a look that almost immediately turns into one of distaste. "What the hell are you doing here?" "May I sit down?" "But you're not..." *if (annoyjessy =true) her mouth curls up in a scowl, "Listen, pig! I don't know what mental illness makes you think I'd want you within the same room with me, let alone the same table, but you're better off turning on this pig feet and going off to bother someone else!" Her allies seem to be agreeing with her, some of them even seem prepared for physical confrontation. I'm horribly outnumbered and under regular circumstances, a tactical retreat would be the best move. But in this case... *choice #It's still the best move *set dismiss +1 It's plainly clear that I am not wanted here, and my continued intrusion into this girl's territory could have unfortunate consequences. Better to take a step back and reconsider how I want to approach, or even if I want to approach at all. There will be time later to decide how to deal with her. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if (interrogatebully =true) #I need answers Whether she is happy to see me or not is irrelevant. This 'Jessy' sent someone after me and I am certainly not the kind of person to let that kind of thing go. "We have something to discuss." "Doubtful..." I ignore her and carry on, "A moment ago, I was attacked by a male who claimed to have been motivated by his romantic relationship with you. I will know why." "You're really wondering why someone would want to hit you?" "I am more concerned with why this person specifically decided to attack me. It appears that he was under orders from you." Jessy leans back in her chair with her arms crossed, making a point of not looking at me, making a point with her body language of showing dismissal toward my existence, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I don't see why I should tell you anything about it. You insulted me!" Well now it makes sense. "You sent your romantic partner after me because I insulted you. I see." 'Reputation is everything. Everything in your future will depend on what people think of you. One must protect their reputation with their life, or more preferably, the lives of others.' I once heard that from someone a very long time ago, and it seems Jessy subscribes to the same ideology. When it comes to power, perception is reality, so any affront to that perception becomes a serious issue. Whether intentional or not, I posed a threat to Jessy's reputation and so she took drastic action in order to rectify the insult. I can understand her motivation, and besides, whether she's justified or not, I'm in no position to judge. I've killed for less. "Hey! Don't go sherlocking me! You don't know me!" *choice #Leave *set dismiss +1 I've learned everything that I intended to learn, and something tells me that further interaction with her would just end in more unpleasantness. Jessy continues to make unflattering remarks toward me, to the approval of those that surround her. It seems she got what she wanted out of this, between her romantic partner's attack and the show of aggression personally against me, the general audience around her considers her properly vindicated. While I can still probably count her among potential foes, I am relieved that I probably won't have to worry about further attacks against me. From her at least. *if (hurtbyjason =false) Her lover, however, might be another story. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #Apologize *set combat -1 *set explosives -1 *set sorryjessy true *set dismiss +1 *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" I challenged something that was important to her, putting her in a position where she had to either defend herself or watch everything she'd worked for go up in flames. Would I have reacted any differently than with violence? Daniel taught me a word for these kinds of situations. When one had done wrong, and there was nothing they could do to change it or try to fix it. I'd already attacked her, whether intentional or not, by posing a threat to the reputation she guarded so closely. That was my fault. There wasn't any going back to fix that, just like the countless other regrets of the past that would always exist in the back of my mind. I couldn't do anything about those distant reminders, but here, there was still one thing I could do. "I am sorry." "What?" "I hurt something that was important to you, and for that I am sorry." It doesn't mean much. That was one thing Daniel warned me about the word. 'Sorry' is what you say to regrets that you are unable to do anything about. At the moment, it's all I have to give. Jessy seems taken aback by the expression before realizing where she was. "Right, well, very nice for you. Now go away!" I leave, of course. Doing otherwise would be counterproductive. It would be the same mistake that I made in our first encounter. The people around her and what they believe are important to her, it would be cruel to attack her now, in front of them. But at least this way she knows. *if (hurtbyjason =false) Her lover, however, might be another story. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #I want to be friends *set dismiss +1 *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set jessyrelationship "Confused" I never wanted enemies. Violence is in my nature, that doesn't mean I have to like it or actively pursue being at odds with people. If possible, I would rather just live at peace without anyone trying to hurt me, though life has never been so accommodating. In the past, if I had a problem with someone, killing them was the most efficient way to resolve it and left the fewest loose ends. Trying to find peaceful alternatives just made things more complicated and more likely to go wrong for me. I had hoped that it might be different in this new environment and a peaceful method might be more viable. Even if it isn't, as long as its possible, I'd openly welcome it. Maybe it was about time I gave peace another chance. "I understand you are upset with me." "No, really?" "I would prefer if we could be at peace." She sighs, purposefully audibly, while falling back in her chair and crossing her arms, body language meant to convey annoyance and exasperation, "Whatever you want, I'm not giving." "I am not interested in