It's not very often that I feel my any pangs of conscience, but right now a part of me is telling me to protect this person. Listening to my conscience would probably be my first step in distancing myself from my past life, so of course I'm going to do everything in my power to protect this person. I begin moving quickly towards them, not willing to waste another moment for things to escalate further. I use the time it takes to travel the distance between us to decide how to best approach this. *fake_choice #[i]Find something sharp *set lucy_stein -10 *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true *set stabstudent true *goto_scene 1-8fifth-6protect-1sharp #Unarmed *goto_scene 1-8fifth-6protect-1unarmed #Throw something large *set lucy_stein -5 *goto_scene 1-8fifth-6protect-1throw