"In my experience, it is typically a very bad idea to insult someone who is in arm's reach of you." She barely even turns her head at me, "Well, if you're going to hit me then you'd better go and do it." *fake_choice #[i]Attack *set nolucy true *set attack_lucy true *set lucyhostileforlife true *set lucyrelationship "Hostile" I never make threats that I'm not prepared to carry out. I strike at the back of her head, pushing it into the desk with enough force to cause minor damage to her forehead and nose. She immediately tries to stand up as an escape maneuver, she ends up tripping over the leg of the chair and falls onto the ground. I may not be particularly skilled at witty dialog or talking my enemies to death like Miss Stein, but I have the next best thing: An uncanny talent for violence. Miss Stein uses a desk to support her as she struggles to her feet, wobbly and with blood dripping from her nose, and she glares at me. "...Was that satisfying? I hope so..." She hisses *if (destroyed_school_security =false) *page_break Next The school security officers are rushing through the door almost immediately, and I'm about to resign myself to a lecture from the principal when, curiously enough, Miss Stein calls them off. "Leave him." They look curiously at her, but with also a hint of something else. Submission? "We can't do that, it's our job-" "Who do you think is paying for your job?" Miss Stein hisses at them, "Go back to whatever it is you do. And throw whatever report you were planning to file in the trash." The security officers appear reluctant, but actually go along with what she tells them. Miss Stein turns her attention back to me, and I get the feeling I might have greatly underestimated the schoolgirl in front of me. "I hope you enjoyed your little outburst," She says venomously , "Cause I intend to make sure it's the last moment of satisfaction you ever feel. Thoroughly..." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 Despite Miss Stein's ominous warning, it appears she intends to play the long game, because I'm able to make my way to lunch without any other bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 Despite Miss Stein's ominous warning, it appears she intends to play the long game, because I'm able to make my way to lunch without any other bother. #On second thought, that's a stupid idea *set reflex -1 *set lucyrelationship "Tense" *if (destroyed_school_security =false) Even if there weren't cameras all over the place, I have to take into consideration the dozens of witnesses in the room, not to mention Miss Stein herself, and the lack of any escape route. Any physical violence on my part can only end in disaster. Like it or not, I'll have to exercise self-control. "I don't intend to harm you." "Then what are you doing making threats?" "I only intended-" "Look, I really don't have the energy to care right now. Just let me rest my head in peace for whatever few seconds we have left in class," As if to emphasize her point, the bell rings right then and there, "Great, thanks for the waste of time." She leaves before I can tell her 'your welcome.' *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 Shattered pride aside, I'm not in any other way harmed, nor does any other danger present itself. I'm able to go to the lunch room without any further bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 Shattered pride aside, I'm not in any other way harmed, nor does any other danger present itself. I'm able to go to the lunch room without any further bother.