material gain. Friendship would suffice." I notice a slight clench in her hands, though her facial mask remains unfazed, retaining the same practiced slight smirk of arrogance and aloofness, "Well you'll have to get it from somewhere else. Plenty of lonely saps out there." "Nonetheless, I came here." As I speak, I notice her companions becoming increasingly agitated, particularly the male members. At this point, a few of them have begun to speak up, with words such as "get lost" and "go bug someone else" being the most prominent messages. Jessy herself has stopped focusing on me, letting the crowd speak for her. It's clear that if I want to talk with her, it won't be now, in front of so large an audience. Any real discussion would be impossible while she has her cadre surrounding her, it would be better to talk cut my losses, make a tactical retreat, and approach again when the target is less protected. I refrain from speaking again, and instead carefully backtrack away from the table. I'll have to try again another time. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if (annoyjessy =false) She sighs with what seems to be a mix between frustration and tiredness, "Look, you made it pretty obvious in third hour that you don't care about me. What's with the sudden change of heart?" *fake_choice #I like her *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set jessy_name "Jessy Stewart" *set jessyrelationship "Curious" "I enjoy your presence." "You sure didn't act like it earlier." "Appearances can be deceptive." "I guess you're just like everyone else then, figured little Jessy Stewart was an easy catch," she says with a sigh, "Hey, why don't you get me a soda? I'm thirsty." "I have no money." The CIA set up a financial account for me, but that requires Daniel's approval in order to access. And I don't have any physical currency on my person since if I ever did need to purchase something, Daniel is only a phone call away. Though somehow I doubt he will agree to have cash delivered to me in order to purchase a sugar beverage. Thankfully someone else stands up to meet her command in my stead. Jessy looks at me with a hint of curiosity, though I'm not entirely sure why. "Where exactly did you come from?" *if (no =true) "Nowhere." "...Nowhere?" "Yes." "So, you just magically came into existence out of thin air?" "If that is how you wish to interpret it, then yes." A moment passes in which nobody really says anything, then someone chuckles. That sparks another chuckle, and soon enough most of the table is laughing. Even Jessy gets on with it after a few seconds of processing. "You have to be the worst liar in all of history if that's the best you could come up with! I think I like it!" *if (travel =true) "I'm not sure. I travel around." "Aren't there birth certificates or something?" "No." That part actually isn't a lie. There wasn't exactly a hospital available at the time, or so I imagine based on where my first memories take place. "Your mother doesn't know?" She probably did, but sadly she neglected to share that information with me. I have to take partial responsibility, since I wasn't curious during the time she was alive. And really, if she were alive in front of me, asking her would probably still be pretty low on my list of priorities. I can't tell her all of that though, it would go against the narrative I've constructed. "No. She does not." "Well, congratulations, I think you may just be the worst liar I have ever met." *if (terrorist =true) "Africa, originally. I couldn't pinpoint an exact area, but if you looked at a map of all major conflicts in the region about between 13 to 16 years ago, that would probably narrow it down a bit. I didn't stay there, obviously, my employers had me travel to various war zones, but that's where my first memories take place." "...Right, I didn't understand a word you just said. Why don't we start with something easier? What do your parents do?" "My mother is decaying, I do not know what my father does. My current guardian is an agent working for the CIA." "...Nevermind." *if (york =true) "I am from Manhattan, New York which has a population of 8,491,079. Zip Code 10007. Fulton St. I attended Tompkins Square Middle School, IS 839, where my best friend was Jacob Peta, who died in a car crash, do not try to contact him. I also had a dog named Trudy-" "Okay! I get it!" #I want to learn more about her *set explosives -1 *set firearms -1 *set jessy_name "Jessy Stewart" *set jessyrelationship "Curious" "I want to learn more about you." "Most people wouldn't just come right out and say it..." "Would you prefer that?" "No, just wondering why you worded it like that." "I chose the most efficient means of conveying the information that you needed to know with the minimum number of words necessary. It saves time and makes one more productive." Someone chuckles. "...Well you're a weird one, but I think I like it!" She leans forward, "So, what can little me tell you?" "I suppose for starters, who are you?" "I guess that's the most 'efficient' way," she puts on a serious, scowling face, "Name: Jessy Stewart. Occupation: Student. Relationships: Depends, who's asking?" She isn't able to keep the serious face for very long without laughing, though the breaking out laughing was probably planned from the start, "That 'efficient' enough?" "I do have more questions." "Actually, I kind of have a question to ask first." #I just want to annoy her *set dismiss +1 *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" "Primarily, I just want to get on your nerves." "...Right, that was fun. Goodbye then." "I was not-" As I speak, I notice her companions becoming increasingly agitated, particularly the male members. At this point, a few of them have begun to speak up, with words such as "get lost" and "go bug someone else" being the most prominent messages. Jessy herself has stopped focusing on me, letting the crowd speak for her. It seems I am finished speaking after all. