I initially receive odd looks from Junior's allies while making my approach, either due to my femininity or my status as an outsider or some mixture of the two. It does not last once they notice Junior walking with me, however; whether they agree with him or not it appears that none of them are willing to question their boss. Some things are the same wherever you go. They partake in a greeting ritual with the casual efficiency of something they have done several times in the past, and introduces me with the same level of familiarity. Though they are dressed more in accordance with the standard social dress code, their general facial and body structures are the same as those that I encountered in the alley, albeit with less hostility. After the social rituals have been completed they offer me a seat; the seat they offer me has people on all sides, including behind me, and with a five-step distance from the edge of the bleacher. Sitting there would be asking for something to go wrong. "I would prefer that one," I say while gesturing to a seat with a much superior placement. It is in the corner of the bleacher, back to a wall and with only a short guard rail between me and the edge; after a 15ft drop I would have a clear run to the exit. Not ideal, but the best spot I can see given the circumstances. The only potential issue is the person currently occupying that seat; there's an uncomfortable cough from certain members of the group as I don't go along with the social ritual, but while I don't like to make waves, conformity should never come at the sacrifice of security. *page_break Next *goto_scene 1-4juniorassemblyfemale-4