of those with power, my chances of surviving this school go much higher. "I am new to this area and seeking contacts. You are one of the persons of power in this school, and I would like to form an alliance." Annoyingly, it is someone other than Junior who first responds. "That's a pretty funny way of talking. Is your dad a lawyer or something?" "Hey Hobbs, shut up." Junior replies, prompting 'Hobbs' to throw his hands up in surrender to allow our discussion to continue normally. "Meathead forgets his manners sometimes. So, you said you're looking for an 'alliance?' You mean like friends?" "If that is how you wish to interpret it." "Well, I guess if you're looking for a group to hang around, you could do worse than my gang. Lot of animals out there don't mind themselves but us, we got standards." Somewhere under the table, the rigorous sounds of wrestling intensify as I can only assume someone reached their climax. "Not a particularly high standard...but still, we're better than most the trash you'll find elsewhere in the city. Bunch of rapists and punks pushing drugs on playgrounds. We made sure to drive that shit out of our neighborhoods." *page_break Next "But you said you were looking for an adventure, didn't you?" I don't see myself ever saying anything remotely similar. Adventures tend to be dangerous. "I was looking for allies." "Well a little adventure is what you sign up for when you're looking to join the best gang in town," he says with the cocky, wide-grinned confidence of a rookie with a deathwish. "You see, once upon a time, I had a pretty nifty little hatch that we would use to get out when we decided there wasn't anything for us to learn that day. At least, I did, all the way up till this year. But for some reason the school decided to add a lot more security. Iron-strong locks, cameras all over the place, bunch of guards armed with tasers; this place is starting to feel more like a prison than it did before." He elaborates, "Though me and a couple of my boys were going to try and see if our old way out still worked. I only really showed up to see which classes were worth staying for and which I could easily skip, and so far only two of them seem worth their salt. I figure the rest of the day is better spent seeing whether or not I'll be able to come and go as I please like the old days. If you want, you can come along when we head out, assuming you know how to keep quiet." An offer to leave the school. Supposedly we wouldn't be going back, so it would most likely mean the end of the school day for me. Not much would be missed, only Psychology and History, one of which is an elective. However, there is a tactical drawback to not familiarizing myself with every class I will be attending. However, this option allows me to explore the possibility of leaving the school undetected at any time I want. It will also give me opportunity to ingratiate myself with one the major powers in this area, potentially make very useful allies. Of course, there is still the matter of my tracking device making it impossible for me to leave without informing my guardian. Whatever I do, it will have to be with Daniel's permission. *choice #No. *set juniorgone true *set juniorrelationship "Dismissive" His expression deflates noticeably in an instant. It becomes obvious quickly that this was not the response he had been expecting, and that flat rejection was something he was unaccustomed to receiving. "You sound pretty certain on that. Don't tell me you're scared of being caught." "I will not be changing my mind." The bell rings over our head, signaling the end of lunch and evidently this conversation. "I see." I get the sense that Junior is disappointed in me. It seems I am going against a preconceived notion that he had formed himself about me. That is more his fault than mine. "Goodbye in that case." We part ways, going in two different directions. Him to wherever his escape route is, and me to Psychology class. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Yes...but I have to make a phone call first. *set juniorrelationship "Friendly" I excuse myself from the table and find a quiet place outside the lunchroom where I can talk without risk of being overheard. Once alone I'm able to navigate the menu of the phone that Daniel gave me until I reach the contacts screen with his name typed proudly as the sole occupant of the list. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. [i] "What is it?" [/i] He finally answered. His breathing is labored, indicating some kind of recent physical altercation. "Are you alright?" I inquire about his health. [i]"I'm fine, just doing some work for the agency."[/i] He responds clearly and concisely, [i] "Is there something you need?" "I've been invited out." I take a moment to explain the situation. Daniel stays silent while listening, only interrupting at certain points to ask clarifying questions, and at no point gives away any amount of concern or surprise at the events that I convey to him. By the time I reach the part involving the lunch table, he's recovered his breath and I can hear moving around in the background, indicating that whatever 'work' he was doing before has been resumed while listening to my story. Despite this, there is no indication that he has stopped paying the adequate amount of attention to my story, so I carry on without complaint. [i]"It was right of you to ask permission first," [/i]is the first thing he says once I become silent and await his response to my request. [i]"As long as you're able to accept the school's consequences for missing classes, then there won't be any problem. Just stay within the city limits. Also,"[/i] he adds almost as an afterthought, [i]"Try to avoid the docks." "Understood." Afterwards he hangs up. It seems that he had used up all of the time he was willing to spare from his current project. No matter; I was able to get the answer I needed. *page_break Next I find Junior and his group in a discussion when I return to the table, one that ends promptly upon my sitting down which is most likely a hint as to what the topic of their discussion was. I can tell at a glance that Junior is impatient to hear my answer and don't waste any time in delivering the news. "Yes." "Excellent," my answer appears to have been exactly what Junior was hoping to hear. "We're not going with a large group. Just you, me, and Hobbs here." He says the last bit while slapping 'Hobbs' on the shoulder. "I see. What time?" "We'll go at passing period." As he finishes the sentence, a bell rings directly above our head. "Which I guess is right now." *page_break Escape... *goto_scene 1-10escape-1