*set stabstudent true They're larger than me, and outnumber me, so I'll need to take every advantage I can get. Luckily, there's a pen on nearly every desk; not ideal, but at least it's pointy. I quickly grab a pen and hold it between my fingers in a fist. Pretty soon I'm right on them; the main aggressor momentarily looks at me. "This ain't your-" He starts, but I interrupt him by jabbing the pen into the fat of his stomach; he begins bleeding profusely, and he lets go of Miss Stein. Turning his full attention to the stab wound. I use the opportunity to push him back and create distance between the two of them; being so distracted by the wound, he isn't able to maintain his balance and falls onto the ground. *page_break Next *set lucyrelationship "Guarded" His allies stare at him, obviously unaccustomed to the sight of blood. When this started, they were expecting someone to get roughed up and bruised; this is a level of violence far beyond what they were prepared for, and it has left them visibly frozen. Once they see I've turned my attention on them, they immediately run out the door. "Are you alright, Miss Stein?" "Are you insane?!" Rather than expressing gratitude, Miss Stein shouts at me then directs all her focus on the student. She tears a bit of fabric off of her own shirt and tries to use it to stop the bleeding, pressing around the embedded pen in his side. "You could have killed him!" Before I can respond to her accusations, the school faculty finally break through the door. "You really took your time." *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "Odd, someone else just asked me that exact same thing." "You could have killed that boy!" "So I've been told." *page_break Next "Why on earth would you think it was alright to stab a boy with a pen?!" "He was harassing Miss Stein." "So...you were trying to help a friend?" "Friend...is a strong word." "Right, but...still, you were trying to help someone?" "...I suppose that would be correct." Principal Gardner coughs, "Well...I suppose that does change things...I'll still tell Agent Decker about this, of course but...I'll mention what you said." *page_break Next Believing I had altruistic intentions appears to have had a positive impression. "I'm sure Miss Stein appreciates your intervention, even if it was a bit...messy," Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so often...so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it *set reflex -1 I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother.