*set met_jason true There's no point trying to go unnoticed at this point. Any chance of that was evaporated the moment a third party came into play. Right now, the best I can do is mitigate damage. It seems to me I have two options at this point. I could turn on the lights and try to talk my way to a peaceful resolution, or I could set up an ambush and incapacitate them when they come through the door. It would depend on who I think is following me. If my old employers have managed to track me down, it would be best to go straight for violence. Any attempt at negotiations would be ignored. Anything other than immediate action would place myself and those around me at risk. The same would go for anyone seeking revenge against me. There are a lot of people with motive against me, most of whom are justified. On the other hand, the possibility of this being a civilian is also high. I'm not certain why a civilian would be seeking me out, but they would be much easier to talk down than the previous examples. Either way, I don't have long to decide. Seconds after my evaluation is complete, I see the doorknob turning *fake_choice #[i]Ambush *set toby_hens -20 *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-2evade-3toby-1ambush #Negotiate *set reflex -1 *set explosives -1 *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-2evade-3toby-1talk