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *page_break Next *if (hurt =false) I sense she's about to say something else, but something outside my peripheral vision takes my attention from her. *if ((interrogatebully =false) and (foughtjason =false)) *set met_jason true The boy from earlier, the one I saw in the hallway. He stops when he sees me sitting at the table. I keep my eyes on him, sensing the most likely threat of his presence and watching his body, analyzing his movements. That's all that happens for a moment. Over time, the others sitting at the table notice the tension in the air and quiet down, watching the two of us. Partly dreading, but underneath that surface, eager to see what excitement might come. Not too unlike confrontations at my old workplace. "Uhm...have you two met?" Jessy intervenes with a question. "No," he says, "Never." *fake_choice #Tell the truth *set stealth -1 *set tactics -1 *set jason_name "Jason Stave" "Not formally at least, although he was looking for me earlier. I sensed hostile intent and made careful work to avoid him." Nobody says anything. Jessy's hand comes up to her face and the boy shuffles in his place. It seems I did something to make the setting uncomfortable, not entirely sure what though. "You must have had me mistaken with someone else." "He matched your appearance exactly. I have excellent recall when it comes to individuals." "Well you're wrong, this is my boyfriend, Jason!" Jessy says and then pauses as if expecting something. "Jason, is there a reason why you wished to attack me?" Jessy immediately stands up in a sharp motion. I instinctively stand up the moment I notice her movements, simultaneously standing at the ready as she does. Though in her case, her reason for standing seems to be less about defense. "You! Come with me!" She shouts at me, and then walks off as if expecting me to follow. *choice #Go with her I know more about her than I do anyone else at the table, and there's more for the two of us to talk about than anyone else. Going with her seems the logical option. Nobody follows us as we leave the lunchroom. Away from any possible witnesses. While moving, I make sure to maintain a distance of exactly 15ft and keep an eye on her hands, which remain clenched into fists swinging at her side. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screeches when we are finally outside the audible range of the lunchroom. There are probably a number of character traits I possess that she could be referring to, so I choose the safest answer. "Explain." "Why were you embarrassing Jason like that?! You were supposed to play along, idiot!" "Are you saying I was supposed to lie?" "Yes!" Westerners are confusing on the topic of lying. The talking vegetables on the tv shows Daniel showed me said that lying was bad, Daniel said lying was good if done right, and now this girl is saying that lying is just flat out good. With this level of infighting, it's a wonder the United States hasn't fallen already. "I was not aware you wanted me to lie." "Weren't aware?! You...you...baka!" "Sumimasen." "...What?" "I apologize, I thought we were speaking Japanese now." "You're making fun of me! Stop it! I hate you!" *choice #That's a shame *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set explosives -1 "That is unfortunate, because I like you very much." Jessy's face takes on a strange red color and she begins screaming at me. "You...you stupid pig! Stupid pig man, ruining everything! Go away!" She then proceeds to turn on her heel and march back into the lunchroom, thus removing the need for me to go anywhere. "Until next time then, Jessy Stewart." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #She isn't exactly my favorite person either "It really must be difficult being you," I say, utilizing the weapon of sarcasm. "Shut up, you...stupid pig man! You ruin everything! Go away." She then proceeds to turn on her heel and march back into the lunchroom, thus removing the need for me to go anywhere. Leaving me alone. "Until next time then, Jessy Stewart." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Stick around I'm not sure why she expected me to go off with her. I haven't even gotten a chance to eat my food yet. Before she gets too far, Jessy looks behind her and realizes my absence, then is presented with a choice between awkwardly going back and sitting down or continuing with her chosen course of action and marching off in anger. She chooses the latter. "You really don't like making things easy," Jason says in a tired voice, seemingly drained of the ability to care. "I was asking an honest question." "Right, well, honest suggestion. Next time you have something to say, keeping quiet might be a better option. Trust me, it's a lot easier that way." When in doubt, remain silent. Useful survival technique. He doesn't have to tell me anything about it. I know all about keeping quiet when necessary. When an officer is talking to a client, you're supposed to stand there and look intimidating, or kill someone if things end up going that way. Under no circumstances, however, are you expected to speak. When dealing with an officer in general, silence was always the best policy. They had the power of life and death. Their decisions decided entire futures, or lack thereof. But none of these individuals were officers, and they lacked that particular power. "I will make that decision on my own." Jason looks at me for a moment, then eventually just sighs defeatedly, "Fine, whatever. Just be careful about not getting lost in the hallways." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Play along *set explosives -1 *set jason_name "Jason Stave" I nod in agreement. Not the first time I've lied to maintain a story for someone else. When I acted as a bodyguard for my previous employer, I occasionally had to sit in during his 'business meetings.' For obvious reasons, in that line of work, the truth was a liability, and I quickly grew to understand that the truth was whatever my employer said the truth was. Much like this situation. What actually happened is irrelevant. He has decided the truth is that this is the first time I have ever laid eyes on the boy in front of me. "Right, thought so," Jessy replies, sharing a form of knowing smirk with myself and the boy. Was there a communication that I missed? She seems to believe the story almost immediately, and the way she acts afterward by steering the dialogue toward something involving other members of their social circle. Either she is unnaturally trusting of the boy, or she has a stake in the fantasy being true. Yet how would