*set lucy_name "Lucy Stein" *set lucy_stein_rom +10 *set lucyrelationship "Well Met" In less than a minute, I'm surprised when I find that I'm the only one in the hallway. Everyone seemed to have disappeared into the classrooms, leaving me alone in the empty space when the bell rings and no closer to finding my way to the first class. I'm even more surprised when I see a nicely dressed female student rushing directly toward me at an accelerated pace. She doesn't seem much older than myself, having a couple years at the most, yet something about her firm stance makes her seem much older. Her brown hair is nicely and professionally groomed, coming down to shoulder length. Different from other hairstyles I have seen here, that try to attract attention. In her sharp green eyes, I see a focus that I haven't seen from anyone else in this school, the look of one who knows exactly what their purpose is and is prepared to fight everyone along the way to achieving that purpose. The gaze of someone very dangerous. "Another lost freshman? I just got done with the last one." She sighed with the resignation of a foot soldier waking up in the morning to learn someone stole their bottle of much needed escapism while they were sleeping. The kind of sigh that just says 'this is going to be one of those days' while efficiently saving the time it would have taken to actually say those words. "Well? Don't just stare, come on; we need to get you to where you need to go." *fake_choice #Where is that? *set combat -1 "Where is that?" #I don't know you "I do not know you. Why should I trust you to lead me anywhere?" The girl shrugs her shoulders. "Would you prefer to be lost in this hallway?" She made a decent point. "Where are we doing?" "I don't know, I was asking you." She said, raising an eyebrow at me, *if (female =true) "What's your name?" "Why?" "Fine, just asking; keep your name," she crossed her arms, "Can you at least tell me what class you're going to?" "What would you do with that information?" "Ok, listen. If you want to be a hard case, fine, more power to you. But I need to make sure everyone gets to their classes in a reasonable time, and that would be a lot easier if you worked with me. So, once more, what is your next class?" *if (male =true) "What class are you going to?" "What would you do with that information?" "Help you get there. I'm assuming that's something you want." "...Personal Finance," I concede her point. "Thank you. Now follow me." *fake_choice #Wait, why isn't [i]she[/i] in class? As we're walking, a thought occurs; "Why aren't you in class?" "Because every year, at least half a dozen Freshmen like you get lost on your way to class, so students like me need to take care of you." "Take care of me?" My hands twitch and I immediately begin scanning the area for any potential hostiles. She's unarmed though her professional garments create a few hiding places that could be easily reached, but as long as her hands remain at her sides then there isn't much problem. As far as I can tell we are alone in the hallway, but there are plenty of corners for someone to hide behind. "Make sure you get to your classes. What's with all the intensity? Are you some sort of military nut?" #She seems competent. I suppose I can trust her in this small capacity. Despite her demeanor, the girl does not appear physically threatening. She is tall, but her upper body strength does not seem particularly built up. Nor does her stance appear ready to take incoming attacks. If we start going somewhere unsafe, I should be capable of taking her down with little difficulty. And there is little chance of her outrunning me. "What's with all the intensity? Are you some sort of military nut?" Oh. "...Something like that." "Well, try not to go starting any fights, alright?" She demands. "I don't need some psycho running around the school causing trouble." "Has that happened before?" "God no. Makes me wonder why they invested so much into the new security all of a sudden, without even consulting me." "Who are you, exactly?" "If you must know Student Council President Lucy Stein, though you can simply call me Miss Stein. Everyone calls me that." *page_break Second Hour... *goto_scene 1-5secondlate-1