*set jason_name "Jason Stave" *set jessy_name "Jessy Stewart" *set jasonrelationship "Indifferent" *set nojessy true The last time we parted ways, it wasn't exactly on the most amicable of circumstances. Our first interaction comprised of her throwing a piece of paper at my head, and we haven't exactly gone up from there. *if (befriendjessy =true) I may have been able to extract a name from her, but something tells me it will take more than a few nice words in order to endear myself to this social leader. *goto 1 *if (ignorejessy =true) We haven't gone down, either, but that's not saying a whole lot considering where we started. *goto 1 If anything, what few lines of dialog we've spoken to each other has damaged our relationship more than anything else. *label 1 This assessment is proven true. As I approach the table, the girl's gaze meets mine. She hasn't changed much from a few hours ago. Looking around the table, it seems she's surrounded by mostly the same individuals that accompanied her in the classroom, aside from a few added bodies. They are diverse in terms of gender, size, and ethnicity, however judging by their clothing it appears they all come from the same social background. Extremely wealthy, however if compared to the average American teenager, they would probably be high-middle class on the financial hierarchy. In no fear of any financial issues, however still modest enough to require going to a public school. Overall, their social and financial situation seems a reflection of the girl's. She most likely either surrounds herself with people of similar social backgrounds, or she has adjusted herself to meet their perceptions. Too soon to say which one is the most likely. It mostly depends on who was drawn to whom: her to the crowd, or the crowd to her. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. It isn't long after I have made myself known that the girl allows her facial features to emphasize her opinion of me. Upon seeing this, the crowd changes their attitude in order to match, turning the table into the social version of a hostile environment. "Oh, wow, look what the freak dragged in," she says with that air of superiority and invincibility I remember from third hour. Appear invincible to be seen as invincible. A common tactic among those who place their bets on the abstract power of reputation and are used to it succeeding. "What's a freak like you even doing here?" "I was hoping to-" "Ew, it even talks," she interrupts me before I can finish my sentence. Daniel said that kind of behavior was rude. She reaches out and latches onto the arm of a boy who had been sitting next to her, up until this point primarily focusing on his meal before stopping and looking over to her with his peripheral vision and no other real change in his facial structure, "Jason! It actually talked to me? Can you believe that freak?" This 'Jason' character simply shrugs noncommittally, "Sure. You're right, Jessy." Jason says almost mechanically, something he's obviously used to saying a lot. Jessy, on the other hand, is a bit less amused. "Are you even listening?" She scolds him with a sharp flick on the forehead, "Jaaaason! You're supposed to protect me from freaks and wierdos! Where's my knight in shining armor!" Jason's head tilts upward and looks between myself and Jessy. Then, with a relieved sigh, he finally focuses his gaze on me and speaks, "Can you please go away? You're making things hard." *fake_choice #Well, he did say please. It would be rude to refuse. *set combat -1 *set explosives -1 *set dismiss +1 "Okay." I turn on my heel and walk away. Obviously by the chatter, this wasn't the expected reaction, but Jason at least seems happy about it. Jessy continues to scowl at me, and him for some reason, before resuming her previous conversations. Funny how leaving was so much easier than arriving. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *if (dismiss =2) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #I only came over out of curiosity anyway. All this trouble isn't worth it. *set dismiss +1 "Okay." I turn on my heel and walk away. Obviously by the chatter, this wasn't the expected reaction, but Jason at least seems happy about it. Jessy continues to scowl at me, and him for some reason, before resuming her previous conversations. Funny how leaving was so much easier than arriving. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *if (dismiss =2) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #I still want to be friends with Jessy. *set combat -1 *set explosives -1 *set dismiss +1 *set jasonrelationship "Tolerant" *set jessyrelationship "Tolerant" "We have not yet facilitated friendship. Leaving before my goal has been completed would be counterproductive, therefore I choose not to leave." I explain my thought process as clearly as possible in order to avoid any preventable confusion, "In order to establish friendship, I would like to know more about you. What are your standards for friendship?" A moment of silence goes by at the table that I measure to last for about five seconds. "Are you like, some kind of crazy person?" "No, I am just a high school student." Jason sighs again, "Look kid, I am so overwhelmingly stoked about your blooming friendship, but you're clearly not welcome-" "Actually, it's fine." Jason, as well as everyone at the table, immediately turn their heads to Jessy with a bit of surprise. I notice her shrink back a bit, before realizing that she's all in now, and follows through with what she started. "She's obviously not going anywhere. I'm too tired to deal with it." After the initial surprise, her designated mate shrugs his shoulders in a gesture related to acceptance/indifference. "If you're okay with it, I'm okay with it." It seems that while I do not have the mate's approval, I have at least avoided gaining his hostility. Most likely the most progress I will be able to make with him in this particular encounter. "Now will you tell me more about yourself?" I repeat my previous question. The recipient of the question in response merely rolls her eyes one time in a clockwise manner. "Look, just because you can sit here doesn't make us buddies. Just eat your food and try not to be annoying." *page_break Next That probably isn't a bad idea. I reach down into my bright green backpack to retrieve the pre-packaged lunch Daniel has provided. A quick look around the table makes it apparent that despite my presence, the natives of this table have relieved to go about their ordinary routine. Each of them glances at me every now and then to confirm that I still exist, but for the most part they seem content to allow me to just remain here. Jessy is the same way, and for the first time I am able to simply observe her in her natural element. She doesn't seem to treat the other children at the table with the same hostility with which she treated me, at on the surface, one might even assume they were close friends given the warmth with which she addresses them in her speech patterns. It's clear that these are people who knew each other the previous year, at least, as evidenced by the informal rituals they perform during their conversation. Still, if one observes her facial patterns, long periods of time go by in which she doesn't change her facial expression at all. There is a distinct lack of sincerity in the way she talks that seems lost on those she is addressing. I cannot say with certainty whether this is intentional or not without first gaining more information on her. Considering my previous attempts at communication, however, it is doubtful that any bonds of friendship will be formed in this particular meeting. I allow myself to be satisfied with the progress I have already made, and look back at my meal. "Is that all you brought for lunch?" I am spoken to by the individual sitting at my immediate left. At a glance, I see the individual is male and wearing a jacket with symbols similar to the one worn by Jason, indicating that they are most likely members of some kind of organization. He addresses me with a light tone that appears to be inviting a response while attempting to establish a friendly setting. Odd considering the blatant hostility I had experienced just a moment ago, but I suppose that now that I have the acceptance of the head of this gathering, the residents are more open to the possibility of amicable terms. I will not complain. "Yes." He laughs awkwardly at my response, taken aback but not willing to sacrifice the attempt at establishing a light atmosphere. "I was just asking cause it seems kind of tasteless. I mean, that looks like something they would serve the army." "Now that you mention it, she kinda looks like a military kid." The majority of the table continues to concentrate on their own conversations, but our dialog appears to have drawn the attention of those in my direct vicinity. "Are your parents in the military?" I notice Jessy's ears prick up as she awaits my response, despite her pretending to be focusing on something else. *if (terrorist =true) "My biological parents are dead. It is my current caretaker who prepares my meals." "Oh, sorry..." I receive an apology from the one who first opened communication. "What's your guardian do?" "He does work for the CIA on a regular basis. I can only assume some form of extra-legal operations, but he prefers not to tell me." "Oh...sorry?" *if (no =true) "No." A moment passes. "So, uhm...what do they do?" "Work." "That's...cool." *if ((travel =true) or (york =true)) "My father does some work for the government." "Really? That's kind of cool." I receive a response from the one who first opened communication. "What kind of work does he do?" "It is a bit difficult to explain. I suppose you could call him a consultant. He's called into difficult situations when things have gotten a bit dirty and helps clean things up for them. Mostly, he just cleans up dirty messes when the people normally responsible prove to be