she know? "By the way, this is Jason," Jessy says to me, "We're in love. Isn't that right, J.J?" "Sure," Jason shrugs, only paying half attention to the conversation. "It's like, fate or some shit. Just thought you should know," she says with a tone of voice indicating that there's supposed to be some deeper meaning. A change in pitch as the words form from the vibrations of her vocal cords that is distinctly different from how she has been talking up until this point. For some reason, she wanted me to notice those words. My mind immediately begins studying exactly what she said. The most loaded words: Jason, love, fate, and shit. If I'm going off of the assumption that she's trying to communicate some form of covert message, it probably has something to do with those. This process frustrates me, I'm not particularly good with codes, it never really became relevant until my time with the Western Cell of our organization, and as such I never really practiced it diligently. Still, I might just know enough. Jason, love, fate, shit. Could it have something to do with the first letters? JLFS? Might be an acronym. Hold on, I remember that she said something about them being inside of love, could that be relevant to the code? Inside of Love was the title of a song released by a rock band in the early 2000s. An obscure fact, why did I remember that? Then it hits me, the name of one of the singers of that band was Daniel Lorca. The last name is incidental, but the first, the very same name as my handler. It becomes clear to me, Jessy might just be trying to insinuate some sort of connection between Jason and Daniel. But then what about the other two words, fate and shit? "Uh, hello? Earth to whoever? Are you alright?" Jessy is talking to me, it seems I've run out of time to analyze. I need to act. Now. *choice #Demand to know the connection between Jason and Daniel "I see, I believe I understand what you were trying to say," I respond to Jessy. "What I was trying to- what? What are you talking about?" It seems she is trying to continue being subtle. "No matter. Further input from you is unnecessary." "What did you just-" "Jason," I say while standing, "I am not adept at social subtlety so I will instead ask directly. What have you done with Daniel? *if (daniel_father =true) Tell me immediately, with clear and precise wording, and if he has been unharmed then I shall allow you to live. If he is not, then everything you value shall become forfeit." *if (daniel_father =false) I need you to answer clearly and concisely. His well-being is important to my placement here." "...What the fuck are you talking about?" Jessy speaks out, which comes as a surprise. Shouldn't she understand the situation better than anyone. She is the one who gave me the hint after all. "Your message indicated there was a connection between Jason and Daniel. I am acting accordingly." Jason, for his part, looks more tired than anything. "Look pal, you're obviously on something, so why don't we all just sit down, okay? No reason to make a big deal out of anything." "Perhaps, if you tell me what you have done with Daniel." "What message are you even talking about? I didn't send you any kind of message!" Jessy. "A few moments ago you accentuated your words to indicate a connection between Jason and the phrase Inside of Love, of which a person named Daniel is a member, and who shares the name of my guardian. Do you not remember?" "I was talking about how me and Jason are in love! Idiot!" She could be telling the truth. Then again, it could just be a ploy to cover up a conjoined attack against Daniel. *choice #I'll call Daniel to be sure *set dismiss +1 *set humanity +1 *set hatedan -1 *set frienddan +1 "I will be the judge of that." I immediately pull out my phone and navigate the strange box until Daniel's speed dial comes up. From there it's an easy click to begin ringing his personal line. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four rings. "What is it?" He finally answered. He's breathing hard, but not excessively, indicating the aftermath of a successful physical altercation. "Are you unharmed? Has someone attacked you?" "Attacked me?" He pauses a moment, "No, nobody has attacked me. I'm just doing some work for the agency. Is there something wrong?" I look at Jessy and Jason, "No. Nothing is wrong." "In that case, please don't call while I'm working unless it's an emergency. Enjoy your classes." Click. "He is unharmed." Jessy rolls her eyes in a clockwise manner, "How wonderful. Anything else to add?" "No." "In that case, ba bye," she says while waving me away. It appears I am no longer welcome in this table. I look at Jason, and he seems to have forgotten my existence, instead focusing on his lunch tray. There's nothing here for me anymore. *page_break Next *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #I'm probably being paranoid "Of course. There is nothing wrong." "Glad we could clear that up then," Jessy rolls her eyes in a clockwise manner, "How wonderful. Anything else to add?" "No." "In that case, ba bye," she says while waving me away. It appears I am no longer welcome in this table. I look at Jason, and he seems to have forgotten my existence, instead focusing on his lunch tray. There's nothing here for me anymore. *page_break Next *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #Tactical retreat! *set dismiss +1 Her latest message makes me realize, the earlier message was just to get my attention. Daniel isn't the one in danger. It's me! I quickly take multiple steps away from the table. "I should go," is the only explanation I offer. Any longer puts me at further risk. I receive odd looks, but nobody pursues. Jason retakes the seat I left behind, and nobody else stands to take his place, meaning I am able to leave the effective range of the table and am once again left alone. It appears I managed to avert a crisis. Who knows what might have happened if I stuck around? As it stands, I'm now left alone in the lunchroom. