*set met_lucy true Lucy knocks twice on the door to Personal Finance before opening it. Inside I see an adult, probably the teacher, in the process of turning off a projector before we walk in. "Can I help you, Miss Stein...ah, I see. I'm going to assume this is ${mr} Decker, my missing student." "You don't sound too surprised, Mr. Forester." Lucy replies "Let's just say I got some warning ahead of time this year. I was actually about to call in a search party." "What makes this one so special?" Mr. Forester grinned, "$!{he}'s the child of a CIA agent." "Fine, don't tell me." Lucy sighed, "In any case, ${he}'s your problem now." With a firm close of the door, Lucy left me in front of the class of uninterested, lazy eyes. "We saved you a seat in the back," he said, gesturing to a place in the corner seemingly designed for me, with all the security precautions I value. How courteous. "You just missed a thrilling video," he said once I'd taken my seat, "And, seeing as there's maybe five seconds left in class, I'll just end off with a quick summery of what you all just learned; Personal Finance is about managing your finances, personally. You'd be surprised how long it takes some people to get their heads around that. As for the details, well, that's what we'll be going over for the rest of the year." The bell rings almost the instant that I sit down. It seemed Mr. Forester wasn't too far off with his prediction. *page_break Third Hour... *goto_scene 1-6third-1