Having enemies is something that one should always avoid when possible. Be it through elimination of the threat or the turning of said threat into an ally; as long as there's one less person who wants to kill me in the world, my chances of survival increase. "You are upset with me." She raises an eyebrow at me, "You think so?" "Yes." "And why do you think that is?" "It appears we have had a misunderstanding. I am not certain of the specifics myself, but I would prefer if we could 'clear the air.'" *page_break Next *set lucyrelationship "Wary" "Look, I'm still not certain what kind of messed up thing you were trying to do in the bathroom, but you're clearly not the kind of person I want to be associating with," Miss Stein explained, "Whatever problems you have going on up there, I'd prefer if you just left me out of it." "I would prefer if we could simply cease being on hostile terms. If it helps, I apologize for anything I've done that might have caused you to have a negative opinion of me." She looks like a person searching through a patch of dirt for mines, certain that there is some kind of trap that but unable to find it, "...Is that all you wanted to say?" "Yes, I am finished." "Then...I'm going to go over there." She hastily moves to the other side of the room, near the door. It appears she's decided to make a retreat until she can properly gather her thoughts for the next confrontation. I can wait as long as she can, so I don't mind. As long as she's not trying to kill me. *page_break Lunch... *if((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After the bell rings, Miss Stein leaves the room before I'm even halfway to the door. I'm able to make my way to the lunchroom without any further bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After the bell rings, Miss Stein leaves the room before I'm even halfway to the door. I'm able to make my way to the lunchroom without any further bother.