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if ((interrogatebully =true) or (foughtjason =true)) *set dismiss +1 *set jason_name "Jason Stave" *comment guards come, take Jessy away to talk about her boyfriend being hurt. Leads to a dismiss. I recognize the uniforms immediately. Security, and heading straight for our table. The possible reasons for why they would want to speak to me run through my minds. *if (incidents >1) Come to think of it, they probably have a lot of good reasons. *if (incidents <2) I had thought I'd managed to keep collateral damage to a minimum. I had almost been proud of myself until the sight of uniformed officers made me question it. Still, I had no idea what specifically they would want to talk to me about. Probably because, as I would soon learn, I wasn't their intended target for a change. "Miss. Stewart, could you come with us please." "What for?" Jessy voices the question that quite a few of our tablemates are wondering themselves, and I have to admit, I'm a bit curious myself. Someone nearby immediately starts asking Jessy if she committed some kind of crime, and somehow that idea seems to take hold and within seconds they're already theorizing before she can even answer the question. She starts to look panicked, perhaps the only facial gesture I've seen so far that doesn't appear carefully constructed. Evidently, this gets the sympathy of the security guard, who immediately steps in to clear up the matter. "It's about your boyfriend, Jason. There's been an accident. We found him bleeding." It seems the found they body I left. So Jason was his name. *if (foughtjason =true) And he was romantically involved with Jessy. Part of me wonders if that had any connection to his motivation for attacking me. Jessy, upon hearing the news, immediately looks at me. She glares, any previous trace of goodwill we might have fostered suddenly gone forever. Without another word to me or anyone else, she gets up and asks the guard to take her to him. And so our brief interaction came to an end. Without Jessy at the table, there's nobody else here that I have any reason to talk to, and none of them seem particularly welcoming to me either. I am the outsider, after all, and a couple of them managed to catch the look Jessy gave me as she marched off. Knowing when I'm not wanted, I quietly excuse myself. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if (hurt =true) "So, what exactly happened to make you look so messed up?" *label talkabouthurtwithjessy She's most likely referring to the marks I received from *if (hurtbybullies =true) the boys in my previous class. Not the worst scars I've received, but at the moment they are the most visible, being both very recent and in my facial area. *if ((hurtbybullies =false )and (hurtbyjason =true)) *if (interrogatebully =true) her romantic partner on my way over here. She appears to be trying to cover up her involvement and play the rescuer card. Reasons unknown at the moment. *if (interrogatebully =false) the boy I encountered on the way over here. Not the worst scars I've received, but at the moment they are the most visible, being both very recent and in my facial area. *if ((hurtbybullies =true) and (hurtbyjason =true)) With those marks combined with the ones I received from *if (interrogatebully =true) her romantic partner on my way over here, I imagine I must look bruised to say the least. *if (interrogatebully =false) the boy I encountered on the way over here, I imagine I must look very bruised to say the least. Unless she's just referring to my general unflattering appearance that I've been told to have, but that's less likely. *fake_choice *if (((hurtbybullies =true) and (hurtbyjason =false)) and (foughtjason =false)) #Tell her what happened *if (interrogatebully =false) I'm not sure what has her so interested. It's unlikely she has any stake in it, or my well being for that matter. Nonetheless, I suppose there isn't any reason to not tell her, so I start from the beginning. *if (interrogatebully =true) No doubt she assumes the markings are from her boyfriend's attempted attack on my person. It is pretty self-centered of her to think she's the only person who has ever wanted me hurt. Still, it would be pointless to reserve the truth from her, so I set the record straight for her to understand. "I had an unfortunate encounter while attempting to defuse a situation in my previous class. Some individuals were attempting to intimidate Student Council President Stein and I intervened. Unfortunately my diplomatic attempts were unsuccessful, thus resulting in the markings you see." Obviously by her facial expression, this was not the response she was expecting to get. "Oh, that's, uhm...bad, I guess. Did anything else happen?" "What exactly are you referring to?" "Like...nevermind." She moves on despite the small hiccup, "You must be really tough. Hey, have you met my boyfriend?" Not exactly the most natural of transitions. *if (interrogatebully =true) and (jasonrelationship !="Grateful") Evidently she ran out of patience when the conversation did not steer in the direction she was hoping for, and is now forcing it back on track. *choice #Yes, I have *set firearms -1 *set stealth -1 *set dismiss +1 *set jason_name "Jason Stave" *set jasonhostileforlife true *set jessyhostileforlife true *set jessyrelationship "Hostile" *set jasonrelationship "Hostile" "Yes, we met in the hallway. He tried to attack me, so I incapacitated and interrogated him to learn the reason. He told me-" "Hold on, you did [i]what?!" "Incapacitated and interrogated. I estimate about a two month recovery. He was more physically powerful, however he also seemed to have a crippling weakness to-" [i]"Where is he?! Where did you leave Jason?!"[/i] Jason? I see, that must be his name. So far Jessy has been reacting much more frantically than I previously expected considering it was her that sent him out in the first place. Or perhaps that is why she is reacting so frantically. Either way, there's no particular reason to withhold the truth from her. "I imagine he is still in the hallway, presuming he did not find a way to limp his way to the infirmary." Jessy stands so quickly that she almost trips on her own seat, sprinting off toward the hallway. Or at least trying to. Her high heels and tight fitting garments hinder her maximum speed, causing her to stumble most of the way out of the room until she finally leaves my line of sight. Something about what I said seemed to make her panic about Jason's health, at least that is my assumption given the lack of personal care she showed while leaving. After that display, I'm left alone at the table filled with people that I do not know. None of them seem particularly interested in getting to know me either. It creates a somewhat odd image, the way everyone in the lunchroom is talking [i]except[/i] the table of social butterflies, who have all become hyperfocused on their food. I realize pretty quickly that remaining here would be unproductive, and take my leave. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #No, I have not *set jason_name "Jason Stave" "No, I cannot say that I have." "You really should," she gushes, "He's a real tough guy like you. Big, strong, plays football. Might want to be careful though, he can get really jealous. He once beat up a kid just for talking to me." She pauses a moment and looks at me expectantly for a few seconds. After those seconds come and go, she coughs and continues as if nothing happened, "He also doesn't like talking a whole lot, kind of like you, sometimes it's impossible to get more than three words out of the big lug. He looks like he's just always bored." She pauses once again and looks at me. I'm not sure what she's expecting me to do, but something about my face seems to unnerve her, "Uhm...can you please blink?" "Why?" "It's kind of creepy, the way you're just staring at everything. Like...just how messed up is your face? Did they smash up all your nerves or something?" "That would require surgery, or fire. The latter of which I would in all probability not survive." "I didn't mean literally! Geez, I didn't think I would ever meet someone who looked more dead than Jason, but somehow you managed to pull that off! You definitely have to meet him now. No perhaps, maybes, or buts about it. I'll make sure you two run into each other at some point." I suppose I should refrain from telling her about my previous encounter with him. She'll probably find out on her own anyway, and I would rather not be around when she does. The best kind of problem is one that occurs when you're not around. I sense she's about to say something else, but something outside my peripheral vision takes my attention from her. I recognize the uniforms immediately. Security, and heading straight for our table. The possible reasons for why they would want to speak to me run through my minds. *if (incidents >1) Come to think of it, they probably have a lot of good reasons. *if (incidents <2) I had thought I'd managed to keep collateral damage to a minimum. I had almost been proud of myself until the sight of uniformed officers made me question it. Still, I had no idea what specifically they would want to talk to me about. Probably because, as I would soon learn, I wasn't their intended target for a change. "Miss Stewart, could you come with us please." "What for?" Jessy voices the question that quite a few of our tablemates are wondering themselves, and I have to admit, I'm a bit curious myself. Someone nearby immediately starts asking Jessy if she committed some kind of crime, and somehow that idea seems to take hold and within seconds they're already theorizing before she can even answer the question. She starts to look panicked, perhaps the only facial gesture I've seen so far that doesn't appear carefully constructed. Evidently, this gets the sympathy of the security guard, who immediately steps in to clear up the matter. "It's about your boyfriend, Jason. There's been an accident. We found him bleeding." It seems the found they body I left. So Jason was his name. *if (foughtjason =true) And he was romantically involved with Jessy. Part of me wonders if that had any connection to his motivation for attacking me. Jessy, upon hearing the news, immediately looks at me. She glares, any previous trace of goodwill we might have fostered suddenly gone forever. Without another word to me or anyone else, she gets up and asks the guard to take her to him. And so our brief interaction came to an end. Without Jessy at the table, there's nobody else here that I have any reason to talk to, and none of them seem particularly welcoming to me either. I am the outsider, after all, and a couple of them managed to catch the look Jessy gave me as she marched off. Knowing when I'm not wanted, I quietly excuse myself. *set jasonhostileforlife true *set jessyhostileforlife true *set jessyrelationship "Hostile" *set jasonrelationship "Hostile" *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if (jasonrelationship ="Grateful") *goto gaaaaaah "No, I cannot say that I have." "You really should," she gushes, "He's a real tough guy like you. Big, strong, plays football. Might want to be careful though, he can get really jealous. He once beat up a kid just for talking to me." She pauses a moment and looks at me expectantly for a few seconds. After those seconds come and go, she coughs and continues as if nothing happened, "He also doesn't like talking a whole lot, kind of like you, sometimes it's impossible to get more than three words out of the big lug. He looks like he's just always bored." She pauses once again and looks at me. I'm not sure what she's expecting me to do, but something about my face seems to unnerve her, "Uhm...can you please blink?" "Why?" "It's kind of creepy, the way you're just staring at everything. Like...just how messed up is your face? Did they smash up all your nerves or something?" "That would require surgery, or fire. The latter of which I would in all probability not survive." "I didn't mean literally! Geez, I didn't think I would ever meet someone who looked more dead than Jason, but somehow you managed to pull that off! You definitely have to meet him now." "...Perhaps." "No perhaps, maybes, or buts about it. I'll make sure you two run into each other at some point." I would probably thank her for being so concerned about my social well being, but she's being so aggressive about it that I can't help but wonder at some ulterior motive. It's clear that my opinion on the matter is of very little relevance to how this will play out. "Very well." She continues talking as if I hadn't responded. The details of which run over my head. I pick out something about her opinion of the political situation of the school, but the rest is garbled nonsense to me. Just as I'm about to let it slide and, finally, begin eating my meal, the bell rings overhead. It seems I've run out of time. "Oh pooh," Jessy exclaims with mock disappointment, "I guess we'll just have to talk later. I'm really looking forward to it," she says with a wink and a grin as she skips off cheerfully. I can't really match her enthusiasm after having to miss my meal. I suppose I'll just have to eat while walking. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 *if (foughtjason =true) #Tell her the whole story *goto fuckinghatred *if ((hurtbybullies =false) and (hurtbyjason =true)) #Tell her the whole story *label fuckinghatred *set stealth -1 "Some of them I received in my previous class, in an unfortunate encounter with some individuals attempting to intimidate Student Council President Stein. Others, I received from an individual I was confronted with on my way to this lunchroom." "Oh wow, that sounds like such an interesting story! Would you talk about it?" "I suppose. I walked into class and-" She interrupts before I can even begin speaking, "No! The other one!" *if (foughtjason =true) *set jason_name "Jason Stave" *set jasonhostileforlife true *set jessyhostileforlife true *set jessyrelationship "Hostile" *set jasonrelationship "Hostile" "...We met in the hallway. He was about to attack me to I attacked preemptively, but he was stronger than anticipated and I made a tactical error in attacking from the front. I was eventually able to incapacitate him through violence." "Hold on, you did [i]what?!" "Incapacitated through violence. I estimate about a three month recovery. He was more physically powerful, however he also seemed to have a crippling weakness to-" [i]"Where is he?! Where did you leave Jason?!"[/i] Jason? I see, that must be his name. So far Jessy has been reacting much more frantically than I previously expected considering it was her that sent him out in the first place. Or perhaps that is why she is reacting so frantically. Either way, there's no particular reason to withhold the truth from her. "I imagine he is still in the hallway, presuming he did not find a way to limp his way to the infirmary." Jessy stands so quickly that she almost trips on her own seat, sprinting off toward the hallway. Or at least trying to. Her high heels and tight fitting garments hinder her maximum speed, causing her to stumble most of the way out of the room until she finally leaves my line of sight. Something about what I said seemed to make her panic about Jason's health, at least that is my assumption given the lack of personal care she showed while leaving. After that display, I'm left alone at the table filled with people that I do not know. None of them seem particularly interested in getting to know me either. It creates a somewhat odd image, the way everyone in the lunchroom is talking [i]except[/i] the table of social butterflies, who have all become hyperfocused on their food. I realize pretty quickly that remaining here would be unproductive, and take my leave. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *if (dismiss =2) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if (interrogatebully =true) and (jasonrelationship ="Grateful") *label gaaaaaah *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" "...There isn't much of a story. He punched me, we talked, and he told me about how you put him up to it." She winces when I speak as if I had somehow physically assaulted her with my words. I do not believe I have that power, or at least, if I do, then I should have been made aware of it a long time ago as that would have been incredibly useful. Having access to sonic warfare is unlikely, it is far more likely that something in the words I spoke caused her a great deal of discomfort. "He...uh, he told you that, huh?" "Yes." "Well, I'm sure he was talking about some other Jessy-" "No, he described you rather accurately, and I probably would have been able to tell if he was lying." People start whispering around the table, whispers that Jessy seem very aware of and very infuriated by. Jessy immediately stands up in a sharp motion. I instinctively stand up the moment I notice her movements, simultaneously standing at the ready as she does. Though in her case, her reason for standing seems to be less about defense. "You! Come with me!" She shouts at me, and then walks off in a stormy rage. Nobody follows us as we leave the lunchroom. Away from any possible witnesses. While moving, I make sure to maintain a distance of exactly 15ft and keep an eye on her hands, which remain clenched into fists swinging at her side. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screeches when we are finally outside the audible range of the lunchroom. There are probably a number of character traits I possess that she could be referring to, so I choose the safest answer. "Explain." "Why were you embarrassing Jason like that?! You were supposed to play along, idiot!" "Are you saying I was supposed to lie?" "Yes!" Westerners are confusing on the topic of lying. The talking vegetables on the tv shows Daniel showed me said that lying was bad, Daniel said lying was good if done right, and now this girl is saying that lying is just flat out good. With this level of infighting, it's a wonder the United States hasn't fallen already. "I was not aware you wanted me to lie." "Weren't aware?! You...you...baka!" "Sumimasen." "...What?" "I apologize, I thought we were speaking Japanese now." "You're making fun of me! Stop it! I hate you!" *choice #That's a shame *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" "That is unfortunate, because I like you very much." Jessy's face takes on a strange red color and she begins screaming at me. "You...you stupid pig! Stupid pig man, ruining everything! Go away!" She then proceeds to turn on her heel and march back into the lunchroom, thus removing the need for me to go anywhere. "Until next time then, Jessy Stewart." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #She isn't exactly my favorite person either *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" "It really must be difficult being you," I say, utilizing the weapon of sarcasm. "Shut up, you...stupid pig man! You ruin everything! Go away." She then proceeds to turn on her heel and march back into the lunchroom, thus removing the need for me to go anywhere. Leaving me alone. "Until next time then, Jessy Stewart." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 *if (foughtjason =true) #Tell her what happened in the hallway *goto fuckinggenius *if ((hurtbybullies =false) and (hurtbyjason =true)) #Tell her what happened in the hallway *label fuckinggenius *set stealth -1 I received these wounds from an individual I was confronted with on my way to this lunchroom." "Oh wow, that sounds like such an interesting story! Would you talk about it?" "I suppose. I walked into class and-" She interrupts before I can even begin speaking, "No! The other one!" *if (foughtjason =true) *set jason_name "Jason Stave" *set jasonhostileforlife true *set jessyhostileforlife true *set jessyrelationship "Hostile" *set jasonrelationship "Hostile" "...We met in the hallway. He was about to attack me to I attacked preemptively, but he was stronger than anticipated and I made a tactical error in attacking from the front. I was eventually able to incapacitate him through violence." "Hold on, you did [i]what?!" "Incapacitated through violence. I estimate about a three month recovery. He was more physically powerful, however he also seemed to have a crippling weakness to-" [i]"Where is he?! Where did you leave Jason?!"[/i] Jason? I see, that must be his name. So far Jessy has been reacting much more frantically than I previously expected considering it was her that sent him out in the first place. Or perhaps that is why she is reacting so frantically. Either way, there's no particular reason to withhold the truth from her. "I imagine he is still in the hallway, presuming he did not find a way to limp his way to the infirmary." Jessy stands so quickly that she almost trips on her own seat, sprinting off toward the hallway. Or at least trying to. Her high heels and tight fitting garments hinder her maximum speed, causing her to stumble most of the way out of the room until she finally leaves my line of sight. Something about what I said seemed to make her panic about Jason's health, at least that is my assumption given the lack of personal care she showed while leaving. After that display, I'm left alone at the table filled with people that I do not know. None of them seem particularly interested in getting to know me either. It creates a somewhat odd image, the way everyone in the lunchroom is talking [i]except[/i] the table of social butterflies, who have all become hyperfocused on their food. I realize pretty quickly that remaining here would be unproductive, and take my leave. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end *if (interrogatebully =true) and (jasonrelationship ="Grateful") "...There isn't much of a story. He punched me, we talked, and he told me about how you put him up to it." She winces when I speak as if I had somehow physically assaulted her with my words. I do not believe I have that power, or at least, if I do, then I should have been made aware of it a long time ago as that would have been incredibly useful. Having access to sonic warfare is unlikely, it is far more likely that something in the words I spoke caused her a great deal of discomfort. "He...uh, he told you that, huh?" "Yes." "Well, I'm sure he was talking about some other Jessy-" "No, he described you rather accurately, and I probably would have been able to tell if he was lying." People start whispering around the table, whispers that Jessy seem very aware of and very infuriated by. Jessy immediately stands up in a sharp motion. I instinctively stand up the moment I notice her movements, simultaneously standing at the ready as she does. Though in her case, her reason for standing seems to be less about defense. "You! Come with me!" She shouts at me, and then walks off in a stormy rage. Nobody follows us as we leave the lunchroom. Away from any possible witnesses. While moving, I make sure to maintain a distance of exactly 15ft and keep an eye on her hands, which remain clenched into fists swinging at her side. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screeches when we are finally outside the audible range of the lunchroom. There are probably a number of character traits I possess that she could be referring to, so I choose the safest answer. "Explain." "Why were you embarrassing Jason like that?! You were supposed to play along, idiot!" "Are you saying I was supposed to lie?" "Yes!" Westerners are confusing on the topic of lying. The talking vegetables on the tv shows Daniel showed me said that lying was bad, Daniel said lying was good if done right, and now this girl is saying that lying is just flat out good. With this level of infighting, it's a wonder the United States hasn't fallen already. "I was not aware you wanted me to lie." "Weren't aware?! You...you...baka!" "Sumimasen." "...What?" "I apologize, I thought we were speaking Japanese now." "You're making fun of me! Stop it! I hate you!" *choice #That's a shame *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set explosives -1 *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" "That is unfortunate, because I like you very much." Jessy's face takes on a strange red color and she begins screaming at me. "You...you stupid pig! Stupid pig man, ruining everything! Go away!" She then proceeds to turn on her heel and march back into the lunchroom, thus removing the need for me to go anywhere. "Until next time then, Jessy Stewart." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #She isn't exactly my favorite person either *set jessyrelationship "Annoyed" "It really must be difficult being you," I say, utilizing the weapon of sarcasm. "Shut up, you...stupid pig man! You ruin everything! Go away." She then proceeds to turn on her heel and march back into the lunchroom, thus removing the need for me to go anywhere. Leaving me alone. "Until next time then, Jessy Stewart." *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Leave *set dismiss +1 I was willing to communicate, up until the point when she started asking questions. I tried but she crossed a line with that. "I should go." I turn around and leave a very confused Jessy in her seat, fleeing the area before she can figure out what exactly just happened. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *else *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end