*comment if protectlucy =true, bullies were harmed and needed to go to nurse. *set nurselucy true The nurse's office is more or less exactly what I had been expecting. Sterile, clean. With a nurse in it. When we walk in, we appear to be in some sort of waiting area with the nurse sitting at a desk with the expected arrangement of medical supplies behind her in a locked case. Further back in the room there are large white curtains arranged to form three 'rooms' in each of which there is a bed with clean white sheets. "Miss Stein," the nurse stands upon our entry. "Do you need something?" She says, looking at my facial wounds. *if (protectlucy =true) Me, and our tagalong. "We're going to need one of the rooms," she says with authority, moving toward one of the beds without waiting and indicating for me to follow. "Take care of everything else, would you?" *goto 1 "We're going to need one of the rooms," she says with authority, moving toward one of the beds without waiting and indicating for me to follow. "Some privacy, if you don't mind." *label 1 "Of course." Says the nurse, "Are you sure you won't require my help with your friend?" "I'll handle that myself." Miss Stein gestures for me to sit on the bed and closes the white curtains after I have done so. We can hear the nurse outside carrying out her orders but other than sound, we have complete separation from the rest of the room. "You know the nurse." "Of course," she says while sitting down in a chair directly across from me. "I'm the student council president. I make it a point to have a good relationship with all faculty." *page_break Next "Hmm," Miss Stein hmms thoughtfully while carefully examining my face, "Looks like there's no need for stitches. Some bruising, some broken skin, but judging by the rest, I'm guessing you're used to stuff like that." After her assessment she retrieves a patch soaked in rubbing alcohol, "This might sting a bit," she says before applying it to the areas that require the treatment. "So, do you have some sort of combat experience?" "What would make you ask a question like that?" "All the scarring down there," she says while gesturing to the rest of my body. It occurs to me that from her position, she had been in a placement to look down my shirt. Which would explain her momentary pause during examining my face. No doubt the various wounds and scar tissue would give anyone pause. "And the way you moved out there all indicates some form of previous training." *if (protectlucy =false) "The way I moved?" "Don't think I didn't notice," she says with a smirk. "You were barely flinching, and the entire time your arms were in a position to fight back but you never seemed to do anything. I didn't quite figure out, why you didn't just hit him, then I realized it was because you had the entire thing under control. You could have taken him down at any time, couldn't you?" I don't reply. "Silence speaks louder than you might think." *page_break Next "So color me curious. Where'd that experience, and these scars, come from?" *if (travel =true) "My family tended to move around. I picked it up over time." "That is a complete lie," she said instantly, "I guess I won't pry. You did help me out, even if it wasn't necessary, so I'll respect your privacy." *if (terrorist =true) "I'm a former soldier." "You know, I almost believe that, if it weren't for the fact that it's absolutely insane. I guess I won't pry. You did help me out, even if it wasn't necessary, so I'll respect your privacy." *if (york =true) "I grew up in New York. Rough streets." "That is a complete lie," she said instantly, "I guess I won't pry. You did help me out, even if it wasn't necessary, so I'll respect your privacy." *if (no =true) "I refuse to answer that." "At least you didn't lie to me. I guess I won't pry. You did help me out, even if it wasn't necessary, so I'll respect your privacy." "You have my gratitude." "So something is bothering me about you," she said with a stroke of her chin, "I don't recognize you. And I know [i]everyone.[/i] What do your parents do?" *fake_choice #My mother is dead, my adopted father works for the CIA *set stealth -1 "Really? I'm sorry to hear that, what did your mother die of?" "Bullet to the lower torso." "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that." #My father is an accountant "Lie." "How can you tell?" "I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but you're bad at lying. But that's alright, let's just pretend that I believed it." #I don't know She raised a single disbelieving eyebrow at me, "Were you hit on the head or something?" *if (hurt =true) "Earlier today. That may have relevance." *if (hurt =false) "Yes, but not recently." "Right, okay then, I guess I'll pretend I believe you and you suddenly forgot who your parents were." #I can't tell you "They aren't involved in the drug trade or something, are they?" Come to think of it, I