incompetent." *page_break Next "So am I the only one who thinks all this new security is weird?" I hear Jessy communicating with the individuals to her immediate right. "I mean, there's cameras everywhere! I think I even saw one in the bathroom, who does that?" "That is really creepy, isn't it?" "I thought it was illegal to do that?" "I don't think they had any of this stuff last year. Do you think something happened?" "I'm wondering why there wasn't any kind of announcement. Did they just think we wouldn't notice?" It's hard to keep track of who is saying what. Attempting to do so would likely be an exercise in futility, given the unstructured and chaotic nature of these conversations. I'm barely able to follow the one happening in my current vicinity, nevermind the couple others occurring at other parts of this 4x10 table. Instead I maintain my focus on the target, in this case being Jessy. At some point we make eye contact, and I notice something peculiar. She doesn't seem to be viewing me with the same open disgust as she has been up until this point. I begin wondering at possible reasons behind this sudden change. Have I said something that she found agreeable? Not that I can recognize. Is it possible that she was establishing the appearance of dismissal for so long as public opinion was against me, and now that such hostile opinions have ceased, she has no further reason to pretend to be hostile? Or is she pretending now? Jessy, you are a strange specimen. The bell rings quickly after. Overall, I would say this has been a productive lunch session. *page_break Sixth hour... *goto_scene 1-10sixth-1 #Something about this 'Jason' has piqued my interest. I want to learn more. *set combat -1 *set explosives -1 *set dismiss +1 *set jessyrelationship "Jealous" "I do not believe we have been previously introduced," I direct my speech towards the male that Jessy had called Jason, "My designation is ${fullname}. Describe yourself." "...Please go away." He doesn't seem overtly hostile, but I can detect large signs of annoyance in his facial features. Although, now that I think about it, I think that look of mild annoyance and apathy has been present since when I first saw him, so I might not be the root cause. Perhaps mild annoyance is just his natural expression. "Are you done?" Jessy reminds me that we are not alone at this table, and it seems that she and the students most close to our position share Jason's sentiments of mild annoyance. "I have not accomplished a single objective that I aimed to achieve when approaching this table." At this point Jason sighs, "Hey kid, can we talk?" My guess is that this was a rhetorical question as he stands up and starts walking toward an exit. As communication with this individual was among my objectives, I suppose it would be counterintuitive to ignore this invitation, so I also stand up. Jessy, however, seems a bit more opponent to the idea. "Jason? Where are you going?" "I'll be right back, just wait for a bit." Jason reassures her with the same effort one puts into swatting a fly. She huffs and turns her head, but otherwise doesn't make any attempt to stop us, so I suppose we have her reluctant blessing. We step out into the hallway where we're alone. The many sounds of the lunchroom seem filtered through the small doorway, rather than the surrounding blast of volume that I had almost gotten used to in the short time I'd been in there. While people are in sight, we're far enough away that anything we might say is completely private and none of them seem particularly interested in what we're doing anyway. Jason uses this opportunity to speak a bit more relaxed. "Okay, so, what was it you said you wanted? Friends?" "Yes." "Right, well, let me explain a little something to you. Jessy: she's not going to be your friend. Me: I'm not going to be your friend. The majority of people at that table: they're not going to be your friend. It's nothing personal, in fact the latter two is mostly because of the first. Doesn't mean it's your fault, that's just the way it's going to be with us. But take a good look at that lunchroom. There are a lot of other people, and the majority of people are pretty understanding of whatever it is you have wrong in your head. I don't know if it's autism or whatever, I don't really care, and not a lot of them will mind too much either. You can be one of their friends. Comprende?" "...Comprendo." *page_break Next Jason nods wordlessly and walks back to his seat, leaving be alone in the hallway. It seems that there isn't any misinterpreting what he said. As long as Jessy does not approve of me, he and the others at the table will also not approve of me. If I wish to fraternize with the soldier ant, I must first be accepted by the queen. I have had more difficult contracts. *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *if (dismiss =2) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end #Fleeing the battlefield is a tactic I'd rather avoid using. *set explosives -1 *set dismiss +1 When one is fleeing, their back is exposed to the enemy. This makes them unable to watch their enemy and predict/avoid their attacks. I will evade an opponent when necessary, but when confrontation has been established, turning around and running tends to be a very risky maneuver that should only really be considered if the alternative is more risky. At the moment, it is not. "I really think you should leave." Jason repeats his previous message after a moment goes by with no response. "I fail to see how that affects me." He and the surrounding students take this statement of fact as a challenge. Nearby conversations slowly cease as the participents' attentions are drawn toward our, at the moment, verbal clash. "Look, I'm not in the habit of fighting girls." "That is a personality flaw that dramatically decreases your survivability." Several of the people that purchased my skills had a similar reluctance to allow females in a combat role, though my superiors held no such cultural restrictions. A firearm is deadly, no matter the number of X and Y chromosomes held by the wielder of that weapon. I may be at a disadvantage when attacking a male with more muscle mass and weight, but that advantage can be quickly reobtained through strategic use of cheating, a tactic that I have grown very adept at over the years. In my current situation, I can see a couple ways to neutralize the potential threat sitting across from me. The crowded area limits me, but there are still opportunities. The cafeteria has issued us plastic forks and knives, useless to use on most parts of the body, but the face is still vulnerable, especially the eyes. Due to the size of the table, there are two feet between us. I estimate my arm being around one ft long. Any frontal attack would likely require going over the table, which would allow me to attack from above, or jump over him to get behind and attack from there. Given the difficult position of the seats connected to the table, it would likely take him 1.5 seconds to stand up. That is how much time I would have to execute before the confrontation becomes considerably more difficult. I would not have to get completely up, just onto my chair, which would take around 1 second, and less than a quarter second to go from standing on the table to the floor on the other side. It would allow me just enough time to attack from behind, either through a strangle-hold or by taking possession of the plastic knives available and inserting into his eye sockets to blind him and reduce his threat by 50%. The knife would be unable to pierce his skull, so it would be non-lethal. Alternatively, I could attack from my position on the table. This would be inadvisable considering that he would still have use of his arms where my movement would be limited. Still, from that position, our faces would be very close. A bite to his nose or ear would be able to generate enough force to remove it, causing enough pain to deter him from further violence. Also non-lethal. There is also our trays to consider. Made of hard plastic. Throwing with a horizontal movement would allow it to generate enough force to potentially fracture his facial bones and skull. Potentially lethal. [i] Individual to immediate right, small blade concealed in left pocket. Extends reach by three inches. Steal, jump onto table, attack from above. Targets of note: eyes, mouth, throat. Lethal. [i] Steal blade, move under table. Avoid kicking. Target femoral arteries, cause excessive bleeding. Unconscious in one minute. Lethal in four. [i] Potential interruptions: Other students. Blade holder may resist. Solution: Crush airway preemptively. Individual to left: May protect blade holder. Solution: Use blade, target aorta. Bleed out in less than a minute. [i] Escape: Actions will cause immediate panic. Cameras will record, interruption from school staff in less than a minute. Doors blocked by school staff. Windows, break and jump through, minor lacerations across body due to shattered glass. Can reach home in... *page_break Home... Except they would find me at home. And I have nowhere else to go. No way to do anything without being seen. Have no escape. CIA would be unable to cover up a mass incident in the lunchroom. No toleration for anything more than an isolated, easily concealed incident. No second chances. I would be shut away. I would die. [i] "Please, live." Unacceptable. In this environment, there is no positive outcome to a physical confrontation. All possibilities lead to my death, and I cannot die. "I concede your point." I tell my opponent politely, and step away from the table. In this case, retreat is the only option. There is slight confusion on the part of the other participants at the table. They are irrelevant. As long as I survive, that is my only objective. Live. *page_break Next *if (dismiss =1) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1dismissed *if (dismiss =2) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1end