The student council president has stopped in front of the desk of people I marked from the beginning as likely to be problems, based on the way they presented themselves. Like Miss Stein, their demeanor was one that assumed power, though nothing about them would inspire the same kind of respect. There's three of them, and appear to have grouped together and formed a splinter sect within the classroom. Seeing the contrast between them and her, I suppose it was only natural that they would come into conflict as both attempted to enforce dominance. "There's nothing written on this." She informs them, attempting to use the tone of her voice to invoke shame in the students. If she can successfully shame them, then that will force them to submit to her. The students, however, don't fall in line, and put forward their own challenge, "Well, last I checked that was the teacher's problem. You don't look like a teacher to me." The two power bases have come into direct conflict now; eyes are locked and both are putting on a strong front to challenge the other. Both sides are doing the balancing act of deciding how much force they want to present in order to assert their will and how much they want to hold in reserve for when the true battle begins. "Right now, I'm the one you need to be worrying about. Or do you really want to go to the office on the first day?" Stein has fired the first shot. Now it's war. *page_break Next One of the students stand up, and the other two follow. The border dispute has quickly escalated into full conflict and the students are bringing their defenses to the front lines. The three of them each stand taller than her, but she obviously has the most confidence. They have the advantage in positioning and numbers, but she has the superior willpower and authority backed by a larger government. The entire class is now focusing on this, the world watching as this cold war escalates into heated battle. "How are you supposed to make us go anywhere?" The students retaliate against Miss Stein's first shot with a challenge, daring her to fire again. But there's a trap there, or at least they are trying to present it as one, a slight hint of building firepower unseen by the aggressor to place them in a state of defensiveness. Stein, however, refuses to go on the defensive and instead presses the attack, "By telling you. Right now." Then, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out her secret weapon, a notepad with pink slips. It appears someone gave her the firepower to send students to the office, a weapon typically reserved for teachers alone. Impressive weaponry indeed. *page_break Next Then again, it is just a piece of paper. As demonstrated when the student slaps the notepad out of her hand, proving the effectiveness of physical might. "Pick that up." She orders, however the student ignores her demands and instead grabs her by the arm. The entire class is standing now but nobody makes a move to assist and he pulls her off balance. *fake_choice #This has escalated too far. I intervene *set reportlucyintervene true *set lucy_stein +10 *goto_scene 1-8fifth-5intervene #This is none of my concern *set reflex -1 *if (met_lucy_bathroom =true) *goto_scene 1-8metfifth-5ignore *goto_scene 1-8fifth-5ignore