The best way to survive a fight is to not get into a fight in the first place, and a fight is clearly what this aggressive unknown is looking for. After locking eyes with him for a few seconds, I promptly turn around and begin walking off in a different direction. There has to be more than one way to get to the lunchroom. Unfortunately, not long after I've turned the corner, I notice that he's rather unsubtly tailing me. His form is bad and he doesn't have even the most basic understanding of stealth, but he's probably not concerning himself with remaining hidden. It appears he's determined to get a confrontation out of this. *fake_choice #Evade him *set combat -1 I was hiding from people bigger than me since before I knew how to speak properly. My earliest memories were of crouching through ruined buildings under the cover of night, scared out of my mind as people with guns would walk right next to me and hoping against all belief that they would leave before they caught a glimpse of me. With training like that, I learned to become invisible very quickly. I turned another corner. Judging by the distance, I had about ten seconds before he caught up. Observing the hallway in front of me, I spotted several classrooms. Most of the doors were closed, most likely locked, but there was one exception; a chemistry room with the door open and the lights on. *if (memorized_school_layout =false) Of course, there wasn't anything saying I had to find a hiding place here. The hallways was rather short, and I could just as easily find another place. *if (memorized_school_layout =true) Then again, if my memory of the school layout was still up to date, and I doubt there could have been many significant changes to the building in the five hours since I'd seen the security coverage, there should be another entrance to the lunchroom just around the next corner. I might be able to escape into the crowd of other students, or the large number of witnesses might intimidate my follower into leaving me alone. Whatever my decision, I had to make it quick, *fake_choice #Go to the chemistry room *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-2evade-1toby #Run down the hallway There's probably someone in the room if the lights are on, and I don't want to have to explain the circumstances when I need an immediate solution. Better to just keep moving. After turning the corner, I see the lunchroom right ahead of me. A room filled with witnesses and potential human shields in case violence breaks out. The perfect place to be in my current predicament. I quickly enter the large room without a moment of hesitation and move behind the doorway. It's hard to block out all the noise and clambering from inside the room, but I'm able to focus on the footsteps outside. They stop a few feet outside the room, and remain there for almost a full minute before turning around and leaving around the corner that he came. It appears he either thinks I've disappeared, or is hesitant to do whatever he was planning to in full view of the student body. Either way, I'm safe from him for the moment. And I've finally reached my initial destination: the lunchroom. *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 #Lure him to a more advantageous position *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-2evade-1lure #Confront him *set stealth -5 *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-2evade-1confront