In my experience, violence has always been the best answer. I make sure that I'm coming in from an angle that they haven't covered. Luckily they're placed somewhat in the center so there's room behind them to move unnoticed. From the looks of things, the two with the main aggressors are mostly relaxed, easier targets. Reducing their numbers seems like the only way to recapture the advantage. Especially given their body size. I move quickly behind the right-most target. Reaching up, I wrap my arms around his throat while kicking his legs out from under him. He losses his balance and brings his head down to a position I can get a better grip on. Most people at this point would try to choke him out, but that'd take far too long given his allies right next to me. So, instead of just wildly choking him, I position one arm around the front and grab onto my shoulder while my other hand pushes his head forward, the position placing my elbows on either side of his neck. I close my arms in a scissor motion; now I'm cutting off the bloodstream from his head, a much more efficient maneuver that would leaves him unconscious in 5 seconds. 8 seconds and he would begin suffering brain damage, and at 15 seconds he'd be dead; killing someone or turning them into a vegetable would look bad on my permanent record, so I just go for 5. Besides, I don't have 15 seconds right now; I still have two other musclemen to deal with. *page_break Next They're shocked at the display of violence, but only for a couple seconds before they realize what is happening. By the time I'm finished with their ally, they're ready for me. The closest one tries to punch low, but I move aside and his hand collides with a desk; he grunts from the pain, and probably broke a few fingers. A perfect example of why it is a bad idea to punch. While he's grunting in pain, I position him between me and his ally to avoid being double-teamed. Then I show him the correct technique and collide my palm with his face; I hear his nose break and know that he's gone temporarily blind due to the blunt force trauma impacting between the eyes. I then use the opportunity to kick at his kneecap. I hear the bones in his knee break as the leg bends the wrong way and he falls to the ground, his head colliding with a desk on the way down. He's not quite unconscious; but between a broken kneecap and a probable concussion, it's safe to say that he's no longer a threat to me. All that leaves is the original aggressor. *page_break Next Though the danger has decreased by reducing the number of potential threats, I can still tell that this last one will be more difficult. So far my greatest advantage has been the element of surprise, but now I've been fully revealed and my opponent knows (some) of my skills, meaning he will be far more cautious. *fake_choice #Overwhelm him At this point, overwhelming force is the best option. I want to end this fight as quickly as possible. I move quickly forward; he tracks my movements as I approach, and attempts to punch towards my head. He ends up hitting air as I duck underneath, and uppercut into the armpit to dislocate his shoulder. So of course I grab onto the dislocated arm and pull him by it, intensifying the pain and leaving him unable to resist as I force him to the ground. From there, it is a quick blow to the back of the head that leaves him unconscious. I stand up, getting my breathing down to a regular rate, and see Miss Stein looking over the bodies. "Are they okay?" "They'll spend a few days in the hospital, at most." *page_break Next *if (male =true) *if (destroyed_school_security =false) *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true *set lucyrelationship "Reluctantly Grateful" Miss Stein crosses her arms and looks at me, seemingly expecting me to say something. "Is there something you wish to say?" "Is this really how you fix your problems?" "Violence is usually the best solution, in my experience." She sighs, "Look, I get that you were trying to help and all, but I really don't see how mindlessly beating up people will solve anything." *fake_choice #"Should I have killed them?" *set lucy_stein -5 *set lucyrelationship "Guarded" "What? No! Why would you even say something like that?" She exclaims; I'm starting to get mixed messages here. If she didn't want them unconscious and she didn't want them dead, what alternative is there? #"What would you have preferred?" "I would have preferred if you had stayed out of it. I had the situation completely under control." "He was physically assaulting you." "He was just blustering and throwing a tantrum; nothing to be afraid of. I could have talked him down." #"I'm quite satisfied with this outcome." "Well of course you are," she sighed again "I'm not entirely sure why you are upset; the situation was resolved." "That's not-" Miss Stein is interrupted when the door breaks open and security officers charge through. Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time before they showed up. *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "No, I'm a low functioning PTSD survivor with sociopathic tendencies. You were briefed, right?" Principal Gardner was somewhat unnerved after hearing that I has hospitalized three students; though, I think it helped that the victims in question weren't exactly model students. Miss Stein, despite her protests at the time, did step in to justify my actions to the principal, taking some of the responsibility on herself. *page_break Next "Given Miss Stein's testimony...I suppose my report to Agent Decker will be much less negative than under different circumstances..." Principal Gardner sighed, "You did assist a rather valued member of the student body, after all." It's good that they're focusing on that aspect of it. *page_break Next "I'm sure Miss Stein appreciates your intervention, even if it was a bit...messy," Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it *set reflex -1 I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *if (destroyed_school_security =true) *set lucyrelationship "Reluctant Gratitude" Miss Stein crosses her arms and looks at me, seemingly expecting me to say something. "Is there something you wish to say?" "Is this really how you fix your problems?" "Violence is usually the best solution, in my experience." She sighs, "Look, I get that you were trying to help and all, but I really don't see how mindlessly beating up people will solve anything." *fake_choice #"Should I have killed them?" *set angerlucy true *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true *set lucy_stein -5 *set lucyrelationship "Guarded" "What? No! Why would you even say something like that?" She exclaims; I'm starting to get mixed messages here. If she didn't want them unconscious and she didn't want them dead, what alternative is there? " just stay there! I'm going to call the office!" Well...there's only one way this can end. *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "No, I'm a low functioning PTSD survivor with sociopathic tendencies. You were briefed, right?" Principal Gardner was somewhat unnerved after hearing that I has hospitalized three students; though, I think it helped that the victims in question weren't exactly model students. Miss Stein, despite her protests at the time, did step in to justify my actions to the principal, taking some of the responsibility on herself. She did mention that she was herself unnerved by my behavior, though other than that her testimony was rather positive. *page_break Next "Given Miss Stein's testimony...I suppose my report to Agent Decker will be far less negative than I originally intended..." Principal Gardner sighed, "You did assist a rather valued member of the student body, after all." It's good that they're focusing on that aspect of it. *page_break Next "I'm sure Miss Stein appreciates your intervention, even if it was a bit...messy," Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it *set reflex -1 I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #"What would you have preferred?" "I would have preferred if you had stayed out of it. I had the situation completely under control." "He was physically assaulting you." "He was just blustering and throwing a tantrum; nothing to be afraid of. I could have talked him down." #"I'm quite satisfied with this outcome." "Well of course you are," she sighed again "I'm not entirely sure why you are upset; the situation was resolved." "That's not the point!" *page_break Next Miss Stein sighs once again, "I guess you were just trying to help...I appreciate it, really." "Don't mention it." It's nice that that's the interpretation that she's going with, *fake_choice #It's better than the truth; that I just liked fighting them Can you really blame me? I don't get very many opportunities to indulge in what feels natural, so of course I'm going to act when I see three individuals that have no characteristics that would gain them any sympathy to any observers. "Again, thanks." She says, still believing that this was for her. I suppose there isn't much reason to correct her. *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After that, the bell rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. #It's not often I act on my conscience; it's nice that's actually being recognized *set humanity +5 *set tactics -1 I don't typically use my skills for anything other than personal survival; it's a rare occurrence when violence actually protects someone other than the aggressor, and it's also rare for me to feel any pings of conscience. As such, I felt it would be a bad idea to ignore when both of these unlikely scenarios occurred right at the same time. "Again, thanks." She says, continuing to give me reluctant praise. Not entirely sure I deserve it, but I'm not going to turn it down. *page_break Lunch... *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After that, the bell rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. #Even though I'm not entirely certain why I acted; I just did Maybe I have a conscience after all. Maybe I'm just a psychopath. The reasons don't matter in the end. Not really. "Again, thanks." She says, still believing that this was for her. I suppose there isn't any reason to protest; it's not like being treated like a savior is the worst thing that could be happening right now. *page_break Lunch *if ((male =true) or (third_incident =true)) *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After that, the bell rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *if (female =true) *set lucyrelationship "Gratitude" "Are you okay?" Miss Stein is asking about me now "They didn't harm me." Somewhat remarkable, really. Even when you drastically surpass another in skill, if they overpower and outnumber you as was the case here, it's difficult to get out without at least being hit. It seems Americans have weaker survival instincts than I thought. "You didn't have to put yourself at risk, you know. I could have handled them; besides, I'd feel awful if you got hurt on my account." "Somehow, I highly doubt you have the physical capacity to handle three large males." "Not handle them the way you did; just talk them down. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to put people like this in line; you don't become student council president for four years straight without putting down some resistance every now and then." *page_break Next "Well, however it turned out, thanks for trying to help. Not everyone would put themselves in harm's way." "It wasn't that dangerous; trust me, there are worse things." After all, it's not like losing carried the risk of dying in this case. *if (destroyed_school_security =false) *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true "Yea, well, thanks anyway..." Miss Stein is interrupted when school security officers come breaking through the door. Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time before they showed up. *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "No, I'm a low functioning PTSD survivor with sociopathic tendencies. You were briefed, right?" Principal Gardner was somewhat unnerved after hearing that I has hospitalized three students; though, I think it helped that the victims in question weren't exactly model students. Miss Stein, despite her protests at the time, did step in to justify my actions to the principal, taking some of the responsibility on herself. *page_break Next "Given Miss Stein's report to Agent Decker will be far less negative than I originally intended..." Principal Gardner sighed, "You did assist a rather valued member of the student body, after all." It's good that they're focusing on that aspect of it. *page_break Next "I'm sure Miss Stein appreciates your intervention, even if it was a bit...messy," Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *if (destroyed_school_security =true) "Yea, well, thanks anyway..." Miss Stein pauses, "Hey, someone should probably call the school nurse." Odd, I assumed someone already had, but now that she points it out all the other students have just been staring at us this entire time. You'd think with a room of twenty people, one person would have taken some initiative. " you think we could pretend this was an accident? I would rather not have to explain myself." "And say what? That they all accidentally tripped and knocked themselves unconscious simultaneously?" "It happens." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 Despite her original protest, Miss Stein manages to convince the class to remain silent about the details surrounding why three healthy young boys simultaneously fainted. The principal didn't ask very many questions about it; something tells me he couldn't be bothered to do a proper investigation; in the end, I'm able to go to lunch without any further bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 Despite her original protest, Miss Stein manages to convince the class to remain silent about the details surrounding why three healthy young boys simultaneously fainted. The principal didn't ask very many questions about it; something tells me he couldn't be bothered to do a proper investigation; in the end, I'm able to go to lunch without any further bother. #Wait to counter attack He is in a state of heightened adrenaline, which will make him more powerful but also more sloppy. As proven when he charges forward with little regard for personal safety. It is easy enough to kick a chair in his path, causing him to trip over it. I have to step back as he falls over, but otherwise no further effort is required of me. Gravity does all the work, bringing his head down onto the edge of a hard wooden desk. Blood flies upward and several students recoil, but it isn't nearly as bad as it looks; he probably has a concussion, possible brain damage and there's even a slight chance he would have died if he weren't in civilization, *if (destroyed_school_security =false) but with a rapid response from the medical team that is probably running through the hallways right now thanks to the security cameras, I would be very surprised if he actually died. *if (destroyed_school_security =true) but it's only a matter of time before someone calls a medical team; with the miracles of American medicine, I'd be very surprised if he actually died. Miss Stein creeps up next to me after he's fallen unconscious, "Oh my God, is he alright?" "He'll live." *page_break Next *if (male =true) *set lucyrelationship "Reluctant Gratitude" *if (destroyed_school_security =false) *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true Miss Stein crosses her arms and looks at me, seemingly expecting me to say something. "Is there something you wish to say?" "Is this really how you fix your problems?" "Violence is usually the best solution, in my experience." She sighs, "Look, I get that you were trying to help and all, but I really don't see how mindlessly beating up people will solve anything." *fake_choice #"Should I have killed them?" *set lucy_stein -5 *set lucyrelationship "Guarded" "What? No! Why would you even say something like that?" She exclaims; I'm starting to get mixed messages here. If she didn't want them unconscious and she didn't want them dead, what alternative is there? #"What would you have preferred?" "I would have preferred if you had stayed out of it. I had the situation completely under control." "He was physically assaulting you." "He was just blustering and throwing a tantrum; nothing to be afraid of. I could have talked him down." #"I'm quite satisfied with this outcome." "Well of course you are," she sighed again "I'm not entirely sure why you are upset; the situation was resolved." "That's not-" Miss Stein is interrupted when the door breaks open and security officers charge through. Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time before they showed up. *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "No, I'm a low functioning PTSD survivor with sociopathic tendencies. You were briefed, right?" Principal Gardner was somewhat unnerved after hearing that I has hospitalized three students; though, I think it helped that the victims in question weren't exactly model students. Miss Stein, despite her protests at the time, did step in to justify my actions to the principal, taking some of the responsibility on herself. *page_break Next "Given Miss Stein's testimony...I suppose my report to Agent Decker will have to be a little less on the negative side..." Principal Gardner sighed, "You did assist a rather valued member of the student body, after all." It's good that they're focusing on that aspect of it. *page_break Next "I'm sure Miss Stein appreciates your intervention, even if it was a bit...messy," Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *if (destroyed_school_security =true) Miss Stein crosses her arms and looks at me, seemingly expecting me to say something. "Is there something you wish to say?" "Is this really how you fix your problems?" "Violence is usually the best solution, in my experience." She sighs, "Look, I get that you were trying to help and all, but I really don't see how mindlessly beating up people will solve anything." *fake_choice #"Should I have killed them?" *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true *set lucy_stein -5 *set lucyrelationship "Guarded" "What? No! Why would you even say something like that?" She exclaims; I'm starting to get mixed messages here. If she didn't want them unconscious and she didn't want them dead, what alternative is there? " just stay there! I'm going to call the office!" Well...there's only one way this can end. *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "No, I'm a low functioning PTSD survivor with sociopathic tendencies. You were briefed, right?" Principal Gardner was somewhat unnerved after hearing that I has hospitalized three students; though, I think it helped that the victims in question weren't exactly model students. Miss Stein, despite her protests at the time, did step in to justify my actions to the principal, taking some of the responsibility on herself. She did mention that she was herself unnerved by my behavior, though other than that her testimony was rather positive. *page_break Next "Given Miss Stein's testimony...I suppose my report to Agent Decker will be far less negative than I originally intended..." Principal Gardner sighed, "You did assist a rather valued member of the student body, after all." It's good that they're focusing on that aspect of it. *page_break Next "I'm sure Miss Stein appreciates your intervention, even if it was a bit...messy," Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #"What would you have preferred?" "I would have preferred if you had stayed out of it. I had the situation completely under control." "He was physically assaulting you." "He was just blustering and throwing a tantrum; nothing to be afraid of. I could have talked him down." #"I'm quite satisfied with this outcome." "Well of course you are," she sighed again "I'm not entirely sure why you are upset; the situation was resolved." "That's not the point!" *page_break Next Miss Stein sighs once again, "I guess you were just trying to help...I appreciate it, really." "Don't mention it." It's nice that that's the interpretation that she's going with, *fake_choice #It's better than the truth; that I just liked fighting them Can you really blame me? I don't get very many opportunities to indulge in what feels natural, so of course I'm going to act when I see three individuals that have no characteristics that would gain them any sympathy to any observers. "Again, thanks." She says, still believing that this was for her. I suppose there isn't much reason to correct her. *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. #It's not often I act on my conscience; it's nice that's actually being recognized *set humanity +1 *set tactics -1 I don't typically use my skills for anything other than personal survival; it's a rare occurrence when violence actually protects someone other than the aggressor, and it's also rare for me to feel any pings of conscience. As such, I felt it would be a bad idea to ignore when both of these unlikely scenarios occurred right at the same time. "Again, thanks." She says, continuing to give me reluctant praise. Not entirely sure I deserve it, but I'm not going to turn it down. *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. #Even though I'm not entirely certain why I acted; I just did Maybe I have a conscience after all. Maybe I'm just a psychopath. The reasons don't matter in the end. Not really. "Again, thanks." She says, still believing that this was for her. I suppose there isn't any reason to protest; it's not like being treated like a savior is the worst thing that could be happening right now. *page_break Lunch *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After that, the bell finally rings and I can go to lunch without any more bother. *if (female =true) *set lucyrelationship "Grateful" "Are you okay?" Miss Stein is asking about me now "They didn't harm me." Somewhat remarkable, really. Even when you drastically surpass another in skill, if they overpower and outnumber you as was the case here, it's difficult to get out without at least being hit. It seems Americans have weaker survival instincts than I thought. "You didn't have to put yourself at risk, you know. I could have handled them; besides, I'd feel awful if you got hurt on my account." "Somehow, I highly doubt you have the physical capacity to handle three large males." "Not handle them the way you did; just talk them down. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to put people like this in line; you don't become student council president for four years straight without putting down some resistance every now and then." *page_break Next "Well, however it turned out, thanks for trying to help. Not everyone would put themselves in harm's way." "It wasn't that dangerous; trust me, there are worse things." After all, it's not like losing carried the risk of dying in this case. *if (destroyed_school_security =false) *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true "Yea, well, thanks anyway..." Miss Stein is interrupted when school security officers come breaking through the door. Well, I suppose it was only a matter of time before they showed up. *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "No, I'm a low functioning PTSD survivor with sociopathic tendencies. You were briefed, right?" Principal Gardner was somewhat unnerved after hearing that I has hospitalized three students; though, I think it helped that the victims in question weren't exactly model students. Miss Stein, despite her protests at the time, did step in to justify my actions to the principal, taking some of the responsibility on herself. *page_break Next "Given Miss Stein's report to Agent Decker will be far less negative than I originally intended..." Principal Gardner sighed, "You did assist a rather valued member of the student body, after all." It's good that they're focusing on that aspect of it. *page_break Next "I'm sure Miss Stein appreciates your intervention, even if it was a bit...messy," Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *if (destroyed_school_security =true) "Yea, well, thanks anyway..." Miss Stein pauses, "Hey, someone should probably call the school nurse." Odd, I assumed someone already had, but now that she points it out all the other students have just been staring at us this entire time. You'd think with a room of twenty people, one person would have taken some initiative. " you think we could pretend this was an accident? I'd rather not have explain myself." "And say what? That they all accidentally tripped and knocked themselves unconscious simultaneously?" "It happens." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 Despite her original protest, Miss Stein manages to convince the class to remain silent about the details surrounding why three healthy young boys simultaneously fainted. The principal didn't ask very many questions about it; something tells me he couldn't be bothered to do a proper investigation; in the end, I'm able to go to lunch without any further bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 Despite her original protest, Miss Stein manages to convince the class to remain silent about the details surrounding why three healthy young boys simultaneously fainted. The principal didn't ask very many questions about it; something tells me he couldn't be bothered to do a proper investigation; in the end, I'm able to go to lunch without any further bother. #[i]Grab a pen *set incidents +1 *set fifth_incident true *set lucy_stein -20 *set stabstudent true *set lucyrelationship "Guarded" What I realize that this boy doesn't, and what will likely be the deciding factor, is that there are weapons all around us. While his eyes are staring into mine, my eyes are on the pen on the desk in front of me. Pens may not be as flashy as giant knives or as impressive as beating down an enemy with your bare hands; but they're pointy, and usually that gets the job done. He becomes unable to stay still anymore, likely an effect of the adrenaline running through his body right now, and charges forward; I step to the side, placing a desk between us, and grab the pen on the way over, placing it between my fingers so it is sticking out of my fist. Good thing, too, since he pushes the desk to the side a moment later and continues charging. He swings a fist at my head that I duck over; I then use the momentum of the dodge to help amplify my punch into the fat of his stomach, stabbing the pen in. *page_break Next He begins screaming and almost falls, supporting himself on a desk with one hand while holding onto the bloody improvised blade with the other. But he's still standing. I don't give him a chance to recover, and rush toward him; I grab another pen on the way, and ducking low, stab it into the back of his leg near the kneecap. He collapses on the knee, and curls up on the floor. Threat removed. *page_break Next "What did you just do?!" Miss Stein runs over and kneels by the side of the student, frantically inspecting the wounds. "You needed assistance; I provided. Are you alright?" "Are you insane?!" Miss Stein shouts at me then directs all her focus on the student. She tears a bit of fabric off of her own shirt and tries to use it to stop the bleeding, pressing around the embedded pen in his side. "You could have killed him!" Before I can respond to her accusations, the school faculty finally break through the door. "You really took your time." *page_break Next *if ((incidents >1) and ((third_incident =false) and (female =true))) So here I am, in the principal's office...again. *if (incidents >=2) Going to the principal's office is starting to become a habit today. *if (incidents =1) Before I know it, I'm in the principal's office; looking at a fairly upset Principal Gardner. "Are you insane?!" He bursts out at me "Odd, someone else just asked me that exact same thing." "You could have killed that boy!" "So I've been told." *page_break Next "Why on earth would you think it was alright to stab a boy with a pen?! Twice!" *fake_choice #"He was harassing Miss Stein." " were trying to help a friend?" " a strong word." "Right, but...still, you were trying to help someone?" "...I suppose that would be correct." Principal Gardner coughs, "Well...I suppose that does change things...I'll still tell Agent Decker about this, of course but...I'll mention what you said." *page_break Next Believing I had altruistic intentions appears to have had a positive impression, though was I being sincere? *fake_choice #Of course not; I don't have any friends #Of course; I wouldn't say we're friends, but that didn't mean I could ignore her *set stealth -1 *set humanity +1 *set tactics -1 "And if that really is how you feel...I suppose I could overlook adding this particular incident to your permanent record...just this once, of course." I'm not entirely certain what that means, but it is probably good. Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "You know...when they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if (third_incident =true) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if (third_incident =true) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #"He was irritating." "How is that at all a good reason to stab someone?!" "That's how I've always dealt with people that irritated me." "Well that won't be tolerated here!" Principal Gardner fumed, *if incidents >2 though by this point it was hard to take that seriously. If he really had the authority to expel me, he probably would have done it by now. *if incidents <=2 and something tells me that if it weren't for the CIA, I'd probably have been expeled right here and now. *page_break Next Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #"It's what I do." "What is that supposed to mean?" "It means that's just what I've been doing all my life so I'm not sure why you expected anything to change just because you put me in a place like this." "Now look...I'm not unsympathetic to your circumstances..." "You don't know anything about my 'circumstances.'" No one here could understand it, not really. Whenever I look back as far as I possibly can, the only thing I see is a barren wasteland of decay and bloodshed. Nobody could understand it who hasn't seen it; but I don't need them to understand. I don't want their sympathy. *page_break Next Principal Gardner sighed into his hands, "When they told me you'd be a piece of work, I figured I could handle anything you'd throw at me...I really wish I hadn't made any assumptions..." "Would you have made a different decision, if you had known?" "Honestly, I'm not sure; but as long as you're here, you're my responsibility as much as anyone else here is...tell me, did Agent Decker tell you why you were admitted to this school?" "No." "There were other candidates, you know, that being other schools. Now, not very many other principals wanted you in their school, and I uhm, suppose you can understand why...I was really the only one who volunteered. Do you know why?" *page_break Next When I don't respond, he continues. "Well, you may or may not have noticed, but this school has a history of accepting...problem children. Children who need a little more than an education out of their school. I accepted you into this school, because, well, I believe everyone deserves to have a childhood. Yes they offered donations, but that is beside the point. Us grown ups are supposed to protect children, but we fail so many of you have been cheated, and...well, I want to help fix that, in any way I can." How sentimental... *fake_choice #Unfortunately for him, that kind of feeling is wasted on me; I don't need it I never asked for sympathy. I don't want it. I haven't gotten by out of the generosity of others; growing up, I had the whole world gunning for me from day one. I was starved and hounded everywhere I went. It was painful, and that pain made me strong. It made me ruthless. Others can feel sorry for me if they want, but they'd better not expect me to give a damn. And I only helped her at all because, *fake_choice #I saw an opportunity to fight It's not often I get to indulge in a little violence these days. When fighting is all you know how to do, you learn how to enjoy it. #Just because I don't care about people doesn't mean I like watching them get hurt *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set humanity +1 It's like when you see a dog hanging off a ledge; unless you're truly sadistic, then you're going to help it up whether you care about it or not. As long as it's not out of your way, there's no reason not to. Helping the girl was nothing to me, but it might be everything to her. #I see the value in making people think I care when I don't *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 Helping cost me very little, and it might have gained me an ally; tactical advantage is about more than just positioning and keeping weapons on hand. People can be the most useful resources on hand if you know how to set them up just right. #I don't know why; I just did, and I don't plan on thinking about it I've never been one for introspection. Other people can anguish over the why of things, I just do what feels natural. I continue to sit silently; no real reason to say anything when Principal Gardner can make up for both of us. He shifts, but other than that he seems to be adapting to me. I may want to consider changing my mannerisms at some point to keep from becoming predictable. "Anyway, I won't keep you any long...enjoy your lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #It's too bad I'm not as optimistic as him *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 "I'm not a child; I never learned how. That's not something you can fix." It's not like I don't want what they're offering; a new life, new memories, a chance to begin again. But the past doesn't go away. I know I'm damaged goods. But knowing it isn't the same as being able to change it. "I hope you'll come to see differently, in time...well, speaking of time, I won't hold up any more of yours...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. #Maybe I can be as hopeful as him someday *set combat -1 *set firearms -1 *set reflex -1 *set tactics -1 *set humanity +1 It's a pleasant dream; as far out of reach as it feels, I can't help but hope that maybe someday I can actually believe it. "...I guess we'll just have to see about that." "I suppose we will...well, I ah won't take up any more of your time...have a nice lunch." *page_break Lunch... *if ((third_incident =false) and (female =true)) *goto_scene 1-9lunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother. *goto_scene 1-9fightlunch-1 After he's finished, Principal Gardner sends me off to lunch without much bother.