don't really know my father so he might be a drug lord. And I don't know what Daniel does for the CIA, he never talks about it, so he's also a suspect. "Possibly." "Right, well, I guess I won't ask you anything else about it since you obviously don't feel like talking." *page_break Next "One more question, just one more. Would you like a job?" Something clicks in my brain and some subconscious part of me starts carefully listening for orders. The rest of me is still conscious enough to think, but I suppose the habit of blindly accepting whatever command is sent to my general direction is a bit hard to break, "You wish to employ my skills?" "In a sense. You're new, so I suppose I can explain a few things. My father, Gerald Stein, just happens to be this state's congressman, and aside from my duties as student council president, I take it upon myself to do some business on the side to help support his position. Lately though, this has been getting a bit dicey, and I've been thinking that a bodyguard may be in order. Do you see what I'm asking now?" "You want me to protect you." "That's right. In exchange, I can open a few doors for you. You will be paid, of course, but more than that. Time out of classes, a whisper in the teacher's ear, a get out of jail free card which something tells me you will probably need in the near future, and in the long term, a recommendation from a congressman will probably make finding an occupation or university a lot less troublesome. All you have to do is stay by my side between classes and help me out with some of the side projects I get involved in. Does this appeal to you?" Something tells me that most of the stuff she just listed are things Daniel and the CIA could already have provided. Still, if I ever want a life away from them, it would probably be a good idea to get a contact away from those circles. *choice #Yes *set lucyrelationship "Professional" *set hiredlucy true *set lucy_stein +20 "Very well." She smiles, "Excellent. I warn you, I work my employees hard, but unlike other employers I'll never betray you and will reward loyalty well. I hope we can make this work for a very long time." "What do you want me to do first?" "First, I need you to come with me. There's something I need to do and having you along will make it easier. Don't worry about missing class, I'll excuse you to the principal." *page_break Sixth hour (with Lucy) *goto_scene 1-10Lucy-1 #No *set lucyrelationship "Rejected" *set rejectlucy true *set nolucy true "I cannot." She seems surprised, and something tells me she's not very used to her offers being rejected, "Very well, I suppose I cannot force you. I would appreciate if you refrain from interfering with my business in the future." Very abruptly, she turns around and pushes her way through the white curtains without so much as a 'good day.' It seems that, with our paths no longer aligned, I've been dismissed from her life. Unfortunate, but I suppose I can live with it. As for right now, it's lunch time. *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After the bell rings, I'm free to go on my way without any other bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After the bell rings, I'm free to go on my way without any other bother. #I'll think about it "I'm afraid that's not really an option," she says matter-of-factly, "You see, I need your services [i]right now[/i] and can't afford to put it off, so I need to know right away if I can count on you. Can I count on you?" *choice #Yes *set lucyrelationship "Professional" *set hiredlucy true *set lucy_stein +20 "Very well." She smiles, "Excellent. I warn you, I work my employees hard, but unlike other employers I'll never betray you and will reward loyalty well. I hope we can make this work for a very long time." "What do you want me to do first?" "First, I need you to come with me. That business I mentioned won't wait around for us, and there is only so much time in the hour. Don't worry about missing class, I'll excuse you to the principal." *page_break Sixth hour (with Lucy) *goto_scene 1-10Lucy-1 #No *set lucyrelationship "Rejected" *set rejectlucy true *set nolucy true "I cannot." She seems surprised, and something tells me she's not very used to her offers being rejected, "Very well, I suppose I cannot force you. I would appreciate if you refrain from interfering with my business in the future." Very abruptly, she turns around and pushes her way through the white curtains without so much as a 'good day.' It seems that, with our paths no longer alligned, I've been dismissed from her life. Unfortunate, but I suppose I can live with it. As for right now, it's lunch time. *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After the bell rings, I'm free to go on my way without any other bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After the bell rings, I'm free to go on my way without any other bother.