At that exact moment my attention was pulled toward the parking lot around the school as several large yellow buses carrying about two-hundred students total pulled up and they all started coming out one by one and entering the school in what was possibly the worst military formation I had ever seen. There was no discipline, uniformity, or speed; they looked more like one giant blob. "That formation is nonoptimal." I say aloud "Yeah, the people are pretty nonoptimal too. It looks like school is starting," she said, "Normally on the first day there's a big assembly where they give us our schedules and send us to class." "I was supposed to meet with the principal." "Oh. Why didn't you?" "I don't feel like it." "Well, you can come with me to the assembly. I know a great place." "Is it out of the way, near an entrance, and have a view of the entire room?" "The last two." "Good enough." "Oh, I just realized that I never learned your name..." *fake_choice *if (female =true) #Jane *set firstname "Jane" *set fullname "Jane Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. He said the name Jane suited me; as in Jane Doe, the woman with no name, no past, no identity. Perfect for a fresh start; or so he put it. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #Henrietta *set firstname "Henrietta" *set fullname "Henrietta Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. He told me I was named after some woman from a long time ago named Henrietta Lacks, whose cells had managed to live long after she died and survive multiple splits. A testament to their survival instinct, although I didn't understand a word of it until we started my biology lessons. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #Joy *set firstname "Joy" *set fullname "Joy Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. *if daniel_decker <35 I'm pretty sure the name is meant to be ironic seeing as how I haven't smiled in...well, I haven't smiled. If he meant it to be serious then he had a very poor sense of judgement when he named me. *if daniel_decker >= 35 At first I thought he meant the name as a joke until I asked him about it. He said his hope was that someday the name would fit, and so every time I heard it I would be reminded of where I was trying to be. He wasn't sentimental very often so that moment always stuck out to me. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #Jeannette *set firstname "Jeannette" *set fullname "Jeannette Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. He said I was named after an American girl named Jeannette Walls, who was able to grow up in some of the worst conditions possible and still come out as a person, and even wrote a book about it. I never got around to reading it, but I admit I wouldn't mind swapping stories if I ever met her. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #Joan *set firstname "Joan" *set fullname "Joan Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. He named me after a woman who became some kind of holy soldier a long time ago. I don't know much about holiness, but I recognize the soldier part all too well; which is why I suppose he figured it would be a good name or me. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #I had to repeat it a couple times before she said it right *input_text firstname *set fullname (firstname&" ")&lastname "${fullname}, that's it right?" It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 *if (male =true) #John *set firstname "John" *set fullname "John Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. He said the name John suited me; as in John Doe, the man with no name, no past, no identity. Perfect for a fresh start; or so he put it. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #Pinocchio *set firstname "Pinocchio" *set fullname "Pinocchio Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. I found out in our literature lessons that I was named after a fairy tale character who started out as a lifeless puppet but through hard work and a little help managed to become a real boy. I suppose he was trying to be poetic. *if (daniel_warden =true) I thought it was a really stupid story. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #David *set firstname "David" *set fullname "David Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. He chose David from the old biblical story, David and Goliath. Supposedly about a man who, with a slingshot, killed a giant with the help of his father, though the story didn't explain how his dad helped him; I assumed he provided some kind of sniper support from far away and let his son take the credit, though apparently he didn't coordinate this to his son because the son kept telling everyone that it was actually his father that killed the giant, but they made him a king anyway. I didn't really get it but apparently this kind of stuff is very popular in America. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #Rommel *set firstname "Rommel" *set fullname "Rommel Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. Daniel was apparently a history buff, cause he named me after a German general in a war from a long time ago. Apparently he was pretty good cause he wrote a few books; though if you ask me, he couldn't have been that smart if he wrote down all his tactics in a book for his enemies to read. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #Bruce *set firstname "Bruce" *set fullname "Bruce Decker" I tell her my name, ${fullname}, and she repeats to herself a few times as if committing it to memory. It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. Bruce was apparently the most boring and unassuming name in all of America, which made it perfect for blending in. I could see the reasoning behind it and thought it was pretty smart of him. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8 #I had to repeat it a couple times before she said it right *input_text firstname *set fullname (firstname&" ")&lastname "${fullname}, that's it right?" It was weird to think of it as my name; nobody knew what my actual name was, if I ever had one, so Daniel ended up picking one out for me. *goto_scene 1-3wander-8