Whatever our disagreements, this is still my classmate that these aggressors are assaulting. I don't make a habit of allowing my allies to be harmed when I could do something about it. From what I can see, I am dealing with three assailants. All of which are taller than me and of greater builds but, judging by the inefficiency of his grip on Miss Stein's arm, have very little practical combat training. Still, the superior strength is an important factor; it's likely that I would have some trouble without a plan ahead of time. There is the hostage to take into account, as well as the space between the aggressors. There are also a large number of stabbing weapons in the classroom, if I want to go that route. Then again, it is always possible that the threat of outside intervention would be enough to make them back down entirely. *fake_choice #Try negotiating *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set explosives -1 *set reflex -1 *goto_scene 1-8metfifth-6negotiate #Prioritize protecting Lucy *set protectlucy true *if violent =95 *set violent +5 *if violent <95 *set violent +10 *set lucy_stein +10 *set humanity +1 *goto_scene 1-8metfifth-6protect #[i]Attack *set protectlucy true *if violent =95 *set violent +5 *if violent <95 *set violent +10 *goto_scene 1-8fifth-6attack